void PathFinder::update(double aDelta)
    //Make sure we are in the seaching path state.
    while(isSearchingPath() == true)
        //Next make sure there is at least 1 path node in the open list.
        //If there isn't it's possible that the destination can not be reached.
        if(m_OpenList.size() == 0)
            m_State = StateError;
        //Get the first path node from the Open List, because Open List is sorted,
        //we know this is the Path Node with the lowest F score.
        PathNode* currentNode = m_OpenList.front();
        //Next add it to the closed list.
        //Lastly remove it from the Open List
        //Next get the current node's tile's index from the level.
        int currentNodeTileIndex = m_Level->getTileIndexForTile(currentNode->getTile());
        if(currentNodeTileIndex == m_DestinationTileIndex)
            //If the current node's tile index is the same as the destination tile, the we
            //have reached out destination tile and now know the shortest path.
                //If the parent node doesn't equal NULL, and the current node to the final path list.
              if(currentNode->getParentNode() != NULL)
                  m_FinalPath.insert(m_FinalPath.begin(), currentNode);
                //Set the node's tile isPath flag to true
                //Set the current node to the parent node.
                currentNode = currentNode->getParentNode();
            while(currentNode != NULL);
            //Set the state to the PathFound
            m_State = StatePathFound;
        //Now, if we got here, it means we haven't reached the destination, we need to
        // get the current node's adjacent tiles and calculate their path scores.
        std::vector<Tile*> adjacentTiles;
        addAdjacentTile(adjacentTiles, currentNode->getTile(), -1, 0); //Left
        addAdjacentTile(adjacentTiles, currentNode->getTile(), 1, 0); //Right
        addAdjacentTile(adjacentTiles, currentNode->getTile(), 0, -1); //Up
        addAdjacentTile(adjacentTiles, currentNode->getTile(), 0, 1); //Down
        //Cycle through the adjacent tiles
        for(int i = 0; i < adjacentTiles.size(); i++)
            Tile* adjacentTile = adjacentTiles.at(i);
            //Next we need to check if the adjacent tile is already in the close list,
            //if it is, then we can ignore this tile.
            if(isTileInClosedList(adjacentTile) == true)
            //Then we need to check if the adjacent tile is already in the Open List
            if(isTileInOpenList(adjacentTile) == true)
                //If we got here, then the tile is in the Open list alreadu and we have to determine
                //if the existing tile's score is lower or the adjacent tile.
                PathNode* existingNode = getPathNodeFromOpenList(adjacentTile);
                //Check to see if the adjacent node has a higher G Score
                //(since the h scores will be identical)
                //than the existing node's G score.
                if(existingNode->getScoreG() > currentNode->getScoreG() +1)
                    //Update the existing node's parent.
                    //Set the lower G score
                    existingNode->setScoreG(currentNode->getScoreG() +1);
                    //Sort the OpenList
               //If we got here then the tile doesn't exist in the Open or Closed list.
                //Let's make a new PathNode object and calculate it's tile score.
                PathNode* adjacentNode = new PathNode(adjacentTile);
                //Set the pathNode's parent.
                //Calculate the G score, it's a Parent node's G score plus 1.
                adjacentNode->setScoreG(currentNode->getScoreG() +1);
                //Calculate the H score, remember we use the manhattan distance method.
                adjacentNode->setScoreH(getManhattanDistanceCost(adjacentTile, m_Level->getTileForIndex(m_DestinationTileIndex)));
                //Lastly add is to the Open list, calling this method will sort the open list.