void testPieDiagram() { QgsDiagramSettings ds; QColor col1 = Qt::red; QColor col2 = Qt::yellow; col1.setAlphaF( 0.5 ); col2.setAlphaF( 0.5 ); ds.categoryColors = QList<QColor>() << col1 << col2; ds.categoryAttributes = QList<QString>() << "\"Pilots\"" << "\"Cabin Crew\""; ds.maxScaleDenominator = -1; ds.minScaleDenominator = -1; ds.minimumSize = 0; ds.penColor = Qt::green; ds.penWidth = .5; ds.scaleByArea = true; ds.sizeType = QgsDiagramSettings::MM; ds.size = QSizeF( 15, 15 ); ds.angleOffset = 0; QgsLinearlyInterpolatedDiagramRenderer *dr = new QgsLinearlyInterpolatedDiagramRenderer(); dr->setLowerValue( 0.0 ); dr->setLowerSize( QSizeF( 0.0, 0.0 ) ); dr->setUpperValue( 10 ); dr->setUpperSize( QSizeF( 100, 100 ) ); dr->setClassificationAttribute( 5 ); // Staff dr->setDiagram( mPieDiagram ); dr->setDiagramSettings( ds ); mPointsLayer->setDiagramRenderer( dr ); QgsDiagramLayerSettings dls = QgsDiagramLayerSettings(); dls.placement = QgsDiagramLayerSettings::OverPoint; QgsProject::instance()->writeEntry( "PAL", "/ShowingAllLabels", true ); mPointsLayer->setDiagramLayerSettings( dls ); mComposerMap->setNewExtent( QgsRectangle( -122, -79, -70, 47 ) ); QgsCompositionChecker checker( "piediagram", mComposition ); QVERIFY( checker.testComposition( mReport ) ); mPointsLayer->setDiagramRenderer( 0 ); }
void testPieDiagramExpression() { QgsDiagramSettings ds; QColor col1 = Qt::red; QColor col2 = Qt::yellow; col1.setAlphaF( 0.5 ); col2.setAlphaF( 0.5 ); ds.categoryColors = QList<QColor>() << col1 << col2; ds.categoryAttributes = QList<QString>() << "ln(Pilots + 1)" << "ln(\"Cabin Crew\" + 1)"; ds.maxScaleDenominator = -1; ds.minScaleDenominator = -1; ds.minimumSize = 0; ds.penColor = Qt::green; ds.penWidth = .5; ds.scaleByArea = true; ds.sizeType = QgsUnitTypes::RenderMillimeters; ds.size = QSizeF( 5, 5 ); ds.angleOffset = 0; QgsLinearlyInterpolatedDiagramRenderer *dr = new QgsLinearlyInterpolatedDiagramRenderer(); dr->setLowerValue( 0.0 ); dr->setLowerSize( QSizeF( 0.0, 0.0 ) ); dr->setUpperValue( 10 ); dr->setUpperSize( QSizeF( 40, 40 ) ); dr->setClassificationAttributeIsExpression( true ); dr->setClassificationAttributeExpression( "ln(Staff + 1)" ); dr->setDiagram( new QgsPieDiagram() ); dr->setDiagramSettings( ds ); QgsDiagramLayerSettings dls = QgsDiagramLayerSettings(); dls.setPlacement( QgsDiagramLayerSettings::OverPoint ); dls.setShowAllDiagrams( true ); // dls.setRenderer( dr ); mPointsLayer->setDiagramRenderer( dr ); mPointsLayer->setDiagramLayerSettings( dls ); QVERIFY( imageCheck( "piediagram_expression" ) ); mPointsLayer->setDiagramRenderer( 0 ); }
void testPieDiagram() { QgsDiagramSettings ds; QColor col1 = Qt::red; QColor col2 = Qt::yellow; col1.setAlphaF( 0.5 ); col2.setAlphaF( 0.5 ); ds.categoryColors = QList<QColor>() << col1 << col2; ds.categoryAttributes = QList<QString>() << "\"Pilots\"" << "\"Cabin Crew\""; ds.maxScaleDenominator = -1; ds.minScaleDenominator = -1; ds.minimumSize = 0; ds.penColor = Qt::green; ds.penWidth = .5; ds.scaleByArea = true; ds.sizeType = QgsDiagramSettings::MM; ds.size = QSizeF( 5, 5 ); ds.angleOffset = 0; QgsLinearlyInterpolatedDiagramRenderer *dr = new QgsLinearlyInterpolatedDiagramRenderer(); dr->setLowerValue( 0.0 ); dr->setLowerSize( QSizeF( 0.0, 0.0 ) ); dr->setUpperValue( 10 ); dr->setUpperSize( QSizeF( 40, 40 ) ); dr->setClassificationAttribute( 5 ); // Staff dr->setDiagram( new QgsPieDiagram() ); dr->setDiagramSettings( ds ); mPointsLayer->setDiagramRenderer( dr ); QgsDiagramLayerSettings dls = QgsDiagramLayerSettings(); dls.placement = QgsDiagramLayerSettings::OverPoint; dls.showAll = true; mPointsLayer->setDiagramLayerSettings( dls ); QVERIFY( imageCheck( "piediagram" ) ); }
void qgis_dev_layerPropDialog::apply() { QSettings().setValue( "/Windows/VectorLayerProperties/diagram/tab", mDiagramPropertiesTabWidget->currentIndex() ); if ( !mDisplayDiagramsGroupBox->isChecked() ) {m_layer->setDiagramRenderer( 0 ); return;} QgsDiagram* diagram = 0; int index = diagramType_comboBox->currentIndex(); QString diagramType = diagramType_comboBox->itemData( index ).toString(); if ( 0 == mDiagramAttributesTreeWidget->topLevelItemCount() ) { qgis_dev::instance()->messageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "Diagrams: No attributes added." ), tr( "You did not add any attributes to this diagram layer. Please specify the attributes to visualize on the diagrams or disable diagrams." ), QgsMessageBar::WARNING ); } bool scaleAttributeValueOk = false; // Check if a (usable) scale attribute value is inserted mValueLineEdit->text().toDouble( &scaleAttributeValueOk ); if ( !mFixedSizeCheckBox->isChecked() && !scaleAttributeValueOk ) { double maxVal = DBL_MIN; QgsVectorDataProvider* provider = m_layer->dataProvider(); if ( provider ) { if ( diagramType == DIAGRAM_NAME_HISTOGRAM ) { // Find maximum value for ( int i = 0; i < mDiagramAttributesTreeWidget->topLevelItemCount(); ++i ) { QString fldName = mDiagramAttributesTreeWidget->topLevelItem( i )->data( 0, Qt::UserRole ).toString(); if ( fldName.count() >= 2 && fldName.at( 0 ) == '"' && fldName.at( fldName.count() - 1 ) == '"' ) { fldName = fldName.mid( 1, fldName.count() - 2 ); // remove enclosing double quotes } int fld = provider->fieldNameIndex( fldName ); if ( fld != -1 ) { bool ok = false; double val = provider->maximumValue( fld ).toDouble( &ok ); if ( ok ) { maxVal = qMax( maxVal, val ); } } } } else { maxVal = provider->maximumValue( mSizeAttributeComboBox->itemData( mSizeAttributeComboBox->currentIndex() ).toInt() ).toDouble(); } } if ( maxVal != DBL_MIN ) { qgis_dev::instance()->messageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "Interpolation value" ), tr( "You did not specify an interpolation value. A default value of %1 has been set." ).arg( QString::number( maxVal ) ), QgsMessageBar::INFO, 5 ); mValueLineEdit->setText( QString::number( maxVal ) ); } } if ( diagramType == DIAGRAM_NAME_TEXT ) { diagram = new QgsTextDiagram(); } else if ( diagramType == DIAGRAM_NAME_PIE ) { diagram = new QgsPieDiagram(); } else // if ( diagramType == DIAGRAM_NAME_HISTOGRAM ) { diagram = new QgsHistogramDiagram(); } QgsDiagramSettings ds; ds.font = font_comboBox->currentFont(); // 字体 ds.transparency = mTransparencySlider->value(); // 透明度 QList<QColor> categoryColors; QList<QString> categoryAttributes; for ( int i = 0; i < mDiagramAttributesTreeWidget->topLevelItemCount(); ++i ) { QColor color = mDiagramAttributesTreeWidget->topLevelItem( i )->background( 1 ).color(); color.setAlpha( 255 - ds.transparency ); categoryColors.append( color ); categoryAttributes.append( mDiagramAttributesTreeWidget->topLevelItem( i )->data( 0, Qt::UserRole ).toString() ); } ds.categoryColors = categoryColors; ds.categoryAttributes = categoryAttributes; //ds.size = QSizeF( mDiagramSizeSpinBox->value(), mDiagramSizeSpinBox->value() ); ds.size = QSizeF( 50, 50 ); //ds.sizeType = static_cast<QgsDiagramSettings::SizeType>( mDiagramUnitComboBox->itemData( mDiagramUnitComboBox->currentIndex() ).toInt() ); ds.sizeType = static_cast<QgsDiagramSettings::SizeType>( 0 ); ds.labelPlacementMethod = static_cast<QgsDiagramSettings::LabelPlacementMethod>( mLabelPlacementComboBox->itemData( mLabelPlacementComboBox->currentIndex() ).toInt() ); //ds.scaleByArea = mScaleDependencyComboBox->itemData( mScaleDependencyComboBox->currentIndex() ).toBool(); ds.scaleByArea = false; if ( mIncreaseSmallDiagramsGroupBox->isChecked() ) { ds.minimumSize = mIncreaseMinimumSizeSpinBox->value(); } else { ds.minimumSize = 0; } /*ds.backgroundColor = mBackgroundColorButton->backgroundColor(); ds.penColor = mDiagramPenColorButton->backgroundColor();*/ ds.backgroundColor = QColor( 255, 0, 0 ); ds.penColor = QColor( 255, 255, 0 ); ds.penWidth = mPenWidthSpinBox->value(); if ( mVisibilityGroupBox->isChecked() ) { ds.minScaleDenominator = mMinimumDiagramScaleLineEdit->text().toDouble(); ds.maxScaleDenominator = mMaximumDiagramScaleLineEdit->text().toDouble(); } else { ds.minScaleDenominator = -1; ds.maxScaleDenominator = -1; } // Diagram angle offset (pie) ds.angleOffset = mAngleOffsetComboBox->itemData( mAngleOffsetComboBox->currentIndex() ).toInt(); // Diagram orientation (histogram) //ds.diagramOrientation = static_cast<QgsDiagramSettings::DiagramOrientation>( mOrientationButtonGroup->checkedButton()->property( "direction" ).toInt() ); ds.diagramOrientation = static_cast<QgsDiagramSettings::DiagramOrientation>( 0 ); ds.barWidth = mBarWidthSpinBox->value(); if ( mFixedSizeCheckBox->isChecked() ) { QgsSingleCategoryDiagramRenderer* dr = new QgsSingleCategoryDiagramRenderer(); dr->setDiagram( diagram ); dr->setDiagramSettings( ds ); m_layer->setDiagramRenderer( dr ); } else { QgsLinearlyInterpolatedDiagramRenderer* dr = new QgsLinearlyInterpolatedDiagramRenderer(); dr->setLowerValue( 0.0 ); dr->setLowerSize( QSizeF( 0.0, 0.0 ) ); dr->setUpperValue( mValueLineEdit->text().toDouble() ); dr->setUpperSize( QSizeF( mSizeSpinBox->value(), mSizeSpinBox->value() ) ); bool isExpression = mSizeAttributeComboBox->currentIndex() >= m_availableAttributeCount; dr->setClassificationAttributeIsExpression( isExpression ); if ( isExpression ) { dr->setClassificationAttributeExpression( mSizeAttributeComboBox->currentText() ); } else { dr->setClassificationAttribute( mSizeAttributeComboBox->itemData( mSizeAttributeComboBox->currentIndex() ).toInt() ); } dr->setDiagram( diagram ); dr->setDiagramSettings( ds ); m_layer->setDiagramRenderer( dr ); } QgsDiagramLayerSettings dls; dls.dist = mDiagramDistanceSpinBox->value(); dls.priority = mPrioritySlider->value(); if ( mDataDefinedPositionGroupBox->isChecked() ) { //dls.xPosColumn = mDataDefinedXComboBox->itemData( mDataDefinedXComboBox->currentIndex() ).toInt(); //dls.yPosColumn = mDataDefinedYComboBox->itemData( mDataDefinedYComboBox->currentIndex() ).toInt(); dls.xPosColumn = -1; dls.yPosColumn = -1; } else { dls.xPosColumn = -1; dls.yPosColumn = -1; } dls.placement = ( QgsDiagramLayerSettings::Placement )mPlacementComboBox->itemData( mPlacementComboBox->currentIndex() ).toInt(); if ( mLineOptionsComboBox->isEnabled() ) { dls.placementFlags = static_cast<QgsDiagramLayerSettings::LinePlacementFlags>( mLineOptionsComboBox->itemData( mLineOptionsComboBox->currentIndex() ).toInt() ); } m_layer->setDiagramLayerSettings( dls ); }