void AcquisitionData::parseXml(QDomNode& dataNode) { QDomNode recordsessionsNode = dataNode.namedItem("recordSessions"); QDomElement recodesessionNode = recordsessionsNode.firstChildElement("recordSession"); for (; !recodesessionNode.isNull(); recodesessionNode = recodesessionNode.nextSiblingElement("recordSession")) { // RecordSessionPtr session(new RecordSession("", 0,0,"")); RecordSessionPtr session(new RecordSession()); session->parseXml(recodesessionNode); this->addRecordSession(session); } }
void PluginDialog::parsePluginNode(QDomNode node) { QString name = node.firstChildElement("name").text(); QString shortname = node.firstChildElement("shortname").text(); QString iconUrl = node.firstChildElement("icon").text(); QString category = node.firstChildElement("category").text(); QString downloadUrl = node.firstChildElement("download").text(); QString version = node.firstChildElement("version").text(); QIcon icon = NetworkUtils::getIconFromUrl(QUrl(iconUrl)); QList<QStandardItem *> rowItems; QStandardItem* pluginItem = new QStandardItem(icon, name); pluginItem->setData(shortname, Qt::UserRole); pluginItem->setData(downloadUrl, Qt::UserRole + 1); pluginItem->setData(version, Qt::UserRole + 2); rowItems << pluginItem; QStandardItem* enableItem = new QStandardItem(""); enableItem->setCheckable(true); if(pluginManager->isInstalled(shortname)) { enableItem->setCheckState(Qt::Checked); } rowItems << enableItem; if(category != "local") { categoryOnline->appendRow(rowItems); }else { categoryLocal->appendRow(rowItems); } }
void XMLParser::callDone() { QNetworkReply* reply = qobject_cast<QNetworkReply*>(this->sender()); if(!reply) return; QDomDocument doc; doc.setContent(reply->readAll()); QDomElement docRootElement = doc.documentElement(); QDomNode n = docRootElement.firstChild(); for(QDomNode n = docRootElement.firstChild(); !n.isNull(); n= n.nextSibling()) { qDebug() << n.firstChildElement("text").text(); d->tweetList.prepend(n.firstChildElement("text").text()); } // qDebug() << d->tweetList; }
void StationsPluginFactorySimple::loadCity(const QDomNode & city) { QDomNode node; QPointF min, max; QDomNamedNodeMap attrs; StationsPluginSimplePrivate data; attrs = city.attributes(); data.id = attrs.namedItem("id").nodeValue(); node = city.firstChildElement("latitude"); attrs = node.attributes(); data.center.setX(node.toElement().text().toDouble()); min.setX(attrs.namedItem("min").nodeValue().toDouble()); max.setX(attrs.namedItem("max").nodeValue().toDouble()); node = city.firstChildElement("longitude"); attrs = node.attributes(); data.center.setY(node.toElement().text().toDouble()); min.setY(attrs.namedItem("min").nodeValue().toDouble()); max.setY(attrs.namedItem("max").nodeValue().toDouble()); data.rect = QRectF(min, max); data.statusUrl = city.firstChildElement("status").text(); data.infosUrl = city.firstChildElement("infos").text(); data.name = city.firstChildElement("name").text(); data.bikeName = city.firstChildElement("bikeName").text(); data.type = city.firstChildElement("type").text(); QString icon = city.firstChildElement("bikeIcon").text(); if (icon.isEmpty()) icon = ":/res/bike.png"; data.bikeIcon = QIcon(icon); if (data.id.isEmpty() || !data.rect.isValid() || data.center.isNull() || data.name.isEmpty() || data.bikeName.isEmpty() || data.type.isEmpty()) { qWarning() << "Error processing city " << data.id << data.name << data.bikeName << data.type; return ; } cities[data.id] = data; }
void StationsPluginFactorySimple::loadInfos(const QString & xml) { QFile file(xml); QDomDocument doc; QDomNode node; QDomNamedNodeMap attrs; if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { qWarning() << "Can't open" << file.fileName() << ": " << file.error(); return ; } doc.setContent(&file); node = doc.firstChildElement("country"); attrs = node.attributes(); id_ = attrs.namedItem("id").nodeValue(); name_ = node.firstChildElement("name").text(); description_ = node.firstChildElement("description").text(); icon_ = QIcon(node.firstChildElement("icon").text()); }
bool PodcastRSSParser::populateEpisodesFromChannelXML(QList<PodcastEpisode *> *episodes, QByteArray xmlReply) { qDebug() << "Parsing XML for episodes"; if (xmlReply.size() < 10) { return false; } QDomDocument xmlDocument; if (xmlDocument.setContent(xmlReply) == false) { // Construct the XML document and parse it. return false; } QDomElement docElement = xmlDocument.documentElement(); QDomNodeList channelNodes = docElement.elementsByTagName("item"); // Find all the "item nodes from the feed XML. qDebug() << "I have" << channelNodes.size() << "episode elements"; for (uint i=0; i<channelNodes.length(); i++) { QDomNode node = channelNodes.at(i); if (isEmptyItem(node)) { qWarning() << "Empty podcast item. Ignoring..."; continue; } PodcastEpisode *episode = new PodcastEpisode; QDateTime pubDate = parsePubDate(node); if (!pubDate.isValid()) { qWarning() << "Could not parse pubDate for podcast episode!"; delete episode; continue; } else { episode->setPubTime(pubDate); } episode->setTitle(node.firstChildElement("title").text()); episode->setDescription(node.firstChildElement("description").text()); if (episode->description().isEmpty()) episode->setDescription(node.firstChildElement("content:encoded").text()); if (episode->description().isEmpty()) episode->setDescription(node.firstChildElement("itunes:summary").text()); episode->setDuration(node.firstChildElement("itunes:duration").text()); QDomNamedNodeMap attrMap = node.firstChildElement("enclosure").attributes(); episode->setDownloadLink(attrMap.namedItem("url").toAttr().value()); episode->setDownloadSize(attrMap.namedItem("length").toAttr().value().toInt()); episodes->append(episode); } return true; }
void PicasaModel::listAllPhotos(KJob *job) { QDomDocument document; document.setContent(m_datas[static_cast<KIO::Job*>(job)]); QDomNodeList entries = document.elementsByTagName("entry"); m_expandable = false; m_photos.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < entries.count(); i++) { QString id = entries.at(i).namedItem("id").toElement().text().split('/').last(); QString published = entries.at(i).namedItem("published").toElement().text(); QString updated = entries.at(i).namedItem("updated").toElement().text(); QString title = entries.at(i).namedItem("title").toElement().text(); QDomElement contentElement = entries.at(i).firstChildElement("content"); QString link = contentElement.attribute("src"); QString albumid = entries.at(i).namedItem("gphoto:albumid").toElement().text(); QString width = entries.at(i).namedItem("gphoto:width").toElement().text(); QString height = entries.at(i).namedItem("gphoto:height").toElement().text(); QString size = entries.at(i).namedItem("gphoto:size").toElement().text(); QDomNode mediaNode = entries.at(i).namedItem("media:group"); QDomElement mediaElement = mediaNode.firstChildElement("media:thumbnail"); QString thumb72 = mediaElement.attribute("url"); mediaElement = mediaElement.nextSiblingElement("media:thumbnail"); QString thumb144 = mediaElement.attribute("url"); mediaElement = mediaElement.nextSiblingElement("media:thumbnail"); QString thumb288 = mediaElement.attribute("url"); Photo photo; photo.published = published; photo.updated = updated; photo.title = title; photo.link = link; photo.albumId = albumid; photo.width = width; photo.height = height; photo.size = size; photo.thumbnail72 = thumb72; photo.thumbnail144 = thumb144; photo.thumbnail288 = thumb288; m_photos.append(photo); } m_queries.remove(static_cast<KIO::Job*>(job)); m_datas.remove(static_cast<KIO::Job*>(job)); reset(); }
//API for query datebase, return a DOM tree's pointer. bool queryDB(const QString &dep, const QString &arr, const QDate &date, QDomElement* &elem){ QDomDocument doc; QFile file("Resources\\" + date.toString("yyyy-MM-dd") + ".xml"); if(!file.open(QFile::ReadOnly))return false; if(!doc.setContent(&file))return false; QDomNode root = doc.documentElement(); QDomElement ret; //search for the goal flights , create a DOM subtree in heap and return its pointer as a parameter for(ret = root.firstChildElement(); ret.attribute("name") != dep; ret = ret.nextSiblingElement()); for(ret = ret.firstChildElement(); ret.attribute("name") != arr; ret = ret.nextSiblingElement()); if(ret.isNull())return false; elem = new QDomElement(ret); file.close(); return true; }
QList< QPair < Mirrors::Mask, QUrl > > Mirrors::parseMirrors(const QDomNode & node) { QList< QPair < Mirrors::Mask, QUrl > > list; QDomElement p = node.firstChildElement("Mirror"); while (!p.isNull()) { QUrl url(p.firstChildElement("mirrorpath").text()); Mirrors::Mask mask = (Mirrors::Mask) p.firstChildElement("typemask").text().toUInt(); list.append(QPair < Mirrors::Mask, QUrl >(mask, url)); p = p.nextSiblingElement("Mirror"); } return list; }
bool QgsMeshLayer::readXml( const QDomNode &layer_node, QgsReadWriteContext &context ) { QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral( "Datasource in QgsMeshLayer::readXml: %1" ).arg( mDataSource.toLocal8Bit().data() ), 3 ); //process provider key QDomNode pkeyNode = layer_node.namedItem( QStringLiteral( "provider" ) ); if ( pkeyNode.isNull() ) { mProviderKey.clear(); } else { QDomElement pkeyElt = pkeyNode.toElement(); mProviderKey = pkeyElt.text(); } QgsDataProvider::ProviderOptions providerOptions; if ( !setDataProvider( mProviderKey, providerOptions ) ) { return false; } QDomElement elemExtraDatasets = layer_node.firstChildElement( QStringLiteral( "extra-datasets" ) ); if ( !elemExtraDatasets.isNull() ) { QDomElement elemUri = elemExtraDatasets.firstChildElement( QStringLiteral( "uri" ) ); while ( !elemUri.isNull() ) { QString uri = context.pathResolver().readPath( elemUri.text() ); bool res = mDataProvider->addDataset( uri ); #ifdef QGISDEBUG QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "extra dataset (res %1): %2" ).arg( res ).arg( uri ) ); #else ( void )res; // avoid unused warning in release builds #endif elemUri = elemUri.nextSiblingElement( QStringLiteral( "uri" ) ); } } QString errorMsg; readSymbology( layer_node, errorMsg, context ); return mValid; // should be true if read successfully }
QDomNode XmlFloTransBase::findSiblingName(QDomNode &node,QString &name) { if(name.isEmpty()) return QDomNode(); QDomNode parent = node.parentNode(); QDomNode itnode = parent.firstChild(); while(!itnode.isNull()) { if(itnode.firstChildElement(XmlEleTagName).text() == name) return itnode; itnode = itnode.nextSibling(); } return itnode; }
void loader::loaduserinfo(QDomNode infos, account* newaccount){ useraccount* temp=dynamic_cast<useraccount*>(newaccount); QString name=infos.firstChildElement(QString("name")).text(), surname=infos.firstChildElement(QString("surname")).text(), daybirth=infos.firstChildElement(QString("daybirth")).text(), monthbirth=infos.firstChildElement(QString("monthbirth")).text(), yearbirth=infos.firstChildElement(QString("yearbirth")).text(), birthplace=infos.firstChildElement(QString("birthplace")).text(), telnum=infos.firstChildElement(QString("telnum")).text(), email=infos.firstChildElement(QString("email")).text(); userinfo* infotemp=new userinfo(); if(!name.isEmpty()) infotemp->setName(name); if(!surname.isEmpty()) infotemp->setSurname(surname); if(!daybirth.isEmpty()&&!monthbirth.isEmpty()&&!yearbirth.isEmpty()) infotemp->setDate(QDate(yearbirth.toInt(), monthbirth.toInt(), daybirth.toInt())); if(!birthplace.isEmpty()) infotemp->setPlace(birthplace); if(!telnum.isEmpty()) infotemp->setNumber(telnum); if(!email.isEmpty()) infotemp->setEmail(email); temp->setinfo(*infotemp); }
void FeedFetcher::handleRdfXml(QDomNode node) { QList<Tweet*> tweets; QDomNodeList children = node.childNodes(); QDateTime startDate = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); for (int x=0;x<children.count();x++) { QDomNode item = children.at(x); // QMessageBox::information(0,"Bleugh",item.nodeName()); if (nodeName(item)=="channel") { QDomNode title = item.firstChildElement("title"); if (!title.isNull()) emit feedTitle(title.firstChild().nodeValue()); } else if (nodeName(item)=="item") { FeedItem *tweet = new FeedItem(); tweet->created_at=startDate.addSecs(-x); tweet->feed_item_date="";//tweet->created_at.toString(); tweet->sourceUrl=url; QDomNodeList children2 = item.childNodes(); for (int y=0;y<children2.count();y++) { QDomNode childItem = children2.at(y); if (nodeName(childItem)=="title") { tweet->message=childItem.firstChild().nodeValue(); } else if (nodeName(childItem)=="guid") { tweet->id=childItem.firstChild().nodeValue(); } else if (nodeName(childItem)=="description") { tweet->content=childItem.firstChild().nodeValue(); } else if (nodeName(childItem)=="link") { tweet->url=childItem.firstChild().nodeValue(); if (tweet->id=="") tweet->id=tweet->url; } else if (nodeName(childItem)=="pubDate") { //Thu Feb 19 00:20:20 +0000 2009 QString date = childItem.firstChild().nodeValue(); // tweet->feed_item_date = childItem.firstChild().nodeValue().left(26); // QString hour = dateStr.mid(20,5); // dateStr=dateStr.left(20)+dateStr.right(4); // tweet->created_at=QDateTime::fromString(dateStr,"ddd MMM dd HH:mm:ss +0000 yyyy"); // Sat, 05 Sep 2009 14:51:00 GMT tweet->created_at=parseRdfDate(date.left(25)); } } tweets.append(tweet); } } emit haveTweets(tweets); }
QString XmlRelationCheckerCoreImpl::SearchGivenNodeTo(QDomNode nodeToCheck, const QString& key, XmlRelation* xmlRelation, const QString& parentNumberBase, int number) const { if(!nodeToCheck.isNull()) { if(nodeToCheck.isElement() && !nodeToCheck.isComment()) { //Initialize the identifiersNumber string with the base number QString identifierNumber = parentNumberBase; //If it's not empty is because it's the first node and it needn't the dot seprator if(!parentNumberBase.isEmpty()) { identifierNumber.append('.'); } //Attach the number identifierNumber.append(QString::number(number)); //Controll if the node is a node to key const QString& nodeToKey = CheckIsNodeTo(nodeToCheck, xmlRelation); //Check this is the wanted node to if(key.compare(nodeToKey, Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) { return identifierNumber; } //Check the son else { const QString& sonIdentifier = SearchGivenNodeTo(nodeToCheck.firstChildElement(), key, xmlRelation, identifierNumber, 1); //If the son is the node searched if( ! sonIdentifier.isEmpty()) { //return the child identifier number return sonIdentifier; } } } //Recursive call on the sibling return SearchGivenNodeTo(nodeToCheck.nextSiblingElement(), key, xmlRelation, parentNumberBase, number+1); } return ""; }
void AutomationPathSerializer::read_automation_path(const QDomNode &node, AutomationPath &path) { auto point = node.firstChildElement(); while (! point.isNull()) { if (point.tagName() == "point") { bool hasX = false; bool hasY = false; float x = point.attribute("x").toFloat(&hasX); float y = point.attribute("y").toFloat(&hasY); if (hasX && hasY) { path.add_point(x, y); } } point = point.nextSiblingElement(); } }
void EffectStackEdit::setFrameSize(QPoint p) { m_frameSize = p; QDomNodeList namenode = m_params.elementsByTagName("parameter"); for (int i = 0;i < namenode.count() ;i++) { QDomNode pa = namenode.item(i); QDomNode na = pa.firstChildElement("name"); QString type = pa.attributes().namedItem("type").nodeValue(); QString paramName = i18n(na.toElement().text().toUtf8().data()); if (type == "geometry") { Geometryval *geom = ((Geometryval*)m_valueItems[paramName+"geometry"]); geom->setFrameSize(m_frameSize); break; } } }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool Root::parseDatabase(ServerPtr server, QDomNode& xmlnParent) { Q_ASSERT(server); Q_ASSERT(!xmlnParent.isNull()); DatabasePtr database = server->addDatabase(); SubjectLocker locker(database.get()); for (QDomElement xmln = xmlnParent.firstChildElement(); !xmln.isNull(); xmln = xmln.nextSiblingElement()) { QString value = xmln.text(); if (xmln.tagName() == QString::fromLatin1("name")) database->setName_(value); else if (xmln.tagName() == QString::fromLatin1("path")) database->setPath(value); else if (xmln.tagName() == QString::fromLatin1("charset")) database->setConnectionCharset(value); else if (xmln.tagName() == QString::fromLatin1("username")) database->setUsername(value); else if (xmln.tagName() == QString::fromLatin1("password")) database->setRawPassword(value); else if (xmln.tagName() == QString::fromLatin1("encrypted") && value == QString::fromLatin1("1")) database->getAuthenticationMode().setStoreEncryptedPassword(); else if (xmln.tagName() == QString::fromLatin1("authentication")) database->getAuthenticationMode().setConfigValue(value); else if (xmln.tagName() == QString::fromLatin1("role")) database->setRole(value); else if (xmln.tagName() == QString::fromLatin1("id")) { bool isOk = false; unsigned long id = value.toULong(&isOk); if (isOk) database->setId(id); } } // make sure the database has an Id before Root::save() is called, // otherwise a new Id will be generated then, but the generator value // will not be stored because it's at the beginning of the file. database->getId(); return true; }
void CDeviceGarminBulk::readDeviceXml(const QString& filename) { QFile file(filename); file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); QDomDocument dom; dom.setContent(&file); QDomElement device = dom.firstChildElement("Device"); QDomElement MassStorageMode = device.firstChildElement("MassStorageMode"); const QDomNodeList& DataTypes = MassStorageMode.elementsByTagName("DataType"); for(int i = 0; i < DataTypes.size(); i++) { QDomNode dataType = DataTypes.at(i); QDomElement Name = dataType.firstChildElement("Name"); QDomElement File = dataType.firstChildElement("File"); QDomElement Location = File.firstChildElement("Location"); QDomElement Path = Location.firstChildElement("Path"); qDebug() << Name.text().simplified() << Path.text().simplified(); QString name = Name.text().simplified(); if(name == "GPSData") { pathGpx = Path.text().simplified(); } else if(name == "UserDataSync") { pathGpx = Path.text().simplified(); } else if(name == "GeotaggedPhotos") { pathPictures = Path.text().simplified(); } else if(name == "GeocachePhotos") { pathSpoilers = Path.text().simplified(); } } }
void QgsVectorLayerJoinBuffer::readXml( const QDomNode& layer_node ) { mVectorJoins.clear(); QDomElement vectorJoinsElem = layer_node.firstChildElement( "vectorjoins" ); if ( !vectorJoinsElem.isNull() ) { QDomNodeList joinList = vectorJoinsElem.elementsByTagName( "join" ); for ( int i = 0; i < joinList.size(); ++i ) { QDomElement infoElem = joinList.at( i ).toElement(); QgsVectorJoinInfo info; info.joinFieldName = infoElem.attribute( "joinFieldName" ); // TODO[MD]: compatibility with 1.x? info.joinLayerId = infoElem.attribute( "joinLayerId" ); info.targetFieldName = infoElem.attribute( "targetFieldName" ); // TODO[MD]: compatibility with 1.x? info.memoryCache = infoElem.attribute( "memoryCache" ).toInt(); addJoin( info ); } } }
void CGroup::gotKicked(QDomNode message) { if (message.nodeName() != "data") { qDebug( "Called gotKicked with wrong node. No data node."); return; } QDomNode e = message.firstChildElement(); if (e.nodeName() != "text") { qDebug( "Called gotKicked with wrong node. No text node."); return; } QDomElement text = e.toElement(); emit log("GroupManager", QString("You got kicked! Reason [nodename %1] : %2").arg(text.nodeName().toAscii().constData()).arg(text.text().toAscii().constData())); // QMessageBox::critical(this, "groupManager", QString("You got kicked! Reason: %1.").arg(text.text())); }
bool Ssu::setCredentials(QDomDocument *response){ SsuCoreConfig *settings = SsuCoreConfig::instance(); // generate list with all scopes for generic section, add sections QDomNodeList credentialsList = response->elementsByTagName("credentials"); QStringList credentialScopes; for (int i=0;i<credentialsList.size();i++){ QDomNode node = credentialsList.at(i); QString scope; QDomNamedNodeMap attributes = node.attributes(); if (attributes.contains("scope")){ scope = attributes.namedItem("scope").toAttr().value(); } else { setError(tr("Credentials element does not have scope")); return false; } if (node.hasChildNodes()){ QDomElement username = node.firstChildElement("username"); QDomElement password = node.firstChildElement("password"); if (username.isNull() || password.isNull()){ setError(tr("Username and/or password not set")); return false; } else { settings->beginGroup("credentials-" + scope); settings->setValue("username", username.text()); settings->setValue("password", password.text()); settings->endGroup(); settings->sync(); credentialScopes.append(scope); } } else { setError(""); return false; } } settings->setValue("credentialScopes", credentialScopes); settings->setValue("lastCredentialsUpdate", QDateTime::currentDateTime()); settings->sync(); emit credentialsChanged(); return true; }
QString LocalFileMng::processNode( QDomNode node, const QString& nodeName, bool bCanBeEmpty, bool bShouldExists ) { QDomElement element = node.firstChildElement( nodeName ); if ( !node.isNull() && !element.isNull() ) { QString text = element.text(); if( !text.isEmpty() ) { return text; } else { if ( !bCanBeEmpty ) { _WARNINGLOG( "node '" + nodeName + "' is empty" ); } } } else { if ( bShouldExists ) { _WARNINGLOG( "node '" + nodeName + "' is not found" ); } } return NULL; }
bool KDReports::XmlParser::parseTableContents( KDReports::TableElement& table, const QDomNode& tableNode, KDReports::ReportBuilder& builder, bool inHeader, bool inFooter ) { // Loop over elements for ( QDomElement element = tableNode.firstChildElement(); !element.isNull(); element = element.nextSiblingElement() ) { if ( testForErrorAndFillErrorDetails() ) return false; const QString name = element.tagName(); if( name == QLatin1String( "cell" ) ) { const int row = element.attribute( QLatin1String( "row" ) ).toInt(); const int column = element.attribute( QLatin1String( "column" ) ).toInt(); const int rowSpan = element.attribute( QLatin1String( "rowspan" ), QLatin1String("1") ).toInt(); const int colSpan = element.attribute( QLatin1String( "colspan" ), QLatin1String("1") ).toInt(); KDReports::Cell& cell = table.cell( row, column ); cell.setRowSpan( rowSpan ); cell.setColumnSpan( colSpan ); const QColor bgColor = KDReports::XmlHelper::readBackground( element ); if( bgColor.isValid() ) cell.setBackground( bgColor ); CellReportBuilder cellReportBuilder( cell, builder.contentDocumentData(), builder.contentDocumentCursor(), builder.report() ); cellReportBuilder.copyStateFrom( builder ); if ( m_xmlElementHandler && !m_xmlElementHandler->startCell( cell, element ) ) continue; if ( !processNode( element, &cellReportBuilder, inHeader, inFooter ) ) return false; if ( m_xmlElementHandler && !m_xmlElementHandler->endCell( cell, element ) ) continue; } } if ( testForErrorAndFillErrorDetails() ) return false; return true; }
void FadeCurve::set_shape(QString shapeName) { QDomDocument doc("FadeShapes"); if (defaultShapes.contains(shapeName)) { QFile file(":/fadeshapes"); if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { printf("Could not open fadeshapes file!!\n"); return; } if (!doc.setContent(&file)) { file.close(); printf("Could not set QDomDocument content!\n"); return; } file.close(); } else { // Load from custom saved fades } QDomElement root = doc.documentElement(); QDomNode node = root.firstChildElement(m_sType); QDomElement fadeElement = node.firstChildElement(shapeName); if (fadeElement.isNull()) { printf("%s does not exist?????\n", shapeName.toAscii().data()); return; } CommandGroup* group = new CommandGroup(this, tr("Fade Preset")); group->add_command(new FadeBend(this, fadeElement.attribute( "bendfactor", "0.0" ).toDouble())); group->add_command(new FadeStrength(this, fadeElement.attribute( "strengthfactor", "0.5" ).toDouble())); TCommand::process_command(group); emit stateChanged(); }
int LocalFileMng::readXmlInt( QDomNode node , const QString& nodeName, int defaultValue, bool bCanBeEmpty, bool bShouldExists, bool tinyXmlCompatMode) { QLocale c_locale = QLocale::c(); QDomElement element = node.firstChildElement( nodeName ); if( !node.isNull() && !element.isNull() ){ if( !element.text().isEmpty() ){ return c_locale.toInt( element.text() ); } else { if ( !bCanBeEmpty ) { //_WARNINGLOG( "Using default value in " + nodeName ); } return defaultValue; } } else { if( bShouldExists ){ //_WARNINGLOG( "'" + nodeName + "' node not found" ); } return defaultValue; } }
void QgsMapSettings::readXML( QDomNode& theNode ) { // set units QDomNode mapUnitsNode = theNode.namedItem( "units" ); QGis::UnitType units = QgsXmlUtils::readMapUnits( mapUnitsNode.toElement() ); setMapUnits( units ); // set projections flag QDomNode projNode = theNode.namedItem( "projections" ); setCrsTransformEnabled( projNode.toElement().text().toInt() ); // set destination CRS QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem srs; QDomNode srsNode = theNode.namedItem( "destinationsrs" ); srs.readXML( srsNode ); setDestinationCrs( srs ); // set extent QDomNode extentNode = theNode.namedItem( "extent" ); QgsRectangle aoi = QgsXmlUtils::readRectangle( extentNode.toElement() ); setExtent( aoi ); // set rotation QDomNode rotationNode = theNode.namedItem( "rotation" ); QString rotationVal = rotationNode.toElement().text(); if ( ! rotationVal.isEmpty() ) { double rot = rotationVal.toDouble(); setRotation( rot ); } //render map tile QDomElement renderMapTileElem = theNode.firstChildElement( "rendermaptile" ); if ( !renderMapTileElem.isNull() ) { setFlag( QgsMapSettings::RenderMapTile, renderMapTileElem.text() == "1" ? true : false ); } mDatumTransformStore.readXML( theNode ); }
bool LocalFileMng::readXmlBool( QDomNode node , const QString& nodeName, bool defaultValue, bool bShouldExists, bool tinyXmlCompatMode) { QDomElement element = node.firstChildElement( nodeName ); if( !node.isNull() && !element.isNull() ){ if( !element.text().isEmpty() ){ if( element.text() == "true"){ return true; } else { return false; } } else { //_WARNINGLOG( "Using default value in " + nodeName ); return defaultValue; } } else { if( bShouldExists ){ //_WARNINGLOG( "'" + nodeName + "' node not found" ); } return defaultValue; } }
void XmlStnInterface::readStratigraphy( const QDomNode &stratRoot, GEOLIB::StationBorehole* borehole ) { //borehole->addSoilLayer((*borehole)[0], (*borehole)[1], (*borehole)[2], ""); double depth_check((*borehole)[2]); QDomElement horizon = stratRoot.firstChildElement(); while (!horizon.isNull()) { if (horizon.hasAttribute("id") && horizon.hasAttribute("x") && horizon.hasAttribute("y") && horizon.hasAttribute("z")) { std::string horizonName("[NN]"); QDomNodeList horizonFeatures = horizon.childNodes(); for(int i = 0; i < horizonFeatures.count(); i++) if (horizonFeatures.at(i).nodeName().compare("name") == 0) horizonName = horizonFeatures.at(i).toElement().text().toStdString(); /* add other horizon features here */ double depth (strtod((horizon.attribute("z")).toStdString().c_str(), 0)); if (fabs(depth - depth_check) > std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()) // skip soil-layer if its thickness is zero { borehole->addSoilLayer(strtod((horizon.attribute("x")).toStdString().c_str(), 0), strtod((horizon.attribute("y")).toStdString().c_str(), 0), depth, horizonName); depth_check = depth; } else std::cout << "Warning: Skipped layer \"" << horizonName << "\" in borehole \"" << borehole->getName() << "\" because of thickness 0.0." << "\n"; } else std::cout << "XmlStnInterface::readStratigraphy() - Attribute missing in <horizon> tag ..." << "\n"; horizon = horizon.nextSiblingElement(); } }
void CGroup::renameChar(QDomNode blob) { if (blob.nodeName() != "data") { qDebug( "Called renameChar with wrong node. No data node."); return; } QDomNode e = blob.firstChildElement(); // QDomElement root = node.toElement(); QString oldname = e.toElement().attribute("oldname"); QString newname = e.toElement().attribute("newname"); emit log("GroupManager", QString("Renaming a char from %1 to %2").arg(oldname.toAscii().constData()).arg(newname.toAscii().constData())); CGroupChar *ch; ch = getCharByName(oldname.toAscii()); if (ch == NULL) return; ch->setName(newname.toAscii()); ch->updateLabels(); }
void WebResourceProvider::importNodeIntoDB( const QDomNode & _n, ResourceItem::Relation * _parent ) { QDomNode n = _n; while( !n.isNull() ) { QString path = n.firstChildElement( "dir" ).text(); ResourceItem::Type type = ResourceItem::TypeUnknown; if( !path.isEmpty() ) { path += "/"; } if( n.nodeName() == "webresources" ) { type = ResourceItem::TypeDirectory; } ResourceItem * item = new ResourceItem( this, n.firstChildElement( "name" ).text(), type, ResourceItem::BaseURL, path, n.firstChildElement( "hash" ).text(), n.firstChildElement( "author" ).text(), n.firstChildElement( "tags" ).text(), n.firstChildElement( "size" ).text().toInt(), QDateTime::fromString( n.firstChildElement( "date" ).text(), Qt::ISODate ) ); database()->addItem( item ); ResourceItem::Relation * relation = addRelation( _parent, item ); if( n.nodeName() != "file" ) { importNodeIntoDB( n.firstChild(), relation ); } n = n.nextSibling(); } }