bool PragmaCommentHandler::HandleComment(Preprocessor &PP, SourceRange Range) {
  StringRef Text =
                           PP.getSourceManager(), PP.getLangOpts());
  size_t Pos = Text.find(IWYUPragma);
  if (Pos == StringRef::npos)
    return false;
  StringRef RemappingFilePath = Text.substr(Pos + std::strlen(IWYUPragma));
  return false;
 bool HandleComment(Preprocessor &PP, SourceRange Range) override {
   StringRef Text =
                            PP.getSourceManager(), PP.getLangOpts());
   if (!Text.consume_front(IWYUPragma))
     return false;
   // FIXME(ioeric): resolve the header and store actual file path. For now,
   // we simply assume the written header is suitable to be #included.
                        isLiteralInclude(Text) ? Text.str()
                                               : ("\"" + Text + "\"").str());
   return false;
/// Returns true if the statement is expanded from a configuration macro.
static bool isExpandedFromConfigurationMacro(const Stmt *S,
                                             Preprocessor &PP,
                                             bool IgnoreYES_NO = false) {
  // FIXME: This is not very precise.  Here we just check to see if the
  // value comes from a macro, but we can do much better.  This is likely
  // to be over conservative.  This logic is factored into a separate function
  // so that we can refine it later.
  SourceLocation L = S->getBeginLoc();
  if (L.isMacroID()) {
    SourceManager &SM = PP.getSourceManager();
    if (IgnoreYES_NO) {
      // The Objective-C constant 'YES' and 'NO'
      // are defined as macros.  Do not treat them
      // as configuration values.
      SourceLocation TopL = getTopMostMacro(L, SM);
      StringRef MacroName = PP.getImmediateMacroName(TopL);
      if (MacroName == "YES" || MacroName == "NO")
        return false;
    } else if (!PP.getLangOpts().CPlusPlus) {
      // Do not treat C 'false' and 'true' macros as configuration values.
      SourceLocation TopL = getTopMostMacro(L, SM);
      StringRef MacroName = PP.getImmediateMacroName(TopL);
      if (MacroName == "false" || MacroName == "true")
        return false;
    return true;
  return false;
/// Initializes an InclusionRewriter with a \p PP source and \p OS destination.
InclusionRewriter::InclusionRewriter(Preprocessor &PP, raw_ostream &OS,
                                     bool ShowLineMarkers,
                                     bool UseLineDirectives)
    : PP(PP), SM(PP.getSourceManager()), OS(OS), MainEOL("\n"),
      PredefinesBuffer(nullptr), ShowLineMarkers(ShowLineMarkers),
      LastInclusionLocation(SourceLocation()) {}
/// InclusionRewriterInInput - Implement -frewrite-includes mode.
void clang::RewriteIncludesInInput(Preprocessor &PP, raw_ostream *OS,
                                   const PreprocessorOutputOptions &Opts) {
  SourceManager &SM = PP.getSourceManager();
  InclusionRewriter *Rewrite = new InclusionRewriter(PP, *OS,

  // First let the preprocessor process the entire file and call callbacks.
  // Callbacks will record which #include's were actually performed.
  Token Tok;
  // Only preprocessor directives matter here, so disable macro expansion
  // everywhere else as an optimization.
  // TODO: It would be even faster if the preprocessor could be switched
  // to a mode where it would parse only preprocessor directives and comments,
  // nothing else matters for parsing or processing.
  do {
  } while (Tok.isNot(tok::eof));
  Rewrite->Process(PP.getPredefinesFileID(), SrcMgr::C_User);
  Rewrite->Process(SM.getMainFileID(), SrcMgr::C_User);
/// LexRawTokensFromMainFile - Lets all the raw tokens from the main file into
/// the specified vector.
static void LexRawTokensFromMainFile(Preprocessor &PP,
                                     std::vector<Token> &RawTokens) {
  SourceManager &SM = PP.getSourceManager();

  // Create a lexer to lex all the tokens of the main file in raw mode.  Even
  // though it is in raw mode, it will not return comments.
  const llvm::MemoryBuffer *FromFile = SM.getBuffer(SM.getMainFileID());
  Lexer RawLex(SM.getMainFileID(), FromFile, SM, PP.getLangOpts());

  // Switch on comment lexing because we really do want them.

  Token RawTok;
  do {

    // If we have an identifier with no identifier info for our raw token, look
    // up the indentifier info.  This is important for equality comparison of
    // identifier tokens.
    if (

  } while (RawTok.isNot(tok::eof));
void clang::CacheTokens(Preprocessor &PP, llvm::raw_fd_ostream* OS) {
  // Get the name of the main file.
  const SourceManager &SrcMgr = PP.getSourceManager();
  const FileEntry *MainFile = SrcMgr.getFileEntryForID(SrcMgr.getMainFileID());
  SmallString<128> MainFilePath(MainFile->getName());


  // Create the PTHWriter.
  PTHWriter PW(*OS, PP);

  // Install the 'stat' system call listener in the FileManager.
  StatListener *StatCache = new StatListener(PW.getPM());
  PP.getFileManager().addStatCache(StatCache, /*AtBeginning=*/true);

  // Lex through the entire file.  This will populate SourceManager with
  // all of the header information.
  Token Tok;
  do { PP.Lex(Tok); } while (Tok.isNot(tok::eof));

  // Generate the PTH file.
/// InitializePreprocessor - Initialize the preprocessor getting it and the
/// environment ready to process a single file. This returns true on error.
void clang::InitializePreprocessor(Preprocessor &PP,
                                   const PreprocessorOptions &InitOpts,
                                   const HeaderSearchOptions &HSOpts) {
  std::vector<char> PredefineBuffer;

  InitializeFileRemapping(PP.getDiagnostics(), PP.getSourceManager(),
                          PP.getFileManager(), InitOpts);

  const char *LineDirective = "# 1 \"<built-in>\" 3\n";
                         LineDirective, LineDirective+strlen(LineDirective));

  // Install things like __POWERPC__, __GNUC__, etc into the macro table.
  if (InitOpts.UsePredefines)
    InitializePredefinedMacros(PP.getTargetInfo(), PP.getLangOptions(),

  // Add on the predefines from the driver.  Wrap in a #line directive to report
  // that they come from the command line.
  LineDirective = "# 1 \"<command line>\" 1\n";
                         LineDirective, LineDirective+strlen(LineDirective));

  // Process #define's and #undef's in the order they are given.
  for (unsigned i = 0, e = InitOpts.Macros.size(); i != e; ++i) {
    if (InitOpts.Macros[i].second)  // isUndef
      UndefineBuiltinMacro(PredefineBuffer, InitOpts.Macros[i].first.c_str());
      DefineBuiltinMacro(PredefineBuffer, InitOpts.Macros[i].first.c_str(),

  // If -imacros are specified, include them now.  These are processed before
  // any -include directives.
  for (unsigned i = 0, e = InitOpts.MacroIncludes.size(); i != e; ++i)
    AddImplicitIncludeMacros(PredefineBuffer, InitOpts.MacroIncludes[i]);

  // Process -include directives.
  for (unsigned i = 0, e = InitOpts.Includes.size(); i != e; ++i) {
    const std::string &Path = InitOpts.Includes[i];
    if (Path == InitOpts.ImplicitPTHInclude)
      AddImplicitIncludePTH(PredefineBuffer, PP, Path);
      AddImplicitInclude(PredefineBuffer, Path);

  // Exit the command line and go back to <built-in> (2 is LC_LEAVE).
  LineDirective = "# 1 \"<built-in>\" 2\n";
                         LineDirective, LineDirective+strlen(LineDirective));

  // Null terminate PredefinedBuffer and add it.

  // Initialize the header search object.
  ApplyHeaderSearchOptions(PP.getHeaderSearchInfo(), HSOpts,
/// FindExpectedDiags - Lex the main source file to find all of the
//   expected errors and warnings.
static void FindExpectedDiags(Preprocessor &PP, ExpectedData &ED) {
  // Create a raw lexer to pull all the comments out of the main file.  We don't
  // want to look in #include'd headers for expected-error strings.
  SourceManager &SM = PP.getSourceManager();
  FileID FID = SM.getMainFileID();
  if (SM.getMainFileID().isInvalid())

  // Create a lexer to lex all the tokens of the main file in raw mode.
  const llvm::MemoryBuffer *FromFile = SM.getBuffer(FID);
  Lexer RawLex(FID, FromFile, SM, PP.getLangOptions());

  // Return comments as tokens, this is how we find expected diagnostics.

  Token Tok;
  while (Tok.isNot(tok::eof)) {
    if (! continue;

    std::string Comment = PP.getSpelling(Tok);
    if (Comment.empty()) continue;

    // Find all expected errors/warnings/notes.
    ParseDirective(&Comment[0], Comment.size(), ED, PP, Tok.getLocation());
/// Initializes an InclusionRewriter with a \p PP source and \p OS destination.
InclusionRewriter::InclusionRewriter(Preprocessor &PP, raw_ostream &OS,
                                     bool ShowLineMarkers)
    : PP(PP), SM(PP.getSourceManager()), OS(OS),
    LastInsertedFileChange(FileChanges.end()) {
  // If we're in microsoft mode, use normal #line instead of line markers.
  UseLineDirective = PP.getLangOpts().MicrosoftExt;
/// HandleComment - Hook into the preprocessor and extract comments containing
///  expected errors and warnings.
bool VerifyDiagnosticConsumer::HandleComment(Preprocessor &PP,
                                             SourceRange Comment) {
  SourceManager &SM = PP.getSourceManager();

  // If this comment is for a different source manager, ignore it.
  if (SrcManager && &SM != SrcManager)
    return false;

  SourceLocation CommentBegin = Comment.getBegin();

  const char *CommentRaw = SM.getCharacterData(CommentBegin);
  StringRef C(CommentRaw, SM.getCharacterData(Comment.getEnd()) - CommentRaw);

  if (C.empty())
    return false;

  // Fold any "\<EOL>" sequences
  size_t loc = C.find('\\');
  if (loc == StringRef::npos) {
    ParseDirective(C, &ED, SM, &PP, CommentBegin, Status, *Markers);
    return false;

  std::string C2;

  for (size_t last = 0;; loc = C.find('\\', last)) {
    if (loc == StringRef::npos || loc == C.size()) {
      C2 += C.substr(last);
    C2 += C.substr(last, loc-last);
    last = loc + 1;

    if (C[last] == '\n' || C[last] == '\r') {

      // Escape \r\n  or \n\r, but not \n\n.
      if (last < C.size())
        if (C[last] == '\n' || C[last] == '\r')
          if (C[last] != C[last-1])
    } else {
      // This was just a normal backslash.
      C2 += '\\';

  if (!C2.empty())
    ParseDirective(C2, &ED, SM, &PP, CommentBegin, Status, *Markers);
  return false;
/// InitializePreprocessor - Initialize the preprocessor getting it and the
/// environment ready to process a single file. This returns true on error.
void mlang::InitializePreprocessor(Preprocessor &PP,
                                   const PreprocessorOptions &InitOpts,
                                   const ImportSearchOptions &HSOpts,
                                   const FrontendOptions &FEOpts) {

	InitializeFileRemapping(PP.getDiagnostics(), PP.getSourceManager(),
                          PP.getFileManager(), InitOpts);

  // Initialize the import search object.
//  ApplyImportSearchOptions(PP.getImportSearchInfo(), HSOpts,
//                           PP.getLangOptions(),
//                           PP.getTargetInfo().getTriple());
static void emitPremigrationErrors(const CapturedDiagList &arcDiags,
                                   const DiagnosticOptions &diagOpts,
                                   Preprocessor &PP) {
  TextDiagnosticPrinter printer(llvm::errs(), diagOpts);
  IntrusiveRefCntPtr<DiagnosticIDs> DiagID(new DiagnosticIDs());
  IntrusiveRefCntPtr<DiagnosticsEngine> Diags(
      new DiagnosticsEngine(DiagID, &printer, /*ShouldOwnClient=*/false));
  printer.BeginSourceFile(PP.getLangOpts(), &PP);
/// HandleComment - Hook into the preprocessor and extract comments containing
///  expected errors and warnings.
bool VerifyDiagnosticConsumer::HandleComment(Preprocessor &PP,
                                             SourceRange Comment) {
  SourceManager &SM = PP.getSourceManager();
  SourceLocation CommentBegin = Comment.getBegin();

  const char *CommentRaw = SM.getCharacterData(CommentBegin);
  StringRef C(CommentRaw, SM.getCharacterData(Comment.getEnd()) - CommentRaw);

  if (C.empty())
    return false;

  // Fold any "\<EOL>" sequences
  size_t loc = C.find('\\');
  if (loc == StringRef::npos) {
    if (ParseDirective(C, ED, SM, CommentBegin, PP.getDiagnostics()))
      if (const FileEntry *E = SM.getFileEntryForID(SM.getFileID(CommentBegin)))
    return false;

  std::string C2;

  for (size_t last = 0;; loc = C.find('\\', last)) {
    if (loc == StringRef::npos || loc == C.size()) {
      C2 += C.substr(last);
    C2 += C.substr(last, loc-last);
    last = loc + 1;

    if (C[last] == '\n' || C[last] == '\r') {

      // Escape \r\n  or \n\r, but not \n\n.
      if (last < C.size())
        if (C[last] == '\n' || C[last] == '\r')
          if (C[last] != C[last-1])
    } else {
      // This was just a normal backslash.
      C2 += '\\';

  if (!C2.empty())
    if (ParseDirective(C2, ED, SM, CommentBegin, PP.getDiagnostics()))
      if (const FileEntry *E = SM.getFileEntryForID(SM.getFileID(CommentBegin)))
  return false;
/// FindExpectedDiags - Lex the main source file to find all of the
//   expected errors and warnings.
static void FindExpectedDiags(Preprocessor &PP,
                              DiagList &ExpectedErrors,
                              DiagList &ExpectedWarnings,
                              DiagList &ExpectedNotes) {
  // Create a raw lexer to pull all the comments out of the main file.  We don't
  // want to look in #include'd headers for expected-error strings.
  FileID FID = PP.getSourceManager().getMainFileID();
  // Create a lexer to lex all the tokens of the main file in raw mode.
  Lexer RawLex(FID, PP.getSourceManager(), PP.getLangOptions());
  // Return comments as tokens, this is how we find expected diagnostics.

  Token Tok;
  while (Tok.isNot(tok::eof)) {
    if (! continue;
    std::string Comment = PP.getSpelling(Tok);
    if (Comment.empty()) continue;

    // Find all expected errors.
    FindDiagnostics(&Comment[0], Comment.size(), ExpectedErrors, PP,
                    Tok.getLocation(), "expected-error");

    // Find all expected warnings.
    FindDiagnostics(&Comment[0], Comment.size(), ExpectedWarnings, PP,
                    Tok.getLocation(), "expected-warning");

    // Find all expected notes.
    FindDiagnostics(&Comment[0], Comment.size(), ExpectedNotes, PP,
                    Tok.getLocation(), "expected-note");
/// CheckResults - This compares the expected results to those that
/// were actually reported. It emits any discrepencies. Return "true" if there
/// were problems. Return "false" otherwise.
static bool CheckResults(Preprocessor &PP,
                         const DiagList &ExpectedErrors,
                         const DiagList &ExpectedWarnings,
                         const DiagList &ExpectedNotes) {
  const DiagnosticClient *DiagClient = PP.getDiagnostics().getClient();
  assert(DiagClient != 0 &&
      "DiagChecker requires a valid TextDiagnosticBuffer");
  const TextDiagnosticBuffer &Diags =
    static_cast<const TextDiagnosticBuffer&>(*DiagClient);
  SourceManager &SourceMgr = PP.getSourceManager();

  // We want to capture the delta between what was expected and what was
  // seen.
  //   Expected \ Seen - set expected but not seen
  //   Seen \ Expected - set seen but not expected
  bool HadProblem = false;

  // See if there are error mismatches.
  HadProblem |= CompareDiagLists(SourceMgr,
                                 ExpectedErrors.begin(), ExpectedErrors.end(),
                                 Diags.err_begin(), Diags.err_end(),
                                 "Errors expected but not seen:",
                                 "Errors seen but not expected:");

  // See if there are warning mismatches.
  HadProblem |= CompareDiagLists(SourceMgr,
                                 Diags.warn_begin(), Diags.warn_end(),
                                 "Warnings expected but not seen:",
                                 "Warnings seen but not expected:");

  // See if there are note mismatches.
  HadProblem |= CompareDiagLists(SourceMgr,
                                 Diags.note_begin(), Diags.note_end(),
                                 "Notes expected but not seen:",
                                 "Notes seen but not expected:");

  return HadProblem;
/// GetFirstChar - Get the first character of the token \arg Tok,
/// avoiding calls to getSpelling where possible.
static char GetFirstChar(Preprocessor &PP, const Token &Tok) {
  if (IdentifierInfo *II = Tok.getIdentifierInfo()) {
    // Avoid spelling identifiers, the most common form of token.
    return II->getName()[0];
  } else if (!Tok.needsCleaning()) {
    if (Tok.isLiteral() && Tok.getLiteralData()) {
      return *Tok.getLiteralData();
    } else {
      SourceManager &SM = PP.getSourceManager();
      return *SM.getCharacterData(SM.getSpellingLoc(Tok.getLocation()));
  } else if (Tok.getLength() < 256) {
    char Buffer[256];
    const char *TokPtr = Buffer;
    PP.getSpelling(Tok, TokPtr);
    return TokPtr[0];
  } else {
    return PP.getSpelling(Tok)[0];
void clang::DoRewriteTest(Preprocessor &PP, raw_ostream* OS) {
  SourceManager &SM = PP.getSourceManager();
  const LangOptions &LangOpts = PP.getLangOptions();

  TokenRewriter Rewriter(SM.getMainFileID(), SM, LangOpts);

  // Throw <i> </i> tags around comments.
  for (TokenRewriter::token_iterator I = Rewriter.token_begin(),
       E = Rewriter.token_end(); I != E; ++I) {
    if (I->isNot(tok::comment)) continue;

    Rewriter.AddTokenBefore(I, "<i>");
    Rewriter.AddTokenAfter(I, "</i>");

  // Print out the output.
  for (TokenRewriter::token_iterator I = Rewriter.token_begin(),
       E = Rewriter.token_end(); I != E; ++I)
    *OS << PP.getSpelling(*I);
    bool HandleComment(Preprocessor &PP, SourceRange Range) override {
        StringRef Text =
                                 PP.getSourceManager(), PP.getLangOpts());

        SmallVector<StringRef, 4> Matches;
        if (!TodoMatch.match(Text, &Matches))
            return false;

        StringRef Username = Matches[1];
        StringRef Comment = Matches[3];

        if (!Username.empty())
            return false;

        std::string NewText = ("// TODO(" + Twine(User) + "): " + Comment).str();

        Check.diag(Range.getBegin(), "missing username/bug in TODO")
                << FixItHint::CreateReplacement(CharSourceRange::getCharRange(Range),
        return false;
/// Finish - This does final analysis of the declspec, rejecting things like
/// "_Imaginary" (lacking an FP type).  This returns a diagnostic to issue or
/// diag::NUM_DIAGNOSTICS if there is no error.  After calling this method,
/// DeclSpec is guaranteed self-consistent, even if an error occurred.
void DeclSpec::Finish(Diagnostic &D, Preprocessor &PP) {
  // Check the type specifier components first.
  SourceManager &SrcMgr = PP.getSourceManager();

  // signed/unsigned are only valid with int/char/wchar_t.
  if (TypeSpecSign != TSS_unspecified) {
    if (TypeSpecType == TST_unspecified)
      TypeSpecType = TST_int; // unsigned -> unsigned int, signed -> signed int.
    else if (TypeSpecType != TST_int  &&
             TypeSpecType != TST_char && TypeSpecType != TST_wchar) {
      Diag(D, TSSLoc, SrcMgr, diag::err_invalid_sign_spec)
        << getSpecifierName((TST)TypeSpecType);
      // signed double -> double.
      TypeSpecSign = TSS_unspecified;

  // Validate the width of the type.
  switch (TypeSpecWidth) {
  case TSW_unspecified: break;
  case TSW_short:    // short int
  case TSW_longlong: // long long int
    if (TypeSpecType == TST_unspecified)
      TypeSpecType = TST_int; // short -> short int, long long -> long long int.
    else if (TypeSpecType != TST_int) {
      Diag(D, TSWLoc, SrcMgr,
           TypeSpecWidth == TSW_short ? diag::err_invalid_short_spec
                                      : diag::err_invalid_longlong_spec)
        <<  getSpecifierName((TST)TypeSpecType);
      TypeSpecType = TST_int;
  case TSW_long:  // long double, long int
    if (TypeSpecType == TST_unspecified)
      TypeSpecType = TST_int;  // long -> long int.
    else if (TypeSpecType != TST_int && TypeSpecType != TST_double) {
      Diag(D, TSWLoc, SrcMgr, diag::err_invalid_long_spec)
        << getSpecifierName((TST)TypeSpecType);
      TypeSpecType = TST_int;

  // TODO: if the implementation does not implement _Complex or _Imaginary,
  // disallow their use.  Need information about the backend.
  if (TypeSpecComplex != TSC_unspecified) {
    if (TypeSpecType == TST_unspecified) {
      Diag(D, TSCLoc, SrcMgr, diag::ext_plain_complex)
        << CodeModificationHint::CreateInsertion(
                                                 " double");
      TypeSpecType = TST_double;   // _Complex -> _Complex double.
    } else if (TypeSpecType == TST_int || TypeSpecType == TST_char) {
      // Note that this intentionally doesn't include _Complex _Bool.
      Diag(D, TSTLoc, SrcMgr, diag::ext_integer_complex);
    } else if (TypeSpecType != TST_float && TypeSpecType != TST_double) {
      Diag(D, TSCLoc, SrcMgr, diag::err_invalid_complex_spec)
        << getSpecifierName((TST)TypeSpecType);
      TypeSpecComplex = TSC_unspecified;

  // C++ [class.friend]p6:
  //   No storage-class-specifier shall appear in the decl-specifier-seq
  //   of a friend declaration.
  if (isFriendSpecified() && getStorageClassSpec()) {
    DeclSpec::SCS SC = getStorageClassSpec();
    const char *SpecName = getSpecifierName(SC);

    SourceLocation SCLoc = getStorageClassSpecLoc();
    SourceLocation SCEndLoc = SCLoc.getFileLocWithOffset(strlen(SpecName));

    Diag(D, SCLoc, SrcMgr, diag::err_friend_storage_spec)
      << SpecName
      << CodeModificationHint::CreateRemoval(SourceRange(SCLoc, SCEndLoc));


  // Okay, now we can infer the real type.

  // TODO: return "auto function" and other bad things based on the real type.

  // 'data definition has no type or storage class'?
/// RewriteMacrosInInput - Implement -rewrite-macros mode.
void clang::RewriteMacrosInInput(Preprocessor &PP, raw_ostream *OS) {
  SourceManager &SM = PP.getSourceManager();

  Rewriter Rewrite;
  Rewrite.setSourceMgr(SM, PP.getLangOpts());
  RewriteBuffer &RB = Rewrite.getEditBuffer(SM.getMainFileID());

  std::vector<Token> RawTokens;
  LexRawTokensFromMainFile(PP, RawTokens);
  unsigned CurRawTok = 0;
  Token RawTok = GetNextRawTok(RawTokens, CurRawTok, false);

  // Get the first preprocessing token.
  Token PPTok;

  // Preprocess the input file in parallel with raw lexing the main file. Ignore
  // all tokens that are preprocessed from a file other than the main file (e.g.
  // a header).  If we see tokens that are in the preprocessed file but not the
  // lexed file, we have a macro expansion.  If we see tokens in the lexed file
  // that aren't in the preprocessed view, we have macros that expand to no
  // tokens, or macro arguments etc.
  while (RawTok.isNot(tok::eof) || PPTok.isNot(tok::eof)) {
    SourceLocation PPLoc = SM.getExpansionLoc(PPTok.getLocation());

    // If PPTok is from a different source file, ignore it.
    if (!SM.isFromMainFile(PPLoc)) {

    // If the raw file hits a preprocessor directive, they will be extra tokens
    // in the raw file that don't exist in the preprocsesed file.  However, we
    // choose to preserve them in the output file and otherwise handle them
    // specially.
    if ( && RawTok.isAtStartOfLine()) {
      // If this is a #warning directive or #pragma mark (GNU extensions),
      // comment the line out.
      if (RawTokens[CurRawTok].is(tok::identifier)) {
        const IdentifierInfo *II = RawTokens[CurRawTok].getIdentifierInfo();
        if (II->getName() == "warning") {
          // Comment out #warning.
          RB.InsertTextAfter(SM.getFileOffset(RawTok.getLocation()), "//");
        } else if (II->getName() == "pragma" &&
                   RawTokens[CurRawTok+1].is(tok::identifier) &&
                   (RawTokens[CurRawTok+1].getIdentifierInfo()->getName() ==
                    "mark")) {
          // Comment out #pragma mark.
          RB.InsertTextAfter(SM.getFileOffset(RawTok.getLocation()), "//");

      // Otherwise, if this is a #include or some other directive, just leave it
      // in the file by skipping over the line.
      RawTok = GetNextRawTok(RawTokens, CurRawTok, false);
      while (!RawTok.isAtStartOfLine() && RawTok.isNot(tok::eof))
        RawTok = GetNextRawTok(RawTokens, CurRawTok, false);

    // Okay, both tokens are from the same file.  Get their offsets from the
    // start of the file.
    unsigned PPOffs = SM.getFileOffset(PPLoc);
    unsigned RawOffs = SM.getFileOffset(RawTok.getLocation());

    // If the offsets are the same and the token kind is the same, ignore them.
    if (PPOffs == RawOffs && isSameToken(RawTok, PPTok)) {
      RawTok = GetNextRawTok(RawTokens, CurRawTok, false);

    // If the PP token is farther along than the raw token, something was
    // deleted.  Comment out the raw token.
    if (RawOffs <= PPOffs) {
      // Comment out a whole run of tokens instead of bracketing each one with
      // comments.  Add a leading space if RawTok didn't have one.
      bool HasSpace = RawTok.hasLeadingSpace();
      RB.InsertTextAfter(RawOffs, &" /*"[HasSpace]);
      unsigned EndPos;

      do {
        EndPos = RawOffs+RawTok.getLength();

        RawTok = GetNextRawTok(RawTokens, CurRawTok, true);
        RawOffs = SM.getFileOffset(RawTok.getLocation());

        if ( {
          // Skip past the comment.
          RawTok = GetNextRawTok(RawTokens, CurRawTok, false);

      } while (RawOffs <= PPOffs && !RawTok.isAtStartOfLine() &&
               (PPOffs != RawOffs || !isSameToken(RawTok, PPTok)));

      RB.InsertTextBefore(EndPos, "*/");

    // Otherwise, there was a replacement an expansion.  Insert the new token
    // in the output buffer.  Insert the whole run of new tokens at once to get
    // them in the right order.
    unsigned InsertPos = PPOffs;
    std::string Expansion;
    while (PPOffs < RawOffs) {
      Expansion += ' ' + PP.getSpelling(PPTok);
      PPLoc = SM.getExpansionLoc(PPTok.getLocation());
      PPOffs = SM.getFileOffset(PPLoc);
    Expansion += ' ';
    RB.InsertTextBefore(InsertPos, Expansion);

  // Get the buffer corresponding to MainFileID.  If we haven't changed it, then
  // we are done.
  if (const RewriteBuffer *RewriteBuf =
      Rewrite.getRewriteBufferFor(SM.getMainFileID())) {
    *OS << std::string(RewriteBuf->begin(), RewriteBuf->end());
  } else {
    fprintf(stderr, "No changes\n");
/// HighlightMacros - This uses the macro table state from the end of the
/// file, to re-expand macros and insert (into the HTML) information about the
/// macro expansions.  This won't be perfectly perfect, but it will be
/// reasonably close.
void html::HighlightMacros(Rewriter &R, FileID FID, Preprocessor& PP) {
  // Re-lex the raw token stream into a token buffer.
  const SourceManager &SM = PP.getSourceManager();
  std::vector<Token> TokenStream;
  Lexer L(FID, SM, PP.getLangOptions());
  // Lex all the tokens in raw mode, to avoid entering #includes or expanding
  // macros.
  while (1) {
    Token Tok;
    // If this is a # at the start of a line, discard it from the token stream.
    // We don't want the re-preprocess step to see #defines, #includes or other
    // preprocessor directives.
    if ( && Tok.isAtStartOfLine())

    // If this is a ## token, change its kind to unknown so that repreprocessing
    // it will not produce an error.
    if (
    // If this raw token is an identifier, the raw lexer won't have looked up
    // the corresponding identifier info for it.  Do this now so that it will be
    // macro expanded when we re-preprocess it.
    if ( {
      // Change the kind of this identifier to the appropriate token kind, e.g.
      // turning "for" into a keyword.
    if ( break;
  // Temporarily change the diagnostics object so that we ignore any generated
  // diagnostics from this pass.
  IgnoringDiagClient TmpDC;
  Diagnostic TmpDiags(&TmpDC);
  Diagnostic *OldDiags = &PP.getDiagnostics();
  // Inform the preprocessor that we don't want comments.
  PP.SetCommentRetentionState(false, false);

  // Enter the tokens we just lexed.  This will cause them to be macro expanded
  // but won't enter sub-files (because we removed #'s).
  PP.EnterTokenStream(&TokenStream[0], TokenStream.size(), false, false);
  TokenConcatenation ConcatInfo(PP);
  // Lex all the tokens.
  Token Tok;
  while (Tok.isNot(tok::eof)) {
    // Ignore non-macro tokens.
    if (!Tok.getLocation().isMacroID()) {
    // Okay, we have the first token of a macro expansion: highlight the
    // instantiation by inserting a start tag before the macro instantiation and
    // end tag after it.
    std::pair<SourceLocation, SourceLocation> LLoc =
    // Ignore tokens whose instantiation location was not the main file.
    if (SM.getFileID(LLoc.first) != FID) {

    assert(SM.getFileID(LLoc.second) == FID &&
           "Start and end of expansion must be in the same ultimate file!");

    std::string Expansion = PP.getSpelling(Tok);
    unsigned LineLen = Expansion.size();
    Token PrevTok = Tok;
    // Okay, eat this token, getting the next one.
    // Skip all the rest of the tokens that are part of this macro
    // instantiation.  It would be really nice to pop up a window with all the
    // spelling of the tokens or something.
    while (! &&
           SM.getInstantiationLoc(Tok.getLocation()) == LLoc.first) {
      // Insert a newline if the macro expansion is getting large.
      if (LineLen > 60) {
        Expansion += "<br>";
        LineLen = 0;
      LineLen -= Expansion.size();
      // If the tokens were already space separated, or if they must be to avoid
      // them being implicitly pasted, add a space between them.
      if (Tok.hasLeadingSpace() ||
          ConcatInfo.AvoidConcat(PrevTok, Tok))
        Expansion += ' ';
      // Escape any special characters in the token text.
      Expansion += EscapeText(PP.getSpelling(Tok));
      LineLen += Expansion.size();
      PrevTok = Tok;

    // Insert the expansion as the end tag, so that multi-line macros all get
    // highlighted.
    Expansion = "<span class='expansion'>" + Expansion + "</span></span>";

    HighlightRange(R, LLoc.first, LLoc.second,
                   "<span class='macro'>", Expansion.c_str());

  // Restore diagnostics object back to its own thing.
/// HighlightMacros - This uses the macro table state from the end of the
/// file, to re-expand macros and insert (into the HTML) information about the
/// macro expansions.  This won't be perfectly perfect, but it will be
/// reasonably close.
void html::HighlightMacros(Rewriter &R, FileID FID, const Preprocessor& PP) {
  // Re-lex the raw token stream into a token buffer.
  const SourceManager &SM = PP.getSourceManager();
  std::vector<Token> TokenStream;

  const llvm::MemoryBuffer *FromFile = SM.getBuffer(FID);
  Lexer L(FID, FromFile, SM, PP.getLangOpts());

  // Lex all the tokens in raw mode, to avoid entering #includes or expanding
  // macros.
  while (1) {
    Token Tok;

    // If this is a # at the start of a line, discard it from the token stream.
    // We don't want the re-preprocess step to see #defines, #includes or other
    // preprocessor directives.
    if ( && Tok.isAtStartOfLine())

    // If this is a ## token, change its kind to unknown so that repreprocessing
    // it will not produce an error.
    if (

    // If this raw token is an identifier, the raw lexer won't have looked up
    // the corresponding identifier info for it.  Do this now so that it will be
    // macro expanded when we re-preprocess it.
    if (


    if ( break;

  // Temporarily change the diagnostics object so that we ignore any generated
  // diagnostics from this pass.
  DiagnosticsEngine TmpDiags(PP.getDiagnostics().getDiagnosticIDs(),
                      new IgnoringDiagConsumer);

  // FIXME: This is a huge hack; we reuse the input preprocessor because we want
  // its state, but we aren't actually changing it (we hope). This should really
  // construct a copy of the preprocessor.
  Preprocessor &TmpPP = const_cast<Preprocessor&>(PP);
  DiagnosticsEngine *OldDiags = &TmpPP.getDiagnostics();

  // Inform the preprocessor that we don't want comments.
  TmpPP.SetCommentRetentionState(false, false);

  // We don't want pragmas either. Although we filtered out #pragma, removing
  // _Pragma and __pragma is much harder.
  bool PragmasPreviouslyEnabled = TmpPP.getPragmasEnabled();

  // Enter the tokens we just lexed.  This will cause them to be macro expanded
  // but won't enter sub-files (because we removed #'s).
  TmpPP.EnterTokenStream(TokenStream, false);

  TokenConcatenation ConcatInfo(TmpPP);

  // Lex all the tokens.
  Token Tok;
  while (Tok.isNot(tok::eof)) {
    // Ignore non-macro tokens.
    if (!Tok.getLocation().isMacroID()) {

    // Okay, we have the first token of a macro expansion: highlight the
    // expansion by inserting a start tag before the macro expansion and
    // end tag after it.
    std::pair<SourceLocation, SourceLocation> LLoc =

    // Ignore tokens whose instantiation location was not the main file.
    if (SM.getFileID(LLoc.first) != FID) {

    assert(SM.getFileID(LLoc.second) == FID &&
           "Start and end of expansion must be in the same ultimate file!");

    std::string Expansion = EscapeText(TmpPP.getSpelling(Tok));
    unsigned LineLen = Expansion.size();

    Token PrevPrevTok;
    Token PrevTok = Tok;
    // Okay, eat this token, getting the next one.

    // Skip all the rest of the tokens that are part of this macro
    // instantiation.  It would be really nice to pop up a window with all the
    // spelling of the tokens or something.
    while (! &&
           SM.getExpansionLoc(Tok.getLocation()) == LLoc.first) {
      // Insert a newline if the macro expansion is getting large.
      if (LineLen > 60) {
        Expansion += "<br>";
        LineLen = 0;

      LineLen -= Expansion.size();

      // If the tokens were already space separated, or if they must be to avoid
      // them being implicitly pasted, add a space between them.
      if (Tok.hasLeadingSpace() ||
          ConcatInfo.AvoidConcat(PrevPrevTok, PrevTok, Tok))
        Expansion += ' ';

      // Escape any special characters in the token text.
      Expansion += EscapeText(TmpPP.getSpelling(Tok));
      LineLen += Expansion.size();

      PrevPrevTok = PrevTok;
      PrevTok = Tok;

    // Insert the expansion as the end tag, so that multi-line macros all get
    // highlighted.
    Expansion = "<span class='expansion'>" + Expansion + "</span></span>";

    HighlightRange(R, LLoc.first, LLoc.second,
                   "<span class='macro'>", Expansion.c_str());

  // Restore the preprocessor's old state.
void DependencyCollector::attachToPreprocessor(Preprocessor &PP) {
      llvm::make_unique<DepCollectorPPCallbacks>(*this, PP.getSourceManager()));
/// Finish - This does final analysis of the declspec, rejecting things like
/// "_Imaginary" (lacking an FP type).  This returns a diagnostic to issue or
/// diag::NUM_DIAGNOSTICS if there is no error.  After calling this method,
/// DeclSpec is guaranteed self-consistent, even if an error occurred.
void DeclSpec::Finish(Diagnostic &D, Preprocessor &PP) {
  // Before possibly changing their values, save specs as written.

  // Check the type specifier components first.
  SourceManager &SrcMgr = PP.getSourceManager();

  // Validate and finalize AltiVec vector declspec.
  if (TypeAltiVecVector) {
    if (TypeAltiVecBool) {
      // Sign specifiers are not allowed with vector bool. (PIM 2.1)
      if (TypeSpecSign != TSS_unspecified) {
        Diag(D, TSSLoc, SrcMgr, diag::err_invalid_vector_bool_decl_spec)
          << getSpecifierName((TSS)TypeSpecSign);

      // Only char/int are valid with vector bool. (PIM 2.1)
      if (((TypeSpecType != TST_unspecified) && (TypeSpecType != TST_char) &&
           (TypeSpecType != TST_int)) || TypeAltiVecPixel) {
        Diag(D, TSTLoc, SrcMgr, diag::err_invalid_vector_bool_decl_spec)
          << (TypeAltiVecPixel ? "__pixel" :

      // Only 'short' is valid with vector bool. (PIM 2.1)
      if ((TypeSpecWidth != TSW_unspecified) && (TypeSpecWidth != TSW_short))
        Diag(D, TSWLoc, SrcMgr, diag::err_invalid_vector_bool_decl_spec)
          << getSpecifierName((TSW)TypeSpecWidth);

      // Elements of vector bool are interpreted as unsigned. (PIM 2.1)
      if ((TypeSpecType == TST_char) || (TypeSpecType == TST_int) ||
          (TypeSpecWidth != TSW_unspecified))
        TypeSpecSign = TSS_unsigned;

    if (TypeAltiVecPixel) {
      //TODO: perform validation
      TypeSpecType = TST_int;
      TypeSpecSign = TSS_unsigned;
      TypeSpecWidth = TSW_short;
      TypeSpecOwned = false;

  // signed/unsigned are only valid with int/char/wchar_t.
  if (TypeSpecSign != TSS_unspecified) {
    if (TypeSpecType == TST_unspecified)
      TypeSpecType = TST_int; // unsigned -> unsigned int, signed -> signed int.
    else if (TypeSpecType != TST_int  &&
             TypeSpecType != TST_char && TypeSpecType != TST_wchar) {
      Diag(D, TSSLoc, SrcMgr, diag::err_invalid_sign_spec)
        << getSpecifierName((TST)TypeSpecType);
      // signed double -> double.
      TypeSpecSign = TSS_unspecified;

  // Validate the width of the type.
  switch (TypeSpecWidth) {
  case TSW_unspecified: break;
  case TSW_short:    // short int
  case TSW_longlong: // long long int
    if (TypeSpecType == TST_unspecified)
      TypeSpecType = TST_int; // short -> short int, long long -> long long int.
    else if (TypeSpecType != TST_int) {
      Diag(D, TSWLoc, SrcMgr,
           TypeSpecWidth == TSW_short ? diag::err_invalid_short_spec
                                      : diag::err_invalid_longlong_spec)
        <<  getSpecifierName((TST)TypeSpecType);
      TypeSpecType = TST_int;
      TypeSpecOwned = false;
  case TSW_long:  // long double, long int
    if (TypeSpecType == TST_unspecified)
      TypeSpecType = TST_int;  // long -> long int.
    else if (TypeSpecType != TST_int && TypeSpecType != TST_double) {
      Diag(D, TSWLoc, SrcMgr, diag::err_invalid_long_spec)
        << getSpecifierName((TST)TypeSpecType);
      TypeSpecType = TST_int;
      TypeSpecOwned = false;

  // TODO: if the implementation does not implement _Complex or _Imaginary,
  // disallow their use.  Need information about the backend.
  if (TypeSpecComplex != TSC_unspecified) {
    if (TypeSpecType == TST_unspecified) {
      Diag(D, TSCLoc, SrcMgr, diag::ext_plain_complex)
        << FixItHint::CreateInsertion(
                                                 " double");
      TypeSpecType = TST_double;   // _Complex -> _Complex double.
    } else if (TypeSpecType == TST_int || TypeSpecType == TST_char) {
      // Note that this intentionally doesn't include _Complex _Bool.
      Diag(D, TSTLoc, SrcMgr, diag::ext_integer_complex);
    } else if (TypeSpecType != TST_float && TypeSpecType != TST_double) {
      Diag(D, TSCLoc, SrcMgr, diag::err_invalid_complex_spec)
        << getSpecifierName((TST)TypeSpecType);
      TypeSpecComplex = TSC_unspecified;

  // C++ [class.friend]p6:
  //   No storage-class-specifier shall appear in the decl-specifier-seq
  //   of a friend declaration.
  if (isFriendSpecified() && getStorageClassSpec()) {
    DeclSpec::SCS SC = getStorageClassSpec();
    const char *SpecName = getSpecifierName(SC);

    SourceLocation SCLoc = getStorageClassSpecLoc();
    SourceLocation SCEndLoc = SCLoc.getFileLocWithOffset(strlen(SpecName));

    Diag(D, SCLoc, SrcMgr, diag::err_friend_storage_spec)
      << SpecName
      << FixItHint::CreateRemoval(SourceRange(SCLoc, SCEndLoc));


  assert(!TypeSpecOwned || isDeclRep((TST) TypeSpecType));

  // Okay, now we can infer the real type.

  // TODO: return "auto function" and other bad things based on the real type.

  // 'data definition has no type or storage class'?
void DependencyCollector::attachToPreprocessor(Preprocessor &PP) {
  PP.addPPCallbacks(new DepCollectorPPCallbacks(*this, PP.getSourceManager()));
/// InitializePreprocessor - Initialize the preprocessor getting it and the
/// environment ready to process a single file. This returns true on error.
void clang::InitializePreprocessor(Preprocessor &PP,
                                   const PreprocessorOptions &InitOpts,
                                   const HeaderSearchOptions &HSOpts,
                                   const FrontendOptions &FEOpts) {
  const LangOptions &LangOpts = PP.getLangOpts();
  std::string PredefineBuffer;
  llvm::raw_string_ostream Predefines(PredefineBuffer);
  MacroBuilder Builder(Predefines);

  InitializeFileRemapping(PP.getDiagnostics(), PP.getSourceManager(),
                          PP.getFileManager(), InitOpts);

  // Emit line markers for various builtin sections of the file.  We don't do
  // this in asm preprocessor mode, because "# 4" is not a line marker directive
  // in this mode.
  if (!PP.getLangOpts().AsmPreprocessor)
    Builder.append("# 1 \"<built-in>\" 3");

  // Install things like __POWERPC__, __GNUC__, etc into the macro table.
  if (InitOpts.UsePredefines) {
    InitializePredefinedMacros(PP.getTargetInfo(), LangOpts, FEOpts, Builder);

    // Install definitions to make Objective-C++ ARC work well with various
    // C++ Standard Library implementations.
    if (LangOpts.ObjC1 && LangOpts.CPlusPlus && LangOpts.ObjCAutoRefCount) {
      switch (InitOpts.ObjCXXARCStandardLibrary) {
      case ARCXX_nolib:
        case ARCXX_libcxx:

      case ARCXX_libstdcxx:
        AddObjCXXARCLibstdcxxDefines(LangOpts, Builder);
  // Even with predefines off, some macros are still predefined.
  // These should all be defined in the preprocessor according to the
  // current language configuration.
  InitializeStandardPredefinedMacros(PP.getTargetInfo(), PP.getLangOpts(),
                                     FEOpts, Builder);

  // Add on the predefines from the driver.  Wrap in a #line directive to report
  // that they come from the command line.
  if (!PP.getLangOpts().AsmPreprocessor)
    Builder.append("# 1 \"<command line>\" 1");

  // Process #define's and #undef's in the order they are given.
  for (unsigned i = 0, e = InitOpts.Macros.size(); i != e; ++i) {
    if (InitOpts.Macros[i].second)  // isUndef
      DefineBuiltinMacro(Builder, InitOpts.Macros[i].first,

  // If -imacros are specified, include them now.  These are processed before
  // any -include directives.
  for (unsigned i = 0, e = InitOpts.MacroIncludes.size(); i != e; ++i)
    AddImplicitIncludeMacros(Builder, InitOpts.MacroIncludes[i],

  // Process -include-pch/-include-pth directives.
  if (!InitOpts.ImplicitPCHInclude.empty())
    AddImplicitIncludePCH(Builder, PP, InitOpts.ImplicitPCHInclude);
  if (!InitOpts.ImplicitPTHInclude.empty())
    AddImplicitIncludePTH(Builder, PP, InitOpts.ImplicitPTHInclude);

  // Process -include directives.
  for (unsigned i = 0, e = InitOpts.Includes.size(); i != e; ++i) {
    const std::string &Path = InitOpts.Includes[i];
    AddImplicitInclude(Builder, Path, PP.getFileManager());

  // Exit the command line and go back to <built-in> (2 is LC_LEAVE).
  if (!PP.getLangOpts().AsmPreprocessor)
    Builder.append("# 1 \"<built-in>\" 2");

  // Instruct the preprocessor to skip the preamble.
  // Copy PredefinedBuffer into the Preprocessor.
  // Initialize the header search object.
  ApplyHeaderSearchOptions(PP.getHeaderSearchInfo(), HSOpts,
void DependencyCollector::attachToPreprocessor(Preprocessor &PP) {
      llvm::make_unique<DepCollectorPPCallbacks>(*this, PP.getSourceManager()));
/// Finish - This does final analysis of the declspec, rejecting things like
/// "_Imaginary" (lacking an FP type).  This returns a diagnostic to issue or
/// diag::NUM_DIAGNOSTICS if there is no error.  After calling this method,
/// DeclSpec is guaranteed self-consistent, even if an error occurred.
void DeclSpec::Finish(DiagnosticsEngine &D, Preprocessor &PP, const PrintingPolicy &Policy) {
  // Before possibly changing their values, save specs as written.

  // Check the type specifier components first.

  // If decltype(auto) is used, no other type specifiers are permitted.
  if (TypeSpecType == TST_decltype_auto &&
      (TypeSpecWidth != TSW_unspecified ||
       TypeSpecComplex != TSC_unspecified ||
       TypeSpecSign != TSS_unspecified ||
       TypeAltiVecVector || TypeAltiVecPixel || TypeAltiVecBool ||
       TypeQualifiers)) {
    const unsigned NumLocs = 8;
    SourceLocation ExtraLocs[NumLocs] = {
      TSWLoc, TSCLoc, TSSLoc, AltiVecLoc,
      TQ_constLoc, TQ_restrictLoc, TQ_volatileLoc, TQ_atomicLoc
    FixItHint Hints[NumLocs];
    SourceLocation FirstLoc;
    for (unsigned I = 0; I != NumLocs; ++I) {
      if (!ExtraLocs[I].isInvalid()) {
        if (FirstLoc.isInvalid() ||
          FirstLoc = ExtraLocs[I];
        Hints[I] = FixItHint::CreateRemoval(ExtraLocs[I]);
    TypeSpecWidth = TSW_unspecified;
    TypeSpecComplex = TSC_unspecified;
    TypeSpecSign = TSS_unspecified;
    TypeAltiVecVector = TypeAltiVecPixel = TypeAltiVecBool = false;
    TypeQualifiers = 0;
    Diag(D, TSTLoc, diag::err_decltype_auto_cannot_be_combined)
      << Hints[0] << Hints[1] << Hints[2] << Hints[3]
      << Hints[4] << Hints[5] << Hints[6] << Hints[7];

  // Validate and finalize AltiVec vector declspec.
  if (TypeAltiVecVector) {
    if (TypeAltiVecBool) {
      // Sign specifiers are not allowed with vector bool. (PIM 2.1)
      if (TypeSpecSign != TSS_unspecified) {
        Diag(D, TSSLoc, diag::err_invalid_vector_bool_decl_spec)
          << getSpecifierName((TSS)TypeSpecSign);

      // Only char/int are valid with vector bool. (PIM 2.1)
      if (((TypeSpecType != TST_unspecified) && (TypeSpecType != TST_char) &&
           (TypeSpecType != TST_int)) || TypeAltiVecPixel) {
        Diag(D, TSTLoc, diag::err_invalid_vector_bool_decl_spec)
          << (TypeAltiVecPixel ? "__pixel" :
                                 getSpecifierName((TST)TypeSpecType, Policy));

      // Only 'short' and 'long long' are valid with vector bool. (PIM 2.1)
      if ((TypeSpecWidth != TSW_unspecified) && (TypeSpecWidth != TSW_short) &&
          (TypeSpecWidth != TSW_longlong))
        Diag(D, TSWLoc, diag::err_invalid_vector_bool_decl_spec)
          << getSpecifierName((TSW)TypeSpecWidth);

      // vector bool long long requires VSX support.
      if ((TypeSpecWidth == TSW_longlong) &&
          (!PP.getTargetInfo().hasFeature("vsx")) &&
        Diag(D, TSTLoc, diag::err_invalid_vector_long_long_decl_spec);

      // Elements of vector bool are interpreted as unsigned. (PIM 2.1)
      if ((TypeSpecType == TST_char) || (TypeSpecType == TST_int) ||
          (TypeSpecWidth != TSW_unspecified))
        TypeSpecSign = TSS_unsigned;
    } else if (TypeSpecType == TST_double) {
      // vector long double and vector long long double are never allowed.
      // vector double is OK for Power7 and later.
      if (TypeSpecWidth == TSW_long || TypeSpecWidth == TSW_longlong)
        Diag(D, TSWLoc, diag::err_invalid_vector_long_double_decl_spec);
      else if (!PP.getTargetInfo().hasFeature("vsx"))
        Diag(D, TSTLoc, diag::err_invalid_vector_double_decl_spec);
    } else if (TypeSpecWidth == TSW_long) {
      Diag(D, TSWLoc, diag::warn_vector_long_decl_spec_combination)
        << getSpecifierName((TST)TypeSpecType, Policy);

    if (TypeAltiVecPixel) {
      //TODO: perform validation
      TypeSpecType = TST_int;
      TypeSpecSign = TSS_unsigned;
      TypeSpecWidth = TSW_short;
      TypeSpecOwned = false;

  // signed/unsigned are only valid with int/char/wchar_t.
  if (TypeSpecSign != TSS_unspecified) {
    if (TypeSpecType == TST_unspecified)
      TypeSpecType = TST_int; // unsigned -> unsigned int, signed -> signed int.
    else if (TypeSpecType != TST_int  && TypeSpecType != TST_int128 &&
             TypeSpecType != TST_char && TypeSpecType != TST_wchar) {
      Diag(D, TSSLoc, diag::err_invalid_sign_spec)
        << getSpecifierName((TST)TypeSpecType, Policy);
      // signed double -> double.
      TypeSpecSign = TSS_unspecified;

  // Validate the width of the type.
  switch (TypeSpecWidth) {
  case TSW_unspecified: break;
  case TSW_short:    // short int
  case TSW_longlong: // long long int
    if (TypeSpecType == TST_unspecified)
      TypeSpecType = TST_int; // short -> short int, long long -> long long int.
    else if (TypeSpecType != TST_int) {
      Diag(D, TSWLoc,
           TypeSpecWidth == TSW_short ? diag::err_invalid_short_spec
                                      : diag::err_invalid_longlong_spec)
        <<  getSpecifierName((TST)TypeSpecType, Policy);
      TypeSpecType = TST_int;
      TypeSpecOwned = false;
  case TSW_long:  // long double, long int
    if (TypeSpecType == TST_unspecified)
      TypeSpecType = TST_int;  // long -> long int.
    else if (TypeSpecType != TST_int && TypeSpecType != TST_double) {
      Diag(D, TSWLoc, diag::err_invalid_long_spec)
        << getSpecifierName((TST)TypeSpecType, Policy);
      TypeSpecType = TST_int;
      TypeSpecOwned = false;

  // TODO: if the implementation does not implement _Complex or _Imaginary,
  // disallow their use.  Need information about the backend.
  if (TypeSpecComplex != TSC_unspecified) {
    if (TypeSpecType == TST_unspecified) {
      Diag(D, TSCLoc, diag::ext_plain_complex)
        << FixItHint::CreateInsertion(
                                                 " double");
      TypeSpecType = TST_double;   // _Complex -> _Complex double.
    } else if (TypeSpecType == TST_int || TypeSpecType == TST_char) {
      // Note that this intentionally doesn't include _Complex _Bool.
      if (!PP.getLangOpts().CPlusPlus)
        Diag(D, TSTLoc, diag::ext_integer_complex);
    } else if (TypeSpecType != TST_float && TypeSpecType != TST_double) {
      Diag(D, TSCLoc, diag::err_invalid_complex_spec)
        << getSpecifierName((TST)TypeSpecType, Policy);
      TypeSpecComplex = TSC_unspecified;

  // C11 6.7.1/3, C++11 []p1, GNU TLS: __thread, thread_local and
  // _Thread_local can only appear with the 'static' and 'extern' storage class
  // specifiers. We also allow __private_extern__ as an extension.
  if (ThreadStorageClassSpec != TSCS_unspecified) {
    switch (StorageClassSpec) {
    case SCS_unspecified:
    case SCS_extern:
    case SCS_private_extern:
    case SCS_static:
      if (PP.getSourceManager().isBeforeInTranslationUnit(
            getThreadStorageClassSpecLoc(), getStorageClassSpecLoc()))
        Diag(D, getStorageClassSpecLoc(),
          << DeclSpec::getSpecifierName(getThreadStorageClassSpec())
          << SourceRange(getThreadStorageClassSpecLoc());
        Diag(D, getThreadStorageClassSpecLoc(),
          << DeclSpec::getSpecifierName(getStorageClassSpec())
          << SourceRange(getStorageClassSpecLoc());
      // Discard the thread storage class specifier to recover.
      ThreadStorageClassSpec = TSCS_unspecified;
      ThreadStorageClassSpecLoc = SourceLocation();

  // If no type specifier was provided and we're parsing a language where
  // the type specifier is not optional, but we got 'auto' as a storage
  // class specifier, then assume this is an attempt to use C++0x's 'auto'
  // type specifier.
  if (PP.getLangOpts().CPlusPlus &&
      TypeSpecType == TST_unspecified && StorageClassSpec == SCS_auto) {
    TypeSpecType = TST_auto;
    StorageClassSpec = SCS_unspecified;
    TSTLoc = TSTNameLoc = StorageClassSpecLoc;
    StorageClassSpecLoc = SourceLocation();
  // Diagnose if we've recovered from an ill-formed 'auto' storage class
  // specifier in a pre-C++11 dialect of C++.
  if (!PP.getLangOpts().CPlusPlus11 && TypeSpecType == TST_auto)
    Diag(D, TSTLoc, diag::ext_auto_type_specifier);
  if (PP.getLangOpts().CPlusPlus && !PP.getLangOpts().CPlusPlus11 &&
      StorageClassSpec == SCS_auto)
    Diag(D, StorageClassSpecLoc, diag::warn_auto_storage_class)
      << FixItHint::CreateRemoval(StorageClassSpecLoc);
  if (TypeSpecType == TST_char16 || TypeSpecType == TST_char32)
    Diag(D, TSTLoc, diag::warn_cxx98_compat_unicode_type)
      << (TypeSpecType == TST_char16 ? "char16_t" : "char32_t");
  if (Constexpr_specified)
    Diag(D, ConstexprLoc, diag::warn_cxx98_compat_constexpr);

  // C++ [class.friend]p6:
  //   No storage-class-specifier shall appear in the decl-specifier-seq
  //   of a friend declaration.
  if (isFriendSpecified() &&
      (getStorageClassSpec() || getThreadStorageClassSpec())) {
    SmallString<32> SpecName;
    SourceLocation SCLoc;
    FixItHint StorageHint, ThreadHint;

    if (DeclSpec::SCS SC = getStorageClassSpec()) {
      SpecName = getSpecifierName(SC);
      SCLoc = getStorageClassSpecLoc();
      StorageHint = FixItHint::CreateRemoval(SCLoc);

    if (DeclSpec::TSCS TSC = getThreadStorageClassSpec()) {
      if (!SpecName.empty()) SpecName += " ";
      SpecName += getSpecifierName(TSC);
      SCLoc = getThreadStorageClassSpecLoc();
      ThreadHint = FixItHint::CreateRemoval(SCLoc);

    Diag(D, SCLoc, diag::err_friend_decl_spec)
      << SpecName << StorageHint << ThreadHint;


  // C++11 [dcl.fct.spec]p5:
  //   The virtual specifier shall be used only in the initial
  //   declaration of a non-static class member function;
  // C++11 [dcl.fct.spec]p6:
  //   The explicit specifier shall be used only in the declaration of
  //   a constructor or conversion function within its class
  //   definition;
  if (isFriendSpecified() && (isVirtualSpecified() || isExplicitSpecified())) {
    StringRef Keyword;
    SourceLocation SCLoc;

    if (isVirtualSpecified()) {
      Keyword = "virtual";
      SCLoc = getVirtualSpecLoc();
    } else {
      Keyword = "explicit";
      SCLoc = getExplicitSpecLoc();

    FixItHint Hint = FixItHint::CreateRemoval(SCLoc);
    Diag(D, SCLoc, diag::err_friend_decl_spec)
      << Keyword << Hint;

    FS_virtual_specified = FS_explicit_specified = false;
    FS_virtualLoc = FS_explicitLoc = SourceLocation();

  assert(!TypeSpecOwned || isDeclRep((TST) TypeSpecType));

  // Okay, now we can infer the real type.

  // TODO: return "auto function" and other bad things based on the real type.

  // 'data definition has no type or storage class'?
/// SyntaxHighlight - Relex the specified FileID and annotate the HTML with
/// information about keywords, macro expansions etc.  This uses the macro
/// table state from the end of the file, so it won't be perfectly perfect,
/// but it will be reasonably close.
void html::SyntaxHighlight(Rewriter &R, FileID FID, const Preprocessor &PP) {
  RewriteBuffer &RB = R.getEditBuffer(FID);

  const SourceManager &SM = PP.getSourceManager();
  const llvm::MemoryBuffer *FromFile = SM.getBuffer(FID);
  Lexer L(FID, FromFile, SM, PP.getLangOpts());
  const char *BufferStart = L.getBuffer().data();

  // Inform the preprocessor that we want to retain comments as tokens, so we
  // can highlight them.

  // Lex all the tokens in raw mode, to avoid entering #includes or expanding
  // macros.
  Token Tok;

  while (Tok.isNot(tok::eof)) {
    // Since we are lexing unexpanded tokens, all tokens are from the main
    // FileID.
    unsigned TokOffs = SM.getFileOffset(Tok.getLocation());
    unsigned TokLen = Tok.getLength();
    switch (Tok.getKind()) {
    default: break;
    case tok::identifier:
      llvm_unreachable("tok::identifier in raw lexing mode!");
    case tok::raw_identifier: {
      // Fill in Result.IdentifierInfo and update the token kind,
      // looking up the identifier in the identifier table.

      // If this is a pp-identifier, for a keyword, highlight it as such.
      if (Tok.isNot(tok::identifier))
        HighlightRange(RB, TokOffs, TokOffs+TokLen, BufferStart,
                       "<span class='keyword'>", "</span>");
    case tok::comment:
      HighlightRange(RB, TokOffs, TokOffs+TokLen, BufferStart,
                     "<span class='comment'>", "</span>");
    case tok::utf8_string_literal:
      // Chop off the u part of u8 prefix
      // FALL THROUGH to chop the 8
    case tok::wide_string_literal:
    case tok::utf16_string_literal:
    case tok::utf32_string_literal:
      // Chop off the L, u, U or 8 prefix
      // FALL THROUGH.
    case tok::string_literal:
      // FIXME: Exclude the optional ud-suffix from the highlighted range.
      HighlightRange(RB, TokOffs, TokOffs+TokLen, BufferStart,
                     "<span class='string_literal'>", "</span>");
    case tok::hash: {
      // If this is a preprocessor directive, all tokens to end of line are too.
      if (!Tok.isAtStartOfLine())

      // Eat all of the tokens until we get to the next one at the start of
      // line.
      unsigned TokEnd = TokOffs+TokLen;
      while (!Tok.isAtStartOfLine() && Tok.isNot(tok::eof)) {
        TokEnd = SM.getFileOffset(Tok.getLocation())+Tok.getLength();

      // Find end of line.  This is a hack.
      HighlightRange(RB, TokOffs, TokEnd, BufferStart,
                     "<span class='directive'>", "</span>");

      // Don't skip the next token.
