 * Karatsuba algorithm. Fast multiplication of the first n
 * positions of fa and fb.
 * PS. Assumes n is power of 2 
void Karatsuba(int n, i64 *fa, i64 *fb, Poly &fab)
    int m = n/2;
    /* Base */ 
    if(n <= 16){
        fab.assign(2*n - 1, 0);
        for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
            for(int j=0; j<n; j++)
                fab[i+j] += fa[i]*fb[j];
    Poly z0, z1, z2, tmp;
    /* Find z0 and z2 recursively */
    Karatsuba(m, &fa[0], &fb[0], z0);
    Karatsuba(m, &fa[m], &fb[m], z2);
    /* Find z1 recursively */
    Poly fai(m), fbi(m);
    for(int i=0; i<m; i++){
        fai[i] = fa[i] + fa[i+m];
        fbi[i] = fb[i] + fb[i+m];
    Karatsuba(m, &fai[0], &fbi[0], z1);
    for(int i=0; i<z1.size(); i++)
        z1[i] -= (z0[i] + z2[i]);
    /* Merge z0, z1 and z2 in fab */
    fab.assign(2*m + z2.size(), 0);
    for(int i=0; i<z0.size(); i++){
        fab[i] += z0[i];
        fab[i+m] += z1[i];
        fab[i+2*m] += z2[i];
// Slow convolution, multiplying two polynomials.
// Complexity: O(nu * nv).
void conv(const Poly& u, const Poly& v, Poly& w) {
    int nu = u.size(), nv = v.size();
    w.assign(nu + nv - 1, 0.0);
    for(int i = 0; i < nu; i++)
        for(int j = 0; j < nv; j++)
            w[i+j] += u[i] * v[j];
// Slow convolution, multiplying two polynomials.
// Complexity: O(nu * nv).
void conv(const Poly& u, const Poly& v, Poly& w) {
    if(u.empty() || v.empty()) {w.clear(); return;}
    int nu = u.size(), nv = v.size();
    w.assign(nu + nv - 1, 0);
    for(int i = 0; i < nu; i++)
        for(int j = 0; j < nv; j++)
            w[i+j] ^= (u[i] & v[j]);
// Slow deconvolution, polynomial dividing.
// q returns the quotient, r returns the remainder.
void deconv(const Poly& u, const Poly& v, Poly& q, Poly& r) {
    int n = u.size() - 1;
    int nv = v.size() - 1;
    q.assign(n+1, 0.0);
    r = u;
    for(int k = n-nv; k >= 0; k--) {
        q[k] = r[nv+k] / v[nv];
        for(int j = nv+k-1; j >= k; j--)
            r[j] -= q[k] * v[j-k];
// Extend GCD
void extendEuclid(const Poly& , const Poly& b, Poly& d, Poly& x, Poly& y) {
    if(b.size() == 0) {
        d = a;
        x.assign(1, 1);
    Poly q, r;
    deconv(a, b, q, r);
    extendEuclid(b, r, d, x, y);
    conv(q, y, r);
    sub(x, r);
    std::swap(x, y);
// Slow deconvolution, polynomial dividing.
// q returns the quotient, r returns the remainder.
void deconv(const Poly& u, const Poly& v, Poly& q, Poly& r) {
    int n = u.size() - 1;
    int nv = v.size() - 1;
    q.assign(n + 1, 0);
    r = u;
    for(int k = n-nv; k >= 0; k--) {
        q[k] = r[nv+k];
        for(int j = nv+k-1; j >= k; j--)
            r[j] ^= (q[k] & v[j-k]);