void ShapeSelector::setCurrentShapeType( int type ) { QAbstractItemModel *model = shapeType->model(); QModelIndexList indexes = model->match ( model->index(0,1), Qt::DisplayRole, type ); QModelIndex index = indexes.value(0); shapeType->setCurrentIndex( index.row() ); }
void SensorBrowserTreeWidget::disconnect() { QModelIndexList indexlist = selectionModel()->selectedRows(); for(int i=0; i < indexlist.size(); i++) { mSensorBrowserModel.disconnectHost(indexlist.value(i).internalId()); } }
void CourseEditUI::tableViewSelectionChanged( const QItemSelection & selected, const QItemSelection & deselected ) { if(selected.count() > 0) { QModelIndexList selectedList = selected.at(0).indexes(); if(selectedList.count() > 0) { QString question = selectedList.value(0).data().toString(); QString answer = selectedList.value(1).data().toString(); txtQuestion->setText(question); txtAnswer->setText(answer); for(Items::const_iterator it = _items.begin(); it != _items.end(); ++it) { if(it->get()->GetQuestion() == question.toStdString() && it->get()->GetAnswer() == answer.toStdString()) { _currentItem = *it; return; } } _currentItem = ItemPtr(); } } }
Font* FontManagerDialog::GetSelectedFont(QItemSelectionModel *selectionModel) { Font *returnFont = NULL; // Get selected item QModelIndexList selectedIndexes = selectionModel->selectedIndexes(); //Get selected font name and type QString fontName = selectedIndexes.value(0).data().toString(); QString fontType = selectedIndexes.value(1).data().toString(); // Created font according to its type if (fontType == FONT_TYPE_GRAPHIC) { // Get sprites directory to open QString currentFontSpriteDir = ResourcesManageHelper::GetDefaultFontSpritesPath(currentFontPath); QString fontSpritePath = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr( "Select font sprite" ), currentFontSpriteDir, tr( "Sprites (*.txt)" )); if (!fontSpritePath.isNull() && !fontSpritePath.isEmpty()) { // Convert file path into Unix-style path fontSpritePath = ResourcesManageHelper::ConvertPathToUnixStyle(fontSpritePath); if (ResourcesManageHelper::ValidateResourcePath(fontSpritePath)) { // Get font definition relative path by it's name QString fontDefinition = ResourcesManageHelper::GetFontRelativePath(fontName, true); // Get sprite file relative path QString fontSprite = ResourcesManageHelper::GetResourceRelativePath(fontSpritePath); // Create Graphics font to validate it - but first truncate "*.txt" extension of sprite returnFont = GraphicsFont::Create(fontDefinition.toStdString(), fontSprite.toStdString()); } else { ResourcesManageHelper::ShowErrorMessage(fontName); return returnFont; } } } else if (fontType == FONT_TYPE_BASIC) { //Actions for simple font //Get font absolute path QString fontPath = ResourcesManageHelper::GetFontRelativePath(fontName); //Try to create font to validate it returnFont = FTFont::Create(fontPath.toStdString()); } if (!returnFont) { //If font was not created - show error message //No dialog result will be set in this case QString message; QMessageBox messageBox; messageBox.setText(message.append(QString(LOAD_FONT_ERROR_MESSAGE).arg(fontName))); messageBox.setInformativeText(LOAD_FONT_ERROR_INFO_TEXT); messageBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox::Ok); messageBox.exec(); } return returnFont; }
void deleteCategoryDialog::deleteCategory() { QModelIndexList indexList = ui->tableView_Category->selectionModel()->selection().indexes(); QString index = indexList.value(0).data().toString(); m_db->deleteCategory(index.toInt()); this->close(); }