void MigrateDialog::ask() { QPushButton *btn = cancelButton(); QPoint p = btn->mapToGlobal(QPoint(0, 0)); QRect rc(p.x(), p.y(), btn->width(), btn->height()); BalloonMsg::ask(NULL, i18n("Cancel convert?"), this, SLOT(cancel(void*)), NULL, &rc); }
void ColorWidget::set_colors(const QList<QString>& colors) { qDeleteAll(_buttons); _buttons.clear(); _colors = colors; for (int i = 0; i < _colors.size(); ++i) { QPushButton* b = new QPushButton(this); b->setFixedWidth(b->height()); b->setStyleSheet(QString("background-color: #%1; color: #ffffff;").arg(_colors[i])); _buttons << b; _layout->addWidget(b); _mapper->setMapping(b, i); connect(b, SIGNAL(clicked()), _mapper, SLOT(map())); } if (_colors.isEmpty()) { button_pressed(-1); } else { button_pressed(0); } }
void VerticalTabWidget::setCurrentIndex(int index) { int yPos = 25; for(unsigned i = 0; i < m_tabButtons.size(); i++) { QPushButton * button = m_tabButtons[i]; button->move(0,yPos); yPos = yPos + button->height(); QString imagePath; QString style; if (i == static_cast<unsigned>(index)) { imagePath = m_selectedPixmaps[i]; // Ignore clicks to the already active tab if(currentIndex != index){ currentIndex = index; style.append("QPushButton { background-color: blue; background-image: url(\""); style.append(imagePath); style.append("\"); border: none; background-repeat: 0; }"); button->setStyleSheet(style); currentIndex = index; emit tabSelected(m_ids[index]); } } else { if (button->isEnabled()){ imagePath = m_unSelectedPixmaps[i]; style.append("QPushButton { background-image: url(\""); style.append(imagePath); style.append("\"); border: none; background-color: red; background-repeat: 0; }"); } else { imagePath = m_disabledPixmaps[i]; style.append("QPushButton { background-image: url(\""); style.append(imagePath); style.append("\"); border: none; background-color: red; background-repeat: 0; }"); } button->setStyleSheet(style); } } }
void MyWidget::resizeEvent( QResizeEvent * ) { int startx = 10; int starty = quit->y() + quit->height() + 10; int valueWidth = (width() - startx - 10 - 3*5)/4; int valueHeight = (height() - starty - 10 - 3*5)/4; for( int i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ ) value[i]->setGeometry( startx + (i%4)*(5+valueWidth), starty + (i/4)*(5+valueHeight), valueWidth, valueHeight ); }
void KNoteBook::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *) { //debug("KNoteBook::paintEvent"); // Check to see if there are any buttons. QPushButton *tmp = 0L; int w = width(), h = height(), s = 2; int tw = pnote->tabbar->width(); int boffs = 4, toffs = pnote->tabbar->height() + 1; if( pnote->ok && pnote->ok->isVisible() ) tmp = pnote->ok; else if(pnote->cancel && pnote->cancel->isVisible()) tmp = pnote->cancel; else if(pnote->def && pnote->def->isVisible()) tmp = pnote->def; else if(pnote->help && pnote->help->isVisible()) tmp = pnote->help; if(tmp) boffs = tmp->height() + 4; // start painting widget QPainter paint; paint.begin( this ); QPen pen( white, 1 ); paint.setPen( pen ); // left outer paint.drawLine( s, h-(boffs), s, toffs-1); // top outer paint.drawLine( tw+s , toffs, w-s, toffs); // right inner paint.drawLine( w-(s*3) , toffs+(s*2)+1, w-(s*3), h-(boffs+(s+1))); // bottom inner paint.drawLine( (s*3)+1 , h-(boffs+(s*2)-1), w-(s*3), h-(boffs+(s*2)-1)); pen.setColor( black ); paint.setPen( pen ); // right outer paint.drawLine( w-s , toffs+1, w-s, h-(boffs)); // bottom outer paint.drawLine( w-s , h-(boffs), s+1, h-(boffs)); // left inner paint.drawLine( s*3 , h-(boffs+(s+1)), s*3, toffs+((s*2)+1) ); // top inner paint.drawLine( (s*3)+1, toffs+(s*2), w-(s*3), toffs+(s*2)); paint.end(); }
void qmainstackwidget::set_editsearch() { edit_search = new QLineEdit(this); edit_search->setGeometry(0, 110, 283, 25); edit_search->setFont(QFont("Timers", 10, QFont::StyleOblique)); edit_search->setStyleSheet("QLineEdit{border: 2px solid rgb(22, 154, 218);padding: 0 8px;background: rgb(21, 127, 178);selection-background-color: darkgray;color:rgb(240, 255, 255);}"); QPushButton *search = new QPushButton(this); search->setFlat(true); QPixmap pix; pix.load("search.jpg"); pix = pix.scaled(18, 18); QIcon icon_search(pix); search->setIcon(icon_search); search->setFixedSize(18, 18); search->move(edit_search->width() - search->width() - 2, (edit_search->height() - search->height()) / 2); search->setGeometry(263, 115, search->width(), search->height()); search->setStyleSheet("QPushButton{ border-image:url(search.png); }" "QPushButton:press{border-image:url(search_press.png);}" "QPushButton:hover{border-image:url(search_hover.png);}"); search->setCursor(QCursor(Qt::PointingHandCursor)); }
ApplicationsMenuApplet::ApplicationsMenuApplet(void) : Applet() { if(QIcon::themeName() == "hicolor" || QIcon::themeName().isEmpty()) { QIcon::setThemeName("nuvola"); // kde if(QIcon::fromTheme("start-here").isNull()) QIcon::setThemeName("gnome"); // gnome if(QIcon::fromTheme("start-here").isNull()) QIcon::setThemeName("hicolor"); // default } qDebug() << "using theme:" << QIcon::themeName(); // QIcon::setThemeSearchPaths(CXDGDirs::iconDirectories()); QPushButton* button = new QPushButton(); button->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Preferred, QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding); button->setMenu(m_menu = new QMenu()); button->setText("Applications"); button->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme("start-here").pixmap(button->height(), button->height())); setWidget(button); }
void KNoteBook::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *) { //debug("KNote, resizing"); pnote->tabbar->setGeometry( 2, 2, width()-3, pnote->tabbar->sizeHint().height()); // Check to see if there are any buttons. QPushButton *tmp = 0L; int x = 8, y = pnote->tabbar->height() + 7; int cx = width() - 14, cy = height()-(pnote->tabbar->height()+14); if( pnote->ok && pnote->ok->isVisible() ) tmp = pnote->ok; else if(pnote->cancel && pnote->cancel->isVisible()) tmp = pnote->cancel; else if(pnote->def && pnote->def->isVisible()) tmp = pnote->def; else if(pnote->help && pnote->help->isVisible()) tmp = pnote->help; if(tmp) cy -= (tmp->height()); if(pnote->currentwiz) pnote->currentwiz->setGeometry( x, y, cx, cy ); int offs = 2; if(pnote->ok && pnote->ok->isVisible()) { pnote->ok->setGeometry(offs, height()-(pnote->ok->height()+2), pnote->ok->width(), pnote->ok->height()); offs += 5 + pnote->ok->width(); } if(pnote->cancel && pnote->cancel->isVisible()) { pnote->cancel->setGeometry(offs, height()-(pnote->cancel->height()+2), pnote->cancel->width(), pnote->cancel->height()); offs += 5 + pnote->cancel->width(); } if(pnote->def && pnote->def->isVisible()) pnote->def->setGeometry(offs, height()-(pnote->def->height()+2), pnote->def->width(), pnote->def->height()); if(pnote->help && pnote->help->isVisible()) pnote->help->setGeometry(width()-(pnote->help->width()+1), height()-(pnote->help->height()+2), pnote->help->width(), pnote->help->height()); //debug("KNote, resize - done"); }
VPiano::VPiano() : QMainWindow() { QWidget *central = new QWidget(this); QVBoxLayout *vb = new QVBoxLayout; QHBoxLayout *octaves = new QHBoxLayout; QSignalMapper *octaveSignalMapper = new QSignalMapper(this); for(int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { QString title; title.setNum(i); QPushButton *o = new QPushButton(title, central); o->setFixedSize(fontMetrics().width(title)*4, o->height()); QString shortcut; shortcut.setNum(i+1); o->setShortcut(QKeySequence(QString("F") + shortcut)); octaves->addWidget(o); connect(o, SIGNAL(clicked()), octaveSignalMapper, SLOT(map())); octaveSignalMapper->setMapping(o, i); } OctaveRangeWidget *octRange = new OctaveRangeWidget(central); octaves->addWidget(octRange); QSlider *velocity = new QSlider(Qt::Horizontal, central); velocity->setMinimum(1); velocity->setMaximum(127); velocity->setValue(96); // TODO: read prev value from config velocity->setToolTip(tr("Velocity")); octaves->addWidget(velocity); QSpinBox *channel = new QSpinBox(central); channel->setPrefix(tr("Ch ", "Midi Channel number")); channel->setMinimum(0); channel->setMaximum(127); channel->setValue(0); // TODO: read prev value from config channel->setToolTip(tr("Select MIDI channel number to send messages to")); octaves->addWidget(channel); vb->addLayout(octaves); QHBoxLayout *keyarea = new QHBoxLayout; KeyboardWidget *kw = new KeyboardWidget(central); keyarea->addWidget(kw); QVBoxLayout *rightside = new QVBoxLayout; QSlider *pitchWheel = new QSlider(Qt::Vertical, central); pitchWheel->setMinimum(-64); pitchWheel->setMaximum(63); pitchWheel->setValue(0); // TODO: read prev value from config pitchWheel->setToolTip(tr("Pitch wheel")); rightside->addWidget(pitchWheel); QCheckBox *porta = new QCheckBox(central); porta->setToolTip(tr("Enable portamento")); rightside->addWidget(porta); keyarea->addLayout(rightside); vb->addLayout(keyarea); central->setLayout(vb); setCentralWidget(central); setWindowTitle(tr("Virtual MIDI keyboard")); // TODO: connect pitchWheel connect(octaveSignalMapper, SIGNAL(mapped(int)), kw, SLOT(octaveSelected(int))); connect(channel, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), kw, SLOT(midiChannelSelected(int))); connect(kw, SIGNAL(highlightOctaves(int,int)), octRange, SLOT(highlightOctaves(int,int))); kw->octaveSelected(0); // TODO: use value read from config }