void SchemeReply::List () { QDir dir (url ().toLocalFile ()); if (!dir.exists ()) { setError (ContentNotFoundError, tr ("%1: no such file or directory") .arg (dir.absolutePath ())); emit error (ContentNotFoundError); emit finished (); return; } if (!dir.isReadable ()) { setError (ContentAccessDenied, tr ("Unable to read %1") .arg (dir.absolutePath ())); emit error (ContentAccessDenied); emit finished (); return; } QFile basetplFile (":/plugins/poshuku/plugins/filescheme/basetemplate.tpl"); if (!basetplFile.open (QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { qWarning () << Q_FUNC_INFO << "unable to open" << basetplFile.fileName (); return; } QFile rowtplFile (":/plugins/poshuku/plugins/filescheme/rowtemplate.tpl"); if (!rowtplFile.open (QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { qWarning () << Q_FUNC_INFO << "unable to open" << rowtplFile.fileName (); return; } QString html = basetplFile.readAll (); QString row = rowtplFile.readAll (); QString link = "<a href=\"%1\">%2</a>"; QString rows; if (!dir.isRoot ()) { QIcon icon = qApp->style ()->standardIcon (QStyle::SP_FileDialogToParent); QString addr = QString::fromUtf8 ( QUrl::fromLocalFile ( QFileInfo ( dir.absoluteFilePath ("..") ).canonicalFilePath () ).toEncoded( ) ); rows += row .arg (GetBase64 (icon)) .arg (link .arg (addr) .arg ("..")) .arg (QString ()) .arg (QString ()); } QFileIconProvider iconProvider; const auto& list = dir.entryInfoList (QDir::AllEntries | QDir::Hidden, QDir::Name | QDir::DirsFirst); for (const auto& entry : list) { if (entry.fileName () == "." || entry.fileName () == "..") continue; QUrl urlAddr = QUrl::fromLocalFile (entry.canonicalFilePath ()); QString addr = QString::fromUtf8 (urlAddr.toEncoded ()); QString size; if (entry.isFile ()) size = Util::MakePrettySize (entry.size ()); QString modified = entry.lastModified () .toString (Qt::SystemLocaleShortDate); rows += row .arg (GetBase64 (iconProvider.icon (entry))) .arg (link .arg (addr) .arg (entry.fileName ())) .arg (size) .arg (modified); } html = html .arg (dir.absolutePath ()) .arg (tr ("Contents of %1") .arg (dir.absolutePath ())) .arg (tr ("File")) .arg (tr ("Size")) .arg (tr ("Modified")) .arg (rows); QTextStream stream (&Buffer_); stream << html; stream.flush (); Buffer_.reset (); setHeader (QNetworkRequest::ContentTypeHeader, QByteArray ("text/html")); setHeader (QNetworkRequest::ContentLengthHeader, Buffer_.bytesAvailable ()); setAttribute (QNetworkRequest::HttpStatusCodeAttribute, 200); setAttribute (QNetworkRequest::HttpReasonPhraseAttribute, QByteArray ("OK")); emit metaDataChanged (); emit downloadProgress (Buffer_.size (), Buffer_.size ()); NetworkError errorCode = error (); if (errorCode != NoError) emit error (errorCode); else if (Buffer_.size () > 0) emit readyRead (); emit finished (); }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { QTextCodec::setCodecForLocale(QTextCodec::codecForName("latin1")); AppliArgs args(QStringList() << "~help,h" << "~version,v" << "output=1,o"); QTextStream out(stdout), err(stderr); unsigned long int length; struct jbg_dec_state sd; unsigned char *buffer; QString hw("%1 %2\n"); QByteArray data; bool argsErr; QFile input; // Parse arguments argsErr = !args.parse(argc, argv, 1); if (argsErr || args.isOptionSet("help")) { args.printErrors(err); out << QString(_("Usage: %1 [options] <JBIG file>")).arg(args. applicationName()) << endl; out << _("Available options:") << endl; out << _(" --help, -h Print this help message") << endl; out << _(" --output, -o Select the output file") << endl; out << _(" --version, -v Print the version information") << endl; return argsErr ? 1 : 0; } else if (args.isOptionSet("version")) { out << _("(C) jbgtopbm, 2007 by Aurélien Croc") << endl; out << _("This project is under the GNU General Public Licence " "version 2") << endl; out << _("More information => http://splix.ap2c.org") << endl << endl; return 0; } // Open the input and the output file input.setFileName(args.parameter(0)); if (!input.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { err << _("Error: cannot open file ") << args.parameter(0) << endl; return -1; } data = input.readAll(); buffer = (unsigned char *)data.data(); length = data.length(); if (args.isOptionSet("output")) output.setFileName(args.optionArg("output", 0)); else output.setFileName("/dev/stdout"); if (!output.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { err << _("Error: cannot open file ") << output.fileName() << endl; return -1; } // Decompress the image jbg_dec_init(&sd); while (length) { unsigned long size; int res; size = *(unsigned long*)buffer; printf("Taille=%lu\n", size); buffer += sizeof(size); length -= sizeof(size); res = jbg_dec_in(&sd, buffer, size, NULL); if (res == JBG_EOK) { out << _("Processed.") << endl; break; } else if (res != JBG_EAGAIN) { err << _("JBG not ok ") << res << endl; break; } length -= size; buffer += size; } // Store the image output.write("P4\n"); output.write("# Image created by jbgtopbm, (C) 2007 by Aurélien Croc " "(AP²C)\n"); hw = hw.arg(jbg_dec_getwidth(&sd)).arg(jbg_dec_getheight(&sd)); output.write(hw.toAscii()); output.write((const char *)jbg_dec_getimage(&sd, 0), jbg_dec_getsize(&sd)); output.close(); return 0; }
void FoxGroundDocument::SetBaseFileDoc(const QString file) { QFileInfo localfile(file); if (!localfile.exists()) { CurrentRunDoc = UNKNOW; return; } document_file = file; //// try on pole... bool poleisrun = false; POLE::Storage storage(file.toLocal8Bit()); if (storage.open()) { QBuffer basestore; if (Conversion::readStreamPole(storage, "/SummaryInformation", basestore)) { LEInputStream *sis_baseSummaryInformation = new LEInputStream(&basestore); poleisrun = true; CurrentRunDoc = OFFICEMSO; document_name = "DOC"; } } QByteArray x; QFile *f = new QFile(file); if (f->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { x = f->readAll(); } f->close(); const QByteArray data = x; QDomDocument document; QString c; int d, o; bool xmlbased = false; if (document.setContent(data, true, &c)) { /// not xml based... xmlbased = true; } const QByteArray rtfsearch = x.mid(0, 5).simplified(); /// qDebug() << "rtfsearch :" << rtfsearch; //// no office family .. doc if (!poleisrun) { if (xmlbased && data.indexOf("encoding=") != -1) { if (data.indexOf("DOCTYPE html") > 0) { CurrentRunDoc = HTML; document_name = "HTML"; } else { document_name = "XML"; CurrentRunDoc = XML; } } else if (rtfsearch == "{\\rtf") { CurrentRunDoc = RTF; document_name = "RTF"; } else if (data.mid(0, 4) == "%PDF") { if (bin_pdftohtml.size() > 3) { CurrentRunDoc = PDF; document_name = "PDF"; } else { CurrentRunDoc = UNKNOW; } } else if (data.mid(0, 2) == "PK") { KZip::Stream *unzip = new KZip::Stream(file); if (unzip->canread()) { unzipfileliste = unzip->filelist(); corefile = unzip->listData(); if (docitem("word/document.xml").size() > 20) { CurrentRunDoc = DOCX; document_name = "DOCX"; } else if (docitem("content.xml").size() > 20) { CurrentRunDoc = ODT; document_name = "ODT"; } else { CurrentRunDoc = UNKNOW; } } unzip->~Stream(); unzip = NULL; } else { CurrentRunDoc = UNKNOW; } } if (CurrentRunDoc == UNKNOW) { document_name = "NULL"; } }
/************************************************************ ** Member Function ** ** Name: create ** Parameter: xmlUI - XML UI's file ** Returned Value: bool - Successed return true, failed return ** false ** Intro: Create a widget by xml string. ************************************************************/ bool FFactory::create(QFile xmlUI) { QString xmlText = xmlUI.readAll(); return create(xmlText); }
void UploadAssetTask::run() { auto data = _receivedMessage->getMessage(); QBuffer buffer { &data }; buffer.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); MessageID messageID; buffer.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&messageID), sizeof(messageID)); uint64_t fileSize; buffer.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&fileSize), sizeof(fileSize)); qDebug() << "UploadAssetTask reading a file of " << fileSize << "bytes from" << uuidStringWithoutCurlyBraces(_senderNode->getUUID()); auto replyPacket = NLPacket::create(PacketType::AssetUploadReply); replyPacket->writePrimitive(messageID); if (fileSize > MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE) { replyPacket->writePrimitive(AssetServerError::AssetTooLarge); } else { QByteArray fileData = buffer.read(fileSize); auto hash = hashData(fileData); auto hexHash = hash.toHex(); qDebug() << "Hash for uploaded file from" << uuidStringWithoutCurlyBraces(_senderNode->getUUID()) << "is: (" << hexHash << ") "; QFile file { _resourcesDir.filePath(QString(hexHash)) }; bool existingCorrectFile = false; if (file.exists()) { // check if the local file has the correct contents, otherwise we overwrite if (file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly) && hashData(file.readAll()) == hash) { qDebug() << "Not overwriting existing verified file: " << hexHash; existingCorrectFile = true; replyPacket->writePrimitive(AssetServerError::NoError); replyPacket->write(hash); } else { qDebug() << "Overwriting an existing file whose contents did not match the expected hash: " << hexHash; file.close(); } } if (!existingCorrectFile) { if (file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly) && file.write(fileData) == qint64(fileSize)) { qDebug() << "Wrote file" << hexHash << "to disk. Upload complete"; file.close(); replyPacket->writePrimitive(AssetServerError::NoError); replyPacket->write(hash); } else { qWarning() << "Failed to upload or write to file" << hexHash << " - upload failed."; // upload has failed - remove the file and return an error auto removed = file.remove(); if (!removed) { qWarning() << "Removal of failed upload file" << hexHash << "failed."; } replyPacket->writePrimitive(AssetServerError::FileOperationFailed); } } } auto nodeList = DependencyManager::get<NodeList>(); nodeList->sendPacket(std::move(replyPacket), *_senderNode); }
// --------------------------------------------------- // Converts a spice netlist into Qucs format and outputs it. void SimMessage::nextSPICE() { QString Line; for(;;) { // search for next SPICE component Line = *(Collect.begin()); Collect.remove(Collect.begin()); if(Line == "*") { // worked on all components ? startSimulator(); // <<<<<================== go on === return; } #warning SPICE section below not being covered? qDebug() << "goin thru SPICE branch on simmmessage.cpp"; if(Line.left(5) == "SPICE") { if(Line.at(5) != 'o') insertSim = true; else insertSim = false; break; } Collect.append(Line); } QString FileName = Line.section('"', 1,1); Line = Line.section('"', 2); // port nodes if(Line.isEmpty()) makeSubcircuit = false; else makeSubcircuit = true; QString prog; QStringList com; prog = QucsSettings.BinDir + "qucsconv"; if(makeSubcircuit) com << "-g" << "_ref"; com << "-if" << "spice" << "-of" << "qucs"; QFile SpiceFile; if(FileName.find(QDir::separator()) < 0) // add path ? SpiceFile.setName(QucsWorkDir.path() + QDir::separator() + FileName); else SpiceFile.setName(FileName); if(!SpiceFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { ErrText->insert(tr("ERROR: Cannot open SPICE file \"%1\".").arg(FileName)); FinishSimulation(-1); return; } if(makeSubcircuit) { Stream << "\n.Def:" << properName(FileName) << " "; Line.replace(',', ' '); Stream << Line; if(!Line.isEmpty()) Stream << " _ref"; } Stream << "\n"; ProgressText = ""; qDebug() << "start QucsConv" << prog << com.join(" "); SimProcess.start(prog, com); if(!SimProcess.Running) { ErrText->insert(tr("ERROR: Cannot start QucsConv!")); FinishSimulation(-1); return; } QByteArray SpiceContent = SpiceFile.readAll(); SpiceFile.close(); QString command(SpiceContent); //to convert byte array to string SimProcess.setStandardInputFile(command); //? FIXME works? qDebug() << command; connect(&SimProcess, SIGNAL(wroteToStdin()), SLOT(slotCloseStdin())); }
void KConfigINIBackEnd::parseSingleConfigFile(QFile &rFile, KEntryMap *pWriteBackMap, bool bGlobal, bool bDefault) { const char *s; // May get clobbered by sigsetjump, but we don't use them afterwards. const char *eof; // May get clobbered by sigsetjump, but we don't use them afterwards. QByteArray data; if(!rFile.isOpen()) // come back, if you have real work for us ;-> return; // using kdDebug() here leads to an infinite loop // remove this for the release, aleXXX // qWarning("Parsing %s, global = %s default = %s", // rFile.name().latin1(), bGlobal ? "true" : "false", bDefault ? "true" : "false"); QCString aCurrentGroup("<default>"); unsigned int ll = localeString.length(); #ifdef HAVE_MMAP static volatile const char *map; map = (const char *)mmap(0, rFile.size(), PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, rFile.handle(), 0); if(map != MAP_FAILED) { s = (const char *)map; eof = s + rFile.size(); #ifdef SIGBUS struct sigaction act; act.sa_handler = mmap_sigbus_handler; sigemptyset(&act.sa_mask); #ifdef SA_ONESHOT act.sa_flags = SA_ONESHOT; #else act.sa_flags = SA_RESETHAND; #endif sigaction(SIGBUS, &act, &mmap_old_sigact); if(sigsetjmp(mmap_jmpbuf, 1)) { qWarning("SIGBUS while reading %s", rFile.name().latin1()); munmap((char *)map, rFile.size()); sigaction(SIGBUS, &mmap_old_sigact, 0); return; } #endif } else #endif { rFile.at(0); data = rFile.readAll(); s = data.data(); eof = s + data.size(); } bool fileOptionImmutable = false; bool groupOptionImmutable = false; bool groupSkip = false; int line = 0; for(; s < eof; s++) { line++; while((s < eof) && isspace(*s) && (*s != '\n')) s++; // skip leading whitespace, shouldn't happen too often // skip empty lines, lines starting with # if((s < eof) && ((*s == '\n') || (*s == '#'))) { sktoeol: // skip till end-of-line while((s < eof) && (*s != '\n')) s++; continue; // Empty or comment or no keyword } const char *startLine = s; if(*s == '[') // group { // In a group [[ and ]] have a special meaning while((s < eof) && (*s != '\n')) { if(*s == ']') { if((s + 1 < eof) && (*(s + 1) == ']')) s++; // Skip "]]" else break; } s++; // Search till end of group } const char *e = s; while((s < eof) && (*s != '\n')) s++; // Search till end of line / end of file if((e >= eof) || (*e != ']')) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid group header at %s:%d\n", rFile.name().latin1(), line); continue; } // group found; get the group name by taking everything in // between the brackets if((e - startLine == 3) && (startLine[1] == '$') && (startLine[2] == 'i')) { if(!kde_kiosk_exception) fileOptionImmutable = true; continue; } aCurrentGroup = decodeGroup(startLine + 1, e - startLine); // cout<<"found group ["<<aCurrentGroup<<"]"<<endl; // Backwards compatibility if(aCurrentGroup == "KDE Desktop Entry") aCurrentGroup = "Desktop Entry"; groupOptionImmutable = fileOptionImmutable; e++; if((e + 2 < eof) && (*e++ == '[') && (*e++ == '$')) // Option follows { if((*e == 'i') && !kde_kiosk_exception) { groupOptionImmutable = true; } } KEntryKey groupKey(aCurrentGroup, 0); KEntry entry = pConfig->lookupData(groupKey); groupSkip = entry.bImmutable; if(groupSkip && !bDefault) continue; entry.bImmutable |= groupOptionImmutable; pConfig->putData(groupKey, entry, false); if(pWriteBackMap) { // add the special group key indicator (*pWriteBackMap)[groupKey] = entry; } continue; } if(groupSkip && !bDefault) goto sktoeol; // Skip entry bool optionImmutable = groupOptionImmutable; bool optionDeleted = false; bool optionExpand = false; const char *endOfKey = 0, *locale = 0, *elocale = 0; for(; (s < eof) && (*s != '\n'); s++) { if(*s == '=') // find the equal sign { if(!endOfKey) endOfKey = s; goto haveeq; } if(*s == '[') // find the locale or options. { const char *option; const char *eoption; endOfKey = s; option = ++s; for(;; s++) { if((s >= eof) || (*s == '\n') || (*s == '=')) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid entry (missing ']') at %s:%d\n", rFile.name().latin1(), line); goto sktoeol; } if(*s == ']') break; } eoption = s; if(*option != '$') { // Locale if(locale) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid entry (second locale!?) at %s:%d\n", rFile.name().latin1(), line); goto sktoeol; } locale = option; elocale = eoption; } else { // Option while(option < eoption) { option++; if((*option == 'i') && !kde_kiosk_exception) optionImmutable = true; else if(*option == 'e') optionExpand = true; else if(*option == 'd') { optionDeleted = true; goto haveeq; } else if(*option == ']') break; } } } } fprintf(stderr, "Invalid entry (missing '=') at %s:%d\n", rFile.name().latin1(), line); continue; haveeq: for(endOfKey--;; endOfKey--) { if(endOfKey < startLine) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid entry (empty key) at %s:%d\n", rFile.name().latin1(), line); goto sktoeol; } if(!isspace(*endOfKey)) break; } const char *st = ++s; while((s < eof) && (*s != '\n')) s++; // Search till end of line / end of file if(locale) { unsigned int cl = static_cast< unsigned int >(elocale - locale); if((ll != cl) || memcmp(locale, localeString.data(), ll)) { // backward compatibility. C == en_US if(cl != 1 || ll != 5 || *locale != 'C' || memcmp(localeString.data(), "en_US", 5)) { // cout<<"mismatched locale '"<<QCString(locale, elocale-locale +1)<<"'"<<endl; // We can ignore this one if(!pWriteBackMap) continue; // We just ignore it // We just store it as is to be able to write it back later. endOfKey = elocale; locale = 0; } } } // insert the key/value line QCString key(startLine, endOfKey - startLine + 2); QCString val = printableToString(st, s - st); // qDebug("found key '%s' with value '%s'", key.data(), val.data()); KEntryKey aEntryKey(aCurrentGroup, decodeKey(key)); aEntryKey.bLocal = (locale != 0); aEntryKey.bDefault = bDefault; KEntry aEntry; aEntry.mValue = val; aEntry.bGlobal = bGlobal; aEntry.bImmutable = optionImmutable; aEntry.bDeleted = optionDeleted; aEntry.bExpand = optionExpand; aEntry.bNLS = (locale != 0); if(pWriteBackMap) { // don't insert into the config object but into the temporary // scratchpad map pWriteBackMap->insert(aEntryKey, aEntry); } else { // directly insert value into config object // no need to specify localization; if the key we just // retrieved was localized already, no need to localize it again. pConfig->putData(aEntryKey, aEntry, false); } } if(fileOptionImmutable) bFileImmutable = true; #ifdef HAVE_MMAP if(map) { munmap((char *)map, rFile.size()); #ifdef SIGBUS sigaction(SIGBUS, &mmap_old_sigact, 0); #endif } #endif }
void ATPAssetMigrator::loadEntityServerFile() { auto filename = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(_dialogParent, "Select an entity-server content file to migrate", QString(), QString("Entity-Server Content (*.gz)")); if (!filename.isEmpty()) { qCDebug(asset_migrator) << "Selected filename for ATP asset migration: " << filename; static const QString MIGRATION_CONFIRMATION_TEXT { "The ATP Asset Migration process will scan the selected entity-server file, upload discovered resources to the"\ " current asset-server and then save a new entity-server file with the ATP URLs.\n\nAre you ready to"\ " continue?\n\nMake sure you are connected to the right domain." }; auto button = QMessageBox::question(_dialogParent, MESSAGE_BOX_TITLE, MIGRATION_CONFIRMATION_TEXT, QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No, QMessageBox::Yes); if (button == QMessageBox::No) { return; } // try to open the file at the given filename QFile modelsFile { filename }; if (modelsFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { QByteArray compressedJsonData = modelsFile.readAll(); QByteArray jsonData; if (!gunzip(compressedJsonData, jsonData)) { QMessageBox::warning(_dialogParent, "Error", "The file at" + filename + "was not in gzip format."); } QJsonDocument modelsJSON = QJsonDocument::fromJson(jsonData); _entitiesArray = modelsJSON.object()["Entities"].toArray(); for (auto jsonValue : _entitiesArray) { QJsonObject entityObject = jsonValue.toObject(); QString modelURLString = entityObject.value(MODEL_URL_KEY).toString(); if (!modelURLString.isEmpty()) { QUrl modelURL = QUrl(modelURLString); if (!_ignoredUrls.contains(modelURL) && (modelURL.scheme() == URL_SCHEME_HTTP || modelURL.scheme() == URL_SCHEME_HTTPS || modelURL.scheme() == URL_SCHEME_FILE || modelURL.scheme() == URL_SCHEME_FTP)) { if (_pendingReplacements.contains(modelURL)) { // we already have a request out for this asset, just store the QJsonValueRef // so we can do the hash replacement when the request comes back _pendingReplacements.insert(modelURL, jsonValue); } else if (_uploadedAssets.contains(modelURL)) { // we already have a hash for this asset // so just do the replacement immediately entityObject[MODEL_URL_KEY] = _uploadedAssets.value(modelURL).toString(); jsonValue = entityObject; } else if (wantsToMigrateResource(modelURL)) { auto request = ResourceManager::createResourceRequest(this, modelURL); if (request) { qCDebug(asset_migrator) << "Requesting" << modelURL << "for ATP asset migration"; // add this combination of QUrl and QJsonValueRef to our multi hash so we can change the URL // to an ATP one once ready _pendingReplacements.insert(modelURL, jsonValue); connect(request, &ResourceRequest::finished, this, [=]() { if (request->getResult() == ResourceRequest::Success) { migrateResource(request); } else { QMessageBox::warning(_dialogParent, "Error", QString("Could not retrieve asset at %1").arg(modelURL.toString())); } request->deleteLater(); }); request->send(); } else { QMessageBox::warning(_dialogParent, "Error", QString("Could not create request for asset at %1").arg(modelURL.toString())); } } else { _ignoredUrls.insert(modelURL); } } } } _doneReading = true; } else { QMessageBox::warning(_dialogParent, "Error", "There was a problem loading that entity-server file for ATP asset migration. Please try again"); } } }
void LocalApp::readSuffixFilter(){ QFile *suffixFilterFile = 0; if ( appName == "home") suffixFilterFile = new QFile (home+"/"+QString("home.suffixfilter")); else suffixFilterFile = new QFile (home+"/"+ appName + "/"+ appName + QString(".suffixfilter")); ERR<<"INFO: LocalApp::readSuffixFilter(): "<<suffixFilterFile->fileName()<<endl; #ifndef USE_QT5 if ( ! suffixFilterFile->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly) ){ #else if ( ! suffixFilterFile->open(QFile::ReadOnly) ){ #endif ERR<<"WARN: LocalApp::readSuffixFilter(): Unable to read : "<<suffixFilterFile->fileName()<<endl; suffixFilterFile->close(); }else { suffixFilter += suffixFilterFile->readAll(); suffixFilterFile->close(); } //TODO: convert suffix filter to map of string ERR<<"DBUG: LocalApp::readSuffixFilter(): "<<suffixFilter<<endl; delete suffixFilterFile; } void LocalApp::readLibraryLoadConfig(){ QFile *llConfigFile = 0; if ( appName == "home") llConfigFile = new QFile (home+"/"+QString("home.cfg")); else llConfigFile = new QFile (home+"/"+ appName + "/"+ appName + QString(".cfg")); #ifndef USE_QT5 if ( ! llConfigFile->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly) ){ #else if ( ! llConfigFile->open(QFile::ReadOnly) ){ #endif ERR<<"DBUG: LocalApp::readLibraryLoadConfig(): Unable to open file :"<<llConfigFile->fileName()<<endl; } else { QByteArray libConfig; while ( (libConfig = llConfigFile->readLine() ).length() > 0 ){ /* * Read the config file * <scriptname>:<libraryname> */ QString line(libConfig); if( line.split(":").length() > 1) { QString script = line.split(":")[0]; QString soFile = line.split(":")[1]; #ifndef WINDOWS soFile.replace(QString("\n"), QString("")); soFile += QString(".so"); //soFile.remove(soFile.length()-1,1); #else soFile.replace(QString("\r\n"), QString("")); soFile += QString(".dll"); //soFile.remove(soFile.length()-2,2); #endif if( appName == "home"){ QLibrary *lib = new QLibrary( home + "/" + soFile ); lib->setLoadHints(QLibrary::ResolveAllSymbolsHint); lib->load(); ERR<<"ERRR: LocalApp::readLibraryLoadConfig(): "<< script<<" -> "<<lib->fileName()<<": Loaded ? "<<lib->isLoaded()<<endl; mapScriptToSo[script] = lib; } else { QLibrary *lib = new QLibrary( home + "/" + appName + "/" + soFile, this ); lib->setLoadHints(QLibrary::ResolveAllSymbolsHint); lib->load(); ERR<<"ERRR: LocalApp::readLibraryLoadConfig(): "<<script<<" -> "<<lib->fileName()<<": Loaded ? "<<lib->isLoaded()<<endl; mapScriptToSo[script] = lib; } } } } delete llConfigFile; } QString LocalApp::readAppName( QUrl url ){ QString app(""); #ifndef USE_QT5 ERR<<"INFO: LocalApp::readAppName(): Encoded Path: "<<url.encodedPath()<<endl; //QStringList app = url.encodedPath().split('/')[0]; //app = list[0]; if ( app.contains(".py")){ app = "home"; } ERR<<"INFO: LocalApp::readAppName(): App: "<<app<<endl; #else ERR<<"INFO: LocalApp::readAppName(): Path: "<<url.path()<<endl; app = url.path().split('/')[0]; if ( app.contains(".py") || app.contains(".")){ app = "home"; } ERR<<"INFO: LocalApp::readAppName(): App: "<<app<<endl; ERR<<"INFO: LocalApp::readAppName(): Path: "<<url.path()<<endl; #endif return app; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication a(argc, argv); QApplication::setOrganizationName(_S("Majister")); QApplication::setApplicationName(_S("jPos")); qRegisterMetaType<SyncState>("SyncState"); // Имя файла логов logFileName.clear(); // Настройки базы - SQLite QString mainBase = _S("db.sqlite3"); QString dbDriver = _S("QSQLITE"); QString dbUser; QString dbPass; QString dbOptions; QString executeModule; QString executeParams; QString styleFileName; bool stylefree = false; // Уровни лога, 1- только ошибки, 2 - основные действия, 3 - отладка каждого чиха int loglevel = 1; // Обнулить файл логов bool newlog = false; bool resetSettings = false; bool showHelp = false; bool saveSources = false; QStringList args = QCoreApplication::arguments(); for (int i = 1; i < args.count(); ++i) { QString value = args.at(i); if (value == _S("--logfile") && i < args.count()) { logFileName = args.at(++i); continue; } if (value == _S("--loglevel") && i < args.count()) { loglevel = args.at(++i).toInt(); continue; } if (value == _S("--newlog")) { newlog = true; continue; } if (value == _S("--driver") && i < args.count()) { dbDriver = args.at(++i); continue; } if (value == _S("--user") && i < args.count()) { dbUser = args.at(++i); continue; } if (value == _S("--password") && i < args.count()) { dbPass = args.at(++i); continue; } if (value == _S("--resetsettings")) { resetSettings = true; continue; } if (value == _S("--stylefree")) { stylefree = true; continue; } if (value == _S("--istyle") && i < args.count()) { styleFileName = args.at(++i); continue; } if (value == _S("--version")) { qDebug() << _T("jPOS версия от %1 %2").arg(BUILDDATE).arg(BUILDTIME); return 0; } if (value == _S("--help")) { showHelp = true; break; // all other params not matter } if (value == _S("--sources")) { saveSources = true; break; // all other params not matter } if (value == _S("--execute") && i+1 < args.count()) { executeModule = args.at(++i); executeParams = args.at(++i); continue; } // если не параметров - значит название базы mainBase = value; } if (saveSources) { QFile sourcesFile(_S(":/sources/sources/sources.7z")); if(!sourcesFile.open(QFile::ReadOnly)) { qDebug() << _T("%1 Ошибка доступа к исходникам: %2") .arg(posForLog) .arg(sourcesFile.errorString()); return 1; } QFile resultFile(_S("sources.7z")); if(!resultFile.open(QFile::WriteOnly)) { qDebug() << _T("%1 Ошибка создания файла для сохранения: %2") .arg(posForLog) .arg(resultFile.errorString()); return 1; } resultFile.write(sourcesFile.readAll()); resultFile.close(); sourcesFile.close(); qDebug()<<"Исходники сохранены в файле sources.7z"; return 0; } if (showHelp) { QFile helpFile(_S(":/texts/texts/help.txt")); helpFile.open(QFile::ReadOnly); QString helpText = helpFile.readAll(); qDebug() << _T("jPOS версия от %1 %2").arg(BUILDDATE).arg(BUILDTIME)<<endl; qDebug() << helpText; return 0; } if (newlog) { QFile::remove(logFileName); } if (!logFileName.isEmpty()) qInstallMessageHandler(fileMessageHandler); //else // qInstallMessageHandler(outputMessageHandler); if(!stylefree) { QFile styleFile; if(!styleFileName.isEmpty()) styleFile.setFileName(styleFileName); else styleFile.setFileName(":/qss/qss/black-n-orange.qss"); styleFile.open(QFile::ReadOnly); QString styleSheet = QString::fromLatin1(styleFile.readAll()); qApp->setStyleSheet(styleSheet); } Datapipe * data = new Datapipe(); QMap<QString, QVariant>* vars = data->getVariables(); if (loglevel > 0) qDebug() << _T("%1 Уровень лога: %2").arg(posForLog).arg(loglevel); vars->insert(_S("loglevel"), loglevel); QSettings *settings = data->getSettings(); if (resetSettings) settings->clear(); QStringList settingsKeys = settings->allKeys(); QSettings *defaults = new QSettings(_S(":/defaults/defaults/globalsettings.ini"), QSettings::IniFormat); defaults->setIniCodec(QTextCodec::codecForName("UTF-8")); QStringList defaultKeys = defaults->allKeys(); for (int i = 0; i < defaultKeys.count(); i++) { QString key = defaultKeys.at(i); QVariant value = defaults->value(key); if (!settingsKeys.contains(key)) settings->setValue(key, value); } delete defaults; QFont font; font.setFamily(settings->value("global/default_font","DejaVu Sans").toString()); font.setPixelSize(settings->value("global/default_font_size",14).toInt()); font.setBold(settings->value("global/defalut_font_bold",true).toBool()); qApp->setFont(font); // Финт - зададим дефолты для некоторых баз if((dbDriver=="QIBASE" || dbDriver=="QFIREBIRD") && dbUser.isEmpty()) dbUser="******"; if((dbDriver=="QIBASE" || dbDriver=="QFIREBIRD") && dbPass.isEmpty()) dbPass="******"; QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase(dbDriver); db.setDatabaseName(mainBase); db.setUserName(dbUser); db.setPassword(dbPass); db.setConnectOptions(dbOptions); if (!db.open()) { qCritical()<<_T("%1 Ошибка подключения: %2").arg(posForLog).arg(db.lastError().text()); return 2; } if (loglevel > 0) { qDebug() << _T("%1 База данных: %2").arg(posForLog).arg(mainBase); qDebug() << _T("%1 Драйвер: %2").arg(posForLog).arg(dbDriver); qDebug() << _T("%1 Пользователь: %2").arg(posForLog).arg(dbUser); qDebug() << _T("%1 Пароль: %2").arg(posForLog).arg(dbPass); qDebug() << _T("%1 Настройки: %2").arg(posForLog).arg(dbOptions); } vars->insert(_S("database"), mainBase); vars->insert(_S("database_driver"), dbDriver); vars->insert(_S("database_user"), dbUser); vars->insert(_S("database_password"), dbPass); vars->insert(_S("database_settings"), dbOptions); QSqlQuery query; query.prepare(settings->value(_S("global/queries/settings")).toString()); if (query.exec()) { while (query.next()) { vars->insert(query.value(0).toString(), query.value(1)); if(loglevel > 0) qDebug() << _T("%1 Переменные: %2 = %3").arg(posForLog).arg(query.value(0).toString()).arg(query.value(1).toString()); } } else { bool solved = false; if(dbDriver=="QSQLITE") { QMessageBox::StandardButton reply; reply = QMessageBox::question(0, _T("Не обнаружена база данных"), _T("Не обнаружена база данных\nСоздать новую?"), QMessageBox::Yes|QMessageBox::No); if (reply == QMessageBox::Yes) { QFile file(":/defaults/defaults/database_sqlite.sql"); if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { qCritical() << _T("%1 Ошибка создания новой базы данных\n%2").arg(posForLog).arg(file.errorString()); return 0; } QStringList queryPartsList = QString::fromUtf8(file.readAll()).split(QRegExp("\\s"), QString::SkipEmptyParts); int triggerDepth=0; int stringDepth=0; bool skipOneBegin=false; QString queryFromParts; for(int i=0; i<queryPartsList.count();++i) { QString part = queryPartsList.at(i).trimmed(); if(part.isEmpty()) continue; if(part.toUpper() == "CREATE" && i+1 < queryPartsList.count()) if(queryPartsList.at(i+1)=="TRIGGER") { triggerDepth++; skipOneBegin=true; } if(triggerDepth > 0 && part.toUpper()=="BEGIN") { if(skipOneBegin) skipOneBegin=false; else triggerDepth++; } if(triggerDepth > 0 && part.toUpper()=="CASE") triggerDepth++; if(triggerDepth > 0 && part.toUpper().startsWith("END")) triggerDepth--; queryFromParts += _S(" %1").arg(part); //qDebug()<<part<<triggerDepth<<stringDepth; if(part.contains(";") && triggerDepth==0 && stringDepth==0) { bool skipQuery = false; if(queryFromParts.contains("CREATE TABLE sqlite_sequence")) skipQuery=true; if(queryFromParts.trimmed().isEmpty()) skipQuery=true; if(queryFromParts.trimmed()==";") skipQuery=true; if(!skipQuery) { if (!query.exec(queryFromParts)) { qCritical() << _T("%1 Ошибка создания новой базы данных\n%2\n%3").arg(posForLog, query.lastError().text(), query.lastQuery()); return 1; } // qDebug()<<queryFromParts; } queryFromParts.clear(); } } QDialog dlg; QFormLayout layout; dlg.setLayout(&layout); QLineEdit posID; layout.addRow(_T("Код ПОС-а"), &posID); QLineEdit generatorMin; layout.addRow(_T("Генератор мин"), &generatorMin); QLineEdit generatorMax; layout.addRow(_T("Генератор макс"), &generatorMax); QPushButton bt; bt.setText("OK"); layout.addRow(0, &bt); dlg.connect(&bt, SIGNAL(clicked()), &dlg, SLOT(accept())); if(dlg.exec()==QDialog::Accepted) { query.prepare(settings->value(_S("global/queries/set_pos_id")).toString()); query.bindValue(":val", posID.text().toInt()); if(!query.exec()) { qCritical() << _T("%1 Ошибка создания новой базы данных\n%2\n%3").arg(posForLog, query.lastError().text(), query.lastQuery()); return 1; } query.prepare(settings->value(_S("global/queries/set_generator_min")).toString()); query.bindValue(":val", generatorMin.text().toInt()); if(!query.exec()) { qCritical() << _T("%1 Ошибка создания новой базы данных\n%2\n%3").arg(posForLog, query.lastError().text(), query.lastQuery()); return 1; } query.prepare(settings->value(_S("global/queries/set_generator_min1_sqlite")).toString()); query.bindValue(":val", generatorMin.text().toInt()); if(!query.exec()) { qCritical() << _T("%1 Ошибка создания новой базы данных\n%2\n%3").arg(posForLog, query.lastError().text(), query.lastQuery()); return 1; } query.prepare(settings->value(_S("global/queries/set_generator_min2_sqlite")).toString()); query.bindValue(":val", generatorMin.text().toInt()); if(!query.exec()) { qCritical() << _T("%1 Ошибка создания новой базы данных\n%2\n%3").arg(posForLog, query.lastError().text(), query.lastQuery()); return 1; } query.prepare(settings->value(_S("global/queries/set_generator_max")).toString()); query.bindValue(":val", generatorMax.text().toInt()); if(!query.exec()) { qCritical() << _T("%1 Ошибка создания новой базы данных\n%2\n%3").arg(posForLog, query.lastError().text(), query.lastQuery()); return 1; } } else { QMessageBox message; message.setText(_T("Создание новой базы данных отменено")); message.exec(); return 1; } solved = true; } } if(!solved){ qCritical() << _T("%1 Ошибка чтения настроек\n%2\n%3").arg(posForLog, query.lastError().text(), query.lastQuery()); return 1; } } int width = 0; int height = 0; if (QApplication::desktop()->screenGeometry().width() > QApplication::desktop()->screenGeometry().height()) { width = QApplication::desktop()->screenGeometry().width(); height = QApplication::desktop()->screenGeometry().height(); } else { width = QApplication::desktop()->screenGeometry().height(); height = QApplication::desktop()->screenGeometry().width(); } double scale = settings->value("global/button_scale", 1).toDouble(); vars->insert(_S("standart_button_width"), (int) width / 12 * scale); vars->insert(_S("standart_button_height"), (int) height / 12 * scale); vars->insert(_S("standart_text_height"), (int) height / 18 * scale); vars->insert(_S("standart_margins"), (int) vars->value(_S("standart_button_width")).toInt() * 0.1 * scale); // заполняем тут, чтобы не тянуть в плагины все файлы data->setPrinter(new ChequePrinter(data->getSettings(), data->getVariables())); if (loglevel > 0) { QStringList keys = settings->allKeys(); for (int i = 0; i < keys.count(); i++) qDebug() << _T("%1 Настройки: %2 %3").arg(posForLog).arg(keys.at(i)).arg(settings->value(keys.at(i)).toString()); } if (loglevel > 0) qDebug() << _T("%1 Запуск ").arg(posForLog); MainWindow window(data); window.showFullScreen(); // проверка 3 return a.exec(); }
MainWindow::MainWindow(char *urlx):iskeyboardshow(false) { setWindowFlags(Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint); this->showFullScreen(); // this->setWindowFlags(Qt::WindowCloseButtonHint); // setWindowFlags(Qt::Tool | Qt::FramelessWindowHint); // 隐藏标题栏己周围框架 // this->setAttribute(Qt::WA_TranslucentBackground, true); // 设置背景透明(version >= QT4.5) // this->setAttribute(Qt::WA_NoSystemBackground, true); // this->setAttribute(Qt::WA_NoBackground, true); // QPalette pal = palette(); // pal.setColor(QPalette::Background, QColor(0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00)); // this->setPalette(pal); // QMessageBox::warning(NULL,"MainWindow",QString("%1").arg((this->centralWidget() == 0)?"nil":"have")); // qApp->setStyleSheet("QMainWindow {background-image: url(:/images/111.png);}"); frm = new QFrame(); keyboardfrm = new mainForm; webView = new WebView(frm); pbExit = new QPushButton(frm); pbInput = new QPushButton(frm); // pbInput->setCheckable(true); // keyboardfrm->setAttribute(Qt::WA_TranslucentBackground, false); //webView->load(QUrl("")); // webView->load(QUrl("http://www.baidu.com")); if(NULL != urlx) { QString urlstr(urlx); if (-1 != urlstr.indexOf(QRegExp("[Ff][Ii][Ll][Ee]"),0)) { qDebug() << "localfile: " << urlstr; webView->load(QUrl::fromLocalFile( urlstr)); } else if (-1 == urlstr.indexOf(QRegExp("[Hh][Tt][Tt][Pp]"),0)) { urlstr.prepend("http://"); } // QMessageBox::warning(NULL, "error", urlstr); webView->load(QUrl(urlstr)); } else { webView->load(QUrl("http://resource.hipidata.cn/web/s_index.html")); } webPage = webView->page(); // webHistory = webPage->history(); //webView->setD // urlAddr = new QLineEdit; // statusLabel = new QLabel; // progressBar = new QProgressBar; dockWidget = new QDockWidget(); dockWidget->setFocusPolicy(Qt::NoFocus); dockWidget->setFocusProxy(0); dockWidget->setAllowedAreas(Qt::BottomDockWidgetArea); dockWidget->setFeatures(QDockWidget::DockWidgetClosable); this->setCorner(Qt::BottomLeftCorner, Qt::BottomDockWidgetArea); // dockWidget->setFloating(true); //ldockWidget = new QDockWidget(); QFile file; file.setFileName(":/myjquery.js"); file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); this->jQuery = file.readAll(); file.close(); //QMessageBox::about(this,jQuery,this->jQuery); //webPage->currentFrame()->evaluateJavaScript(jQuery); // createActions(); //createMenus(); //createToolBars(); createCentralWidget(); // createStatusBar(); createKeyBoardDock(); // createHeader(); // createLeftDock(); setKeyBoardDockShow(false); webPage->setLinkDelegationPolicy(QWebPage::DelegateAllLinks); connect(dockWidget->toggleViewAction(), SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(on_dockwidget_toggled(bool))); connect(pbInput, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(on_pbInput_clicked())); connect(pbExit, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(on_pbExit_clicked())); connect(webView, SIGNAL(linkClicked( const QUrl & )), this, SLOT(myOnLinkClicked( const QUrl & )) ); connect(webPage, SIGNAL(microFocusChanged()),this, SLOT(myContentChanged())); connect(webView, SIGNAL(titleChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(showTitle(const QString &))); // connect(urlAddr, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), this, SLOT(loadUrlAddr())); // connect(webView, SIGNAL(urlChanged(const QUrl &)), this, SLOT(displayUrlAddr(const QUrl &))); // connect(webView, SIGNAL(linkClicked( const QUrl & )), this, SLOT(setKeyBoardDockShow(true)) ); // connect(webView, SIGNAL(titleChanged(const QString &)), this, SLOT(showTitle(const QString &))); // connect(webView, SIGNAL(statusBarMessage(const QString &)),statusLabel, SLOT(setText(const QString &))); // connect(webView, SIGNAL(loadStarted()), this, SLOT(webLoadStarted())); // connect(webView, SIGNAL(loadProgress(int)), this, SLOT(webLoadProgress(int))); // connect(webView, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)), this, SLOT(webLoadFinished(bool))); // connect(webView, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)), this, SLOT(webPage->currentFrame()->evaluateJavaScript(jQuery))); }
void Syncer::ContinueLocalStorageChecking () { if (Paths_.isEmpty ()) { //TODO checking finished qDebug () << "finished"; return; } QString path = Paths_.takeAt (0); QFileInfo info (path); DriveItem parentItem = RealPath2Item_.value (info.dir ().absolutePath ()); bool found = false; DriveItem currentItem; for (const auto& item : Items_) { if (item.IsFolder_ != info.isDir () || item.Name_ != info.fileName () || item.Labels_ & DriveItem::ILRemoved || item.ParentId_ != parentItem.Id_) continue; currentItem = item; found = true; Items_.removeOne (item); break; } if (found) { if (QFileInfo (path).exists ()) { RealPath2Item_ [path] = currentItem; if (!info.isDir ()) { QFile file (path); if (file.open (QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { if (currentItem.Md5_ != QCryptographicHash::hash (file.readAll (), QCryptographicHash::Md5).toHex ()) { //TODO update qDebug () << currentItem.Id_ << currentItem.Name_ << "need update"; } } } } else DM_->MoveEntryToTrash (currentItem.Id_); ContinueLocalStorageChecking (); } else { connect (DM_, SIGNAL (gotNewItem (DriveItem)), this, SLOT (handleGotNewItem (DriveItem))); RealPathQueue_ << path; !info.isDir () ? DM_->Upload (path, QStringList () << parentItem.Id_) : DM_->CreateDirectory (info.fileName (), parentItem.Id_); } }
void PlasmoidHandler::createRequiredFiles(const QString &serviceType, const QString &pluginName, const QString &userName, const QString &userEmail, const QString &fileExtension) { // a package may require a file like ui/main.qml // but the ui dir may not be required, so lets check for them for (const auto &it : package().requiredFiles()) { if (m_directoryDefinitions.values().contains(it)) { const QString dirName(m_directoryDefinitions.key(it)); QDir dir(packagePath() + contentsPrefix()); dir.mkpath(dirName); dir.cd(dirName); QFile f; const QString filePath = dir.path() + QLatin1Char('/') + m_fileDefinitions[it]; QString templateFilePath; if (it == QLatin1String("mainscript")) { if (serviceType == "Plasma/Applet") { templateFilePath.append("mainPlasmoid"); } else if (serviceType == "KWin/WindowSwitcher") { templateFilePath.append("mainTabbox"); } else if (serviceType == "KWin/Script") { templateFilePath.append("mainKWinScript"); } else if (serviceType == "KWin/Effect") { templateFilePath.append("mainKWinEffect"); } f.setFileName(QStandardPaths::locate(QStandardPaths::DataLocation, QStringLiteral("templates/") + templateFilePath + fileExtension)); const bool ok = f.copy(filePath); if (!ok) { emit error(QStringLiteral("The mainscript file hasn't been created")); } f.setFileName(filePath); f.open(QIODevice::ReadWrite); // Now open these files, and substitute the main class, author, email and date fields QByteArray tmpPluginName(pluginName.toLocal8Bit()); QByteArray tmpAuthor(userName.toLocal8Bit()); QByteArray tmpEmail(userEmail.toLocal8Bit()); QByteArray rawData = f.readAll(); f.close(); f.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly); QByteArray replacedString("$PLASMOID_NAME"); if (rawData.contains(replacedString)) { rawData.replace(replacedString, tmpPluginName); } replacedString.clear(); replacedString.append("$AUTHOR"); if (rawData.contains(replacedString)) { rawData.replace(replacedString, tmpAuthor); } replacedString.clear(); replacedString.append("$EMAIL"); if (rawData.contains(replacedString)) { rawData.replace(replacedString, tmpEmail); } replacedString.clear(); replacedString.append("$DATE"); QDate date = QDate::currentDate(); QByteArray datetime(date.toString().toUtf8()); QTime time = QTime::currentTime(); datetime.append(", " + time.toString().toUtf8()); if (rawData.contains(replacedString)) { rawData.replace(replacedString, datetime); } f.write(rawData); f.close(); } } } loadPackage(); }
Application::Application(int &argc, char **argv) : QApplication(argc,argv) { QTranslator *main_translator=nullptr, *plugin_translator=nullptr; QFile ui_style(GlobalAttributes::TMPL_CONFIGURATIONS_DIR + GlobalAttributes::DIR_SEPARATOR + GlobalAttributes::UI_STYLE_CONF + GlobalAttributes::CONFIGURATION_EXT); QString plugin_name, plug_lang_dir, plug_lang_file; QStringList dir_list; QDir dir; //Creating the initial user's configuration createUserConfiguration(); //Changing the current working dir to the executable's directory in QDir::setCurrent(this->applicationDirPath()); //Adding paths which executable will find plugins and it's dependecies this->addLibraryPath(this->applicationDirPath()); this->addLibraryPath(GlobalAttributes::PLUGINS_DIR); //Try to create plugins dir if it does not exists if(!dir.exists(GlobalAttributes::PLUGINS_DIR)) { if(!dir.mkdir(GlobalAttributes::PLUGINS_DIR)) { Messagebox msg; msg.show(Exception(Exception::getErrorMessage(ERR_FILE_DIR_NOT_WRITTEN).arg(GlobalAttributes::PLUGINS_DIR), ERR_FILE_DIR_NOT_WRITTEN,__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,__FILE__,__LINE__)); } } //Check if the temporary dir exists, if not, creates it. if(!dir.exists(GlobalAttributes::TEMPORARY_DIR)) { if(!dir.mkdir(GlobalAttributes::TEMPORARY_DIR)) { Messagebox msg; msg.show(Exception(Exception::getErrorMessage(ERR_FILE_DIR_NOT_WRITTEN).arg(GlobalAttributes::TEMPORARY_DIR), ERR_FILE_DIR_NOT_WRITTEN, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__,__FILE__,__LINE__)); } } //Trying to identify if the user defined a custom UI language in the pgmodeler.conf file QString conf_file = GlobalAttributes::CONFIGURATIONS_DIR + GlobalAttributes::DIR_SEPARATOR + GlobalAttributes::GENERAL_CONF + GlobalAttributes::CONFIGURATION_EXT; QFile input; QString lang_id = QLocale::system().name(); input.setFileName(conf_file); if(input.open(QFile::ReadOnly)) { QString buf = QString(input.readAll()); QRegExp regexp = QRegExp(QString("(%1)(.*)(=)(\\\")(.)+(\\\")(\\\n)").arg(ParsersAttributes::UI_LANGUAGE)); int idx = regexp.indexIn(QString(buf)); //Extract the value of the ui-language attribute in the conf file lang_id = buf.mid(idx, regexp.matchedLength()); lang_id.remove(ParsersAttributes::UI_LANGUAGE); lang_id.remove(QChar('"')).remove(QChar('=')).remove(QChar('\n')); } //Tries to load the main ui translation according to the system's locale main_translator=new QTranslator(this); main_translator->load(lang_id, GlobalAttributes::LANGUAGES_DIR); this->installTranslator(main_translator); //Trying to load plugins translations dir_list=QDir(GlobalAttributes::PLUGINS_DIR + GlobalAttributes::DIR_SEPARATOR, QString("*"), QDir::Name, QDir::AllDirs | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot).entryList(); while(!dir_list.isEmpty()) { plugin_name=dir_list.front(); dir_list.pop_front(); //Configure the path to "lang" subdir at current plugin directory plug_lang_dir=GlobalAttributes::PLUGINS_DIR + GlobalAttributes::DIR_SEPARATOR + plugin_name + GlobalAttributes::DIR_SEPARATOR + QString("lang") + GlobalAttributes::DIR_SEPARATOR; plug_lang_file=plugin_name + QString(".") + lang_id; //Check if the .qm file exists for the current plugin. If so create and install a translator if(QFileInfo(plug_lang_dir + plug_lang_file + QString(".qm")).exists()) { plugin_translator=new QTranslator(this); plugin_translator->load(plug_lang_file, plug_lang_dir); this->installTranslator(plugin_translator); } } //Loading app style sheet ui_style.open(QFile::ReadOnly); //Raises an error if ui style is not found if(!ui_style.isOpen()) { Messagebox msg; msg.show(Exception(Exception::getErrorMessage(ERR_FILE_DIR_NOT_ACCESSED).arg(ui_style.fileName()), ERR_FILE_DIR_NOT_ACCESSED,__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,__FILE__,__LINE__)); } else this->setStyleSheet(ui_style.readAll()); }
void MyWindow::initShaders() { QOpenGLShader vShader(QOpenGLShader::Vertex); QOpenGLShader fShader(QOpenGLShader::Fragment); QFile shaderFile; QByteArray shaderSource; // Shader color shaderFile.setFileName(":/vshader_col.txt"); shaderFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); shaderSource = shaderFile.readAll(); shaderFile.close(); qDebug() << "vertex \"color\" compile: " << vShader.compileSourceCode(shaderSource); shaderFile.setFileName(":/fshader_col.txt"); shaderFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); shaderSource = shaderFile.readAll(); shaderFile.close(); qDebug() << "frag \"color\" compile: " << fShader.compileSourceCode(shaderSource); mProgramCol = new (QOpenGLShaderProgram); mProgramCol->addShader(&vShader); mProgramCol->addShader(&fShader); qDebug() << "shader \"color\" link: " << mProgramCol->link(); // Shader normal shaderFile.setFileName(":/vshader_norm.txt"); shaderFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); shaderSource = shaderFile.readAll(); shaderFile.close(); qDebug() << "vertex \"normal\" compile: " << vShader.compileSourceCode(shaderSource); shaderFile.setFileName(":/fshader_norm.txt"); shaderFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); shaderSource = shaderFile.readAll(); shaderFile.close(); qDebug() << "frag \"normal\" compile: " << fShader.compileSourceCode(shaderSource); mProgramNorm = new (QOpenGLShaderProgram); mProgramNorm->addShader(&vShader); mProgramNorm->addShader(&fShader); qDebug() << "shader \"normal\" link: " << mProgramNorm->link(); // Shader texture shaderFile.setFileName(":/vshader_tex.txt"); shaderFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); shaderSource = shaderFile.readAll(); shaderFile.close(); qDebug() << "vertex \"texture\" compile: " << vShader.compileSourceCode(shaderSource); shaderFile.setFileName(":/fshader_tex.txt"); shaderFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); shaderSource = shaderFile.readAll(); shaderFile.close(); qDebug() << "frag \"texture\" compile: " << fShader.compileSourceCode(shaderSource); mProgramTex = new (QOpenGLShaderProgram); mProgramTex->addShader(&vShader); mProgramTex->addShader(&fShader); qDebug() << "shader \"texture\" link: " << mProgramTex->link(); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { QCoreApplication application(argc, argv); application.setOrganizationName("CutePaste"); application.setApplicationName("CutePaste Desktop Console Frontend"); QTextStream standardOutputStream(stdout); QFile dataFile; QString firstArgument = QCoreApplication::arguments().size() < 2 ? QString() : QCoreApplication::arguments().at(1); if (!firstArgument.isEmpty()) { dataFile.setFileName(firstArgument); dataFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); } else { dataFile.open(stdin, QIODevice::ReadOnly); } QByteArray pasteTextByteArray = dataFile.readAll(); QJsonObject requestJsonObject; requestJsonObject.insert(QStringLiteral("data"), QString::fromUtf8(pasteTextByteArray)); requestJsonObject.insert(QStringLiteral("language"), QStringLiteral("text")); QJsonDocument requestJsonDocument(requestJsonObject); QString baseUrlString = QStringLiteral("http://pastebin.kde.org"); QNetworkRequest networkRequest; networkRequest.setAttribute(QNetworkRequest::DoNotBufferUploadDataAttribute, true); networkRequest.setHeader(QNetworkRequest::ContentTypeHeader, "application/json"); networkRequest.setUrl(QUrl(baseUrlString + "/api/json/create")); QNetworkAccessManager networkAccessManager; QScopedPointer<QNetworkReply> networkReplyScopedPointer(networkAccessManager.post(networkRequest, requestJsonDocument.toJson())); QObject::connect(networkReplyScopedPointer.data(), &QNetworkReply::finished, [&]() { QJsonParseError jsonParseError; QByteArray replyJsonByteArray = networkReplyScopedPointer->readAll(); QJsonDocument replyJsonDocument = QJsonDocument::fromJson(replyJsonByteArray, &jsonParseError); if (jsonParseError.error != QJsonParseError::NoError) { qDebug() << "The json network reply is not valid json:" << jsonParseError.errorString(); QCoreApplication::quit(); } if (!replyJsonDocument.isObject()) { qDebug() << "The json network reply is not an object"; QCoreApplication::quit(); } QJsonObject replyJsonObject = replyJsonDocument.object(); QJsonValue resultValue = replyJsonObject.value(QStringLiteral("result")); if (!resultValue.isObject()) { qDebug() << "The json network reply does not contain an object for the \"result\" key"; QCoreApplication::quit(); } QJsonValue identifierValue = resultValue.toObject().value(QStringLiteral("id")); if (!identifierValue.isString()) { qDebug() << "The json network reply does not contain a string for the \"id\" key"; QCoreApplication::quit(); } endl(standardOutputStream << baseUrlString << '/' << identifierValue.toString()); QCoreApplication::quit(); }); QObject::connect(networkReplyScopedPointer.data(), static_cast<void (QNetworkReply::*)(QNetworkReply::NetworkError)>(&QNetworkReply::error), [&](QNetworkReply::NetworkError networkReplyError) { if (networkReplyError != QNetworkReply::NoError) endl(standardOutputStream << networkReplyScopedPointer->errorString()); }); QObject::connect(networkReplyScopedPointer.data(), &QNetworkReply::sslErrors, [&](QList<QSslError> networkReplySslErrors) { if (!networkReplySslErrors.isEmpty()) { foreach (const QSslError &networkReplySslError, networkReplySslErrors) endl(standardOutputStream << networkReplySslError.errorString()); } });
void ImportConfig::on_cmdImport_clicked() { if (!m_ui->txtExistingOvpn->text().isEmpty()) { // Import existing file QString configName (m_ui->txtExistingOvpn->text().replace(".ovpn", "")); configName = configName.right(configName.size() - configName.lastIndexOf("/") - 1); // Anderer name als Dateiname if (m_ui->rbSaveAsName->isChecked()) { if (!m_ui->txtNewName->text().isEmpty()) { configName = m_ui->txtNewName->text(); } } QString pathToConfig (m_ui->txtExistingOvpn->text()); // Copy config to local app data and rename it, if an other name is specified // Only in service mode! if(!Settings::getInstance()->getIsPortableClient()) { // If file is available copy it // First create folder QString newConfigFolderPath (QString("%1/config/%2") .arg(AppFunc::getAppSavePath()) .arg(configName)); QDir newConfigFolderPathDirectory (newConfigFolderPath); if (newConfigFolderPathDirectory.exists(newConfigFolderPath)){ // A config with this name is already existing Message::error(QObject::tr("A configuration with this name is already existing!")); // return; } // Create path newConfigFolderPathDirectory.mkpath(newConfigFolderPath); // Now copy Files QString newConfigPath (QString("%1/%2.ovpn") .arg(newConfigFolderPath) .arg(configName)); QFile::copy(pathToConfig, newConfigPath); // QString sourceDirectory (pathToConfig.left(pathToConfig.lastIndexOf("/"))); // // Override old path pathToConfig = newConfigPath; // Ca auto copyConfigFile = [&](const QString &key) { auto keyValue = (ConfigValues::instance()->valueFromConfigKey(pathToConfig, key)); if(!keyValue.isEmpty()) { QString sourcePath (QString("%1/%2") .arg(sourceDirectory) .arg(keyValue)); QString destName (keyValue); if (ConfigValues::instance()->isGivenPathAbsolute(keyValue)) { // Yes, override path sourcePath = keyValue; // Get the file name from path destName = ConfigValues::instance()->fileNameOfAbsolutePath(keyValue); // Change value in config ConfigValues::instance()->changeKeyValueInConfig(pathToConfig, key, QString("\"%1\"") .arg(destName)); } // Copy QFile::copy(sourcePath, QString("%1/%2") .arg(newConfigFolderPath) .arg(destName)); } }; for(const auto &key : keys) { copyConfigFile(key); } } Preferences::instance()->addNewConfigToDatabase(configName, pathToConfig); Preferences::instance()->refreshConfigList(); Preferences::instance()->setConnectionStatus(); Preferences::instance()->setIcon(); // Fertig Message::information(QObject::tr("Import successfully ended!"), QObject::tr("Import Configuration")); Preferences::instance()->refreshDialog(); this->close(); } else { // Import crypt file if (m_ui->txtPassword->text().isEmpty()) { Message::error(QObject::tr("No password specified!"), QObject::tr("Import Configuration")); return; } if (!m_ui->txtImportPath->text().isEmpty()) { if (m_ui->rbSaveAsName->isChecked() && m_ui->txtNewName->text().isEmpty()) { Message::error(QObject::tr("No import name specified!"), QObject::tr("Import Configuration")); return; } // Portale oder install QString dirPath; QString configName; if (!m_ui->rbSaveAsName->isChecked()) { configName = m_ui->txtImportPath->text().right(m_ui->txtImportPath->text().size() - m_ui->txtImportPath->text().lastIndexOf("/") -1); configName = configName.left(configName.size()-6); } else { configName = m_ui->txtNewName->text().trimmed(); } dirPath = AppFunc::getAppSavePath() + QString ("/config/") + configName; // Verzeichnis da? QDir dirobj (dirPath); if (!dirobj.exists(dirPath)){ //Verzeichnis existiert nicht // Pfad erstellen if (!dirobj.mkpath(dirPath)) { // Pfad konnte nicht erstellt werden Message::error(QObject::tr("Unable to create directory!"), QObject::tr("Import Configuration")); return; } } else { // Verzeichnis existiert Message::error(QObject::tr("A diretory with this name already exists!"), QObject::tr("Import Configuration")); return; } // Datei ins neue Verzeichnis kopieren //QFile importFileCrypt (m_ui->txtImportPath->text()); QString packFile = dirPath + QString("/") + configName + QString(".zip"); // Erstmal entschlüsseln if(QFile::exists(packFile)) { QFile::remove(packFile); } // Die Daten einlesen { QFile crypted (m_ui->txtImportPath->text()); if (crypted.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { // Nun das Ziel öfffnen QFile targetFile (packFile); if (targetFile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Truncate)) { // Alles offen, kann losgehen QByteArray data = crypted.readAll(); Crypt crypt; crypt.setSecretKey(m_ui->txtPassword->text()); targetFile.write(crypt.cryptToPlainTextExt(data)); targetFile.waitForBytesWritten(3000); targetFile.flush(); targetFile.waitForBytesWritten(3000); // Alles Ok targetFile.close(); crypted.close(); } } else { Message::error(QObject::tr("Can't open crypted file")); return; } } // Nun die Datei entpacken if (!Zip::extract(packFile, dirPath)) { Message::error(QObject::tr("Can't open zip file")); return; } // Nun ist alles entpackt, das Ziparchiv nun löschen QFile configZip (packFile); if (!configZip.remove()) { Message::error(configZip.errorString(), QObject::tr("Import Configuration")); } QString saveName; QString savePath; QString ovpnFilePath = m_ui->txtImportPath->text().right(m_ui->txtImportPath->text().size() - m_ui->txtImportPath->text().lastIndexOf("/") -1); saveName = ovpnFilePath.left(ovpnFilePath.size()-6); savePath = dirPath + QString("/") + ovpnFilePath.left(ovpnFilePath.size()-6) + QString(".ovpn"); if (m_ui->rbSaveAsName->isChecked()) { // ovpn umbennen QFile ovpnFile (savePath); if (ovpnFile.exists()) { // umbenennen ovpnFile.rename(dirPath + QString("/") + configName + QString(".ovpn")); saveName = configName; } } savePath = dirPath + QString("/") + saveName + QString(".ovpn"); QFile ovpnFile (dirPath + QString("/") + configName + QString(".ovpn")); if (!ovpnFile.exists()) { Message::error(QObject::tr("Import failed! Removing empty directory."), QObject::tr("Import Configuration")); dirobj.rmdir(dirPath); } else { Preferences::instance()->addNewConfigToDatabase(saveName, savePath.replace("\\", "/")); Preferences::instance()->refreshConfigList(); Preferences::instance()->setConnectionStatus(); Message::information(QObject::tr("Import successfully ended!"), QObject::tr("Import Configuration")); Preferences::instance()->refreshDialog(); Preferences::instance()->setIcon(); this->close(); } } else { Message::error(QObject::tr("No import file selected!"), QObject::tr("Import Configuration")); } } }
void XmlSettingsDialog::RegisterObject (QObject* obj, const QString& basename) { Basename_ = QFileInfo (basename).baseName (); WorkingObject_ = obj; QString filename; if (QFile::exists (basename)) filename = basename; else if (QFile::exists (QString (":/") + basename)) filename = QString (":/") + basename; #ifdef Q_WS_WIN else if (QFile::exists (QString ("settings/") + basename)) filename = QString ("settings/") + basename; #elif defined (Q_WS_MAC) else if (QFile::exists (QApplication::applicationDirPath () + "/../Resources/settings/" + basename)) filename = QApplication::applicationDirPath () + "/../Resources/settings/" + basename; #else else if (QFile::exists (QString ("/usr/local/share/leechcraft/settings/") + basename)) filename = QString ("/usr/local/share/leechcraft/settings/") + basename; else if (QFile::exists (QString ("/usr/share/leechcraft/settings/") + basename)) filename = QString ("/usr/share/leechcraft/settings/") + basename; #endif QFile file (filename); if (!file.open (QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { qWarning () << "cannot open file" << filename << basename; return; } QByteArray data = file.readAll (); file.close (); QString emsg; int eline; int ecol; if (!Document_->setContent (data, &emsg, &eline, &ecol)) { qWarning () << "Could not parse file, line" << eline << "; column" << ecol << emsg; return; } QDomElement root = Document_->documentElement (); if (root.tagName () != "settings") { qWarning () << "Bad settings file"; return; } QDomElement declaration = root.firstChildElement ("declare"); while (!declaration.isNull ()) { HandleDeclaration (declaration); declaration = declaration.nextSiblingElement ("declare"); } QDomElement pageChild = root.firstChildElement ("page"); while (!pageChild.isNull ()) { ParsePage (pageChild); pageChild = pageChild.nextSiblingElement ("page"); } obj->installEventFilter (this); UpdateXml (true); }
void DeviceMetaData::parse_meta_data_file(QString file_name) { device_types.clear(); QFile file; if ((file_name == "") || (QFile::exists(file_name) == false)) { Utility::thread_call(MainWindow::mw, [file_name] { QMessageBox::warning(MainWindow::mw, "Can't open measurement equipment meta data file", "Can't open measurement equipment meta data file: " + file_name); }); return; } file.setFileName(file_name); if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { Utility::thread_call(MainWindow::mw, [file_name] { QMessageBox::warning(MainWindow::mw, "Can't open measurement equipment meta data file", "Can't open measurement equipment meta data file: " + file_name); }); return; } QString json_string = file.readAll(); file.close(); QJsonDocument j_doc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(json_string.toUtf8()); if (j_doc.isNull()) { Utility::thread_call(MainWindow::mw, [file_name] { QMessageBox::warning(MainWindow::mw, "measurement equipment meta data parse error", "could not parse measurement equipment meta data file: " + file_name); }); return; } QJsonObject j_obj = j_doc.object(); QJsonArray js_device_types = j_obj["device_types"].toArray(); QStringList device_names; for (QJsonValue js_device_type : js_device_types) { DeviceMetaDataGroup device_type{}; QJsonObject obj = js_device_type.toObject(); QString proto_type = obj["protocol"].toString().trimmed(); // device_type.isEmpty = false; device_type.commondata.device_name = obj["device_name"].toString(); if (device_names.contains(device_type.commondata.device_name.toLower() + proto_type.toLower())) { QMessageBox::critical(nullptr, "Device meta data error", QString("The device meta data table contains more than one device-group with the equal name \"%1\". This is not allowed. " "You can use the \"devices\" array to insert more devices of the same type.") .arg(device_type.commondata.device_name)); throw; // //should not contain more than one device with the same name } device_names.append(device_type.commondata.device_name.toLower() + proto_type.toLower()); device_type.commondata.manufacturer = obj["manufacturer"].toString(); device_type.commondata.description = obj["description"].toString(); device_type.commondata.manual_path = obj["manual_path"].toString(); if (proto_type.toLower() == "scpi") { device_type.commondata.protocol_type = ProtocolType::SCPI; } else if (proto_type.toLower() == "manual") { device_type.commondata.protocol_type = ProtocolType::Manual; } else { //TODO: put error here assert(0); } QJsonArray js_devices = obj["devices"].toArray(); QStringList serial_numbers; for (QJsonValue js_device : js_devices) { DeviceMetaDataDetail device{}; const QString DATE_FORMAT = "yyyy.M.d"; // 1985.5.25 QJsonObject obj = js_device.toObject(); device.serial_number = obj["serial_number"].toString(); if (serial_numbers.contains(device.serial_number.toLower())) { QMessageBox::critical(nullptr, "Device meta data error", QString("The device meta data table contains more than one device with the equal name " "\"%1\" and the equal serialnumber \"%2\". This is not allowed.") .arg(device_type.commondata.device_name) .arg(device.serial_number)); throw; // //should not contain more than one device with the same name } serial_numbers.append((device.serial_number.toLower())); QString tmp = obj["expery_date"].toString(); device.expery_date = QDate::fromString(tmp, DATE_FORMAT); tmp = obj["purchase_date"].toString(); device.purchase_date = QDate::fromString(tmp, DATE_FORMAT); device.valid = true; device.locked = false; QString locked_str = obj["locked"].toString(); if (locked_str == "yes") { device.locked = true; } if (locked_str == "true") { device.locked = true; } int locked_num = obj["locked"].toInt(); if (locked_num) { device.locked = true; } device.note = obj["note"].toString(); device.calibration_certificate_path = obj["calibration_certificate_path"].toString(); device_type.devices.append(device); } device_types.append(device_type); } }
static QStringList _split( QFile& f ) { return utility::split( f.readAll() ) ; }
void TestAusmt::checkDoubleApplied() { GET_DIR; GET_VAR_DIR; GET_FILES_DIR; // Check files QFile fileSimple (filesDir.absoluteFilePath("simple.qml")); QFile patchedSimple (":/patched/simple-patch1.qml"); QVERIFY(fileSimple.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)); QVERIFY(patchedSimple .open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)); QCOMPARE(fileSimple.readAll(), patchedSimple .readAll()); fileSimple.close(); patchedSimple.close(); QFile fileOther (filesDir.absoluteFilePath("other.qml")); QFile patchedOther (":/patched/other-patch.qml"); QVERIFY(fileOther.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)); QVERIFY(patchedOther .open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)); QCOMPARE(fileOther.readAll(), patchedOther .readAll()); fileOther.close(); patchedOther.close(); // Check orig QVERIFY(QFile::exists(filesDir.absoluteFilePath("simple.qml.webosinternals.orig"))); QVERIFY(QFile::exists(filesDir.absoluteFilePath("other.qml.webosinternals.orig"))); // Check metadata QFile packages (varDir.absoluteFilePath("packages")); QVERIFY(packages.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)); QList<QByteArray> allLines = packages.readAll().trimmed().split('\n'); packages.close(); QCOMPARE(allLines.count(), 1); QCOMPARE(allLines.first(), QByteArray("double-patch ausmt-sailfishos-1")); QFile fileControl (varDir.absoluteFilePath("control/file_control")); QVERIFY(fileControl.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)); allLines = fileControl.readAll().trimmed().split('\n'); fileControl.close(); QCOMPARE(allLines.count(), 2); QList<QByteArray> allEntries = allLines.at(0).split(' '); QCOMPARE(allEntries.count(), 3); QCOMPARE(allEntries.at(0), QByteArray("test")); QCOMPARE(allEntries.at(1), filesDir.absoluteFilePath("other.qml").toLocal8Bit()); allEntries = allLines.at(1).split(' '); QCOMPARE(allEntries.count(), 3); QCOMPARE(allEntries.at(0), QByteArray("test")); QCOMPARE(allEntries.at(1), filesDir.absoluteFilePath("simple.qml").toLocal8Bit()); QFile fileMd5sums (varDir.absoluteFilePath("control/file_md5sums")); QVERIFY(fileMd5sums.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)); allLines = fileMd5sums.readAll().trimmed().split('\n'); fileMd5sums.close(); QCOMPARE(allLines.count(), 2); allEntries = allLines.at(0).split(' '); QCOMPARE(allEntries.count(), 3); QCOMPARE(allEntries.at(0), QByteArray("double-patch")); QCOMPARE(allEntries.at(1), filesDir.absoluteFilePath("other.qml").toLocal8Bit()); QCOMPARE(allEntries.at(2), QByteArray("805bec6be121a2ac7198f2f82b2395d9")); allEntries = allLines.at(1).split(' '); QCOMPARE(allEntries.count(), 3); QCOMPARE(allEntries.at(0), QByteArray("double-patch")); QCOMPARE(allEntries.at(1), filesDir.absoluteFilePath("simple.qml").toLocal8Bit()); QCOMPARE(allEntries.at(2), QByteArray("62a1d5ed1773a6a8dec1f5d0be3de388")); }
volumeMiniPropertiesTaskResult zuluMountTask::volumeMiniProperties( const QString& volume ) { auto _loopDeviceIsGone =[]( const QString& device ){ QDir d( "/sys/block" ) ; QStringList l = d.entryList() ; QString e ; QString dev = QString( "%1\n" ).arg( device ) ; QByteArray s ; QFile f ; for( const auto& it : l ){ if( it.startsWith( "loop" ) ){ e = QString( "/sys/block/%1/loop/backing_file" ).arg( it ) ; f.setFileName( e ) ; if( f.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly ) ){ s = f.readAll() ; f.close() ; } if( s == dev ){ return false ; } } } return true ; } ; volumeMiniPropertiesTaskResult s{ volume,false,nullptr } ; if( !volume.startsWith( "UUID" ) && !volume.startsWith( "/dev/" ) ){ /* * There is some sort of a race condition here and things do not always work as expected * try to sleep for a second to see if it will help */ utility::Task::waitForOneSecond() ; if( _loopDeviceIsGone( volume ) ){ /* * we were just asked to find properties of a loop device * that no longer exists,remove it from the list in the GUI window */ s.volumeRemoved = true ; return s ; } } auto r = utility::Task( utility::appendUserUID( "%1 -L -d \"%2\"" ).arg( zuluMountPath,volume ) ) ; if( r.success() ){ s.entry = new volumeEntryProperties( r.splitOutput( '\t' ),_volumeIsSystemVolume( volume ) ) ; } return s ; }
void ConfigProject::configQtPro(QString proname) { QFile file; QTextStream stream; QString textcontent; QString filename=proname; QFileInfo fileinfo(filename); file.setFileName(filename); if(!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly|QIODevice::Text)) { return; } textcontent=file.readAll(); file.close(); if(textcontent.contains("TEMPLATE = subdirs")) { return; } if(!textcontent.contains(QString("PROJNAME = %1").arg(fileinfo.baseName()))) { textcontent=textcontent+QString("\nPROJNAME = %1").arg(fileinfo.baseName()); } if(ui.Library->isChecked()) { if(!textcontent.contains("INSTALLTYPE = MOD")) { textcontent=textcontent+QString("\nINSTALLTYPE = MOD"); } if(textcontent.contains("INSTALLTYPE = APP")) { textcontent.remove(QString("\nINSTALLTYPE = APP")); } if(textcontent.contains("INSTALLTYPE = SDK")) { textcontent.remove(QString("\nINSTALLTYPE = SDK")); } } else if(ui.Application->isChecked()) { if(!textcontent.contains("INSTALLTYPE = APP")) { textcontent=textcontent+QString("\nINSTALLTYPE = APP"); } if(textcontent.contains("INSTALLTYPE = MOD")) { textcontent.remove(QString("\nINSTALLTYPE = MOD")); } if(textcontent.contains("INSTALLTYPE = SDK")) { textcontent.remove(QString("\nINSTALLTYPE = SDK")); } } if(!textcontent.contains("include(RobotSDK_Main.pri)")) { textcontent=textcontent+QString("\ninclude(RobotSDK_Main.pri)"); } file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly|QIODevice::Text); stream.setDevice(&file); stream<<textcontent; file.close(); file.setFileName(QString("%1/RobotSDK_Main.pri").arg(ROBOTSDKTOOLS)); if(!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly|QIODevice::Text)) { return; } textcontent=file.readAll(); file.close(); file.setFileName(QString("%1/RobotSDK_Main.pri").arg(fileinfo.absolutePath())); file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly|QIODevice::Text); stream.setDevice(&file); stream<<textcontent; file.close(); file.setFileName(QString("%1/RobotSDK_Install.pri").arg(ROBOTSDKTOOLS)); if(!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly|QIODevice::Text)) { return; } textcontent=file.readAll(); file.close(); file.setFileName(QString("%1/RobotSDK_Install.pri").arg(fileinfo.absolutePath())); file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly|QIODevice::Text); stream.setDevice(&file); stream<<textcontent; file.close(); return; }
// --------------------------------------------------- // Converts a spice netlist into Qucs format and outputs it. void SimMessage::nextSPICE() { QString Line; for(;;) { // search for next SPICE component Line = *(Collect.begin()); Collect.remove(Collect.begin()); if(Line == "*") { // worked on all components ? startSimulator(); // <<<<<================== go on === return; } if(Line.left(5) == "SPICE") { if(Line.at(5) != 'o') insertSim = true; else insertSim = false; break; } Collect.append(Line); } QString FileName = Line.section('"', 1,1); Line = Line.section('"', 2); // port nodes if(Line.isEmpty()) makeSubcircuit = false; else makeSubcircuit = true; QStringList com; com << (QucsSettings.BinDir + "qucsconv"); if(makeSubcircuit) com << "-g" << "_ref"; com << "-if" << "spice" << "-of" << "qucs"; SimProcess.setArguments(com); QFile SpiceFile; if(FileName.find(QDir::separator()) < 0) // add path ? SpiceFile.setName(QucsWorkDir.path() + QDir::separator() + FileName); else SpiceFile.setName(FileName); if(!SpiceFile.open(IO_ReadOnly)) { ErrText->insert(tr("ERROR: Cannot open SPICE file \"%1\".").arg(FileName)); FinishSimulation(-1); return; } if(makeSubcircuit) { Stream << "\n.Def:" << properName(FileName) << " "; Line.replace(',', ' '); Stream << Line; if(!Line.isEmpty()) Stream << " _ref"; } Stream << "\n"; ProgressText = ""; if(!SimProcess.start()) { ErrText->insert(tr("ERROR: Cannot start QucsConv!")); FinishSimulation(-1); return; } QByteArray SpiceContent = SpiceFile.readAll(); SpiceFile.close(); SimProcess.writeToStdin(SpiceContent); connect(&SimProcess, SIGNAL(wroteToStdin()), SLOT(slotCloseStdin())); }
QT_USE_NAMESPACE int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QCoreApplication coreApplication(argc, argv); int argumentCount = QCoreApplication::arguments().size(); QStringList argumentList = QCoreApplication::arguments(); QTextStream standardOutput(stdout); if (argumentCount == 1) { standardOutput << QObject::tr("Usage: %1 <serialportname> [baudrate]").arg(argumentList.first()) << endl; return 1; } QSerialPort serialPort; QString serialPortName = argumentList.at(1); serialPort.setPortName(serialPortName); if (!serialPort.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { standardOutput << QObject::tr("Failed to open port %1, error: %2").arg(serialPortName).arg(serialPort.errorString()) << endl; return 1; } int serialPortBaudRate = (argumentCount > 2) ? argumentList.at(2).toInt() : QSerialPort::Baud9600; if (!serialPort.setBaudRate(serialPortBaudRate)) { standardOutput << QObject::tr("Failed to set 9600 baud for port %1, error: %2").arg(serialPortName).arg(serialPort.errorString()) << endl; return 1; } if (!serialPort.setDataBits(QSerialPort::Data8)) { standardOutput << QObject::tr("Failed to set 8 data bits for port %1, error: %2").arg(serialPortName).arg(serialPort.errorString()) << endl; return 1; } if (!serialPort.setParity(QSerialPort::NoParity)) { standardOutput << QObject::tr("Failed to set no parity for port %1, error: %2").arg(serialPortName).arg(serialPort.errorString()) << endl; return 1; } if (!serialPort.setStopBits(QSerialPort::OneStop)) { standardOutput << QObject::tr("Failed to set 1 stop bit for port %1, error: %2").arg(serialPortName).arg(serialPort.errorString()) << endl; return 1; } if (!serialPort.setFlowControl(QSerialPort::NoFlowControl)) { standardOutput << QObject::tr("Failed to set no flow control for port %1, error: %2").arg(serialPortName).arg(serialPort.errorString()) << endl; return 1; } QFile dataFile; if (!dataFile.open(stdin, QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { standardOutput << QObject::tr("Failed to open stdin for reading") << endl; return 1; } QByteArray writeData(dataFile.readAll()); dataFile.close(); if (writeData.isEmpty()) { standardOutput << QObject::tr("Either no data was currently available on the standard input for reading, or an error occurred for port %1, error: %2").arg(serialPortName).arg(serialPort.errorString()) << endl; return 1; } SerialPortWriter serialPortWriter(&serialPort); serialPortWriter.write(writeData); return coreApplication.exec(); }
Config::Config() { int i = 0; xmppwinFound = false; connectionFound = false; otherFound = false; noConfig = false; QByteArray config; //Loads last configuration from ~/.Kapture/conf.xml QDir *confDir = new QDir(QDir::homePath() + "/.Kapture/"); if (!confDir->exists()) { QDir::home().mkdir(".Kapture"); } confDir->setPath(QDir::homePath() + "/.Kapture/"); if (!confDir->exists()) { noConfig = true; QMessageBox::critical(0, QString("Jabber"), QString("Unable to create config file. Check permissions for\n \"$HOME/.Kapture/conf.xml\""), QMessageBox::Ok); return; } QFile *conf = new QFile(QDir::homePath() + "/.Kapture/conf.xml"); conf->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); config = conf->readAll(); d.setContent(config); if (d.documentElement().tagName() != "Kapture") { noConfig = true; return; } classes = d.documentElement().childNodes(); for(i = 0; i < classes.count() ;i++) { if (classes.at(i).toElement().tagName() == "xmppwin") { xmppwinFound = true; xmppwinN = i; } if (classes.at(i).toElement().tagName() == "connection") { connectionFound = true; connectionN = i; } if (classes.at(i).toElement().tagName() == "other") { otherFound = true; otherN = i; } } // Loading xmppwin class data. if (xmppwinFound) { QDomNodeList profilesNodeList = classes.at(xmppwinN).childNodes(); for (int j = 0; j < profilesNodeList.count(); j++) { cJid = Jid(""); cPassword = ""; cPersonnalServer = ""; cPort = "5222"; cProfile = profilesNodeList.at(j).toElement().attribute("name"); QDomNodeList infos = profilesNodeList.at(j).childNodes(); for (i = 0; i < infos.count(); i++) { if (infos.at(i).toElement().tagName() == "jid" && infos.at(i).hasChildNodes()) cJid = Jid(infos.at(i).firstChild().toText().data()); if (infos.at(i).toElement().tagName() == "password" && infos.at(i).hasChildNodes()) cPassword = QByteArray::fromBase64(infos.at(i).firstChild().toText().data().toLatin1()); if (infos.at(i).toElement().tagName() == "server" && infos.at(i).hasChildNodes()) cPersonnalServer = infos.at(i).firstChild().toText().data(); if (infos.at(i).toElement().tagName() == "port" && infos.at(i).hasChildNodes()) cPort = infos.at(i).firstChild().toText().data(); } Profile *profile = new Profile(cProfile); profile->setData(cJid, cPassword, cPersonnalServer, cPort); profiles << *profile; } } // Loading connection class data if (connectionFound) { QDomNodeList connectionNodeList = classes.at(connectionN).childNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < connectionNodeList.count(); i++) { // File Transfer Port if (connectionNodeList.at(i).localName() == "ftport") cFTPort = connectionNodeList.at(i).toElement().attribute("val", "8010"); // Proxy if (connectionNodeList.at(i).localName() == "proxy") cProxy = connectionNodeList.at(i).toElement().attribute("val", ""); // Resource if (connectionNodeList.at(i).localName() == "resource") cResource = connectionNodeList.at(i).toElement().attribute("val", "Kapture"); } } else { // Default Values cFTPort = "8010"; cProxy = ""; cResource = "Kapture"; } // Loading Other class data if (otherFound) { QDomNodeList otherNodeList = classes.at(otherN).childNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < otherNodeList.count(); i++) { if (otherNodeList.at(i).localName() == "systray") cUseSysTray = otherNodeList.at(i).toElement().attribute("val", "true") == "true" ? true : false; } } else { // Default Values. cUseSysTray = true; } /* TODO: * Should create an initial config if there's none at all. */ }
/* Create an SGS or SWS to associate with a simulation */ QString Gridifier::makeSteeringService(const QString &factory, const LauncherConfig &config){ QString result; #ifndef REG_WSRF QProcess *makeSimSGSProcess = new QProcess(QString("./make_sgs.pl")); makeSimSGSProcess->setWorkingDirectory(mScriptsDir); makeSimSGSProcess->addArgument(factory); // the tag is handled correctly if it contains spaces - thanks QT! makeSimSGSProcess->addArgument(config.mJobData->toXML(QString("SGS"))); makeSimSGSProcess->addArgument(config.topLevelRegistryGSH); makeSimSGSProcess->addArgument(config.currentCheckpointGSH); makeSimSGSProcess->addArgument(config.mInputFileName); makeSimSGSProcess->addArgument(QString::number(config.mTimeToRun)); if (config.treeTag.length() > 0){ makeSimSGSProcess->addArgument(config.treeTag); makeSimSGSProcess->addArgument(config.checkPointTreeFactoryGSH); } makeSimSGSProcess->start(); while(makeSimSGSProcess->isRunning()){ usleep(10000); mApplication->processEvents(); } // Grab the sgs and return it // Do some error checking here - or in the calling class? result = QString(makeSimSGSProcess->readStdout()).stripWhiteSpace(); #else // REG_WSRF is defined struct reg_job_details job; char *chkTree; // Initialize job_details struct snprintf(job.userName, REG_MAX_STRING_LENGTH, config.mJobData->mPersonLaunching.ascii()); snprintf(job.group, REG_MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "RSS"); snprintf(job.software, REG_MAX_STRING_LENGTH, config.mJobData->mSoftwareDescription.ascii()); snprintf(job.purpose, REG_MAX_STRING_LENGTH, config.mJobData->mPurposeOfJob.ascii()); snprintf(job.inputFilename, REG_MAX_STRING_LENGTH, config.mInputFileName.ascii()); job.lifetimeMinutes = config.mTimeToRun; snprintf(job.passphrase, REG_MAX_STRING_LENGTH, config.mServicePassword.ascii()); // Create a new checkpoint tree if requested if(config.treeTag.length()){ chkTree = Create_checkpoint_tree(config.checkPointTreeFactoryGSH.ascii(), config.treeTag.ascii()); if(!chkTree){ QMessageBox::critical( NULL, "Checkpoint tree error", "Failed to create new checkpoint tree.\n\n", QMessageBox::Ok, 0, 0 ); return result; } } else{ chkTree = (char *)(config.currentCheckpointGSH.ascii()); } snprintf(job.checkpointAddress, REG_MAX_STRING_LENGTH, chkTree); char *EPR = Create_steering_service(&job, factory.ascii(), config.topLevelRegistryGSH.ascii(), &(config.registrySecurity)); result = QString(EPR); struct soap mySoap; soap_init(&mySoap); // Put contents of input deck (if any) into the RP doc of the SWS if( EPR && !(config.mInputFileName.isEmpty()) ){ QFile *inputFile = new QFile(config.mInputFileName); inputFile->open( IO_ReadOnly ); QByteArray fileData = inputFile->readAll(); inputFile->close(); QString fileRP("<inputFileContent><![CDATA["); fileRP.append(fileData.data()); fileRP.append("]]></inputFileContent>"); if(Set_resource_property(&mySoap, EPR, job.userName, job.passphrase, (char *)(fileRP.ascii()) ) != REG_SUCCESS){ cout << "Gridifier::makeSteeringService: WARNING - failed to store " "job input file on SWS." << endl; } } if(EPR && config.mIOProxyPort){ QString resourceProp("<dataSink><Proxy><address>"); resourceProp.append(config.mIOProxyAddress); resourceProp.append("</address><port>"); resourceProp.append(QString::number(config.mIOProxyPort, 10)); resourceProp.append("</port></Proxy></dataSink>"); //cout << "Gridifier::makeSteeringService: Calling Set_resource_property " // "with >>" << resourceProp << "<<" << endl; if(Set_resource_property(&mySoap, EPR, job.userName, job.passphrase, (char *)(resourceProp.ascii())) != REG_SUCCESS){ cout << "Gridifier::makeSteeringService: WARNING - failed to set " "details of ioProxy on the SWS" << endl; } } soap_end(&mySoap); soap_done(&mySoap); if(EPR){ cout << "Address of SWS = " << EPR << endl; } else{ cout << "FAILED to create SWS :-(" << endl; } #endif // ndef REG_WSRF return result; }
void ZHttpServer::readFile(QUrl url, QTcpSocket *socket) const { QFileInfo fileInfo(sysroot + url.path()); do{ if(!fileInfo.absoluteFilePath().contains(sysroot)){ socket->write(messagePackage("", "text/html", HttpInfo::UnauthorizedAccessError, "Unauthorized Access")); break; } QFile file; if(fileInfo.isFile()){ file.setFileName(fileInfo.absoluteFilePath()); }else if(fileInfo.isDir()){ QSettings setting(fileInfo.absoluteFilePath().append("/.ini"), QSettings::IniFormat); QString jump = setting.value("jump").toString(); if(jump.isEmpty()){ file.setFileName(fileInfo.absoluteFilePath().append(setting.value("default", "default.html").toString())); }else{ QDir dir(fileInfo.absoluteFilePath()); if(dir.cd(jump)){ url.setPath(dir.absolutePath().replace(sysroot, "")); socket->write(getJumpPackage(url.toString().toUtf8())); break; }else{ socket->write(messagePackage("", "text/Html", HttpInfo::UnknowError, QString("Jump to %1 failed").arg(jump))); break; } } } qWarning() << "Open file:" << file.fileName(); if(!file.exists()){ socket->write(messagePackage("", "text/html", HttpInfo::FileNotFoundError, "File Not Found")); break; } if(file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)){ fileInfo.setFile(file.fileName()); if(fileInfo.suffix() == "html" || fileInfo.suffix() == "xml") { socket->write(messagePackage(file.readAll(), "text/Html")); } else { socket->write(messagePackage(file.read(64), "text/plain;charset=utf-8", HttpInfo::NoError, QString(), file.size())); QPointer<QTcpSocket> socket_pointer = socket; qint64 send_buffer_size = socket->socketOption(QTcpSocket::SendBufferSizeSocketOption).toLongLong(); send_buffer_size = qMin(send_buffer_size, qint64(16384)); while (!file.atEnd() && socket_pointer && socket->state() == QTcpSocket::ConnectedState) { socket->write(file.read(send_buffer_size)); socket->waitForBytesWritten(500); qApp->processEvents(); } } }else{ qWarning() << "Open file failed:" << file.fileName() << "error:" << file.errorString(); socket->write(messagePackage("", "text/html", HttpInfo::OtherError, file.errorString())); } }while(false); }
MainWindow::MainWindow(OCContext* context, QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), ui(new Ui::MainWindow) { ui->setupUi(this); QStorageInfo storage(qApp->applicationDirPath()); qDebug() << storage.rootPath(); if (storage.isReadOnly()) qDebug() << "isReadOnly:" << storage.isReadOnly(); qDebug() << "name:" << storage.name(); qDebug() << "fileSystemType:" << storage.fileSystemType(); qDebug() << "size:" << storage.bytesTotal()/1000/1000 << "MB"; qDebug() << "availableSize:" << storage.bytesAvailable()/1000/1000 << "MB"; QList<QStorageInfo> drives = QStorageInfo::mountedVolumes(); for(auto& drive : drives) { qDebug() << drive.rootPath(); if (drive.isReadOnly()) qDebug() << "isReadOnly:" << drive.isReadOnly(); qDebug() << "name:" << drive.name(); qDebug() << "fileSystemType:" << drive.fileSystemType(); qDebug() << "size:" << drive.bytesTotal()/1000/1000 << "MB"; qDebug() << "availableSize:" << drive.bytesAvailable()/1000/1000 << "MB"; } _context = context; MediaExplorerPresenter* mediaExplorerPresenter = new MediaExplorerPresenter(_context); PlaybackPresenter* playbackPresenter = new PlaybackPresenter(_context); //Add preview pane //ui->gridLayout_3->addWidget(new PreviewPane(playbackPresenter)); //Set Media Explorer widget //ui->dockWidget_3->setWidget(new MediaExplorerView(mediaExplorerPresenter)); //QGridLayout* layout = new QGridLayout(); //layout->addWidget(new PlaybackSlider(playbackPresenter)), ui->widget->setLayout(layout); stdout = freopen("output_file", "w", stdout); QFile f; f.open(stderr, QIODevice::ReadOnly); QByteArray output = f.readAll(); QString out(output); /*ui->label_2->setText(out); ui->textBrowser->setText(out); ui->textBrowser->append("TEST\n"); ui->textBrowser->append("12345\n"); */ BackupPresenter* backupPresenter = new BackupPresenter(context); ui->stackedWidget->addWidget(new BackupLayout(this, *backupPresenter)); ui->stackedWidget->addWidget(new ClipProcessorLayout()); //ui->buttonGroup->addButton(new QPushButton("Test", this)); connect(ui->buttonGroup, SIGNAL(buttonClicked(int)), SLOT(on_pushButton_7_clicked(int))); /*QMenu* importMenu = new QMenu(); QAction* testAction = new QAction("test menu item", this); connect(testAction,SIGNAL(triggered()), SLOT(SelectImportFolder())); importMenu->addAction(testAction);*/ }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { #if 0 for(option_t opt : options) { qDebug() << "is_long :" << opt.is_long; qDebug() << "flag_name :" << QByteArray(opt.flag_name.data , opt.flag_name.length); qDebug() << "value_name :" << QByteArray(opt.value_name.data , opt.value_name.length); qDebug() << "value_pattern:" << QByteArray(opt.value_pattern.data, opt.value_pattern.length); qDebug() << "description :" << QByteArray(opt.description.data , opt.description.length); qDebug() << ""; } return 0; #elif 0 lua_State* L = luaL_newstate(); luaL_openlibs(L); const char* script_string = "\nlocal p = {}" "\n function p.render_embedded(args)" "\n local rval = \"embedded<br>start<br>\"" "\n for index, value in ipairs(args) do" "\n rval = rval .. \"i:\" .. tostring(index) .. \" - \"" "\n rval = rval .. \"v:\" .. value .. \"<br>\"" "\n end" "\n rval = rval .. \"end\"" "\n return rval" "\n end" "\nreturn p"; const char* funcname_string = "render_embedded"; if(luaL_dostring(L, script_string)) { printf("error: %s\n", lua_tostring(L, -1)); return -1; } int idx = lua_gettop(L); lua_getfield(L, idx, funcname_string); lua_newtable(L); lua_pushunsigned(L, 1); lua_pushstring(L, "one"); lua_settable(L, -3); lua_pushunsigned(L, 2); lua_pushstring(L, "two"); lua_settable(L, -3); lua_pushunsigned(L, 3); lua_pushstring(L, "three"); lua_settable(L, -3); lua_pushunsigned(L, 4); lua_pushstring(L, "four"); lua_settable(L, -3); if(lua_pcall(L, 1, 1, 0)) { printf("error: %s\n", lua_tostring(L, -1)); return -1; }; printf("returned type: %i\n", lua_type(L, -1)); if(!lua_isstring(L, -1)) { printf("bad type\n"); return -1; } printf("returned value: %s\n", lua_tostring(L, -1)); lua_close(L); return 0; #elif 1 QResource::registerResource("resources.qrc");; CHttpDaemon service("QtWiki Service", "A Wiki engine written in Qt/C++", KIWI_PORT, argc, argv); QtServiceController controller("QtWiki Service"); if(controller.isRunning()) { qDebug("\nALREADY ACTIVE!\r\n"); return 0; } service.logMessage("\nstarting QtWiki Service\r\n", CHttpDaemon::Information); return service.exec(); #elif 0 const char data[] = "{ {{ }}}"; CCharStream stream; stream.setData(data, sizeof(data)); int depth = 0, start = 0, end = 0; ++stream; ++stream; qDebug() << "found:" << find_match<open_curlybracket, close_curlybracket>(stream, depth, start, end); qDebug() << "depth:" << (int)depth; qDebug() << "start:" << start; qDebug() << "end :" << end; return 0; #elif 0 auto results = QueryThread::fastQuery("SELECT img_timestamp, img_name, img_width, img_height FROM image ORDER BY img_name"); for(auto pos = results.begin(); pos != results.end(); ++pos) { auto row = *pos; // if(row[1] != "TurboGrafx-16-Service-Manual.pdf") continue; qDebug() << row[1]; QFile file ("/home/gravis/images/" + row[1].toString()); file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); Q_ASSERT(file.isOpen()); QueryThread::fastQuery("INSERT INTO image_data (img_timestamp, img_name, img_width, img_height, img_data) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)", row[0], row[1], row[2], row[3], file.readAll()); } return 0; #endif }