void VolumeIOHelper::loadURL(const std::string& url, VolumeReader* reader) { tgtAssert(reader, "null pointer passed"); try { std::vector<VolumeURL> origins = reader->listVolumes(url); if (origins.size() > 1) { // if more than one volume listed at URL, show listing dialog tgtAssert(volumeListingDialog_, "no volumelistingdialog"); volumeListingDialog_->setOrigins(origins, reader); volumeListingDialog_->show(); } else if (origins.size() == 1) { // load single volume directly loadOrigin(origins.front(), reader); } else { LWARNING("No volumes found at URL '" << url << "'"); QErrorMessage* errorMessageDialog = new QErrorMessage(VoreenApplicationQt::qtApp()->getMainWindow()); errorMessageDialog->showMessage(QString::fromStdString("No volumes found at '" + url + "'")); } } catch (const tgt::FileException& e) { LWARNING(e.what()); QErrorMessage* errorMessageDialog = new QErrorMessage(VoreenApplicationQt::qtApp()->getMainWindow()); errorMessageDialog->showMessage(e.what()); } }
void MainWindow::on_actionQueue2_triggered() { if(getRoot() == NULL) { QErrorMessage err; err.showMessage("Root does not exits"); err.exec(); return; } space * wp = (space*)getRoot(); if(wp->sublvl == NULL) { QErrorMessage err; err.showMessage("Stars does not exits"); err.exec(); return; } star ** st = (star**)wp->sublvl; int count_star = wp->sublvl_count; star * max = st[0]; QString result = "Biggest star:"; for(int i = 1;i < count_star;i++) { if(st[i]->sublvl_count > max->sublvl_count) { max = st[i]; }else if(st[i]->sublvl_count == max->sublvl_count){ if(st[i]->mass > max->mass){ max = st[i]; } } } result += " " + QString::fromStdString(max->name); QMessageBox::about(this,"Found data",result); }
void VolumeIOHelper::loadOrigin(const VolumeURL& origin, VolumeReader* reader) { tgtAssert(reader, "null pointer passed"); try { VolumeBase* handle = reader->read(origin); if (handle) { handle->getOrigin().addSearchParameter("preferredReader", reader->getClassName()); emit(volumeLoaded(handle)); } else { LERROR("Reader '" << reader->getClassName() << "' returned null pointer as volume (exception expected)"); } } catch (const tgt::FileException& e) { LERROR(e.what()); QErrorMessage* errorMessageDialog = new QErrorMessage(VoreenApplicationQt::qtApp()->getMainWindow()); errorMessageDialog->showMessage(e.what()); } catch (std::bad_alloc&) { LERROR("bad allocation while reading file: " << origin.getURL()); QErrorMessage* errorMessageDialog = new QErrorMessage(VoreenApplicationQt::qtApp()->getMainWindow()); errorMessageDialog->showMessage("Bad allocation while reading file: " + QString::fromStdString(origin.getURL())); } catch (std::exception& e) { LERROR("unknown exception while reading file '" << origin.getURL() << "':" << e.what()); QErrorMessage* errorMessageDialog = new QErrorMessage(VoreenApplicationQt::qtApp()->getMainWindow()); errorMessageDialog->showMessage("Unknown exception while reading file '" + QString::fromStdString(origin.getURL()) + "': " + e.what()); } }
void CParticleSystemPage::setPresetBehaviour(int index) { updateLifeMgtPresets(); if (index == _Node->getPSPointer()->getBehaviourType()) return; if (index == NL3D::CParticleSystem::SpellFX || index == NL3D::CParticleSystem::SpawnedEnvironmentFX) { NL3D::CPSLocatedBindable *lb; if (!_Node->getPSPointer()->canFinish(&lb)) { _ui.presetBehaviourComboBox->setCurrentIndex(_Node->getPSPointer()->getBehaviourType()); QErrorMessage *errorMessage = new QErrorMessage(); errorMessage->setModal(true); if (!lb) { errorMessage->showMessage(tr("Can't perform operation : the system is flagged with 'No max nb steps' or uses the preset 'Spell FX', " "and thus, should have a finite duration. Please remove that flag first.")); errorMessage->exec(); } else { errorMessage->showMessage(tr("The system must have a finite duration for this setting! Please check that the following object " "doesn't live forever or doesn't create a loop in the system :") + QString(lb->getName().c_str())); errorMessage->exec(); } delete errorMessage; return; } } _Node->getPSPointer()->activatePresetBehaviour((NL3D::CParticleSystem::TPresetBehaviour) index); updateLifeMgtPresets(); updateModifiedFlag(); }
//Function (slot) to read vtk image data void Application::openvtkclicked() { QString temp = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Open VTK Data File"),"",tr("VTK Data (*.vtk)")); QFile data(temp); QString line; QTextStream in(&data); in.setCodec("UTF-8"); if (data.open(QFile::ReadOnly)) { line = in.readLine(); if(line.contains("vtk") == true) { do { line = in.readLine(); if(line.contains("DATASET") == true) { //call for slicers if(line.contains("STRUCTURED_POINTS") == true)//if dataset is compatible { dataset = line; currentfile = temp; viewstructuredpointslices(); //calls this function to display slices along axes showisotog(); //generates isosurface in case, isosurfacing is true Enableall(); } else { setStatusTip("Unsupported or Invalid Dataset!!"); QErrorMessage errmsg; errmsg.showMessage(tr("Unsupported or Invalid Dataset!!")); errmsg.setWindowIcon(QIcon(":/ICONS/Head.jpg")); errmsg.exec(); } break; } } while (!line.isNull()); } else { this->setStatusTip("Invalid VTK file or file corrupt!!"); QErrorMessage errmsg; errmsg.showMessage(tr("Invalid VTK file or file corrupt!!")); errmsg.setWindowIcon(QIcon(":/ICONS/Head.jpg")); errmsg.exec(); } data.close(); } else this->setStatusTip("File Opening Failed!!"); }
bool mainWindow::ifErrorsEvaluate(std::pair< int, unsigned int > msg) { QString output; switch(msg.first) { case newParser::FILE_OK: return false; case newParser::ERR_1ENTRY_PER_LINE: output = tr("File is wrong!\nLine %1 has 1 entry when it needs two.").arg(msg.second); break; case newParser::ERR_3PLUS_ENTRES_PER_LINE: output = tr("File is wrong!\nLine %1 has 3+ entries when it needs two.").arg(msg.second); break; case newParser::ERR_MILLIS_SHRUNK: output.reserve(97); output = tr("File is wrong!\nLine %1 shows that the data went back in time\n").arg(msg.second); output += tr("When this never should have happened\n"); break; case newParser::ERR_TOXIC_CHARACTER: output = tr("File data is wrong!\nLine %1 has a non-number character\n(Use 0-9 (no '-'))").arg(msg.second); break; case newParser::FILE_EMPTY: output = tr("The given file was empty"); break; default: output = tr("Unspecified error in file"); break; } QErrorMessage* out = new QErrorMessage(this); out->showMessage(output); return true; }
void NuevoCandidato::terminarCreacion() { QString nombreTemporal; QString partidoTemporal; nombreTemporal = nombreCandidatoEdit->text(); partidoTemporal = nombrePartidoEdit->text(); if((nombreTemporal.isEmpty()) || (partidoTemporal.isEmpty()) || (imagen.isEmpty())) { QErrorMessage *error = new QErrorMessage(); error->showMessage("Faltan datos!"); return; } else { this->nombre = nombreTemporal; this->partido = partidoTemporal; this->guardarCandidato(); QMessageBox exito; exito.setText("candidato añadido satisfactoriamente"); exito.setWindowTitle ( tr("Confirmacion") ); exito.exec(); this->hide(); this->ventanaAnterior->repaint(); this->ventanaAnterior->show(); return; } }
void Login::error(QString title, QString messages) { QErrorMessage *message = new QErrorMessage(this); message->setWindowTitle(title); message->showMessage(messages); return; }
void cChatsView::chatroom_status(QString id, bool status, QString reason) { qDebug() << "[INFO]cChatsView::chatroom_status-> id:" << id << "status" << status; if (status) { for(int i = 0 ; i < m_chats.count() ; i++) {//Si ya le hemos creado no hacemos nada if (m_chats[i]->get_chatId() ==id) { qDebug() << "[INFO]cChatsView::chatroom_status-> ya le he creado!:" << m_chats[i]->get_chatId() << "/" << id; return; } } cChatView* chat = new cChatView(m_pClient,id,id,this); m_chats.append(chat); ui->tabWidget->addTab(chat,id); } else { QErrorMessage errorMessage; QString msg("No se ha podido conectar al chat:"); msg.append(id); msg.append(" Reason:"); msg.append(reason); errorMessage.showMessage(msg); errorMessage.exec(); } }
void MainWindow::volumeReconstruction() { std::cout<<"VOLUME RECONSTRUCTION"<<std::endl<<std::endl; if (!displayWidget->getVolumeImageStack().empty()) { VolumeReconstructionWidget * volumeReconstruction = new VolumeReconstructionWidget(); if (displayWidget->isVolumeImageStackLoaded){ volumeReconstruction->setVolumeImageStack(displayWidget->getVolumeImageStack()); volumeReconstruction->setTransformStack(displayWidget->getTransformStack()); } volumeReconstruction->setMainWindow(this); volumeReconstruction->show(); } else { QErrorMessage errorMessage; errorMessage.showMessage( "No volume data loaded, </ br> please data before reconstruct the volume"); errorMessage.exec(); } }
void MainWindow::checkCalibrationError() { std::cout<<"Check Calibration Error"<<std::endl<<std::endl; if (!displayWidget->getImageStack().empty()) { CheckCalibrationErrorWidget* checkCalibrationWidget = new CheckCalibrationErrorWidget(); if (displayWidget->isImageStackLoaded) checkCalibrationWidget->setImageStack(displayWidget->getImageStack()); else checkCalibrationWidget->setImage(displayWidget->getImageViewer()->GetInput()); displayWidget->setCalibrationErrorWidget(checkCalibrationWidget); displayWidget->setProbeFlag(false); displayWidget->startTracer(); checkCalibrationWidget->setMainWindow(this); checkCalibrationWidget->show(); } else { QErrorMessage errorMessage; errorMessage.showMessage( "No images loaded, </ br> please load an images before checking the calibration"); errorMessage.exec(); } }
void MainWindow::probeCalibration() { std::cout<<"Probe Calibration"<<std::endl; if (!displayWidget->getImageStack().empty()) { ProbeCalibrationWidget* probeCalibration = new ProbeCalibrationWidget(); if (displayWidget->isImageStackLoaded) probeCalibration->setImageStack(displayWidget->getImageStack()); else probeCalibration->setImage(displayWidget->getImageViewer()->GetInput()); displayWidget->setProbeFlag(true); // get left mouse pressed with high priority Connections->Connect(displayWidget->getQVTKWidget()->GetRenderWindow()->GetInteractor(), vtkCommand::LeftButtonPressEvent, probeCalibration, SLOT(getCoordinates())); probeCalibration->setMainWindow(this); probeCalibration->show(); } else { QErrorMessage errorMessage; errorMessage.showMessage( "No images loaded, </ br> please load an images before calibrate the probe"); errorMessage.exec(); } }
void ImageWidget::openWithVTK() { QString fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Open File"), QDir::currentPath()); if (!fileName.isEmpty()) { /* // This code is currently not used because the file is read with vtkImageReader2 // Obtain image information this->setImageProperties(fileName.toAscii().data(), true); // set itk image depending on the image type // if image type is grayscale if (imageType.compare("scalar") == 0) { // read the image typedef itk::ImageFileReader <ImageType> ReaderType; ReaderType::Pointer reader = ReaderType::New(); reader->SetFileName(fileName.toAscii().data()); reader->Update(); // set the image data provided by the reader itkImage = reader->GetOutput(); } else { // if the image is RGB typedef itk::ImageFileReader <RGBImageType> ReaderType; ReaderType::Pointer reader = ReaderType::New(); reader->SetFileName(fileName.toAscii().data()); reader->Update(); // set the image data provided by the reader rgbItkImage = reader->GetOutput(); } */ // reads a vtkImage for display purposes vtkSmartPointer <vtkImageReader2Factory> readerFactory = vtkSmartPointer <vtkImageReader2Factory>::New(); vtkSmartPointer <vtkImageReader2> reader = readerFactory->CreateImageReader2(fileName.toAscii().data()); reader->SetFileName(fileName.toAscii().data()); reader->Update(); vtkImage = reader->GetOutput(); this->isFlipped = true; this->displayImage(vtkImage); readerFactory = NULL; reader = NULL; } else { QErrorMessage errorMessage; errorMessage.showMessage("No file specified for loading"); errorMessage.exec(); return; } }
void JobEditorWindow::open() { try { QString fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Open Job"), "", tr("Job (*.job)")); if ( fileName != NULL ) { openJob(rsString(fileName.toUtf8().data())); } } catch (const exception& e) { QErrorMessage errorMessage; errorMessage.showMessage(e.what()); errorMessage.exec(); } catch (...) { QErrorMessage errorMessage; errorMessage.showMessage("Unknown error while opening the job file"); errorMessage.exec(); } }
void SendEmail::errorMessage(const QString &message) { QErrorMessage err (this); err.showMessage(message); err.exec(); }
void ElementsWindow::newElement() { bool accepted; QString name = QInputDialog::getText(this, tr("New element"), tr("Enter a name for the new element:"), QLineEdit::Normal, QString(""), &accepted); if (accepted) { QRegExpValidator validator(g_nameRegex); int pos = 0; if (validator.validate(name, pos) != QValidator::Acceptable) { QMessageBox::critical(this, "Not a valid name", "A name should contain a maximum of 25 alphanumeric characters and spaces."); newElement(); return; } if (name == QString()) { QErrorMessage *errorDialog = QErrorMessage::qtHandler(); errorDialog->showMessage("An element should not have an empty name."); newElement(); return; } if (!!_properties->getElements()->getElement(name)) { QErrorMessage *errorDialog = QErrorMessage::qtHandler(); errorDialog->showMessage("An element with the same name already exists."); newElement(); return; } Element *newElement = Element::create(name); try { _properties->getElements()->addElement(newElement); } catch (ProjectException &e) { QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("An unexpected error occurred"), e.what()); delete newElement; return; } _elementsList->addItem(name); _elementsList->setCurrentRow(_elementsList->count() -1); emit updateSignal(); } }
void VolumeIOHelper::saveVolumeToPath(const VolumeBase* volume, VolumeWriter* writer, const std::string& filepath) { tgtAssert(volume, "null pointer passed"); tgtAssert(writer, "null pointer passed"); try { writer->write(filepath, volume); emit(volumeSaved(volume, filepath)); } catch (const tgt::FileException& e) { LERROR(e.what()); QErrorMessage* errorMessageDialog = new QErrorMessage(VoreenApplicationQt::qtApp()->getMainWindow()); errorMessageDialog->showMessage(e.what()); } catch (std::exception& e) { LERROR("unknown exception while writing file '" << filepath << "':" << e.what()); QErrorMessage* errorMessageDialog = new QErrorMessage(VoreenApplicationQt::qtApp()->getMainWindow()); errorMessageDialog->showMessage("Unknown exception while writing file '" + QString::fromStdString(filepath) + "': " + e.what()); } }
void MyGL::slot_symEdgeButtonPressed() { if (edgeSelection != nullptr) { if (edgeSelection->sym != nullptr) { edgeSelection = edgeSelection->sym; } else { QErrorMessage* errorMessageDialog = new QErrorMessage(this); errorMessageDialog->setWindowTitle(QString("Error: No sym found!")); errorMessageDialog->showMessage(QString("This Half-Edge has no symmetrical edge value")); } } }
void MyGL::slot_nextEdgeButtonPressed() { if (edgeSelection != nullptr) { if (edgeSelection->next != nullptr) { edgeSelection = edgeSelection->next; //The selection in the widget doesn't update 504 } else { QErrorMessage* errorMessageDialog = new QErrorMessage(this); errorMessageDialog->setWindowTitle(QString("Error: No next found!")); errorMessageDialog->showMessage(QString("This Half-Edge has no next edge value")); } } }
JobEditorWindow::JobEditorWindow(QMainWindow *parent) : QMainWindow(parent) { ui.setupUi(this); ui.pipelineWidget->removePage(0); try { createActions(); createMenus(); } catch (const exception& e) { QErrorMessage errorMessage; errorMessage.showMessage(e.what()); errorMessage.exec(); } catch (...) { QErrorMessage errorMessage; errorMessage.showMessage("Unknown error while intializing the application"); errorMessage.exec(); } currentJobPath = NULL; currentJob = NULL; }
void ElementsWindow::addResistantElement() { if ((_elementsList->count() > 0) && !!_elementsList->currentItem()) { Element *currentElement = _properties->getElements()->getElement(_elementsList->currentItem()->text()); if (!!currentElement) { QVector<Element*> elements = _properties->getElements()->getElements(); QVector<Element*> resistantElements = currentElement->getResistantElements(); QVector<Element*> vulnerableElements = currentElement->getVulnerableElements(); removeComponent<Element>(elements, currentElement->getName()); for(int i = 0; i < resistantElements.size(); i++) { removeComponent<Element>(elements, resistantElements.at(i)->getName()); } for (int i = 0; i < vulnerableElements.size(); i++) { removeComponent<Element>(elements, vulnerableElements.at(i)->getName()); } QStringList availableElements; for (int i = 0; i < elements.size(); i++) { availableElements.append(elements.at(i)->getName()); } if (availableElements.size() == 0) { QMessageBox::information(0, "No elements available", "There are no more possible elements to select."); return; } bool accepted; QString name = QInputDialog::getItem(this, "Add a resistant element to " + currentElement->getName(), "Select an element:", availableElements, 0, false, &accepted); if (accepted) { if (name == QString()) { QErrorMessage *errorDialog = QErrorMessage::qtHandler(); errorDialog->showMessage("Selected an unknown element."); return; } Element *element = _properties->getElements()->getElement(name); try { currentElement->addResistantElement(element); } catch (ProjectException &e) { QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("An unexpected error occurred"), e.what()); return; } _resistantList->addItem(name); _resistantList->setCurrentRow(_resistantList->count()-1); } } } }
/*********************************************************** PostManagement ***********************************************************/ QString FileDialogOptionsModel::PostManagement(const QString & selectedfile) { QString outfile; // check if choosen file is in the directory data QDir datadir(DataDirHandler::getInstance()->GetDataDirPath().c_str()); if(selectedfile.contains(datadir.absolutePath())) { outfile = selectedfile; outfile = outfile.remove(datadir.absolutePath() + "/"); } else { //copy the file over try { // get all files with same name std::vector<std::string> files; QString fpath = selectedfile.section('/', 0, -2 ); { QString filenoext = selectedfile.section('/', -1); filenoext = filenoext.section('.', 0, 0); FileUtil::ListFilesInDir(fpath.toAscii().data(), files, filenoext.toAscii().data()); } for(size_t curs=0; curs<files.size(); ++curs) { QString tmp = fpath + "/"; tmp += files[curs].c_str(); QString tmp2 = StartingDirectory + "/"; tmp2 += files[curs].c_str(); FileUtil::MakeFileCopy(tmp.toAscii().data(), tmp2.toAscii().data()); } QString filename = StartingDirectory + "/" + selectedfile.section('/', -1); outfile = filename.section('/', 1); } catch(...) { QErrorMessage msgdial; msgdial.showMessage ( "Error copying the file to the data directory!" ); outfile = ""; } } return outfile; }
void QLuaLineNumberTextEdit::textChanged() { if(L && stateChangeFunc != LUA_NOREF) { lua_rawgeti(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, stateChangeFunc); if(lua_pcall(L, 0, 0, 0)) { cerr << lua_tostring(L, -1) << endl; QErrorMessage* msg = new QErrorMessage(Singleton.mainWindow); msg->showMessage( QString(lua_tostring(L, -1)).replace("\n", "<br>") ); lua_pop(L, lua_gettop(L)); } lua_gc(L, LUA_GCCOLLECT, 0); } }
void CParticleSystemPage::setNoMaxNBSteps(bool state) { _ui.maxStepsWidget->setEnabled(!state); if (state == _Node->getPSPointer()->getBypassMaxNumIntegrationSteps()) return; if (state && !_Node->getPSPointer()->canFinish()) { QErrorMessage *errorMessage = new QErrorMessage(); errorMessage->setModal(true); errorMessage->showMessage(tr("The system must have a finite duration for this setting! Please check that.")); errorMessage->exec(); delete errorMessage; _ui.maxStepsWidget->setEnabled(state); _ui.noMaxNBStepsCheckBox->setChecked(!state); return; } _Node->getPSPointer()->setBypassMaxNumIntegrationSteps(state); updateModifiedFlag(); }
void MainWindow::on_actionSave_2_triggered() { if(getRoot() == NULL) { QErrorMessage error_mes; error_mes.showMessage("Node was not create"); error_mes.exec(); return; } FILE * f = fopen("STANDART.txt","wb"); if(f == NULL) { QErrorMessage err; err.showMessage("File open error"); err.exec(); return; } store((space*)getRoot(),f); }
void MainWindow::on_actionLoad_triggered() { QString file_name = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(NULL, QString::fromUtf8("Chose file with data"), QDir::currentPath(),"(*.*)"); char * f_name = (char*)qPrintable(file_name); FILE * f = fopen(f_name,"rb"); if(f == NULL) { QErrorMessage err; err.showMessage(file_name + "File open error"); err.exec(); return; } space * root = restore(f); setRoot(root); show_tree(); }
/** * Starts the logging thread to a certain file */ void LoggingPlugin::startLogging(QString file) { qDebug() << "Logging to " << file; // We have to delete the previous logging thread if is was still there! if (loggingThread) delete loggingThread; loggingThread = new LoggingThread(); if(loggingThread->openFile(file,this)) { connect(loggingThread,SIGNAL(finished()),this,SLOT(loggingStopped())); state = LOGGING; loggingThread->start(); emit stateChanged("LOGGING"); } else { QErrorMessage err; err.showMessage("Unable to open file for logging"); err.exec(); } }
void ConnectingDialog::error(QAbstractSocket::SocketError socketError) { QErrorMessage *msgD = new QErrorMessage(); QString msg = "Connection error: "; switch(socketError) { case QAbstractSocket::HostNotFoundError: msg.append("Host not found"); break; case QAbstractSocket::ConnectionRefusedError: msg.append("Connection refused"); break; case QAbstractSocket::RemoteHostClosedError: msg.append("Remote host closed the connection"); } msgD->showMessage(msg); msgD->exec(); reject(); }
void MyGL::slot_bindAtIndex(int idx) { if (meshes.size() > idx && joints[idx]!=nullptr) { meshes[idx]->bindVertices(joints[idx]); glm::mat4 transMats[100]; glm::mat4 bindMats[100]; joints[0]->getTransMats(transMats); joints[0]->getBindMats(bindMats); prog_mesh.setBindMatrices(bindMats); prog_mesh.setTransMatrices(transMats); } else { QErrorMessage* errorMessageDialog = new QErrorMessage(this); errorMessageDialog->setWindowTitle(QString("Error: Root Joint Not Selected!")); errorMessageDialog->showMessage(QString("Select Root Joint to Bind")); } }
bool XClient::connect (const char *ipcpath, const bool &sync, QWidget *parent) { bool tried_once = false; try_again: try { delete m_client; m_client = new Xmms::Client (m_name); if (!ipcpath || ipcpath == QLatin1String ("")) m_client->connect (NULL); else m_client->connect (ipcpath); } catch (Xmms::connection_error& e) { if (ipcpath == NULL && !tried_once) { QSettings s; if (s.value ("core/autostart", true).toBool ()) { if (!system ("xmms2-launcher")) { tried_once = true; goto try_again; } } } QErrorMessage *err = new QErrorMessage (parent); err->showMessage ("Couldn't connect to XMMS2, please try again."); err->exec (); delete err; return false; } m_client->setMainloop (new XmmsQT4 (m_client->getConnection ())); m_isconnected = true; // useing normal disconnect callback, if that causes problems, // an own method schould be created setDisconnectCallback (boost::bind (&XClient::disconnect, this)); emit gotConnection (this); return true; }