 * Check that all mandatory informations are passed
 * throught the requestFinished signal...
Ut_AboutBusinessLogic::testMultiThread ()
    QSignalSpy spy (
        SIGNAL (requestFinished (AboutBusinessLogic::requestType, QVariant)));

     * Run the multithreaded data collection ...
    m_Api->start ();

     * Hopefully this does not harm, and enough...
    QTest::qWait (500);

    QList<AboutBusinessLogic::requestType> mandatoryFields;
    mandatoryFields <<
        AboutBusinessLogic::reqProdName <<
        AboutBusinessLogic::reqSwName <<
        AboutBusinessLogic::reqLicense <<
        AboutBusinessLogic::reqOsVersion <<
        AboutBusinessLogic::reqImei <<
    /* BtAddr also mandatory, but we stubbed that stuff here,
     * and we have a separate testcase which covers that one... */

     * Check whether that at least the mandatory field values are arrived
    QVERIFY (spy.count () >= mandatoryFields.count ());

    QList<AboutBusinessLogic::requestType> arrivedFields;

    for ( ; ! spy.isEmpty () ; )
        QList<QVariant> signal = spy.takeFirst ();
        arrivedFields <<
            signal.at (0).value<AboutBusinessLogic::requestType>();

    foreach (AboutBusinessLogic::requestType req, mandatoryFields)
        //SYS_DEBUG ("reqNr = %d", (int) req);
        QVERIFY (arrivedFields.contains (req));