文件: k3bvcdjob.cpp 项目: KDE/k3b
void K3b::VcdJob::slotParseVcdxBuildOutput( const QString& line )
    QDomDocument xml_doc;
    QDomElement xml_root;

    QString str = line.trimmed();

    emit debuggingOutput( "vcdxbuild", str );

    xml_doc.setContent( QString( "<?xml version='1.0'?><vcdxbuild>" ) + str + "</vcdxbuild>" );

    xml_root = xml_doc.documentElement();

    // There should be only one... but ...
    for ( QDomNode node = xml_root.firstChild(); !node.isNull(); node = node.nextSibling() ) {
        QDomElement el = node.toElement();
        if ( el.isNull() )

        const QString tagName = el.tagName().toLower();

        if ( tagName == "progress" ) {
            const QString oper = el.attribute( "operation" ).toLower();
            const unsigned long long pos = el.attribute( "position" ).toLong();
            const long long size = el.attribute( "size" ).toLong();

            if ( oper == "scan" ) {
                // Scan Video Files
                if ( m_stage == stageUnknown || pos < m_bytesFinished ) {
                    const uint index = el.attribute( "id" ).remove( QRegExp( "sequence-" ) ).toUInt();

                    m_currentWrittenTrack = m_doc->at( m_currentWrittenTrackNumber );
                    emit newSubTask( i18n( "Scanning video file %1 of %2 (%3)" , index + 1 , doc() ->numOfTracks() , m_currentWrittenTrack->fileName() ) );
                    m_bytesFinished = 0;

                    if ( !firstTrack ) {
                        m_bytesFinishedTracks += m_doc->at( m_currentWrittenTrackNumber ) ->size();
                    } else
                        firstTrack = false;
                emit subPercent( ( int ) ( 100.0 * ( double ) pos / ( double ) size ) );
                emit processedSubSize( pos / 1024 / 1024, size / 1024 / 1024 );

                // this is the first of three processes.
                double relOverallWritten = ( ( double ) m_bytesFinishedTracks + ( double ) pos ) / ( double ) doc() ->size();
                emit percent( ( int ) ( m_createimageonlypercent * relOverallWritten ) );

                m_bytesFinished = pos;
                m_stage = stageScan;

            } else if ( oper == "write" ) {
                emit subPercent( ( int ) ( 100.0 * ( double ) pos / ( double ) size ) );
                emit processedSubSize( ( pos * 2048 ) / 1024 / 1024, ( size * 2048 ) / 1024 / 1024 );
                emit percent( ( int ) ( m_createimageonlypercent + ( m_createimageonlypercent * ( double ) pos / ( double ) size ) ) );

                m_stage = stageWrite;
            } else {
                return ;
        } else if ( tagName == "log" ) {
            QDomText tel = el.firstChild().toText();
            const QString level = el.attribute( "level" ).toLower();
            if ( tel.isText() ) {
                const QString text = tel.data();
                if ( m_stage == stageWrite && level == "information" )
                    qDebug() << QString( "(K3b::VcdJob) VcdxBuild information, %1" ).arg( text );
                if ( ( text ).startsWith( "writing track" ) )
                    emit newSubTask( i18n( "Creating Image for track %1" , ( text ).mid( 14 ) ) );
                else {
                    if ( level != "error" ) {
                        qDebug() << QString( "(K3b::VcdJob) vcdxbuild warning, %1" ).arg( text );
                        parseInformation( text );
                    } else {
                        qDebug() << QString( "(K3b::VcdJob) vcdxbuild error, %1" ).arg( text );
                        emit infoMessage( text, K3b::Job::MessageError );