Platform::DebugProcess (ProcessLaunchInfo &launch_info, 
                        Debugger &debugger,
                        Target *target,       // Can be NULL, if NULL create a new target, else use existing one
                        Listener &listener,
                        Error &error)
    ProcessSP process_sp;
    // Make sure we stop at the entry point
    launch_info.GetFlags ().Set (eLaunchFlagDebug);
    // We always launch the process we are going to debug in a separate process
    // group, since then we can handle ^C interrupts ourselves w/o having to worry
    // about the target getting them as well.
    error = LaunchProcess (launch_info);
    if (error.Success())
        if (launch_info.GetProcessID() != LLDB_INVALID_PROCESS_ID)
            ProcessAttachInfo attach_info (launch_info);
            process_sp = Attach (attach_info, debugger, target, listener, error);
            if (process_sp)
                // Since we attached to the process, it will think it needs to detach
                // if the process object just goes away without an explicit call to
                // Process::Kill() or Process::Detach(), so let it know to kill the 
                // process if this happens.
                process_sp->SetShouldDetach (false);
                // If we didn't have any file actions, the pseudo terminal might
                // have been used where the slave side was given as the file to
                // open for stdin/out/err after we have already opened the master
                // so we can read/write stdin/out/err.
                int pty_fd = launch_info.GetPTY().ReleaseMasterFileDescriptor();
                if (pty_fd != lldb_utility::PseudoTerminal::invalid_fd)
    return process_sp;
// For local debugging, Linux will override the debug logic to use llgs-launch rather than
// lldb-launch, llgs-attach.  This differs from current lldb-launch, debugserver-attach
// approach on MacOSX.
PlatformLinux::DebugProcess (ProcessLaunchInfo &launch_info,
                             Debugger &debugger,
                             Target *target,       // Can be NULL, if NULL create a new target, else use existing one
                             Error &error)
    Log *log(lldb_private::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet (LIBLLDB_LOG_PLATFORM));
    if (log)
        log->Printf ("PlatformLinux::%s entered (target %p)", __FUNCTION__, static_cast<void*>(target));

    // If we're a remote host, use standard behavior from parent class.
    if (!IsHost ())
        return PlatformPOSIX::DebugProcess (launch_info, debugger, target, error);

    // For local debugging, we'll insist on having ProcessGDBRemote create the process.

    ProcessSP process_sp;

    // Ensure we're using llgs for local debugging.
    if (!UseLlgsForLocalDebugging ())
        assert (false && "we're trying to debug a local process but platform.plugin.linux.use-llgs-for-local is false, should never get here");
        error.SetErrorString ("attempted to start gdb-remote-based debugging for local process but platform.plugin.linux.use-llgs-for-local is false");
        return process_sp;

    // Make sure we stop at the entry point
    launch_info.GetFlags ().Set (eLaunchFlagDebug);

    // We always launch the process we are going to debug in a separate process
    // group, since then we can handle ^C interrupts ourselves w/o having to worry
    // about the target getting them as well.

    // Ensure we have a target.
    if (target == nullptr)
        if (log)
            log->Printf ("PlatformLinux::%s creating new target", __FUNCTION__);

        TargetSP new_target_sp;
        error = debugger.GetTargetList().CreateTarget (debugger,
        if (error.Fail ())
            if (log)
                log->Printf ("PlatformLinux::%s failed to create new target: %s", __FUNCTION__, error.AsCString ());
            return process_sp;

        target = new_target_sp.get();
        if (!target)
            error.SetErrorString ("CreateTarget() returned nullptr");
            if (log)
                log->Printf ("PlatformLinux::%s failed: %s", __FUNCTION__, error.AsCString ());
            return process_sp;
        if (log)
            log->Printf ("PlatformLinux::%s using provided target", __FUNCTION__);

    // Mark target as currently selected target.

    // Now create the gdb-remote process.
    if (log)
        log->Printf ("PlatformLinux::%s having target create process with gdb-remote plugin", __FUNCTION__);
    process_sp = target->CreateProcess (launch_info.GetListenerForProcess(debugger), "gdb-remote", nullptr);

    if (!process_sp)
        error.SetErrorString ("CreateProcess() failed for gdb-remote process");
        if (log)
            log->Printf ("PlatformLinux::%s failed: %s", __FUNCTION__, error.AsCString ());
        return process_sp;
        if (log)
            log->Printf ("PlatformLinux::%s successfully created process", __FUNCTION__);

    // Set the unix signals properly.
    process_sp->SetUnixSignals (Host::GetUnixSignals ());

    // Adjust launch for a hijacker.
    ListenerSP listener_sp;
    if (!launch_info.GetHijackListener ())
        if (log)
            log->Printf ("PlatformLinux::%s setting up hijacker", __FUNCTION__);

        listener_sp.reset (new Listener("lldb.PlatformLinux.DebugProcess.hijack"));
        launch_info.SetHijackListener (listener_sp);
        process_sp->HijackProcessEvents (listener_sp.get ());

    // Log file actions.
    if (log)
        log->Printf ("PlatformLinux::%s launching process with the following file actions:", __FUNCTION__);

        StreamString stream;
        size_t i = 0;
        const FileAction *file_action;
        while ((file_action = launch_info.GetFileActionAtIndex (i++)) != nullptr)
            file_action->Dump (stream);
            log->PutCString (stream.GetString().c_str ());

    // Do the launch.
    error = process_sp->Launch(launch_info);
    if (error.Success ())
        // Handle the hijacking of process events.
        if (listener_sp)
            const StateType state = process_sp->WaitForProcessToStop (NULL, NULL, false, listener_sp.get());

            if (state == eStateStopped)
                if (log)
                    log->Printf ("PlatformLinux::%s pid %" PRIu64 " state %s\n",
                                 __FUNCTION__, process_sp->GetID (), StateAsCString (state));
                if (log)
                    log->Printf ("PlatformLinux::%s pid %" PRIu64 " state is not stopped - %s\n",
                                 __FUNCTION__, process_sp->GetID (), StateAsCString (state));

        // Hook up process PTY if we have one (which we should for local debugging with llgs).
        int pty_fd = launch_info.GetPTY().ReleaseMasterFileDescriptor();
        if (pty_fd != lldb_utility::PseudoTerminal::invalid_fd)
            if (log)
                log->Printf ("PlatformLinux::%s pid %" PRIu64 " hooked up STDIO pty to process", __FUNCTION__, process_sp->GetID ());
            if (log)
                log->Printf ("PlatformLinux::%s pid %" PRIu64 " not using process STDIO pty", __FUNCTION__, process_sp->GetID ());
        if (log)
            log->Printf ("PlatformLinux::%s process launch failed: %s", __FUNCTION__, error.AsCString ());
        // FIXME figure out appropriate cleanup here.  Do we delete the target? Do we delete the process?  Does our caller do that?

    return process_sp;
// For local debugging, NetBSD will override the debug logic to use llgs-launch
// rather than lldb-launch, llgs-attach.  This differs from current lldb-
// launch, debugserver-attach approach on MacOSX.
PlatformNetBSD::DebugProcess(ProcessLaunchInfo &launch_info, Debugger &debugger,
                             Target *target, // Can be NULL, if NULL create a new
                                             // target, else use existing one
                             Status &error) {
  Log *log(GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_PLATFORM));
  LLDB_LOG(log, "target {0}", target);

  // If we're a remote host, use standard behavior from parent class.
  if (!IsHost())
    return PlatformPOSIX::DebugProcess(launch_info, debugger, target, error);

  // For local debugging, we'll insist on having ProcessGDBRemote create the
  // process.

  ProcessSP process_sp;

  // Make sure we stop at the entry point

  // We always launch the process we are going to debug in a separate process
  // group, since then we can handle ^C interrupts ourselves w/o having to
  // worry about the target getting them as well.

  // Ensure we have a target.
  if (target == nullptr) {
    LLDB_LOG(log, "creating new target");
    TargetSP new_target_sp;
    error = debugger.GetTargetList().CreateTarget(
        debugger, "", "", eLoadDependentsNo, nullptr, new_target_sp);
    if (error.Fail()) {
      LLDB_LOG(log, "failed to create new target: {0}", error);
      return process_sp;

    target = new_target_sp.get();
    if (!target) {
      error.SetErrorString("CreateTarget() returned nullptr");
      LLDB_LOG(log, "error: {0}", error);
      return process_sp;

  // Mark target as currently selected target.

  // Now create the gdb-remote process.
  LLDB_LOG(log, "having target create process with gdb-remote plugin");
  process_sp =
      target->CreateProcess(launch_info.GetListener(), "gdb-remote", nullptr);

  if (!process_sp) {
    error.SetErrorString("CreateProcess() failed for gdb-remote process");
    LLDB_LOG(log, "error: {0}", error);
    return process_sp;

  LLDB_LOG(log, "successfully created process");
  // Adjust launch for a hijacker.
  ListenerSP listener_sp;
  if (!launch_info.GetHijackListener()) {
    LLDB_LOG(log, "setting up hijacker");
    listener_sp =

  // Log file actions.
  if (log) {
    LLDB_LOG(log, "launching process with the following file actions:");
    StreamString stream;
    size_t i = 0;
    const FileAction *file_action;
    while ((file_action = launch_info.GetFileActionAtIndex(i++)) != nullptr) {
      LLDB_LOG(log, "{0}", stream.GetData());

  // Do the launch.
  error = process_sp->Launch(launch_info);
  if (error.Success()) {
    // Handle the hijacking of process events.
    if (listener_sp) {
      const StateType state = process_sp->WaitForProcessToStop(
          llvm::None, NULL, false, listener_sp);

      LLDB_LOG(log, "pid {0} state {0}", process_sp->GetID(), state);

    // Hook up process PTY if we have one (which we should for local debugging
    // with llgs).
    int pty_fd = launch_info.GetPTY().ReleaseMasterFileDescriptor();
    if (pty_fd != PseudoTerminal::invalid_fd) {
      LLDB_LOG(log, "hooked up STDIO pty to process");
    } else
      LLDB_LOG(log, "not using process STDIO pty");
  } else {
    LLDB_LOG(log, "process launch failed: {0}", error);
    // FIXME figure out appropriate cleanup here.  Do we delete the target? Do
    // we delete the process?  Does our caller do that?

  return process_sp;