bool AnalogServer::attachAll(const PolyDriverList &analog2attach) { yTrace(); if (analog2attach.size() != 1) { std::cerr<<"AnalogServer: cannot attach more than one device\n"; return false; } yarp::dev::PolyDriver * Idevice2attach=analog2attach[0]->poly; if (Idevice2attach->isValid()) { Idevice2attach->view(analogSensor_p); } if(NULL == analogSensor_p) { yError() << "AnalogServer: subdevice passed to attach method is invalid!!!"; return false; } attach(analogSensor_p); start(); return true; }
bool JoypadControlServer::attachAll(const PolyDriverList& p) { if (p.size() != 1) { yError("JoypadControlServer: cannot attach more than one device"); return false; } yarp::dev::PolyDriver* Idevice2attach = p[0]->poly; if(p[0]->key == "IJoypadController") { yInfo() << "JoypadControlServer: Good name Dude!"; } else { yInfo() << "JoypadControlServer: Bad name Dude!!"; } if (!Idevice2attach->isValid()) { yError() << "JoypadControlServer: Device " << p[0]->key << " to attach to is not valid ... cannot proceed"; return false; } Idevice2attach->view(m_device); if(!attach(m_device)) return false; PeriodicThread::setPeriod(m_period); if (!PeriodicThread::start()) return false; openPorts(); return true; }
bool BatteryWrapper::attachAll(const PolyDriverList &battery2attach) { if (battery2attach.size() != 1) { yError("BatteryWrapper: cannot attach more than one device"); return false; } yarp::dev::PolyDriver * Idevice2attach = battery2attach[0]->poly; if (Idevice2attach->isValid()) { Idevice2attach->view(battery_p); } if(NULL == battery_p) { yError("BatteryWrapper: subdevice passed to attach method is invalid"); return false; } attach(battery_p); RateThread::setRate(_rate); RateThread::start(); return true; }
bool AnalogWrapper::attachAll(const PolyDriverList &analog2attach) { //check if we already instantiated a subdevice previously if (ownDevices) return false; if (analog2attach.size() != 1) { yError("AnalogWrapper: cannot attach more than one device"); return false; } yarp::dev::PolyDriver * Idevice2attach=analog2attach[0]->poly; if (Idevice2attach->isValid()) { Idevice2attach->view(analogSensor_p); } if(YARP_NULLPTR == analogSensor_p) { yError("AnalogWrapper: subdevice passed to attach method is invalid"); return false; } attach(analogSensor_p); RateThread::setRate(_rate); RateThread::start(); return true; }
bool yarp::dev::ServerInertial::attachAll(const PolyDriverList &imuToAttachTo) { if (imuToAttachTo.size() != 1) { yError("ServerInertial: cannot attach more than one device"); return false; } return attach(imuToAttachTo[0]->poly); }
bool floatingBaseEstimator::attachAllControlBoard(const PolyDriverList& p) { PolyDriverList controlBoardList; for(size_t devIdx = 0; devIdx < (size_t) p.size(); devIdx++) { IEncoders * pEncs = 0; if( p[devIdx]->poly->view(pEncs) ) { controlBoardList.push(const_cast<PolyDriverDescriptor&>(*p[devIdx])); } } // Attach the controlBoardList to the controlBoardRemapper bool ok = remappedControlBoardInterfaces.multwrap->attachAll(controlBoardList); if( !ok ) { yError() << " floatingBaseEstimator::attachAll in attachAll of the remappedControlBoard"; return false; } return true; }
bool Rangefinder2DWrapper::attachAll(const PolyDriverList &device2attach) { if (device2attach.size() != 1) { yError("Rangefinder2DWrapper: cannot attach more than one device"); return false; } yarp::dev::PolyDriver * Idevice2attach = device2attach[0]->poly; if (Idevice2attach->isValid()) { Idevice2attach->view(sens_p); Idevice2attach->view(iTimed); } if (NULL == sens_p) { yError("Rangefinder2DWrapper: subdevice passed to attach method is invalid"); return false; } attach(sens_p); if(!sens_p->getDistanceRange(minDistance, maxDistance)) { yError() << "Laser device does not provide min & max distance range."; return false; } if(!sens_p->getScanLimits(minAngle, maxAngle)) { yError() << "Laser device does not provide min & max angle scan range."; return false; } if (!sens_p->getHorizontalResolution(resolution)) { yError() << "Laser device does not provide horizontal resolution "; return false; } RateThread::setRate(_rate); RateThread::start(); return true; }
bool VirtualAnalogWrapper::attachAll(const PolyDriverList &polylist) { mMutex.wait(); for (int p=0; p<polylist.size(); ++p) { std::string key=polylist[p]->key.c_str(); // find appropriate entry in list of subdevices and attach for (unsigned int k=0; k<mSubdevices.size(); ++k) { if (mSubdevices[k].getKey()==key) { if (!mSubdevices[k].attach(polylist[p]->poly,key)) {; return false; } } } } //check if all devices are attached to the driver for (unsigned int k=0; k<mSubdevices.size(); ++k) { if (!mSubdevices[k].isAttached()) {; return false; } }; Thread::start(); return true; }
/** * IWrapper and IMultipleWrapper interfaces */ bool RGBDSensorWrapper::attachAll(const PolyDriverList &device2attach) { // First implementation only accepts devices with both the interfaces Framegrabber and IDepthSensor, // on a second version maybe two different devices could be accepted, one for each interface. // Yet to be defined which and how parameters shall be used in this case ... using the name of the // interface to view could be a good initial guess. if (device2attach.size() != 1) { yError("RGBDSensorWrapper: cannot attach more than one device"); return false; } yarp::dev::PolyDriver * Idevice2attach = device2attach[0]->poly; if(device2attach[0]->key == "IRGBDSensor") { yInfo() << "RGBDSensorWrapper: Good name Dude!"; } else { yInfo() << "RGBDSensorWrapper: Bad name Dude!!"; } if (!Idevice2attach->isValid()) { yError() << "RGBDSensorWrapper: Device " << device2attach[0]->key << " to attach to is not valid ... cannot proceed"; return false; } Idevice2attach->view(sensor_p); if(!attach(sensor_p)) return false; RateThread::setRate(rate); RateThread::start(); return true; }
bool HapticDeviceWrapper::attachAll(const PolyDriverList &p) { if (p.size()!=1) { yError("*** Haptic Device Wrapper: cannot attach more than one device"); return false; } PolyDriver *dev=p[0]->poly; if (dev->isValid()) dev->view(device); if (device==NULL) { yError("*** Haptic Device Wrapper: invalid device"); return false; } start(); if (verbosity>0) yInfo("*** Haptic Device Wrapper: started"); return true; }
bool RemoteControlBoardRemapper::open(Searchable& config) { Property prop; prop.fromString(config.toString().c_str()); std::string localPortPrefix; std::vector<std::string> remoteControlBoardsPorts; // Check if the required parameters are found if( prop.check("localPortPrefix") && prop.find("localPortPrefix").isString() ) { localPortPrefix = prop.find("localPortPrefix").asString().c_str(); } else { yError() <<"RemoteControlBoardRemapper: Error parsing parameters: \"localPortPrefix\" should be a string."; return false; } Bottle *remoteControlBoards=prop.find("remoteControlBoards").asList(); if(remoteControlBoards==0) { yError() <<"RemoteControlBoardRemapper: Error parsing parameters: \"remoteControlBoards\" should be followed by a list."; return false; } remoteControlBoardsPorts.resize(remoteControlBoards->size()); for(int ax=0; ax < remoteControlBoards->size(); ax++) { remoteControlBoardsPorts[ax] = remoteControlBoards->get(ax).asString().c_str(); } // Load the REMOTE_CONTROLBOARD_OPTIONS, containg any additional option to pass to the remote control boards Property remoteControlBoardsOptions; Bottle & optionsGroupBot = prop.findGroup("REMOTE_CONTROLBOARD_OPTIONS"); if( !(optionsGroupBot.isNull()) ) { remoteControlBoardsOptions.fromString(optionsGroupBot.toString()); } // Parameters loaded, open all the remote controlboards m_remoteControlBoardDevices.resize(remoteControlBoardsPorts.size(),0); PolyDriverList remoteControlBoardsList; for(size_t ctrlBrd=0; ctrlBrd < remoteControlBoardsPorts.size(); ctrlBrd++ ) { std::string remote = remoteControlBoardsPorts[ctrlBrd]; // Note: as local parameter we use localPortPrefix+remoteOfTheReportControlBoard std::string local = localPortPrefix+remote; Property options = remoteControlBoardsOptions; options.put("device", "remote_controlboard"); options.put("local", local); options.put("remote", remote); m_remoteControlBoardDevices[ctrlBrd] = new PolyDriver(); bool ok = m_remoteControlBoardDevices[ctrlBrd]->open(options); if( !ok || !(m_remoteControlBoardDevices[ctrlBrd]->isValid()) ) { yError() << "RemoteControlBoardRemapper: error opening remote_controlboard with remote \"" << remote << "\", opening the device failed."; closeAllRemoteControlBoards(); return false; } // We use the remote name of the remote_controlboard as the key for it, in absense of anything better remoteControlBoardsList.push((m_remoteControlBoardDevices[ctrlBrd]),remote.c_str()); } // Device opened, now we open the ControlBoardRemapper and then we call attachAll bool ok = ControlBoardRemapper::open(prop); if( !ok ) { yError() << "RemoteControlBoardRemapper: error opening the controlboardremapper device, opening the device failed."; ControlBoardRemapper::close(); closeAllRemoteControlBoards(); return false; } // If open went ok, we now call attachAll ok = ControlBoardRemapper::attachAll(remoteControlBoardsList); if( !ok ) { yError() << "RemoteControlBoardRemapper: error calling attachAll in the controlboardremapper device, opening the device failed."; ControlBoardRemapper::close(); closeAllRemoteControlBoards(); return false; } // All went ok, return true // TODO: close devices that are not actually used by the remapper return true; }
bool Rangefinder2DWrapper::open(yarp::os::Searchable &config) { Property params; params.fromString(config.toString().c_str()); if (!config.check("period")) { yError() << "Rangefinder2DWrapper: missing 'period' parameter. Check you configuration file\n"; return false; } else _rate = config.find("period").asInt(); if (!config.check("name")) { yError() << "Rangefinder2DWrapper: missing 'name' parameter. Check you configuration file; it must be like:"; yError() << " name: full name of the port, like /robotName/deviceId/sensorType:o"; return false; } else { streamingPortName = config.find("name").asString().c_str(); rpcPortName = streamingPortName + "/rpc:i"; setId("Rangefinder2DWrapper"); } if(!initialize_YARP(config) ) { yError() << sensorId << "Error initializing YARP ports"; return false; } checkROSParams(config); // call ROS node/topic initilization, if needed if (!initialize_ROS()) { return false; } if(config.check("subdevice")) { Property p; PolyDriverList driverlist; p.fromString(config.toString(), false); p.put("device", config.find("subdevice").asString()); if(! || !driver.isValid()) { yError() << "RangeFinder2DWrapper: failed to open subdevice.. check params"; return false; } driverlist.push(&driver, "1"); if(!attachAll(driverlist)) { yError() << "RangeFinder2DWrapper: failed to open subdevice.. check params"; return false; } isDeviceOwned = true; } return true; }
bool TwoCanBusThreeWrappers::configure(ResourceFinder &rf) { if(rf.check("help")) { printf("TwoCanBusThreeWrappers options:\n"); printf("\t--help (this help)\t--from [file.ini]\t--context [path]\n"); CD_DEBUG_NO_HEADER("%s\n",rf.toString().c_str()); return false; } //-- /dev/can0 -- Bottle devCan0 = rf.findGroup("devCan0"); CD_DEBUG("%s\n",devCan0.toString().c_str()); Property optionsDevCan0; optionsDevCan0.fromString(devCan0.toString());; if (!deviceDevCan0.isValid()) { CD_ERROR("deviceDevCan0 instantiation not worked.\n"); return false; } //-- /dev/can1 -- Bottle devCan1 = rf.findGroup("devCan1"); CD_DEBUG("%s\n",devCan1.toString().c_str()); Property optionsDevCan1; optionsDevCan1.fromString(devCan1.toString());; if (!deviceDevCan1.isValid()) { CD_ERROR("deviceDevCan1 instantiation not worked.\n"); return false; } //-- wrapper0 -- Bottle wrapper0 = rf.findGroup("wrapper0"); CD_DEBUG("%s\n",wrapper0.toString().c_str()); Property optionsWrapper0; optionsWrapper0.fromString(wrapper0.toString());; if (!deviceWrapper0.isValid()) { CD_ERROR("deviceWrapper0 instantiation not worked.\n"); return false; } //-- wrapper1 -- Bottle wrapper1 = rf.findGroup("wrapper1"); CD_DEBUG("%s\n",wrapper1.toString().c_str()); Property optionsWrapper1; optionsWrapper1.fromString(wrapper1.toString());; if (!deviceWrapper1.isValid()) { CD_ERROR("deviceWrapper1 instantiation not worked.\n"); return false; } //-- wrapper2 -- Bottle wrapper2 = rf.findGroup("wrapper2"); CD_DEBUG("%s\n",wrapper2.toString().c_str()); Property optionsWrapper2; optionsWrapper2.fromString(wrapper2.toString());; if (!deviceWrapper2.isValid()) { CD_ERROR("deviceWrapper2 instantiation not worked.\n"); return false; } IMultipleWrapper *iWrapper0, *iWrapper1, *iWrapper2; deviceWrapper0.view(iWrapper0); deviceWrapper1.view(iWrapper1); deviceWrapper2.view(iWrapper2); PolyDriverList list; list.push(&deviceDevCan0, "devCan0"); list.push(&deviceDevCan1, "devCan1"); iWrapper0->attachAll(list); iWrapper1->attachAll(list); iWrapper2->attachAll(list); return true; }