LocusData :: LocusData (const RGString& locusName, const RGString& alleleString) : mLocusName (locusName) {

	RGStringArray alleles;
	RGStringArray delimiters;

	if (alleleString.Length () == 0)

	RGString alleleStr = alleleString;
	RGStringTokenizer alleleJoin (alleleStr);
	alleleJoin.AddDelimiter (",");
	alleleJoin.Split (alleles, delimiters);
	int n = alleles.Length ();

	if (n == 0)

	int i;
	RGString* newAllele;
	cout << "Locus Name = " << (char*)mLocusName.GetData () << " with allele(s) ";

	for (i=0; i<n; i++) {

		newAllele = new RGString (alleles [i]);
		cout << (char*)newAllele->GetData () << "   ";
		mAlleleList.append (newAllele);

	cout << endl;
void Ladder :: OutputTo (RGTextOutput& xmlFile, LadderInputFile& inputFile) {

	RGString link ("http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance");

	xmlFile << "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n";
	xmlFile << "<KitData xmlns:xsi=\"" << link.GetData () << "\" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation=\"MarkerSet.xsd\">\n";
	xmlFile << "\t<Version>2.0</Version>\n";
	xmlFile << "\t<Kits>\n";
	xmlFile << "\t\t<Set>\n";
	xmlFile << "\t\t\t<Name>" << mMarkerSetName.GetData () << "</Name>\n";
	xmlFile << "\t\t\t<NChannels>" << mNumberOfChannels << "</NChannels>\n";
	xmlFile << "\t\t\t<LS>\n";
	OutputILSListTo (xmlFile);

	xmlFile << "\t\t\t\t<ChannelNo>" << mChannelForILS << "</ChannelNo>\n";
	xmlFile << "\t\t\t</LS>\n";
	xmlFile << "\t\t\t<FileNameSuffix>" << mSuffix << "</FileNameSuffix>\n";
	xmlFile << "\t\t\t<GenotypeSuffix>" << mSuffix << "</GenotypeSuffix>\n";
	xmlFile << "\t\t\t<DirectorySearchString>" << mSuffix << "</DirectorySearchString>\n";
	OutputChannelMapTo (xmlFile, inputFile);

	list <Locus*>::const_iterator locusIterator;
	Locus* nextLocus;

	for (locusIterator = mLocusList.begin(); locusIterator != mLocusList.end(); locusIterator++) {

		nextLocus = *locusIterator;
		nextLocus->OutputTo (xmlFile);

	xmlFile << "\t\t</Set>\n";
	xmlFile << "\t</Kits>\n";
	xmlFile << "</KitData>";
void Ladder :: OutputILSListTo (RGTextOutput& xmlFile) {

	RGDListIterator it (mILSList);
	RGString* nextName;

	while (nextName = (RGString*) it ())
		xmlFile << "\t\t\t\t<LSName>" << nextName->GetData () << "</LSName>\n";
STRAlleleName :: STRAlleleName (const RGString& name) {

	size_t position;
	RGString repeats;
	RGString variant;
	size_t len;

	if (name.FindNextSubstring (0, ".", position)) {

		repeats = name.ExtractSubstring (0, position - 1);
		mRepeats = repeats.ConvertToInteger ();
		len = name.Length () - 1;

		if (position <= len) {

			variant = name.ExtractSubstring (position + 1, len);
			mMicroVariant = variant.ConvertToInteger ();

			mMicroVariant = 0;

	else {

		mRepeats = name.ConvertToInteger ();
		mMicroVariant = 0;
void IndividualGenotype :: WriteXML (RGTextOutput& text, const RGString& indent, const RGString& tag) {

	Endl endLine;
	RGString indent2 = indent + "\t";
	RGString indent3 = indent2 + "\t";
	text << indent.GetData () << "<" << tag << ">" << endLine;
	text << indent2 << "<Name>" << mName << "</Name>" << endLine;
	text << indent2 << "<Loci>" << endLine;
	mLoci->WriteXML (text, indent3);
	text << indent2 << "</Loci>" << endLine;
	text << indent.GetData () << "</" << tag << ">" << endLine;
bool STRBaseLocus :: GetLadderSearchRegion (size_t& startIndex, RGString& input, const RGString& familyName) {

    RGBracketStringSearch searchRegionsSearch ("<SearchRegions>", "</SearchRegions>", input);
    RGString searchRegion;
    RGString searchDetails;
    RGBracketStringSearch individualRegionsSearch ("<Region>", "</Region>", searchRegion);
    RGBracketStringSearch familyNameSearch ("<ILSName>", "</ILSName>", searchDetails);
    RGBracketStringSearch minILSGridSearch ("<MinGrid>", "</MinGrid>", searchDetails);
    RGBracketStringSearch maxILSGridSearch ("<MaxGrid>", "</MaxGrid>", searchDetails);
    size_t start = startIndex;
    size_t end;
    size_t individualEnd;
    bool foundData = false;
    RGString searchName;
    RGString number;

    if (!searchRegionsSearch.FindNextBracketedString (start, end, searchRegion))
        return false;

    startIndex = end;
    individualRegionsSearch.ResetSearch ();
    start = 0;

    while (individualRegionsSearch.FindNextBracketedString (start, end, searchDetails)) {

        familyNameSearch.ResetSearch ();

        if (!familyNameSearch.FindNextBracketedString (0, individualEnd, searchName))
            return false;

        if (searchName == familyName) {

            minILSGridSearch.ResetSearch ();
            maxILSGridSearch.ResetSearch ();

            if (!minILSGridSearch.FindNextBracketedString (0, individualEnd, number))
                return false;

            LowerBoundGridLSBasePair = number.ConvertToDouble ();

            if (!maxILSGridSearch.FindNextBracketedString (0, individualEnd, number))
                return false;

            UpperBoundGridLSBasePair = number.ConvertToDouble ();
            return true;

        start = end;

    return false;
RGString PackedTime :: GetStringTime () const {

	RGString temp;
	RGString Ans;
	temp.Convert (hour, 10);
	Ans = temp + ":";
	temp.Convert (minute, 10);
	Ans += temp + ":";
	temp.Convert (second, 10);
	Ans += temp + ":";
	temp.Convert (hsecond, 10);
	Ans += temp;
	return Ans;
bool DirectoryManager :: TestForExtension (const RGString& fileName) {

	RGString Extension;
	int length = fileName.Length ();
//	size_t position;
//	RGString localFileName (fileName);
//	localFileName.ToLower ();

	if (length > 4)
		Extension = fileName.ExtractSubstring (length-4, length-1);
	if ((length > 4) && (Extension == DirectoryManager::DataFileTypeWithDot))
		return true;

	return false;
Boolean DirectoryManager :: TestForPositiveControl (const RGString& fileName) {

	int length = (int)fileName.Length ();
	RGString Extension;
	Boolean FoundPosControl;
	Boolean FoundLadder;

	if (length > 4)
		Extension = fileName.ExtractSubstring (length-4, length-1);

	FoundPosControl = mPServer->PosControlDoesTargetStringContainASynonymCaseIndep (fileName);
	FoundLadder = mPServer->LadderDoesTargetStringContainASynonymCaseIndep (fileName);
	if ((length > 4) && (Extension == DirectoryManager::DataFileTypeWithDot) && FoundPosControl && !FoundLadder)		//old = if ((length > 4) && (Extension == ".fsa") && FoundPosControl && !FoundLadder)
		return TRUE;

	return FALSE;
STRBaseAllele :: STRBaseAllele (const RGString& xmlInput) : BaseAllele (xmlInput) {

    RGString Input (xmlInput);
    RGBracketStringSearch BPToken ("<BP>", "</BP>", Input);
    RGString bpString;
    size_t EndPosition;

    if (!BPToken.FindNextBracketedString (0, EndPosition, bpString)) {

        BP = -1;
        Valid = FALSE;
        Msg << "Allele invalid...could not find BP string for allele named " << AlleleName << "\n";
//		cout << "Allele invalid...could not find BP string...name:  " << AlleleName << endl;

        BP = bpString.ConvertToInteger ();
Boolean RGDirectory :: FileIsDirectory (const RGString& Name) {

	unsigned long Attributes = GetFileAttributes (Name.GetData ());

		return TRUE;

	return FALSE;
Boolean RGDirectory :: FileIsDirectory (const RGString& Name) {

	struct stat statbuf;
	lstat(Name.GetData (), &statbuf);
	if (S_ISDIR (statbuf.st_mode) == 0)
		return FALSE;

	return TRUE;
bool SynonymList :: DoesTargetStringEqualASynonymCaseIndep (const RGString& target) {

	RGString lcTarget (target);
	lcTarget.ToLower ();
	mIt.Reset ();
	RGString test;
	RGString* nextString;

	while (nextString = (RGString*) mIt ()) {

		test = *nextString;
		test.ToLower ();

		if (lcTarget.IsEqualTo (&test))
			return true;

	return false;
Boolean DirectoryManager :: TestForNonLadder (const RGString& fileName) {

	int length = (int)fileName.Length ();
	RGString Extension;
	Boolean FoundControl;
//	size_t position;
//	RGString localFileName (fileName);
//	localFileName.ToLower ();

	if (length > 4)
		Extension = fileName.ExtractSubstring (length-4, length-1);

//	FoundControl = localFileName.FindSubstring ("ladder", position);
	FoundControl = mPServer->LadderDoesTargetStringContainASynonymCaseIndep (fileName);
	if ((length > 4) && (Extension == DirectoryManager::DataFileTypeWithDot) && !FoundControl)		//old = if ((length > 4) && (Extension == ".fsa") && !FoundControl)
		return TRUE;

	return FALSE;
Boolean RGDirectory :: MoveDirectory (const RGString& oldName, const RGString& suffix, int MaxLevels) {

	int i = 0;
	RGString newName = oldName + suffix;

	while (i < MaxLevels) {

		if (!FileOrDirectoryExists (newName)) {

//			FinalName = newName;
			cout << "Attempting to move " << oldName.GetData () << " to " << newName.GetData () << endl;
			return MoveFile (oldName.GetData (), newName.GetData ());

		newName += suffix;

	return FALSE;
RGString STRBaseLocus :: ReconstructAlleleName (int id, Allele* nearAllele) {

    int difference = id - nearAllele->GetBioID ();
    RGString nearName = nearAllele->GetAlleleName ();

    if (difference == 0)
        return nearName;

    int KK = CoreRepeatNumber;
    double nearDouble;
    int nearInt;
    int temp;
    RGString intString;
    RGString fractString;
    RGString returnValue;
    nearDouble = nearName.ConvertToDouble ();
    nearInt = nearName.ConvertToInteger ();
    temp = (int) floor (10 * (nearDouble - nearInt) + 0.5);
    // temp is fractional part...should be integer mod 4

    if (difference > 0) {

        nearInt += (difference / KK);
        temp += difference%KK;
        nearInt += (temp / KK);
        temp = temp%KK;

    else {

        difference = - difference;
        nearInt -= (difference / KK);
        temp -= difference%KK;

        if (temp < 0) {

            temp += KK;

    if (nearInt < 1) {

        returnValue = "$";
        return returnValue;

    intString.Convert (nearInt, 10);

    if (temp == 0)
        return intString;

    fractString.Convert (temp, 10);
    returnValue = intString + "." + fractString;
    return returnValue;
LocusWithAlleles :: LocusWithAlleles (const RGString& inputLine) : RGPersistent (), mLineNumber (0), mMaxRFU (0) {

	RGStringArray tokens;
	RGStringArray delimiters;
	RGString locusString (inputLine);
	locusString.FindAndReplaceAllSubstrings ("\t\t", "\t");
	RGStringTokenizer tokenizer (locusString);
	tokenizer.AddDelimiter ("\t");

	tokenizer.Split (tokens, delimiters);
	int size = tokens.Length ();
	int rfu;
	double fit;
	double residual;
	LocusAllele* newAllele;
	int i;

	if (size >= 8) {

		for (i=0; i<8; i++) {

			if ((tokens [i].Length () == 0) || (tokens [i] == "\t"))

		mLineNumber = tokens [0].ConvertToInteger ();
		mLocusName = tokens [1];

		rfu = tokens [2].ConvertToInteger ();
		residual = tokens [3].ConvertToDouble ();
		fit = tokens [4].ConvertToDouble ();
		newAllele = new LocusAllele (rfu, residual, fit);
		InsertAllele (newAllele);

		rfu = tokens [5].ConvertToInteger ();
		residual = tokens [6].ConvertToDouble ();
		fit = tokens [7].ConvertToDouble ();
		newAllele = new LocusAllele (rfu, residual, fit);
		InsertAllele (newAllele);
bool SynonymList :: DoesTargetStringEqualASynonym (const RGString& target) {

	RGString* nextString;
	mIt.Reset ();

	while (nextString = (RGString*) mIt()) {

		if (target.IsEqualTo (nextString))
			return true;

	return false;
RGString LocusData :: FormXMLString () {

	RGString Result;

	if (AlleleStringIsEmpty ())
		return Result;

	RGTPtrDList<RGString> temp;
	RGString sixTabs = "\t\t\t\t\t\t";
	RGString sevenTabs = "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t";
	RGString eightTabs = "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t";
	Result << sixTabs << "<Locus>\n";
	Result << sevenTabs << "<Name>" << (char*)mLocusName.GetData () << "</Name>\n";
	RGString* nextAllele;

	while (mAlleleList.entries () > 0) {

		nextAllele = mAlleleList.RemoveFirst ();
		nextAllele->FindAndReplaceAllSubstrings ("\"", "");
		temp.append (nextAllele);
		Result << sevenTabs << "<Allele>\n";
		Result << eightTabs << "<Name>" << (char*)nextAllele->GetData () << "</Name>\n";
		Result << eightTabs << "<BioID>0</BioID>\n";
		Result << sevenTabs << "</Allele>\n";

	Result << sixTabs << "</Locus>\n";

	//cout << (char*) Result.GetData ();

	while (temp.entries () > 0) {

		nextAllele = temp.RemoveFirst ();
		mAlleleList.append (nextAllele);

	return Result;
int SmartNoticeWarehouse :: AddType (SmartNotice* NewType) {

	RGPersistent* test = ClassTypes->Append (NewType);
	int val;

	if (SmartNoticeWarehouse::DebugFlag) {

		RGString name (NewType->GetName ());
		cout << "Adding class to notice list, Name = " << name.GetData () << endl;

	if (test != NULL) {

		val = ClassTypes->Entries ();

	else {
		val = 0;

	return val;
bool SynonymList :: DoesTargetStringContainASynonymCaseIndep (const RGString& target) {

	mIt.Reset ();
	RGString* nextString;
	size_t pos = 0;

	while (nextString = (RGString*) mIt ()) {

		if (target.FindSubstringCaseIndependent (*nextString, pos))
			return true;

	return false;
RGDirectory :: RGDirectory (const RGString& fullName) : direct (NULL) {

    DWORD dwAttr;


		if (fullName.Length () > FILENAME_MAX) {

			cout << "Full path name too long:  name = " << fullName.GetData () << endl;


    // Must be a valid name 
	if( (fullName.Length () == 0) ||
		(dwAttr = GetFileAttributes(fullName.GetData ())) == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) {

        errno = ENOENT;

    // Must be a directory 

    else if (!(dwAttr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) {

        errno = ENOTDIR;

    else {

        direct = new DIR;   //(DIR*)malloc(sizeof(DIR));

        if (direct == NULL) {

            errno = ENOMEM;

        else {

			direct->hFind = findfile_directory (fullName.GetData (), &direct->find_data);

            if (direct->hFind == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {

				delete direct;
                direct = NULL;

            else {

                // Save the directory, in case of rewind.
                lstrcpyA(direct->directory, fullName.GetData ());
                lstrcpyA(direct->dirent.d_name, direct->find_data.cFileName);
int CopyVolumeFile (const RGString& inputFileName, const RGString& outputFileName) {

	RGFile inputFile (inputFileName, "rt");

	if (!inputFile.isValid ()) {

		cout << "Could not read " << inputFileName.GetData () << " for default volume...exiting" << endl;
		return -1;

	RGString inputFileString;
	inputFileString.ReadTextFile (inputFile);

	RGTextOutput outputFile (outputFileName, FALSE);

	if (!outputFile.FileIsValid ()) {

		cout << "Could not create " << outputFileName.GetData () << "...exiting" << endl;
		return -1;

	outputFile << inputFileString;
	return 0;
Boolean RGDirectory :: MakeDirectory (const RGString& fullName) {

	if (fullName.Length () == 0)
		return FALSE;

    // Must not already exist 
	if (FileOrDirectoryExists (fullName)) {

		cout << "File or directory " << fullName << " already exists" << endl;
		return FALSE;

	return CreateDirectory (fullName, NULL);
void DataSignal :: WriteSmartTableArtifactInfoToXML (RGTextOutput& text, RGTextOutput& tempText, const RGString& indent, const RGString& bracketTag, const RGString& locationTag) {

	int peak;
	Endl endLine;
	RGString suffix;
	RGString label;
	SmartMessageReporter* notice;
	int i;
	RGString virtualAllele;
	SmartMessageReporter* nextNotice;
	text.SetOutputLevel (1);
	int msgNum;

	smAcceptedOLLeft acceptedOLLeft;
	smAcceptedOLRight acceptedOLRight;

	int reportedMessageLevel = GetHighestMessageLevelWithRestrictionSM ();
	//bool hasThreeLoci;
	//bool needLocus0;

	if ((!DontLook ()) && (NumberOfSmartNoticeObjects () != 0)) {
		bool firstNotice = true;
		peak = (int) floor (Peak () + 0.5);
		virtualAllele = GetVirtualAlleleName ();

		text << indent << "<" << bracketTag << ">" << endLine;  // Should be <Artifact>
		text << indent << "\t<Id>" << GetSignalID () << "</Id>" << endLine;
		text << indent << "\t<Level>" << reportedMessageLevel << "</Level>" << endLine;
		text << indent << "\t<RFU>" << peak << "</RFU>" << endLine;
		text << indent << "\t<" << locationTag << ">" << GetApproximateBioID () << "</" << locationTag << ">" << endLine;
		text << indent << "\t<PeakArea>" << TheoreticalArea () << "</PeakArea>" << endLine;
		text << indent << "\t<Time>" << GetMean () << "</Time>" << endLine;
		text << indent << "\t<Fit>" << GetCurveFit () << "</Fit>" << endLine;

		if (!mAllowPeakEdit)
			text << indent << "\t<AllowPeakEdit>false</AllowPeakEdit>" << endLine;
		RGDListIterator it (*mSmartMessageReporters);
		i = 0;

		while (notice = (SmartMessageReporter*) it ()) {

			if (!notice->GetDisplayOsirisInfo ())

			if (firstNotice) {

				label = indent + "\t<Label>";
				firstNotice = false;

			if (i > 0)
				label << "&#10;";

			label += notice->GetMessage ();
			label += notice->GetMessageData ();

		if (i > 0) {

			label << "</Label>";
			text << label << endLine;

		// Now add list of notices...

		it.Reset ();

		while (nextNotice = (SmartMessageReporter*) it ()) {

			msgNum = Notice::GetNextMessageNumber ();
			nextNotice->SetMessageCount (msgNum);
			text << indent << "\t<MessageNumber>" << msgNum << "</MessageNumber>" << endLine;
			tempText << "\t\t<Message>\n";
			tempText << "\t\t\t<MessageNumber>" << msgNum << "</MessageNumber>\n";
			tempText << "\t\t\t<Text>" << nextNotice->GetMessage () << nextNotice->GetMessageData () << "</Text>\n";

			if (nextNotice->HasViableExportInfo ()) {

				if (nextNotice->IsEnabled ())
					tempText << "\t\t\t<Hidden>false</Hidden>\n";

					tempText << "\t\t\t<Hidden>true</Hidden>\n";

				if (!nextNotice->IsCritical ())
					tempText << "\t\t\t<Critical>false</Critical>\n";

				if (nextNotice->IsEnabled ())
					tempText << "\t\t\t<Enabled>true</Enabled>\n";

					tempText << "\t\t\t<Enabled>false</Enabled>\n";

				if (!nextNotice->IsEditable ())
					tempText << "\t\t\t<Editable>false</Editable>\n";

				if (nextNotice->GetDisplayExportInfo ())
					tempText << "\t\t\t<DisplayExportInfo>true</DisplayExportInfo>\n";

					tempText << "\t\t\t<DisplayExportInfo>false</DisplayExportInfo>\n";

				if (!nextNotice->GetDisplayOsirisInfo ())
					tempText << "\t\t\t<DisplayOsirisInfo>false</DisplayOsirisInfo>\n";

				tempText << "\t\t\t<MsgName>" << nextNotice->GetMessageName () << "</MsgName>\n";

				//tempText << "\t\t\t<ExportProtocolList>";
				//tempText << "\t\t\t" << nextNotice->GetExportProtocolInformation ();
				//tempText << "\t\t\t</ExportProtocolList>\n";

			tempText << "\t\t</Message>\n";

		// Now add list of alleles

		//hasThreeLoci = (mLocus != NULL) && (mLeftLocus != NULL) && (mRightLocus != NULL);

		//if (mLocus != NULL) {

		//	if ((mLeftLocus == NULL) && (mRightLocus == NULL))
		//		needLocus0 = true;

		//	else
		//		needLocus0 = false;

		//	needLocus0 = false;

		//needLocus0 = (!hasThreeLoci) && ((mLocus != mLeftLocus) || (mLocus != mRightLocus));

		if (mLocus != NULL) {

			RGString locusName = mLocus->GetLocusName ();
			suffix = GetAlleleName (0);

			if ((suffix.Length () > 0) || (virtualAllele.Length () > 0)) {

				text << indent << "\t<Allele>" << endLine;

				if (suffix.Length () > 0)
					text << indent << "\t\t<Name>" << suffix << "</Name>" << endLine;

					text << indent << "\t\t<Name>" << virtualAllele << "</Name>" << endLine;

				if (mOffGrid)
					suffix = "true";

				else if (mAcceptedOffGrid)
					suffix = "accepted";

					suffix = "false";

				text << indent << "\t\t<OffLadder>" << suffix << "</OffLadder>" << endLine;
				text << indent << "\t\t<BPS>" << GetBioID (0) << "</BPS>" << endLine;
				text << indent << "\t\t<Locus>" << mLocus->GetLocusName () << "</Locus>" << endLine;
				text << indent << "\t\t<Location>0</Location>" << endLine;
				text << indent << "\t</Allele>" << endLine;

		if ((mLeftLocus != NULL) && (mLeftLocus != mLocus)) {

			if (mAlleleNameLeft.Length () > 0) {

				text << indent << "\t<Allele>" << endLine;
				text << indent << "\t\t<Name>" << mAlleleNameLeft << "</Name>" << endLine;

				if (mIsOffGridLeft)
					suffix = "true";

				else if (GetMessageValue (acceptedOLLeft))
					suffix = "accepted";

					suffix = "false";

				text << indent << "\t\t<OffLadder>" << suffix << "</OffLadder>" << endLine;
				text << indent << "\t\t<BPS>" << GetBioID (-1) << "</BPS>" << endLine;
				text << indent << "\t\t<Locus>" << mLeftLocus->GetLocusName () << "</Locus>" << endLine;
				text << indent << "\t\t<Location>-1</Location>" << endLine;
				text << indent << "\t</Allele>" << endLine;

		if ((mRightLocus != NULL) && (mRightLocus != mLocus)) {

			if (mAlleleNameRight.Length () > 0) {

				text << indent << "\t<Allele>" << endLine;
				text << indent << "\t\t<Name>" << mAlleleNameRight << "</Name>" << endLine;

				if (mIsOffGridRight)
					suffix = "true";

				else if (GetMessageValue (acceptedOLRight))
					suffix = "accepted";

					suffix = "false";

				text << indent << "\t\t<OffLadder>" << suffix << "</OffLadder>" << endLine;
				text << indent << "\t\t<BPS>" << GetBioID (1) << "</BPS>" << endLine;
				text << indent << "\t\t<Locus>" << mRightLocus->GetLocusName () << "</Locus>" << endLine;
				text << indent << "\t\t<Location>1</Location>" << endLine;
				text << indent << "\t</Allele>" << endLine;

		text << indent << "</" + bracketTag << ">" << endLine;

	text.ResetOutputLevel ();
void DataSignal :: WriteSmartArtifactInfoToXML (RGTextOutput& text, const RGString& indent, const RGString& bracketTag, const RGString& locationTag) {

	int peak;
	Endl endLine;
	RGString suffix;
	RGString label;
	SmartMessageReporter* notice;
	int i;
	RGString virtualAllele;
	int reportedMessageLevel;

	reportedMessageLevel = GetHighestMessageLevelWithRestrictionSM ();
	bool thisIsFirstNotice = true;

	if ((!DontLook ()) && (NumberOfSmartNoticeObjects () != 0)) {
		peak = (int) floor (Peak () + 0.5);

		if (mOffGrid)
			suffix = " OL";

		virtualAllele = GetVirtualAlleleName ();

		RGDListIterator it (*mSmartMessageReporters);
		i = 0;

		while (notice = (SmartMessageReporter*) it ()) {

			if (!notice->GetDisplayOsirisInfo ())

			if (thisIsFirstNotice) {

				text << indent << "<" << bracketTag << ">" << endLine;
				text << indent << "\t<level>" << reportedMessageLevel << "</level>" << endLine;
				text << indent << "\t<mean>" << GetMean () << "</mean>" << endLine;
				text << indent << "\t<height>" << peak << "</height>" << endLine;
//				text << indent << "\t<" << locationTag << ">" << (int) floor (GetApproximateBioID () + 0.5) << "</" << locationTag << ">" << endLine;
				text << indent << "\t<" << locationTag << ">" << GetApproximateBioID () << "</" << locationTag << ">" << endLine;
				text << indent << "\t<PeakArea>" << TheoreticalArea () << "</PeakArea>" << endLine;

				if (virtualAllele.Length () > 0)
					text << indent << "\t<equivAllele>" << virtualAllele << suffix << "</equivAllele>" << endLine;

				text << indent << "\t<width>" << 4.0 * GetStandardDeviation () << "</width>" << endLine;
				text << indent << "\t<fit>" << GetCurveFit () << "</fit>" << endLine;
				label = indent + "\t<label>";
				thisIsFirstNotice = false;

			if (i > 0)
				label << "&#10;";

			label += notice->GetMessage ();
			label += notice->GetMessageData ();

		RGString temp = GetVirtualAlleleName () + suffix;

		if (temp.Length () > 0) {

			if (i > 0)
				label << "&#10;";

			label += "Allele " + temp;

		if (i > 0) {

			label << "</label>";
			text << label << endLine;
			text << indent << "</" + bracketTag << ">" << endLine;

		/*if ((signalLink != NULL) && (!signalLink->xmlArtifactInfoWritten)) {

			signalLink->xmlArtifactInfoWritten = true;
			peak = signalLink->height;

			text << indent << "<" << bracketTag << ">" << endLine;
			text << indent << "\t<mean>" << signalLink->mean << "</mean>" << endLine;
			text << indent << "\t<height>" << peak << "</height>" << endLine;
			text << indent << "\t<" << locationTag << ">" << signalLink->bioID << "</" << locationTag << ">" << endLine;
			text << indent << "\t<fit>" << GetCurveFit () << "</fit>" << endLine;
			label = indent + "\t<label>";
			mNoticeObjectIterator.Reset ();
			i = 0;

			while (notice = (Notice*) mNoticeObjectIterator ()) {

				if (i > 0)
					label << "&#10;";

				label += notice->GetLabel ();

			if (temp.Length () > 0) {

				if (i > 0)
					label << "&#10;";

				label += "Allele " + temp;

			label << "</label>";
			text << label << endLine;
			text << indent << "</" + bracketTag << ">" << endLine;
void CoreBioComponent :: ReportXMLSmartSampleTableRowWithLinks (RGTextOutput& text, RGTextOutput& tempText) {

	RGString type;

	if (mIsNegativeControl)
		type = "-Control";

	else if (mIsPositiveControl)
		type = "+Control";

		type = "Sample";

	RGString pResult;

	RGString SimpleFileName (mName);
	size_t startPos = 0;
	size_t endPos;
	size_t length = SimpleFileName.Length ();
	if (SimpleFileName.FindLastSubstringCaseIndependent (DirectoryManager::GetDataFileType (), startPos, endPos)) {

		if (endPos == length - 1)
			SimpleFileName.ExtractAndRemoveLastCharacters (4);

	SimpleFileName.FindAndReplaceAllSubstrings ("\\", "/");
	startPos = endPos = 0;

	if (SimpleFileName.FindLastSubstring ("/", startPos, endPos)) {

		SimpleFileName.ExtractAndRemoveSubstring (0, startPos);
	text << CLevel (1) << "\t\t<Sample>\n";
	text << "\t\t\t<Name>" << xmlwriter::EscAscii (SimpleFileName, &pResult) << "</Name>\n";
	text << "\t\t\t<SampleName>" << xmlwriter::EscAscii (mSampleName, &pResult) << "</SampleName>\n";
	text << "\t\t\t<RunStart>" << mRunStart.GetData () << "</RunStart>\n";
	text << "\t\t\t<Type>" << type.GetData () << "</Type>\n" << PLevel ();

	int trigger = Notice::GetMessageTrigger ();
//	int channelHighestLevel;
//	bool channelAlerts = false;
	int cbcHighestMsgLevel = GetHighestMessageLevelWithRestrictionSM ();
	RGDListIterator it (*mSmartMessageReporters);
	SmartMessageReporter* nextNotice;
	bool includesExportInfo = false;

	while (nextNotice = (SmartMessageReporter*) it ()) {

		if (nextNotice->HasViableExportInfo ()) {

			includesExportInfo = true;

	if (((cbcHighestMsgLevel > 0) && (cbcHighestMsgLevel <= trigger)) || includesExportInfo) {

//		text << CLevel (1) << "\t\t\t<SampleAlerts>\n" << PLevel ();

		// get message numbers and report
		ReportXMLSmartNoticeObjects (text, tempText, " ");

//		text << CLevel (1) << "\t\t\t</SampleAlerts>\n" << PLevel ();

	mDataChannels [mLaneStandardChannel]->ReportXMLILSSmartNoticeObjects (text, tempText, " ");
	int i;

	//for (i=1; i<=mNumberOfChannels; i++) {

	//	//if (i == mLaneStandardChannel)
	//	//	continue;

	//	channelHighestLevel = mDataChannels [i]->GetHighestMessageLevelWithRestrictionSM ();

	//	if ((channelHighestLevel > 0) && (channelHighestLevel <= trigger)) {

	//		channelAlerts = true;
	//		break;
	//	}

//	if (channelAlerts) {

		text << CLevel (1) << "\t\t\t<ChannelAlerts>\n" << PLevel ();

		for (i=1; i<=mNumberOfChannels; i++) {

			if (i == mLaneStandardChannel)

			mDataChannels [i]->ReportXMLSmartNoticeObjects (text, tempText, " ");

		text << CLevel (1) << "\t\t\t</ChannelAlerts>\n" << PLevel ();
//	}

	mMarkerSet->ResetLocusList ();
	Locus* nextLocus;

	while (nextLocus = mMarkerSet->GetNextLocus ()) {

		nextLocus->ReportXMLSmartSampleTableRowWithLinks (text, tempText, " ");

	if (mIsPositiveControl)
		text << CLevel (1) << "\t\t\t<PositiveControl>" << mPositiveControlName << "</PositiveControl>\n";

	text << CLevel (1) << "\t\t</Sample>\n" << PLevel ();
STRBaseLaneStandard :: STRBaseLaneStandard (const RGString& xmlString) : BaseLaneStandard (xmlString),
    mCharacteristicArray (NULL), mDifferenceArray (NULL), mUnnormalizedDifferenceArray(0),
    mNormsLeft (NULL), mNormsRight (NULL), mRelativeSizes (NULL),
    mSize (0), mDifferenceSize (0), mOmissionSize (0), mOmissionArray (NULL), mNumberOfLargePeaks (0),
    mLargeCharacteristicArray (NULL), mLargeDifferenceArray (NULL), mNumberOfLargeDifferences (0),
    mFirstIntervalFraction (-1.0), mSmallestIntervalFraction (-1.0), mMaxRelativeHeight (-1),
    mCorrelationAcceptanceThreshold (0.993), mCorrelationAutoAcceptanceThreshold (0.9975)
//, mLastHalfSize (0), mLastHalfCharacteristicArray (NULL), mLastHalfUnnormalizedDifferenceArray (NULL),
//mLastHalfRelativeSizes (NULL), mLastHalfDifferenceSize (0), mLastHalfNormsLeft (NULL), mLastHalfNormsRight (NULL)

    RGString TextInput (xmlString);
    RGBracketStringSearch CharacteristicsToken ("<Characteristics>", "</Characteristics>", TextInput);
    RGString CharacteristicsString;
    RGString HeightString;
    RGBracketStringSearch HeightToken ("<RelativeHeights>", "</RelativeHeights>", TextInput);
    RGBracketStringSearch OmissionSearch ("<Omissions>", "</Omissions>", TextInput);
    RGBracketStringSearch AcceptanceThresholdSearch ("<CorrelationAcceptanceThreshold>", "</CorrelationAcceptanceThreshold>", TextInput);
    RGBracketStringSearch AutoAcceptanceThresholdSearch ("<CorrelationAutoAcceptanceThreshold>", "</CorrelationAutoAcceptanceThreshold>", TextInput);
    RGString OmissionString;
    size_t endPosition;
    RGString token;
    RGString delim;
    RGString numberString;

    double minChar;
    double maxChar;
    RGDList tokens;
    double value;
    RGPDouble* valuePtr;

    double previous;
    double next;
    double cumulative;
    int i = 0;
    double temp;
    int k;
    int j;

    if (!CharacteristicsToken.FindNextBracketedString (0, endPosition, CharacteristicsString)) {

        Msg << "Internal Lane Standard named " << Name << " could not find Characteristics token from string\n";
        Msg << TextInput << "\n";
        Valid = FALSE;

    else {

        RGStringTokenizer data (CharacteristicsString);
        data.AddDelimiter (' ');
        data.AddDelimiter ("  ");
        data.AddDelimiter ("   ");
        data.AddDelimiter ("    ");
        data.AddDelimiter ("     ");
        data.AddRemoveItem (',');
        data.AddDelimiter ('\t');
        data.AddDelimiter ('\n');

        while (data.NextToken (token, delim)) {

            if (token.Length () > 0) {

                value = token.ConvertToDouble ();
                valuePtr = new RGPDouble (value);

                if (tokens.Entries () == 0) {

                    minChar = maxChar = value;
                    tokens.Append (valuePtr);

                else if (value < minChar) {

                    minChar = value;
                    tokens.Prepend (valuePtr);

                else if (value > maxChar) {

                    maxChar = value;
                    tokens.Append (valuePtr);

                    tokens.Insert (valuePtr);

        mSize = (int)tokens.Entries ();
        NCharacteristics = mSize;
        mCharacteristicArray = new double [mSize];
        mDifferenceSize = mSize - 1;
        mDifferenceArray = new double [mDifferenceSize];
        mUnnormalizedDifferenceArray = new double [mDifferenceSize];
        mNormsLeft = new double [mDifferenceSize];
        mNormsRight = new double [mDifferenceSize];

        //mLastHalfSize = mSize / 2;

        //if (2 * mLastHalfSize < mSize)
        //	mLastHalfSize += 1;

        //mLastHalfDifferenceSize = mLastHalfSize - 1;
        //mLastHalfCharacteristicArray = new double [mLastHalfSize];
        //mLastHalfUnnormalizedDifferenceArray = new double [mLastHalfDifferenceSize];
        //mLastHalfNormsLeft = new double [mLastHalfDifferenceSize];
        //mLastHalfNormsRight = new double [mLastHalfDifferenceSize];

        while (valuePtr = (RGPDouble*)tokens.GetFirst ()) {

            mCharacteristicArray [i] = valuePtr->GetDouble ();
            delete valuePtr;

        //int displacement = mSize - mLastHalfSize;	// +0, +1, -1?????

        //for (i=0; i<mLastHalfSize; i++)
        //	mLastHalfCharacteristicArray [i] = mCharacteristicArray [i + displacement];

        previous = mCharacteristicArray [0];

        for (i=0; i<mDifferenceSize; i++) {

            next = mCharacteristicArray [i+1];
            mUnnormalizedDifferenceArray [i] = mDifferenceArray [i] = next - previous;
            previous = next;

        //for (i=0; i<mLastHalfSize; i++)
        //	mLastHalfUnnormalizedDifferenceArray [i] = mUnnormalizedDifferenceArray [i + displacement];

        double norm = 0.0;

        for (i=0; i<mDifferenceSize; i++)
            norm += mDifferenceArray [i] * mDifferenceArray [i];

        norm = sqrt (norm);

        if (norm > 0.0) {

            for (i=0; i<mDifferenceSize; i++)
                mDifferenceArray [i] /= norm;

        cumulative = 0.0;

        for (i=0; i<mDifferenceSize; i++) {

            temp = mUnnormalizedDifferenceArray [i];
            cumulative += temp * temp;
            mNormsLeft [i] = cumulative;

        cumulative = 0.0;

        for (i=mDifferenceSize-1; i>=0; i--) {

            temp = mUnnormalizedDifferenceArray [i];
            cumulative += temp * temp;
            mNormsRight [i] = cumulative;

        //cumulative = 0.0;

        //for (i=0; i<mLastHalfDifferenceSize; i++) {

        //	temp = mLastHalfUnnormalizedDifferenceArray [i];
        //	cumulative += temp * temp;
        //	mLastHalfNormsLeft [i] = cumulative;

        //cumulative = 0.0;

        //for (i=mLastHalfDifferenceSize-1; i>=0; i--) {

        //	temp = mLastHalfUnnormalizedDifferenceArray [i];
        //	cumulative += temp * temp;
        //	mLastHalfNormsRight [i] = cumulative;

        MaxCharacteristic = maxChar;
        MinCharacteristic = minChar;
        double width = mCharacteristicArray [mSize - 1] - mCharacteristicArray [0];

        if (width > 0.0)
            mFirstIntervalFraction = mUnnormalizedDifferenceArray [0] / width;

            mFirstIntervalFraction = 1.0;

        double temp = mUnnormalizedDifferenceArray [0];
        double value;

        for (i=0; i<mDifferenceSize; i++) {

            value = mUnnormalizedDifferenceArray [i];

            if (value < temp)
                temp = value;

        if (width > 0.0)
            mSmallestIntervalFraction = temp / width;

            mSmallestIntervalFraction = 1.0;

        if (!HeightToken.FindNextBracketedString (0, endPosition, HeightString)) {

            mRelativeSizes = NULL;
//			mLastHalfRelativeSizes = NULL;

        else {

            RGStringTokenizer data2 (HeightString);
            data2.AddDelimiter (' ');
            data2.AddDelimiter ("  ");
            data2.AddDelimiter ("   ");
            data2.AddDelimiter ("    ");
            data2.AddDelimiter ("     ");
            data2.AddRemoveItem (',');
            data2.AddDelimiter ('\t');
            data2.AddDelimiter ('\n');

            mRelativeSizes = new int [mSize];

            for (k=0; k<mSize; k++)
                mRelativeSizes [k] = -1;

            k = 0;

            while (data2.NextToken (token, delim)) {

                if (token.Length () > 0) {

                    token.ToUpper ();
                    char first = token.GetFirstCharacter ();

                    switch (first) {

                    case 'H':
                        mRelativeSizes [k] = 5;

                    case 'L':
                        mRelativeSizes [k] = 1;

                    case 'M':
                        if (token.Length () == 1)
                            mRelativeSizes [k] = 3;

                        else if (token.GetLastCharacter () == 'H')
                            mRelativeSizes [k] = 4;

                            mRelativeSizes [k] = 2;


                        mRelativeSizes [k] = -1;


                if (k >= mSize)

            //mLastHalfRelativeSizes = new int [mLastHalfSize];

            //for (i=0; i<mLastHalfSize; i++)
            //	mLastHalfRelativeSizes [i] = mRelativeSizes [i + displacement];

            int maxRelativeSize = 0;
            int relativeSize;

            for (j=0; j<mSize; j++) {

                relativeSize = mRelativeSizes [j];

                if (relativeSize > maxRelativeSize)
                    maxRelativeSize = relativeSize;

            int numberOfHighsInILS = 0;
            mMaxRelativeHeight = maxRelativeSize;

            for (j=0; j<mSize; j++) {

                if (mRelativeSizes [j] == maxRelativeSize)

            mNumberOfLargePeaks = numberOfHighsInILS;
            mNumberOfLargeDifferences = numberOfHighsInILS - 1;
            mLargeCharacteristicArray = new double [numberOfHighsInILS];

            if (mNumberOfLargeDifferences > 0)
                mLargeDifferenceArray = new double [mNumberOfLargeDifferences];

            k = 0;

            for (j=0; j<mSize; j++) {

                if (mRelativeSizes [j] == maxRelativeSize) {

                    mLargeCharacteristicArray [k] = mCharacteristicArray [j];

            if (mLargeDifferenceArray != NULL) {

                for (j=0; j<mNumberOfLargeDifferences; j++)
                    mLargeDifferenceArray [j] = mLargeCharacteristicArray [j + 1] - mLargeCharacteristicArray [j];

        if (OmissionSearch.FindNextBracketedString (0, endPosition, OmissionString)) {

            RGStringTokenizer omissionData (OmissionString);
            omissionData.AddDelimiter (' ');
            omissionData.AddDelimiter ("  ");
            omissionData.AddDelimiter ("   ");
            omissionData.AddDelimiter ("    ");
            omissionData.AddDelimiter ("     ");
            omissionData.AddRemoveItem (',');
            omissionData.AddDelimiter ('\t');
            omissionData.AddDelimiter ('\n');

            while (omissionData.NextToken (token, delim)) {

                if (token.Length () > 0) {

                    value = token.ConvertToDouble ();
                    valuePtr = new RGPDouble (value);

                    if (tokens.Entries () == 0) {

                        minChar = maxChar = value;
                        tokens.Append (valuePtr);

                    else if (value < minChar) {

                        minChar = value;
                        tokens.Prepend (valuePtr);

                    else if (value > maxChar) {

                        maxChar = value;
                        tokens.Append (valuePtr);

                        tokens.Insert (valuePtr);

            mOmissionSize = (int)tokens.Entries ();

            if (mOmissionSize == 0)

            mOmissionArray = new double [mOmissionSize];

            i = 0;

            while (valuePtr = (RGPDouble*)tokens.GetFirst ()) {

                mOmissionArray [i] = valuePtr->GetDouble ();
                delete valuePtr;

    cout << "ILS Name = " << Name.GetData () << endl;

    if (!AcceptanceThresholdSearch.FindNextBracketedString (0, endPosition, numberString))
        cout << "\tCould not find ILS acceptance threshold...using " << mCorrelationAcceptanceThreshold << endl;

    else {

        mCorrelationAcceptanceThreshold = numberString.ConvertToDouble ();
        cout << "\tFrom ILS settings...ILS acceptance threshold = " << mCorrelationAcceptanceThreshold << endl;

    if (!AutoAcceptanceThresholdSearch.FindNextBracketedString (0, endPosition, numberString))
        cout << "\tCould not find ILS auto acceptance threshold...using default value = " << mCorrelationAutoAcceptanceThreshold << endl << endl;

    else {

        mCorrelationAutoAcceptanceThreshold = numberString.ConvertToDouble ();
        cout << "\tFrom ILS settings...ILS auto acceptance threshold = " << mCorrelationAutoAcceptanceThreshold << endl << endl;
int CoreBioComponent :: InitializeSM (SampleData& fileData, PopulationCollection* collection, const RGString& markerSetName, Boolean isGrid) {

	//  This is ladder and sample stage 1

	mTime = fileData.GetCollectionStartTime ();
	mDate = fileData.GetCollectionStartDate ();
	mName = fileData.GetName ();
	mRunStart = mDate.GetOARString () + mTime.GetOARString ();
	mMarkerSet = collection->GetNamedPopulationMarkerSet (markerSetName);
	Progress = 0;

	smMarkerSetNameUnknown noNamedMarkerSet;
	smNamedILSUnknown noNamedILS;
	smChannelIsILS channelIsILS;

	if (mMarkerSet == NULL) {

		ErrorString = "*******COULD NOT FIND MARKER SET NAMED ";
		ErrorString << markerSetName << " IN POPULATION COLLECTION********\n";
		SetMessageValue (noNamedMarkerSet, true);
		AppendDataForSmartMessage (noNamedMarkerSet, markerSetName);
		return -1;

	mLaneStandard = mMarkerSet->GetLaneStandard ();
	mNumberOfChannels = mMarkerSet->GetNumberOfChannels ();

	if ((mLaneStandard == NULL) || !mLaneStandard->IsValid ()) {

		ErrorString = "Could not find named internal lane standard associated with marker set named ";
		ErrorString << markerSetName << "\n";
		cout << "Could not find named internal lane standard associated with marker set named " << (char*)markerSetName.GetData () << endl;
		SetMessageValue (noNamedILS, true);
		AppendDataForSmartMessage (noNamedILS, markerSetName);
		return -1;

	mDataChannels = new ChannelData* [mNumberOfChannels + 1];
	int i;
	const int* fsaChannelMap = mMarkerSet->GetChannelMap ();

	for (i=0; i<=mNumberOfChannels; i++)
		mDataChannels [i] = NULL;

	mLaneStandardChannel = mMarkerSet->GetLaneStandardChannel ();

	for (i=1; i<=mNumberOfChannels; i++) {

		if (i == mLaneStandardChannel)
			mDataChannels [i] = GetNewLaneStandardChannel (i, mLaneStandard);

		else {

			if (isGrid)
				mDataChannels [i] = GetNewGridDataChannel (i, mLaneStandard);

				mDataChannels [i] = GetNewDataChannel (i, mLaneStandard);

		mDataChannels [i]->SetFsaChannel (fsaChannelMap [i]);

	mLSData = mDataChannels [mLaneStandardChannel];
	mLSData->SetMessageValue (channelIsILS, true);
	mMarkerSet->ResetLocusList ();
	Locus* nextLocus;

	while (nextLocus = mMarkerSet->GetNextLocus ())
		mDataChannels [nextLocus->GetLocusChannel ()]->AddLocus (nextLocus);

	Progress = 1;
	return 0;
STRBaseLocus :: STRBaseLocus (const RGString& xmlInput) : BaseLocus (xmlInput), LowerBoundGridLSIndex (-1.0),
    UpperBoundGridLSIndex (-1.0), MinimumGridTime (-1.0), MaximumGridTime (-1.0), LowerBoundGridLSBasePair (-1.0),
    UpperBoundGridLSBasePair (-1.0), mNoExtension (false) {

    mSampleLocusSpecificStutterThreshold = Locus::GetSampleStutterThreshold ();
    mSampleLocusSpecificPlusStutterThreshold = Locus::GetSamplePlusStutterThreshold ();
    mSampleLocusSpecificAdenylationThreshold = Locus::GetSampleAdenylationThreshold ();
    mSampleLocusSpecificFractionalFilter = Locus::GetSampleFractionalFilter ();
    mSampleLocusSpecificPullupFractionalFilter = Locus::GetSamplePullupFractionalFilter ();
    mSampleLocusSpecificHeterozygousImbalanceThreshold = Locus::GetHeterozygousImbalanceLimit ();
    mSampleLocusSpecificMinBoundForHomozygote = Locus::GetMinBoundForHomozygote ();

    mLadderLocusSpecificStutterThreshold = Locus::GetGridStutterThreshold ();
    mLadderLocusSpecificAdenylationThreshold = Locus::GetGridAdenylationThreshold ();
    mLadderLocusSpecificFractionalFilter = Locus::GetGridFractionalFilter ();
    mLadderLocusSpecificPullupFractionalFilter = Locus::GetGridPullupFractionalFilter ();

    RGString Input (xmlInput);
    RGBracketStringSearch MinToken ("<MinBP>", "</MinBP>", Input);
    RGBracketStringSearch MaxToken ("<MaxBP>", "</MaxBP>", Input);
    RGBracketStringSearch LowerGridIndex ("<MinGridLSIndex>", "</MinGridLSIndex>", Input);
    RGBracketStringSearch UpperGridIndex ("<MaxGridLSIndex>", "</MaxGridLSIndex>", Input);
    RGBracketStringSearch CoreRepeatSearch ("<CoreRepeatNumber>", "</CoreRepeatNumber>", Input);
    RGBracketStringSearch LowerGridBasePair ("<MinGridLSBasePair>", "</MinGridLSBasePair>", Input);
    RGBracketStringSearch UpperGridBasePair ("<MaxGridLSBasePair>", "</MaxGridLSBasePair>", Input);

    RGBracketStringSearch NoExtensionSearch ("<NoExtension>", "</NoExtension>", Input);

    RGXMLTagSearch yLinkedSearch ("YLinked", Input);
    RGXMLTagSearch maxExpectedAllelesSearch ("MaxExpectedAlleles", Input);
    RGXMLTagSearch minExpectedAllelesSearch ("MinExpectedAlleles", Input);
    size_t EndPosition;
    RGString BPString;
    RGString extString;
    bool lowerBoundFound = false;
    bool upperBoundFound = false;
    RGString trueString ("true");
    RGString familyName = BaseLocus::GetILSFamilyName ();
//	cout << "Current Family Name = " << familyName.GetData () << endl;  // This was a test to make sure the family name is known at this point.  Test succeeded 12/31/2015.
    bool useILSFamilies = PopulationCollection::UseILSFamiliesInLadderFile ();  // if true, use families; otherwise, use the old way.
    bool isValid = true;
    size_t StartPosition = 0;

    if (NoExtensionSearch.FindNextBracketedString (0, EndPosition, extString)) {

        if (extString.FindNextSubstringCaseIndependent (0, trueString, EndPosition))
            mNoExtension = true;

            mNoExtension = false;

    if (!MinToken.FindNextBracketedString (0, EndPosition, BPString)) {

        Valid = FALSE;
        Msg << "Locus named " << LocusName << " could not find Minimum Base Pair token\n";
        MinimumBP = -1;

        MinimumBP = BPString.ConvertToInteger ();

    if (!MaxToken.FindNextBracketedString (0, EndPosition, BPString)) {

        Valid = FALSE;
        Msg << "Locus named " << LocusName << " could not find Maximum Base Pair token\n";
        MaximumBP = -1;

        MaximumBP = BPString.ConvertToInteger ();

    if (LowerGridIndex.FindNextBracketedString (0, EndPosition, BPString)) {

        LowerBoundGridLSIndex = BPString.ConvertToDouble ();
        lowerBoundFound = true;

    if (UpperGridIndex.FindNextBracketedString (0, EndPosition, BPString)) {

        UpperBoundGridLSIndex = BPString.ConvertToDouble ();
        upperBoundFound = true;

    // test for ladder with ILS Family names here and, if found, use family name instead of the following four if's *******

    if (useILSFamilies) {

        isValid = GetLadderSearchRegion (StartPosition, Input, familyName);

        if (!isValid) {

            Valid = FALSE;
            Msg << "Locus named " << LocusName << " could not find family-based search region\n";

    else {

        if (LowerGridBasePair.FindNextBracketedString (0, EndPosition, BPString)) {

            LowerBoundGridLSBasePair = BPString.ConvertToDouble ();
            lowerBoundFound = true;

        if (UpperGridBasePair.FindNextBracketedString (0, EndPosition, BPString)) {

            UpperBoundGridLSBasePair = BPString.ConvertToDouble ();
            upperBoundFound = true;

        if (!lowerBoundFound) {

            Valid = FALSE;
            Msg << "Locus named " << LocusName << " could not find Minimum Grid Internal Lane Standard token, either index or base pair\n";

        if (!upperBoundFound) {

            Valid = FALSE;
            Msg << "Locus named " << LocusName << " could not find Maximum Grid Internal Lane Standard token, either index or base pair\n";

    if (!CoreRepeatSearch.FindNextBracketedString (0, EndPosition, BPString))
        CoreRepeatNumber = 4;

        CoreRepeatNumber = BPString.ConvertToInteger ();

    if (!yLinkedSearch.FindNextTag (0, EndPosition, BPString))
        mIsYLinked = false;

    else {

        if (BPString == "false")
            mIsYLinked = false;

            mIsYLinked = true;

    if (!maxExpectedAllelesSearch.FindNextTag (0, EndPosition, BPString))
        mMaxExpectedAlleles = 2;

        mMaxExpectedAlleles = BPString.ConvertToInteger ();

    if (!minExpectedAllelesSearch.FindNextTag (0, EndPosition, BPString))
        mMinExpectedAlleles = 1;

        mMinExpectedAlleles = BPString.ConvertToInteger ();

    if (!Valid) {

        Msg << "XML Input:\n" << Input << "\n";