void Group::spawnThreadRealMain(const SpawnerPtr &spawner, const Options &options, unsigned int restartsInitiated) { TRACE_POINT(); this_thread::disable_interruption di; this_thread::disable_syscall_interruption dsi; PoolPtr pool = getPool(); Pool::DebugSupportPtr debug = pool->debugSupport; bool done = false; while (!done) { bool shouldFail = false; if (debug != NULL && debug->spawning) { UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); this_thread::restore_interruption ri(di); this_thread::restore_syscall_interruption rsi(dsi); this_thread::interruption_point(); string iteration; { LockGuard g(debug->syncher); debug->spawnLoopIteration++; iteration = toString(debug->spawnLoopIteration); } P_DEBUG("Begin spawn loop iteration " << iteration); debug->debugger->send("Begin spawn loop iteration " + iteration); vector<string> cases; cases.push_back("Proceed with spawn loop iteration " + iteration); cases.push_back("Fail spawn loop iteration " + iteration); MessagePtr message = debug->messages->recvAny(cases); shouldFail = message->name == "Fail spawn loop iteration " + iteration; } ProcessPtr process; ExceptionPtr exception; try { UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); this_thread::restore_interruption ri(di); this_thread::restore_syscall_interruption rsi(dsi); if (shouldFail) { SpawnException e("Simulated failure"); processAndLogNewSpawnException(e, options, pool->getResourceLocator(), *pool->randomGenerator); throw e; } else { process = spawner->spawn(options); process->setGroup(shared_from_this()); } } catch (const thread_interrupted &) { break; } catch (const tracable_exception &e) { exception = copyException(e); // Let other (unexpected) exceptions crash the program so // gdb can generate a backtrace. } UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); ScopeGuard guard(boost::bind(Process::forceTriggerShutdownAndCleanup, process)); boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> lock(pool->syncher); if (!isAlive()) { if (process != NULL) { P_DEBUG("Group is being shut down so dropping process " << process->inspect() << " which we just spawned and exiting spawn loop"); } else { P_DEBUG("The group is being shut down. A process failed " "to be spawned anyway, so ignoring this error and exiting " "spawn loop"); } // We stop immediately because any previously assumed invariants // may have been violated. break; } else if (restartsInitiated != this->restartsInitiated) { if (process != NULL) { P_DEBUG("A restart was issued for the group, so dropping process " << process->inspect() << " which we just spawned and exiting spawn loop"); } else { P_DEBUG("A restart was issued for the group. A process failed " "to be spawned anyway, so ignoring this error and exiting " "spawn loop"); } // We stop immediately because any previously assumed invariants // may have been violated. break; } verifyInvariants(); assert(m_spawning); assert(processesBeingSpawned > 0); processesBeingSpawned--; assert(processesBeingSpawned == 0); UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); vector<Callback> actions; if (process != NULL) { AttachResult result = attach(process, actions); if (result == AR_OK) { guard.clear(); if (getWaitlist.empty()) { pool->assignSessionsToGetWaiters(actions); } else { assignSessionsToGetWaiters(actions); } P_DEBUG("New process count = " << enabledCount << ", remaining get waiters = " << getWaitlist.size()); } else { done = true; P_DEBUG("Unable to attach spawned process " << process->inspect()); if (result == AR_ANOTHER_GROUP_IS_WAITING_FOR_CAPACITY) { pool->possiblySpawnMoreProcessesForExistingGroups(); } } } else { // TODO: sure this is the best thing? if there are // processes currently alive we should just use them. if (enabledCount == 0) { enableAllDisablingProcesses(actions); } Pool::assignExceptionToGetWaiters(getWaitlist, exception, actions); pool->assignSessionsToGetWaiters(actions); done = true; } done = done || (processLowerLimitsSatisfied() && getWaitlist.empty()) || processUpperLimitsReached() || pool->atFullCapacity(false); m_spawning = !done; if (done) { P_DEBUG("Spawn loop done"); } else { processesBeingSpawned++; P_DEBUG("Continue spawning"); } UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); pool->fullVerifyInvariants(); lock.unlock(); UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); runAllActions(actions); UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); } if (debug != NULL && debug->spawning) { debug->debugger->send("Spawn loop done"); } }
void SuperGroup::realDoInitialize(const Options &options, unsigned int generation) { vector<ComponentInfo> componentInfos; vector<ComponentInfo>::const_iterator it; ExceptionPtr exception; PoolPtr pool = getPool(); P_TRACE(2, "Initializing SuperGroup " << inspect() << " in the background..."); try { componentInfos = loadComponentInfos(options); } catch (const tracable_exception &e) { exception = copyException(e); } if (componentInfos.empty() && exception == NULL) { string message = "The directory " + options.appRoot + " does not seem to contain a web application."; boost::shared_ptr<SpawnException> spawnException = boost::make_shared<SpawnException>( message, message, false); exception = spawnException; processAndLogNewSpawnException(*spawnException, options, pool->getResourceLocator(), *pool->randomGenerator); } Pool::DebugSupportPtr debug = pool->debugSupport; vector<Callback> actions; { if (debug != NULL && debug->superGroup) { debug->debugger->send("About to finish SuperGroup initialization"); debug->messages->recv("Proceed with initializing SuperGroup"); } boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> lock(getPoolSyncher(pool)); this_thread::disable_interruption di; this_thread::disable_syscall_interruption dsi; NOT_EXPECTING_EXCEPTIONS(); if (OXT_UNLIKELY(getPool() == NULL || generation != this->generation)) { return; } P_TRACE(2, "Initialization of SuperGroup " << inspect() << " almost done; grabbed lock"); assert(state == INITIALIZING); verifyInvariants(); if (componentInfos.empty()) { /* Somehow initialization failed. Maybe something has deleted * the supergroup files while we're working. */ assert(exception != NULL); setState(DESTROYED); actions.reserve(getWaitlist.size()); while (!getWaitlist.empty()) { const GetWaiter &waiter = getWaitlist.front(); actions.push_back(boost::bind(waiter.callback, SessionPtr(), exception)); getWaitlist.pop_front(); } } else { for (it = componentInfos.begin(); it != componentInfos.end(); it++) { const ComponentInfo &info = *it; GroupPtr group = boost::make_shared<Group>(shared_from_this(), options, info); groups.push_back(group); if (info.isDefault) { defaultGroup = group.get(); } } setState(READY); assignGetWaitlistToGroups(actions); } verifyInvariants(); P_TRACE(2, "Done initializing SuperGroup " << inspect()); } this_thread::disable_interruption di; this_thread::disable_syscall_interruption dsi; runAllActions(actions); runInitializationHooks(); }