LinkerTab::LinkerTab( QWidget * parent, const char * name ) : QWidget(parent, name), radioController(new FlagRadioButtonController()), pathController(new FlagPathEditController()), editController(new FlagEditController()) { QBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout(this, KDialog::marginHint(), KDialog::spacingHint()); layout->setAutoAdd(true); QVButtonGroup *map_group = new QVButtonGroup(i18n("Map File"), this); QRadioButton *m_defaultMap = new QRadioButton(i18n("Off"), map_group); m_defaultMap->setChecked(true); new FlagRadioButton(map_group, radioController, "-GS", i18n("Segments")); new FlagRadioButton(map_group, radioController, "-GP", i18n("Publics")); new FlagRadioButton(map_group, radioController, "-GD", i18n("Detailed")); QApplication::sendPostedEvents(this, QEvent::ChildInserted); layout->addSpacing(10); new FlagPathEdit(this, "", pathController, "--dynamicloader=", i18n("Default dynamic loader:"), KFile::File); QApplication::sendPostedEvents(this, QEvent::ChildInserted); layout->addSpacing(10); new FlagSpinEdit(this, 0, 2147483647, 1024, 1048576, editController, "-$M", i18n("Reserved address space:")); QApplication::sendPostedEvents(this, QEvent::ChildInserted); layout->addSpacing(10); layout->addStretch(); }
FilesAndDirectoriesTab2::FilesAndDirectoriesTab2( QWidget * parent, const char * name ) :QWidget(parent, name), controller(new FlagCheckBoxController()), pathController(new FlagPathEditController()) { QBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout(this, KDialog::marginHint(), KDialog::spacingHint()); layout->setAutoAdd(true); new FlagPathEdit(this, "", pathController, "-FE", i18n("Write executables and units in:")); new FlagPathEdit(this, "", pathController, "-FU", i18n("Write units in:")); new FlagPathEdit(this, "", pathController, "-o", i18n("Executable name:"), KFile::File); QApplication::sendPostedEvents(this, QEvent::ChildInserted); layout->addSpacing(20); new FlagPathEdit(this, "", pathController, "-e", i18n("Location of as and ld programs:")); new FlagPathEdit(this, "", pathController, "-FL", i18n("Dynamic linker executable:"), KFile::File); QApplication::sendPostedEvents(this, QEvent::ChildInserted); layout->addSpacing(20); new FlagPathEdit(this, "", pathController, "-Fr", i18n("Compiler messages file:"), KFile::File); new FlagPathEdit(this, "", pathController, "-Fe", i18n("Write compiler messages to file:"), KFile::File); QApplication::sendPostedEvents(this, QEvent::ChildInserted); layout->addStretch(); }
VidaliaExitWidget::VidaliaExitWidget(VidaliaConfigManager *vc, QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent), vidaliaConfig(vc) { QBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout(this); QLabel *title = new QLabel(tr("To continue, you must exit Vidalia")); title->setAlignment(Qt::AlignTop | Qt::AlignHCenter); title->setStyleSheet(QLatin1String("font-size:13pt")); layout->addWidget(title); layout->addSpacing(20); QLabel *desc = new QLabel(tr("Look for the vidalia icon (<img src=':/graphics/vidalia-tray.png'>) in " "the system tray and choose to exit.<br>Anything currently using Tor (such " "as web downloads) will be interrupted.")); desc->setAlignment(Qt::AlignTop | Qt::AlignHCenter); layout->addWidget(desc); layout->addSpacing(30); QLabel *desc2 = new QLabel(tr("Configuration will continue automatically when Vidalia is closed.")); desc2->setAlignment(Qt::AlignBottom | Qt::AlignHCenter); layout->addWidget(desc2); layout->addStretch(); exitTimer = new QTimer(this); connect(exitTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(checkVidalia())); exitTimer->start(5000); }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- About::About (QWidget * aParent, const char *aName, bool aInit) : AboutInherited(aParent, aName) { QBoxLayout* box; QLabel* lbl; QFrame* frm; QString str; QFont fnt; if (aInit) return; box = new QVBoxLayout(this, 20, 6); lblTheme = new QLabel(" ", this); fnt = lblTheme->font(); fnt.setPointSize(fnt.pointSize() * 1.2); lblTheme->setFont(fnt); lblTheme->setMinimumSize(lblTheme->sizeHint()); lblTheme->setAutoResize(true); box->addWidget(lblTheme); lblVersion = new QLabel(" ", this); lblVersion->setMinimumSize(lblVersion->sizeHint()); lblVersion->setAutoResize(true); box->addWidget(lblVersion); lblAuthor = new QLabel(" ", this); lblAuthor->setMinimumSize(lblAuthor->sizeHint()); lblAuthor->setAutoResize(true); box->addWidget(lblAuthor); lblHomepage = new QLabel(" ", this); lblHomepage->setMinimumSize(lblHomepage->sizeHint()); lblHomepage->setAutoResize(true); box->addWidget(lblHomepage); frm = new QFrame(this); frm->setFrameStyle(QFrame::HLine|QFrame::Raised); box->addSpacing(5); box->addWidget(frm); box->addSpacing(5); lbl = new QLabel(i18n("KDE Theme Manager"), this); lbl->setFont(fnt); lbl->setMinimumSize(lbl->sizeHint()); box->addWidget(lbl); str.sprintf(i18n("Version %s\n\n" "Copyright (C) 1998 by\n%s\n\n" "Gnu Public License (GPL)"), KTHEME_VERSION, "Stefan Taferner <*****@*****.**>\n" "Waldo Bastian <*****@*****.**>"); lbl = new QLabel(str, this); lbl->setMinimumSize(lbl->sizeHint()); box->addWidget(lbl); box->addStretch(1000); box->activate(); }
//TODO Add a drop down list of the avaialable protocols // that a user may be added for AddUserDlg::AddUserDlg(CICQDaemon *s, const char* szId, unsigned long PPID, QWidget *parent) : LicqDialog(parent, "AddUserDialog") { server = s; QBoxLayout *lay = new QBoxLayout(this, QBoxLayout::Down, 8); QFrame *frmProtocol = new QFrame(this); QFrame *frmUin = new QFrame(this); QFrame *frmBtn = new QFrame(this); lay->addWidget(frmProtocol); lay->addWidget(frmUin); lay->addSpacing(5); lay->addStretch(); lay->addWidget(frmBtn); QBoxLayout *layProtocol = new QBoxLayout(frmProtocol, QBoxLayout::LeftToRight); lblProtocol = new QLabel(tr("Protocol:"), frmProtocol); cmbProtocol = new QComboBox(frmProtocol); layProtocol->addWidget(lblProtocol); layProtocol->addWidget(cmbProtocol); // Fill the combo list now ProtoPluginsList pl; ProtoPluginsListIter it; server->ProtoPluginList(pl); uint index = 0; uint ppidIndex = 0; for (it = pl.begin(); it != pl.end(); it++, ++index) { cmbProtocol->insertItem((*it)->Name()); if ((*it)->PPID() == PPID) ppidIndex = index; } cmbProtocol->setCurrentItem(ppidIndex); QBoxLayout *layUin = new QBoxLayout(frmUin, QBoxLayout::LeftToRight); lblUin = new QLabel(tr("New User ID:"), frmUin); edtUin = new QLineEdit(frmUin); layUin->addWidget(lblUin); layUin->addWidget(edtUin); if (szId != 0) edtUin->setText(szId); QBoxLayout *layBtn = new QBoxLayout(frmBtn, QBoxLayout::LeftToRight); btnOk = new QPushButton(tr("&Ok"), frmBtn); btnCancel = new QPushButton(tr("&Cancel"), frmBtn); layBtn->addStretch(); layBtn->addWidget(btnOk); layBtn->addSpacing(20); layBtn->addWidget(btnCancel); setCaption(tr("Licq - Add User")); connect (btnOk, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(ok()) ); connect (edtUin, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), SLOT(ok()) ); connect (btnCancel, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(reject()) ); // Set Tab Order setTabOrder(edtUin, btnOk); setTabOrder(btnOk, btnCancel); }
GTrans::GTrans() { QLayout *mainLayout = new QVBoxLayout; // The input section QLayout *top = new QHBoxLayout; QBoxLayout *tl = new QVBoxLayout; QLabel *inLabel = new QLabel(tr("Input:")); fromLang = new QComboBox; tl->addWidget(inLabel); tl->addSpacing(10); tl->addWidget(fromLang); tl->addStretch(); top->addItem(tl); inputTxt = new QTextEdit; top->addWidget(inputTxt); // The output section QLayout *bottom = new QHBoxLayout; QBoxLayout *bl = new QVBoxLayout; QLabel *outLabel = new QLabel(tr("Output:")); toLang = new QComboBox; bl->addWidget(outLabel); bl->addSpacing(10); bl->addWidget(toLang); bl->addStretch(); bottom->addItem(bl); outputTxt = new QTextEdit; outputTxt->setReadOnly(true); bottom->addWidget(outputTxt); mainLayout->addItem(top); mainLayout->addItem(bottom); // Translate button trans_b = new QPushButton(tr("Translate")); mainLayout->addWidget(trans_b); fillInLanguages(); setLayout(mainLayout); setWindowTitle(tr("Translate")); trans_b->setDefault(true); connect(trans_b, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(doTrans())); // Setup foxus and tab order. inputTxt->setTabChangesFocus(true); inputTxt->setFocus(Qt::ActiveWindowFocusReason); setTabOrder(inputTxt, toLang); setTabOrder(toLang, trans_b); setTabOrder(trans_b, fromLang); setTabOrder(fromLang, inputTxt); outputTxt->setFocusProxy(trans_b); }
DebugOptimTab::DebugOptimTab( QWidget * parent, const char * name ) : QWidget(parent, name), controller(new FlagCheckBoxController()), radioController(new FlagRadioButtonController) { QBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout(this, KDialog::marginHint(), KDialog::spacingHint()); // layout->setAutoAdd(true); QVButtonGroup *optim_group = new QVButtonGroup(i18n("Optimization"), this); new FlagCheckBox(optim_group, controller, "'-$O+'", i18n("Enable optimizations"), "'-$O-'", "'-$O+'"); layout->addWidget(optim_group); QApplication::sendPostedEvents(this, QEvent::ChildInserted); layout->addSpacing(10); QBoxLayout *layout2 = new QHBoxLayout(layout, KDialog::spacingHint()); QVButtonGroup *debug_group = new QVButtonGroup(i18n("Debugging"), this); new FlagCheckBox(debug_group, controller, "'-$D+'", i18n("Debug information"), "'-$D-'", "'-$D+'"); new FlagCheckBox(debug_group, controller, "'-$L+'", i18n("Local symbol information"), "'-$L-'", "'-$L+'"); gdb = new FlagCheckBox(debug_group, controller, "-V", i18n("Debug information for GDB")); namespacedb = new FlagCheckBox(debug_group, controller, "-VN", i18n("Namespace debug info")); symboldb = new FlagCheckBox(debug_group, controller, "-VR", i18n("Write symbol info in an .rsm file")); layout2->addWidget(debug_group); QApplication::sendPostedEvents(this, QEvent::ChildInserted); QVButtonGroup *debug_add = new QVButtonGroup(i18n("Symbol Reference Information"), this); QRadioButton *m_default = new QRadioButton(i18n("Default (-$YD)"), debug_add); m_default->setChecked(true); new FlagRadioButton(debug_add, radioController, "'-$Y-'", i18n("No information")); new FlagRadioButton(debug_add, radioController, "'-$YD'", i18n("Definition information")); new FlagRadioButton(debug_add, radioController, "'-$Y+'", i18n("Full reference information")); layout2->addWidget(debug_add); QApplication::sendPostedEvents(this, QEvent::ChildInserted); layout->addSpacing(10); QHBoxLayout *layout3 = new QHBoxLayout(layout, KDialog::spacingHint()); QPushButton *release = new QPushButton(i18n("Release"), this); QPushButton *debug = new QPushButton(i18n("Debug"), this); layout3->addWidget(release); layout3->addWidget(debug); QApplication::sendPostedEvents(this, QEvent::ChildInserted); connect(release, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(setReleaseOptions())); connect(debug, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(setDebugOptions())); layout->addStretch(); }
FeedbackTab::FeedbackTab(QWidget *parent, const char *name) : QWidget(parent, name), controller(new FlagCheckBoxController(QStringList::split(",","-v"))) { QBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout(this, KDialog::marginHint(), KDialog::spacingHint()); layout->setAutoAdd(true); QVButtonGroup *output_group = new QVButtonGroup(i18n("Output"), this); new FlagCheckBox(output_group, controller, "-vr", i18n("Format errors like GCC does")); QApplication::sendPostedEvents(this, QEvent::ChildInserted); layout->addSpacing(10); QVButtonGroup *verbose_group = new QVButtonGroup(i18n("Verbose"), this); new FlagCheckBox(verbose_group, controller, "-va", i18n("Write all possible info")); new FlagCheckBox(verbose_group, controller, "-v0", i18n("Write no messages")); new FlagCheckBox(verbose_group, controller, "-ve", i18n("Show only errors")); new FlagCheckBox(verbose_group, controller, "-vi", i18n("Show some general information")); new FlagCheckBox(verbose_group, controller, "-vw", i18n("Issue warnings")); new FlagCheckBox(verbose_group, controller, "-vn", i18n("Issue notes")); new FlagCheckBox(verbose_group, controller, "-vh", i18n("Issue hints")); new FlagCheckBox(verbose_group, controller, "-vd", i18n("Write other debugging info")); QApplication::sendPostedEvents(this, QEvent::ChildInserted); layout->addSpacing(10); QVButtonGroup *other_group = new QVButtonGroup(i18n("Other Information"), this); new FlagCheckBox(other_group, controller, "-vl", i18n("Show line numbers when processing files")); new FlagCheckBox(other_group, controller, "-vu", i18n("Print information on loaded units")); new FlagCheckBox(other_group, controller, "-vt", i18n("Print the names of loaded files")); new FlagCheckBox(other_group, controller, "-vm", i18n("Write which macros are defined")); new FlagCheckBox(other_group, controller, "-vc", i18n("Warn when processing a conditional")); new FlagCheckBox(other_group, controller, "-vp", i18n("Print the names of procedures and functions")); new FlagCheckBox(other_group, controller, "-vb", i18n("Show all procedure declarations if an overloaded function error occurs")); QApplication::sendPostedEvents(this, QEvent::ChildInserted); layout->addStretch(); }
MiscTab::MiscTab( QWidget * parent, const char * name ) : QWidget(parent, name), controller(new FlagCheckBoxController()), radioController(new FlagRadioButtonController()), pathController(new FlagPathEditController()), editController(new FlagEditController()) { QBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout(this, KDialog::marginHint(), KDialog::spacingHint()); layout->setAutoAdd(true); new FlagCheckBox(this, controller, "-B", i18n("Recompile all used units")); new FlagCheckBox(this, controller, "-n", i18n("Do not read default configuration file")); new FlagPathEdit(this, "", pathController, "@", i18n("Compiler configuration file:"), KFile::File); new FlagSpinEdit(this, 1, 1000, 1, 50, editController, "-Se", i18n("Stop after the error:")); QApplication::sendPostedEvents(this, QEvent::ChildInserted); layout->addSpacing(10); QVButtonGroup *browser_group = new QVButtonGroup(i18n("Browser Info"), this); QRadioButton *m_defaultBrowser = new QRadioButton(i18n("No browser info"), browser_group); m_defaultBrowser->setChecked(true); new FlagRadioButton(browser_group, radioController, "-b", i18n("Global browser info")); new FlagRadioButton(browser_group, radioController, "-bl", i18n("Global and local browser info")); QApplication::sendPostedEvents(this, QEvent::ChildInserted); layout->addSpacing(10); QVButtonGroup *target_group = new QVButtonGroup(i18n("Target OS"), this); QRadioButton *m_defaultTarget = new QRadioButton(i18n("Default"), target_group); m_defaultTarget->setChecked(true); new FlagRadioButton(target_group, radioController, "-TGO32V1", i18n("DOS and version 1 of the DJ DELORIE extender")); new FlagRadioButton(target_group, radioController, "-TGO32V2", i18n("DOS and version 2 of the DJ DELORIE extender")); new FlagRadioButton(target_group, radioController, "-TLINUX", i18n("Linux")); new FlagRadioButton(target_group, radioController, "-TOS2", i18n("OS/2 (2.x) using the EMX extender")); new FlagRadioButton(target_group, radioController, "-TWIN32", i18n("WINDOWS 32 bit")); new FlagRadioButton(target_group, radioController, "-TSUNOS", i18n("SunOS/Solaris")); new FlagRadioButton(target_group, radioController, "-TBEOS", i18n("BeOS")); QApplication::sendPostedEvents(this, QEvent::ChildInserted); layout->addSpacing(10); layout->addStretch(); }
/*! Changes the status bar's appearance to account for item changes. Special subclasses may need this, but normally geometry management will take care of any necessary rearrangements. */ void QStatusBar::reformat() { if ( d->box ) delete d->box; QBoxLayout *vbox; if ( isSizeGripEnabled() ) { d->box = new QHBoxLayout( this ); vbox = new QVBoxLayout( d->box ); } else { vbox = d->box = new QVBoxLayout( this ); } vbox->addSpacing( 3 ); QBoxLayout* l = new QHBoxLayout( vbox ); l->addSpacing( 3 ); int maxH = fontMetrics().height(); QStatusBarPrivate::SBItem* item = d->items.first(); while ( item && !item->p ) { l->addWidget( item->w, item->s ); l->addSpacing( 4 ); int itemH = item->w->sizeHint().height(); maxH = QMAX( maxH, itemH ); item = d->; } l->addStretch( 0 ); while ( item ) { l->addWidget( item->w, item->s ); l->addSpacing( 4 ); int itemH = item->w->sizeHint().height(); maxH = QMAX( maxH, itemH ); item = d->; } #ifndef QT_NO_SIZEGRIP if ( d->resizer ) { maxH = QMAX( maxH, d->resizer->sizeHint().height() ); d->box->addSpacing( 2 ); d->box->addWidget( d->resizer, 0, AlignBottom ); } #endif l->addStrut( maxH ); vbox->addSpacing( 2 ); d->box->activate(); repaint(); }
// ============================================================================= void ProgressDlg::CreateLayout() { mStatusLabel = new QLabel( tr( "" ) ); mStatusLabel->setAlignment( Qt::AlignTop | Qt::AlignLeft ); mStatusLabel->setWordWrap( true ); QVBoxLayout *lLayout = new QVBoxLayout; QBoxLayout *lBoxLayout = new QBoxLayout(QBoxLayout::LeftToRight); lBoxLayout->addSpacing(30); lBoxLayout->addWidget( mStatusLabel); lLayout->addLayout(lBoxLayout); setLayout( lLayout ); setFixedSize( 400, 120 ); Qt::WindowFlags lFlags = windowFlags(); lFlags |= Qt::CustomizeWindowHint; lFlags &= ~Qt::WindowContextHelpButtonHint; lFlags &= ~Qt::WindowSystemMenuHint; lFlags &= ~Qt::WindowCloseButtonHint; setWindowFlags( lFlags ); mWheel = new QPixmap (":GEVPlayer/res/wheel.bmp"); mWheel->setMask(mWheel->createMaskFromColor(QColor(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF))); setWindowTitle( tr( "Connection Progress" ) ); }
int drv_boxlayout(int drvid, void *a0, void* a1, void* a2, void* a3, void* a4, void* a5, void* a6, void* a7, void* a8, void* a9) { handle_head* head = (handle_head*)a0; QBoxLayout *self = (QBoxLayout*)head->native; switch (drvid) { case BOXLAYOUT_ADDLAYOUTWITH: { self->addLayout((QLayout*)drvGetNative(a1),drvGetInt(a2)); break; } case BOXLAYOUT_ADDWIDGETWITH: { self->addWidget((QWidget*)drvGetNative(a1),drvGetInt(a2),Qt::Alignment(drvGetInt(a3))); break; } case BOXLAYOUT_ADDSPACING: { self->addSpacing(drvGetInt(a1)); break; } case BOXLAYOUT_ADDSTRETCH: { self->addStretch(drvGetInt(a1)); break; } default: return 0; } return 1; }
SynCELocalKonnectorConfig::SynCELocalKonnectorConfig( QWidget *parent, const char *name ) : SynCEKonnectorConfigBase( parent, name ) { QBoxLayout * topLayout = new QVBoxLayout( this ); topLayout->addWidget( new QLabel( i18n( "Calendar file:" ), this ) ); mCalendarFile = new KURLRequester( this ); mCalendarFile->setMode( KFile::File | KFile::LocalOnly ); topLayout->addWidget( mCalendarFile ); QPushButton *button = new QPushButton( i18n( "Select From Existing Calendars..." ), this ); connect( button, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( selectCalendarResource() ) ); topLayout->addWidget( button ); topLayout->addSpacing( 4 ); topLayout->addWidget( new QLabel( i18n( "Address book file:" ), this ) ); mAddressBookFile = new KURLRequester( this ); mAddressBookFile->setMode( KFile::File | KFile::LocalOnly ); topLayout->addWidget( mAddressBookFile ); button = new QPushButton( i18n( "Select From Existing Address Books..." ), this ); connect( button, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( selectAddressBookResource() ) ); topLayout->addWidget( button ); }
ShowAwayMsgDlg::ShowAwayMsgDlg(CICQDaemon *_server, CSignalManager* _sigman, const char *szId, unsigned long nPPID, QWidget *parent) : LicqDialog(parent, "ShowAwayMessageDialog") { m_szId = szId ? strdup(szId) : 0; m_nPPID = nPPID; sigman = _sigman; server = _server; QBoxLayout* top_lay = new QVBoxLayout(this, 10); mleAwayMsg = new MLEditWrap(true, this); // ICQ99b allows 37 chars per line, so we do the same //mleAwayMsg->setWordWrap(QMultiLineEditNew::FixedColumnWidth); //mleAwayMsg->setWrapColumnOrWidth(37); mleAwayMsg->setReadOnly(true); mleAwayMsg->setMinimumSize(230, 110); connect(mleAwayMsg, SIGNAL(signal_CtrlEnterPressed()), SLOT(accept())); top_lay->addWidget(mleAwayMsg); QBoxLayout* lay = new QHBoxLayout(top_lay, 10); chkShowAgain = new QCheckBox(tr("&Show Again"), this); lay->addWidget(chkShowAgain); lay->addStretch(1); lay->addSpacing(30); ICQUser *u = gUserManager.FetchUser(m_szId, m_nPPID, LOCK_R); QTextCodec * codec = UserCodec::codecForICQUser(u); // chkShowAgain->setChecked(u->ShowAwayMsg()); setCaption(QString(tr("%1 Response for %2")).arg(u->StatusStr()).arg(QString::fromUtf8(u->GetAlias()))); btnOk = new QPushButton(tr("&Ok"), this); btnOk->setMinimumWidth(75); btnOk->setDefault(true); btnOk->setFocus(); connect(btnOk, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(accept())); lay->addWidget(btnOk); // Check if this is an active request or not if (sigman == NULL || server == NULL) { mleAwayMsg->setText(codec->toUnicode(u->AutoResponse())); gUserManager.DropUser(u); icqEventTag = 0; } else { bool bSendServer = (u->SocketDesc(ICQ_CHNxNONE) <= 0 && u->Version() > 6); gUserManager.DropUser(u); mleAwayMsg->setEnabled(false); mleAwayMsg->setBackgroundMode(PaletteBackground); connect (sigman, SIGNAL(signal_doneUserFcn(ICQEvent *)), this, SLOT(doneEvent(ICQEvent *))); icqEventTag = server->icqFetchAutoResponse(szId, nPPID, bSendServer); } show(); }
CodegenTab::CodegenTab( QWidget * parent, const char * name ) : QWidget(parent, name), controller(new FlagCheckBoxController()), listController(new FlagEditController()) { QBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout(this, KDialog::marginHint(), KDialog::spacingHint()); layout->setAutoAdd(true); QVButtonGroup *compile_group = new QVButtonGroup(i18n("Compile Time Checks"), this); new FlagCheckBox(compile_group, controller, "-Sa", i18n("Include assert statements in compiled code")); new FlagCheckBox(compile_group, controller, "-Un", i18n("Do not check the unit name for being the same as the file name")); QApplication::sendPostedEvents(this, QEvent::ChildInserted); layout->addSpacing(10); QVButtonGroup *run_group = new QVButtonGroup(i18n("Run Time Checks"), this); new FlagCheckBox(run_group, controller, "-Cr", i18n("Range checking")); new FlagCheckBox(run_group, controller, "-Ct", i18n("Stack checking")); new FlagCheckBox(run_group, controller, "-Ci", i18n("Input/Output checking")); new FlagCheckBox(run_group, controller, "-Co", i18n("Integer overflow checking")); QApplication::sendPostedEvents(this, QEvent::ChildInserted); layout->addSpacing(10); new FlagListEdit(this, ":", listController, "-d", i18n("Conditional defines (delimited by \":\"):")); QApplication::sendPostedEvents(this, QEvent::ChildInserted); new FlagListEdit(this, ":", listController, "-u", i18n("Undefine conditional defines (delimited by \":\"):")); QApplication::sendPostedEvents(this, QEvent::ChildInserted); layout->addSpacing(10); new FlagSpinEdit(this, 1024, 67107840, 1, 131072, listController, "-Cs", i18n("Stack size:")); new FlagSpinEdit(this, 1024, 67107840, 1, 2097152, listController, "-Ch", i18n("Heap size:")); QApplication::sendPostedEvents(this, QEvent::ChildInserted); layout->addStretch(); }
GeneralTab::GeneralTab( QWidget * parent, const char * name ) :QWidget(parent, name), controller(new FlagCheckBoxController()), editController(new FlagEditController()) { QBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout(this, KDialog::marginHint(), KDialog::spacingHint()); layout->setAutoAdd(true); QVButtonGroup *build_group = new QVButtonGroup(i18n("Build"), this); new FlagCheckBox(build_group, controller, "-B", i18n("Build all units")); new FlagCheckBox(build_group, controller, "-M", i18n("Make modified units")); new FlagCheckBox(build_group, controller, "-Q", i18n("Quiet compile")); new FlagCheckBox(build_group, controller, "-Z", i18n("Disable implicit package compilation")); QApplication::sendPostedEvents(this, QEvent::ChildInserted); layout->addSpacing(10); new FlagListEdit(this, ":", editController, "-D", i18n("Conditional defines (delimited by \":\"):")); QApplication::sendPostedEvents(this, QEvent::ChildInserted); new FlagListEdit(this, ":", editController, "-A", i18n("Unit aliases in form unit=alias (delimited by \":\"):")); QApplication::sendPostedEvents(this, QEvent::ChildInserted); layout->addSpacing(10); QVButtonGroup *message_group = new QVButtonGroup(i18n("Messages"), this); new FlagCheckBox(message_group, controller, "-H", i18n("Output hint messages")); new FlagCheckBox(message_group, controller, "-W", i18n("Output warning messages")); QApplication::sendPostedEvents(this, QEvent::ChildInserted); layout->addSpacing(10); QVButtonGroup *package_group = new QVButtonGroup(i18n("Packages"), this); new FlagListEdit(package_group, ":", editController, "-LU", i18n("Build with packages (delimited by \":\"):")); QApplication::sendPostedEvents(this, QEvent::ChildInserted); layout->addStretch(); }
LanguageTab::LanguageTab( QWidget * parent, const char * name ) : QWidget(parent, name), controller(new FlagCheckBoxController(QStringList::split(",","-v"))) { QBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout(this, KDialog::marginHint(), KDialog::spacingHint()); layout->setAutoAdd(true); QVButtonGroup *compat_group = new QVButtonGroup(i18n("Pascal Compatibility"), this); new FlagCheckBox(compat_group, controller, "-S2", i18n("Switch on Delphi 2 extensions")); new FlagCheckBox(compat_group, controller, "-Sd", i18n("Strict Delphi compatibility mode")); new FlagCheckBox(compat_group, controller, "-So", i18n("Borland TP 7.0 compatibility mode")); new FlagCheckBox(compat_group, controller, "-Sp", i18n("GNU Pascal compatibility mode")); QApplication::sendPostedEvents(this, QEvent::ChildInserted); layout->addSpacing(10); QVButtonGroup *ccompat_group = new QVButtonGroup(i18n("C/C++ Compatibility"), this); new FlagCheckBox(ccompat_group, controller, "-Sc", i18n("Support C style operators *=, +=, /=, -=")); new FlagCheckBox(ccompat_group, controller, "-Si", i18n("Support C++ style INLINE")); new FlagCheckBox(ccompat_group, controller, "-Sm", i18n("Support C style macros")); QApplication::sendPostedEvents(this, QEvent::ChildInserted); layout->addSpacing(10); QVButtonGroup *lang_group = new QVButtonGroup(i18n("Language"), this); new FlagCheckBox(lang_group, controller, "-Sg", i18n("Support the label and goto commands")); new FlagCheckBox(lang_group, controller, "-Sh", i18n("Use ansistrings by default for strings")); new FlagCheckBox(lang_group, controller, "-Ss", i18n("Require the name of constructors to be init\n and the name of destructors to be done")); new FlagCheckBox(lang_group, controller, "-St", i18n("Allow the static keyword in objects")); QApplication::sendPostedEvents(this, QEvent::ChildInserted); layout->addStretch(); }
static void addToolBarToLayout( QMainWindowPrivate::ToolBarDock * dock, QBoxLayout * tl, QBoxLayout::Direction direction, QBoxLayout::Direction dockDirection, bool mayNeedDockLayout, bool justify, GUIStyle style ) { if ( !dock || dock->isEmpty() ) return; bool moreThanOneRow = FALSE; bool anyToolBars = FALSE; dock->first(); while ( dock->next() ) { if ( dock->current()->nl ) { moreThanOneRow = TRUE; break; } } QBoxLayout * dockLayout; if ( mayNeedDockLayout && moreThanOneRow ) { dockLayout = new QBoxLayout( dockDirection ); tl->addLayout( dockLayout ); } else { dockLayout = tl; } QBoxLayout * toolBarRowLayout = 0; QMainWindowPrivate::ToolBar * t = dock->first(); do { if ( !toolBarRowLayout || t->nl ) { if ( toolBarRowLayout ) { if ( !justify ) toolBarRowLayout->addStretch( 1 ); } toolBarRowLayout = new QBoxLayout( direction ); dockLayout->addLayout( toolBarRowLayout, 0 ); } if ( t->t->isVisible() && !t->t->testWFlags( WState_DoHide ) ) { toolBarRowLayout->addWidget( t->t, 0 ); anyToolBars = TRUE; } } while ( (t=dock->next()) != 0 ); if ( anyToolBars && style == MotifStyle ) dockLayout->addSpacing( 2 ); if ( toolBarRowLayout && (!justify || !anyToolBars) ) toolBarRowLayout->addStretch( 1 ); }
TitleBarWidget::TitleBarWidget(ToolWindow *window) : QWidget(window), collapsed_icon(":/images/ic_unfold_more_48px.svg"), expanded_icon(":/images/ic_unfold_less_48px.svg"), tool_window(window) { QBoxLayout *layout = new QBoxLayout(QBoxLayout::LeftToRight); layout->setContentsMargins(4, 4, 20, 4); layout->setAlignment(Qt::AlignLeft); setLayout(layout); addButton(layout, ":/images/ic_close_48px.svg", (ToolWindowSlot)&ToolWindow::close); layout->addSpacing(3); expand_button = addButton(layout, NULL, (ToolWindowSlot)&ToolWindow::slot_toggleExpand); setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed); }
LateCancelSelector::LateCancelSelector(bool allowHourMinute, QWidget* parent, const char* name) : QFrame(parent, name), mDateOnly(false), mReadOnly(false), mAutoCloseShown(false) { QString whatsThis = i18n("If checked, the alarm will be canceled if it cannot be triggered within the " "specified period after its scheduled time. Possible reasons for not triggering " "include your being logged off, X not running, or the alarm daemon not running.\n\n" "If unchecked, the alarm will be triggered at the first opportunity after " "its scheduled time, regardless of how late it is."); setFrameStyle(QFrame::NoFrame); mLayout = new QVBoxLayout(this, 0, KDialog::spacingHint()); mStack = new QWidgetStack(this); mCheckboxFrame = new QFrame(mStack); mCheckboxFrame->setFrameStyle(QFrame::NoFrame); mStack->addWidget(mCheckboxFrame, 1); QBoxLayout* layout = new QVBoxLayout(mCheckboxFrame, 0, 0); mCheckbox = new CheckBox(i18n_n_CancelIfLate(), mCheckboxFrame); mCheckbox->setFixedSize(mCheckbox->sizeHint()); connect(mCheckbox, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), SLOT(slotToggled(bool))); QWhatsThis::add(mCheckbox, whatsThis); layout->addWidget(mCheckbox, 0, Qt::AlignAuto); mTimeSelectorFrame = new QFrame(mStack); mTimeSelectorFrame->setFrameStyle(QFrame::NoFrame); mStack->addWidget(mTimeSelectorFrame, 2); layout = new QVBoxLayout(mTimeSelectorFrame, 0, 0); mTimeSelector = new TimeSelector(i18n("Cancel if late by 10 minutes", "Ca&ncel if late by"), QString::null, whatsThis, i18n("Enter how late will cause the alarm to be canceled"), allowHourMinute, mTimeSelectorFrame); connect(mTimeSelector, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), SLOT(slotToggled(bool))); layout->addWidget(mTimeSelector); mLayout->addWidget(mStack); layout = new QHBoxLayout(mLayout, KDialog::spacingHint()); layout->addSpacing(3*KDialog::spacingHint()); mAutoClose = new CheckBox(i18n_AutoCloseWin(), this); mAutoClose->setFixedSize(mAutoClose->sizeHint()); QWhatsThis::add(mAutoClose, i18n("Automatically close the alarm window after the expiry of the late-cancelation period")); layout->addWidget(mAutoClose); layout->addStretch(); mAutoClose->hide(); mAutoClose->setEnabled(false); }
LifeControlsWidget::LifeControlsWidget(SimOptions *opts, SimController *ctrlr, LifeScrollWidget &scroll) : displayWidget(scroll) { options = opts; controller = ctrlr; delay = 100; play = false; QLabel *gridLabel = new QLabel("Grid Size:"); QLabel *delayLabel = new QLabel("Delay:"); genLabel = new QLabel("Generation:\t 1"); refreshGenLabel(); QSpinBox *gridSizeSpin = new QSpinBox(); gridSizeSpin->setMinimum(1); gridSizeSpin->setMaximum(1000); gridSizeSpin->setValue(opts->getBlockSize()); QSpinBox *delaySpin = new QSpinBox(); delaySpin->setMinimum(10); delaySpin->setMaximum(10000); delaySpin->setValue(delay); QPushButton *quitBtn = new QPushButton("Quit"); QPushButton *restartBtn = new QPushButton("Restart"); playBtn = new QPushButton("Play"); QPushButton *stepBtn = new QPushButton("Step"); QBoxLayout *box = new QBoxLayout(QBoxLayout::TopToBottom, this); box->addWidget(gridLabel); box->addWidget(gridSizeSpin); box->addWidget(delayLabel); box->addWidget(delaySpin); box->addWidget(genLabel); box->addWidget(quitBtn); box->addWidget(restartBtn); box->addWidget(playBtn); box->addWidget(stepBtn); box->addStretch(1); box->addSpacing(12); setLayout(box); connect(quitBtn, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onQuit())); connect(restartBtn, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onRestart())); connect(playBtn, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onPlay())); connect(stepBtn, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onStep())); connect(gridSizeSpin, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(onSizeChange(int))); connect(delaySpin, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(onDelayChange(int))); }
QBoxLayout *NewGameView::createRowChecks( QValueList<QCheckBox *> &checks ) { QBoxLayout *layout = new QHBoxLayout; layout->addSpacing( 10 ); for( int i = 1; i <= 10; ++i ){ QCheckBox *check = new QCheckBox( QString::number( i ), this ); layout->addWidget( check ); checks.append( check ); } layout->addStretch( 1 ); return layout; }
Slider::Slider(int minValue, int maxValue, int pageStep, int tickStep, int value, Qt::Orientation orientation, const QString& label, QWidget * parent): QWidget(parent) { slider = new QSlider(orientation, parent); slider->setTickInterval(tickStep); slider->setTickPosition(QSlider::TicksLeft); slider->setRange(minValue, maxValue); slider->setSingleStep(pageStep); slider->setValue(value); if (orientation == Qt::Vertical) { slider->setMinimumHeight(150); } else { slider->setMinimumWidth(150); } connect(slider, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(updateSpinBox(int))); connect(slider, SIGNAL(sliderMoved(int)), this, SLOT(fillSpinBox(int))); sliderSpin = new QSpinBox(this); sliderSpin->setRange(minValue, maxValue); sliderSpin->setValue(value); sliderSpin->setKeyboardTracking(false); connect(sliderSpin, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), slider, SLOT(setValue(int))); connect(sliderSpin, SIGNAL(editingFinished()), this, SLOT(emitAsMoved())); QLabel* sliderLabel = new QLabel(this); sliderLabel->setText(label); sliderLabel->setBuddy(sliderSpin); sliderLabel->setMinimumWidth(5*sliderLabel->fontMetrics().maxWidth()); QBoxLayout *sliderLayout = new QBoxLayout(QBoxLayout::LeftToRight,this); sliderLayout->setMargin(0); sliderLayout->addWidget(sliderLabel); sliderLayout->addWidget(slider); sliderLayout->addSpacing(2); sliderLayout->addWidget(sliderSpin); if (orientation == Qt::Vertical) { sliderLayout->setDirection(QBoxLayout::TopToBottom); sliderLayout->setAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter); } else { sliderLayout->setDirection(QBoxLayout::LeftToRight); sliderLayout->setAlignment(Qt::AlignTop); } setMinimumWidth(155 + sliderLabel->width() + sliderLabel->fontMetrics().maxWidth() * 3); setLayout(sliderLayout); }
LinkerTab::LinkerTab( QWidget * parent, const char * name ) : QWidget(parent, name), controller(new FlagCheckBoxController()), listController(new FlagEditController()) { QBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout(this, KDialog::marginHint(), KDialog::spacingHint()); QBoxLayout *layout2 = new QHBoxLayout(layout, KDialog::spacingHint()); QVButtonGroup *link_group = new QVButtonGroup(i18n("Linking Stage"), this); new FlagCheckBox(link_group, controller, "-CD", i18n("Create dynamic library")); new FlagCheckBox(link_group, controller, "-CX", i18n("Create smartlinked units")); new FlagCheckBox(link_group, controller, "-Ur", i18n("Generate release units")); new FlagCheckBox(link_group, controller, "-Cn", i18n("Omit the linking stage")); new FlagCheckBox(link_group, controller, "-s", i18n("Create assembling and linking script")); layout2->addWidget(link_group); QApplication::sendPostedEvents(this, QEvent::ChildInserted); QVButtonGroup *exec_group = new QVButtonGroup(i18n("Executable Generation"), this); new FlagCheckBox(exec_group, controller, "-Xs", i18n("Strip the symbols from the executable")); new FlagCheckBox(exec_group, controller, "-XS", i18n("Link with static units")); new FlagCheckBox(exec_group, controller, "-XX", i18n("Link with smartlinked units")); new FlagCheckBox(exec_group, controller, "-XD", i18n("Link with dynamic libraries")); new FlagCheckBox(exec_group, controller, "-Xc", i18n("Link with the C library")); layout2->addWidget(exec_group); QApplication::sendPostedEvents(this, QEvent::ChildInserted); layout->addSpacing(10); FlagListEdit *led = new FlagListEdit(this, ":", listController, "-k", i18n("Options passed to the linker (delimited by \":\"):")); layout->addWidget(led); QApplication::sendPostedEvents(this, QEvent::ChildInserted); layout->addStretch(); }
ChoicePage::ChoicePage( QWidget* parent ) : QWidget( parent ) , m_choice( NoChoice ) , m_nextEnabled( false ) , m_core( nullptr ) { QBoxLayout* mainLayout = new QVBoxLayout; setLayout( mainLayout ); m_messageLabel = new QLabel; m_messageLabel->setWordWrap( true ); m_itemsLayout = new QVBoxLayout; CalamaresUtils::unmarginLayout( m_itemsLayout ); mainLayout->addSpacing( CalamaresUtils::defaultFontHeight() ); mainLayout->addWidget( m_messageLabel ); mainLayout->addLayout( m_itemsLayout ); mainLayout->addStretch(); }
MessageLayer::MessageLayer(const char* iconName, const QString& defaultText) { QBoxLayout* layout = new QHBoxLayout(this); layout->addStretch(1); int iconSize = QApplication::style()->pixelMetric( QStyle::PM_MessageBoxIconSize); QLabel* icon = new QLabel(this); icon->setPixmap(ReginaSupport::themeIcon(iconName).pixmap( iconSize, iconSize)); layout->addWidget(icon, 0); layout->addSpacing(iconSize / 2 + 2 /* shrug */); text = new QLabel(defaultText, this); text->setWordWrap(true); text->setTextInteractionFlags(Qt::TextBrowserInteraction); text->setOpenExternalLinks(true); layout->addWidget(text, 4); layout->addStretch(1); }
void TabBarDockWidget::setup(QMenu *closedWindowsMenu) { QWidget *widget = new QWidget(this); m_tabBar = new TabBarWidget(widget); m_trashButton = new QToolButton(widget); m_trashButton->setAutoRaise(true); m_trashButton->setEnabled(false); m_trashButton->setIcon(Utils::getIcon(QLatin1String("user-trash"))); m_trashButton->setToolTip(tr("Closed Tabs")); m_trashButton->setMenu(closedWindowsMenu); m_trashButton->setPopupMode(QToolButton::InstantPopup); QBoxLayout *tabsLayout = new QBoxLayout(QBoxLayout::LeftToRight, widget); tabsLayout->addWidget(m_tabBar); tabsLayout->addSpacing(32); tabsLayout->addWidget(m_trashButton); tabsLayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); tabsLayout->setSpacing(0); widget->setLayout(tabsLayout); setTitleBarWidget(NULL); setWidget(widget); m_newTabButton->setAutoRaise(true); m_newTabButton->setDefaultAction(ActionsManager::getAction(QLatin1String("NewTab"), this)); m_newTabButton->setFixedSize(32, 32); m_newTabButton->show(); m_newTabButton->raise(); m_newTabButton->move(m_tabBar->geometry().topRight()); connect(this, SIGNAL(dockLocationChanged(Qt::DockWidgetArea)), m_tabBar, SLOT(setOrientation(Qt::DockWidgetArea))); connect(m_tabBar, SIGNAL(moveNewTabButton(int)), this, SLOT(moveNewTabButton(int))); }
NSurfaceCoordinateUI::NSurfaceCoordinateUI(regina::NNormalSurfaceList* packet, PacketTabbedUI* useParentUI, bool readWrite) : PacketEditorTab(useParentUI), surfaces(packet), appliedFilter(0), isReadWrite(readWrite), currentlyResizing(false) { // Set up the UI. ui = new QWidget(); QBoxLayout* uiLayout = new QVBoxLayout(ui); uiLayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); uiLayout->addSpacing(5); QBoxLayout* hdrLayout = new QHBoxLayout(); uiLayout->addLayout(hdrLayout); // Set up the coordinate selector. QLabel* label = new QLabel(tr("Display coordinates:")); hdrLayout->addWidget(label); coords = new CoordinateChooser(); coords->insertAllViewers(surfaces); coords->setCurrentSystem(surfaces->coords()); connect(coords, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(refresh())); hdrLayout->addWidget(coords); QString msg = tr("Allows you to view these normal surfaces in a " "different coordinate system."); label->setWhatsThis(msg); coords->setWhatsThis(msg); hdrLayout->addStretch(1); // Set up the filter selector. label = new QLabel(tr("Apply filter:")); hdrLayout->addWidget(label); filter = new PacketChooser(surfaces->root(), new SingleTypeFilter<regina::NSurfaceFilter>(), PacketChooser::ROOT_AS_PACKET, true, 0, ui); filter->setAutoUpdate(true); connect(filter, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(refresh())); hdrLayout->addWidget(filter); msg = tr("<qt>Allows you to filter this list so that only normal " "surfaces satisfying particular properties are displayed.<p>" "To use this feature you need a separate surface filter. You " "can create new surface filters through the <i>Packet Tree</i> " "menu.</qt>"); label->setWhatsThis(msg); filter->setWhatsThis(msg); // Set up the coordinate table. model = new SurfaceModel(surfaces, readWrite); table = new QTreeView(); table->setItemsExpandable(false); table->setRootIsDecorated(false); table->setAlternatingRowColors(true); table->header()->setStretchLastSection(false); table->setSelectionMode(QTreeView::SingleSelection); table->setWhatsThis(tr("Displays details of the individual normal " "surfaces in this list.<p>" "Each row represents a single normal (or almost normal) surface. " "As well as various properties of the surface, each row contains " "a detailed representation of the surface in the currently selected " "coordinate system.<p>" "For details on what each property means or what each coordinate " "represents, hover the mouse over the column header (or refer " "to the users' handbook).</qt>")); // Add grid lines: // For some reason, when we set cell borders, the selection // background changes to white (-> white on white, which is unreadable). // So reluctantly we also break the native system style and explicitly // set a background ourselves. I would love a better way of dealing // with this. :/ table->setStyleSheet("QTreeView::item:selected { " "background: qlineargradient(x1: 0, y1: 0, " "x2: 0, y2: 1, stop: 0 #6ea1f1, " "stop: 1 #567dbc); " "} " "QTreeView::item { " "border: 1px solid #d9d9d9; " "border-top-color: transparent; " "border-left-color: transparent; " "}"); table->setModel(model); table->header()->resizeSections(QHeaderView::ResizeToContents); uiLayout->addWidget(table, 1); connect(table->header(), SIGNAL(sectionResized(int, int, int)), this, SLOT(columnResized(int, int, int))); actCutAlong = new QAction(this); actCutAlong->setText(tr("Cu&t Along Surface")); actCutAlong->setToolTip(tr("Cut the triangulation along the " "selected surface")); actCutAlong->setEnabled(false); actCutAlong->setWhatsThis(tr("<qt>Cuts open the surround triangulation " "along the selected surface. This triangulation will not " "be changed; instead a new cut-open triangulation will be created.<p>" "This operation will never change the topology of the underlying " "3-manifold beyond just cutting along the surface (as opposed to " "the related <i>crushing</i> operation, which might). However, " "because the new surface boundaries are created from real " "boundary triangles, the resulting number of tetrahedra might be very " "large.</qt>")); connect(actCutAlong, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(cutAlong())); surfaceActionList.append(actCutAlong); actCrush = new QAction(this); actCrush->setText("Crus&h Surface"); actCrush->setToolTip(tr("Crush the selected surface to a point")); actCrush->setEnabled(false); actCrush->setWhatsThis(tr("<qt>Crushes the selected surface to a point " "within the surrounding triangulation. This triangulation will not " "be changed; instead a new crushed triangulation will be created.<p>" "<b>Warning:</b> This routine simply removes all tetrahedra " "containing quadrilateral discs and rejoins the others " "appropriately. In some circumstances this might change the " "topology of the underlying 3-manifold beyond just slicing along " "the surface and shrinking the resulting boundary/boundaries " "to points.</qt>")); surfaceActionList.append(actCrush); connect(actCrush, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(crush())); connect(table->selectionModel(), SIGNAL(selectionChanged(const QItemSelection&, const QItemSelection&)), this, SLOT(updateActionStates())); connect(&ReginaPrefSet::global(), SIGNAL(preferencesChanged()), this, SLOT(updatePreferences())); }
KKeyChooser::KKeyChooser( QDict<KKeyEntry> *aKeyDict, QWidget *parent ) : QWidget( parent ) { bKeyIntercept = FALSE; kbMode = NoKey; aKeyIt = new QDictIterator<KKeyEntry> ( *aKeyDict ); // TOP LAYOUT MANAGER // The following layout is used for the dialog // LIST LABELS LAYOUT // SPLIT LIST BOX WIDGET // CHOOSE KEY GROUP BOX WIDGET // BUTTONS LAYOUT // Items are added to topLayout as they are created. QBoxLayout *topLayout = new QVBoxLayout( this, 0, 10 ); // CREATE LIST LABELS QGridLayout *stackLayout = new QGridLayout( 2, 2, 2); topLayout->addLayout( stackLayout, 50 ); stackLayout->setRowStretch(1,10); keyLabel = new QLabel(this); stackLayout->addWidget(keyLabel, 0, 1); keyLabel->setText( i18n("Current key") ); keyLabel->setFixedHeight( keyLabel->sizeHint().height() ); // CREATE SPLIT LIST BOX // Copy all currentKeyCodes to configKeyCodes // and fill up the split list box with the action/key pairs. wList = new KSplitList( this ); stackLayout->addMultiCellWidget( wList, 1, 1, 0, 1 ); actLabel = new QLabel( wList, i18n("&Action"), this ); stackLayout->addWidget( actLabel, 0, 0 ); actLabel->setFixedHeight( actLabel->sizeHint().height() ); wList->setAutoUpdate(FALSE); wList->setFocus(); aIt = aKeyIt; aIt->toFirst(); while ( aIt->current() ) { aIt->current()->aConfigKeyCode = aIt->current()->aCurrentKeyCode; KSplitListItem *sli = new KSplitListItem( item( aIt->current()->aConfigKeyCode, aIt->currentKey() ) ); connect( wList, SIGNAL( newWidth( int ) ), sli, SLOT( setWidth( int ) ) ); wList->insertItem( sli ); ++ ( *aIt ); } if ( wList->count() == 0 ) wList->setEnabled( FALSE ); //connect( wList, SIGNAL( selected( int ) ), SLOT( toChange( int ) ) ); connect( wList, SIGNAL( highlighted( int ) ), SLOT( updateAction( int ) ) ); // CREATE CHOOSE KEY GROUP fCArea = new QGroupBox( this ); topLayout->addWidget( fCArea, 1 ); fCArea->setTitle( i18n("Choose a key for the selected action") ); fCArea->setFrameStyle( QFrame::Box | QFrame::Sunken ); // CHOOSE KEY GROUP LAYOUT MANAGER QGridLayout *grid = new QGridLayout( fCArea, 6, 4, 5 ); grid->setRowStretch(0,10); grid->setRowStretch(1,10); grid->setRowStretch(2,10); grid->setRowStretch(3,10); grid->setRowStretch(4,10); grid->setRowStretch(5,10); grid->setColStretch(0,0); grid->setColStretch(1,10); grid->setColStretch(2,90); grid->setColStretch(3,0); grid->addRowSpacing(0,15); grid->addRowSpacing(5,1); kbGroup = new QButtonGroup( fCArea ); kbGroup->hide(); kbGroup->setExclusive( true ); QRadioButton *rb = new QRadioButton( i18n("&No key"), fCArea ); rb->adjustSize(); rb->setFixedHeight( rb->height() ); rb->setMinimumWidth( rb->width() ); kbGroup->insert( rb, NoKey ); grid->addMultiCellWidget( rb, 1, 1, 1, 2 ); rb = new QRadioButton( i18n("&Default key"), fCArea ); rb->adjustSize(); rb->setFixedHeight( rb->height() ); rb->setMinimumWidth( rb->width() ); kbGroup->insert( rb, DefaultKey ); grid->addMultiCellWidget( rb, 2, 2, 1, 2 ); rb = new QRadioButton( i18n("&Custom key"), fCArea ); rb->adjustSize(); rb->setFixedHeight( rb->height() ); rb->setMinimumWidth( rb->width() ); kbGroup->insert( rb, CustomKey ); connect( kbGroup, SIGNAL( clicked( int ) ), SLOT( keyMode( int ) ) ); grid->addMultiCellWidget( rb, 3, 3, 1, 2 ); QBoxLayout *pushLayout = new QHBoxLayout( 2 ); grid->addLayout( pushLayout, 4, 2 ); cShift = new QCheckBox( fCArea ); cShift->setText( "SHIFT" ); cShift->setEnabled( FALSE ); connect( cShift, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( shiftClicked() ) ); cCtrl = new QCheckBox( fCArea ); cCtrl->setText( "CTRL" ); cCtrl->setEnabled( FALSE ); connect( cCtrl, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( ctrlClicked() ) ); cAlt = new QCheckBox( fCArea ); cAlt->setText( "ALT" ); cAlt->setEnabled( FALSE ); connect( cAlt, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( altClicked() ) ); bChange = new KKeyButton("key", fCArea); bChange->setEnabled( FALSE ); connect( bChange, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( changeKey() ) ); // Set height of checkboxes to basic key button height. // Basic key button height = push button height. cAlt->adjustSize(); cAlt->setFixedHeight( bChange->sizeHint().height() ); cAlt->setMinimumWidth( cAlt->width() ); cShift->adjustSize(); cShift->setFixedHeight( bChange->sizeHint().height() ); cShift->setMinimumWidth( cShift->width() ); cCtrl->adjustSize(); cCtrl->setFixedHeight( bChange->sizeHint().height() ); cCtrl->setMinimumWidth( cCtrl->width() ); fCArea->setMinimumHeight( bChange->sizeHint().height() + 20 + 3*rb->height() + 4*10); // Add widgets to the geometry manager pushLayout->addWidget( cShift ); pushLayout->addSpacing( 8 ); pushLayout->addWidget( cCtrl ); pushLayout->addSpacing( 8 ); pushLayout->addWidget( cAlt ); pushLayout->addSpacing( 18 ); pushLayout->addWidget( bChange ); pushLayout->addStretch( 10 ); lNotConfig = new QLabel(fCArea); lNotConfig->resize(0,0); lNotConfig->setFont( QFont("Helvetica", 14, QFont::Bold) ); lNotConfig->setAlignment( AlignCenter ); lNotConfig->setFrameStyle( QFrame::Panel | QFrame::Sunken ); if ( wList->count()==0 ) lNotConfig->setText(i18n("No keys defined")); else { lNotConfig->setText(i18n("Not configurable")); lNotConfig->hide(); } lNotConfig->hide(); lInfo = new QLabel(fCArea); resize(0,0); lInfo->setAlignment( AlignCenter ); lInfo->setEnabled( FALSE ); lInfo->hide(); wList->setAutoUpdate(TRUE); wList->update(); globalDict = new QDict<int> ( 37, false ); globalDict->setAutoDelete( true ); readGlobalKeys(); topLayout->activate(); }
ColumnViewPreviewWidget::ColumnViewPreviewWidget( ColumnView* parent ) : QWidget( parent ) { QWidget::setVisible( false ); QBoxLayout* mainLayout = new QVBoxLayout; setLayout( mainLayout ); #ifndef Q_OS_MAC //we don't need to scale on OSX anyway mainLayout->addSpacing( TomahawkUtils::DpiScaler::scaledY( this, 8 ) ); #else mainLayout->addSpacing( 8 ); #endif QBoxLayout* coverCenterLayout = new QHBoxLayout; mainLayout->addLayout( coverCenterLayout ); m_cover = new PlayableCover( this ); m_cover->setShowText( false ); m_cover->setFixedSize( 260, 260 ); m_cover->setAlignment( Qt::AlignCenter ); coverCenterLayout->addStretch(); coverCenterLayout->addWidget( m_cover ); coverCenterLayout->addStretch(); #ifndef Q_OS_MAC //we don't need to scale on OSX anyway mainLayout->addSpacing( TomahawkUtils::DpiScaler::scaledY( this, 16 ) ); #else mainLayout->addSpacing( 16 ); #endif m_trackLabel = new ScrollingLabel( this ); QFont font; font.setPointSize( TomahawkUtils::defaultFontSize() + 9 ); font.setBold( true ); m_trackLabel->setFont( font ); m_trackLabel->setFixedHeight( QFontMetrics( font ).height() + 6 ); m_trackLabel->setAlignment( Qt::AlignCenter ); QHBoxLayout* trackLayout = new QHBoxLayout; trackLayout->addSpacing( 3 ); trackLayout->addWidget( m_trackLabel ); trackLayout->addSpacing( 3 ); mainLayout->addLayout( trackLayout ); m_artistLabel = new QueryLabel( this ); m_artistLabel->setContentsMargins( 6, 2, 6, 2 ); m_artistLabel->setType( QueryLabel::Artist ); m_artistLabel->setAlignment( Qt::AlignCenter ); font.setPointSize( TomahawkUtils::defaultFontSize() + 5 ); m_artistLabel->setFont( font ); QHBoxLayout* artistLayout = new QHBoxLayout; artistLayout->addStretch(); artistLayout->addWidget( m_artistLabel ); m_artistLabel->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Preferred ); artistLayout->addStretch(); mainLayout->addLayout( artistLayout ); #ifndef Q_OS_MAC //we don't need to scale on OSX anyway mainLayout->addSpacing( TomahawkUtils::DpiScaler::scaledY( this, 16 ) ); #else mainLayout->addSpacing( 16 ); #endif QGridLayout* gridLayout = new QGridLayout; mainLayout->addLayout( gridLayout ); font.setPointSize( TomahawkUtils::defaultFontSize() + 3 ); m_composerLabel = new QLabel( this ); m_composerLabel->setEnabled( false ); m_composerLabel->setFont( font ); m_composerLabel->setAlignment( Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignVCenter ); m_composerLabel->setText( tr( "Composer:" ) ); gridLayout->addWidget( m_composerLabel, 0, 0 ); m_durationLabel = new QLabel( this ); m_durationLabel->setEnabled( false ); m_durationLabel->setFont( font ); m_durationLabel->setAlignment( Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignVCenter ); m_durationLabel->setText( tr( "Duration:" ) ); gridLayout->addWidget( m_durationLabel, 1, 0 ); m_bitrateLabel = new QLabel( this ); m_bitrateLabel->setEnabled( false ); m_bitrateLabel->setFont( font ); m_bitrateLabel->setAlignment( Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignVCenter ); m_bitrateLabel->setText( tr( "Bitrate:" ) ); gridLayout->addWidget( m_bitrateLabel, 2, 0 ); m_yearLabel = new QLabel( this ); m_yearLabel->setEnabled( false ); m_yearLabel->setFont( font ); m_yearLabel->setAlignment( Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignVCenter ); m_yearLabel->setText( tr( "Year:" ) ); gridLayout->addWidget( m_yearLabel, 3, 0 ); m_ageLabel = new QLabel( this ); m_ageLabel->setEnabled( false ); m_ageLabel->setFont( font ); m_ageLabel->setAlignment( Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignVCenter ); m_ageLabel->setText( tr( "Age:" ) ); gridLayout->addWidget( m_ageLabel, 4, 0 ); m_composerValue = new QLabel( this ); m_composerValue->setFont( font ); m_composerValue->setAlignment( Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter ); gridLayout->addWidget( m_composerValue, 0, 1 ); m_durationValue = new QLabel( this ); m_durationValue->setFont( font ); m_durationValue->setAlignment( Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter ); gridLayout->addWidget( m_durationValue, 1, 1 ); m_bitrateValue = new QLabel( this ); m_bitrateValue->setFont( font ); m_bitrateValue->setAlignment( Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter ); gridLayout->addWidget( m_bitrateValue, 2, 1 ); m_yearValue = new QLabel( this ); m_yearValue->setFont( font ); m_yearValue->setAlignment( Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter ); gridLayout->addWidget( m_yearValue, 3, 1 ); m_ageValue = new QLabel( this ); m_ageValue->setFont( font ); m_ageValue->setAlignment( Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter ); gridLayout->addWidget( m_ageValue, 4, 1 ); mainLayout->addStretch(); TomahawkUtils::unmarginLayout( mainLayout ); #ifndef Q_OS_MAC //we don't need to scale on OSX anyway gridLayout->setSpacing( TomahawkUtils::DpiScaler::scaledX( this, 4 ) ); #else gridLayout->setSpacing( 4 ); #endif }