void IsisMain() {
  // We will be processing by line
  ProcessByBrick p;
  UserInterface &ui = Application::GetUserInterface();

  // Basic settings
  Pvl pvl = Pvl(ui.GetFilename("PVL"));


  try {
    // Get info from the operator group
    // Set the pvlkeywords that need to be set to zero
    PvlGroup &op = pvl.FindGroup("Operator",Pvl::Traverse);
    boxcarSamples = op["Samples"];
    boxcarLines = op["Lines"];
  } catch (iException &e) {
    std::string msg = "Improper format for InterestOperator PVL ["+pvl.Filename()+"]";
    throw iException::Message(iException::User,msg,_FILEINFO_);

  iop = InterestOperatorFactory::Create(pvl);

  // Start the processing
void IsisMain() {
  // We will be processing by brick
  ProcessByBrick p;
  Isis::Cube *amatrixCube=NULL; 
  Isis::Cube *bmatrixCube=NULL; 

  // Setup the user input for the input/output files and the option
  UserInterface &ui = Application::GetUserInterface();

  // Setup the input HiRise cube
  Isis::Cube *icube = p.SetInputCube("FROM");

  if (icube->Bands() != 1) {
    std::string msg = "Only single-band HiRise cubes can be calibrated";
    throw Isis::iException::Message(Isis::iException::Io,msg,_FILEINFO_);

  //Get pertinent label information to determine which band of matrix cube to use
  HiLab hilab(icube);

  int ccd = hilab.getCcd();

  int channel = hilab.getChannel();

  if (channel != 0  && channel != 1) {
    std::string msg = "Only unstitched cubes can be calibrated";
    throw Isis::iException::Message(Isis::iException::Io,msg,_FILEINFO_);
  int band = 1 + ccd*2 + channel;

  string option = ui.GetString("OPTION");

  // Set attributes (input band number) for the matrix cube(s);
  CubeAttributeInput att("+" + iString(band));

  // Determine the file specification to the matrix file(s) if defaulted
  // and open 
  if (ui.WasEntered ("MATRIX") ) {
    if (option == "GAIN") {
      string matrixFile = ui.GetFilename("MATRIX");
      amatrixCube = p.SetInputCube(matrixFile, att);
    else if (option == "OFFSET") {
      string matrixFile = ui.GetFilename("MATRIX");
      bmatrixCube = p.SetInputCube(matrixFile, att);
    else { //(option == "BOTH")
        msg = "The BOTH option cannot be used if a MATRIX is entered";
      throw Isis::iException::Message(Isis::iException::Io,msg,_FILEINFO_);
  else {
    int tdi = hilab.getTdi();
    int bin = hilab.getBin();

    if (option == "OFFSET" || option == "BOTH") {
      std::string bmatrixFile = "$mro/calibration";
      bmatrixFile += "/B_matrix_tdi";
      bmatrixFile += iString(tdi) + "_bin" + iString(bin);
      bmatrixCube = p.SetInputCube(bmatrixFile, att);
    if (option == "GAIN" || option == "BOTH") {
       std::string amatrixFile = "$mro/calibration";
       amatrixFile += "/A_matrix_tdi";
       amatrixFile += iString(tdi) + "_bin" + iString(bin);
       amatrixCube = p.SetInputCube(amatrixFile, att);

  // Open the output file and set processing parameters
  Cube *ocube = p.SetOutputCube ("TO");
  p.SetWrap (true);
  p.SetBrickSize ( icube->Samples(), 1, 1);

  // Add the radiometry group if it is not there yet.  Otherwise
  // read the current value of the keyword CalibrationParameters.
  // Then delete the keyword and rewrite it after appending the
  // new value to it.  Do it this way to avoid multiple Calibration
  // Parameter keywords.
  PvlGroup calgrp;
  PvlKeyword calKey;

  if (ocube->HasGroup("Radiometry")) {
    calgrp = ocube->GetGroup ("Radiometry");

    if (calgrp.HasKeyword("CalibrationParameters")) {
      calKey = calgrp.FindKeyword("CalibrationParameters");
      calgrp.DeleteKeyword( "CalibrationParameters" );
    else {
      calKey.SetName ("CalibrationParameters");
  else {
    calKey.SetName ("CalibrationParameters");

  string keyValue = option;
  if (option == "GAIN") {
    keyValue += ":" + amatrixCube->Filename();
  else if (option == "OFFSET") {
    keyValue += ":" + bmatrixCube->Filename();
  else { // "BOTH"
    keyValue += ":"+bmatrixCube->Filename()+":"+amatrixCube->Filename();

  calKey += keyValue;
  calgrp += calKey;

  // Start the processing based on the option
  if (option == "GAIN") {
  else if (option == "OFFSET") {
  else { //(option == "BOTH") 

  // Cleanup
void IsisMain() {
  // We will be processing by line
  ProcessByBrick p;
  UserInterface &ui = Application::GetUserInterface();

  // Use the def file for filter constants
  Pvl uvvisDef("$clementine1/calibration/uvvis/uvvis.def");

  // Setup the input and output cubes
  Cube *icube = p.SetInputCube("FROM");

  Cube *dccube;
  if(ui.WasEntered("DCFILE")) {
    dccube = p.SetInputCube("DCFILE");
  else {
    QString dcfileloc = "$clementine1/calibration/uvvis/";
    dcfileloc += "dark_5_15_96.cub";
    CubeAttributeInput cubeAtt;
    dccube = p.SetInputCube(dcfileloc, cubeAtt);

  QString filter = (QString)(icube->group("BandBin"))["FilterName"];
  filter = filter.toLower();

  Cube *ffcube;
  if(ui.WasEntered("FFFILE")) {
    ffcube = p.SetInputCube("FFFILE");
  else {
    // compute default fffile
    double compressRatio = (icube->group("Instrument"))["EncodingCompressionRatio"];

    // check to see if cube is compressed or uncompressed
    if(compressRatio == 1.0) {
      QString fffileLoc = "$clementine1/calibration/uvvis/";
      fffileLoc += "lu" + filter + "_uncomp_flat_long.cub";
      CubeAttributeInput cubeAtt;
      ffcube = p.SetInputCube(fffileLoc, cubeAtt);
    else {
      QString fffileLoc = "$clementine1/calibration/uvvis/";
      fffileLoc += "lu" + filter + "_comp_flat_long.cub";
      CubeAttributeInput cubeAtt;
      ffcube = p.SetInputCube(fffileLoc, cubeAtt);

  Cube *ocube = p.SetOutputCube("TO");

  avgFF = uvvisDef.findGroup("Filter" + filter.toUpper())["AVGFF"];
  cr = uvvisDef.findGroup("Filter" + filter.toUpper())["CO"];
  gain = uvvisDef.findGroup(QString("GainModeID") + QString(icube->group("Instrument")["GainModeID"][0]))["GAIN"];

  useDcconst = ui.WasEntered("DCCONST");
  if(useDcconst) {
    dcconst = ui.GetDouble("DCCONST");
  else {
    dcconst = 0.0;

  conv = ui.GetBoolean("CONV");
  exposureDuration = icube->group("Instrument")["ExposureDuration"];
  offsetModeID = icube->group("Instrument")["OffsetModeID"];

  if(((QString)icube->group("Instrument")["FocalPlaneTemperature"]).compare("UNK") == 0) {
    //if FocalPlaneTemp is unknown set it to zero
    focalPlaneTemp = 0.0;
  else {
    focalPlaneTemp = icube->group("Instrument")["FocalPlaneTemperature"];

  Camera *cam = icube->camera();
  bool camSuccess = cam->SetImage(icube->sampleCount() / 2, icube->lineCount() / 2);

  if(!camSuccess) {
    throw IException(IException::Unknown, "Unable to calculate the Solar Distance for this cube.", _FILEINFO_);

  dist = cam->SolarDistance();

  // If temp. correction set to true, or focal plane temp is zero then use temperature correction
  if(ui.GetBoolean("TCOR") || abs(focalPlaneTemp) <= DBL_EPSILON) {
    // Temperature correction requires the use of the mission phase
    //   (PRELAUNCH, EARTH, LUNAR) and the product ID.
    QString productID = (QString)(icube->group("Archive")["ProductID"]);
    QChar missionPhase = ((QString)((icube->group("Archive"))["MissionPhase"])).at(0);
    QString n1subQString(productID.mid(productID.indexOf('.') + 1, productID.length() - 1));
    QString n2subQString(productID.mid(4, productID.indexOf('.') - 5));
    int n1 = toInt(n1subQString);
    int n2 = toInt(n2subQString);
    int phase = 0;

    if(missionPhase == 'L') {
      phase = 0;
    else if(missionPhase == 'E') {
      phase = 1;
    else if(missionPhase == 'P') {
      phase = 2;
    else {
      throw IException(IException::Unknown, "Invalid Mission Phase", _FILEINFO_);

    // This formula makes the primary search critera the original product ID's extension,
    //   the secondary search criteria the mission phase and finally the numerical part of the
    //   original product ID.
    int imageID = (100000 * n1) + (10000 * phase) + n2;

  if(focalPlaneTemp <= 0.0) {
    focalPlaneTemp = 272.5;

  // Start the processing
  p.SetBrickSize(icube->sampleCount(), icube->lineCount(), 1);

  // Add the radiometry group
  PvlGroup calgrp("Radiometry");
  calgrp += PvlKeyword("FlatFieldFile", ffcube->fileName());

  if(ui.GetString("DARKCURRENT").compare("DCFILE") == 0) {
    calgrp += PvlKeyword("DarkCurrentFile", dccube->fileName());
  else {
    calgrp += PvlKeyword("DarkCurrentConstant", toString(dcconst));

  calgrp += PvlKeyword("CorrectedFocalPlaneTemp", toString(focalPlaneTemp));
  calgrp += PvlKeyword("C1", toString(avgFF));
  calgrp += PvlKeyword("C2", toString(C2));
  calgrp += PvlKeyword("C3", toString(C3));
  calgrp += PvlKeyword("C4", toString(C4));
  calgrp += PvlKeyword("C5", toString(C5));
  calgrp += PvlKeyword("CR", toString(cr));
  calgrp += PvlKeyword("FrameTransferTimePerRow", toString(cr));
  calgrp += PvlKeyword("Gain", toString(gain));
  calgrp += PvlKeyword("CorrectedExposureDuration", toString(correctedExposureDuration));
  calgrp += PvlKeyword("ConvertToRadiance", toString(conv));

  calgrp += PvlKeyword("ACO", toString(ACO));
  calgrp += PvlKeyword("BCO", toString(BCO));
  calgrp += PvlKeyword("CCO", toString(CCO));
  calgrp += PvlKeyword("DCO", toString(DCO));

文件: phocube.cpp 项目: jlaura/isis3
void IsisMain() {
  UserInterface &ui = Application::GetUserInterface();

  // Get the camera information if this is not a mosaic. Otherwise, get the
  // projection information
  Process p1;
  Cube *icube = p1.SetInputCube("FROM", OneBand);
  if (ui.GetString("SOURCE") == "CAMERA") {
    noCamera = false;
  else {
    noCamera = true;

  if(noCamera) {
    try {
      proj = (TProjection *) icube->projection();
    catch(IException &e) {
      QString msg = "Mosaic files must contain mapping labels";
      throw IException(e, IException::User, msg, _FILEINFO_);
  else {
    try {
      cam = icube->camera();
    catch(IException &e) {
      QString msg = "If " + FileName(ui.GetFileName("FROM")).name() + " is a mosaic, make sure the SOURCE "
      "option is set to PROJECTION";
      throw IException(e, IException::User, msg, _FILEINFO_);

  // We will be processing by brick.
  ProcessByBrick p;

  // Find out which bands are to be created
  nbands = 0;
  phase = false;
  emission = false;
  incidence = false;
  localEmission = false;
  localIncidence = false;
  lineResolution = false;
  sampleResolution = false;
  detectorResolution = false;
  sunAzimuth = false;
  spacecraftAzimuth = false;
  offnadirAngle = false;
  subSpacecraftGroundAzimuth = false;
  subSolarGroundAzimuth = false;
  morphology = false;
  albedo = false;
  northAzimuth = false;
  if (!noCamera) {
    if((phase = ui.GetBoolean("PHASE"))) nbands++;
    if((emission = ui.GetBoolean("EMISSION"))) nbands++;
    if((incidence = ui.GetBoolean("INCIDENCE"))) nbands++;
    if((localEmission = ui.GetBoolean("LOCALEMISSION"))) nbands++;
    if((localIncidence = ui.GetBoolean("LOCALINCIDENCE"))) nbands++;
    if((lineResolution = ui.GetBoolean("LINERESOLUTION"))) nbands++;
    if((sampleResolution = ui.GetBoolean("SAMPLERESOLUTION"))) nbands++;
    if((detectorResolution = ui.GetBoolean("DETECTORRESOLUTION"))) nbands++;
    if((sunAzimuth = ui.GetBoolean("SUNAZIMUTH"))) nbands++;
    if((spacecraftAzimuth = ui.GetBoolean("SPACECRAFTAZIMUTH"))) nbands++;
    if((offnadirAngle = ui.GetBoolean("OFFNADIRANGLE"))) nbands++;
    if((subSpacecraftGroundAzimuth = ui.GetBoolean("SUBSPACECRAFTGROUNDAZIMUTH"))) nbands++;
    if((subSolarGroundAzimuth = ui.GetBoolean("SUBSOLARGROUNDAZIMUTH"))) nbands++;
    if ((morphology = ui.GetBoolean("MORPHOLOGY"))) nbands++; 
    if ((albedo = ui.GetBoolean("ALBEDO"))) nbands++; 
    if ((northAzimuth = ui.GetBoolean("NORTHAZIMUTH"))) nbands++; 
  if((dn = ui.GetBoolean("DN"))) nbands++;
  if((latitude = ui.GetBoolean("LATITUDE"))) nbands++;
  if((longitude = ui.GetBoolean("LONGITUDE"))) nbands++;
  if((pixelResolution = ui.GetBoolean("PIXELRESOLUTION"))) nbands++;

  if(nbands < 1) {
    QString message = "At least one photometry parameter must be entered"
    throw IException(IException::User, message, _FILEINFO_);

  // If outputting a a dn band, retrieve the orignal values for the filter name from the input cube,
  // if it exists.  Otherwise, the default will be "DN"
  QString bname = "DN";
  if ( dn && icube->hasGroup("BandBin") ) {
    PvlGroup &mybb = icube->group("BandBin");
    if ( mybb.hasKeyword("Name") ) {
      bname = mybb["Name"][0];
    else if ( mybb.hasKeyword("FilterName") ) {
      bname = mybb["FilterName"][0];

  // Create a bandbin group for the output label
  PvlKeyword name("Name");
  if (dn) name += bname;
  if(phase) name += "Phase Angle";
  if(emission) name += "Emission Angle";
  if(incidence) name += "Incidence Angle";
  if(localEmission) name += "Local Emission Angle";
  if(localIncidence) name += "Local Incidence Angle";
  if(latitude) name += "Latitude";
  if(longitude) name += "Longitude";
  if(pixelResolution) name += "Pixel Resolution";
  if(lineResolution) name += "Line Resolution";
  if(sampleResolution) name += "Sample Resolution";
  if(detectorResolution) name += "Detector Resolution";
  if(northAzimuth) name += "North Azimuth";
  if(sunAzimuth) name += "Sun Azimuth";
  if(spacecraftAzimuth) name += "Spacecraft Azimuth";
  if(offnadirAngle) name += "OffNadir Angle";
  if(subSpacecraftGroundAzimuth) name += "Sub Spacecraft Ground Azimuth";
  if(subSolarGroundAzimuth) name += "Sub Solar Ground Azimuth";
  if (morphology) name += "Morphology";
  if (albedo) name += "Albedo";

  // Create the output cube.  Note we add the input cube to expedite propagation
  // of input cube elements (label, blobs, etc...).  It will be cleared
  // prior to systematic processing only if the DN option is not selected.
  // If DN is chosen by the user, then we propagate the input buffer with a 
  // different function - one that accepts both input and output buffers.
  (void) p.SetInputCube("FROM", OneBand);
  Cube *ocube = p.SetOutputCube("TO", icube->sampleCount(), 
                                icube->lineCount(), nbands);
  p.SetBrickSize(64, 64, nbands);

  if (dn) {
    // Process with input and output buffers
  else {
    // Toss the input file as stated above

    // Start the processing

  // Add the bandbin group to the output label.  If a BandBin group already
  // exists, remove all existing keywords and add the keywords for this app.
  // Otherwise, just put the group in.
  PvlObject &cobj = ocube->label()->findObject("IsisCube");
  if(!cobj.hasGroup("BandBin")) {

  PvlGroup &bb = cobj.findGroup("BandBin");
  bb.addKeyword(name, PvlContainer::Replace);
  int nvals = name.size();
  UpdateBandKey("Center", bb, nvals, "1.0");

  if ( bb.hasKeyword("OriginalBand") ) {
    UpdateBandKey("OriginalBand", bb, nvals, "1.0");

  if ( bb.hasKeyword("Number") ) {
    UpdateBandKey("Number", bb, nvals, "1.0");

  UpdateBandKey("Width", bb, nvals, "1.0");

void IsisMain() {
  // Grab the file to import
  ProcessByBrick p;
  evenCube = p.SetInputCube("INEVEN");
  oddCube = p.SetInputCube("INODD");
  outEven = p.SetOutputCube("OUTEVEN");
  outOdd = p.SetOutputCube("OUTODD");

  UserInterface &ui = Application::GetUserInterface();
  // Make sure it is a Themis EDR/RDR
  try {
    if(evenCube->group("Instrument")["InstrumentID"][0] != "THEMIS_VIS") {
      throw IException(IException::User, "", _FILEINFO_);
  catch(IException &) {
    QString msg = "This program is intended for use on THEMIS VIS images only";
    msg += " [" + ui.GetFileName("INEVEN") + "] does not appear to be a ";
    msg += "THEMIS VIS image.";
    throw IException(IException::User, msg, _FILEINFO_);

  try {
    if(oddCube->group("Instrument")["InstrumentID"][0] != "THEMIS_VIS") {
      throw IException(IException::User, "", _FILEINFO_);
  catch(IException &e) {
    QString msg = "This program is intended for use on THEMIS VIS images only";
    msg += " [" + ui.GetFileName("INODD") + "] does not appear to be a ";
    msg += "THEMIS VIS image.";
    throw IException(IException::User, msg, _FILEINFO_);

  if (evenCube->group("Instrument")["Framelets"][0] != "Even") {
    QString msg = "The image [" + ui.GetFileName("INEVEN") + "] does not appear "
        "to contain the EVEN framelets of a Themis VIS cube";
    throw IException(IException::User, msg, _FILEINFO_);

  if (oddCube->group("Instrument")["Framelets"][0] != "Odd") {
    QString msg = "The image [" + ui.GetFileName("ODDEVEN") + "] does not appear "
        "to contain the ODD framelets of a Themis VIS cube";
    throw IException(IException::User, msg, _FILEINFO_);

  PvlGroup &inputInstrumentGrp = evenCube->group("Instrument");
  PvlKeyword &spatialSumming = inputInstrumentGrp["SpatialSumming"];
  frameletSize = 192 / toInt(spatialSumming[0]);
  overlapSize = FrameletOverlapSize();

  if(overlapSize == 0) {
    IString msg = "There must be overlap to remove seams";
    throw IException(IException::Unknown, msg, _FILEINFO_);

  p.SetBrickSize(evenCube->sampleCount(), frameletSize, 1);


  PvlGroup &evenInst = outEven->group("Instrument");
  evenInst["Framelets"] = "Even";

  PvlGroup &oddInst = outOdd->group("Instrument");
  oddInst["Framelets"] = "Odd";

void IsisMain() {
  ProcessByBrick p;
  Cube *icube = p.SetInputCube("FROM");
  int numDimensions = icube->bandCount();
  p.SetBrickSize(128, 128, numDimensions);

  // The output cube with no attributes and real pixel type
  Isis::CubeAttributeOutput cao;

  p.SetOutputCube(tmpFileName, cao, icube->sampleCount(), icube->lineCount(), icube->bandCount());

  // Get the data for the transform matrix
  pca = Isis::PrincipalComponentAnalysis(numDimensions);
  ProcessByBrick p2;
  p2.SetBrickSize(128, 128, numDimensions);
  p2.Progress()->SetText("Computing Transform");

  p.Progress()->SetText("Transforming Cube");

  Isis::CubeAttributeInput cai;

  Cube *icube2 = p.SetInputCube(tmpFileName, cai);
  for(int i = 0; i < numDimensions; i++) {
    stretches.push_back(new GaussianStretch(*(icube2->histogram(i + 1))));

  p.SetBrickSize(128, 128, numDimensions);
  p.Progress()->SetText("Stretching Cube");

  for(int i = 0; i < numDimensions; i++) delete stretches[i];


void IsisMain () {
  UserInterface &ui = Application::GetUserInterface();

  ProcessByBrick p;
  Cube *icube = p.SetInputCube("FROM");

  // Make sure it is a WAC cube
  Isis::PvlGroup &inst = icube->label()->findGroup("Instrument", Pvl::Traverse);
  QString instId = (QString) inst["InstrumentId"];
  instId = instId.toUpper();
  if (instId != "WAC-VIS" && instId != "WAC-UV") {
    QString msg = "This program is intended for use on LROC WAC images only. [";
    msg += icube->fileName() + "] does not appear to be a WAC image.";
    throw IException(IException::User, msg, _FILEINFO_);

  // And check if it has already run through calibration
  if (icube->label()->findObject("IsisCube").hasGroup("Radiometry")) {
    QString msg = "This image has already been calibrated";
    throw IException(IException::User, msg, _FILEINFO_);

  if (icube->label()->findObject("IsisCube").hasGroup("AlphaCube")) {
    QString msg = "This application can not be run on any image that has been geometrically transformed (i.e. scaled, rotated, sheared, or reflected) or cropped.";
    throw IException(IException::User, msg, _FILEINFO_);

  g_dark = ui.GetBoolean("DARK");
  g_flatfield = ui.GetBoolean("FLATFIELD");
  g_radiometric = ui.GetBoolean("RADIOMETRIC");
  g_iof = (ui.GetString("RADIOMETRICTYPE") == "IOF");
  g_specpix = ui.GetBoolean("SPECIALPIXELS");
  g_temprature = ui.GetBoolean("TEMPERATURE");

  // Determine the dark/flat files to use
  QString offset = (QString) inst["BackgroundOffset"];
  QString mode = (QString) inst["Mode"];
  QString instModeId = (QString) inst["InstrumentModeId"];
  instModeId = instModeId.toUpper();

  if (instModeId == "COLOR" && (QString) inst["InstrumentId"] == "WAC-UV")
    instModeId = "UV";
  else if (instModeId == "VIS")
    instModeId = "COLOR";

  g_startTemperature = (double) inst["BeginTemperatureFpa"];
  g_endTemperature = (double) inst["EndTemperatureFpa"];

  g_numFrames = (int) inst["NumFramelets"];

  vector<QString> darkFiles;
  ui.GetAsString("DARKFILE", darkFiles);
  QString flatFile = ui.GetAsString("FLATFIELDFILE");
  QString radFile = ui.GetAsString("RADIOMETRICFILE");
  QString specpixFile = ui.GetAsString("SPECIALPIXELSFILE");
  QString tempFile = ui.GetAsString("TEMPERATUREFILE");

  // Figure out which bands are input
  for (int i = 1; i <= icube->bandCount(); i++) {

  Isis::PvlGroup &bandBin = icube->label()->findGroup("BandBin", Pvl::Traverse);
  QString filter = (QString) bandBin["Center"][0];
  QString filterNum = (QString) bandBin["FilterNumber"][0];
  //We have to pay special attention incase we are passed a 
  //single band image that has been "exploded" from a multiband wac
  if (instModeId == "COLOR" && g_bands.size() == 1)
   g_bands[0] = (toInt(filterNum) -2);
  else if (instModeId == "UV" && g_bands.size() == 1)
   g_bands[0] = (toInt(filterNum));

  if (g_dark) {
    if (darkFiles.size() == 0 || darkFiles[0] =="Default" || darkFiles[0].length() == 0) {
      double temp = (double) inst["MiddleTemperatureFpa"];
      double time = iTime(inst["StartTime"][0]).Et();
      QString darkFile = "$lro/calibration/wac_darks/WAC_" + instModeId;
      if (instModeId == "BW")
        darkFile += "_" + filter + "_Mode" + mode;
      darkFile += "_Offset" + offset + "_*C_*T_Dark.????.cub";
      GetDark (darkFile, temp, time, g_darkCube1, g_darkCube2, g_temp1, g_temp2, darkFiles[0], darkFiles[1]);
    else if (darkFiles.size() == 1) {
      CopyCubeIntoBuffer(darkFiles[0], g_darkCube1);
      g_temp1 = 0.0;
      g_darkCube2 = new Buffer(*g_darkCube1);
      g_temp2 = g_temp1;
    else {
      CopyCubeIntoBuffer(darkFiles[0], g_darkCube1);
      int index = darkFiles[0].lastIndexOf("_");
      g_temp1 = IString(darkFiles[0].mid( darkFiles[0].lastIndexOf("_", index-1), index)).ToDouble();
      CopyCubeIntoBuffer(darkFiles[1], g_darkCube2);
      index = darkFiles[1].lastIndexOf("_");
      g_temp2 = IString(darkFiles[1].mid( darkFiles[1].lastIndexOf("_", index-1), index)).ToDouble();

  if (g_flatfield) {
    if (flatFile.toLower() == "default" || flatFile.length() == 0) {
      flatFile = "$lro/calibration/wac_flats/WAC_" + instModeId;
      if (instModeId == "BW")
        flatFile += "_" + filter + "_Mode" + mode;
      flatFile += "_Flatfield.????.cub";
    CopyCubeIntoBuffer(flatFile, g_flatCube);

    // invert the flat-field data here so we don't have to divide for every pixel of the wac
    for (int i = 0; i < g_flatCube->size(); i++) {
      (*g_flatCube)[i] = 1.0 / (*g_flatCube)[i];

  PvlKeyword responsivity;

  if (g_radiometric) {

    Isis::PvlKeyword &bands = icube->label()->findGroup("BandBin", Pvl::Traverse).findKeyword("FilterNumber");

    if (radFile.toLower() == "default" || radFile.length() == 0)
      radFile = "$lro/calibration/WAC_RadiometricResponsivity.????.pvl";

    FileName radFileName(radFile);
    if (radFileName.isVersioned())
      radFileName = radFileName.highestVersion();
    if (!radFileName.fileExists()) {
      QString msg = radFile + " does not exist.";
      throw IException(IException::User, msg, _FILEINFO_);

    Pvl radPvl(radFileName.expanded());

    if (g_iof) {
      responsivity = radPvl["IOF"];

      for (int i = 0; i < bands.size(); i++)
        g_iofResponsivity.push_back(toDouble(responsivity[toInt(bands[i]) - 1]));

      try {
        iTime startTime((QString) inst["StartTime"]);
        double etStart = startTime.Et();
        // Get the distance between the Moon and the Sun at the given time in
        // Astronomical Units (AU)
        QString bspKernel1 = p.MissionData("lro", "/kernels/tspk/moon_pa_de421_1900-2050.bpc", false);
        QString bspKernel2 = p.MissionData("lro", "/kernels/tspk/de421.bsp", false);
        QString pckKernel1 = p.MissionData("base", "/kernels/pck/pck?????.tpc", true);
        QString pckKernel2 = p.MissionData("lro", "/kernels/pck/moon_080317.tf", false);
        QString pckKernel3 = p.MissionData("lro", "/kernels/pck/moon_assoc_me.tf", false);
        double sunpos[6], lt;
        spkezr_c("sun", etStart, "MOON_ME", "LT+S", "MOON", sunpos, &lt);
        g_solarDistance = vnorm_c(sunpos) / KM_PER_AU;
      catch (IException &e) {
        QString msg = "Can not find necessary SPICE kernels for converting to IOF";
        throw IException(e, IException::User, msg, _FILEINFO_);
    else {
      responsivity = radPvl["Radiance"];
      for (int i = 0; i < bands.size(); i++)
        g_radianceResponsivity.push_back(toDouble(responsivity[toInt(bands[i]) - 1]));

  if (g_specpix) {
    if (specpixFile.toLower() == "default" || specpixFile.length() == 0) {
      specpixFile = "$lro/calibration/wac_masks/WAC_" + instModeId;
      double temp = (double) inst["MiddleTemperatureFpa"];
      if (instModeId == "BW")
        specpixFile += "_" + filter + "_Mode" + mode;
      specpixFile += "_*C_SpecialPixels.????.cub";
      GetMask(specpixFile, temp, g_specpixCube);
      CopyCubeIntoBuffer(specpixFile, g_specpixCube);

  if (g_temprature) {
    if (tempFile.toLower() == "default" || tempFile.length() == 0)
      tempFile = "$lro/calibration/WAC_TempratureConstants.????.pvl";

    FileName tempFileName(tempFile);
    if (tempFileName.isVersioned())
      tempFileName = tempFileName.highestVersion();
    if (!tempFileName.fileExists()) {
      QString msg = tempFile + " does not exist.";
      throw IException(IException::User, msg, _FILEINFO_);

    Isis::PvlKeyword &bands = icube->label()->findGroup("BandBin", Pvl::Traverse).findKeyword("FilterNumber");
    Pvl tempPvl(tempFileName.expanded());
    for (int b = 0; b < bands.size(); b++){

  if (instModeId == "BW") {
    if (mode == "1" || mode == "0")
      p.SetBrickSize(NO_POLAR_MODE_SAMPLES, VIS_LINES, (int)min(BW_BANDS, g_bands.size()));
      p.SetBrickSize(POLAR_MODE_SAMPLES, VIS_LINES, (int)min(BW_BANDS, g_bands.size()));
  else if (instModeId == "COLOR") {
    p.SetBrickSize(NO_POLAR_MODE_SAMPLES, VIS_LINES, (int)min(COLOR_BANDS, g_bands.size()));
  else if (instModeId == "UV") {
    p.SetBrickSize(UV_SAMPLES, UV_LINES, (int)min(UV_BANDS, g_bands.size()));

  g_exposure = inst["ExposureDuration"];

  Cube *ocube = p.SetOutputCube("TO");
  p.ProcessCube(Calibrate, false);

  // Add an output group with the appropriate information
  PvlGroup calgrp("Radiometry");
  if (g_dark) {
    PvlKeyword darks("DarkFiles");
    if (darkFiles.size() > 1)
    calgrp += darks;
  if (g_flatfield)
    calgrp += PvlKeyword("FlatFile", flatFile);
  if (g_radiometric) {
    PvlKeyword vals("ResponsivityValues");
    if (g_iof) {
      calgrp += PvlKeyword("RadiometricType", "IOF");
      for (unsigned int i=0; i< g_iofResponsivity.size(); i++)
    else {
      calgrp += PvlKeyword("RadiometricType", "AbsoluteRadiance");
      for (unsigned int i=0; i< g_radianceResponsivity.size(); i++)
    calgrp += vals;
    calgrp += PvlKeyword("SolarDistance", toString(g_solarDistance));
  if (g_specpix)
    calgrp += PvlKeyword("SpecialPixelsFile", specpixFile);

 * This is the main method. Makeflat runs in three steps:
 * 1) Calculate statistics
 *   - For all cameras, this checks for one band and matching
 *       sample counts.
 *   - For framing cameras, this checks the standard deviation of
 *       the images and records the averages of each image
 *   - For push frame cameras, this calls CheckFramelets for each
 *       image.
 * 2) Create the temporary file, collect more detailed statistics
 *   - For all cameras, this generates the temporary file and calculates
 *       the final exclusion list
 *   - For framing/push frame cameras, the temporary file is
 *       2 bands, where the first is a sum of DNs from each image/framelet
 *       and the second band is a count of valid DNs that went into each sum
 *  3) Create the final flat field file
 *   - For all cameras, this processes the temporary file to create the final flat
 *       field file.
void IsisMain() {
    // Initialize variables

    UserInterface &ui = Application::GetUserInterface();
    maxStdev = ui.GetDouble("STDEVTOL");

    if(ui.GetString("IMAGETYPE") == "FRAMING") {
        cameraType = Framing;

        // framing cameras need to figure this out automatically
        //   during step 1
        numFrameLines = -1;
    else if(ui.GetString("IMAGETYPE") == "LINESCAN") {
        cameraType = LineScan;
        numFrameLines = ui.GetInteger("NUMLINES");
    else {
        cameraType = PushFrame;
        numFrameLines = ui.GetInteger("FRAMELETHEIGHT");

    FileList inList(ui.GetFilename("FROMLIST"));
    Progress progress;

    tempFileLength = 0;
    numOutputSamples = 0;

     * Line scan progress is based on the input list, whereas
     * the other cameras take much longer and are based on the
     * images themselves. Prepare the progress if we're doing
     * line scan.
    if(cameraType == LineScan) {
        progress.SetText("Calculating Number of Image Lines");

     *  For a push frame camera, the temp file is one framelet.
     *   Technically this is the same for the framing, but we
     *   don't know the height of a framelet yet.
    if(cameraType == PushFrame) {
        tempFileLength = numFrameLines;

     * Start pass 1, use global currImage so that methods called
     *   know the image we're processing.
    for(currImage = 0; currImage < inList.size(); currImage++) {
         * Read the current cube into memory
        Cube tmp;

         * If we haven't determined how many samples the output
         *   should have, we can do so now
        if(numOutputSamples == 0 && tmp.Bands() == 1) {
            numOutputSamples = tmp.Samples();

         * Try and validate the image, quick tests first!
         * (imageValid &= means imageValid = imageValid && ...)
        bool imageValid = true;

        // Only single band images are acceptable
        imageValid &= (tmp.Bands() == 1);

        // Sample sizes must always match
        imageValid &= (numOutputSamples == tmp.Samples());

        // For push frame cameras, there must be valid all framelets
        if(cameraType == PushFrame) {
            imageValid &=  (tmp.Lines() % numFrameLines == 0);

        // For framing cameras, we need to figure out the size...
        //    setTempFileLength is used to revert if the file
        //    is decided to be invalid
        bool setTempFileLength = false;
        if(cameraType == Framing) {
            if(tempFileLength == 0 && imageValid) {
                tempFileLength = tmp.Lines();
                numFrameLines = tempFileLength;
                setTempFileLength = true;

            imageValid &= (tempFileLength == tmp.Lines());

        // Statistics are necessary at this point for push frame and framing cameras
        //   because the framing camera standard deviation tolerance is based on
        //   entire images, and push frame framelet exclusion stats can not be collected
        //   during pass 2 cleanly
        if((cameraType == Framing || cameraType == PushFrame) && imageValid) {
            string prog = "Calculating Standard Deviation " + iString((int)currImage+1) + "/";
            prog += iString((int)inList.size()) + " (" + Filename(inList[currImage]).Name() + ")";

            if(cameraType == Framing) {
                Statistics *stats = tmp.Statistics(1, prog);
                imageValid &= !IsSpecial(stats->StandardDeviation());
                imageValid &= !IsSpecial(stats->Average());
                imageValid &= stats->StandardDeviation() <= maxStdev;

                vector<double> fileStats;

                delete stats;
            else if(cameraType == PushFrame) {
                imageValid &= CheckFramelets(prog, tmp);

            if(setTempFileLength && !imageValid) {
                tempFileLength = 0;

        // The line scan camera needs to actually count the number of lines in each image to know
        //   how many total frames there are before beginning pass 2.
        if(imageValid && (cameraType == LineScan)) {
            int lines = (tmp.Lines() / numFrameLines);

            // partial frame?
            if(tmp.Lines() % numFrameLines != 0) {
                lines ++;

            tempFileLength += lines;
        else if(!imageValid) {
            excludedFiles.insert(pair<int, bool>(currImage, true));


        if(cameraType == LineScan) {

     * If the number of output samples could not be determined, we never
     *   found a legitimate cube.
    if(numOutputSamples <= 0) {
        string msg = "No valid input cubes were found";
        throw iException::Message(iException::User,msg,_FILEINFO_);

     * If theres no temp file length, which is based off of valid data in
     *   the input cubes, then we havent found any valid data.
    if(tempFileLength <= 0) {
        string msg = "No valid input data was found";
        throw iException::Message(iException::User,msg,_FILEINFO_);

     * ocube is now the temporary file (for pass 2).
    ocube = new Cube();
    ocube->SetDimensions(numOutputSamples, tempFileLength, 2);
    PvlGroup &prefs = Preference::Preferences().FindGroup("DataDirectory", Pvl::Traverse);
    iString outTmpName = (string)prefs["Temporary"][0] + "/";
    outTmpName += Filename(ui.GetFilename("TO")).Basename() + ".tmp.cub";
    oLineMgr = new LineManager(*ocube);

    ProcessByBrick p;
    int excludedCnt = 0;

    if(cameraType == LineScan) {

    cubeInitialized = false;
    for(currImage = 0; currImage < inList.size(); currImage++) {
        if(Excluded(currImage)) {
            excludedCnt ++;

        PvlObject currFile("Exclusions");
        currFile += PvlKeyword("Filename", inList[currImage]);
        currFile += PvlKeyword("Tolerance", maxStdev);

        if(cameraType == LineScan) {
            currFile += PvlKeyword("FrameLines", numFrameLines);
        else if(cameraType == PushFrame) {
            currFile += PvlKeyword("FrameletLines", numFrameLines);


        CubeAttributeInput inAtt;

        // This needs to be set constantly because ClearInputCubes
        //   seems to be removing the input brick size.
        if(cameraType == LineScan) {
            p.SetBrickSize(1, numFrameLines, 1);
        else if(cameraType == Framing || cameraType == PushFrame) {
            p.SetBrickSize(numOutputSamples, 1, 1);

        p.SetInputCube(inList[currImage], inAtt);
        iString progText = "Calculating Averages " + iString((int)currImage+1);
        progText += "/" + iString((int)inList.size());
        progText += " (" + Filename(inList[currImage]).Name() + ")";


        if(excludedDetails[excludedDetails.size()-1].Groups() == 0) {

     * Pass 2 completed. The processing methods were responsible for writing
     * the entire temporary cube.
    if(oLineMgr) {
        delete oLineMgr;
        oLineMgr = NULL;

    if(ocube) {
        delete ocube;

     * ocube is now the final output
    ocube = new Cube();

    if(cameraType == LineScan) {
        ocube->SetDimensions(numOutputSamples, 1, 1);
    else if(cameraType == Framing || cameraType == PushFrame) {
        ocube->SetDimensions(numOutputSamples, tempFileLength, 1);

    oLineMgr = new LineManager(*ocube);

    // We now have the necessary temp file, let's go ahead and combine it into
    //   the final output!
    p.SetInputBrickSize(numOutputSamples, 1, 2);
    p.SetOutputBrickSize(numOutputSamples, 1, 1);

    cubeInitialized = false;
    CubeAttributeInput inAtt;
    p.Progress()->SetText("Calculating Final Flat Field");
    p.SetInputCube(outTmpName, inAtt);

    if(cameraType == LineScan) {

    if(oLineMgr) {
        delete oLineMgr;
        oLineMgr = NULL;

    if(ocube) {
        delete ocube;
        ocube = NULL;

     * Build a list of excluded files
    PvlGroup excludedFiles("ExcludedFiles");
    for(currImage = 0; currImage < inList.size(); currImage++) {
        if(Excluded(currImage)) {
            excludedFiles += PvlKeyword("File", inList[currImage]);

    // log the results

    if(ui.WasEntered("EXCLUDE")) {
        Pvl excludeFile;

        // Find excluded files

        for(unsigned int i = 0; i < excludedDetails.size(); i++) {



    // Clean up settings
void IsisMain() {
  // Get the camera information
  Process p1;
  Cube *icube = p1.SetInputCube("FROM",OneBand);
  cam = icube->Camera();

  // We will be processing by brick. 
  ProcessByBrick p;

  // Find out which bands are to be created
  UserInterface &ui = Application::GetUserInterface();

  nbands = 0;
  if ((phase = ui.GetBoolean("PHASE"))) nbands++;
  if ((emission = ui.GetBoolean("EMISSION"))) nbands++;
  if ((incidence = ui.GetBoolean("INCIDENCE"))) nbands++;
  if ((latitude = ui.GetBoolean("LATITUDE"))) nbands++;
  if ((longitude = ui.GetBoolean("LONGITUDE"))) nbands++;
  if ((pixelResolution = ui.GetBoolean("PIXELRESOLUTION"))) nbands++;
  if ((lineResolution = ui.GetBoolean("LINERESOLUTION"))) nbands++;
  if ((sampleResolution = ui.GetBoolean("SAMPLERESOLUTION"))) nbands++;
  if ((detectorResolution = ui.GetBoolean("DETECTORRESOLUTION"))) nbands++;
  if ((northAzimuth = ui.GetBoolean("NORTHAZIMUTH"))) nbands++;
  if ((sunAzimuth = ui.GetBoolean("SUNAZIMUTH"))) nbands++;
  if ((spacecraftAzimuth = ui.GetBoolean("SPACECRAFTAZIMUTH"))) nbands++;
  if ((offnadirAngle = ui.GetBoolean("OFFNADIRANGLE"))) nbands++;

  if (nbands < 1) {
    string message = "At least one photometry parameter must be entered"
    throw iException::Message (iException::User, message, _FILEINFO_);

  // Create a bandbin group for the output label
  PvlKeyword name("Name");
  if (phase) name += "Phase Angle";
  if (emission) name += "Emission Angle";
  if (incidence) name += "Incidence Angle";
  if (latitude) name += "Latitude";
  if (longitude) name += "Longitude";
  if (pixelResolution) name += "Pixel Resolution";
  if (lineResolution) name += "Line Resolution";
  if (sampleResolution) name += "Sample Resolution";
  if (detectorResolution) name += "Detector Resolution";
  if (northAzimuth) name += "North Azimuth";
  if (sunAzimuth) name += "Sun Azimuth";
  if (spacecraftAzimuth) name += "Spacecraft Azimuth";
  if (offnadirAngle) name += "OffNadir Angle";
  PvlGroup bandBin("BandBin");
  bandBin += name;

  // Create the output cube.  Note we add the input cube to expedite propagation
  // of input cube elements (label, blobs, etc...).  It *must* be cleared
  // prior to systematic processing.
  (void) p.SetInputCube("FROM", OneBand);
  Cube *ocube = p.SetOutputCube("TO",icube->Samples(), icube->Lines(), nbands);
  p.ClearInputCubes();     // Toss the input file as stated above

  // Start the processing

  // Add the bandbin group to the output label.  If a BandBin group already
  // exists, remove all existing keywords and add the keywords for this app.
  // Otherwise, just put the group in.
  PvlObject &cobj = ocube->Label()->FindObject("IsisCube");
  if (cobj.HasGroup("BandBin")) {
    PvlGroup &bb = cobj.FindGroup("BandBin");
    PvlContainer::PvlKeywordIterator k = bandBin.Begin();
    while (k != bandBin.End()) {
      bb += *k;
  else {
