void PlayerInputSystem::update(float delta)
		// Adding PROFILE to a function adds the function to the PropellerProfiler. This can be used to easily diagnose performance issues on any platform.

		// the PlayerInputComponent had some parts where the force was applied as impulse directly.
		// this is a example of handling the constant movement per tick.
		// as you cannot loop the components, you cannot do anything that lasts over frames there.
		// System update() is called constantly, so you can handle stuff that needs to be update every 
		// tick with it.
		// Remember to handle the "delta" time! or your system will f**k up everything with different
		// devices.

		// this code is not tested and should be just used as a reference on how the components-systems works
		for (unsigned i = 0; i < components.size(); ++i)
			PlayerInputComponent *inputComponent = rtti::dynamicCast<PlayerInputComponent>(components[i]);

			physics::Box2DCharacterComponent *rigidBody = inputComponent->getParent()->findComponent<physics::Box2DCharacterComponent>();

			const math::Vec2 &movement = inputComponent->getMovement();

			// Apply force
			rigidBody->applyForce(movement * delta); // deltatime applied to the force!
	void PlayerInputSystem::update(float delta)

		for (unsigned i = 0; i < components.size(); ++i)
			PlayerInputComponent *inputComponent = rtti::dynamicCast<PlayerInputComponent>(components[i]);

			physics::Box2DCharacterComponent *rigidBody = inputComponent->getParent()->findComponent<physics::Box2DCharacterComponent>();

			const math::Vec2 &movement = inputComponent->getMovement();

			// Apply force
			math::Vec2 vel = rigidBody->getVelocity();

			float maxVel = 25.f;

			if (vel.x > maxVel)

			if (vel.x < -maxVel)

			rigidBody->applyForce(movement * 150);

			// Limit max speed

			//var speed : Number = body.m_linearVelocity.Normalize(); // sets vector length to 1, returns original length of vector
			//body.m_linearVelocity.Multiply(Math.min(speed, maxSpeed));