bool checkInlineCode(QCString & doc) { int index=doc.find("\\code"); if (index>0) { strComment+=doc; startCodeBlock(index); doxComment=TRUE; return true; } return false; }
static int findMatchingPart(const QCString &path,const QCString dir) { int si1; int pos1=0,pos2=0; while ((si1=path.find('/',pos1))!=-1) { int si2=dir.find('/',pos2); //printf(" found slash at pos %d in path %d: %s<->%s\n",si1,si2, // path.mid(pos1,si1-pos2).data(),dir.mid(pos2).data()); if (si2==-1 && path.mid(pos1,si1-pos2)==dir.mid(pos2)) // match at end { return dir.length(); } if (si1!=si2 || path.mid(pos1,si1-pos2)!=dir.mid(pos2,si2-pos2)) // no match in middle { return QMAX(pos1-1,0); } pos1=si1+1; pos2=si2+1; } return 0; }
void UmlClass::uml2java(bool rec) { if (isJavaExternal()) set_JavaDecl(JavaSettings::externalClassDecl()); else { QCString st = JavaSettings::classStereotype(stereotype()); UmlItem * pack = parent()->parent(); while (pack->kind() != aPackage) pack = pack->parent(); if ((st == "stereotype") || (st == "metaclass") || (pack->stereotype() == "profile")) { set_CppDecl(""); return; } if (st == "enum_pattern") set_JavaDecl(JavaSettings::enumPatternDecl()); else if (st == "enum") set_JavaDecl(JavaSettings::enumDecl()); else if (st == "interface") set_JavaDecl(JavaSettings::interfaceDecl()); else if (st == "@interface") { QCString s = JavaSettings::interfaceDecl(); int index = s.find("interface"); if (index != -1) s.insert(index, '@'); set_JavaDecl(s); } else if (st == "ignored") { set_JavaDecl(""); return; } else set_JavaDecl(JavaSettings::classDecl()); if (rec) { const QVector<UmlItem> ch = children(); unsigned n = ch.size(); for (unsigned i = 0; i != n; i += 1) ch[i]->uml2java(rec); } if (parent()->kind() == aClassView) // not nested artifact()->set_JavaSource(JavaSettings::sourceContent()); } }
void FileOut::define_datatypes(bool uml_20, bool primitive_type, bool gen_extension) { const char * pfix = (primitive_type) ? ((uml_20) ? "<ownedMember xmi:type=\"uml:PrimitiveType\"" : "<packagedElement xmi:type=\"uml:PrimitiveType\"") : ((uml_20) ? "<ownedMember xmi:type=\"uml:DataType\"" : "<packagedElement xmi:type=\"uml:DataType\""); QMap<QCString, int>::ConstIterator it; for (it = _datatypes.begin(); it != _datatypes.end(); ++it) { indent(); (*this) << pfix << " xmi:id=\"BOUML_datatype_" << << "\" name=\""; quote(it.key()); (*this) << "\"/>\n"; } const char * postfix = (uml_20) ? "</ownedMember>\n" : "</packagedElement>\n"; for (it = _modifiedtypes.begin(); it != _modifiedtypes.end(); ++it) { QCString k = it.key(); int index = k.find('_'); indent(); (*this) << pfix << " xmi:id=\"BOUML_basedontype_" << << "\" name = \""; quote(k.mid(index + 1)); (*this) << '"'; if (gen_extension) { (*this) << ">\n"; indent(); (*this) << "\t<xmi:Extension extender=\"Bouml\">\n"; indent(); (*this) << "\t\t<basedOn \"BOUML_" << k.left(index) << "\"/>\n"; indent(); (*this) << "\t</xmi:Extension>\n"; indent(); (*this) << postfix; } else (*this) << "/>\n"; } }
int DM::numReserve() { if(DMType == GDM) return 1; /* Bleh */ if(DMType == OldKDM) return strstr(ctl, ",rsvd") ? 1 : -1; QCString re; int p; if(!(exec("caps\n", re) && (p = re.find("\treserve ")) >= 0)) return -1; return atoi( + p + 9); }
void UmlClassItem::remove_preprocessor(QCString & s) { int index = 0; while ((index = s.find('#', index)) != -1) { // remove all up to the end of line int index2 = index + 1; int index3; while ((index3 = s.find('\n', index2)) != -1) { // manage multi lines #define if (((const char *) s)[index3 - 1] != '\\') break; else index2 = index3 + 1; } // the \n is still here to hava a separator if (index3 == -1) s.truncate(index); else s.remove(index, index3 - index); } }
void KJFilename::timeUpdate(int) { if ( !napp->player()->current() ) // just for safety return; QCString title = QCString( napp->player()->current().title().local8Bit() ); if ( title == mLastTitle ) return; mLastTitle = title; QCString timestring = napp->player()->lengthString().local8Bit(); timestring = timestring.mid(timestring.find('/')+1); prepareString ( title + " (" + timestring + ") "); }
QCString value_of(QCString s, QCString k, int & index) { index = s.find(k); if (index == -1) { QCString result; return result; } else { int index2; index += k.length(); return get_next_word(s, index, index2); } }
// tries to create a codec by the given charset description static QTextCodec* codecForCharset( const QCString& Desc ) { int i = Desc.find( "charset=" ); if( i >= 0 ) { QCString CharSetName = Desc.mid( i+8 ); // remove any further attributes if( (i=CharSetName.find( ';' )) >= 0 ) CharSetName = CharSetName.left( i ); // try to find codec return QTextCodec::codecForName( CharSetName ); } // no charset=, use locale return KGlobal::locale()->codecForEncoding(); }
static QTextCodec* findcharset(const QCString& mimetype) { int i=mimetype.find("charset="); if ( i >= 0 ) { QCString cs = mimetype.mid(i+8); stripws(cs); i = cs.find(';'); if ( i >= 0 ) cs = cs.left(i); // May return 0 if unknown charset return QTextCodec::codecForName(cs,cs.length()*3/4); } // no charset=, use locale return QTextCodec::codecForLocale(); }
bool GroupDef::addClass(const ClassDef *cd) { static bool sortBriefDocs = Config_getBool(SORT_BRIEF_DOCS); if (cd->isHidden()) return FALSE; updateLanguage(cd); QCString qn = cd->name(); if (classSDict->find(qn)==0) { //printf("--- addClass %s sort=%d\n",,sortBriefDocs); if (sortBriefDocs) { classSDict->inSort(qn,cd); } else { int i=qn.findRev("::"); if (i==-1) i=qn.find('.'); bool found=FALSE; //printf("i=%d\n",i); if (i!=-1) { // add nested classes (e.g. A::B, A::C) after their parent (A) in // order of insertion QCString scope = qn.left(i); int j=classSDict->findAt(scope); if (j!=-1) { while (j<(int)classSDict->count() && classSDict->at(j)->qualifiedName().left(i)==scope) { //printf("skipping over %s\n",classSDict->at(j)->qualifiedName().data()); j++; } //printf("Found scope at index %d\n",j); classSDict->insertAt(j,qn,cd); found=TRUE; } } if (!found) // no insertion point found -> just append { classSDict->append(qn,cd); } } return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
void DebuggerPart::slotDCOPApplicationRegistered(const QCString& appId) { if (appId.find("drkonqi-") == 0) { QByteArray answer; QCString replyType; kapp->dcopClient()->call(appId, "krashinfo", "appName()", QByteArray(), replyType, answer, true, 5000); QDataStream d(answer, IO_ReadOnly); QCString appName; d >> appName; if (appName.length() && project() && project()->mainProgram().endsWith(appName)) { kapp->dcopClient()->send(appId, "krashinfo", "registerDebuggingApplication(QString)", i18n("Debug in &KDevelop")); connectDCOPSignal(appId, "krashinfo", "acceptDebuggingApplication()", "slotDebugExternalProcess()", true); } }
// creates the name for the local text/plain static const char *localTextPlain() { static QCString TextPlainLocal; if( TextPlainLocal.isNull() ) { TextPlainLocal = QCString(KGlobal::locale()->encoding()).lower(); // remove the whitespaces int s; while( (s=TextPlainLocal.find(' ')) >= 0 ) TextPlainLocal.remove( s, 1 ); TextPlainLocal.prepend( TextPlainLocalStub ); } return TextPlainLocal; }
/** * Client "conn" emits the signal "fun" with "data" as arguments. * * If "excludeSelf" is true, signal is never sent to "conn" itself. */ void DCOPSignals::emitSignal(DCOPConnection *conn, const QCString &_fun, const QByteArray &data, bool excludeSelf) { QCString senderObj; QCString fun = _fun; int i = fun.find('#'); if(i > -1) { senderObj = fun.left(i); fun = fun.mid(i + 1); } DCOPSignalConnectionList *list = connections.find(fun); if(!list) return; for(DCOPSignalConnection *current = list->first(); current; current = list->next()) { bool doSend = false; if(current->senderConn) { if(current->senderConn == conn) doSend = true; } else if(!current->sender.isEmpty()) { if((conn && current->sender == conn->appId) || (current->sender == "DCOPServer")) doSend = true; } else { doSend = true; } if(!current->senderObj.isEmpty() && (current->senderObj != senderObj)) { doSend = false; } if(excludeSelf && (conn == current->recvConn)) doSend = false; if(doSend) { the_server->sendMessage(current->recvConn, conn ? conn->appId : QCString("DCOPServer"), current->recvConn->appId, current->recvObj, current->slot, data); } } }
/*! Executes the application associated with this AppLnk, with \a args as arguments. \sa exec() */ void AppLnk::execute(const QStringList& args) const { #ifdef Q_WS_QWS if ( !mRotation.isEmpty() ) { // ######## this will only work in the server int rot = QPEApplication::defaultRotation(); int j = 0; rot = (rot+mRotation.toInt())%360; QCString old = getenv( "QWS_DISPLAY" ) ? getenv( "QWS_DISPLAY" ) : "Transformed"; QString driver( old.left( ( ( j = old.find( ':' ) ) >= 0 ) ? j : old.size() ).data() ); setenv( "QWS_DISPLAY", QString( "%1:Rot%2:0" ).arg( driver ).arg( rot ), 1 ); invoke(args); setenv("QWS_DISPLAY",, 1); } else #endif invoke(args); }
void KNNntpClient::doPostArticle() { KNLocalArticle *art = static_cast<KNLocalArticle *>(job->data()); sendSignal(TSsendArticle); if(art->messageID(false) != 0) { int rep; if(!sendCommand(QCString("STAT ") + art->messageID(false)->as7BitString(false), rep)) return; if(rep == 223) // 223 n <a> article retrieved - request text separately { #ifndef NDEBUG qDebug("knode: STAT successful, we have probably already sent this article."); #endif return; // the article is already on the server, lets put it silently into the send folder } } if(!sendCommandWCheck("POST", 340)) // 340 send article to be posted. End with <CR-LF>.<CR-LF> return; if(art->messageID(false) == 0) // article has no message ID => search for a ID in the response { QCString s = getCurrentLine(); int start = s.findRev(QRegExp("<[^\\s]*@[^\\s]*>")); if(start != -1) // post response includes a recommended id { int end = s.find('>', start); art->messageID()->from7BitString(s.mid(start, end - start + 1)); art->assemble(); #ifndef NDEBUG qDebug("knode: using the message-id recommended by the server: %s", s.mid(start, end - start + 1).data()); #endif } } if(!sendMsg(art->encodedContent(true))) return; if(!checkNextResponse(240)) // 240 article posted ok return; }
void KSircIOLAG::sirc_receive(QCString str, bool) { if(str.contains("*L*")){ int s1, s2; s1 = str.find("*L* ") + 4; s2 = str.length(); if(s1 < 0 || s2 < 0){ kdDebug(5008) << "Lag mesage broken: " << str << endl; return; } QString lag = str.mid(s1, s2 - s1); // cerr << "Lag: " << str << endl; // cerr << "Setting lag to: " << lag << endl; (proc->getWindowList())["!all"]->control_message(SET_LAG, lag); } }
// Returns the position of the encoding string. static int findXMLEncoding(const QCString &str, int &encodingLength) { int len = str.length(); int pos = str.find("encoding"); if(pos == -1) return -1; pos += 8; // Skip spaces and stray control characters. while(pos < len && str[pos] <= ' ') ++pos; //Bail out if nothing after // Skip equals sign. if(pos >= len || str[pos] != '=') return -1; ++pos; // Skip spaces and stray control characters. while(pos < len && str[pos] <= ' ') ++pos; //Bail out if nothing after if(pos >= len) return -1; // Skip quotation mark. char quoteMark = str[pos]; if(quoteMark != '"' && quoteMark != '\'') return -1; ++pos; // Find the trailing quotation mark. int end = pos; while(end < len && str[end] != quoteMark) ++end; if(end >= len) return -1; encodingLength = end - pos; return pos; }
void GenericsSDict::insert(const QCString &key,ClassDef *cd) { int i=key.find('<'); if (i==-1) return; ArgumentList argList; stringToArgumentList(key.mid(i),&argList); int c = argList.count(); if (c==0) return; GenericsCollection *collection = m_dict.find(key.left(i)); if (collection==0) // new name { collection = new GenericsCollection; m_dict.append(key.left(i),collection); } if (collection->find(c)==0) // should always be 0! { collection->insert(c,cd); } }
QCString value_of(QCString s, QCString k, int & index, QCString & next, int & index2) { QCString result; index = s.find(k, index); if (index != -1) { index += k.length(); result = get_next_word(s, index, index2); if (! result.isEmpty()) { int index3; next = get_next_word(s, index2, index3); } } return result; }
void DM::shutdown(KApplication::ShutdownType shutdownType, KApplication::ShutdownMode shutdownMode, /* NOT Default */ const QString &bootOption) { if(shutdownType == KApplication::ShutdownTypeNone) return; bool cap_ask; if(DMType == NewKDM) { QCString re; cap_ask = exec("caps\n", re) && re.find("\tshutdown ask") >= 0; } else { if(!bootOption.isEmpty()) return; cap_ask = false; } if(!cap_ask && shutdownMode == KApplication::ShutdownModeInteractive) shutdownMode = KApplication::ShutdownModeForceNow; QCString cmd; if(DMType == GDM) { cmd.append(shutdownMode == KApplication::ShutdownModeForceNow ? "SET_LOGOUT_ACTION " : "SET_SAFE_LOGOUT_ACTION "); cmd.append(shutdownType == KApplication::ShutdownTypeReboot ? "REBOOT\n" : "HALT\n"); } else { cmd.append("shutdown\t"); cmd.append(shutdownType == KApplication::ShutdownTypeReboot ? "reboot\t" : "halt\t"); if(!bootOption.isEmpty()) cmd.append("=").append(bootOption.local8Bit()).append("\t"); cmd.append(shutdownMode == KApplication::ShutdownModeInteractive ? "ask\n" : shutdownMode == KApplication::ShutdownModeForceNow ? "forcenow\n" : shutdownMode == KApplication::ShutdownModeTryNow ? "trynow\n" : "schedule\n"); } exec(; }
bool Definition::_docsAlreadyAdded(const QCString &doc,QCString &sigList) { uchar md5_sig[16]; QCString sigStr(33); // to avoid mismatches due to differences in indenting, we first remove // double whitespaces... QCString docStr = doc.simplifyWhiteSpace(); MD5Buffer((const unsigned char *),docStr.length(),md5_sig); MD5SigToString(md5_sig,sigStr.rawData(),33); //printf("%s:_docsAlreadyAdded doc='%s' sig='%s' docSigs='%s'\n", // name().data(),,,; if (sigList.find(sigStr)==-1) // new docs, add signature to prevent re-adding it { sigList+=":"+sigStr; return FALSE; } else { return TRUE; } }
/*! Stores an item in the index if it is not already present. * Items are stored in alphetical order, by sorting on the * concatenation of \a level1 and \a level2 (if present). * * \param level1 the string at level 1 in the index. * \param level2 the string at level 2 in the index (or 0 if not applicable). * \param url the url of the documentation (without .html extension). * \param anchor the anchor of the documentation within the page. * \param hasLink if true, the url (without anchor) can be used in the * level1 item, when writing the header of a list of level2 items. * \param reversed TRUE if level1 is the member name and level2 the compound * name. */ void HtmlHelpIndex::addItem(const char *level1,const char *level2, const char *url,const char *anchor,bool hasLink, bool reversed) { QCString key = level1; if (level2) key+= (QCString)"?" + level2; if (key.find(QRegExp("@[0-9]+"))!=-1) // skip anonymous stuff { return; } if (dict->find(key)==0) // new key { //printf(">>>>>>>>> HtmlHelpIndex::addItem(%s,%s,%s,%s)\n", // level1,level2,url,anchor); IndexField *f = new IndexField; f->name = key; f->url = url; f->anchor = anchor; f->link = hasLink; f->reversed = reversed; dict->append(key,f); } }
QCString Driver::escapeIdentifier(const QCString& str, int options) const { bool needOuterQuotes = false; // Need to use quotes if ... // ... we have been told to, or ... if(options & EscapeAlways) needOuterQuotes = true; // ... or if the driver does not have a list of keywords, else if(!d->driverSQLDict) needOuterQuotes = true; // ... or if it's a keyword in Kexi's SQL dialect, else if(d->kexiSQLDict->find(str)) needOuterQuotes = true; // ... or if it's a keyword in the backends SQL dialect, // (have already checked !d->driverSQLDict) else if((options & EscapeDriver) && d->driverSQLDict->find(str)) needOuterQuotes = true; // ... or if the identifier has a space in it... else if(str.find(' ') != -1) needOuterQuotes = true; if(needOuterQuotes && (options & EscapeKexi)) { const char quote = '"'; return quote + QCString(str).replace( quote, "\"\"" ) + quote; } else if (needOuterQuotes) { const char quote = beh->QUOTATION_MARKS_FOR_IDENTIFIER.latin1(); return quote + drv_escapeIdentifier(str) + quote; } else { return drv_escapeIdentifier(str); } }
QString Namespace::namespacify(QCString s, bool local) { QString r; int index = s.find("::"); if (index == 0) r = ((const char *) s) + 2; else { if (index != -1) { QMap<QCString,QCString>::ConstIterator it = Aliases.find(s.left(index)); if (it != Aliases.end()) s.replace(0, index, *it); } r = (Stack.isEmpty()) ? QString(s) : Stack.last() + QString(s); } return (local) ? r + "\n" + Lex::filename() : r; }
void CiteDict::generatePage() const { //printf("** CiteDict::generatePage() count=%d\n",m_ordering.count()); // do not generate an empty citations page if (isEmpty()) return; // nothing to cite // 1. generate file with markers and citations to OUTPUT_DIRECTORY QFile f; QCString outputDir = Config_getString("OUTPUT_DIRECTORY"); QCString citeListFile = outputDir+"/citelist.doc"; f.setName(citeListFile); if (! { err("could not open file %s for writing\n",; } FTextStream t(&f); t << "<!-- BEGIN CITATIONS -->" << endl; t << "<!--" << endl; QDictIterator<CiteInfo> it(m_entries); CiteInfo *ci; for (it.toFirst();(ci=it.current());++it) { t << "\\citation{" << ci->label << "}" << endl; } t << "-->" << endl; t << "<!-- END CITATIONS -->" << endl; t << "<!-- BEGIN BIBLIOGRAPHY -->" << endl; t << "<!-- END BIBLIOGRAPHY -->" << endl; f.close(); // 2. generate bib2xhtml QCString bib2xhtmlFile = outputDir+"/"; f.setName(bib2xhtmlFile); QCString bib2xhtml = bib2xhtml_pl; if (! { err("could not open file %s for writing\n",; } f.writeBlock(bib2xhtml, bib2xhtml.length()); f.close(); // 3. generate doxygen.bst QCString doxygenBstFile = outputDir+"/doxygen.bst"; QCString bstData = doxygen_bst; f.setName(doxygenBstFile); if (! { err("could not open file %s for writing\n",; } f.writeBlock(bstData, bstData.length()); f.close(); // 4. for html we just copy the bib files to the output so that // bibtex can find them without path (bibtex doesn't support path's // with spaces!) QList<QCString> tempFiles; tempFiles.setAutoDelete(TRUE); QDir thisDir; if (Config_getBool("GENERATE_HTML")) { // copy bib files to the latex output dir QStrList &citeDataList = Config_getList("CITE_BIB_FILES"); QCString bibOutputDir = outputDir+"/"; QFileInfo fo(bibOutputDir); const char *bibdata = citeDataList.first(); while (bibdata) { QCString bibFile = bibdata; if (!bibFile.isEmpty() && bibFile.right(4)!=".bib") bibFile+=".bib"; QFileInfo fi(bibFile); if (fi.exists() && fi.dirPath(TRUE)!=fo.absFilePath()) { if (!bibFile.isEmpty()) { QCString destFile=bibOutputDir+fi.fileName().data(); copyFile(bibFile,destFile); tempFiles.append(new QCString(destFile)); } } else if (!fi.exists()) { err("bib file %s not found!\n",; } bibdata =; } } QCString oldDir = QDir::currentDirPath().utf8(); QDir::setCurrent(outputDir); // 5. run bib2xhtml perl script on the generated file which will insert the // bibliography in citelist.doc portable_system("perl","\""+bib2xhtmlFile+"\" "+getListOfBibFiles(" ",FALSE)+" \""+ citeListFile+"\""); QDir::setCurrent(oldDir); // 6. read back the file f.setName(citeListFile); if (! { err("could not open file %s/citelist.doc for reading\n",; } bool insideBib=FALSE; QCString doc; QFileInfo fi(citeListFile); QCString input(fi.size()+1); f.readBlock(,fi.size()); f.close();'\0'; int p=0,s; //printf("input=[%s]\n",; while ((s=input.find('\n',p))!=-1) { QCString line = input.mid(p,s-p); //printf("p=%d s=%d line=[%s]\n",p,s,; p=s+1; if (line.find("<!-- BEGIN BIBLIOGRAPHY")!=-1) insideBib=TRUE; else if (line.find("<!-- END BIBLIOGRAPH")!=-1) insideBib=FALSE; else if (insideBib) doc+=line+"\n"; int i; // determine text to use at the location of the @cite command if (insideBib && (i=line.find("<a name=\"CITEREF_"))!=-1) { int j=line.find("\">["); int k=line.find("]</a>"); if (j!=-1 && k!=-1) { QCString label = line.mid(i+17,j-i-17); QCString number = line.mid(j+2,k-j-1); CiteInfo *ci = m_entries.find(label); //printf("label='%s' number='%s' => %p\n",,,ci); if (ci) { ci->text = number; } } } } //printf("doc=[%s]\n",; // 7. add it as a page addRelatedPage(CiteConsts::fileName, theTranslator->trCiteReferences(),doc,0,CiteConsts::fileName,1,0,0,0); // 8. for latex we just copy the bib files to the output and let // latex do this work. if (Config_getBool("GENERATE_LATEX")) { // copy bib files to the latex output dir QStrList &citeDataList = Config_getList("CITE_BIB_FILES"); QCString latexOutputDir = Config_getString("LATEX_OUTPUT")+"/"; const char *bibdata = citeDataList.first(); while (bibdata) { QCString bibFile = bibdata; if (!bibFile.isEmpty() && bibFile.right(4)!=".bib") bibFile+=".bib"; QFileInfo fi(bibFile); if (fi.exists()) { if (!bibFile.isEmpty()) { copyFile(bibFile,latexOutputDir+fi.fileName().data()); } } else { err("bib file %s not found!\n",; } bibdata =; } } // 9. Remove temporary files thisDir.remove(citeListFile); thisDir.remove(doxygenBstFile); thisDir.remove(bib2xhtmlFile); while (!tempFiles.isEmpty()) { QCString *s=tempFiles.take(0); thisDir.remove(*s); } }
bool UmlOperation::get_param(QCString s, int & index, QCString & r, QCString & kname, QCString & ktype, int & rank) { int index0 = index; int level = 0; const char * p = (const char *) s; r = ""; do { switch (p[index]) { case 0: if (level != 0) return FALSE; r = s.mid(index0, index - index0).stripWhiteSpace(); if (r.isEmpty()) return FALSE; case ',': if (level == 0) { r = s.mid(index0, index - index0).stripWhiteSpace(); index += 1; if (r.isEmpty()) return FALSE; } break; case '(': case '{': case '[': level += 1; break; case ')': case '}': case ']': if (--level < 0) return FALSE; } index += 1; } while (r.isEmpty()); int index1; int index2; rank = -1; if (((index1 = r.find("${p")) != -1) && ((index2 = r.find("}", index1 + 3)) != -1)) { kname = r.mid(index1, index2 - index1 + 1); rank = atoi(((const char *) r) + index1 + 3); } else kname = ""; if (((index1 = r.find("${t")) != -1) && ((index2 = r.find("}", index1 + 3)) != -1)) { ktype = r.mid(index1, index2 - index1 + 1); if (rank == -1) rank = atoi(((const char *) r) + index1 + 3); } else if (rank == -1) // too complicated; return FALSE; else ktype = ""; return TRUE; }
static void parse( MetaTranslator *tor, const char *initialContext, const char *defaultContext ) { QMap<QCString, QCString> qualifiedContexts; QStringList namespaces; QCString context; QCString text; QCString com; QCString functionContext = initialContext; QCString prefix; bool utf8 = FALSE; bool missing_Q_OBJECT = FALSE; yyTok = getToken(); while ( yyTok != Tok_Eof ) { switch ( yyTok ) { case Tok_class: /* Partial support for inlined functions. */ yyTok = getToken(); if ( yyBraceDepth == (int) namespaces.count() && yyParenDepth == 0 ) { do { /* This code should execute only once, but we play safe with impure definitions such as 'class Q_EXPORT QMessageBox', in which case 'QMessageBox' is the class name, not 'Q_EXPORT'. */ functionContext = yyIdent; yyTok = getToken(); } while ( yyTok == Tok_Ident ); while ( yyTok == Tok_Gulbrandsen ) { yyTok = getToken(); functionContext += "::"; functionContext += yyIdent; yyTok = getToken(); } if ( yyTok == Tok_Colon ) { missing_Q_OBJECT = TRUE; } else { functionContext = defaultContext; } } break; case Tok_namespace: yyTok = getToken(); if ( yyTok == Tok_Ident ) { QCString ns = yyIdent; yyTok = getToken(); if ( yyTok == Tok_LeftBrace && yyBraceDepth == (int) namespaces.count() + 1 ) namespaces.append( QString(ns) ); } break; case Tok_tr: case Tok_trUtf8: utf8 = ( yyTok == Tok_trUtf8 ); yyTok = getToken(); if ( match(Tok_LeftParen) && matchString(&text) ) { com = ""; if ( match(Tok_RightParen) || (match(Tok_Comma) && matchString(&com) && match(Tok_RightParen)) ) { if ( prefix.isNull() ) { context = functionContext; if ( !namespaces.isEmpty() ) context.prepend( (namespaces.join(QString("::")) + QString("::")).latin1() ); } else { context = prefix; } prefix = (const char *) 0; if ( qualifiedContexts.contains(context) ) context = qualifiedContexts[context]; tor->insert( MetaTranslatorMessage(context, text, com, QString::null, utf8) ); if ( lacks_Q_OBJECT.contains(context) ) { qWarning( "%s:%d: Class '%s' lacks Q_OBJECT macro", (const char *) yyFileName, yyLineNo, (const char *) context ); lacks_Q_OBJECT.remove( context ); } else { needs_Q_OBJECT.insert( context, 0 ); } } } break; case Tok_translate: utf8 = FALSE; yyTok = getToken(); if ( match(Tok_LeftParen) && matchString(&context) && match(Tok_Comma) && matchString(&text) ) { com = ""; if ( match(Tok_RightParen) || (match(Tok_Comma) && matchString(&com) && (match(Tok_RightParen) || match(Tok_Comma) && matchEncoding(&utf8) && match(Tok_RightParen))) ) tor->insert( MetaTranslatorMessage(context, text, com, QString::null, utf8) ); } break; case Tok_Q_OBJECT: missing_Q_OBJECT = FALSE; yyTok = getToken(); break; case Tok_Ident: if ( !prefix.isNull() ) prefix += "::"; prefix += yyIdent; yyTok = getToken(); if ( yyTok != Tok_Gulbrandsen ) prefix = (const char *) 0; break; case Tok_Comment: com = yyComment; com = com.simplifyWhiteSpace(); if ( com.left(sizeof(MagicComment) - 1) == MagicComment ) { com.remove( 0, sizeof(MagicComment) - 1 ); int k = com.find( ' ' ); if ( k == -1 ) { context = com; } else { context = com.left( k ); com.remove( 0, k + 1 ); tor->insert( MetaTranslatorMessage(context, "", com, QString::null, FALSE) ); } /* Provide a backdoor for people using "using namespace". See the manual for details. */ k = 0; while ( (k = context.find("::", k)) != -1 ) { qualifiedContexts.insert( context.mid(k + 2), context ); k++; } } yyTok = getToken(); break; case Tok_Arrow: yyTok = getToken(); if ( yyTok == Tok_tr || yyTok == Tok_trUtf8 ) qWarning( "%s:%d: Cannot invoke tr() like this", (const char *) yyFileName, yyLineNo ); break; case Tok_Gulbrandsen: // at top level? if ( yyBraceDepth == (int) namespaces.count() && yyParenDepth == 0 ) functionContext = prefix; yyTok = getToken(); break; case Tok_RightBrace: case Tok_Semicolon: if ( yyBraceDepth >= 0 && yyBraceDepth + 1 == (int) namespaces.count() ) namespaces.remove( namespaces.fromLast() ); if ( yyBraceDepth == (int) namespaces.count() ) { if ( missing_Q_OBJECT ) { if ( needs_Q_OBJECT.contains(functionContext) ) { qWarning( "%s:%d: Class '%s' lacks Q_OBJECT macro", (const char *) yyFileName, yyLineNo, (const char *) functionContext ); } else { lacks_Q_OBJECT.insert( functionContext, 0 ); } } functionContext = defaultContext; missing_Q_OBJECT = FALSE; } yyTok = getToken(); break; default: yyTok = getToken(); } } if ( yyBraceDepth != 0 ) fprintf( stderr, "%s:%d: Unbalanced braces in C++ code (or abuse of the C++" " preprocessor)\n", (const char *)yyFileName, yyBraceLineNo ); else if ( yyParenDepth != 0 ) fprintf( stderr, "%s:%d: Unbalanced parentheses in C++ code (or abuse of the C++" " preprocessor)\n", (const char *)yyFileName, yyParenLineNo ); }
bool Lex::identifierp(const char * s) { return (Separators.find(*s) == -1); }
char Lex::read_word_bis(bool in_templ) { char result = 0; if (!context.reread.isEmpty()) { if (in_templ && (context.reread == ">>")) { // >> read as > because unlike C++ not have to write "T<..X<..> >" context.reread = context.reread.mid(1); result = '>'; } else { result = context.reread.latin1()[0]; context.reread = QString::null; } } else { for (;;) { int c = get(); #ifdef TRACE //cout << "deja \"" << result << "\", '" << ((char) c) << "'\n"; #endif if (c == EOF) break; else if (Separators.find(c) == -1) { if (result == 0) result = c; } else if (result != 0) { unget(); break; } else { switch (c) { case '"': bypass_string(); #ifdef TRACE cout << "retourne '" << (char) c << "'\n"; #endif return (char) c; case '[': bypass_array_dim(); #ifdef TRACE cout << "retourne '!' (array dim)\n"; #endif return '!'; // to not be [ case '\'': bypass_character(); #ifdef TRACE cout << "retourne ' (char)\n"; #endif return (char) c; case '/': switch (peek()) { case '/': bypass_cpp_comment(); break; case '*': bypass_c_comment(); break; case '=': get(); #ifdef TRACE cout << "retourne '/' (/=)\n"; #endif return (char) c; default: #ifdef TRACE cout << "retourne '/'\n"; #endif return (char) c; } break; case '\n': context.line_number += 1; break; case '@': bypass_annotation(); #ifdef TRACE cout << "retourne '@' (annotation)\n"; #endif return (char) c; case '>': if (in_templ && (peek() == '>')) { // >> read as > because unlike C++ not have to write "T<..X<..> >" get(); if (peek() != '=') { unget(); #ifdef TRACE cout << "retourne '>'\n"; #endif return '>'; } unget(); } // no break default: if (c > ' ') return bypass_operator(c); break; } } } } #ifdef TRACE cout << "retourne '" << result << "'\n"; #endif return result; }