bool addPlanePolygon(AddPlanePolygon::Request &req, AddPlanePolygon::Response &res) { ROS_INFO("ADDING PLANE POLYGON"); InteractiveMarker tmp; if ((imServer->get(, tmp)) || (primitives.count( != 0)) { ROS_ERROR("Object with that name already exists! Please remove it first."); return false; } PlanePolygon *plane = new PlanePolygon(imServer, req.frame_id,; plane->setPolygon(req.polygon); plane->setNormal(req.normal); plane->setColor(req.color); plane->insert(); imServer->applyChanges(); primitives.insert(make_pair(, plane)); ROS_INFO("..... DONE"); return true; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { ros::init(argc, argv, "test_primitives"); InteractiveMarkerServerPtr server; server.reset(new InteractiveMarkerServer("test_primitives", "", false)); ColorRGBA c; c.a = 0.2; c.r = 1.0; c.g = 0.0; c.b = 0.0; Pose p; p.position.x = 5; p.position.y = 2; p.position.z = 1; p.orientation.x = M_PI_4; p.orientation.y = 0; p.orientation.z = M_PI_4; Vector3 s; s.x = 1.0; s.y = 1.0; s.z = 1.0; // Object Billboard *chairBillboard = new Billboard(server, "/world", "person"); chairBillboard->setType(srs_interaction_primitives::BillboardType::CHAIR); chairBillboard->setPose(p); chairBillboard->setScale(s); chairBillboard->setFrameID("/world"); chairBillboard->insert(); // Bounding box BoundingBox * chairBoundingBox = new BoundingBox(server, "/world", chairBillboard->getName() + "_bbox"); chairBoundingBox->setAttachedObjectName(chairBillboard->getName()); chairBoundingBox->setPose(p); chairBoundingBox->setScale(s); chairBoundingBox->setColor(c); chairBoundingBox->setDescription("Person bounding box"); chairBoundingBox->insert(); p.position.x = 1; p.position.y = 2; p.position.z = 2; s.x = 1; s.y = 1; s.z = 1; // Object Billboard *milkBillboard = new Billboard(server, "/world", "milk_billboard"); Quaternion direction; direction.x = 2.0; direction.y = 1.0; direction.z = 3.0; direction.w = 1.0; milkBillboard->setType(srs_interaction_primitives::BillboardType::MILK); milkBillboard->setPose(p); milkBillboard->setScale(s); milkBillboard->setDirection(direction); milkBillboard->setVelocity(3.4); milkBillboard->setDescription("MLEEEEKO"); milkBillboard->insert(); UnknownObject * unknowObject = new UnknownObject(server, "/world", "unknown_object"); unknowObject->setFrameID("/world"); Pose pp; pp.position.x = 0; pp.position.y = 0; pp.position.z = 0; unknowObject->setPose(pp); Vector3 ss; ss.x = 1; ss.y = 1; ss.z = 1; unknowObject->setScale(ss); unknowObject->setDescription("Uknown object"); unknowObject->insert(); Plane *plane = new Plane(server, "/world", "plane1"); c.a = 1.0; p.position.x = 0; p.position.y = 0; p.position.z = 0; s.x = 5; s.y = 2; plane->setColor(c); plane->setFrameID("/world"); plane->setPose(p); plane->setScale(s); plane->insert(); c.g = 1.0; plane->changeColor(c); PlanePolygon *planePolygon = new PlanePolygon(server, "/world", "plane_polygon"); Polygon pol; geometry_msgs::Point32 point; c.r = 1; c.g = 0; c.b = 0; c.a = 1.0; point.x = 0.99171; point.y = 0.93265; point.z = -0.16251; pol.points.push_back(point); point.x = 0.47751; point.y = -0.93946; point.z = -0.64291; pol.points.push_back(point); point.x = -1.28507; point.y = -0.68923; point.z = 0.26852; pol.points.push_back(point); point.x = -0.77087; point.y = 1.18289; point.z = 0.74892; pol.points.push_back(point); planePolygon->setPolygon(pol); Vector3 normal; normal.x = 0.39652; normal.y = -0.32885; normal.z = 0.85710; //planePolygon->setNormal(normal); point.x = 0.22078; point.y = 0.86032; point.z = -0.40858; pol.points.push_back(point); point.x = 0.95152; point.y = -1.00344; point.z = 0.31976; pol.points.push_back(point); point.x = -0.92901; point.y = 0.18325; point.z = 0.50957; pol.points.push_back(point); point.x = -0.97683; point.y = 1.84874; point.z = -0.42075; pol.points.push_back(point); planePolygon->setPolygon(pol); normal.x = 0.37210; normal.y = 0.46077; normal.z = 0.80575; planePolygon->setNormal(normal); planePolygon->setColor(c); planePolygon->insert(); /* //Object s.x = 6; s.y = 3.2; s.z = 4; InteractiveMarker object; Marker sphere; sphere.type = Marker::SPHERE; sphere.color.r = c.g; sphere.color.g = c.r; sphere.color.b = c.b; sphere.color.a = c.a; sphere.scale = s; object.header.frame_id = "/world"; = "sphere"; object.description = "Sphere"; p.position.x = 20; object.pose = p; InteractiveMarkerControl control; = "sphere_control"; control.interaction_mode = InteractiveMarkerControl::NONE; control.always_visible = true; control.markers.push_back(sphere); object.controls.push_back(control); server->insert(object); // Bounding box c.r = 1; c.g = 0; c.b = 0; BoundingBox * sphereBoundingBox = new BoundingBox(server, "/world", "sphere_bbox"); sphereBoundingBox->setAttachedObjectName("sphere"); sphereBoundingBox->setPose(p); sphereBoundingBox->setScale(s); sphereBoundingBox->setColor(c); sphereBoundingBox->setDescription("Sphere bounding box"); sphereBoundingBox->insert(); Object * obj = new Object(server, "/world", "table_object"); obj->setFrameID("/world"); Pose ppp; ppp.position.x = 6; ppp.position.y = 5; ppp.position.z = 0; obj->setPose(ppp); Vector3 sss; sss.x = 1; sss.y = 1; sss.z = 1; c.a = 1.0; obj->setScale(sss); obj->setDescription("Table"); obj->setColor(c); obj->setResource("package://gazebo_worlds/Media/models/table.dae"); obj->setUseMaterial(false); obj->insert(); ObjectWithBoundingBox * objbb = new ObjectWithBoundingBox(server, "/world", "table_with_bb"); ppp.position.x = 2; ppp.position.y = 2; ppp.position.z = 2; objbb->setPose(ppp); c.a = 1.0; Vector3 gp; gp.x = 0.7; gp.y = 1.2; gp.z = 0; objbb->setGraspingPosition(GRASP_1, gp); gp.x = 0; gp.y = 1.2; gp.z = 0.9; objbb->setGraspingPosition(GRASP_2, gp); gp.x = 0.1; gp.y = 0.1; gp.z = 0.1; objbb->setGraspingPosition(GRASP_3, gp); Scale sbb; sbb.x = 0.2; sbb.y = 0.2; sbb.z = 0.2; Point bbm; bbm = Point(); bbm.x = 1; bbm.y = 1; bbm.z = 1; objbb->setBoundingBoxLWH(bbm); objbb->setDescription("Table with Bounding Box"); objbb->setColor(c); objbb->setResource("package://gazebo_worlds/Media/models/table.dae"); objbb->setUseMaterial(true); arm_navigation_msgs::Shape shape; Point sp; sp.x = 0; sp.y = 0; sp.z = 0; shape.vertices.push_back(sp); sp.x = 1; shape.vertices.push_back(sp); sp.y = 2; shape.vertices.push_back(sp); shape.triangles.push_back(0); shape.triangles.push_back(1); shape.triangles.push_back(2); objbb->setShape(shape); objbb->insert();*/ server->applyChanges(); ros::spin(); }