int main()
  // print my name and this assignment's title 
  cout << "LAB 11a: Write And Test A Priority Queue Template\n"; 
  cout << "Programmer: Jacky Chow\n"; 
  cout << "Editor(s) used: Notepad++\n"; 
  cout << "Compiler(s) used: Visual C++\n"; 
  cout << "File: " << __FILE__ << endl; 
  cout << "Complied: " << __DATE__ << " at " << __TIME__ << endl << endl;
  PriorityQueue<int> pq;
  int temp;
  cout << "Created a PriorityQueue<int> named pq\n";
  cout << "Its size should be 0. It is: " << pq.size() << endl; 
  assert(0 == pq.size());
  if(pq.empty()) cout << "pq.empty() returned true that it was empty\n";
  else cout << "Error: pq.empty() returned false for empty PQ\n";
  cout << "\nEnqueuing the ints 13, 8, 4, 20, 10 into pq\n";
  if(!pq.empty()) cout << "pq.empty() returned false that it was empty\n";
  else cout << "Error: pq.empty() returned true for a non-empty PQ\n";
  cout << "\nIts size should now be 5. It is: " << pq.size() << endl;
  assert(5 == pq.size());  
  cout << "The front should be 20. It is: " << pq.front() << endl;
  assert(20 == pq.front()); 
  cout << "The back should be 10. It is: " << pq.back() << endl;
  assert(10 == pq.back());  
  //const copy constructor test
    cout << "\nCreating const copy with copy constructor\n";
    const PriorityQueue<int> copy = pq;
    if(!copy.empty()) cout << "copy.empty() returned false that it was empty\n";
    else cout << "Error: copy.empty() returned true for a non-empty PQ\n";
    cout << "Copy size should now be 5. It is: " << copy.size() << endl;
    assert(5 == copy.size());  
  //operator= copy test
    cout << "\nCreating copy with with operator=\n";
    PriorityQueue<int> copy;
    cout << "Should initially have size 0. It is: " << copy.size() << endl;
    cout << "Assigning copy to = pq\n";
    copy = pq;
    if(!copy.empty()) cout << "copy.empty() returned false that it was empty\n";
    else cout << "Error: copy.empty() returned true for a non-empty copy\n";
    cout << "Copy 2's size should now be 5. It is: " << copy.size() << endl;
    assert(5 == copy.size());  
    cout << "The front should be 20. It is: " << copy.front() << endl;
    assert(20 == copy.front()); 
    cout << "The back should be 10. It is: " << copy.back() << endl;
    assert(10 == copy.back());  
    cout << "Dequeuing the entire copy of pq: \n";
    for(; copy.size();)
      cout << copy.dequeue() << ' '; 
    cout << "\nCopy should now be size 0. It is: " << copy.size() << endl;
    if(copy.empty()) cout << "copy.empty() returned true that it was empty\n";
    else cout << "Error: copy.empty() returned false for an empty copy\n";
  temp = pq.dequeue();
  cout << "\nDequeuing root of pq. It should return 20. It is: " << temp << endl;
  assert(20 == temp);  
  cout << "\nIts size should now be 4. It is: " << pq.size() << endl;
  assert(4 == pq.size());    
  cout << "The front should be 13. It is: " << pq.front() << endl;
  assert(13 == pq.front());    
  cout << "The back should be 8. It is: " << pq.back() << endl;
  assert(8 == pq.back());    
  cout << "\nNow using clear to clear pq\n";
  cout << "Size should now be 0. It is: " << pq.size() << endl;
  assert(0 == pq.size());  
  if(pq.empty()) cout << "pq.empty() returned true that it was empty\n";
  else cout << "Error: pq.empty() returned false for empty PQ\n";
  void EstimatePropagator::propagate(OptimizableGraph::VertexSet& vset, 
      const EstimatePropagator::PropagateCost& cost, 
       const EstimatePropagator::PropagateAction& action,
       double maxDistance, 
       double maxEdgeCost)

    PriorityQueue frontier;
    for (OptimizableGraph::VertexSet::iterator vit=vset.begin(); vit!=vset.end(); ++vit){
      OptimizableGraph::Vertex* v = static_cast<OptimizableGraph::Vertex*>(*vit);
      AdjacencyMap::iterator it = _adjacencyMap.find(v);
      assert(it != _adjacencyMap.end());
      it->second._distance = 0.;
      it->second._frontierLevel = 0;

    while(! frontier.empty()){
      AdjacencyMapEntry* entry = frontier.pop();
      OptimizableGraph::Vertex* u = entry->child();
      double uDistance = entry->distance();
      //cerr << "uDistance " << uDistance << endl;

      // initialize the vertex
      if (entry->_frontierLevel > 0) {
        action(entry->edge(), entry->parent(), u);

      /* std::pair< OptimizableGraph::VertexSet::iterator, bool> insertResult = */ _visited.insert(u);
      OptimizableGraph::EdgeSet::iterator et = u->edges().begin();
      while (et != u->edges().end()){
        OptimizableGraph::Edge* edge = static_cast<OptimizableGraph::Edge*>(*et);

        int maxFrontier = -1;
        OptimizableGraph::VertexSet initializedVertices;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < edge->vertices().size(); ++i) {
          OptimizableGraph::Vertex* z = static_cast<OptimizableGraph::Vertex*>(edge->vertex(i));
          AdjacencyMap::iterator ot = _adjacencyMap.find(z);
          if (ot->second._distance != numeric_limits<double>::max()) {
            maxFrontier = (max)(maxFrontier, ot->second._frontierLevel);
        assert(maxFrontier >= 0);

        for (size_t i = 0; i < edge->vertices().size(); ++i) {
          OptimizableGraph::Vertex* z = static_cast<OptimizableGraph::Vertex*>(edge->vertex(i));
          if (z == u)

          size_t wasInitialized = initializedVertices.erase(z);

          double edgeDistance = cost(edge, initializedVertices, z);
          if (edgeDistance > 0. && edgeDistance != std::numeric_limits<double>::max() && edgeDistance < maxEdgeCost) {
            double zDistance = uDistance + edgeDistance;
            //cerr << z->id() << " " << zDistance << endl;

            AdjacencyMap::iterator ot = _adjacencyMap.find(z);

            if (zDistance < ot->second.distance() && zDistance < maxDistance){
              //if (ot->second.inQueue)
                //cerr << "Updating" << endl;
              ot->second._distance = zDistance;
              ot->second._parent = initializedVertices;
              ot->second._edge = edge;
              ot->second._frontierLevel = maxFrontier + 1;

          if (wasInitialized > 0)


    // writing debug information like cost for reaching each vertex and the parent used to initialize
    cerr << "Writing cost.dat" << endl;
    ofstream costStream("cost.dat");
    for (AdjacencyMap::const_iterator it = _adjacencyMap.begin(); it != _adjacencyMap.end(); ++it) {
      HyperGraph::Vertex* u = it->second.child();
      costStream << "vertex " << u->id() << "  cost " << it->second._distance << endl;
    cerr << "Writing init.dat" << endl;
    ofstream initStream("init.dat");
    vector<AdjacencyMapEntry*> frontierLevels;
    for (AdjacencyMap::iterator it = _adjacencyMap.begin(); it != _adjacencyMap.end(); ++it) {
      if (it->second._frontierLevel > 0)
    sort(frontierLevels.begin(), frontierLevels.end(), FrontierLevelCmp());
    for (vector<AdjacencyMapEntry*>::const_iterator it = frontierLevels.begin(); it != frontierLevels.end(); ++it) {
      AdjacencyMapEntry* entry       = *it;
      OptimizableGraph::Vertex* to   = entry->child();

      initStream << "calling init level = " << entry->_frontierLevel << "\t (";
      for (OptimizableGraph::VertexSet::iterator pit = entry->parent().begin(); pit != entry->parent().end(); ++pit) {
        initStream << " " << (*pit)->id();
      initStream << " ) -> " << to->id() << endl;

	void emptyFrameQueue(){