virtual QList<QNetworkProxy> queryProxy(const QNetworkProxyQuery& query = QNetworkProxyQuery()) { if ((query.peerHostName().compare("localhost", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) || (query.peerHostName().compare("") == 0)) { return *_defaultProxyList; } else if (_useProxy) { return *_proxyList; } else { return QNetworkProxyFactory::systemProxyForQuery(query); } }
QList< QNetworkProxy > NetworkProxyFactory::queryProxy( const QNetworkProxyQuery& query ) { tDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "query.peerHostName() = " << query.peerHostName() << ", m_noProxyHosts = " << m_noProxyHosts; QList< QNetworkProxy > proxies; QString hostname = query.peerHostName(); if ( m_proxy.hostName().isEmpty() || hostname.isEmpty() || m_noProxyHosts.contains( hostname ) || TomahawkSettings::instance()->proxyType() == QNetworkProxy::NoProxy ) proxies << QNetworkProxy( QNetworkProxy::DefaultProxy ) << QNetworkProxy( QNetworkProxy::NoProxy ); else proxies << m_proxy << QNetworkProxy( QNetworkProxy::DefaultProxy ) << QNetworkProxy( QNetworkProxy::NoProxy ); tDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << " proxies size = " << proxies.size(); return proxies; }
QList<QNetworkProxy> NetworkProxyFactory::queryProxy(const QNetworkProxyQuery& query) { QList<QNetworkProxy> results; if (query.peerHostName() == QString::fromAscii("") || query.peerHostName().toLower() == QString::fromAscii("localhost")) { results.append(QNetworkProxy::NoProxy); } else { results = systemProxyForQuery(query); } return results; }
QList< QNetworkProxy > NetworkProxyFactory::queryProxy( const QNetworkProxyQuery& query ) { QList< QNetworkProxy > proxies; QString hostname = query.peerHostName(); if ( m_proxy.hostName().isEmpty() || hostname.isEmpty() || m_noProxyHosts.contains( hostname ) || TomahawkSettings::instance()->proxyType() == QNetworkProxy::NoProxy ) proxies << systemProxyForQuery( query ); else proxies << m_proxy << systemProxyForQuery( query ); return proxies; }
QList<QNetworkProxy> EnvHttpProxyFactory::queryProxy(const QNetworkProxyQuery& query) { QString protocol = query.protocolTag().toLower(); bool localHost = false; if (!query.peerHostName().compare(QLatin1String("localhost"), Qt::CaseInsensitive) || !query.peerHostName().compare(QLatin1String(""), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) localHost = true; if (protocol == QLatin1String("http") && !localHost) return m_httpProxy; if (protocol == QLatin1String("https") && !localHost) return m_httpsProxy; QList<QNetworkProxy> proxies; proxies << QNetworkProxy::NoProxy; return proxies; }
QList< QNetworkProxy > NetworkProxyFactory::queryProxy( const QNetworkProxyQuery& query ) { //tDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "query hostname is " << query.peerHostName(); QList< QNetworkProxy > proxies; QString hostname = query.peerHostName(); s_noProxyHostsMutex.lock(); if ( s_noProxyHosts.contains( hostname ) ) proxies << QNetworkProxy::NoProxy << systemProxyForQuery( query ); else if ( m_proxy.hostName().isEmpty() || hostname.isEmpty() || TomahawkSettings::instance()->proxyType() == QNetworkProxy::NoProxy ) proxies << systemProxyForQuery( query ); else proxies << m_proxy << systemProxyForQuery( query ); s_noProxyHostsMutex.unlock(); return proxies; }
QList<QNetworkProxy> NetworkProxyFactory::queryProxy(const QNetworkProxyQuery &query) { if (m_proxyMode == SystemProxy) { return QNetworkProxyFactory::systemProxyForQuery(query); } if (m_proxyMode == ManualProxy) { const QString protocol = query.protocolTag().toLower(); if (m_proxies.contains(QNetworkProxy::Socks5Proxy)) { return m_proxies[QNetworkProxy::Socks5Proxy]; } else if (protocol == QLatin1String("http") && m_proxies.contains(QNetworkProxy::HttpProxy)) { return m_proxies[QNetworkProxy::HttpProxy]; } else if (protocol == QLatin1String("https") && m_proxies.contains(QNetworkProxy::HttpCachingProxy)) { return m_proxies[QNetworkProxy::HttpCachingProxy]; } else if (protocol == QLatin1String("ftp") && m_proxies.contains(QNetworkProxy::FtpCachingProxy)) { return m_proxies[QNetworkProxy::FtpCachingProxy]; } else { return m_proxies[QNetworkProxy::NoProxy]; } } if (m_proxyMode == AutomaticProxy && m_automaticProxy) { return m_automaticProxy->getProxy(query.url().toString(), query.peerHostName()); } return m_proxies[QNetworkProxy::NoProxy]; }
QList<QNetworkProxy> NetworkProxyFactory::queryProxy(const QNetworkProxyQuery &query) { if (m_proxyMode == SystemProxy) { return QNetworkProxyFactory::systemProxyForQuery(query); } if (m_proxyMode == ManualProxy) { const QString host(query.peerHostName()); for (int i = 0; i < m_proxyExceptions.count(); ++i) { if ('/'))) { const QHostAddress address(host); const QPair<QHostAddress, int> subnet(QHostAddress::parseSubnet(; if (!address.isNull() && subnet.second != -1 && address.isInSubnet(subnet)) { return m_proxies[QLatin1String("NoProxy")]; } } else if (host.contains(, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { return m_proxies[QLatin1String("NoProxy")]; } } const QString protocol(query.protocolTag().toLower()); if (m_proxies.contains(QLatin1String("socks"))) { return m_proxies[QLatin1String("socks")]; } if (protocol == QLatin1String("http") && m_proxies.contains(protocol)) { return m_proxies[protocol]; } if (protocol == QLatin1String("https") && m_proxies.contains(protocol)) { return m_proxies[protocol]; } if (protocol == QLatin1String("ftp") && m_proxies.contains(protocol)) { return m_proxies[protocol]; } return m_proxies[QLatin1String("NoProxy")]; } if (m_proxyMode == AutomaticProxy && m_automaticProxy) { return m_automaticProxy->getProxy(query.url().toString(), query.peerHostName()); } return m_proxies[QLatin1String("NoProxy")]; }
QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE QList<QNetworkProxy> QNetworkProxyFactory::systemProxyForQuery(const QNetworkProxyQuery &query) { if (query.url().scheme() == QLatin1String("file") || query.url().scheme() == QLatin1String("qrc")) return QList<QNetworkProxy>() << QNetworkProxy(QNetworkProxy::NoProxy); if (query.queryType() != QNetworkProxyQuery::UrlRequest && query.queryType() != QNetworkProxyQuery::TcpSocket) { qWarning("Unsupported query type: %d", query.queryType()); return QList<QNetworkProxy>() << QNetworkProxy(QNetworkProxy::NoProxy); } QUrl url; if (query.queryType() == QNetworkProxyQuery::UrlRequest) { url = query.url(); } else if (query.queryType() == QNetworkProxyQuery::TcpSocket && !query.peerHostName().isEmpty()) { url.setHost(query.peerHostName()); switch (query.peerPort()) { case 443: url.setScheme(QLatin1String("https")); break; case 21: url.setScheme(QLatin1String("ftp")); break; default: // for unknown ports, we just pretend we are dealing // with a HTTP URL, otherwise we will not get a proxy // from the netstatus API url.setScheme(QLatin1String("http")); } } if (!url.isValid()) { qWarning("Invalid URL: %s", qPrintable(url.toString())); return QList<QNetworkProxy>() << QNetworkProxy(QNetworkProxy::NoProxy); } netstatus_proxy_details_t details; memset(&details, 0, sizeof(netstatus_proxy_details_t)); #if BPS_VERSION >= 3001001 QByteArray bUrl(url.toEncoded()); QString sInterface(query.networkConfiguration().name()); QByteArray bInterface; if (!sInterface.isEmpty()) { if (query.networkConfiguration().type() != QNetworkConfiguration::InternetAccessPoint) { qWarning("Unsupported configuration type: %d", query.networkConfiguration().type()); return QList<QNetworkProxy>() << QNetworkProxy(QNetworkProxy::NoProxy); } bInterface = sInterface.toUtf8(); } if (netstatus_get_proxy_details_for_url(bUrl.constData(), (bInterface.isEmpty() ? NULL : bInterface.constData()), &details) != BPS_SUCCESS) { qWarning("netstatus_get_proxy_details_for_url failed! errno: %d", errno); return QList<QNetworkProxy>() << QNetworkProxy(QNetworkProxy::NoProxy); } #else if (netstatus_get_proxy_details(&details) != BPS_SUCCESS) { qWarning("netstatus_get_proxy_details failed! errno: %d", errno); return QList<QNetworkProxy>() << QNetworkProxy(QNetworkProxy::NoProxy); } #endif if (details.http_proxy_host == NULL) { // No proxy netstatus_free_proxy_details(&details); return QList<QNetworkProxy>() << QNetworkProxy(QNetworkProxy::NoProxy); } QNetworkProxy proxy; QString protocol = query.protocolTag(); if (protocol.startsWith(QLatin1String("http"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { // http, https proxy.setType((QNetworkProxy::HttpProxy)); } else if (protocol == QLatin1String("ftp")) { proxy.setType(QNetworkProxy::FtpCachingProxy); } else { // assume http proxy qDebug("Proxy type: %s assumed to be http proxy", qPrintable(protocol)); proxy.setType((QNetworkProxy::HttpProxy)); } // Set host // Note: ftp and https proxy type fields *are* obsolete. // The user interface allows only one host/port which gets duplicated // to all proxy type fields. proxy.setHostName(QString::fromUtf8(details.http_proxy_host)); // Set port proxy.setPort(details.http_proxy_port); // Set username if (details.http_proxy_login_user) proxy.setUser(QString::fromUtf8(details.http_proxy_login_user)); // Set password if (details.http_proxy_login_password) proxy.setPassword(QString::fromUtf8(details.http_proxy_login_password)); netstatus_free_proxy_details(&details); return QList<QNetworkProxy>() << proxy; }
QList<QNetworkProxy> macQueryInternal(const QNetworkProxyQuery &query) { QList<QNetworkProxy> result; // obtain a dictionary to the proxy settings: CFDictionaryRef dict = SCDynamicStoreCopyProxies(NULL); if (!dict) { qWarning("QNetworkProxyFactory::systemProxyForQuery: SCDynamicStoreCopyProxies returned NULL"); return result; // failed } if (isHostExcluded(dict, query.peerHostName())) { CFRelease(dict); return result; // no proxy for this host } // is there a PAC enabled? If so, use it first. CFNumberRef pacEnabled; if ((pacEnabled = (CFNumberRef)CFDictionaryGetValue(dict, kSCPropNetProxiesProxyAutoConfigEnable))) { int enabled; if (CFNumberGetValue(pacEnabled, kCFNumberIntType, &enabled) && enabled) { // PAC is enabled CFStringRef cfPacLocation = (CFStringRef)CFDictionaryGetValue(dict, kSCPropNetProxiesProxyAutoConfigURLString); #if (MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED >= MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_5) if (QSysInfo::MacintoshVersion >= QSysInfo::MV_10_5) { QCFType<CFDataRef> pacData; QCFType<CFURLRef> pacUrl = CFURLCreateWithString(kCFAllocatorDefault, cfPacLocation, NULL); SInt32 errorCode; if (!CFURLCreateDataAndPropertiesFromResource(kCFAllocatorDefault, pacUrl, &pacData, NULL, NULL, &errorCode)) { QString pacLocation = QCFString::toQString(cfPacLocation); qWarning("Unable to get the PAC script at \"%s\" (%s)", qPrintable(pacLocation), cfurlErrorDescription(errorCode)); return result; } QCFType<CFStringRef> pacScript = CFStringCreateFromExternalRepresentation(kCFAllocatorDefault, pacData, kCFStringEncodingISOLatin1); if (!pacScript) { // This should never happen, but the documentation says it may return NULL if there was a problem creating the object. QString pacLocation = QCFString::toQString(cfPacLocation); qWarning("Unable to read the PAC script at \"%s\"", qPrintable(pacLocation)); return result; } QByteArray encodedURL = query.url().toEncoded(); // converted to UTF-8 if (encodedURL.isEmpty()) { return result; // Invalid URL, abort } QCFType<CFURLRef> targetURL = CFURLCreateWithBytes(kCFAllocatorDefault, (UInt8*), encodedURL.size(), kCFStringEncodingUTF8, NULL); if (!targetURL) { return result; // URL creation problem, abort } QCFType<CFErrorRef> pacError; QCFType<CFArrayRef> proxies = CFNetworkCopyProxiesForAutoConfigurationScript(pacScript, targetURL, &pacError); if (!proxies) { QString pacLocation = QCFString::toQString(cfPacLocation); QCFType<CFStringRef> pacErrorDescription = CFErrorCopyDescription(pacError); qWarning("Execution of PAC script at \"%s\" failed: %s", qPrintable(pacLocation), qPrintable(QCFString::toQString(pacErrorDescription))); return result; } CFIndex size = CFArrayGetCount(proxies); for (CFIndex i = 0; i < size; ++i) { CFDictionaryRef proxy = (CFDictionaryRef)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(proxies, i); result << proxyFromDictionary(proxy); } return result; } else #endif { QString pacLocation = QCFString::toQString(cfPacLocation); qWarning("Mac system proxy: PAC script at \"%s\" not handled", qPrintable(pacLocation)); } } } // no PAC, decide which proxy we're looking for based on the query bool isHttps = false; QString protocol = query.protocolTag().toLower(); // try the protocol-specific proxy QNetworkProxy protocolSpecificProxy; if (protocol == QLatin1String("ftp")) { protocolSpecificProxy = proxyFromDictionary(dict, QNetworkProxy::FtpCachingProxy, kSCPropNetProxiesFTPEnable, kSCPropNetProxiesFTPProxy, kSCPropNetProxiesFTPPort); } else if (protocol == QLatin1String("http")) { protocolSpecificProxy = proxyFromDictionary(dict, QNetworkProxy::HttpProxy, kSCPropNetProxiesHTTPEnable, kSCPropNetProxiesHTTPProxy, kSCPropNetProxiesHTTPPort); } else if (protocol == QLatin1String("https")) { isHttps = true; protocolSpecificProxy = proxyFromDictionary(dict, QNetworkProxy::HttpProxy, kSCPropNetProxiesHTTPSEnable, kSCPropNetProxiesHTTPSProxy, kSCPropNetProxiesHTTPSPort); } if (protocolSpecificProxy.type() != QNetworkProxy::DefaultProxy) result << protocolSpecificProxy; // let's add SOCKSv5 if present too QNetworkProxy socks5 = proxyFromDictionary(dict, QNetworkProxy::Socks5Proxy, kSCPropNetProxiesSOCKSEnable, kSCPropNetProxiesSOCKSProxy, kSCPropNetProxiesSOCKSPort); if (socks5.type() != QNetworkProxy::DefaultProxy) result << socks5; // let's add the HTTPS proxy if present (and if we haven't added // yet) if (!isHttps) { QNetworkProxy https = proxyFromDictionary(dict, QNetworkProxy::HttpProxy, kSCPropNetProxiesHTTPSEnable, kSCPropNetProxiesHTTPSProxy, kSCPropNetProxiesHTTPSPort); if (https.type() != QNetworkProxy::DefaultProxy && https != protocolSpecificProxy) result << https; } CFRelease(dict); return result; }
QList<QNetworkProxy> macQueryInternal(const QNetworkProxyQuery &query) { QList<QNetworkProxy> result; // obtain a dictionary to the proxy settings: CFDictionaryRef dict = SCDynamicStoreCopyProxies(NULL); if (!dict) { qWarning("QNetworkProxyFactory::systemProxyForQuery: SCDynamicStoreCopyProxies returned NULL"); return result; // failed } if (isHostExcluded(dict, query.peerHostName())) return result; // no proxy for this host // is there a PAC enabled? If so, use it first. CFNumberRef pacEnabled; if ((pacEnabled = (CFNumberRef)CFDictionaryGetValue(dict, kSCPropNetProxiesProxyAutoConfigEnable))) { int enabled; if (CFNumberGetValue(pacEnabled, kCFNumberIntType, &enabled) && enabled) { // PAC is enabled CFStringRef pacUrl = (CFStringRef)CFDictionaryGetValue(dict, kSCPropNetProxiesProxyAutoConfigURLString); QString url = QCFString::toQString(pacUrl); // ### Use PAC somehow qDebug("Mac system proxy: found PAC script at \"%s\"", qPrintable(url)); } } // no PAC, decide which proxy we're looking for based on the query bool isHttps = false; QString protocol = query.protocolTag().toLower(); // try the protocol-specific proxy QNetworkProxy protocolSpecificProxy; if (protocol == QLatin1String("ftp")) { protocolSpecificProxy = proxyFromDictionary(dict, QNetworkProxy::FtpCachingProxy, kSCPropNetProxiesFTPEnable, kSCPropNetProxiesFTPProxy, kSCPropNetProxiesFTPPort); } else if (protocol == QLatin1String("http")) { protocolSpecificProxy = proxyFromDictionary(dict, QNetworkProxy::HttpProxy, kSCPropNetProxiesHTTPEnable, kSCPropNetProxiesHTTPProxy, kSCPropNetProxiesHTTPPort); } else if (protocol == QLatin1String("https")) { isHttps = true; protocolSpecificProxy = proxyFromDictionary(dict, QNetworkProxy::HttpProxy, kSCPropNetProxiesHTTPSEnable, kSCPropNetProxiesHTTPSProxy, kSCPropNetProxiesHTTPSPort); } if (protocolSpecificProxy.type() != QNetworkProxy::DefaultProxy) result << protocolSpecificProxy; // let's add SOCKSv5 if present too QNetworkProxy socks5 = proxyFromDictionary(dict, QNetworkProxy::Socks5Proxy, kSCPropNetProxiesSOCKSEnable, kSCPropNetProxiesSOCKSProxy, kSCPropNetProxiesSOCKSPort); if (socks5.type() != QNetworkProxy::DefaultProxy) result << socks5; // let's add the HTTPS proxy if present (and if we haven't added // yet) if (!isHttps) { QNetworkProxy https = proxyFromDictionary(dict, QNetworkProxy::HttpProxy, kSCPropNetProxiesHTTPSEnable, kSCPropNetProxiesHTTPSProxy, kSCPropNetProxiesHTTPSPort); if (https.type() != QNetworkProxy::DefaultProxy && https != protocolSpecificProxy) result << https; } return result; }