ArtistInfoWidget::ArtistInfoWidget( const Tomahawk::artist_ptr& artist, QWidget* parent ) : QWidget( parent ) , TomahawkUtils::DpiScaler( this ) , ui( new Ui::ArtistInfoWidget ) , m_artist( artist ) { m_widget = new QWidget; m_headerWidget = new BasicHeader; ui->setupUi( m_widget ); { ui->relatedArtists->setAutoResize( true ); ui->relatedArtists->setAutoFitItems( true ); ui->relatedArtists->setVerticalScrollBarPolicy( Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff ); ui->relatedArtists->setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy( Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff ); ui->relatedArtists->setItemWidth( scaledX( 170 ) ); m_relatedModel = new PlayableModel( ui->relatedArtists ); ui->relatedArtists->setPlayableModel( m_relatedModel ); ui->relatedArtists->proxyModel()->sort( -1 ); ui->relatedArtists->setEmptyTip( tr( "Sorry, we could not find any related artists!" ) ); TomahawkStyle::stylePageFrame( ui->relatedArtists ); TomahawkStyle::stylePageFrame( ui->artistFrame ); TomahawkStyle::styleScrollBar( ui->relatedArtists->verticalScrollBar() ); } { ui->albums->setAutoResize( true ); ui->albums->setAutoFitItems( false ); ui->albums->setVerticalScrollBarPolicy( Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff ); ui->albums->setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy( Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff ); ui->albums->setWrapping( false ); ui->albums->setItemWidth( scaledX( 190 ) ); ui->albums->proxyModel()->setHideDupeItems( true ); ui->albums->delegate()->setWordWrapping( true ); ui->albums->setFixedHeight( ui->albums->itemSize().height() + ui->albums->spacing() * 2 ); m_albumsModel = new PlayableModel( ui->albums ); ui->albums->setPlayableModel( m_albumsModel ); ui->albums->proxyModel()->sort( -1 ); ui->albums->setEmptyTip( tr( "Sorry, we could not find any albums for this artist!" ) ); TomahawkStyle::stylePageFrame( ui->albumFrame ); TomahawkStyle::styleScrollBar( ui->albums->verticalScrollBar() ); TomahawkStyle::styleScrollBar( ui->albums->horizontalScrollBar() ); } { ui->topHits->setAutoResize( true ); ui->topHits->setAutoFitItems( false ); ui->topHits->setVerticalScrollBarPolicy( Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff ); ui->topHits->setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy( Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff ); ui->topHits->setWrapping( false ); ui->topHits->setItemWidth( scaledX( 140 ) ); ui->topHits->proxyModel()->setHideDupeItems( true ); ui->topHits->delegate()->setWordWrapping( true ); ui->topHits->delegate()->setShowBuyButtons( true ); ui->topHits->setFixedHeight( ui->topHits->itemSize().height() + ui->topHits->spacing() * 2 ); m_topHitsModel = new PlayableModel( ui->topHits ); ui->topHits->setPlayableModel( m_topHitsModel ); ui->topHits->proxyModel()->sort( -1 ); ui->topHits->setEmptyTip( tr( "Sorry, we could not find any top hits for this artist!" ) ); TomahawkStyle::stylePageFrame( ui->trackFrame ); } { ui->biography->setObjectName( "biography" ); ui->biography->setContentsMargins( 0, 0, 0, 0 ); ui->biography->page()->mainFrame()->setScrollBarPolicy( Qt::Horizontal, Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff ); ui->biography->page()->mainFrame()->setScrollBarPolicy( Qt::Vertical, Qt::ScrollBarAsNeeded ); ui->biography->page()->setLinkDelegationPolicy( QWebPage::DelegateAllLinks ); ui->biography->installEventFilter( this ); TomahawkStyle::stylePageWidget( ui->biography ); TomahawkStyle::stylePageFrame( ui->bioFrame ); connect( ui->biography, SIGNAL( linkClicked( QUrl ) ), SLOT( onBiographyLinkClicked( QUrl ) ) ); QFont f = ui->topHitsMoreLabel->font(); f.setWeight( QFont::Light ); f.setPointSize( TomahawkUtils::defaultFontSize() + 1 ); ui->topHitsMoreLabel->setFont( f ); ui->albumsMoreLabel->setFont( f ); connect( ui->albumsMoreLabel, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( onAlbumsMoreClicked() ) ); connect( ui->topHitsMoreLabel, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( onTopHitsMoreClicked() ) ); ui->cover->setFixedSize( scaled( QSize( 384, 384 ) ) ); } { m_headerWidget->ui->anchor1Label->setText( tr( "Music" ) ); m_headerWidget->ui->anchor2Label->setText( tr( "Biography" ) ); m_headerWidget->ui->anchor3Label->setText( tr( "Related Artists" ) ); m_headerWidget->ui->anchor1Label->show(); m_headerWidget->ui->anchor2Label->show(); m_headerWidget->ui->anchor3Label->show(); QFontMetrics fm( m_headerWidget->ui->anchor1Label->font() ); m_headerWidget->ui->anchor1Label->setFixedWidth( fm.width( m_headerWidget->ui->anchor1Label->text() ) + 16 ); m_headerWidget->ui->anchor2Label->setFixedWidth( fm.width( m_headerWidget->ui->anchor2Label->text() ) + 16 ); m_headerWidget->ui->anchor3Label->setFixedWidth( fm.width( m_headerWidget->ui->anchor3Label->text() ) + 16 ); connect( m_headerWidget->ui->anchor1Label, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( onMusicAnchorClicked() ) ); connect( m_headerWidget->ui->anchor2Label, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( onBioAnchorClicked() ) ); connect( m_headerWidget->ui->anchor3Label, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( onRelatedArtistsAnchorClicked() ) ); } m_stackedWidget = new QStackedWidget(); { m_area = new QScrollArea(); m_area->setWidgetResizable( true ); m_area->setVerticalScrollBarPolicy( Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOn ); m_area->setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy( Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff ); m_area->setWidget( m_widget ); QPalette pal = palette(); pal.setBrush( backgroundRole(), TomahawkStyle::PAGE_BACKGROUND ); m_area->setPalette( pal ); m_area->setAutoFillBackground( true ); m_area->setFrameShape( QFrame::NoFrame ); m_area->setAttribute( Qt::WA_MacShowFocusRect, 0 ); m_stackedWidget->addWidget( m_area ); connect( m_area->verticalScrollBar(), SIGNAL( valueChanged(int ) ), SLOT( onSliderValueChanged( int ) ) ); } { ContextView* topHitsFullView = new ContextView( m_stackedWidget ); topHitsFullView->setCaption( tr( "Songs" ) ); topHitsFullView->setShowCloseButton( true ); topHitsFullView->trackView()->setPlayableModel( m_topHitsModel ); m_stackedWidget->addWidget( topHitsFullView ); connect( topHitsFullView, SIGNAL( closeClicked() ), SLOT( onPageClosed() ) ); } { GridView* albumsFullView = new GridView( m_stackedWidget ); albumsFullView->delegate()->setWordWrapping( true ); // albumsFullView->setCaption( tr( "Albums" ) ); // albumsFullView->setShowCloseButton( true ); albumsFullView->setPlayableModel( m_albumsModel ); albumsFullView->proxyModel()->setHideDupeItems( true ); CaptionLabel* captionLabel = new CaptionLabel( this ); captionLabel->setText( tr( "Albums" ) ); captionLabel->setShowCloseButton( true ); QWidget* vbox = new QWidget; QPalette pal = vbox->palette(); pal.setBrush( vbox->backgroundRole(), TomahawkStyle::PAGE_BACKGROUND ); vbox->setPalette( pal ); vbox->setAutoFillBackground( true ); QVBoxLayout* vboxl = new QVBoxLayout; TomahawkUtils::unmarginLayout( vboxl ); vboxl->setContentsMargins( 32, 32, 32, 32 ); vboxl->setSpacing( scaledY( 8 ) ); vbox->setLayout( vboxl ); vboxl->addWidget( captionLabel ); vboxl->addWidget( albumsFullView ); vboxl->addStretch(); vboxl->setStretchFactor( albumsFullView, 1 ); m_stackedWidget->addWidget( vbox ); connect( captionLabel, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( onPageClosed() ) ); } { QVBoxLayout* layout = new QVBoxLayout(); layout->addWidget( m_headerWidget ); layout->addWidget( m_stackedWidget ); setLayout( layout ); TomahawkUtils::unmarginLayout( layout ); } MetaPlaylistInterface* mpl = new MetaPlaylistInterface(); mpl->addChildInterface( ui->relatedArtists->playlistInterface() ); mpl->addChildInterface( ui->topHits->playlistInterface() ); mpl->addChildInterface( ui->albums->playlistInterface() ); m_plInterface = playlistinterface_ptr( mpl ); onSliderValueChanged( 0 ); TomahawkUtils::fixMargins( this ); m_pixmap = TomahawkUtils::defaultPixmap( TomahawkUtils::DefaultArtistImage, TomahawkUtils::Original, scaled( QSize( 48, 48 ) ) ); load( artist ); }
void WidgetMain::highlight(WidgetMain::HighlightState state) { static QColor defaultColor = palette().color(backgroundRole()); QWidget *w = d_widgetConfigTransmission; switch (state) { case Connected: case Normal: { QPalette p(w->palette()); p.setColor(w->backgroundRole(), QColor("#c5ffa0")); w->setPalette(p); break; } case Disconnected: { QPalette p(w->palette()); p.setColor(w->backgroundRole(), defaultColor); w->setPalette(p); break; } case Error: { QPalette p(w->palette()); p.setColor(w->backgroundRole(), QColor("#ff9595")); w->setPalette(p); break; } } }
bool QChildWidget::eventFilter(QObject *o, QEvent *e) { if (e->type() == QEvent::Paint){ QWidget *w = static_cast<QWidget*>(o); for (QWidget *p = parentWidget(); p; p = p->parentWidget()){ const QPixmap bg = p->palette().brush(p->backgroundRole()).texture(); if (!bg.isNull()){ QPoint pos = w->mapToGlobal(QPoint(0, 0)); pos = p->mapFromGlobal(pos); QRect rc(pos.x(), pos.y(), w->width(), w->height()); if (rc != rcChild){ rcChild = rc; QPixmap new_bg(w->width(), w->height()); QPainter pp(&new_bg); pp.drawTiledPixmap(0, 0, w->width(), w->height(), bg, pos.x(), pos.y()); pp.end(); QPalette palette = w->palette(); palette.setBrush(w->backgroundRole(), QBrush(new_bg)); w->setPalette(palette); } if (!w->palette().brush(w->backgroundRole()).texture().isNull()){ QPainter pp(w); pp.drawPixmap(0, 0, w->palette().brush(w->backgroundRole()).texture()); } return true; } } } return false; }
int QWidgetProto::backgroundRole() const { QWidget *item = qscriptvalue_cast<QWidget*>(thisObject()); if (item) return item->backgroundRole(); return 0; }
void DJToolButton::paintEvent( QPaintEvent *event ) { QWidget *parentWidget = qobject_cast<QWidget*>(parent()); if ( parentWidget ) { QPalette::ColorRole parentRole = parentWidget->backgroundRole(); QPalette parentPalette = parentWidget->palette(); //QRect rect = parentWidget->rect(); QBrush parentBrush = parentPalette.brush( parentRole ); //QPixmap parentPix(prect.width(),prect.height()); //QPainter p(&pix); //p.fillRect(0,0,pix.width(),pix.height(),parentbrush); QPalette pal = palette(); pal.setBrush(QPalette::Button,parentBrush); setPalette(pal); } //QRect qrect = tbw->geometry(); // QRect prect = parent->rect(); /* QPalette pal = palette(); //pal.setBrush(QPalette::Background,Qt::red); pal.setBrush(QPalette::Button,Qt::green); //pal.setBrush(QPalette::Base,Qt::blue); setPalette(pal); */ QToolButton::paintEvent( event ); }
/*! Draw the background of the canvas \param painter Painter */ void QwtPlotGLCanvas::drawBackground( QPainter *painter ) { painter->save(); QWidget *w = qwtBGWidget( this ); const QPoint off = mapTo( w, QPoint() ); painter->translate( -off ); const QRect fillRect = rect().translated( off ); if ( w->testAttribute( Qt::WA_StyledBackground ) ) { painter->setClipRect( fillRect ); QStyleOption opt; opt.initFrom( w ); w->style()->drawPrimitive( QStyle::PE_Widget, &opt, painter, w); } else { painter->fillRect( fillRect, w->palette().brush( w->backgroundRole() ) ); } painter->restore(); }
ContextView::ContextView( QWidget* parent, const QString& caption ) : QWidget( parent ) , m_trackView( new TrackView() ) , m_temporary( false ) { TrackItemDelegate* del = new TrackItemDelegate( TrackItemDelegate::LovedTracks, m_trackView, m_trackView->proxyModel() ); m_trackView->setPlaylistItemDelegate( del ); m_trackView->proxyModel()->setStyle( PlayableProxyModel::SingleColumn ); m_trackView->setStyleSheet( QString( "QTreeView { background-color: %1; }" ).arg( ) ); #ifndef Q_OS_MAC TomahawkStyle::styleScrollBar( m_trackView->verticalScrollBar() ); #endif setLayout( new QVBoxLayout() ); TomahawkUtils::unmarginLayout( layout() ); m_captionLabel = new CaptionLabel( this ); setCaption( caption ); QWidget* vbox = new QWidget; QPalette pal = vbox->palette(); pal.setBrush( vbox->backgroundRole(), TomahawkStyle::PAGE_BACKGROUND ); vbox->setPalette( pal ); vbox->setAutoFillBackground( true ); QVBoxLayout* vboxl = new QVBoxLayout(); TomahawkUtils::unmarginLayout( vboxl ); vboxl->setContentsMargins( 32, 32, 32, 32 ); vboxl->setSpacing( 32 ); vbox->setLayout( vboxl ); QWidget* hbox = new QWidget; QHBoxLayout* hboxl = new QHBoxLayout(); TomahawkUtils::unmarginLayout( hboxl ); hboxl->setSpacing( 32 ); m_innerLayout = new QVBoxLayout(); TomahawkUtils::unmarginLayout( m_innerLayout ); m_innerLayout->addWidget( m_trackView, 1 ); m_innerLayout->addStretch(); m_detailView = new TrackDetailView; m_detailView->setPlaylistInterface( playlistInterface() ); hboxl->addWidget( m_detailView ); hboxl->addLayout( m_innerLayout ); hbox->setLayout( hboxl ); vboxl->addWidget( m_captionLabel ); vboxl->addWidget( hbox ); layout()->addWidget( vbox ); connect( m_captionLabel, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SIGNAL( closeClicked() ) ); connect( m_trackView, SIGNAL( querySelected( Tomahawk::query_ptr ) ), SLOT( onQuerySelected( Tomahawk::query_ptr ) ) ); connect( m_trackView, SIGNAL( querySelected( Tomahawk::query_ptr ) ), m_detailView, SLOT( setQuery( Tomahawk::query_ptr ) ) ); connect( m_trackView, SIGNAL( modelChanged() ), SLOT( onModelChanged() ) ); TomahawkUtils::fixMargins( this ); }
/* Should we require that q is a toplevel window ??? Used by QWSManager */ void QWidgetPrivate::blitToScreen(const QRegion &globalrgn) { Q_Q(QWidget); QWidget *win = q->window(); QBrush bgBrush = win->palette().brush(win->backgroundRole()); bool opaque = == Qt::NoBrush || bgBrush.isOpaque(); QWidget::qwsDisplay()->repaintRegion(win->data->winid, win->windowFlags(), opaque, globalrgn); }
void ServiceBlock::setCalendarColor(QCalendarWidget *calendarWidget,QColor color) { QWidget *calendarNavBar = calendarWidget->findChild<QWidget *>("qt_calendar_navigationbar"); if (calendarNavBar) { QPalette pal = calendarNavBar->palette(); pal.setColor(calendarNavBar->backgroundRole(), color); calendarNavBar->setPalette(pal); } }
void RKInput::updateColor () { RK_TRACE (PLUGIN); QWidget *widget = lineedit; if (!widget) widget = textedit; RK_ASSERT (widget); QPalette palette = widget->palette (); if (isEnabled ()) { if (isSatisfied ()) { palette.setColor (widget->backgroundRole (), QColor (255, 255, 255)); } else { palette.setColor (widget->backgroundRole (), QColor (255, 0, 0)); } } else { palette.setColor (widget->backgroundRole (), QColor (200, 200, 200)); } widget->setPalette (palette); }
static void initViewPalette(QAbstractItemView* view, const QColor& fgColor) { QWidget* viewport = view->viewport(); QPalette palette = viewport->palette(); palette.setColor(viewport->backgroundRole(), Qt::transparent); palette.setColor(QPalette::WindowText, fgColor); palette.setColor(QPalette::Text, fgColor); // QListView uses QStyledItemDelegate, which uses the view palette for // foreground color, while KFilePlacesView uses the viewport palette. viewport->setPalette(palette); view->setPalette(palette); }
CalamaresWindow::CalamaresWindow( QWidget* parent ) : QWidget( parent ) { // Hide close button setWindowFlags( Qt::Window | Qt::WindowTitleHint | Qt::CustomizeWindowHint ); setMinimumSize( 1010, 560 ); QSize availableSize = qApp->desktop()->screenGeometry( this ).size(); int w = qBound( 1010, CalamaresUtils::defaultFontHeight() * 60, availableSize.width() ); int h = qBound( 560, CalamaresUtils::defaultFontHeight() * 36, availableSize.height() ); cDebug() << "Proposed window size:" << w << h; resize( w, h ); QBoxLayout* mainLayout = new QHBoxLayout; setLayout( mainLayout ); QWidget* sideBox = new QWidget( this ); mainLayout->addWidget( sideBox ); QBoxLayout* sideLayout = new QVBoxLayout; sideBox->setLayout( sideLayout ); sideBox->setFixedWidth( qMax( 190, CalamaresUtils::defaultFontHeight() * 12 ) ); sideBox->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Expanding ); QHBoxLayout* logoLayout = new QHBoxLayout; sideLayout->addLayout( logoLayout ); logoLayout->addStretch(); QLabel* logoLabel = new QLabel( "branding\ngoes\nhere", sideBox ); { QPalette plt = sideBox->palette(); sideBox->setAutoFillBackground( true ); plt.setColor( sideBox->backgroundRole(), CalamaresStyle::SIDEBAR_BACKGROUND ); plt.setColor( sideBox->foregroundRole(), CalamaresStyle::SIDEBAR_TEXT ); sideBox->setPalette( plt ); logoLabel->setPalette( plt ); } logoLabel->setAlignment( Qt::AlignCenter ); logoLabel->setFixedSize( 80, 80 ); logoLayout->addWidget( logoLabel ); logoLayout->addStretch(); ProgressTreeView* tv = new ProgressTreeView( sideBox ); sideLayout->addWidget( tv ); CalamaresUtils::unmarginLayout( sideLayout ); CalamaresUtils::unmarginLayout( mainLayout ); Calamares::ViewManager* vm = new Calamares::ViewManager( this ); mainLayout->addWidget( vm->centralWidget() ); }
void AmbientProperties::on_buttonBackground_clicked() { QColor c = QColorDialog::getColor(backSample->palette().color(backSample->backgroundRole()), this); QPalette p = backSample->palette(); p.setColor(backSample->backgroundRole(), c); backSample->setPalette(p); p = container->palette(); p.setColor(container->backgroundRole(), c); container->setPalette(p); if (QWorkspace *ws = qobject_cast<QWorkspace*>(container)) { QWidgetList list( ws->windowList() ); for (int i = 0; i < list.count(); ++i) { QWidget *widget =; p = widget->palette(); p.setColor(widget->backgroundRole(), c); widget->setPalette(p); } } }
void QChildWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent*) { for (QWidget *p = parentWidget(); p; p = p->parentWidget()){ const QPixmap bg = p->palette().brush(p->backgroundRole()).texture(); if (!bg.isNull()){ QPoint pos = mapToGlobal(QPoint(0, 0)); pos = p->mapFromGlobal(pos); QPainter pp(this); pp.drawTiledPixmap(0, 0, width(), height(), bg, pos.x(), pos.y()); return; } if (p == topLevelWidget()) break; } QPainter pp(this); pp.eraseRect(0, 0, width(), height()); }
int main(int argv, char **args) { QApplication app(argv, args); //! [0] gradient = QRadialGradient gradient(50, 50, 50, 50, 50) gradient.setColorAt(0, QColor.fromRgbF(0, 1, 0, 1)) gradient.setColorAt(1, QColor.fromRgbF(0, 0, 0, 0)) brush = QBrush(gradient) //! [0] QWidget widget; QPalette palette; palette.setBrush(widget.backgroundRole(), brush); widget.setPalette(palette);; return app.exec(); }
void QwtPlotAbstractCanvas::drawUnstyled( QPainter *painter ) { fillBackground( painter ); QWidget *w = canvasWidget(); if ( w->autoFillBackground() ) { const QRect canvasRect = w->rect(); painter->save(); painter->setPen( Qt::NoPen ); painter->setBrush( w->palette().brush( w->backgroundRole() ) ); const QRect frameRect = w->property( "frameRect" ).toRect(); if ( borderRadius() > 0.0 && ( canvasRect == frameRect ) ) { const int frameWidth = w->property( "frameWidth" ).toInt(); if ( frameWidth > 0 ) { painter->setClipPath( borderPath2( canvasRect ) ); painter->drawRect( canvasRect ); } else { painter->setRenderHint( QPainter::Antialiasing, true ); painter->drawPath( borderPath2( canvasRect ) ); } } else { painter->drawRect( canvasRect ); } painter->restore(); } drawCanvas( painter ); }
QColor BACKGROUND(const QWidget& w) { w.ensurePolished(); return w.palette().color(w.backgroundRole()); }
// NOTE: The X11 version of createSurface will re-create the native drawable if it's visual doesn't // match the one for the passed in EGLConfig EGLSurface QEgl::createSurface(QPaintDevice *device, EGLConfig config, const QEglProperties *unusedProperties) { Q_UNUSED(unusedProperties); int devType = device->devType(); if (devType == QInternal::Pbuffer) { // TODO return EGL_NO_SURFACE; } QX11PixmapData *x11PixmapData = 0; if (devType == QInternal::Pixmap) { QPixmapData *pmd = static_cast<QPixmap*>(device)->data_ptr().data(); if (pmd->classId() == QPixmapData::X11Class) x11PixmapData = static_cast<QX11PixmapData*>(pmd); else { // TODO: Replace the pixmap's data with a new QX11PixmapData qWarning("WARNING: Creating an EGL surface on a QPixmap is only supported for QX11PixmapData"); return EGL_NO_SURFACE; } } else if ((devType != QInternal::Widget) && (devType != QInternal::Pbuffer)) { qWarning("WARNING: Creating an EGLSurface for device type %d isn't supported", devType); return EGL_NO_SURFACE; } VisualID visualId = QEgl::getCompatibleVisualId(config); EGLint alphaSize; eglGetConfigAttrib(QEgl::display(), config, EGL_ALPHA_SIZE, &alphaSize); if (devType == QInternal::Widget) { QWidget *widget = static_cast<QWidget*>(device); VisualID currentVisualId = 0; if (widget->testAttribute(Qt::WA_WState_Created)) currentVisualId = XVisualIDFromVisual((Visual*)widget->x11Info().visual()); if (currentVisualId != visualId) { // The window is either not created or has the wrong visual. Either way, we need // to create a window with the correct visual and call create() on the widget: bool visible = widget->isVisible(); if (visible) widget->hide(); XVisualInfo visualInfo; visualInfo.visualid = visualId; { XVisualInfo *visualInfoPtr; int matchingCount = 0; visualInfoPtr = XGetVisualInfo(widget->x11Info().display(), VisualIDMask, &visualInfo, &matchingCount); Q_ASSERT(visualInfoPtr); // visualId really should be valid! visualInfo = *visualInfoPtr; XFree(visualInfoPtr); } Window parentWindow = RootWindow(widget->x11Info().display(), widget->x11Info().screen()); if (widget->parentWidget()) parentWindow = widget->parentWidget()->winId(); XSetWindowAttributes windowAttribs; QColormap colmap = QColormap::instance(widget->x11Info().screen()); windowAttribs.background_pixel = colmap.pixel(widget->palette().color(widget->backgroundRole())); windowAttribs.border_pixel = colmap.pixel(Qt::black); unsigned int valueMask = CWBackPixel|CWBorderPixel; if (alphaSize > 0) { windowAttribs.colormap = XCreateColormap(widget->x11Info().display(), parentWindow, visualInfo.visual, AllocNone); valueMask |= CWColormap; } Window window = XCreateWindow(widget->x11Info().display(), parentWindow, widget->x(), widget->y(), widget->width(), widget->height(), 0, visualInfo.depth, InputOutput, visualInfo.visual, valueMask, &windowAttribs); // This is a nasty hack to get round the fact that we can't be a friend of QWidget: qt_set_winid_on_widget(widget, window); if (visible) widget->show(); } // At this point, the widget's window should be created and have the correct visual. Now we // just need to create the EGL surface for it: EGLSurface surf = eglCreateWindowSurface(QEgl::display(), config, (EGLNativeWindowType)widget->winId(), 0); if (surf == EGL_NO_SURFACE) qWarning("QEglContext::createSurface(): Unable to create EGL surface, error = 0x%x", eglGetError()); return surf; } if (x11PixmapData) { // X11 Pixmaps are only created with a depth, so that's all we need to check EGLint configDepth; eglGetConfigAttrib(QEgl::display(), config, EGL_BUFFER_SIZE , &configDepth); if (x11PixmapData->depth() != configDepth) { // The bit depths are wrong which means the EGLConfig isn't compatable with // this pixmap. So we need to replace the pixmap's existing data with a new // one which is created with the correct depth: #ifndef QT_NO_XRENDER if (configDepth == 32) { qWarning("Warning: EGLConfig's depth (32) != pixmap's depth (%d), converting to ARGB32", x11PixmapData->depth()); x11PixmapData->convertToARGB32(true); } else #endif { qWarning("Warning: EGLConfig's depth (%d) != pixmap's depth (%d)", configDepth, x11PixmapData->depth()); } } QEglProperties surfaceAttribs; // If the pixmap can't be bound to a texture, it's pretty useless surfaceAttribs.setValue(EGL_TEXTURE_TARGET, EGL_TEXTURE_2D); if (alphaSize > 0) surfaceAttribs.setValue(EGL_TEXTURE_FORMAT, EGL_TEXTURE_RGBA); else surfaceAttribs.setValue(EGL_TEXTURE_FORMAT, EGL_TEXTURE_RGB); EGLSurface surf = eglCreatePixmapSurface(QEgl::display(), config, (EGLNativePixmapType) x11PixmapData->handle(),; x11PixmapData->gl_surface = (void*)surf; QImagePixmapCleanupHooks::enableCleanupHooks(x11PixmapData); return surf; } return EGL_NO_SURFACE; }
ContextView::ContextView( QWidget* parent, const QString& caption ) : QWidget( parent ) // , m_header( new FilterHeader( this ) ) , m_trackView( new TrackView() ) , m_model( 0 ) , m_temporary( false ) { // qRegisterMetaType< ContextViewMode >( "ContextViewMode" ); /* m_detailedView->setColumnHidden( PlayableModel::Age, true ); // Hide age column per default m_detailedView->setColumnHidden( PlayableModel::Filesize, true ); // Hide filesize column per default m_detailedView->setColumnHidden( PlayableModel::Composer, true ); // Hide composer column per default*/ TrackItemDelegate* del = new TrackItemDelegate( TrackItemDelegate::LovedTracks, m_trackView, m_trackView->proxyModel() ); m_trackView->setPlaylistItemDelegate( del ); m_trackView->proxyModel()->setStyle( PlayableProxyModel::Large ); TomahawkStyle::styleScrollBar( m_trackView->verticalScrollBar() ); setLayout( new QVBoxLayout() ); TomahawkUtils::unmarginLayout( layout() ); m_trackView->setStyleSheet( QString( "QTreeView { background-color: white; }" ) ); // m_gridView->setStyleSheet( QString( "QListView { background-color: white; }" ) ); m_captionLabel = new CaptionLabel( this ); setCaption( caption ); QWidget* vbox = new QWidget; QPalette pal = vbox->palette(); pal.setBrush( vbox->backgroundRole(), Qt::white ); vbox->setPalette( pal ); vbox->setAutoFillBackground( true ); QVBoxLayout* vboxl = new QVBoxLayout; TomahawkUtils::unmarginLayout( vboxl ); vboxl->setContentsMargins( 32, 32, 32, 32 ); vboxl->setSpacing( 32 ); vbox->setLayout( vboxl ); QWidget* hbox = new QWidget; QHBoxLayout* hboxl = new QHBoxLayout; TomahawkUtils::unmarginLayout( hboxl ); hboxl->setSpacing( 32 ); QVBoxLayout* vboxInner = new QVBoxLayout; TomahawkUtils::unmarginLayout( vboxInner ); vboxInner->addWidget( m_trackView ); vboxInner->addStretch(); vboxInner->setStretchFactor( m_trackView, 1 ); TrackDetailView* detailView = new TrackDetailView; detailView->setPlaylistInterface( playlistInterface() ); hboxl->addWidget( detailView ); hboxl->addLayout( vboxInner ); hbox->setLayout( hboxl ); vboxl->addWidget( m_captionLabel ); vboxl->addWidget( hbox ); layout()->addWidget( vbox ); connect( m_captionLabel, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SIGNAL( closeClicked() ) ); connect( m_trackView, SIGNAL( querySelected( Tomahawk::query_ptr ) ), SLOT( onQuerySelected( Tomahawk::query_ptr ) ) ); connect( m_trackView, SIGNAL( querySelected( Tomahawk::query_ptr ) ), detailView, SLOT( setQuery( Tomahawk::query_ptr ) ) ); // connect( m_header, SIGNAL( filterTextChanged( QString ) ), SLOT( setFilter( QString ) ) ); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------- // Applies any changed settings /// \todo simplify the conditionals involving `changed = true` /// if user hit apply, save settings and refresh everything void QucsSettingsDialog::slotApply() { bool changed = false; bool homeDirChanged = false; // check QucsHome is changed, will require to close all files and refresh tree if (homeEdit->text() != QucsSettings.QucsHomeDir.path()) { // close all open files, asking the user whether to save the modified ones // if user aborts closing, just return if(!App->closeAllFiles()) return; QucsSettings.QucsHomeDir = homeEdit->text(); homeDirChanged = true; // later below the file tree will be refreshed } if(QucsSettings.BGColor != BGColorButton->palette().color(BGColorButton->backgroundRole())) { QucsSettings.BGColor = BGColorButton->palette().color(BGColorButton->backgroundRole()); int No=0; QWidget *w; while((w=App->DocumentTab->widget(No++)) != 0) { QWidget *vp; if(QucsApp::isTextDocument(w)) { vp = ((TextDoc*)w)->viewport(); } else { vp = ((Schematic*)w)->viewport(); } QPalette p = vp->palette(); p.setColor(vp->backgroundRole(), QucsSettings.BGColor); vp->setPalette(p); } changed = true; } QucsSettings.font=Font; QucsSettings.Language = LanguageCombo->currentText().section('(',1,1).remove(')'); if(QucsSettings.Comment != ColorComment->palette().color(ColorComment->foregroundRole())) { QucsSettings.Comment = ColorComment->palette().color(ColorComment->foregroundRole()); changed = true; } if(QucsSettings.String != ColorString->palette().color(ColorString->foregroundRole())) { QucsSettings.String = ColorString->palette().color(ColorString->foregroundRole()); changed = true; } if(QucsSettings.Integer != ColorInteger->palette().color(ColorInteger->foregroundRole())) { QucsSettings.Integer = ColorInteger->palette().color(ColorInteger->foregroundRole()); changed = true; } if(QucsSettings.Real != ColorReal->palette().color(ColorReal->foregroundRole())) { QucsSettings.Real = ColorReal->palette().color(ColorReal->foregroundRole()); changed = true; } if(QucsSettings.Character != ColorCharacter->palette().color(ColorCharacter->foregroundRole())) { QucsSettings.Character = ColorCharacter->palette().color(ColorCharacter->foregroundRole()); changed = true; } if(QucsSettings.Type != ColorDataType->palette().color(ColorDataType->foregroundRole())) { QucsSettings.Type = ColorDataType->palette().color(ColorDataType->foregroundRole()); changed = true; } if(QucsSettings.Attribute != ColorAttribute->palette().color(ColorAttribute->foregroundRole())) { QucsSettings.Attribute = ColorAttribute->palette().color(ColorAttribute->foregroundRole()); changed = true; } if(QucsSettings.Directive != ColorDirective->palette().color(ColorDirective->foregroundRole())) { QucsSettings.Directive = ColorDirective->palette().color(ColorDirective->foregroundRole()); changed = true; } if(QucsSettings.Task != ColorTask->palette().color(ColorTask->foregroundRole())) { QucsSettings.Task = ColorTask->palette().color(ColorTask->foregroundRole()); changed = true; } bool ok; if(QucsSettings.maxUndo != undoNumEdit->text().toUInt(&ok)) { QucsSettings.maxUndo = undoNumEdit->text().toInt(&ok); changed = true; } if(QucsSettings.Editor != editorEdit->text()) { QucsSettings.Editor = editorEdit->text(); changed = true; } if(QucsSettings.NodeWiring != (unsigned)checkWiring->isChecked()) { QucsSettings.NodeWiring = checkWiring->isChecked(); changed = true; } QucsSettings.FileTypes.clear(); for (int row=0; row < fileTypesTableWidget->rowCount(); row++) { QucsSettings.FileTypes.append(fileTypesTableWidget->item(row,0)->text() +"/"+ fileTypesTableWidget->item(row,1)->text()); } /*! Update QucsSettings, tool paths */ QucsSettings.AdmsXmlBinDir = admsXmlEdit->text(); QucsSettings.AscoBinDir = ascoEdit->text(); QucsSettings.OctaveExecutable = octaveEdit->text(); if (QucsSettings.IgnoreFutureVersion != checkLoadFromFutureVersions->isChecked()) { QucsSettings.IgnoreFutureVersion = checkLoadFromFutureVersions->isChecked(); changed = true; } if (QucsSettings.GraphAntiAliasing != checkAntiAliasing->isChecked()) { QucsSettings.GraphAntiAliasing = checkAntiAliasing->isChecked(); changed = true; } if (QucsSettings.TextAntiAliasing != checkTextAntiAliasing->isChecked()) { QucsSettings.TextAntiAliasing = checkTextAntiAliasing->isChecked(); changed = true; } // use toDouble() as it can interpret the string according to the current locale if (QucsSettings.largeFontSize != LargeFontSizeEdit->text().toDouble(&ok)) { QucsSettings.largeFontSize = LargeFontSizeEdit->text().toDouble(&ok); changed = true; } saveApplSettings(); // also sets the small and large font // if QucsHome is changed, refresh projects tree // do this after updating the other paths if (homeDirChanged) {; // files were actuallt closed above, this will refresh the projects tree // and create an empty schematic App->slotMenuProjClose(); changed = true; } if(changed) { App->readProjects(); App->slotUpdateTreeview(); App->repaint(); } // update the schenatic filelist hash QucsMain->updatePathList(currentPaths); QucsMain->updateSchNameHash(); QucsMain->updateSpiceNameHash(); }
pFileDialog::pFileDialog( QWidget* parent, const QString& caption, const QString& directory, const QString& filter, bool textCodecEnabled, bool openReadOnlyEnabled ) : QFileDialog( parent, caption, directory, filter ) { setFileMode( QFileDialog::AnyFile ); setOption( QFileDialog::DontUseNativeDialog ); // get grid layout glDialog = qobject_cast<QGridLayout*>( layout() ); // assert on gridlayout Q_ASSERT( glDialog ); // relook the dialog to be more friendly QLabel* lLookIn = findChild<QLabel*>( "lookInLabel" ); QComboBox* cbLookIn = findChild<QComboBox*>( "lookInCombo" ); QToolButton* tbNewFolder = findChild<QToolButton*>( "newFolderButton" ); QAbstractItemView* sidebar = findChild<QAbstractItemView*>( "sidebar" ); QFrame* fFrame = findChild<QFrame*>( "frame" ); QBoxLayout* hLayout = 0; // search layout containing tbNewFolder foreach ( QLayout* layout, findChildren<QLayout*>() ) { if ( layout->indexOf( tbNewFolder ) != -1 ) { hLayout = qobject_cast<QBoxLayout*>( layout ); break; } } if ( lLookIn ) { lLookIn->setVisible( false ); } if ( hLayout ) { hLayout->setSpacing( 3 ); hLayout->insertStretch( hLayout->indexOf( tbNewFolder ) ); } if ( cbLookIn && fFrame ) { QBoxLayout* vLayout = qobject_cast<QBoxLayout*>( fFrame->layout() ); if ( vLayout ) { vLayout->setSpacing( 3 ); vLayout->insertWidget( 0, cbLookIn ); if ( hLayout ) { glDialog->removeItem( hLayout ); hLayout->setParent( 0 ); vLayout->insertLayout( 0, hLayout ); } } } if ( sidebar ) { QWidget* viewport = sidebar->viewport(); QPalette pal = viewport->palette(); pal.setColor( viewport->backgroundRole(), QColor( Qt::transparent ) ); viewport->setPalette( pal ); sidebar->setFrameStyle( QFrame::NoFrame | QFrame::Plain ); sidebar->setIconSize( QSize( 16, 16 ) ); } // text codec mTextCodecEnabled = true; lCodec = new QLabel( tr( "Codec:" ), this ); cbCodec = new QComboBox( this ); cbCodec->addItems( pCoreUtils::textCodecs() ); setTextCodec( QTextCodec::codecForLocale()->name() ); glDialog->addWidget( lCodec, 4, 0 ); glDialog->addWidget( cbCodec, 4, 1 ); // read only mOpenReadOnlyEnabled = true; cbOpenReadOnly = new QCheckBox( tr( "Open in read only." ), this ); glDialog->addWidget( cbOpenReadOnly, 5, 1 ); // configuration setTextCodecEnabled( textCodecEnabled ); setOpenReadOnlyEnabled( openReadOnlyEnabled ); }
InformationPanelContent::InformationPanelContent(QWidget* parent) : QWidget(parent), m_item(), m_previewJob(0), m_outdatedPreviewTimer(0), m_preview(0), m_phononWidget(0), m_nameLabel(0), m_metaDataWidget(0), m_metaDataArea(0), m_placesItemModel(0) { parent->installEventFilter(this); // Initialize timer for disabling an outdated preview with a small // delay. This prevents flickering if the new preview can be generated // within a very small timeframe. m_outdatedPreviewTimer = new QTimer(this); m_outdatedPreviewTimer->setInterval(300); m_outdatedPreviewTimer->setSingleShot(true); connect(m_outdatedPreviewTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &InformationPanelContent::markOutdatedPreview); QVBoxLayout* layout = new QVBoxLayout(this); // preview const int minPreviewWidth = KIconLoader::SizeEnormous + KIconLoader::SizeMedium; m_preview = new PixmapViewer(parent); m_preview->setMinimumWidth(minPreviewWidth); m_preview->setMinimumHeight(KIconLoader::SizeEnormous); m_phononWidget = new PhononWidget(parent); m_phononWidget->hide(); m_phononWidget->setMinimumWidth(minPreviewWidth); connect(m_phononWidget, &PhononWidget::hasVideoChanged, this, &InformationPanelContent::slotHasVideoChanged); // name m_nameLabel = new QLabel(parent); QFont font = m_nameLabel->font(); font.setBold(true); m_nameLabel->setFont(font); m_nameLabel->setTextFormat(Qt::PlainText); m_nameLabel->setAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter); m_nameLabel->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed); const bool previewsShown = InformationPanelSettings::previewsShown(); m_preview->setVisible(previewsShown); #ifndef HAVE_BALOO m_metaDataWidget = new KFileMetaDataWidget(parent); connect(m_metaDataWidget, &KFileMetaDataWidget::urlActivated, this, &InformationPanelContent::urlActivated); #else m_metaDataWidget = new Baloo::FileMetaDataWidget(parent); connect(m_metaDataWidget, &Baloo::FileMetaDataWidget::urlActivated, this, &InformationPanelContent::urlActivated); #endif m_metaDataWidget->setFont(QFontDatabase::systemFont(QFontDatabase::SmallestReadableFont)); m_metaDataWidget->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Preferred, QSizePolicy::Minimum); // Encapsulate the MetaDataWidget inside a container that has a dummy widget // at the bottom. This prevents that the meta data widget gets vertically stretched // in the case where the height of m_metaDataArea > m_metaDataWidget. QWidget* metaDataWidgetContainer = new QWidget(parent); QVBoxLayout* containerLayout = new QVBoxLayout(metaDataWidgetContainer); containerLayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); containerLayout->setSpacing(0); containerLayout->addWidget(m_metaDataWidget); containerLayout->addStretch(); m_metaDataArea = new QScrollArea(parent); m_metaDataArea->setWidget(metaDataWidgetContainer); m_metaDataArea->setWidgetResizable(true); m_metaDataArea->setFrameShape(QFrame::NoFrame); QWidget* viewport = m_metaDataArea->viewport(); viewport->installEventFilter(this); QPalette palette = viewport->palette(); palette.setColor(viewport->backgroundRole(), QColor(Qt::transparent)); viewport->setPalette(palette); layout->addWidget(m_preview); layout->addWidget(m_phononWidget); layout->addWidget(m_nameLabel); layout->addWidget(new KSeparator()); layout->addWidget(m_metaDataArea); m_placesItemModel = new PlacesItemModel(this); }
KAstTopLevel::KAstTopLevel( QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent) { QWidget *border = new QWidget( this ); QPalette palette; palette.setColor(border->backgroundRole(), Qt::black); border->setPalette(palette); setCentralWidget( border ); QVBoxLayout *borderLayout = new QVBoxLayout( border ); borderLayout->addStretch( 1 ); QWidget *mainWin = new QWidget( border ); #if defined(Q_WS_MAEMO_5) mainWin->setFixedSize(800, 430); #elif defined(Q_OS_SYMBIAN) mainWin->setFixedSize(640, 340); #else mainWin->setFixedSize(640, 480); #endif borderLayout->addWidget( mainWin, 0, Qt::AlignHCenter ); borderLayout->addStretch( 1 ); view = new KAsteroidsView( mainWin ); view->setFocusPolicy( Qt::StrongFocus ); connect( view, SIGNAL(shipKilled()), SLOT(slotShipKilled()) ); connect( view, SIGNAL(rockHit(int)), SLOT(slotRockHit(int)) ); connect( view, SIGNAL(rocksRemoved()), SLOT(slotRocksRemoved()) ); connect( view, SIGNAL(updateVitals()), SLOT(slotUpdateVitals()) ); QVBoxLayout *vb = new QVBoxLayout( mainWin ); QHBoxLayout *hb = new QHBoxLayout; QHBoxLayout *hbd = new QHBoxLayout; vb->addLayout( hb ); #if defined(Q_OS_SYMBIAN) QFont labelFont( "helvetica", 8 ); #else QFont labelFont( "helvetica", 24 ); #endif QPalette pal(Qt::darkGreen, Qt::black, QColor( 128, 128, 128 ), QColor( 64, 64, 64 ), Qt::black, Qt::darkGreen, Qt::black); mainWin->setPalette( pal ); hb->addSpacing( 10 ); QLabel *label; label = new QLabel( tr("Score"), mainWin ); label->setFont( labelFont ); label->setPalette( pal ); label->setFixedWidth( label->sizeHint().width() ); hb->addWidget( label ); scoreLCD = new QLCDNumber( 6, mainWin ); scoreLCD->setFrameStyle( QFrame::NoFrame ); scoreLCD->setSegmentStyle( QLCDNumber::Flat ); scoreLCD->setFixedWidth( 150 ); scoreLCD->setPalette( pal ); hb->addWidget( scoreLCD ); hb->addStretch( 10 ); label = new QLabel( tr("Level"), mainWin ); label->setFont( labelFont ); label->setPalette( pal ); label->setFixedWidth( label->sizeHint().width() ); hb->addWidget( label ); levelLCD = new QLCDNumber( 2, mainWin ); levelLCD->setFrameStyle( QFrame::NoFrame ); levelLCD->setSegmentStyle( QLCDNumber::Flat ); levelLCD->setFixedWidth( 70 ); levelLCD->setPalette( pal ); hb->addWidget( levelLCD ); hb->addStretch( 10 ); label = new QLabel( tr("Ships"), mainWin ); label->setFont( labelFont ); label->setFixedWidth( label->sizeHint().width() ); label->setPalette( pal ); hb->addWidget( label ); shipsLCD = new QLCDNumber( 1, mainWin ); shipsLCD->setFrameStyle( QFrame::NoFrame ); shipsLCD->setSegmentStyle( QLCDNumber::Flat ); shipsLCD->setFixedWidth( 40 ); shipsLCD->setPalette( pal ); hb->addWidget( shipsLCD ); hb->addStrut( 30 ); vb->addWidget( view, 10 ); // -- bottom layout: vb->addLayout( hbd ); #if defined(Q_OS_SYMBIAN) QFont smallFont( "helvetica", 6 ); #else QFont smallFont( "helvetica", 14 ); #endif hbd->addSpacing( 10 ); QString sprites_prefix = ":/trolltech/examples/graphicsview/portedasteroids/sprites/"; /* label = new QLabel( tr( "T" ), mainWin ); label->setFont( smallFont ); label->setFixedWidth( label->sizeHint().width() ); label->setPalette( pal ); hbd->addWidget( label ); teleportsLCD = new QLCDNumber( 1, mainWin ); teleportsLCD->setFrameStyle( QFrame::NoFrame ); teleportsLCD->setSegmentStyle( QLCDNumber::Flat ); teleportsLCD->setPalette( pal ); teleportsLCD->setFixedHeight( 20 ); hbd->addWidget( teleportsLCD ); hbd->addSpacing( 10 ); */ QPixmap pm( sprites_prefix + "powerups/brake.png" ); label = new QLabel( mainWin ); label->setPixmap( pm ); label->setFixedWidth( label->sizeHint().width() ); label->setPalette( pal ); hbd->addWidget( label ); brakesLCD = new QLCDNumber( 1, mainWin ); brakesLCD->setFrameStyle( QFrame::NoFrame ); brakesLCD->setSegmentStyle( QLCDNumber::Flat ); brakesLCD->setPalette( pal ); brakesLCD->setFixedHeight( 20 ); hbd->addWidget( brakesLCD ); hbd->addSpacing( 10 ); pm.load( sprites_prefix + "powerups/shield.png" ); label = new QLabel( mainWin ); label->setPixmap( pm ); label->setFixedWidth( label->sizeHint().width() ); label->setPalette( pal ); hbd->addWidget( label ); shieldLCD = new QLCDNumber( 1, mainWin ); shieldLCD->setFrameStyle( QFrame::NoFrame ); shieldLCD->setSegmentStyle( QLCDNumber::Flat ); shieldLCD->setPalette( pal ); shieldLCD->setFixedHeight( 20 ); hbd->addWidget( shieldLCD ); hbd->addSpacing( 10 ); pm.load( sprites_prefix + "powerups/shoot.png" ); label = new QLabel( mainWin ); label->setPixmap( pm ); label->setFixedWidth( label->sizeHint().width() ); label->setPalette( pal ); hbd->addWidget( label ); shootLCD = new QLCDNumber( 1, mainWin ); shootLCD->setFrameStyle( QFrame::NoFrame ); shootLCD->setSegmentStyle( QLCDNumber::Flat ); shootLCD->setPalette( pal ); shootLCD->setFixedHeight( 20 ); hbd->addWidget( shootLCD ); hbd->addStretch( 1 ); label = new QLabel( tr( "Fuel" ), mainWin ); label->setFont( smallFont ); label->setFixedWidth( label->sizeHint().width() + 10 ); label->setPalette( pal ); hbd->addWidget( label ); powerMeter = new KALedMeter( mainWin ); powerMeter->setFrameStyle( QFrame::Box | QFrame::Plain ); powerMeter->setRange( MAX_POWER_LEVEL ); powerMeter->addColorRange( 10, Qt::darkRed ); powerMeter->addColorRange( 20, QColor(160, 96, 0) ); powerMeter->addColorRange( 70, Qt::darkGreen ); powerMeter->setCount( 40 ); powerMeter->setPalette( pal ); powerMeter->setFixedSize( 200, 12 ); hbd->addWidget( powerMeter ); shipsRemain = 3; showHiscores = FALSE; actions.insert( Qt::Key_Up, Thrust ); actions.insert( Qt::Key_Left, RotateLeft ); actions.insert( Qt::Key_Right, RotateRight ); actions.insert( Qt::Key_Space, Shoot ); actions.insert( Qt::Key_Z, Teleport ); actions.insert( Qt::Key_X, Brake ); actions.insert( Qt::Key_S, Shield ); actions.insert( Qt::Key_P, Pause ); actions.insert( Qt::Key_L, Launch ); actions.insert( Qt::Key_N, NewGame ); #if defined(Q_OS_SYMBIAN) actions.insert( 122, Teleport ); actions.insert( 120, Brake ); actions.insert( 115, Shield ); actions.insert( 112, Pause ); actions.insert( 108, Launch ); actions.insert( 110, NewGame ); #endif view->showText( tr( "Press N to start playing" ), Qt::yellow ); }
QArvMainWindow::QArvMainWindow(QWidget* parent, bool standalone_) : QMainWindow(parent) , camera(NULL) , decoder(NULL) , playing(false) , recording(false) , started(false) , drawHistogram(false) , standalone(standalone_) , imageTransform() , imageTransform_flip(0) , imageTransform_rot(0) , toDisableWhenPlaying() , toDisableWhenRecording() , futureHoldsAHistogram(false) , recordingTimeCumulative(0) { setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose); logMessage() << "Please ignore \"Could not resolve property\" warnings " "unless icons look bad."; setupUi(this); on_statusTimeoutSpinbox_valueChanged(statusTimeoutSpinbox->value()); messageList->connect(&QArvDebug::messageSender, SIGNAL(newDebugMessage(QString)), SLOT(appendPlainText(QString))); workthread = new Workthread(this); connect(workthread, SIGNAL(frameRendered()), SLOT(frameRendered())); connect(workthread, SIGNAL(recordingStopped()), SLOT(stopRecording())); // Setup theme icons if available. /* bool usingFallbackIcons = false; QMap<QAbstractButton*, QString> icons; icons[unzoomButton] = "zoom-original"; icons[playButton] = "media-playback-start"; icons[refreshCamerasButton] = "view-refresh"; icons[chooseFilenameButton] = "document-open"; icons[chooseSnappathButton] = "document-open"; icons[editGainButton] = "edit-clear-locationbar-rtl"; icons[editExposureButton] = "edit-clear-locationbar-rtl"; icons[histogramLog] = "view-object-histogram-logarithmic"; icons[pickROIButton] = "edit-select"; for (auto i = icons.begin(); i != icons.end(); i++) { if (!QIcon::hasThemeIcon(*i)) { i.key()->setIcon(QIcon(QString(qarv_datafiles) + *i + ".svgz")); usingFallbackIcons = true; } } QMap<QAction*, QString> aicons; aicons[showVideoAction] = "video-display"; aicons[recordAction] = "media-record"; aicons[closeFileAction] = "media-playback-stop"; aicons[showHistogramAction] = "office-chart-bar"; aicons[messageAction] = "dialog-information"; for (auto i = aicons.begin(); i != aicons.end(); i++) { if (!QIcon::hasThemeIcon(*i)) { i.key()->setIcon(QIcon(QString(qarv_datafiles) + *i + ".svgz")); usingFallbackIcons = true; } } if (usingFallbackIcons) logMessage() << "Some icons are not available in your theme, using bundled icons."; */ { auto d = QDate::currentDate(); int y = d.year(), l = d.month(), a =; int j = y % 19; int k = y / 100; int h = y % 100; int m = k / 4; int n = k % 4; int p = (k + 8) / 25; int q = (k - p + 1) / 3; int r = (19 * j + k - m - q + 15) % 30; int s = h / 4; int u = h % 4; int v = (32 + 2 * n + 2 * s - r - u) % 7; int w = (j + 11 * r + 22 * v) / 451; int x = r + v - 7 * w + 114; int z = x % 31 + 1; x = x / 31; if (l == x && (z == a || z + 1 == a || z - 1 == a)) { QWidget* wgt = new QWidget(this); wgt->setLayout(new QHBoxLayout); wgt->layout()->setMargin(30); char tmp[10]; std::strcpy(tmp, "$6872F=E"); for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) tmp[i] = (tmp[i] + (16 ^ 63)) % (1 << 7); auto r = new QPushButton(tmp); wgt->layout()->addWidget(r); connect(r, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), SLOT(on_replayButton_clicked(bool))); QPalette p = wgt->palette(); p.setColor(wgt->backgroundRole(), qRgb(226, 53, 48)); wgt->setPalette(p); wgt->setAutoFillBackground(true); } } // Setup the subwindows menu. auto submenu = new QMenu; submenu->addAction(showVideoAction); submenu->addAction(showHistogramAction); submenu->addAction(messageAction); auto toolbutton = new QToolButton; toolbutton->setMenu(submenu); toolbutton->setPopupMode(QToolButton::InstantPopup); toolbutton->setToolButtonStyle(Qt::ToolButtonTextOnly); toolbutton->setText(tr("Subwindows")); subwindowToolbar->addWidget(toolbutton); // Setup the postproc filter menu auto plugins = QPluginLoader::staticInstances(); auto postprocMenu = new QMenu; foreach (auto plugin, plugins) { auto filterPlugin = qobject_cast<ImageFilterPlugin*>(plugin); if (filterPlugin != NULL) { auto action = new QAction(filterPlugin->name(), this); action->setData(QVariant::fromValue(filterPlugin)); connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), SLOT(addPostprocFilter())); postprocMenu->addAction(action); } }
FlexibleView::FlexibleView( QWidget* parent, QWidget* extraHeader ) : QWidget( parent ) , m_header( new FilterHeader( this ) ) , m_trackView( new TrackView() ) , m_detailedView( new TrackView() ) , m_gridView( new GridView() ) , m_model( 0 ) , m_temporary( false ) { qRegisterMetaType< FlexibleViewMode >( "FlexibleViewMode" ); m_header->setBackground( ImageRegistry::instance()->pixmap( RESPATH "images/playlist_background.png", QSize( 0, 0 ) ) ); // m_trackView->setPlaylistInterface( m_playlistInterface ); m_detailedView->setPlaylistInterface( m_trackView->proxyModel()->playlistInterface() ); m_gridView->setPlaylistInterface( m_trackView->proxyModel()->playlistInterface() ); m_detailedView->setColumnHidden( PlayableModel::Age, true ); // Hide age column per default m_detailedView->setColumnHidden( PlayableModel::Filesize, true ); // Hide filesize column per default m_detailedView->setColumnHidden( PlayableModel::Composer, true ); // Hide composer column per default TrackItemDelegate* del = new TrackItemDelegate( TrackItemDelegate::LovedTracks, m_trackView, m_trackView->proxyModel() ); m_trackView->setPlaylistItemDelegate( del ); m_trackView->proxyModel()->setStyle( PlayableProxyModel::Large ); m_stack = new QStackedWidget(); setLayout( new QVBoxLayout() ); TomahawkUtils::unmarginLayout( layout() ); m_trackView->setStyleSheet( QString( "QTreeView { background-color: white; }" ) ); m_gridView->setStyleSheet( QString( "QListView { background-color: white; }" ) ); TomahawkStyle::styleScrollBar( m_trackView->verticalScrollBar() ); layout()->addWidget( m_header ); if ( extraHeader ) layout()->addWidget( extraHeader ); CaptionLabel* caption = new CaptionLabel( this ); caption->setText( tr( "Playlist Details" ) ); QWidget* vbox = new QWidget; QPalette pal = vbox->palette(); pal.setBrush( vbox->backgroundRole(), Qt::white ); vbox->setPalette( pal ); vbox->setAutoFillBackground( true ); QVBoxLayout* vboxl = new QVBoxLayout; TomahawkUtils::unmarginLayout( vboxl ); vboxl->setContentsMargins( 32, 32, 32, 32 ); vboxl->setSpacing( 32 ); vbox->setLayout( vboxl ); QWidget* hbox = new QWidget; QHBoxLayout* hboxl = new QHBoxLayout; TomahawkUtils::unmarginLayout( hboxl ); hboxl->setSpacing( 32 ); m_detailView = new TrackDetailView; m_detailView->setPlaylistInterface( playlistInterface() ); hboxl->addWidget( m_detailView ); hboxl->addWidget( m_stack ); hbox->setLayout( hboxl ); vboxl->addWidget( caption ); vboxl->addWidget( hbox ); layout()->addWidget( vbox ); m_stack->addWidget( m_trackView ); m_stack->addWidget( m_detailedView ); m_stack->addWidget( m_gridView ); setCurrentMode( Flat ); connect( m_trackView, SIGNAL( querySelected( Tomahawk::query_ptr ) ), m_detailView, SLOT( setQuery( Tomahawk::query_ptr ) ) ); connect( m_header, SIGNAL( filterTextChanged( QString ) ), SLOT( setFilter( QString ) ) ); TomahawkUtils::fixMargins( this ); }
InformationPanelContent::InformationPanelContent(QWidget* parent) : QWidget(parent), m_item(), m_pendingPreview(false), m_outdatedPreviewTimer(0), m_preview(0), m_phononWidget(0), m_nameLabel(0), m_metaDataWidget(0), m_metaDataArea(0) { parent->installEventFilter(this); // Initialize timer for disabling an outdated preview with a small // delay. This prevents flickering if the new preview can be generated // within a very small timeframe. m_outdatedPreviewTimer = new QTimer(this); m_outdatedPreviewTimer->setInterval(300); m_outdatedPreviewTimer->setSingleShot(true); connect(m_outdatedPreviewTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(markOutdatedPreview())); QVBoxLayout* layout = new QVBoxLayout(this); layout->setSpacing(KDialog::spacingHint()); // preview const int minPreviewWidth = KIconLoader::SizeEnormous + KIconLoader::SizeMedium; m_preview = new PixmapViewer(parent); m_preview->setMinimumWidth(minPreviewWidth); m_preview->setMinimumHeight(KIconLoader::SizeEnormous); m_phononWidget = new PhononWidget(parent); m_phononWidget->hide(); m_phononWidget->setMinimumWidth(minPreviewWidth); connect(m_phononWidget, SIGNAL(playingStarted()), this, SLOT(slotPlayingStarted())); connect(m_phononWidget, SIGNAL(playingStopped()), this, SLOT(slotPlayingStopped())); // name m_nameLabel = new QLabel(parent); QFont font = m_nameLabel->font(); font.setBold(true); m_nameLabel->setFont(font); m_nameLabel->setAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter); m_nameLabel->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed); const bool showPreview = InformationPanelSettings::showPreview(); m_preview->setVisible(showPreview); m_metaDataWidget = new KFileMetaDataWidget(parent); m_metaDataWidget->setFont(KGlobalSettings::smallestReadableFont()); m_metaDataWidget->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Preferred, QSizePolicy::Minimum); connect(m_metaDataWidget, SIGNAL(urlActivated(KUrl)), this, SIGNAL(urlActivated(KUrl))); // Encapsulate the MetaDataWidget inside a container that has a dummy widget // at the bottom. This prevents that the meta data widget gets vertically stretched // in the case where the height of m_metaDataArea > m_metaDataWidget. QWidget* metaDataWidgetContainer = new QWidget(parent); QVBoxLayout* containerLayout = new QVBoxLayout(metaDataWidgetContainer); containerLayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); containerLayout->setSpacing(0); containerLayout->addWidget(m_metaDataWidget); containerLayout->addStretch(); m_metaDataArea = new QScrollArea(parent); m_metaDataArea->setWidget(metaDataWidgetContainer); m_metaDataArea->setWidgetResizable(true); m_metaDataArea->setFrameShape(QFrame::NoFrame); QWidget* viewport = m_metaDataArea->viewport(); viewport->installEventFilter(this); QPalette palette = viewport->palette(); palette.setColor(viewport->backgroundRole(), QColor(Qt::transparent)); viewport->setPalette(palette); layout->addWidget(m_preview); layout->addWidget(m_phononWidget); layout->addWidget(m_nameLabel); layout->addWidget(new KSeparator()); layout->addWidget(m_metaDataArea); }
QColor APPBACKGROUND(const QWidget& w) { w.ensurePolished(); return qApp->palette(&w).color(w.backgroundRole()); }