// ***************************************************************************
// Initialize the hash of tables in the descriptor.
// For every table in the JBBC list of the Hub as well as the extraHub, 
// insert an entry into the hash table, using the table's name as the hash key.
// ***************************************************************************
void MVDetails::initTables(const QRJBBPtr jbb, CollHeap* heap)
  // Map all the table names
  // Start with the Hub tables.
  const ElementPtrList& hubTables = jbb->getHub()->getJbbcList()->getList();
  for (CollIndex i=0; i<hubTables.entries(); i++)
    QRElementPtr element = hubTables[i];

    // Ignore JBBCs that are not tables - they must be child-JBB references,
    // so we will get to them when looping over the JBB list.
    if (element->getElementType() == ET_Table)
      const QRTablePtr table = element->downCastToQRTable();
      const NAString& name = table->getTableName();
      tableByNameHash_.insert(&name, table);

  // Continue with the extra-hub tables.
  const QRExtraHubPtr extraHub = jbb->getExtraHub();
  if (extraHub != NULL)
    QRTableListPtr extraHubTables = extraHub->getTableList();
    if (extraHubTables != NULL)
      for (CollIndex j=0; j<extraHubTables->entries(); j++)
	QRTablePtr table = (*extraHubTables)[j];
	const NAString& name = table->getTableName();
	tableByNameHash_.insert(&name, table);    
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
void MVDetails::addEqualitySet(QRJoinPredPtr joinPredElement, 
                               NABoolean     isFromExpr, 
                               QROutputPtr   output, 
                               CollHeap*     heap)
  const ElementPtrList& equalitySet = joinPredElement->getEqualityList();

  for (CollIndex i=0; i<equalitySet.entries(); i++)
    const QRElementPtr halfPred = equalitySet[i];

    // Now lets look at the equality set members
    // Ignore members that are not simple columns.
    if (halfPred->getElementType() != ET_Column)

    const QRColumnPtr eqSetColumn = halfPred->getReferencedElement()->downCastToQRColumn();

    // If this JoinPred element is a column of an LOJ table,
    // skip it because it is not really equal to the others.
    const QRElementPtr tableElem = getElementForID(eqSetColumn->getTableID());
    if (tableElem->downCastToQRTable()->hasLOJParent())

    // Compute the "ID Qualified" column name as the key.
    const NAString* idQualifiedColName = 
      calcIDQualifiedColumnName(eqSetColumn->getTableID(),  eqSetColumn->getColumnName(), heap);

    // Insert into the hash table.
    if (isFromExpr)
      outputByInputColumns_.insert(idQualifiedColName, output);
      outputByColumnName_.insert(idQualifiedColName, output);
} // MVDetails::addEqualitySet
// ***************************************************************************
// Get the table element (from the JBBC list) with this name (or NULL if not found).
// This method must NOT be used to find a specific table instance, because
// with self-joins, multiple tables have the same name. 
// Use MVCandidate::getMvTableForQueryID() instead.
// ***************************************************************************
const QRTablePtr MVDetails::getTableFromName(const NAString& name)
  QRElementPtr table = tableByNameHash_.getFirstValue(&name);
  if (table == NULL)
    return NULL;
  return table->downCastToQRTable();
// ***************************************************************************
// Get the output list element, that its output item (column or expression)
// has the ID id (or NULL if not found).
// ***************************************************************************
const QROutputPtr MVDetails::getOutputForID(const NAString& id)
  QRElementPtr output = outputByIDHash_.getFirstValue(&id);
  if (output == NULL)
    return NULL;
  return output->downCastToQROutput();
// ***************************************************************************
// Is this column from a table that has an LOJ parent?
// ***************************************************************************
NABoolean DescriptorDetails::isColumnFromLojTable(const QRColumnPtr col)
  const NAString& tableID = col->getTableID();
  const QRElementPtr tableElem = getElementForID(tableID);
                    tableElem, QRLogicException, 
		    "Table not found in JBB.");
  const QRTablePtr table = tableElem->downCastToQRTable();
  return table->hasLOJParent();
// ***************************************************************************
// Get the output list element, that represents an expression, that has 
// this column name as one of its input columns (or NULL if not found).
// ***************************************************************************
const QROutputPtr MVDetails::getOutputByInputColumns(const NAString& id, 
						     const NAString& name, 
						     CollHeap* heap)
  const NAString* idName = calcIDQualifiedColumnName(id, name, heap);

  QRElementPtr output = outputByInputColumns_.getFirstValue(idName);
  delete idName;
  if (output == NULL)
    return NULL;
  return output->downCastToQROutput();
// ***************************************************************************
// Get the output list element, that represents the output expression that 
// matches text (or NULL if not found).
// ***************************************************************************
const QROutputPtr MVDetails::getOutputByExprText(const NAString& text)
  QRElementPtr output = outputByExprText_.getFirstValue(&text);
    "Checking for output expression: %s, %s.", 
    (output == NULL) ? "Not found it" : "Found it");

  if (output == NULL)
    return NULL;
    return output->downCastToQROutput();
Visitor::VisitResult RefFinderVisitor::visit(QRElementPtr caller)
  // Elements that don't reference other elements, should reference 
  // themselves (the default value).
  if (caller->getRef() == "")
    return VR_Continue;

  QRElementPtr elem = descDetails_->getElementForID(caller->getRef());
                    elem != NULL, QRLogicException, 
		    "Element is referencing a non-existing element.");

  return VR_Continue;
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
const NAString& DescriptorDetails::getTableNameFromColumn(QRColumnPtr colElem)
  static const NAString empty("");

  const NAString& tableID = colElem->getReferencedElement()->downCastToQRColumn()->getTableID();
  const QRElementPtr tableElem = getElementForID(tableID);
  if (tableElem==NULL)
    // This table is in a JBB that was ommitted from the query descriptor.
    // Return an empty table name.
    return empty;

  const QRTablePtr table = tableElem->downCastToQRTable();
  return table->getTableName();
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
void JBBDetails::initBaseTables(CollHeap* heap)
  // Create BaseTableDetails objects for the JBB hub tables.
  const ElementPtrList& hubTables = jbbDesc_->getHub()->getJbbcList()->getList();
  for (CollIndex i=0; i<hubTables.entries(); i++)
    const QRElementPtr jbbc = hubTables[i];
    if (jbbc->getElementType() != ET_Table)
      continue; // Skip reference to other JBBs.

    const QRTablePtr table = jbbc->downCastToQRTable();
    if (table->hasLOJParent())
      hasLOJs_ = TRUE;

    // Rest of the stuff only needed for MVs.
    if (!isAnMV_)

    BaseTableDetailsPtr tableDetails = new(heap) 
      BaseTableDetails(table, TRUE, ADD_MEMCHECK_ARGS(heap));
    baseTablesByID_.insert(&tableDetails->getID(), tableDetails);

  // Now do the same for the extra-hub tables.
  const QRTableListPtr extraHubTables = jbbDesc_->getExtraHub()->getTableList();
  if (extraHubTables != NULL)
    for (CollIndex j=0; j<extraHubTables->entries(); j++)
      const QRTablePtr table = (*extraHubTables)[j];
      if (table->hasLOJParent())
        hasLOJs_ = TRUE;

      // Rest of the stuff only needed for MVs.
      if (!isAnMV_)

      BaseTableDetailsPtr tableDetails = new(heap) 
	BaseTableDetails(table, FALSE, ADD_MEMCHECK_ARGS(heap));
      baseTablesByID_.insert(&tableDetails->getID(), tableDetails);
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
void DescriptorDetails::initJoinPredList(const QRJoinPredListPtr jpList)
  if (jpList == NULL)

  CollIndex maxEntries = jpList->entries();
  //Iterate over JoinPred list
  for (CollIndex i=0; i<maxEntries; i++)
    const QRJoinPredPtr joinPred = (*jpList)[i];
    const ElementPtrList& equalitySet = joinPred->getEqualityList();

    // Iterate over equality set in JoinPred.
    for (CollIndex i=0; i<equalitySet.entries(); i++)
      const QRElementPtr halfPred = equalitySet[i]->getReferencedElement();

      // Now lets look at the equality set members
      // Ignore members that are not simple columns.
      if (halfPred->getElementType() != ET_Column)

      const QRColumnPtr eqSetColumn = halfPred->getReferencedElement()->downCastToQRColumn();

      // Skip columns from other JBBs.
      if (getElementForID(eqSetColumn->getTableID()) == NULL)

      // Skip columns from LOJ tables.
      if (isColumnFromLojTable(eqSetColumn))

      const NAString& columnID = eqSetColumn->getID();
      joinPredHash_.insert(&columnID, joinPred);
// ***************************************************************************
// Initialize the several hash tables that map output list elements:
//    outputByIDHash_	      - Using the ID of the output item as the key.
//    outputByColumnName_     - Using the "ID Qualified" column name as the key.
//    outputByExprText_	      - Using the expression text as the key.
//    outputByInputColumns_   - Using the name of expression input column as the key.
// ***************************************************************************
void MVDetails::initOutputs(const QRJBBPtr jbb, CollHeap* heap)
  // Match the output elements with their names.
  const QROutputListPtr outputList = jbb->getOutputList();

                    outputList != NULL, QRLogicException,
                    "Output list is null.");

  // For each output list element
  for (CollIndex i=0; i<outputList->entries(); i++)
    QROutputPtr output = (*outputList)[i];
    // Set the ordinal number of the output element.

    // Get the output item (column or expression).
    QRElementPtr outputItem = output->getOutputItem()->getReferencedElement();
    const NAString& id = outputItem->getID();
    // Insert the ID of the output item (whatever it is) into the ID hash.
    outputByIDHash_.insert(&id, output);

    // OK, now lets check what type of output item it is.
    switch (outputItem->getElementType())
      case ET_Column:
	// If its an output column, add it to the output column by name hash.
	const QRColumnPtr col = outputItem->downCastToQRColumn();

        const QRElementPtr tableElem = getElementForID(col->getTableID());
        NABoolean hasLOJParent = tableElem->downCastToQRTable()->hasLOJParent();

        if (!isFromJoin(col) || hasLOJParent)
	  // Compute the "ID Qualified" column name as the key.
	  const NAString* idQualifiedColName = 
	    calcIDQualifiedColumnName(col->getTableID(),  col->getColumnName(), heap);

	  // Insert into the hash table.
	  outputByColumnName_.insert(idQualifiedColName, output);
	  // If its an equality set, insert all the participating columns
	  // as pointing to the same MV output column.
          const QRJoinPredPtr jp = getJoinPred(col);
	  const QRJoinPredPtr joinPredElement = jp->downCastToQRJoinPred();
          addEqualitySet(joinPredElement, FALSE, output, heap);

      case ET_JoinPred:
                          (outputItem->getElementType() == ET_JoinPred), QRLogicException, 
			  "Unexpected JoinPred element.");

	// If its an equality set, insert all the participating columns
	// as pointing to the same MV output column.
	const QRJoinPredPtr joinPredElement = outputItem->downCastToQRJoinPred();
        addEqualitySet(joinPredElement, FALSE, output, heap);

      case ET_Expr:
	// This is an expression. Insert the expression text into the expression hash.
	const QRExprPtr expr = outputItem->downCastToQRExpr();
        const NAString& exprText = expr->getExprText(); 
	outputByExprText_.insert(&exprText, output);
          "Adding output expression: %s.", exprText.data());

	// Also map the expressions's input columns to it.
	// This call to getInitColumns() also inits the input list using the 
	// right heap.
	const ElementPtrList& inputs = expr->getInputColumns(heap);
	if (inputs.entries() > 0)
	  for (CollIndex j=0; j<inputs.entries(); j++)
            QRElementPtr inputElem = inputs[j]->getReferencedElement();
            if (inputElem->getElementType() == ET_Column)
	      QRColumnPtr inputCol = inputElem->downCastToQRColumn();

	      // Compute the "ID Qualified" column name as the key.
	      const NAString* idQualifiedColName = 
	        calcIDQualifiedColumnName(inputCol->getTableID(),  inputCol->getColumnName(), heap);

	      outputByInputColumns_.insert(idQualifiedColName, output);
              QRJoinPredPtr inputJoinPred = inputElem->downCastToQRJoinPred();
              addEqualitySet(inputJoinPred, TRUE, output, heap);

        // Check if this is the COUNT(*) function.
        QRExplicitExprPtr rootExpr = expr->getExprRoot();
        if (rootExpr->getElementType() == ET_Function)
          QRFunctionPtr func = rootExpr->downCastToQRFunction();
          if (func->getAggregateFunc() == QRFunction::AFT_COUNTSTAR)
            // Found it, now remember it for later use.
            // If a COUNT(*) equivalent function has already been found 
            // (see below) - overwrite it.
            countStar_ = output;
          else if (countStar_ == NULL &&
                   func->isCountStarEquivalent(heap) )
            // Well, we didn't find a COUNT(*) yet, but we found a COUNT(a)
            // and the input column is NOT NOLL, we can use it as a COUNT(*) column.
            countStar_ = output;
      } // end of case ET_Expr
    }  // switch on element type
  }  // for on output list elements
}  //  MVDetails::initOutputs()
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
void JBBDetails::initRangePreds(CollHeap* heap)
  // Initialize the Range predicates.
  const QRRangePredListPtr rangePreds = jbbDesc_->getHub()->getRangePredList();
  if (rangePreds==NULL || rangePreds->entries() == 0)
    hasNoRangePredicates_ = TRUE;

  for (CollIndex k=0; k<rangePreds->entries(); k++)
    const QRRangePredPtr rangePred = (*rangePreds)[k];
    const QRElementPtr rangeElem = rangePred->getRangeItem()->getReferencedElement();

    if (rangeElem->getElementType() == ET_Column && rangePred->isSingleValue())

    // For query descriptors, only check for const columns.
    if (!isAnMV_)

    if (rangeElem->getElementType() == ET_Column)
      const QRColumnPtr rangeColumn = rangeElem->downCastToQRColumn();

      if (!descDetails_->isFromJoin(rangeColumn))
        // This column is NOT part of a join predicate.
        BaseTableDetailsPtr rangeTable = getBaseTableByID(rangeColumn->getTableID());
        rangeTable->addRangePredicateOnColumn(rangePred, rangeColumn);
        // This column IS part of a join predicate.
        // Insert the range pred for all the participating columns.
        const QRJoinPredPtr jp = descDetails_->getJoinPred(rangeColumn);
        const ElementPtrList& equalitySet = jp->getEqualityList();
        for (CollIndex i=0; i<equalitySet.entries(); i++)
	  const QRElementPtr halfPred = equalitySet[i];

	  // Now lets look at the equality set members
	  // Ignore members that are not simple columns.
	  if (halfPred->getElementType() != ET_Column)

	  const QRColumnPtr eqSetColumn = halfPred->getReferencedElement()->downCastToQRColumn();
          BaseTableDetailsPtr rangeTable = getBaseTableByID(eqSetColumn->getTableID());
          rangeTable->addRangePredicateOnColumn(rangePred, eqSetColumn);
    else if (rangeElem->getElementType() == ET_JoinPred)
                        (rangeElem->getElementType() == ET_JoinPred), QRLogicException, 
			"Unexpected JoinPred element.");

      // If its an equality set, insert the range pred for all the participating columns.
      const QRJoinPredPtr joinPredElement = rangeElem->downCastToQRJoinPred();
      const ElementPtrList& equalitySet = joinPredElement->getEqualityList();
      for (CollIndex i=0; i<equalitySet.entries(); i++)
	const QRElementPtr halfPred = equalitySet[i];

	// Now lets look at the equality set members
	// Ignore members that are not simple columns.
	if (halfPred->getElementType() != ET_Column)

	const QRColumnPtr eqSetColumn = halfPred->getReferencedElement()->downCastToQRColumn();
        BaseTableDetailsPtr rangeTable = getBaseTableByID(eqSetColumn->getTableID());
        rangeTable->addRangePredicateOnColumn(rangePred, eqSetColumn);
      // The range pred is on an expression. Insert it for all the expression's input columns.
      const QRExprPtr rangeExpr = rangeElem->downCastToQRExpr();

      if (rangeExpr->getExprRoot()->containsAnAggregate(heap))
        hasHavingPredicates_ = TRUE;

      // Verify we have a single input column
      // No input columns mean its a COUNT(*), which is OK too.
      const ElementPtrList& inputs = rangeExpr->getInputColumns(heap);
                        (inputs.entries() <= 1), QRLogicException, 
			"Range predicate expression must have a single input at most.");

      const NAString& predText = rangeExpr->getExprText();

      // Look it up in the hash table: do we already have a range pred with this text?
      RangePredPtrList* predList = getRangePredsOnExpression(predText);

      if (predList == NULL)
	  // No, its the first one. Create a new list.
	  predList = new(heap) RangePredPtrList(heap);
	  // And insert it into the hash table.
	  rangePredicates_.insert(&predText, predList);

      // Insert the predicate into the pred list.
}  // JBBDetails::init()
LatticeIndexablePtr QRGroupLattice::elementToKey(const QRElementPtr      element, 
                                                 QRJoinSubGraphMapPtr    map,
						 DescriptorDetailsPtr    queryDetails, 
                                                 NABoolean               insertMode,
                                                 NABoolean               isRecursive)
  QRElementPtr elem = element->getReferencedElement();
  QRColumnPtr col = NULL;
  if (elem->getElementType() == ET_Column)
    col = elem->downCastToQRColumn();
    if (queryDetails->isFromJoin(col) && !isRecursive)
    // This groupby element is a join pred.
    // During insert, this loop inserts the first column.
    // During search, try each equality set element until we find one that 
    // appears in our array.
      const QRJoinPredPtr eqSet = queryDetails->getJoinPred(col);
      const ElementPtrList& equalityList = eqSet->getEqualityList();

      if (insertMode)
        // Insert mode - pick the first column of the equality set.
        col = equalityList[0]->downCastToQRColumn();
        // Search mode - pick the first equality set entry that is found in this LatticeIndex.
        for (CollIndex i=0; i<equalityList.entries(); i++)
          QRElementPtr entry = equalityList[i]->getReferencedElement();
          // Call recursively for each join pred column.
          LatticeIndexablePtr entryKey = elementToKey(entry, map, queryDetails, insertMode, TRUE);
          if (entryKey == NULL)

          if (lattice_->contains(entryKey))
            // Found it in the lattice index.
            col = entry->downCastToQRColumn();
        } // for ( )

        // If none of the entries was found - give up now.
        if (col == NULL)
          return NULL;

      }  // if insert mode
    }  // if JoinPred
  } // if Column

  NAString* key = NULL;
  if (col != NULL)
    col = col->getReferencedElement()->downCastToQRColumn();
    const NAString& tableID = col->getTableID();
    Int32 Inx = map->getIndexForTable(tableID);
    if (Inx == -1)
      assertLogAndThrow(CAT_GRP_LATTCE_INDX, LL_ERROR,
                        !insertMode, QRLogicException, 
		        "Table index not found in Insert mode (Inserting a multi-JBB MV?).");
      return NULL;

    char buffer[4096+5];
    sprintf(buffer, "%d.%s", Inx, col->getColumnName().data() );

    key = new(heap_) NAString(buffer, heap_);
    // This is an expression.
    // TBD We still do not handle expressions using columns from self-join tables.
    key = new(heap_) NAString(element->getSortName(), heap_);

  // The reverseKeyHash should always use the most recent MV inserted.
  if (insertMode)
    reverseKeyHash_.insert(key, element);
  return key;