void PdfPagesTree::InsertPageIntoNode( PdfObject* pParent, const PdfObjectList & rlstParents, 
                                       int nIndex, PdfObject* pPage )
    if( !pParent || !pPage ) 
        PODOFO_RAISE_ERROR( ePdfError_InvalidHandle );

    // 1. Add the reference of the new page to the kids array of pParent
    // 2. Increase count of every node in lstParents (which also includes pParent)
    // 3. Add Parent key to the page

    // 1. Add reference
    const PdfArray oldKids = pParent->GetDictionary().GetKey( PdfName("Kids") )->GetArray();
    PdfArray::const_iterator it = oldKids.begin();
    PdfArray newKids;

    newKids.reserve( oldKids.GetSize() + 1 );

    if( nIndex < 0 ) 
        newKids.push_back( pPage->Reference() );

    int i = 0;
    while( it != oldKids.end() ) 
        newKids.push_back( *it );

        if( i == nIndex ) 
            newKids.push_back( pPage->Reference() );


    PdfVariant var2( newKids );
    std::string str2;
    printf("newKids= %s\n", str2.c_str() );

    pParent->GetDictionary().AddKey( PdfName("Kids"), newKids );
    // 2. increase count
    PdfObjectList::const_reverse_iterator itParents = rlstParents.rbegin();
    while( itParents != rlstParents.rend() )
        this->ChangePagesCount( *itParents, 1 );


    // 3. add parent key to the page
    pPage->GetDictionary().AddKey( PdfName("Parent"), pParent->Reference() );
void PdfPagesTree::InsertPagesIntoNode( PdfObject* pParent, const PdfObjectList & rlstParents, 
                                       int nIndex, const std::vector<PdfObject*>& vecPages )
    if( !pParent || !vecPages.size() ) 
        PODOFO_RAISE_ERROR( ePdfError_InvalidHandle );

    // 1. Add the reference of the new page to the kids array of pParent
    // 2. Increase count of every node in lstParents (which also includes pParent)
    // 3. Add Parent key to the page

    // 1. Add reference
    const PdfArray oldKids = pParent->GetDictionary().GetKey( PdfName("Kids") )->GetArray();
    PdfArray newKids;
    newKids.reserve( oldKids.GetSize() + vecPages.size() );

    bool bIsPushedIn = false;
    int i=0;
    for (PdfArray::const_iterator it=oldKids.begin(); it!=oldKids.end(); ++it, ++i ) 
        if ( !bIsPushedIn && (nIndex < i) )    // Pushing before
            for (std::vector<PdfObject*>::const_iterator itPages=vecPages.begin(); itPages!=vecPages.end(); ++itPages)
                newKids.push_back( (*itPages)->Reference() );    // Push all new kids at once
            bIsPushedIn = true;
        newKids.push_back( *it );    // Push in the old kids

    // If new kids are still not pushed in then they may be appending to the end
    if ( !bIsPushedIn && ( (nIndex + 1) == static_cast<int>(oldKids.size())) ) 
        for (std::vector<PdfObject*>::const_iterator itPages=vecPages.begin(); itPages!=vecPages.end(); ++itPages)
            newKids.push_back( (*itPages)->Reference() );    // Push all new kids at once
        bIsPushedIn = true;

    pParent->GetDictionary().AddKey( PdfName("Kids"), newKids );

    // 2. increase count
    for ( PdfObjectList::const_reverse_iterator itParents = rlstParents.rbegin(); itParents != rlstParents.rend(); ++itParents )
        this->ChangePagesCount( *itParents, vecPages.size() );

    // 3. add parent key to each of the pages
    for (std::vector<PdfObject*>::const_iterator itPages=vecPages.begin(); itPages!=vecPages.end(); ++itPages)
        (*itPages)->GetDictionary().AddKey( PdfName("Parent"), pParent->Reference() );
void PdfStitchingFunction::Init( const PdfFunction::List & rlstFunctions, const PdfArray & rBounds, const PdfArray & rEncode )
    PdfArray                          functions;
    PdfFunction::List::const_iterator it = rlstFunctions.begin();

    functions.reserve( rlstFunctions.size() );

    while( it != rlstFunctions.end() )
        functions.push_back( (*it).GetObject()->Reference() );
    this->GetObject()->GetDictionary().AddKey( PdfName("Functions"), functions );
    this->GetObject()->GetDictionary().AddKey( PdfName("Bounds"), rBounds );
    this->GetObject()->GetDictionary().AddKey( PdfName("Encode"), rEncode );
void PdfFontCID::CreateWidth( PdfObject* pFontDict ) const
    const int cAbsoluteMax = 0xffff;
    int nFirstChar = m_pEncoding->GetFirstChar();
    int nLastChar  = m_pEncoding->GetLastChar();

    int  i;

    // Allocate an initialize an array, large enough to 
    // hold a width value for every possible glyph index
    double* pdWidth = static_cast<double*>(malloc( sizeof(double) * cAbsoluteMax ) );
    if( !pdWidth )
        PODOFO_RAISE_ERROR( ePdfError_OutOfMemory );

    for( i=0;i<cAbsoluteMax;i++ )
        pdWidth[i] = 0.0;

    // Load the width of all requested glyph indeces
    int nMin       = 0xffff;
    int nMax       = 0;

    long    lGlyph = 0;

    for( i=nFirstChar;i<=nLastChar;i++ )
        lGlyph = m_pMetrics->GetGlyphId( i );
        if( lGlyph )
            nMin = PDF_MIN( static_cast<long>(nMin), lGlyph );
            nMax = PDF_MAX( static_cast<long>(nMax), lGlyph );
            nMax = PDF_MIN( nMax, cAbsoluteMax );

            if( lGlyph < cAbsoluteMax )
                pdWidth[lGlyph] = m_pMetrics->GetGlyphWidth( lGlyph );


	if (nMax >= nMin) {
        // Now compact the array
        std::ostringstream oss;
        PdfArray array;
        array.reserve( nMax - nMin + 1 );

        i = nMin;
        double    dCurWidth  = pdWidth[i];
        pdf_int64 lCurIndex  = i++;
        pdf_int64 lCurLength = 1L;
        for( ;i<=nMax;i++ )
            if( static_cast<int>(pdWidth[i] - dCurWidth) == 0 )
                if( lCurLength > 1 ) 
                    array.push_back( lCurIndex );
                    pdf_int64 temp = lCurIndex + lCurLength - 1;
                    array.push_back( temp ); 
                    array.push_back( dCurWidth ); 
                    if( array.size() && array.back().IsArray() ) 
                        array.back().GetArray().push_back( dCurWidth );
                        PdfArray tmp;
                        tmp.push_back( dCurWidth );
                        array.push_back( lCurIndex );
                        array.push_back( tmp );
                lCurIndex  = i;
                lCurLength = 1L;
                dCurWidth  = pdWidth[i];

        if (array.size() == 0) 
            array.push_back( lCurIndex = nMin );
            array.push_back( lCurIndex = nMax );
            array.push_back( dCurWidth ); 
        pFontDict->GetDictionary().AddKey( PdfName("W"), array ); 

    free( pdWidth );