bool rab::GatherSha1Files( Options const& options, Config const& config, Path_t const& relativePath, FolderInfo::FileInfos_t const& fileInfos, LogOutput_t& out ) { int errors = 0; for( FolderInfo::FileInfos_t::const_iterator i = fileInfos.begin(); i != fileInfos.end(); ++i ) { FileInfo& fileInfo = **i; Path_t fullOld = options.pathToOld / relativePath /; dung::MemoryBlock oldFile; if( !dung::ReadWholeFile( fullOld.wstring(), oldFile ) ) { out << "Can't read file " << FileString( fullOld ) << std::endl; errors++; continue; } dung::SHA1Compute( oldFile.pBlock, oldFile.size, fileInfo.oldSha1 ); fileInfo.oldSize = oldFile.size; } return errors == 0; }
_tstring rab::FileString( Path_t const& p ) { #ifdef SCARAB_WCHAR_MODE return p.wstring(); #else return p.string(); #endif }
bool rab::BuildDiffFile( Options const& options, Config const& config, DiffEncoders const& diffEncoders, Path_t const& relativePath, PackageOutput_t& package, LogOutput_t& out, FileInfo& fileInfo ) { Path_t fullNew = options.pathToNew / relativePath /; Path_t fullOld = options.pathToOld / relativePath /; Path_t relativeTemp = relativePath / DiffFileName(, config); dung::MemoryBlock oldFile; if( !ReadWholeFile( fullOld.wstring(), oldFile ) ) { out << "Can't read file " << FileString(fullOld) << std::endl; return false; } dung::SHA1Compute( oldFile.pBlock, oldFile.size, fileInfo.oldSha1 ); fileInfo.oldSize = oldFile.size; if( MatchName( config.oldSkipChanged_regex, ) ) return true; dung::MemoryBlock newFile; if( !ReadWholeFile( fullNew.wstring(), newFile ) ) { out << "Can't read file " << FileString(fullNew) << std::endl; return false; } dung::SHA1Compute( newFile.pBlock, newFile.size, fileInfo.newSha1 ); fileInfo.newSize = newFile.size; bool result = true; if( fileInfo.newSha1 != fileInfo.oldSha1 ) { fileInfo.isDifferent = true; result &= CreateDiffFile( options, diffEncoders, fileInfo, fullNew, fullOld, relativeTemp, newFile, oldFile, package, out ); } else fileInfo.isDifferent = false; return result; }
bool rab::CreateDiffFile( Options const& options, DiffEncoders const &diffEncoders, FileInfo& fileInfo, Path_t const& fullNew, Path_t const& fullOld, Path_t const& relativeTemp, dung::MemoryBlock const& newFile, dung::MemoryBlock const& oldFile, PackageOutput_t &package, LogOutput_t& out ) { Path_t fullTemp = relativeTemp.filename(); if( options.produceTemp ) { fullTemp = options.pathToTemp / relativeTemp; fs::create_directories( fullTemp.parent_path() ); } dung::DiffEncoder_i* pEncoder = diffEncoders.FindEncoder(, fileInfo.diffMethod ); if( pEncoder != NULL ) { out << "Encoding " << fileInfo.diffMethod << " diff file " << GenericString( relativeTemp ) << std::endl; dung::MemoryBlock deltaFile; if( !pEncoder->EncodeDiffMemoryBlock( newFile.pBlock, newFile.size, oldFile.pBlock, oldFile.size, deltaFile.pBlock, deltaFile.size ) ) { _tstring errorMessage; pEncoder->GetErrorMessage( errorMessage ); out << "Encoding error: " << errorMessage << std::endl; return false; } if( options.produceTemp ) { if( !WriteWholeFile( fullTemp.wstring(), deltaFile ) ) { out << "Can't write file " << GenericString( fullTemp ) << std::endl; return false; } } if( !package.WriteFile( GenericString( relativeTemp ), deltaFile.pBlock, deltaFile.size ) ) { out << "Can't write file " << GenericString( relativeTemp ) << " to package. Size=" << deltaFile.size << std::endl; return false; } } else { dung::DiffEncoderExternal_i* pExternalEncoder = diffEncoders.FindExternalEncoder(, fileInfo.diffMethod ); if( pExternalEncoder != NULL ) { out << "Encoding " << fileInfo.diffMethod << " diff file " << GenericString( relativeTemp ) << std::endl; if( !pExternalEncoder->EncodeDiffFile( GenericString(fullNew).c_str(), GenericString(fullOld).c_str(), GenericString(fullTemp).c_str() ) ) { _tstring errorMessage; pExternalEncoder->GetErrorMessage( errorMessage ); out << "Encoding error: " << errorMessage << std::endl; return false; } dung::MemoryBlock deltaFile; if( !ReadWholeFile( fullTemp.generic_string(), deltaFile ) ) { out << "Can't read file " << GenericString(fullTemp) << std::endl; return false; } if( !options.produceTemp ) fs::remove( fullTemp ); if( !package.WriteFile( GenericString(relativeTemp), deltaFile.pBlock, deltaFile.size ) ) { out << "Can't write file " << GenericString(relativeTemp) << " to package. Size=" << deltaFile.size << std::endl; return false; } } else { out << "Can't file encoder for file " << << std::endl; return false; } } return true; }