void KKbdAccessExtensions::nextHandle() { QWidget* panel = d->panel; // See if current panel has another handle. If not, find next panel. if (panel) { bool advance = true; d->handleNdx++; if (::qt_cast<QSplitter*>( panel )) advance = (d->handleNdx >= dynamic_cast<QSplitter *>(panel)->sizes().count()); else // Undocked windows have only one "handle" (center). advance = (d->handleNdx > 2 || !dynamic_cast<QDockWindow *>(panel)->area()); if (advance) { QWidgetList* allWidgets = getAllPanels(); allWidgets->findRef(panel); panel = 0; if (allWidgets->current()) panel = allWidgets->next(); delete allWidgets; d->handleNdx = 1; } } else { // Find first panel. QWidgetList* allWidgets = getAllPanels(); panel = allWidgets->first(); delete allWidgets; d->handleNdx = 1; } d->panel = panel; if (panel) showIcon(); else exitSizing(); }
void KKbdAccessExtensions::prevHandle() { QWidget* panel = d->panel; // See if current panel has another handle. If not, find previous panel. if (panel) { bool rewind = true; d->handleNdx--; rewind = (d->handleNdx < 1); if (rewind) { QWidgetList* allWidgets = getAllPanels(); allWidgets->findRef(panel); panel = 0; if (allWidgets->current()) panel = allWidgets->prev(); delete allWidgets; if (panel) { if (::qt_cast<QSplitter*>( panel )) d->handleNdx = dynamic_cast<QSplitter *>(panel)->sizes().count() - 1; else { if (dynamic_cast<QDockWindow *>(panel)->area()) d->handleNdx = 2; else d->handleNdx = 1; } } } } else { // Find last panel. QWidgetList* allWidgets = getAllPanels(); panel = allWidgets->last(); delete allWidgets; if (panel) { if (::qt_cast<QSplitter*>( panel )) d->handleNdx = dynamic_cast<QSplitter *>(panel)->sizes().count() - 1; else { if (dynamic_cast<QDockWindow *>(panel)->area()) d->handleNdx = 2; else d->handleNdx = 1; } } } d->panel = panel; if (panel) showIcon(); else exitSizing(); }
/* --| main |------------------------------------------------------ */ extern "C" int KDE_EXPORT kdemain(int argc, char *argv[]) { setgid(getgid()); setuid(getuid()); // drop privileges // deal with shell/command //////////////////////////// bool histon = true; bool menubaron = true; bool tabbaron = true; bool frameon = true; bool scrollbaron = true; bool showtip = true; KAboutData aboutData("konsole", I18N_NOOP("Konsole"), KONSOLE_VERSION, description, KAboutData::License_GPL_V2, "Copyright (c) 1997-2006, Lars Doelle"); aboutData.addAuthor("Robert Knight", I18N_NOOP("Maintainer"), "*****@*****.**"); aboutData.addAuthor("Lars Doelle", I18N_NOOP("Author"), "*****@*****.**"); aboutData.addCredit("Kurt V. Hindenburg", I18N_NOOP("bug fixing and improvements"), "*****@*****.**"); aboutData.addCredit("Waldo Bastian", I18N_NOOP("bug fixing and improvements"), "*****@*****.**"); aboutData.addCredit("Stephan Binner", I18N_NOOP("bug fixing and improvements"), "*****@*****.**"); aboutData.addCredit("Chris Machemer", I18N_NOOP("bug fixing"), "*****@*****.**"); aboutData.addCredit("Stephan Kulow", I18N_NOOP("Solaris support and work on history"), "*****@*****.**"); aboutData.addCredit("Alexander Neundorf", I18N_NOOP("faster startup, bug fixing"), "*****@*****.**"); aboutData.addCredit("Peter Silva", I18N_NOOP("decent marking"), "*****@*****.**"); aboutData.addCredit("Lotzi Boloni", I18N_NOOP("partification\n" "Toolbar and session names"), "*****@*****.**"); aboutData.addCredit("David Faure", I18N_NOOP("partification\n" "overall improvements"), "*****@*****.**"); aboutData.addCredit("Antonio Larrosa", I18N_NOOP("transparency"), "*****@*****.**"); aboutData.addCredit("Matthias Ettrich", I18N_NOOP("most of main.C donated via kvt\n" "overall improvements"), "*****@*****.**"); aboutData.addCredit("Warwick Allison", I18N_NOOP("schema and selection improvements"), "*****@*****.**"); aboutData.addCredit("Dan Pilone", I18N_NOOP("SGI Port"), "*****@*****.**"); aboutData.addCredit("Kevin Street", I18N_NOOP("FreeBSD port"), "*****@*****.**"); aboutData.addCredit("Sven Fischer", I18N_NOOP("bug fixing"), "*****@*****.**"); aboutData.addCredit("Dale M. Flaven", I18N_NOOP("bug fixing"), "*****@*****.**"); aboutData.addCredit("Martin Jones", I18N_NOOP("bug fixing"), "*****@*****.**"); aboutData.addCredit("Lars Knoll", I18N_NOOP("bug fixing"), "*****@*****.**"); aboutData.addCredit("", I18N_NOOP("Thanks to many others.\n" "The above list only reflects the contributors\n" "I managed to keep track of.")); KCmdLineArgs::init(argc, argv, &aboutData); KCmdLineArgs::addCmdLineOptions(options); // Add our own options. // 1.53 sec KCmdLineArgs *args = KCmdLineArgs::parsedArgs(); KCmdLineArgs *qtargs = KCmdLineArgs::parsedArgs("qt"); has_noxft = !args->isSet("xft"); TEWidget::setAntialias(!has_noxft); TEWidget::setStandalone(true); // The following Qt options have no effect; warn users. if(qtargs->isSet("background")) kdWarning() << "The Qt option -bg, --background has no effect." << endl; if(qtargs->isSet("foreground")) kdWarning() << "The Qt option -fg, --foreground has no effect." << endl; if(qtargs->isSet("button")) kdWarning() << "The Qt option -btn, --button has no effect." << endl; if(qtargs->isSet("font")) kdWarning() << "The Qt option -fn, --font has no effect." << endl; KApplication *a = NULL; #ifdef COMPOSITE if(args->isSet("real-transparency")) { char *display = 0; if(qtargs->isSet("display")) display = qtargs->getOption("display").data(); Display *dpy = XOpenDisplay(display); if(!dpy) { kdError() << "cannot connect to X server " << display << endl; exit(1); } int screen = DefaultScreen(dpy); Colormap colormap = 0; Visual *visual = 0; int event_base, error_base; if(XRenderQueryExtension(dpy, &event_base, &error_base)) { int nvi; XVisualInfo templ; templ.screen = screen; templ.depth = 32; templ.c_class = TrueColor; XVisualInfo *xvi = XGetVisualInfo(dpy, VisualScreenMask | VisualDepthMask | VisualClassMask, &templ, &nvi); for(int i = 0; i < nvi; i++) { XRenderPictFormat *format = XRenderFindVisualFormat(dpy, xvi[i].visual); if(format->type == PictTypeDirect && format->direct.alphaMask) { visual = xvi[i].visual; colormap = XCreateColormap(dpy, RootWindow(dpy, screen), visual, AllocNone); kdDebug() << "found visual with alpha support" << endl; argb_visual = true; break; } } } // The QApplication ctor used is normally intended for applications not using Qt // as the primary toolkit (e.g. Motif apps also using Qt), with some slightly // unpleasant side effects (e.g. #83974). This code checks if qt-copy patch #0078 // is applied, which allows turning this off. bool *qt_no_foreign_hack = static_cast< bool * >(dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "qt_no_foreign_hack")); if(qt_no_foreign_hack) *qt_no_foreign_hack = true; // else argb_visual = false ... ? *shrug* if(argb_visual) a = new KApplication(dpy, Qt::HANDLE(visual), Qt::HANDLE(colormap)); else XCloseDisplay(dpy); } if(a == NULL) a = new KApplication; #else KApplication *a = new KApplication; #endif QString dataPathBase = KStandardDirs::kde_default("data").append("konsole/"); KGlobal::dirs()->addResourceType("wallpaper", dataPathBase + "wallpapers"); KImageIO::registerFormats(); // add io for additional image formats // 2.1 secs QString title; if(args->isSet("T")) { title = QFile::decodeName(args->getOption("T")); } if(qtargs->isSet("title")) { title = QFile::decodeName(qtargs->getOption("title")); } QString term = ""; if(args->isSet("tn")) { term = QString::fromLatin1(args->getOption("tn")); } login_shell = args->isSet("ls"); QStrList eargs; const char *shell = 0; if(!args->getOption("e").isEmpty()) { if(args->isSet("ls")) KCmdLineArgs::usage(i18n("You can't use BOTH -ls and -e.\n")); shell = strdup(args->getOption("e")); eargs.append(shell); for(int i = 0; i < args->count(); i++) eargs.append(args->arg(i)); if(title.isEmpty() && (kapp->caption() == kapp->aboutData()->programName())) { title = QFile::decodeName(shell); // program executed in the title bar } showtip = false; } QCString sz = ""; sz = args->getOption("vt_sz"); histon = args->isSet("hist"); menubaron = args->isSet("menubar"); tabbaron = args->isSet("tabbar") && args->isSet("toolbar"); frameon = args->isSet("frame"); scrollbaron = args->isSet("scrollbar"); QCString wname = qtargs->getOption("name"); full_script = args->isSet("script"); auto_close = args->isSet("close"); fixed_size = !args->isSet("resize"); if(!full_script) a->dcopClient()->setQtBridgeEnabled(false); QCString type = ""; if(args->isSet("type")) { type = args->getOption("type"); } if(args->isSet("types")) { QStringList types = KGlobal::dirs()->findAllResources("appdata", "*.desktop", false, true); types.sort(); for(QStringList::ConstIterator it = types.begin(); it != types.end(); ++it) { QString file = *it; file = file.mid(file.findRev('/') + 1); if(file.endsWith(".desktop")) file = file.left(file.length() - 8); printf("%s\n", QFile::encodeName(file).data()); } return 0; } if(args->isSet("schemas") || args->isSet("schemata")) { ColorSchemaList colors; colors.checkSchemas(); for(int i = 0; i < (int)colors.count(); i++) { ColorSchema *schema = colors.find(i); QString relPath = schema->relPath(); if(!relPath.isEmpty()) printf("%s\n", QFile::encodeName(relPath).data()); } return 0; } if(args->isSet("keytabs")) { QStringList lst = KGlobal::dirs()->findAllResources("data", "konsole/*.keytab"); printf("default\n"); // 'buildin' keytab lst.sort(); for(QStringList::Iterator it = lst.begin(); it != lst.end(); ++it) { QFileInfo fi(*it); QString file = fi.baseName(); printf("%s\n", QFile::encodeName(file).data()); } return 0; } QString workDir = QFile::decodeName(args->getOption("workdir")); QString keytab = ""; if(args->isSet("keytab")) keytab = QFile::decodeName(args->getOption("keytab")); QString schema = ""; if(args->isSet("schema")) schema = args->getOption("schema"); KConfig *sessionconfig = 0; QString profile = ""; if(args->isSet("profile")) { profile = args->getOption("profile"); QString path = locate("data", "konsole/profiles/" + profile); if(QFile::exists(path)) sessionconfig = new KConfig(path, true); else profile = ""; } if(args->isSet("profiles")) { QStringList profiles = KGlobal::dirs()->findAllResources("data", "konsole/profiles/*", false, true); profiles.sort(); for(QStringList::ConstIterator it = profiles.begin(); it != profiles.end(); ++it) { QString file = *it; file = file.mid(file.findRev('/') + 1); printf("%s\n", QFile::encodeName(file).data()); } return 0; } // FIXME: more: font args->clear(); int c = 0, l = 0; if(!sz.isEmpty()) { char *ls = (char *)strchr(sz.data(), 'x'); if(ls != NULL) { *ls = '\0'; ls++; c = atoi(sz.data()); l = atoi(ls); } else { KCmdLineArgs::usage(i18n("expected --vt_sz <#columns>x<#lines> e.g. 80x40\n")); } } if(!kapp->authorizeKAction("size")) fixed_size = true; // /////////////////////////////////////////////// // Ignore SIGHUP so that we don't get killed when // our parent-shell gets closed. signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN); putenv((char *)"COLORTERM="); // to trigger mc's color detection KonsoleSessionManaged ksm; if(a->isRestored() || !profile.isEmpty()) { if(!shell) shell = konsole_shell(eargs); if(profile.isEmpty()) sessionconfig = a->sessionConfig(); sessionconfig->setDesktopGroup(); int n = 1; QString key; QString sTitle; QString sPgm; QString sTerm; QString sIcon; QString sCwd; int n_tabbar; // TODO: Session management stores everything in same group, // should use one group / mainwindow while(KMainWindow::canBeRestored(n) || !profile.isEmpty()) { sessionconfig->setGroup(QString("%1").arg(n)); if(!sessionconfig->hasKey("Pgm0")) sessionconfig->setDesktopGroup(); // Backwards compatible int session_count = sessionconfig->readNumEntry("numSes"); int counter = 0; wname = sessionconfig->readEntry("class", wname).latin1(); sPgm = sessionconfig->readEntry("Pgm0", shell); sessionconfig->readListEntry("Args0", eargs); sTitle = sessionconfig->readEntry("Title0", title); sTerm = sessionconfig->readEntry("Term0"); sIcon = sessionconfig->readEntry("Icon0", "konsole"); sCwd = sessionconfig->readPathEntry("Cwd0"); workDir = sessionconfig->readPathEntry("workdir"); n_tabbar = QMIN(sessionconfig->readUnsignedNumEntry("tabbar", Konsole::TabBottom), 2); Konsole *m = new Konsole(wname, histon, menubaron, tabbaron, frameon, scrollbaron, 0 /*type*/, true, n_tabbar, workDir); m->newSession(sPgm, eargs, sTerm, sIcon, sTitle, sCwd); m->enableFullScripting(full_script); m->enableFixedSize(fixed_size); m->restore(n); sessionconfig->setGroup(QString("%1").arg(n)); if(!sessionconfig->hasKey("Pgm0")) sessionconfig->setDesktopGroup(); // Backwards compatible m->makeGUI(); m->setEncoding(sessionconfig->readNumEntry("Encoding0")); m->setSchema(sessionconfig->readEntry("Schema0")); // Use konsolerc default as tmpFont instead? QFont tmpFont = KGlobalSettings::fixedFont(); m->initSessionFont(sessionconfig->readFontEntry("SessionFont0", &tmpFont)); m->initSessionKeyTab(sessionconfig->readEntry("KeyTab0")); m->initMonitorActivity(sessionconfig->readBoolEntry("MonitorActivity0", false)); m->initMonitorSilence(sessionconfig->readBoolEntry("MonitorSilence0", false)); m->initMasterMode(sessionconfig->readBoolEntry("MasterMode0", false)); m->initTabColor(sessionconfig->readColorEntry("TabColor0")); // -1 will be changed to the default history in konsolerc m->initHistory(sessionconfig->readNumEntry("History0", -1), sessionconfig->readBoolEntry("HistoryEnabled0", true)); counter++; // show() before 2nd+ sessions are created allows --profile to // initialize the TE size correctly. m->show(); while(counter < session_count) { key = QString("Title%1").arg(counter); sTitle = sessionconfig->readEntry(key, title); key = QString("Args%1").arg(counter); sessionconfig->readListEntry(key, eargs); key = QString("Pgm%1").arg(counter); // if the -e option is passed on the command line, this overrides the program specified // in the profile file if(args->isSet("e")) sPgm = (shell ? QFile::decodeName(shell) : QString::null); else sPgm = sessionconfig->readEntry(key, shell); key = QString("Term%1").arg(counter); sTerm = sessionconfig->readEntry(key); key = QString("Icon%1").arg(counter); sIcon = sessionconfig->readEntry(key, "konsole"); key = QString("Cwd%1").arg(counter); sCwd = sessionconfig->readPathEntry(key); m->newSession(sPgm, eargs, sTerm, sIcon, sTitle, sCwd); m->setSessionTitle(sTitle); // Use title as is key = QString("Schema%1").arg(counter); m->setSchema(sessionconfig->readEntry(key)); key = QString("Encoding%1").arg(counter); m->setEncoding(sessionconfig->readNumEntry(key)); key = QString("SessionFont%1").arg(counter); QFont tmpFont = KGlobalSettings::fixedFont(); m->initSessionFont(sessionconfig->readFontEntry(key, &tmpFont)); key = QString("KeyTab%1").arg(counter); m->initSessionKeyTab(sessionconfig->readEntry(key)); key = QString("MonitorActivity%1").arg(counter); m->initMonitorActivity(sessionconfig->readBoolEntry(key, false)); key = QString("MonitorSilence%1").arg(counter); m->initMonitorSilence(sessionconfig->readBoolEntry(key, false)); key = QString("MasterMode%1").arg(counter); m->initMasterMode(sessionconfig->readBoolEntry(key, false)); key = QString("TabColor%1").arg(counter); m->initTabColor(sessionconfig->readColorEntry(key)); // -1 will be changed to the default history in konsolerc key = QString("History%1").arg(counter); QString key2 = QString("HistoryEnabled%1").arg(counter); m->initHistory(sessionconfig->readNumEntry(key, -1), sessionconfig->readBoolEntry(key2, true)); counter++; } m->setDefaultSession(sessionconfig->readEntry("DefaultSession", "shell.desktop")); m->initFullScreen(); if(!profile.isEmpty()) { m->callReadPropertiesInternal(sessionconfig, 1); profile = ""; // Hack to work-around sessions initialized with minimum size for(int i = 0; i < counter; i++) m->activateSession(i); m->setColLin(c, l); // will use default height and width if called with (0,0) } // works only for the first one, but there won't be more. n++; m->activateSession(sessionconfig->readNumEntry("ActiveSession", 0)); m->setAutoClose(auto_close); } } else { Konsole *m = new Konsole(wname, histon, menubaron, tabbaron, frameon, scrollbaron, type, false, 0, workDir); m->newSession((shell ? QFile::decodeName(shell) : QString::null), eargs, term, QString::null, title, workDir); m->enableFullScripting(full_script); m->enableFixedSize(fixed_size); // 3.8 :-( // exit(0); if(!keytab.isEmpty()) m->initSessionKeyTab(keytab); if(!schema.isEmpty()) { if(schema.right(7) != ".schema") schema += ".schema"; m->setSchema(schema); m->activateSession(0); // Fixes BR83162, transp. schema + notabbar } m->setColLin(c, l); // will use default height and width if called with (0,0) m->initFullScreen(); m->show(); if(showtip) m->showTipOnStart(); m->setAutoClose(auto_close); } int ret = a->exec(); //// Temporary code, waiting for Qt to do this properly // Delete all toplevel widgets that have WDestructiveClose QWidgetList *list = QApplication::topLevelWidgets(); // remove all toplevel widgets that have a parent (i.e. they // got WTopLevel explicitly), they'll be deleted by the parent list->first(); while(list->current()) { if(list->current()->parentWidget() != NULL || !list->current()->testWFlags(Qt::WDestructiveClose)) { list->remove(); continue; } list->next(); } QWidgetListIt it(*list); QWidget *w; while((w = it.current()) != 0) { ++it; delete w; } delete list; delete a; return ret; }