int main( int argc, char ** argv ) { QSettings settings; QgsApplication a( argc, argv, true ); // update any saved setting for older themes to new default 'gis' theme (2013-04-15) QString theme = settings.value( "/Themes", "default" ).toString(); if ( theme == QString( "gis" ) || theme == QString( "classic" ) || theme == QString( "nkids" ) ) { theme = QString( "default" ); } a.setThemeName( theme ); a.initQgis(); // Set up the QSettings environment must be done after qapp is created QCoreApplication::setOrganizationName( "QGIS" ); QCoreApplication::setOrganizationDomain( "" ); QCoreApplication::setApplicationName( "QGIS2" ); QgsBrowser w; a.connect( &a, SIGNAL( aboutToQuit() ), &w, SLOT( saveWindowState() ) ); w.restoreWindowState();; a.connect( &a, SIGNAL( lastWindowClosed() ), &a, SLOT( quit() ) ); return a.exec(); }
int main( int argc, char ** argv ) { QSettings settings; QgsApplication a( argc, argv, true ); a.setThemeName( settings.value( "/Themes", "default" ).toString() ); a.initQgis(); // Set up the QSettings environment must be done after qapp is created QCoreApplication::setOrganizationName( "QuantumGIS" ); QCoreApplication::setOrganizationDomain( "" ); QCoreApplication::setApplicationName( "QGIS" ); QgsBrowser w; a.connect( &a, SIGNAL( aboutToQuit() ), &w, SLOT( saveWindowState() ) ); w.restoreWindowState();; a.connect( &a, SIGNAL( lastWindowClosed() ), &a, SLOT( quit() ) ); return a.exec(); }
int main( int argc, char ** argv ) { QSettings settings; QgsApplication a( argc, argv, true ); a.setThemeName( settings.value( "/Themes", "default" ).toString() ); // load providers #if defined(Q_WS_WIN) QString prefixPath = QApplication::applicationDirPath(); #else QString prefixPath = QApplication::applicationDirPath() + "/.."; #endif a.setPrefixPath( prefixPath, true ); a.initQgis(); // Set up the QSettings environment must be done after qapp is created QCoreApplication::setOrganizationName( "QuantumGIS" ); QCoreApplication::setOrganizationDomain( "" ); QCoreApplication::setApplicationName( "QGIS" ); #if 0 QString myTranslationCode = ""; // This is mostly copy from Help viewer - not sure if important #if defined(Q_WS_MACX) // If we're on Mac, we have the resource library way above us... a.setPkgDataPath( QgsApplication::prefixPath() + "/../../../../" + QString( QGIS_DATA_SUBDIR ) ); #elif defined(Q_WS_WIN) a.setPkgDataPath( QgsApplication::prefixPath() + "/" QGIS_DATA_SUBDIR ); #else a.setPkgDataPath( QgsApplication::prefixPath() + "/../" QGIS_DATA_SUBDIR ); #endif QString i18nPath = QgsApplication::i18nPath(); if ( myTranslationCode.isEmpty() ) { myTranslationCode = QLocale::system().name(); QSettings settings; if ( settings.value( "locale/overrideFlag", false ).toBool() ) { myTranslationCode = settings.value( "locale/userLocale", "en_US" ).toString(); } } QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Setting translation to %1/qgis_%2" ).arg( i18nPath ).arg( myTranslationCode ) ); /* Translation file for Qt. * The strings from the QMenuBar context section are used by Qt/Mac to shift * the About, Preferences and Quit items to the Mac Application menu. * These items must be translated identically in both qt_ and qgis_ files. */ QTranslator qttor( 0 ); if ( qttor.load( QString( "qt_" ) + myTranslationCode, i18nPath ) ) { a.installTranslator( &qttor ); } /* Translation file for QGIS. */ QTranslator qgistor( 0 ); if ( qgistor.load( QString( "qgis_" ) + myTranslationCode, i18nPath ) ) { a.installTranslator( &qgistor ); } #endif QgsBrowser w; a.connect( &a, SIGNAL( aboutToQuit() ), &w, SLOT( saveWindowState() ) ); w.restoreWindowState();; a.connect( &a, SIGNAL( lastWindowClosed() ), &a, SLOT( quit() ) ); return a.exec(); }