void Comb::calcMinMax()
    int64_t minX_global = INT64_MAX;
    int64_t maxX_global = INT64_MIN;
    for(unsigned int boundary_poly_idx = 0; boundary_poly_idx < boundary.size(); boundary_poly_idx++)
        minX[boundary_poly_idx] = INT64_MAX;
        maxX[boundary_poly_idx] = INT64_MIN;
        PolygonRef poly = boundary[boundary_poly_idx];
        Point p0 = transformation_matrix.apply(poly.back());
        for(unsigned int boundary_point_idx = 0; boundary_point_idx < poly.size(); boundary_point_idx++)
            Point p1 = transformation_matrix.apply(poly[boundary_point_idx]);
            if ((p0.Y > transformed_startPoint.Y && p1.Y < transformed_startPoint.Y) || (p1.Y > transformed_startPoint.Y && p0.Y < transformed_startPoint.Y))
                int64_t x = p0.X + (p1.X - p0.X) * (transformed_startPoint.Y - p0.Y) / (p1.Y - p0.Y);
                if (x >= transformed_startPoint.X && x <= transformed_endPoint.X)
                    if (x < minX[boundary_poly_idx]) { minX[boundary_poly_idx] = x; minIdx[boundary_poly_idx] = boundary_point_idx; }
                    if (x > maxX[boundary_poly_idx]) { maxX[boundary_poly_idx] = x; maxIdx[boundary_poly_idx] = boundary_point_idx; }
                    if (x < minX_global) { minX_global = x; minIdx_global = boundary_poly_idx; }
                    if (x > maxX_global) { maxX_global = x; maxIdx_global = boundary_poly_idx; }
            p0 = p1;
bool polygonCollidesWithlineSegment(PolygonRef poly, Point& transformed_startPoint, Point& transformed_endPoint, PointMatrix transformation_matrix)
    Point p0 = transformation_matrix.apply(poly.back());
    for(Point p1_ : poly)
        Point p1 = transformation_matrix.apply(p1_);
        if ((p0.Y > transformed_startPoint.Y && p1.Y < transformed_startPoint.Y) || (p1.Y > transformed_startPoint.Y && p0.Y < transformed_startPoint.Y))
            int64_t x = p0.X + (p1.X - p0.X) * (transformed_startPoint.Y - p0.Y) / (p1.Y - p0.Y);
            if (x > transformed_startPoint.X && x < transformed_endPoint.X)
                return true;
        p0 = p1;
    return false;
void ListPolyIt::convertPolygonToList(PolygonRef poly, ListPolygon& result)
#ifdef DEBUG
    Point last = poly.back();
#endif // DEBUG
    for (Point& p : poly) 
#ifdef DEBUG
        // usually polygons shouldn't have such degenerate verts
        // in PolygonProximityLinker (where this function is (also) used) it is
        // required to not have degenerate verts, because verts are mapped
        // to links, but if two different verts are at the same place the mapping fails.
        assert(p != last);
        last = p;
#endif // DEBUG
int PathOrderOptimizer::getClosestPointInPolygon(Point prev_point, int poly_idx)
    PolygonRef poly = polygons[poly_idx];

    int best_point_idx = -1;
    float best_point_score = std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity();
    Point p0 = poly.back();
    for (unsigned int point_idx = 0; point_idx < poly.size(); point_idx++)
        Point& p1 = poly[point_idx];
        Point& p2 = poly[(point_idx + 1) % poly.size()];
        int64_t dist = vSize2(p1 - prev_point);
        float is_on_inside_corner_score = -LinearAlg2D::getAngleLeft(p0, p1, p2) / M_PI * 5000 * 5000; // prefer inside corners
        // this score is in the order of 5 mm
        if (dist + is_on_inside_corner_score < best_point_score)
            best_point_idx = point_idx;
            best_point_score = dist + is_on_inside_corner_score;
        p0 = p1;
    return best_point_idx;
void LinePolygonsCrossings::calcScanlineCrossings()
    min_crossing_idx = NO_INDEX;
    max_crossing_idx = NO_INDEX;
    for(unsigned int poly_idx = 0; poly_idx < boundary.size(); poly_idx++)
        PolyCrossings minMax(poly_idx); 
        PolygonRef poly = boundary[poly_idx];
        Point p0 = transformation_matrix.apply(poly.back());
        for(unsigned int point_idx = 0; point_idx < poly.size(); point_idx++)
            Point p1 = transformation_matrix.apply(poly[point_idx]);
            if ((p0.Y > transformed_startPoint.Y && p1.Y < transformed_startPoint.Y) || (p1.Y > transformed_startPoint.Y && p0.Y < transformed_startPoint.Y))
                int64_t x = p0.X + (p1.X - p0.X) * (transformed_startPoint.Y - p0.Y) / (p1.Y - p0.Y);
                if (x >= transformed_startPoint.X && x <= transformed_endPoint.X)
                    if (x < minMax.min.x) { minMax.min.x = x; minMax.min.point_idx = point_idx; }
                    if (x > minMax.max.x) { minMax.max.x = x; minMax.max.point_idx = point_idx; }
            p0 = p1;
        if (minMax.min.point_idx != NO_INDEX)
        { // then also max.point_idx != -1
            if (min_crossing_idx == NO_INDEX || minMax.min.x < crossings[min_crossing_idx].min.x) { min_crossing_idx = crossings.size(); }
            if (max_crossing_idx == NO_INDEX || minMax.max.x > crossings[max_crossing_idx].max.x) { max_crossing_idx = crossings.size(); }
 * algorithm:
 * 1. for each line segment of each polygon:
 *      store the intersections of that line segment with all scanlines in a mapping (vector of vectors) from scanline to intersections
 *      (zigzag): add boundary segments to result
 * 2. for each scanline:
 *      sort the associated intersections 
 *      and connect them using the even-odd rule
 * rough explanation of the zigzag algorithm:
 * while walking around (each) polygon (1.)
 *  if polygon intersects with even scanline
 *      start boundary segment (add each following segment to the [result])
 *  when polygon intersects with a scanline again
 *      stop boundary segment (stop adding segments to the [result])
 *  (see infill/ZigzagConnectorProcessor.h for actual implementation details)
 * we call the areas between two consecutive scanlines a 'scansegment'.
 * Scansegment x is the area between scanline x and scanline x+1
 * Edit: the term scansegment is wrong, since I call a boundary segment leaving from an even scanline to the left as belonging to an even scansegment, 
 *  while I also call a boundary segment leaving from an even scanline toward the right as belonging to an even scansegment.
void Infill::generateLinearBasedInfill(const int outline_offset, Polygons& result, const int line_distance, const PointMatrix& rotation_matrix, ZigzagConnectorProcessor& zigzag_connector_processor, const bool connected_zigzags, int64_t extra_shift)
    if (line_distance == 0)
    if (in_outline.size() == 0)

    int shift = extra_shift + this->shift;

    Polygons outline;
    if (outline_offset != 0)
        outline = in_outline.offset(outline_offset);
        if (perimeter_gaps)
            perimeter_gaps->add(in_outline.difference(outline.offset(infill_line_width / 2 + perimeter_gaps_extra_offset)));
        outline = in_outline;

    outline = outline.offset(infill_overlap);

    if (outline.size() == 0)


    if (shift < 0)
        shift = line_distance - (-shift) % line_distance;
        shift = shift % line_distance;

    AABB boundary(outline);

    int scanline_min_idx = computeScanSegmentIdx(boundary.min.X - shift, line_distance);
    int line_count = computeScanSegmentIdx(boundary.max.X - shift, line_distance) + 1 - scanline_min_idx;

    std::vector<std::vector<int64_t> > cut_list; // mapping from scanline to all intersections with polygon segments

    for(int scanline_idx = 0; scanline_idx < line_count; scanline_idx++)

    for(unsigned int poly_idx = 0; poly_idx < outline.size(); poly_idx++)
        PolygonRef poly = outline[poly_idx];
        Point p0 = poly.back();
        zigzag_connector_processor.registerVertex(p0); // always adds the first point to ZigzagConnectorProcessorEndPieces::first_zigzag_connector when using a zigzag infill type
        for(unsigned int point_idx = 0; point_idx < poly.size(); point_idx++)
            Point p1 = poly[point_idx];
            if (p1.X == p0.X)
                // TODO: how to make sure it always adds the shortest line? (in order to prevent overlap with the zigzag connectors)
                // note: this is already a problem for normal infill, but hasn't really cothered anyone so far.
                p0 = p1;

            int scanline_idx0;
            int scanline_idx1;
            // this way of handling the indices takes care of the case where a boundary line segment ends exactly on a scanline:
            // in case the next segment moves back from that scanline either 2 or 0 scanline-boundary intersections are created
            // otherwise only 1 will be created, counting as an actual intersection
            int direction = 1;
            if (p0.X < p1.X) 
                scanline_idx0 = computeScanSegmentIdx(p0.X - shift, line_distance) + 1; // + 1 cause we don't cross the scanline of the first scan segment
                scanline_idx1 = computeScanSegmentIdx(p1.X - shift, line_distance); // -1 cause the vertex point is handled in the next segment (or not in the case which looks like >)
                direction = -1; 
                scanline_idx0 = computeScanSegmentIdx(p0.X - shift, line_distance); // -1 cause the vertex point is handled in the previous segment (or not in the case which looks like >)
                scanline_idx1 = computeScanSegmentIdx(p1.X - shift, line_distance) + 1; // + 1 cause we don't cross the scanline of the first scan segment

            for(int scanline_idx = scanline_idx0; scanline_idx != scanline_idx1 + direction; scanline_idx += direction)
                int x = scanline_idx * line_distance + shift;
                int y = p1.Y + (p0.Y - p1.Y) * (x - p1.X) / (p0.X - p1.X);
                assert(scanline_idx - scanline_min_idx >= 0 && scanline_idx - scanline_min_idx < int(cut_list.size()) && "reading infill cutlist index out of bounds!");
                cut_list[scanline_idx - scanline_min_idx].push_back(y);
                Point scanline_linesegment_intersection(x, y);
                zigzag_connector_processor.registerScanlineSegmentIntersection(scanline_linesegment_intersection, scanline_idx % 2 == 0);
            p0 = p1;

    if (cut_list.size() == 0)
    if (connected_zigzags && cut_list.size() == 1 && cut_list[0].size() <= 2)
        return;  // don't add connection if boundary already contains whole outline!

    addLineInfill(result, rotation_matrix, scanline_min_idx, line_distance, boundary, cut_list, shift);
unsigned int Polygons::findInside(Point p, bool border_result)
    Polygons& thiss = *this;
    if (size() < 1)
        return false;
    int64_t min_x[size()];
    std::fill_n(min_x, size(), std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max());  // initialize with int.max
    int crossings[size()];
    std::fill_n(crossings, size(), 0);  // initialize with zeros
    for (unsigned int poly_idx = 0; poly_idx < size(); poly_idx++)
        PolygonRef poly = thiss[poly_idx];
        Point p0 = poly.back();
        for(Point& p1 : poly)
            short comp = pointLiesOnTheRightOfLine(p, p0, p1);
            if (comp == 1)
                int64_t x;
                if (p1.Y == p0.Y)
                    x = p0.X;
                    x = p0.X + (p1.X-p0.X) * (p.Y-p0.Y) / (p1.Y-p0.Y);
                if (x < min_x[poly_idx])
                    min_x[poly_idx] = x;
            else if (border_result && comp == 0)
                return poly_idx;
            p0 = p1;
    int64_t min_x_uneven = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max();
    unsigned int ret = NO_INDEX;
    unsigned int n_unevens = 0;
    for (unsigned int array_idx = 0; array_idx < size(); array_idx++)
        if (crossings[array_idx] % 2 == 1)
            if (min_x[array_idx] < min_x_uneven)
                min_x_uneven = min_x[array_idx];
                ret = array_idx;
    if (n_unevens % 2 == 0) { ret = NO_INDEX; }
    return ret;
unsigned int moveInside(Polygons& polygons, Point& from, int distance, int64_t maxDist2)
    Point ret = from;
    int64_t bestDist2 = maxDist2;
    unsigned int bestPoly = NO_INDEX;
    for (unsigned int poly_idx = 0; poly_idx < polygons.size(); poly_idx++)
        PolygonRef poly = polygons[poly_idx];
        if (poly.size() < 2)
        Point p0 = poly[poly.size()-2];
        Point p1 = poly.back();
        bool projected_p_beyond_prev_segment = dot(p1 - p0, from - p0) > vSize2(p1 - p0);
        for(Point& p2 : poly)
            // X = A + Normal( B - A ) * ((( B - A ) dot ( P - A )) / VSize( A - B ));
            // X = P projected on AB
            Point& a = p1;
            Point& b = p2;
            Point& p = from;
            Point ab = b - a;
            Point ap = p - a;
            int64_t ab_length = vSize(ab);
            int64_t ax_length = dot(ab, ap) / ab_length;
            if (ax_length < 0) // x is projected to before ab
                if (projected_p_beyond_prev_segment)
                { //  case which looks like:   > .
                    projected_p_beyond_prev_segment = false;
                    Point& x = p1;
                    int64_t dist2 = vSize2(x - p);
                    if (dist2 < bestDist2)
                        bestDist2 = dist2;
                        if (distance == 0) { ret = x; }
                        else { ret = x + normal(crossZ(normal(a, distance*4) + normal(p1 - p0, distance*4)), distance); } // *4 to retain more precision for the eventual normalization 
                        bestPoly = poly_idx;
                    projected_p_beyond_prev_segment = false;
                    p0 = p1;
                    p1 = p2;
            else if (ax_length > ab_length) // x is projected to beyond ab
                projected_p_beyond_prev_segment = true;
                p0 = p1;
                p1 = p2;
                projected_p_beyond_prev_segment = false;
                Point x = a + ab * ax_length / ab_length;
                int64_t dist2 = vSize2(x - from);
                if (dist2 < bestDist2)
                    bestDist2 = dist2;
                    if (distance == 0) { ret = x; }
                    else { ret = x + crossZ(normal(ab, distance)); }
                    bestPoly = poly_idx;
            p0 = p1;
            p1 = p2;
    if (bestDist2 < maxDist2)
        from = ret;
        return bestPoly;
    return NO_INDEX;