void WebContentsAdapter::setContent(const QByteArray &data, const QString &mimeType, const QUrl &baseUrl) { Q_D(WebContentsAdapter); QByteArray encodedData = data.toPercentEncoding(); std::string urlString("data:"); urlString.append(mimeType.toStdString()); urlString.append(","); urlString.append(encodedData.constData(), encodedData.length()); GURL dataUrlToLoad(urlString); if (dataUrlToLoad.spec().size() > content::GetMaxURLChars()) { d->adapterClient->loadFinished(false, baseUrl, false, net::ERR_ABORTED); return; } content::NavigationController::LoadURLParams params((dataUrlToLoad)); params.load_type = content::NavigationController::LOAD_TYPE_DATA; params.base_url_for_data_url = toGurl(baseUrl); params.virtual_url_for_data_url = baseUrl.isEmpty() ? GURL(url::kAboutBlankURL) : toGurl(baseUrl); params.can_load_local_resources = true; params.transition_type = ui::PageTransitionFromInt(ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_TYPED | ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_FROM_API); params.override_user_agent = content::NavigationController::UA_OVERRIDE_TRUE; d->webContents->GetController().LoadURLWithParams(params); d->webContents->Focus(); d->webContents->Unselect(); }
QByteArray OAuthParameters::toSignatureBase() { QByteArray result; result += "oauth_consumer_key="; result += Consumer.consumerKey(); result += '&'; result += "oauth_nonce="; result += Nonce; result += '&'; result +="oauth_signature_method="; result += SignatureMethod; result += '&'; result += "oauth_timestamp="; result += Timestamp; result += '&'; if (!Token.token().isEmpty()) { result += "oauth_token="; result += Token.token(); result += '&'; } result += "oauth_version="; result += Version; return result.toPercentEncoding(); }
bool reportDataThread::validateUser(){ this->setUpConnection(); QByteArray* array = new QByteArray(); array->append(this->userID); QString* encoded = new QString(array->toPercentEncoding()); QString POST; POST = "POST /~dswhite21/capstone/submitResults.php HTTP/1.1\n"; POST += "Host: users.csc.tntech.edu\n"; POST += "Connection: keep-alive\n"; POST += "Content-Length: " + QString::number(encoded->length() + 5) + "\n"; POST += "Cache-Control: max-age=0\n"; POST += "Origin: http://users.csc.tntech.edu\n"; POST += "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\n"; POST += "Accept: text/html\n"; POST += "Accept-Encoding: None\n\n"; POST += "user="******"ERROR: Server is not Writable";} } this->server->write(POST.toAscii().data()); this->server->waitForBytesWritten(50000); if(!this->server->waitForReadyRead(50000)){ if(DEBUG){qWarning() << "ERROR: Server not responding";} } QString result = this->server->readAll(); if(!result.endsWith("\nvalid user")){ return true; } return false; }
void UrlEncode::transform(const QByteArray &input, QByteArray &output) { if (wayValue == INBOUND){ output = input.toPercentEncoding(exclude, include,percentSign); } else { output = QByteArray::fromPercentEncoding(input); } }
QByteArray TwitterDataUtil::authorizationHeader(const QByteArray &oauthConsumerKey, const QByteArray &oauthConsumerSecret, const QByteArray &requestMethod, const QByteArray &requestUrl, const std::vector<std::pair<QByteArray, QByteArray>> ¶meters, const QByteArray &oauthToken, const QByteArray &oauthTokenSecret, const QByteArray &oauthNonce, const QByteArray &oauthTimestamp) { // Twitter requires all requests to be signed with an authorization header. QByteArray nonce {oauthNonce}; if (nonce.isEmpty()) { nonce = QUuid::createUuid().toByteArray().toBase64(); } QByteArray timestamp {oauthTimestamp}; if (timestamp.isEmpty()) { timestamp = QByteArray::number(qFloor(QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch() / 1000.0)); } // now build up the encoded parameters map. We use a map to perform alphabetical sorting. QMap<QByteArray, QByteArray> encodedParams {}; encodedParams.insert(QByteArray("oauth_consumer_key").toPercentEncoding(), QByteArray(oauthConsumerKey).toPercentEncoding()); encodedParams.insert(QByteArray("oauth_nonce").toPercentEncoding(), nonce.toPercentEncoding()); encodedParams.insert(QByteArray("oauth_signature_method").toPercentEncoding(), QByteArray(OAUTH_SIGNATURE_METHOD).toPercentEncoding()); encodedParams.insert(QByteArray("oauth_timestamp").toPercentEncoding(), timestamp.toPercentEncoding()); encodedParams.insert(QByteArray("oauth_version").toPercentEncoding(), QByteArray(OAUTH_VERSION).toPercentEncoding()); if (!oauthToken.isEmpty()) { encodedParams.insert(QByteArray("oauth_token").toPercentEncoding(), oauthToken.toPercentEncoding()); } for (const std::pair<QByteArray, QByteArray> ¶meter : parameters) { encodedParams.insert(parameter.first, parameter.second); } QByteArray parametersByteArray {}; QList<QByteArray> keys = encodedParams.keys(); for (const QByteArray &key : keys) { parametersByteArray += key + QByteArray("=") + encodedParams.value(key) + QByteArray("&"); } parametersByteArray.chop(1); QByteArray signatureBaseString {requestMethod.toUpper() + QByteArray("&") + requestUrl.toPercentEncoding() + QByteArray("&") + parametersByteArray.toPercentEncoding()}; QByteArray signingKey {oauthConsumerSecret.toPercentEncoding() + QByteArray("&") + oauthTokenSecret.toPercentEncoding()}; QByteArray oauthSignature {QMessageAuthenticationCode::hash(signatureBaseString, signingKey, QCryptographicHash::Sha1).toBase64()}; encodedParams.insert(QByteArray("oauth_signature").toPercentEncoding(), oauthSignature.toPercentEncoding()); // now generate the Authorization header from the encoded parameters map. // we need to remove the query items from the encoded parameters map first. QByteArray authHeader = QByteArray("OAuth "); for (const std::pair<QByteArray, QByteArray> ¶meter : parameters) { encodedParams.remove(parameter.first); } keys = encodedParams.keys(); foreach (const QByteArray &key, keys) { authHeader += key + "=\"" + encodedParams.value(key) + "\", "; }
QString MyMemory::translate(const QString &src_text, const QString &src_lang, const QString &dest_lang) { QByteArray html = src_text.toUtf8(); html.replace("&", "&"); html.replace("<", "<"); html.replace(">", ">"); html.replace("\n", "<br>"); QString query = "v=1.0&format=html"; query += "&langpair=" + src_lang.toLatin1() + "%7C" + dest_lang.toLatin1(); query += "&q=" + html.toPercentEncoding(); QUrl url("http://mymemory.translated.net/api/get"); const QString rawdata = HTTP::POST(url, query); QJsonObject obj = QJsonDocument::fromJson(rawdata.toUtf8()).object(); QString res = obj.value("responseData").toObject().value("translatedText").toString(); return QTextDocumentFragment::fromHtml(res).toPlainText(); }
/* TODO: need to add support for arguments here */ QString Medialib::encodeUrl (const QString &src, const QStringList &args) { QString ret; #if QT_VERSION >= 0x040400 QByteArray data = src.toUtf8 (); // this might have to be toLatin1() QByteArray enc = data.toPercentEncoding (excludeEnc, includeEnc); enc.replace (' ', '+'); ret = QString (enc); #else static const char hex[17] = "0123456789abcdef"; for (int i = 0; i < src.size (); i ++) { char chr = src.at (i).toLatin1 (); if (GOODCHAR (chr)) { ret += chr; } else if (chr == ' ') { ret += '+'; } else { ret += '%'; ret += hex[((chr & 0xf0) >> 4)]; ret += hex[(chr & 0x0f)]; } } #endif if (args.size () > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < args.size (); i++) { ret.append ( (i == 0) ? '?' : '&'); // Perhaps I should check for '?' and '&' here. // But the c bindings don't so I left it out ret.append (args[i]); } } return ret; }
QUrl Oauth::createOAuthUrl( const QUrl url, const QString oAuthConsumerKey, const QString sharedSecret, const QString verb , const QString tokenSecret ) { const QString current = QString::number(QDateTime::currentDateTime().toUTC().toTime_t()); const QString nonce = Nonce(); QList<QPair<QString, QString> > inputParams = url.queryItems(); inputParams.append(QPair<QString,QString>(QString::fromLatin1(OAUTH_CONSUMER_KEY),oAuthConsumerKey)); inputParams.append(QPair<QString,QString>(QString::fromLatin1(OAUTH_SIGNATURE_METHOD),NETFLIX_SIGNATURE_METHOD)); inputParams.append(QPair<QString,QString>(QString::fromLatin1(OAUTH_TIMESTAMP),current)); inputParams.append(QPair<QString,QString>(QString::fromLatin1(OAUTH_NONCE),nonce)); inputParams.append(QPair<QString,QString>(QString::fromLatin1(OAUTH_VERSION),NETFLIX_OAUTH_VERSION)); qSort(inputParams.begin(),inputParams.end(),comparer); qDebug() << inputParams; QByteArray host = url.toEncoded(QUrl::RemoveQuery); QUrl returnUrl; returnUrl.setEncodedUrl(host); const int length = inputParams.size(); for( int i=0; i<length ; i++) { returnUrl.addQueryItem(inputParams.at(i).first,inputParams.at(i).second); } QString oAuthParams = returnUrl.encodedQuery(); QString requestString = QString("%1&%2&%3").arg(verb, host.toPercentEncoding(), Escape(oAuthParams)); qDebug() << requestString; QByteArray signature = HmacSha1(sharedSecret,requestString, tokenSecret); qDebug() << signature; returnUrl.addEncodedQueryItem(OAUTH_SIGNATURE,signature); return returnUrl; }
/** * Generates OAuth signature base * @param url Url with encoded parameters * @param method Http method * @param timestamp timestamp * @param nonce random string * @return signature base */ QByteArray OAuth::generateSignatureBase(const QUrl& url, HttpMethod method, const QByteArray& timestamp, const QByteArray& nonce) { //OAuth spec. 9.1 https://oauth.net/core/1.0/#anchor14 //OAuth spec. 9.1.1 QList<QPair<QByteArray, QByteArray> > urlParameters = url.encodedQueryItems(); QList<QByteArray> normParameters; QListIterator<QPair<QByteArray, QByteArray> > i(urlParameters); while(i.hasNext()){ QPair<QByteArray, QByteArray> queryItem = i.next(); QByteArray normItem = queryItem.first + '=' + queryItem.second; normParameters.append(normItem); } //consumer key normParameters.append(QByteArray("oauth_consumer_key=") + m_oauthConsumerKey); //token if(!m_oauthToken.isEmpty()){ normParameters.append(QByteArray("oauth_token=") + m_oauthToken); } //signature method, only HMAC_SHA1 normParameters.append(QByteArray("oauth_signature_method=HMAC-SHA1")); //time stamp normParameters.append(QByteArray("oauth_timestamp=") + timestamp); //nonce normParameters.append(QByteArray("oauth_nonce=") + nonce); //version normParameters.append(QByteArray("oauth_version=1.0")); //OAuth spec. qSort(normParameters); //OAuth spec. //QByteArray normString; //QListIterator<QByteArray> j(normParameters); //while(j.hasNext()){ // normString += j.next(); // normString += '&'; //} //normString.chop(1); QByteArray normString; QListIterator<QByteArray> j(normParameters); while (j.hasNext()) { normString += j.next().toPercentEncoding(); normString += "%26"; } normString.chop(3); //OAuth spec. 9.1.2 QString urlScheme = url.scheme(); QString urlPath = url.path(); QString urlHost = url.host(); QByteArray normUrl = urlScheme.toUtf8() + "://" + urlHost.toUtf8() + urlPath.toUtf8(); QByteArray httpm; switch (method) { case OAuth::GET: httpm = "GET"; break; case OAuth::POST: httpm = "POST"; break; case OAuth::DELETE: httpm = "DELETE"; break; case OAuth::PUT: httpm = "PUT"; break; } //OAuth spec. 9.1.3 return httpm + '&' + normUrl.toPercentEncoding() + '&' + normString; }
static QByteArray urlencode(const QByteArray& data) { return data.toPercentEncoding(); }
QString Oauth::Escape(QString data) { QByteArray x = data.toUtf8(); return x.toPercentEncoding(); }
QImage ImageProviderThumbnail::getThumbnailImage(QByteArray filename) { QString typeCache = (settings->thumbnailCacheFile ? "files" : "db"); bool cacheEnabled = settings->thumbnailCache; if(settings->thumbnailCache && !settings->thumbnailCacheFile) setupDbWhenNotYetDone(); // Create the md5 hash for the thumbnail file QByteArray path = "file://" + filename; QByteArray md5 = QCryptographicHash::hash(path,QCryptographicHash::Md5).toHex(); // Prepare the return QImage QImage p; // We always opt for the 256px resolution for the thumbnails, // as then we don't have to re-create thumbnails depending on change in settings int ts = 256; // If files in XDG_CACHE_HOME/thumbnails/ shall be used, then do use them if(typeCache == "files" && cacheEnabled) { // If there exists a thumbnail of the current file already if(QFile(ConfigFiles::GENERIC_CACHE_DIR() + "/thumbnails/large/" + md5 + ".png").exists()) { if(qgetenv("PHOTOQT_DEBUG") == "yes") LOG << CURDATE << "ImageProviderThumbnail: Found cached thumbnail (file cache): " << QFileInfo(filename).fileName().toStdString() << NL; p.load(ConfigFiles::GENERIC_CACHE_DIR() + "/thumbnails/large/" + md5 + ".png"); uint mtime = p.text("Thumb::MTime").trimmed().toInt(); // Use image if it's up-to-date if(QFileInfo(filename).lastModified().toTime_t() == mtime) return p; else if(qgetenv("PHOTOQT_DEBUG") == "yes") LOG << CURDATE << "ImageProviderThumbnail: Image was modified since thumbnail creation, not using cached thumbnail: " << QFileInfo(filename).fileName().toStdString() << NL; } // otherwise use the database } else if(cacheEnabled) { needToReCreatedDbThumbnail = false; // Query database QSqlQuery query(db); query.prepare("SELECT thumbnail,filelastmod FROM Thumbnails WHERE filepath=:fpath"); query.bindValue(":fpath",filename); query.exec(); // Check for found value if(query.next()) { if(qgetenv("PHOTOQT_DEBUG") == "yes") LOG << CURDATE << "ImageProviderThumbnail: Found cached thumbnail (db cache): " << QFileInfo(filename).fileName().toStdString() << NL; // Check if updated if(query.value(query.record().indexOf("filelastmod")).toUInt() == QFileInfo(filename).lastModified().toTime_t()) { // If current thumbnail -> load it QByteArray b; b = query.value(query.record().indexOf("thumbnail")).toByteArray(); p.loadFromData(b); // Cleaning up query.clear(); // Return image return p; // The original image has been changed -> need to recreate thumbnail image } else { if(qgetenv("PHOTOQT_DEBUG") == "yes") LOG << CURDATE << "ImageProviderThumbnail: Image was modified since thumbnail creation, not using cached thumbnail: " << QFileInfo(filename).fileName().toStdString() << NL; needToReCreatedDbThumbnail = true; } } // Cleaning up query.clear(); } // If file wasn't loaded from file or database, then it doesn't exist yet (or isn't up-to-date anymore) and we have to create it // We create a temporary pointer, so that we can delete it properly afterwards QSize *tmp = new QSize(ts,ts); p = imageproviderfull->requestImage(filename.toPercentEncoding(),tmp,QSize(ts,ts)); delete tmp; // Only if the image itself is smaller than the requested thumbnail size are both dimensions less than (strictly) than ts -> no caching if((p.width() < ts && p.height() < ts) || p.text("error") == "error") { if(qgetenv("PHOTOQT_DEBUG") == "yes") LOG << CURDATE << "ImageProviderThumbnail: Image is smaller than potential thumbnail, no need to cache: " << QFileInfo(filename).fileName().toStdString() << NL; return p; } // Create file cache thumbnail if(typeCache == "files" && cacheEnabled) { // If the file itself wasn't read from the thumbnails folder, is not a temporary file, and if the original file isn't at thumbnail size itself if(!filename.startsWith(QString(ConfigFiles::GENERIC_CACHE_DIR() + "/thumbnails").toUtf8()) && !filename.startsWith(QDir::tempPath().toUtf8())) { // Set some required (and additional) meta information p.setText("Thumb::URI", QString("file://%1").arg(QString(filename))); p.setText("Thumb::MTime", QString("%1").arg(QFileInfo(filename).lastModified().toTime_t())); QString mime = mimedb.mimeTypeForFile(filename, QMimeDatabase::MatchContent).name(); // this is the default mime type if no mime type is available or file cannot be found if(mime != "application/octet-stream") p.setText("Thumb::Mimetype", mime); #if (QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 10, 0)) p.setText("Thumb::Size", QString("%1").arg(p.sizeInBytes())); #else QFileInfo info(filename); p.setText("Thumb::Size", QString("%1").arg(info.size())); #endif // If the file does already exist, then the image has likely been updated -> delete old thumbnail image if(QFile(ConfigFiles::GENERIC_CACHE_DIR() + "/thumbnails/large/" + md5 + ".png").exists()) QFile(ConfigFiles::GENERIC_CACHE_DIR() + "/thumbnails/large/" + md5 + ".png").remove(); // And save new thumbnail image if(!p.save(ConfigFiles::GENERIC_CACHE_DIR() + "/thumbnails/large/" + md5 + ".png")) LOG << CURDATE << "ImageProviderThumbnail: ERROR creating new thumbnail file: " << QFileInfo(filename).fileName().toStdString() << NL; else if(qgetenv("PHOTOQT_DEBUG") == "yes") LOG << CURDATE << "ImageProviderThumbnail: Successfully cached thumbnail (file cache): " << QFileInfo(filename).fileName().toStdString() << NL; } // if not file caching -> db caching } else if(cacheEnabled) { // make sure transaction is started if(!dbTransactionStarted) { if(!db.transaction()) LOG << CURDATE << "ImageProviderThumbnail: ERROR: Cannot start db transaction" << NL; dbTransactionStarted = true; } QSqlQuery query2(db); // convert image to bytearray QByteArray b; QBuffer buf(&b); buf.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly); // Always use png format p.save(&buf,"PNG"); // If it was once created, i.e. if the file changed (i.e. if last mod date changed), then we have to update it if(needToReCreatedDbThumbnail) query2.prepare("UPDATE Thumbnails SET filepath=:path,thumbnail=:thb,filelastmod=:mod,thumbcreated=:crt WHERE filepath=:path"); else query2.prepare("INSERT INTO Thumbnails(filepath,thumbnail,filelastmod,thumbcreated) VALUES(:path,:thb,:mod,:crt)"); // bind the thumbnail properties query2.bindValue(":path",filename); query2.bindValue(":thb",b); query2.bindValue(":mod",QFileInfo(filename).lastModified().toTime_t()); query2.bindValue(":crt",QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch()); query2.exec(); if(query2.lastError().text().trimmed().length()) LOG << CURDATE << "ImageProviderThumbnail: ERROR [" << QString(filename).toStdString() << "]: " << query2.lastError().text().trimmed().toStdString() << NL; else if(qgetenv("PHOTOQT_DEBUG") == "yes") LOG << CURDATE << "ImageProviderThumbnail: Successfully cached thumbnail (db cache): " << QFileInfo(filename).fileName().toStdString() << NL; // cleaning up query2.clear(); } // aaaaand done! return p; }
QString Encoding::percentEncode(const QByteArray & data) { return data.toPercentEncoding(); }
bool Method::execute() { if (!prepare()) return false; if (!validate()) return false; // THese are always constant with API requests if (getMethodName().startsWith("fql.query",Qt::CaseInsensitive)) m_argMap.insert("method","fql.query"); else if (getMethodName().startsWith("fql.multiquery",Qt::CaseInsensitive)) m_argMap.insert("method","fql.multiquery"); else m_argMap.insert("method", getMethodName()); m_argMap.insert("api_key", m_userInfo->getApiKey()); m_argMap.insert("v","1.0"); m_argMap.insert("session_key",m_userInfo->getSessionKey()); // This is going to have to be changed to something with greater than // second resolution (miliseconds or microseconds). Is there anything portable across // Mac/Win/Linux? Doubtful, have to build compile options for it. time_t tm = time(0); //char callId[30]; //sprintf(callId, "%lld", tm); m_argMap.insert("call_id",(qlonglong)tm); // pull all the key/value pairs from the QMap and do the magic Facebook requires to // make an API call /********** From the Facebook API docs **************************************** The signature can be generated by calling generate_sig in facebook.php. generate_sig takes two parameters: an array of arg=val pairs and your app secret. The signature can also be constructed using the following algorithm (after all the other arguments have been determined): args = array of args to the request, not counting sig, formatted in non-urlencoded arg=val pairs sorted_array = alphabetically_sort_array_by_keys(args); request_str = concatenate_in_order(sorted_array); signature = md5(concatenate(request_str, secret)) ***********************************************************************************/ // In a way, this is really retarded. Facebook wants an MD5 hash of the args with no // serparators. You also need a set of args with '&' separated url encoded // key/value pairs for the actual post QByteArray sigByteArray; QByteArray postArgs; // QMap is automatically sorted by keys QMapIterator<QString, QVariant> i(m_argMap); while (i.hasNext()) { i.next(); sigByteArray.append(i.key() + "=" + i.value().toString() ); postArgs.append(i.key() + "=" + i.value().toString() + "&"); } sigByteArray.append(m_userInfo->getSecret()); QByteArray sig = QCryptographicHash::hash(sigByteArray,QCryptographicHash::Md5 ); postArgs.append("sig="); postArgs.append(sig.toHex()); QByteArray exclude("&="); QByteArray include; postArgs = postArgs.toPercentEncoding(exclude,include,'%'); // qDebug() << postArgs; QUrl url("http://api.facebook.com/restserver.php"); QNetworkRequest nr; nr.setUrl(url); nr.setHeader(QNetworkRequest::ContentTypeHeader, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); m_reply = m_manager->post(nr,postArgs); if (m_reply != 0) { connect(m_manager, SIGNAL(finished(QNetworkReply*)), this, SLOT(gotReply(QNetworkReply*))); return true; }
void twit_func::post(QString tweet){ QSettings settings("tea_soak_lab", "cli_tweet"); consumer_key = settings.value("consumer_key").toString(); consumer_secret = settings.value("consumer_secret").toString(); oauth_token = settings.value("oauth_token").toString(); oauth_token_secret = settings.value("oauth_token_secret").toString(); QString update_url = "https://api.twitter.com/1.1/statuses/update.json"; qsrand(QDateTime::currentDateTime().toTime_t()); QString nonce = QString::number(qrand()); QMap<QString,QString> params; params["oauth_consumer_key"] = consumer_key; params["oauth_nonce"] = nonce; params["oauth_signature_method"] = "HMAC-SHA1"; params["oauth_timestamp"] = QString::number(time(NULL)); params["oauth_token"] = oauth_token; params["oauth_version"] = "1.0"; params["status"] = QString::fromUtf8(tweet.toUtf8().toPercentEncoding()); QString params_str; QMapIterator<QString,QString> i(params); while(i.hasNext()){ i.next(); params_str += QString("%1=%2&").arg(i.key()).arg(i.value()); } params_str.resize(params_str.size() -1); QByteArray message = "POST&" + update_url.toUtf8().toPercentEncoding() + "&" + params_str.toUtf8().toPercentEncoding(); QByteArray key = consumer_secret.toUtf8() + "&" + oauth_token_secret.toUtf8(); unsigned char res[SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH + 1]; unsigned int reslen; HMAC(EVP_sha1(), (unsigned char*)key.data(), key.length(), (unsigned char*)message.data(), message.length(), res, &reslen); std::string result; result = (char*)res; result.erase(reslen); QByteArray signature = QByteArray::fromRawData(result.c_str(), result.length()).toBase64(); params.remove("status"); params["oauth_signature"] = QString::fromUtf8(signature.toPercentEncoding()); QString header_params_str = ""; QMapIterator<QString,QString> i2(params); while(i2.hasNext()){ i2.next(); header_params_str += i2.key() + "=" + i2.value() + ","; } header_params_str.resize(header_params_str.size() -1); QEventLoop eventLoop; QNetworkAccessManager *manager = new QNetworkAccessManager(); QObject::connect(manager, SIGNAL(finished(QNetworkReply*)), &eventLoop, SLOT(quit())); //QObject::connect(&manager, SIGNAL(finished(QNetworkReply*)), &eventLoop, SLOT(quit())); QUrl url(update_url); QNetworkRequest r(url); r.setHeader(QNetworkRequest::ContentTypeHeader, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); r.setRawHeader(QObject::tr("Authorization").toUtf8(), (QObject::tr("OAuth ") + header_params_str).toUtf8()); QNetworkReply *reply = manager->post(r, QObject::tr("status=").toUtf8() + tweet.toUtf8().toPercentEncoding()); eventLoop.exec(); QString reply_data = reply->readAll(); QJsonDocument json = QJsonDocument::fromJson(reply_data.toUtf8()); if(json.object().value("errors").toArray().at(0).toObject().value("code").toInt() != 0){ settings.setValue("error_code",json.object().value("errors").toArray().at(0).toObject().value("code").toInt()); settings.setValue("error_mess",json.object().value("errors").toArray().at(0).toObject().value("message").toString()); } else { settings.setValue("error_code",0); settings.setValue("error_mess","none"); } }