void QwtPainter::drawColoredArc(QPainter *painter, const QRect &rect,
    int peak, int arc, int interval, const QColor &c1, const QColor &c2)
    int h1, s1, v1;
    int h2, s2, v2;

#if QT_VERSION < 0x040000
    c1.hsv(&h1, &s1, &v1);
    c2.hsv(&h2, &s2, &v2);
    c1.getHsv(&h1, &s1, &v1);
    c2.getHsv(&h2, &s2, &v2);

    arc /= 2;
    for ( int angle = -arc; angle < arc; angle += interval)
        double ratio;
        if ( angle >= 0 )
            ratio = 1.0 - angle / double(arc);
            ratio = 1.0 + angle / double(arc);

        QColor c;
        c.setHsv( h1 + qRound(ratio * (h2 - h1)),
            s1 + qRound(ratio * (s2 - s1)),
            v1 + qRound(ratio * (v2 - v1)) );

        painter->setPen(QPen(c, painter->pen().width()));
        painter->drawArc(rect, (peak + angle) * 16, interval * 16);
    Mixes two colors \a c1 and \a c2 to a new color.
QColor QPlatinumStyle::mixedColor(const QColor &c1, const QColor &c2) const
    int h1,s1,v1,h2,s2,v2;
    return QColor( (h1+h2)/2, (s1+s2)/2, (v1+v2)/2, QColor::Hsv );
  Draw a dotted round circle, if !isReadOnly()

  \param painter Painter
void QwtDial::drawFocusIndicator(QPainter *painter) const
    if ( !isReadOnly() )
        QRect focusRect = contentsRect();

        const int margin = 2;
            focusRect.x() + margin,
            focusRect.y() + margin,
            focusRect.width() - 2 * margin,
            focusRect.height() - 2 * margin);

        QColor color = colorGroup().color(QColorGroup::Base);
        if (color.isValid())
            int h, s, v;
            color.hsv(&h, &s, &v);
            color = (v > 128) ? Qt::gray.dark(120) : Qt::gray.light(120);
            color = Qt::darkGray;

        painter->setPen(QPen(color, 0, Qt::DotLine));
void BatteryStatus::drawSegment( QPainter *p, const QRect &r, const QColor &topgrad, const QColor &botgrad, const QColor &highlight, int hightlight_height ) {
    int h1, h2, s1, s2, v1, v2, ng = r.height(), hy = ng*30/100, hh = hightlight_height;
    topgrad.hsv( &h1, &s1, &v1 );
    botgrad.hsv( &h2, &s2, &v2 );
    for ( int j = 0; j < hy-2; j++ ) {
        p->setPen( QColor( h1 + ((h2-h1)*j)/(ng-1), s1 + ((s2-s1)*j)/(ng-1),
                           v1 + ((v2-v1)*j)/(ng-1),  QColor::Hsv ) );
        p->drawLine( r.x(), r.top()+hy-2-j, r.x()+r.width(), r.top()+hy-2-j );
    for ( int j = 0; j < hh; j++ ) {
        p->setPen( highlight );
        p->drawLine( r.x(), r.top()+hy-2+j, r.x()+r.width(), r.top()+hy-2+j );
    for ( int j = 0; j < ng-hy-hh; j++ ) {
        p->setPen( QColor( h1 + ((h2-h1)*j)/(ng-1), s1 + ((s2-s1)*j)/(ng-1),
                           v1 + ((v2-v1)*j)/(ng-1),  QColor::Hsv ) );
        p->drawLine( r.x(), r.top()+hy+hh-2+j, r.x()+r.width(), r.top()+hy+hh-2+j );
    KConfig *config = KGlobal::config();
    QColor color = QApplication::palette().active().highlight();
//     QColor activeTitle = QApplication::palette().active().background();
//     QColor inactiveTitle = QApplication::palette().inactive().background();
    QColor activeTitle = config->readColorEntry("activeBackground", &color);
    QColor inactiveTitle = config->readColorEntry("inactiveBackground", &color);

    // figure out which color is most suitable for recoloring to
    int h1, s1, v1, h2, s2, v2, h3, s3, v3;
    activeTitle.hsv(&h1, &s1, &v1);
    inactiveTitle.hsv(&h2, &s2, &v2);
    QApplication::palette().active().background().hsv(&h3, &s3, &v3);

    if ( (kAbs(h1-h3)+kAbs(s1-s3)+kAbs(v1-v3) < kAbs(h2-h3)+kAbs(s2-s3)+kAbs(v2-v3)) &&
            ((kAbs(h1-h3)+kAbs(s1-s3)+kAbs(v1-v3) < 32) || (s1 < 32)) && (s2 > s1))
        color = inactiveTitle;
        color = activeTitle;

    // limit max/min brightness
    int r, g, b;
    color.rgb(&r, &g, &b);
    int gray = qGray(r, g, b);
    if (gray > 180) {
        r = (r - (gray - 180) < 0 ? 0 : r - (gray - 180));
        g = (g - (gray - 180) < 0 ? 0 : g - (gray - 180));
        b = (b - (gray - 180) < 0 ? 0 : b - (gray - 180));
    } else if (gray < 76) {
        r = (r + (76 - gray) > 255 ? 255 : r + (76 - gray));
        g = (g + (76 - gray) > 255 ? 255 : g + (76 - gray));
        b = (b + (76 - gray) > 255 ? 255 : b + (76 - gray));
    color.setRgb(r, g, b);

    return color;
QColor KGlobalSettings::calculateAlternateBackgroundColor(const QColor& base)
    if (base == Qt::white)
        return QColor(238,246,255);
        int h, s, v;
        base.hsv( &h, &s, &v );
        if (v > 128)
            return base.dark(106);
        else if (base != Qt::black)
            return base.light(110);

        return QColor(32,32,32);
ClusterPalette::ClusterPalette(QColor backgroundColor,QWidget* parent,KStatusBar * statusBar, const char* name, WFlags fl )
    : QVBox( parent, name, fl ),doc(0L),mode(IMMEDIATE),isInSelectItems(false),isUpToDate(true),backgroundColor(backgroundColor),statusBar(statusBar),isInUserClusterInfoMode(false)
    //Set the palette color


    iconView = new QIconView(this, "ClusterPalette");
    QFont font( "Helvetica",8);

    int h;
    int s;
    int v;
    if(s <= 80 && v >= 240 || (s <= 40 && v >= 220)) iconView->setPaletteForegroundColor(black);
    else iconView->setPaletteForegroundColor(white);

    QFontInfo fontInfo = QFontInfo(QFont());
    iconView->setGridX(fontInfo.pixelSize() * 2);

    //Deal with the sizes

    //Set the legend in the good language

    //Signal and slot connection
    connect(iconView,SIGNAL(contextMenuRequested(QIconViewItem* ,const QPoint&)),this, SLOT(slotRightPressed(QIconViewItem*)));
    connect(iconView,SIGNAL(selectionChanged()),this, SLOT(slotClickRedraw()));
    connect(iconView,SIGNAL(mouseButtonPressed(int,QIconViewItem* ,const QPoint&)),this, SLOT(slotMousePressed(int,QIconViewItem*)));

    connect(iconView,SIGNAL(onItem(QIconViewItem*)),this, SLOT(slotOnItem(QIconViewItem*)));
QPalette::QPalette( const QColor &button, const QColor &background )
    data = new QPalData;
    Q_CHECK_PTR( data );
    data->ser_no = palette_count++;
    QColor bg = background, btn = button, fg, base, disfg;
    int h, s, v;
    bg.hsv( &h, &s, &v );
    if ( v > 128 ) {				// light background
	fg   = Qt::black;
	base = Qt::white;
	disfg = Qt::darkGray;
    } else {					// dark background
	fg   = Qt::white;
	base = Qt::black;
	disfg = Qt::darkGray;
    data->active   = QColorGroup( fg, btn, btn.light(150), btn.dark(),
				  btn.dark(150), fg, Qt::white, base, bg );
    data->disabled = QColorGroup( disfg, btn, btn.light(150), btn.dark(),
				  btn.dark(150), disfg, Qt::white, base, bg );
    data->inactive = data->active;
void KZColorSelector::setBaseColor(const QColor& color) {
	color.hsv(&baseColorH, &baseColorS, &baseColorV);
void PlaylistItem::paintCell( QPainter *painter, const QColorGroup &cg, int column, int width, int align )
    //TODO add spacing on either side of items
    //p->translate( 2, 0 ); width -= 3;

    // Don't try to draw if width or height is 0, as this crashes Qt
    if( !painter || !listView() || width <= 0 || height() == 0 )

    static const QImage currentTrackLeft  = locate( "data", "amarok/images/currenttrack_bar_left.png" );
    static const QImage currentTrackMid   = locate( "data", "amarok/images/currenttrack_bar_mid.png" );
    static const QImage currentTrackRight = locate( "data", "amarok/images/currenttrack_bar_right.png" );

    if( column == Mood  &&  !moodbar().dataExists() )
      moodbar().load();  // Only has an effect the first time
    // The moodbar column can have text in it, like "Calculating".
    // moodbarType is 0 if column != Mood, 1 if we're displaying
    // a moodbar, and 2 if we're displaying text
    const int moodbarType =
        column != Mood ? 0 : moodbar().state() == Moodbar::Loaded ? 1 : 2;

    const QString colText = text( column );
    const bool isCurrent = this == listView()->currentTrack();

    QPixmap buf( width, height() );
    QPainter p( &buf, true );

    if( isCurrent )
        static paintCacheItem paintCache[NUM_COLUMNS];

        // Convert intensity to string, so we can use it as a key
        const QString colorKey = QString::number( glowIntensity );

        const bool cacheValid =
            paintCache[column].width == width &&
            paintCache[column].height == height() &&
            paintCache[column].text == colText &&
            paintCache[column].font == painter->font() &&
            paintCache[column].color == glowBase &&
            paintCache[column].selected == isSelected() &&

            // If any parameter changed, we must regenerate all pixmaps
            if ( !cacheValid )
                for( int i = 0; i < NUM_COLUMNS; ++i)
                s_pixmapChanged = false;

            // Determine if we need to repaint the pixmap, or paint from cache
            if ( paintCache[column].map.find( colorKey ) == paintCache[column].map.end() )
                // Update painting cache
                paintCache[column].width = width;
                paintCache[column].height = height();
                paintCache[column].text = colText;
                paintCache[column].font = painter->font();
                paintCache[column].color = glowBase;
                paintCache[column].selected = isSelected();

                QColor bg;
                if( isSelected() )
                    bg = listView()->colorGroup().highlight();
                    bg = isAlternate() ? listView()->alternateBackground() :

                buf.fill( bg );

                // Draw column divider line
                p.setPen( listView()->viewport()->colorGroup().mid() );
                p.drawLine( width - 1, 0, width - 1, height() - 1 );

                // Here we draw the background bar graphics for the current track:
                // Illustration of design, L = Left, M = Middle, R = Right:
                // <LMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMR>

                int leftOffset  = 0;
                int rightOffset = 0;
                int margin      = listView()->itemMargin();

                const float  colorize  = 0.8;
                const double intensity = 1.0 - glowIntensity * 0.021;

                // Left part
                if( column == listView()->m_firstColumn ) {
                    QImage tmpImage = currentTrackLeft.smoothScale( 1, height(), QImage::ScaleMax );
                    KIconEffect::colorize( tmpImage, glowBase, colorize );
                    imageTransparency( tmpImage, intensity );
                    p.drawImage( 0, 0, tmpImage, 0, 0, tmpImage.width() - 1 ); //HACK
                    leftOffset = tmpImage.width() - 1; //HACK Subtracting 1, to work around the black line bug
                    margin += 6;

                // Right part
                if( column == Playlist::instance()->mapToLogicalColumn( Playlist::instance()->numVisibleColumns() - 1 ) )
                    QImage tmpImage = currentTrackRight.smoothScale( 1, height(), QImage::ScaleMax );
                    KIconEffect::colorize( tmpImage, glowBase, colorize );
                    imageTransparency( tmpImage, intensity );
                    p.drawImage( width - tmpImage.width(), 0, tmpImage );
                    rightOffset = tmpImage.width();
                    margin += 6;

                // Middle part
                // Here we scale the one pixel wide middel image to stretch to the full column width.
                QImage tmpImage = currentTrackMid.copy();
                KIconEffect::colorize( tmpImage, glowBase, colorize );
                imageTransparency( tmpImage, intensity );
                tmpImage = tmpImage.smoothScale( width - leftOffset - rightOffset, height() );
                p.drawImage( leftOffset, 0, tmpImage );

                // Draw the pixmap, if present
                int leftMargin = margin;
                if ( pixmap( column ) ) {
                    p.drawPixmap( leftMargin, height() / 2 - pixmap( column )->height() / 2, *pixmap( column ) );
                    leftMargin += pixmap( column )->width() + 2;

                if( align != Qt::AlignCenter )
                align |= Qt::AlignVCenter;

                if( column != Rating  &&
                    moodbarType != 1 )
                    // Draw the text
                    static QFont font;
                    static int minbearing = 1337 + 666;
                    if( minbearing == 2003 || font != painter->font() )
                        font = painter->font();
                        minbearing = painter->fontMetrics().minLeftBearing()
                                    + painter->fontMetrics().minRightBearing();
                    const bool italic = font.italic();
                    int state = EngineController::engine()->state();
                    if( state == Engine::Playing || state == Engine::Paused )
                        font.setItalic( !italic );
                    p.setFont( font );
                    p.setPen( cg.highlightedText() );
//                  paint.setPen( glowText );
                    const int _width = width - leftMargin - margin + minbearing - 1; // -1 seems to be necessary
                    const QString _text = KStringHandler::rPixelSqueeze( colText, painter->fontMetrics(), _width );
                    p.drawText( leftMargin, 0, _width, height(), align, _text );
                    font.setItalic( italic );
                    p.setFont( font );

                paintCache[column].map[colorKey] = buf;
                p.drawPixmap( 0, 0, paintCache[column].map[colorKey] );
            if( column == Rating )
                drawRating( &p );
            if( moodbarType == 1 )
                drawMood( &p, width, height() );
        const QColorGroup _cg = ( !exists() || !isEnabled() )
                                ? listView()->palette().disabled()
                                : listView()->palette().active();

        QColor bg = isSelected()  ? _cg.highlight()
                    : isAlternate() ? listView()->alternateBackground()
                    : listView()->viewport()->backgroundColor();
        #if KDE_IS_VERSION( 3, 3, 91 )
        if( listView()->shadeSortColumn() && !isSelected() && listView()->columnSorted() == column )
            /* from klistview.cpp
                Copyright (C) 2000 Reginald Stadlbauer <*****@*****.**>
                Copyright (C) 2000,2003 Charles Samuels <*****@*****.**>
                Copyright (C) 2000 Peter Putzer */
            if ( bg == Qt::black )
                bg = QColor(55, 55, 55);  // dark gray
                int h,s,v;
                bg.hsv(&h, &s, &v);
                if ( v > 175 )
                    bg = bg.dark(104);
                    bg = bg.light(120);

        const QColor textc = isSelected() ? _cg.highlightedText() : _cg.text();

        buf.fill( bg );

        // Draw column divider line
        if( !isSelected() )
            p.setPen( listView()->viewport()->colorGroup().mid() );
            p.drawLine( width - 1, 0, width - 1, height() - 1 );

        // Draw the pixmap, if present
        int margin = listView()->itemMargin(), leftMargin = margin;
        if ( pixmap( column ) ) {
            p.drawPixmap( leftMargin, height() / 2 - pixmap( column )->height() / 2, *pixmap( column ) );
            leftMargin += pixmap( column )->width();

        if( align != Qt::AlignCenter )
            align |= Qt::AlignVCenter;

        if( column == Rating )
            drawRating( &p );
        else if( moodbarType == 1 )
            drawMood( &p, width, height() );
            // Draw the text
            static QFont font;
            static int minbearing = 1337 + 666; //can be 0 or negative, 2003 is less likely
            if( minbearing == 2003 || font != painter->font() )
                font = painter->font(); //getting your bearings can be expensive, so we cache them
                minbearing = painter->fontMetrics().minLeftBearing()
                                + painter->fontMetrics().minRightBearing();
            p.setFont( font );
            p.setPen( ( m_isNew && isEnabled() && !isSelected() ) ? AmarokConfig::newPlaylistItemsColor() : textc );
            const int _width = width - leftMargin - margin + minbearing - 1; // -1 seems to be necessary
            const QString _text = KStringHandler::rPixelSqueeze( colText, painter->fontMetrics(), _width );
            p.drawText( leftMargin, 0, _width, height(), align, _text );
    /// Track action symbols
    const int  queue       = listView()->m_nextTracks.findRef( this ) + 1;
    const bool stop        = ( this == listView()->m_stopAfterTrack );
    const bool repeat      = Amarok::repeatTrack() && isCurrent;

    const uint num = ( queue ? 1 : 0 ) + ( stop ? 1 : 0 ) + ( repeat ? 1 : 0 );

    static const QPixmap pixstop   = Amarok::getPNG(  "currenttrack_stop_small"  ),
                         pixrepeat = Amarok::getPNG( "currenttrack_repeat_small" );

    //figure out if we are in the actual physical first column
    if( column == listView()->m_firstColumn && num )
        //margin, height
        const uint m = 2, h = height() - m;

        const QString str = QString::number( queue );

        const uint qw = painter->fontMetrics().width( str ), sw = pixstop.width(),  rw = pixrepeat.width(),
                   qh = painter->fontMetrics().height(),     sh = pixstop.height(), rh = pixrepeat.height();

        const uint mw = kMax( qw, kMax( rw, sw ) );

        //width of first & second column of pixmaps
        const uint w1 = ( num == 3 ) ? kMax( qw, rw )
                      : ( num == 2 && isCurrent ) ? kMax( repeat ? rw : 0, kMax( stop ? sw : 0, queue ? qw : 0 ) )
                      : ( num == 2 ) ? qw
                      : queue ? qw : repeat ? rw : stop ? sw : 0,
                   w2 = ( num == 3 ) ? sw
                      : ( num == 2 && !isCurrent ) ? sw
                      : 0; //phew

        //ellipse width, total width
        const uint ew = 16, tw = w1 + w2 + m * ( w2 ? 2 : 1 );
        p.setBrush( cg.highlight() );
        p.setPen( cg.highlight().dark() ); //TODO blend with background color
        p.drawEllipse( width - tw - ew/2, m / 2, ew, h );
        p.drawRect( width - tw, m / 2, tw, h );
        p.setPen( cg.highlight() );
        p.drawLine( width - tw, m/2 + 1, width - tw, h - m/2 );

        int x = width - m - mw, y = height() / 2, tmp = 0;
        const bool multi = ( isCurrent && num >= 2 );
        if( queue )
            //draw the shadowed inner text
            //NOTE we can't set an arbituary font size or family, these settings are already optional
            //and user defaults should also take presidence if no playlist font has been selected
            //const QFont smallFont( "Arial", (playNext > 9) ? 9 : 12 );
            //p->setFont( smallFont );
            //TODO the shadow is hard to do well when using a dark font color
            //TODO it also looks cluttered for small font sizes
            //p->setPen( cg.highlightedText().dark() );
            //p->drawText( width - w + 2, 3, w, h-1, Qt::AlignCenter, str );

            if( !multi )
                tmp = -(qh / 2);
            y += tmp;
            p.setPen( cg.highlightedText() );
            p.drawText( x, y, -x + width, multi ? h/2 : qh, Qt::AlignCenter, str );
            y -= tmp;
            if( isCurrent )
                y -= height() / 2;
                x -= m + w2;
        if( repeat )
            if( multi )
                tmp = (h/2 - rh)/2 + ( num == 2 && stop ? 0 : 1 );
                tmp = -(rh / 2);
            y += tmp;
            p.drawPixmap( x, y, pixrepeat );
            y -= tmp;
            if( num == 3 )
                x -= m + w2 + 2;
                y = height() / 2;
                y -= height() / 2;
        if( stop )
            if( multi && num != 3 )
                tmp = m + (h/2 - sh)/2;
                tmp = -(sh / 2);
            y += tmp;
            p.drawPixmap( x, y, pixstop );
            y -= tmp;

    if( this != listView()->currentTrack() && !isSelected() )
        p.setPen( QPen( cg.mid(), 0, Qt::SolidLine ) );
        p.drawLine( width - 1, 0, width - 1, height() - 1 );

    painter->drawPixmap( 0, 0, buf );