/*! Activate to emit highlighted(). */ void QTextBrowser::viewportMouseMoveEvent( QMouseEvent* e) { #ifndef QT_NO_DRAGANDDROP if ( (e->state() & LeftButton) == LeftButton && !d->buttonDown.isEmpty() ) { if ( ( e->globalPos() - d->lastClick ).manhattanLength() > QApplication::startDragDistance() ) { QUrl url ( context(), d->buttonDown, TRUE ); QUriDrag* drag = new QUriDrag( this ); drag->setUnicodeUris( url.toString() ); drag->drag(); } return; } #endif if ( e->state() == 0 ) { QString act = anchorAt( e->pos() ); if (d->highlight != act) { if ( !act.isEmpty() ){ emit highlighted( act ); d->highlight = act; } else if ( !d->highlight.isEmpty() ) { emit highlighted( QString::null ); d->highlight = QString::null; } #ifndef QT_NO_CURSOR viewport()->setCursor( d->highlight.isEmpty()?arrowCursor:pointingHandCursor ); #endif } } QTextView::viewportMouseMoveEvent( e ); }
void TeQtViewsListView::contentsMouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent* e) { QPoint p( contentsToViewport( e->pos() ) ); if (leftButtonPressed_) { QPoint pdif = pressedPosition_ - p; if(abs(pdif.x()) > 2 || abs(pdif.y()) > 2) { drag_ = true; leftButtonPressed_ = false; if(pressedThemeItem_) { TeQtCheckListItem *item = (TeQtCheckListItem*)itemAt(p); if (item && item->getType() == TeQtCheckListItem::THEME) { // clicked(item); QUriDrag* ud = new QUriDrag(viewport()); ud->drag(); } } } } if(drag_ && pressedThemeItem_) pressedThemeItem_->setOpen(themeOpen_); }
QDragObject *KfindWindow::dragObject() { KURL::List uris; QPtrList< QListViewItem > selected = selectedItems(); // create a list of URIs from selection for(uint i = 0; i < selected.count(); i++) { KfFileLVI *item = (KfFileLVI *)selected.at(i); if(item) { uris.append(item->fileitem.url()); } } if(uris.count() <= 0) return 0; QUriDrag *ud = new KURLDrag(uris, (QWidget *)this, "kfind uridrag"); const QPixmap *pix = currentItem()->pixmap(0); if(pix && !pix->isNull()) ud->setPixmap(*pix); return ud; }
/* void TIconView::contentsMouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent* event) { if(event->state() && LeftButton) { int distance = (event->pos() - dragPos).manhattanLength(); if(distance > QApplication::startDragDistance()) startDrag(); } // This creates a mouse pointer problem don't do this //KIconView::contentsMouseMoveEvent(event); } //this event causes crashing. commented but no feature lack yet. */ void TIconView::startDrag() { if(dragItem) { QStrList uri; uri.append(dragItem->moduleinfo()->fileName().local8Bit()); QUriDrag* uriDrag = new QUriDrag(uri, this); uriDrag->drag(); } }
void DirectoryView::contentsMouseMoveEvent( QMouseEvent* e ) { if ( mousePressed && ( presspos - e->pos() ).manhattanLength() > QApplication::startDragDistance() ) { mousePressed = FALSE; QListViewItem *item = itemAt( contentsToViewport(presspos) ); if ( item ) { QString source = fullPath(item); if ( QFile::exists(source) ) { QUriDrag* ud = new QUriDrag(viewport()); ud->setUnicodeUris( source ); if ( ud->drag() ) QMessageBox::information( this, "Drag source", QString("Delete ")+source, "Not implemented" ); } } } }