void RenderComponent::VUpdate()

		All of this code must go!!! This is shit! Rewrite animation system as a seperate component, starting with a virtual base
		class (AnimationComponent) that can then fork off into a bunch of other more specific animation types (e.g. HumanoidAnimationComponent,
		MachineAnimationComponent, ParticleAnimationComponent, etc.).

		PhysicsComponent* physicsComponent = GetOwner()->GetComponent<PhysicsComponent>(COMPONENT_PHYSICS);

		const uint UP = 1, DOWN = 0, RIGHT = 2, LEFT = 3;
		int direction = -1;// By default, don't change

		if(physicsComponent->GetVelocity().x > 0.5)
			direction = RIGHT;
		else if(physicsComponent->GetVelocity().x < -0.5)
			direction = LEFT;
		else if(physicsComponent->GetVelocity().y > 0.5)
			direction = DOWN;
		else if(physicsComponent->GetVelocity().y < -0.5)
			direction = UP;

		if(direction != -1)// If the texture should change...
			_textureY = direction*(_textureHeight/4);
			_textureX = _currentAnimationFrame*(_textureWidth/3);

			if(SDL_GetTicks() - _lastAnimationChange >= (100))
				if(_currentAnimationFrame == 3)
					_currentAnimationFrame = 0;

				_lastAnimationChange = SDL_GetTicks();
			_textureX = 0;
void LocomotionSystem::Update( float i_dt )
    for ( std::map<EntityHandle, Component*>::iterator it = m_components.begin(); it != m_components.end(); it++ )
        LocomotionComponent* pComponent = (LocomotionComponent*) it->second;
        if ( pComponent )
            if ( pComponent->m_locomotionMode )
                pComponent->m_locomotionMode->Update( i_dt );
            PhysicsComponent* pPhysicsComponent = EntitySystem::GetInstance()->GetComponent<PhysicsComponent>( pComponent->m_entityHandle );
            if ( pPhysicsComponent )
                float yVel = pPhysicsComponent->GetVelocity().y;
                JumpState pJumpState;
                if ( yVel > 0.5f )
                    pJumpState = JumpState::JUMPING;
                else if ( yVel < 0.5f )
                    pJumpState = JumpState::FALLING;
                else if ( yVel == 0.0f )
                    pJumpState = JumpState::NOT_JUMPING;
                if ( pJumpState == JumpState::FALLING && pComponent->m_jumpState == JumpState::JUMPING )
                    EventManager::GetInstance()->SendEvent( "VelocityApexReached", &pComponent->m_entityHandle );
                pComponent->m_jumpState = pJumpState;