bool QoreSmokeBinding::callMethod(Smoke::Index method, void *obj, Smoke::Stack args, bool isAbstract) { //printd(0, "QoreSmokeBinding::callMethod() %s::%s() method=%d obj=%p isAbstract=%s (virt=%s)\n", smoke->classes[smoke->methods[method].classId].className, smoke->methodNames[smoke->methods[method].name], method, obj, isAbstract ? "true" : "false", qore_smoke_is_virtual() ? "true" : "false"); if (qore_smoke_is_virtual()) { qore_smoke_clear_virtual(); //printd(0, "QoreSmokeBinding::callMethod() qore_smoke_is_virtual, returning to Smoke\n"); return false; } ExceptionSink xsink; Smoke::Method meth = smoke->methods[method]; const char * cname = smoke->classes[meth.classId].className; const char * mname = smoke->methodNames[]; QoreClass *qc; QoreObject *o = getQoreObject(meth.classId, obj, qc); // if (!strcmp(mname, "paintEngine")) // printd(0, "QoreSmokeBinding::callMethod() %s::%s() qore object=%p\n", cname, mname, o); if (!o) { // we must have an implementation for abstract methods #ifdef DEBUG if (isAbstract) { printd(0, "trying to execute pure virtual method %s::%s() obj=%p\n", cname, mname, obj); xsink.raiseException("QT-ABSTRACT-METHOD-ERROR", "The Qt library tried to execute pure virtual %s::%s(), but the object has been deleted", cname, mname); xsink.handleExceptions(); } #endif assert(!isAbstract); return false; } if (!strcmp(mname, "qt_metacall")) { printd(5, "QoreSmokeBinding::callMethod() className: %s::%s obj: %p\n", cname, mname, obj); // get the QoreSmokePrivate info ReferenceHolder<QoreSmokePrivateQObjectData> qsp(reinterpret_cast<QoreSmokePrivateQObjectData *>(o->getReferencedPrivateData(QC_QOBJECT->getID(), &xsink)), &xsink); if (!qsp) { assert(xsink); return false; } // if the object has been deleted, or is not a signal/slot invokation, then return false if (!qsp->qobject() || args[1].s_enum != QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod) return false; int mc = qsp->getParentMethodCount(); // see if call is for a method in a parent class if (args[2].s_int < mc) return false; // get method offset in this class args[2].s_int -= mc; printd(5, "QoreSmokeBinding::callMethod() %s::%s() method=%d obj=%p qsp=%p isAbstract=%s\n", smoke->classes[smoke->methods[method].classId].className, smoke->methodNames[smoke->methods[method].name], method, obj, *qsp, isAbstract ? "true" : "false"); // handle the signal, which is connected to a dynamic method (signal or slot) qsp->handleSignal(0, args[2].s_int, (void**)args[3].s_voidp); args[0].s_int = -1; return true; } // first setup arguments so a user method variant can be found Smoke::Index *idx = smoke->argumentList + meth.args; type_vec_t typeInfoList; while (*idx) { Smoke::Type &t = smoke->types[*idx]; idx++; // get argument type to find variant bool valid; const QoreTypeInfo *typeInfo = getQtTypeInfo(t, valid); // if we have an unrecognized type, then we cannot have overloaded this method either if (!typeInfo || !valid) { assert(!isAbstract); return false; } typeInfoList.push_back(typeInfo); } // see if there is a user method at all const QoreMethod *qmethod; const QoreExternalMethodVariant *variant = o->getClass()->findUserMethodVariant(mname, qmethod, typeInfoList); printd(5, "QoreSmokeBinding::callMethod() virtual method %s::%s() method=%p variant=%p isAbstract=%d\n", o->getClassName(), mname, qmethod, variant, isAbstract); if (!variant) { //printd(0, "QoreSmokeBinding::callMethod() virtual method %s::%s() not found\n", o->getClassName(), mname); if (!isAbstract) return false; xsink.raiseException("QT-ABSTRACT-METHOD-ERROR", "The Qt library tried to execute pure virtual %s::%s(), but this method is not implemented in the %s class", o->getClassName(), mname, o->getClassName()); // FIXME: instead of assert'ing, since the function is abstract, we have to // create the default value for the return type and return true #ifdef DEBUG // call this so we can see the exception before the process aborts xsink.handleExceptions(); assert(false); #endif return true; } //printd(0, "QoreSmokeBinding::callMethod() creating args list for %s::%s() (arg count: %d)\n", o->getClassName(), mname, typeList.size()); ReferenceHolder<QoreListNode> qoreArgs(new QoreListNode(), &xsink); QList<Smoke::Type> typeList; idx = smoke->argumentList + meth.args; int i = 1; while (*idx) { Smoke::Type &t = smoke->types[*(idx++)]; qoreArgs->push(Marshalling::stackToQore(smoke, t, args[i++], &xsink)); if (xsink) { if (!isAbstract) return false; // FIXME: instead of assert'ing, since the function is abstract, we have to // create the default value for the return type and return true #ifdef DEBUG // call this so we can see the exception before the process aborts xsink.handleExceptions(); assert(false); #endif return true; } } //printd(5, "QoreSmokeBinding::callMethod() calling method smoke=%s::%s(), qore=%s::%s() args=%d valid=%d xsink=%d\n", cname, mname, qoreMethod->getClassName(), mname, typeList.size(), o->isValid(), (bool)xsink); ReferenceHolder<AbstractQoreNode> aNode(o->evalMethodVariant(*qmethod, variant, *qoreArgs, &xsink), &xsink); Smoke::Type &rt = smoke->types[meth.ret]; if (CommonQoreMethod::qoreToStackStatic(smoke, &xsink, args[0], cname, mname, rt, *aNode, -1, 0, true) == -1) { if (!isAbstract) return false; // FIXME: instead of assert'ing, since the function is abstract, we have to // create the default value for the return type and return true #ifdef DEBUG // call this so we can see the exception before the process aborts xsink.handleExceptions(); assert(false); #endif return true; } return true; }
// returns a RunTimeObjectMethodReference or NULL if there's an exception QoreValue ParseObjectMethodReferenceNode::evalValueImpl(bool& needs_deref, ExceptionSink* xsink) const { // evaluate lvalue expression ReferenceHolder<AbstractQoreNode> lv(exp->eval(xsink), xsink); if (*xsink) return QoreValue(); QoreObject* o = (*lv) && (*lv)->getType() == NT_OBJECT ? reinterpret_cast<QoreObject*>(*lv) : 0; if (!o) { xsink->raiseException("OBJECT-METHOD-REFERENCE-ERROR", "expression does not evaluate to an object"); return QoreValue(); } //printd(5, "ParseObjectMethodReferenceNode::evalImpl() this: %p o: %p %s::%s() m: %p\n", this, o, o->getClassName(), method.c_str(), m); const QoreClass* oc = o->getClass(); // find the method at runtime if necessary if (!m) { // serialize method resolution at runtime AutoLocker al(lck); // check m again inside the lock (this way we avoid the lock in the common case where the method has already been resolved) if (!m) { bool m_priv = false; m = oc->findMethod(method.c_str(), m_priv); if (!m) { m = oc->findStaticMethod(method.c_str(), m_priv); if (!m) { xsink->raiseException("OBJECT-METHOD-REFERENCE-ERROR", "cannot resolve reference to %s::%s(): unknown method", o->getClassName(), method.c_str()); return QoreValue(); } } if (m_priv && !qore_class_private::runtimeCheckPrivateClassAccess(*oc)) { if (m->isPrivate()) xsink->raiseException("ILLEGAL-CALL-REFERENCE", "cannot create a call reference to private %s::%s() from outside the class", o->getClassName(), method.c_str()); else xsink->raiseException("ILLEGAL-CALL-REFERENCE", "cannot create a call reference to %s::%s() because the parent class that implements the method (%s::%s()) is privately inherited", o->getClassName(), method.c_str(), m->getClass()->getName(), method.c_str()); return QoreValue(); } } } if (oc == m->getClass() || oc == qc) return new RunTimeResolvedMethodReferenceNode(o, m); return new RunTimeObjectMethodReferenceNode(o, method.c_str()); }