void YTDelegate::layoutText(QTextLayout& textLayout, QString text, QSize constraint) const { QTextOption textOption(Qt::AlignJustify); textLayout.setTextOption(textOption); textLayout.setText(text); textLayout.beginLayout(); int lHeight = 0; while(true){ QTextLine line = textLayout.createLine(); if(!line.isValid()) break; line.setLineWidth(constraint.width()); line.setPosition(QPointF(0, lHeight)); if(lHeight + line.height() > constraint.height()) { QTextLine lastLine = textLayout.lineAt(textLayout.lineCount() - 2); QString lastString = text.mid(lastLine.textStart()); QFontMetrics fm(textLayout.font()); text.chop(lastString.length()); text += fm.elidedText(lastString, Qt::ElideRight, constraint.width()-1); textLayout.endLayout(); layoutText(textLayout, text, constraint); return; } lHeight += line.height(); lHeight += line.leading(); } textLayout.endLayout(); }
void TextLabel::layoutText(QTextLayout &layout, const QString &text, const QSize &constraints) { QFontMetrics metrics(layout.font()); int leading = metrics.leading(); int height = 0; int maxWidth = constraints.width(); int widthUsed = 0; int lineSpacing = metrics.lineSpacing(); QTextLine line; layout.setText(text); layout.beginLayout(); while ((line = layout.createLine()).isValid()) { height += leading; // Make the last line that will fit infinitely long. // drawTextLayout() will handle this by fading the line out // if it won't fit in the constraints. if (height + 2 * lineSpacing > constraints.height()) { line.setPosition(QPoint(0, height)); break; } line.setLineWidth(maxWidth); line.setPosition(QPoint(0, height)); height += int(line.height()); widthUsed = int(qMax(qreal(widthUsed), line.naturalTextWidth())); } layout.endLayout(); }
void TextLabel::drawTextLayout(QPainter *painter, const QTextLayout &layout, const QRect &rect) { if (rect.width() < 1 || rect.height() < 1) { return; } QPixmap pixmap(rect.size()); pixmap.fill(Qt::transparent); QPainter p(&pixmap); p.setPen(painter->pen()); // Create the alpha gradient for the fade out effect QLinearGradient alphaGradient(0, 0, 1, 0); alphaGradient.setCoordinateMode(QGradient::ObjectBoundingMode); if (layout.textOption().textDirection() == Qt::LeftToRight) { alphaGradient.setColorAt(0, QColor(0, 0, 0, 255)); alphaGradient.setColorAt(1, QColor(0, 0, 0, 0)); } else { alphaGradient.setColorAt(0, QColor(0, 0, 0, 0)); alphaGradient.setColorAt(1, QColor(0, 0, 0, 255)); } QFontMetrics fm(layout.font()); int textHeight = layout.lineCount() * fm.lineSpacing(); QPointF position(0, (rect.height() - textHeight) / 2); QList<QRect> fadeRects; int fadeWidth = 30; // Draw each line in the layout for (int i = 0; i < layout.lineCount(); i++) { QTextLine line = layout.lineAt(i); line.draw(&p, position); // Add a fade out rect to the list if the line is too long if (line.naturalTextWidth() > rect.width()) { int x = int(qMin(line.naturalTextWidth(), (qreal)pixmap.width())) - fadeWidth; int y = int(line.position().y() + position.y()); QRect r = QStyle::visualRect(layout.textOption().textDirection(), pixmap.rect(), QRect(x, y, fadeWidth, int(line.height()))); fadeRects.append(r); } } // Reduce the alpha in each fade out rect using the alpha gradient if (!fadeRects.isEmpty()) { p.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_DestinationIn); foreach (const QRect &rect, fadeRects) { p.fillRect(rect, alphaGradient); }
void DTPatientListDelegate::drawHightlightText(QPainter *painter, QString text, QString substring, QRect pos, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs, bool boldFont, QColor highlight) const { if (!painter || (text.length() == 0)) return; painter->save(); QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange> selections; QTextLayout textLayout; textLayout.setText(text); if (substring.length() != 0) { int idx = -1; int start = 0; while (1) { idx = text.indexOf(substring, start,cs); if (idx == -1) break; QTextLayout::FormatRange* range = new QTextLayout::FormatRange; range->start = idx; range->length = substring.length(); range->format.setBackground(QBrush(QColor(highlight))); selections.append(*range); start += substring.length(); } } if (boldFont) { QFont f = textLayout.font(); f.setBold(true); textLayout.setFont(f); } int leading = painter->fontMetrics().leading(); qreal height = 0; textLayout.beginLayout(); while (1) { QTextLine line = textLayout.createLine(); if (!line.isValid()) break; line.setLineWidth(pos.width()); height += leading; line.setPosition(QPointF(0, height)); height += line.height(); } textLayout.endLayout(); textLayout.draw(painter, pos.topLeft(), selections); painter->restore(); }