 * Calculates the intersection point(s) between two entities.
 * @param onEntities true: only return intersection points which are
 *                   on both entities.
 *                   false: return all intersection points.
 * @todo support more entities
 * @return All intersections of the two entities. The tangent flag in
 * RS_VectorSolutions is set if one intersection is a tangent point.
RS_VectorSolutions RS_Information::getIntersection(RS_Entity* e1,
        RS_Entity* e2, bool onEntities) {

    RS_VectorSolutions ret;
    double tol = 1.0e-4;

    if (e1==NULL || e2==NULL ) {
        RS_DEBUG->print("RS_Information::getIntersection() for NULL entities");
        return ret;
    if (e1->getId() == e2->getId()) {
        RS_DEBUG->print("RS_Information::getIntersection() of the same entity");
        return ret;

    // unsupported entities / entity combinations:
    if (
        e1->rtti()==RS2::EntityText || e2->rtti()==RS2::EntityText ||
        isDimension(e1->rtti()) || isDimension(e2->rtti())) {
        return ret;
    // a little check to avoid doing unneeded intersections, an attempt to avoid O(N^2) increasing of checking two-entity information
    if (onEntities
            && (
                e1 -> getMin().x > e2 -> getMax().x
                || e1 -> getMax().x < e2 -> getMin().x
                || e1 -> getMin().y > e2 -> getMax().y
                || e1 -> getMax().y < e2 -> getMin().y
            ) {
            return ret;

    // one entity is an ellipse:
    if (e1->rtti()==RS2::EntityEllipse || e2->rtti()==RS2::EntityEllipse) {
        if (e2->rtti()==RS2::EntityEllipse) std::swap( e1, e2);
        if (e2->rtti()==RS2::EntityEllipse) {
            ret = getIntersectionEllipseEllipse((RS_Ellipse*)e1, (RS_Ellipse *) e2);
        if (e2->rtti()==RS2::EntityCircle) {
            ret = getIntersectionCircleEllipse((RS_Circle *)e2, (RS_Ellipse *) e1);
        if (e2->rtti()==RS2::EntityArc) {
            ret = getIntersectionArcEllipse((RS_Arc *)e2, (RS_Ellipse *) e1);
        if (e2->rtti()==RS2::EntityLine) {
            ret = getIntersectionLineEllipse((RS_Line*)e2, (RS_Ellipse*) e1);
            tol = 1.0e-1;

        // not supported:
        else {
            return ret;
    } else {

        RS_Entity* te1 = e1;
        RS_Entity* te2 = e2;

        // entity copies - so we only have to deal with lines and arcs
        RS_Line l1(NULL,
                   RS_LineData(RS_Vector(0.0, 0.0), RS_Vector(0.0,0.0)));
        RS_Line l2(NULL,
                   RS_LineData(RS_Vector(0.0, 0.0), RS_Vector(0.0,0.0)));

        RS_Arc a1(NULL,
                  RS_ArcData(RS_Vector(0.0,0.0), 1.0, 0.0, 2*M_PI, false));
        RS_Arc a2(NULL,
                  RS_ArcData(RS_Vector(0.0,0.0), 1.0, 0.0, 2*M_PI, false));

        // convert construction lines to lines:
        if (e1->rtti()==RS2::EntityConstructionLine) {
            RS_ConstructionLine* cl = (RS_ConstructionLine*)e1;


            te1 = &l1;
        if (e2->rtti()==RS2::EntityConstructionLine) {
            RS_ConstructionLine* cl = (RS_ConstructionLine*)e2;


            te2 = &l2;

        // convert circles to arcs:
        if (e1->rtti()==RS2::EntityCircle) {
            RS_Circle* c = (RS_Circle*)e1;

            RS_ArcData data(c->getCenter(), c->getRadius(), 0.0, 2*M_PI, false);

            te1 = &a1;
        if (e2->rtti()==RS2::EntityCircle) {
            RS_Circle* c = (RS_Circle*)e2;

            RS_ArcData data(c->getCenter(), c->getRadius(), 0.0, 2*M_PI, false);

            te2 = &a2;

        // line / line:
        if (te1->rtti()==RS2::EntityLine &&
                te2->rtti()==RS2::EntityLine) {
            RS_Line * line1=(RS_Line*) te1;
            RS_Line * line2=(RS_Line*) te2;
            /* ToDo: 24 Aug 2011, Dongxu Li, if rtti() is not defined for the parent, the following check for splines may still cause segfault */
            if ( line1->getParent() != NULL && line1->getParent() == line2->getParent()) {
                if ( line1->getParent()->rtti()==RS2::EntitySpline ) {
                    //do not calculate intersections from neighboring lines of a spline
                    if ( abs(line1->getParent()->findEntity(line1) - line1->getParent()->findEntity(line2)) <= 1 ) {
                        return ret;

            ret = getIntersectionLineLine(line1, line2);

        // line / arc:
        else if (te1->rtti()==RS2::EntityLine &&
                 te2->rtti()==RS2::EntityArc) {

            RS_Line* line = (RS_Line*)te1;
            RS_Arc* arc = (RS_Arc*)te2;

            ret = getIntersectionLineArc(line, arc);

        // arc / line:
        else if (te1->rtti()==RS2::EntityArc &&
                 te2->rtti()==RS2::EntityLine) {

            RS_Arc* arc = (RS_Arc*)te1;
            RS_Line* line = (RS_Line*)te2;

            ret = getIntersectionLineArc(line, arc);

        // arc / arc:
        else if (te1->rtti()==RS2::EntityArc &&
                 te2->rtti()==RS2::EntityArc) {

            RS_Arc* arc1 = (RS_Arc*)te1;
            RS_Arc* arc2 = (RS_Arc*)te2;

            ret = getIntersectionArcArc(arc1, arc2);
            // ellipse / ellipse
        } else {
            RS_DEBUG->print("RS_Information::getIntersection:: Unsupported entity type.");


    // Check all intersection points for being on entities:
    if (onEntities==true) {
        if (!e1->isPointOnEntity(ret.get(0), tol) ||
                !e2->isPointOnEntity(ret.get(0), tol)) {
            ret.set(0, RS_Vector(false));
        if (!e1->isPointOnEntity(ret.get(1), tol) ||
                !e2->isPointOnEntity(ret.get(1), tol)) {
            ret.set(1, RS_Vector(false));
        if (!e1->isPointOnEntity(ret.get(2), tol) ||
                !e2->isPointOnEntity(ret.get(2), tol)) {
            ret.set(2, RS_Vector(false));
        if (!e1->isPointOnEntity(ret.get(3), tol) ||
                !e2->isPointOnEntity(ret.get(3), tol)) {
            ret.set(3, RS_Vector(false));

    int k=0;
    for (int i=0; i<4; ++i) {
        if (ret.get(i).valid) {
            ret.set(k, ret.get(i));
    for (int i=k; i<4; ++i) {
        ret.set(i, RS_Vector(false));

    return ret;
 * Calculates the intersection point(s) between two entities.
 * @param onEntities true: only return intersection points which are
 *                   on both entities.
 *                   false: return all intersection points.
 * @todo support more entities
 * @return All intersections of the two entities. The tangent flag in
 * RS_VectorSolutions is set if one intersection is a tangent point.
RS_VectorSolutions RS_Information::getIntersection(RS_Entity* e1,
    RS_Entity* e2, bool onEntities)

  RS_VectorSolutions ret;
  double tol = 1.0e-4;

  if (e1==NULL || e2==NULL)
    return ret;

  // unsupported entities / entity combinations:
  if ((e1->rtti()==RS2::EntityEllipse && e2->rtti()==RS2::EntityEllipse) ||
      e1->rtti()==RS2::EntityText || e2->rtti()==RS2::EntityText ||
      isDimension(e1->rtti()) || isDimension(e2->rtti()))
    return ret;

  // (only) one entity is an ellipse:
  if (e1->rtti()==RS2::EntityEllipse || e2->rtti()==RS2::EntityEllipse)
    if (e2->rtti()==RS2::EntityEllipse)
      RS_Entity* tmp = e1;
      e1 = e2;
      e2 = tmp;
    if (e2->rtti()==RS2::EntityLine)
      RS_Ellipse* ellipse = (RS_Ellipse*)e1;
      ret = getIntersectionLineEllipse((RS_Line*)e2, ellipse);
      tol = 1.0e-1;

    // ellipse / arc, ellipse / ellipse: not supported:
      return ret;

    RS_Entity* te1 = e1;
    RS_Entity* te2 = e2;

    // entity copies - so we only have to deal with lines and arcs
    RS_Line l1(NULL,
               RS_LineData(RS_Vector(0.0, 0.0), RS_Vector(0.0,0.0)));
    RS_Line l2(NULL,
               RS_LineData(RS_Vector(0.0, 0.0), RS_Vector(0.0,0.0)));

    RS_Arc a1(NULL,
              RS_ArcData(RS_Vector(0.0,0.0), 1.0, 0.0, 2*M_PI, false));
    RS_Arc a2(NULL,
              RS_ArcData(RS_Vector(0.0,0.0), 1.0, 0.0, 2*M_PI, false));

    // convert construction lines to lines:
    if (e1->rtti()==RS2::EntityConstructionLine)
      RS_ConstructionLine* cl = (RS_ConstructionLine*)e1;


      te1 = &l1;
    if (e2->rtti()==RS2::EntityConstructionLine)
      RS_ConstructionLine* cl = (RS_ConstructionLine*)e2;


      te2 = &l2;

    // convert circles to arcs:
    if (e1->rtti()==RS2::EntityCircle)
      RS_Circle* c = (RS_Circle*)e1;

      RS_ArcData data(c->getCenter(), c->getRadius(), 0.0, 2*M_PI, false);

      te1 = &a1;
    if (e2->rtti()==RS2::EntityCircle)
      RS_Circle* c = (RS_Circle*)e2;

      RS_ArcData data(c->getCenter(), c->getRadius(), 0.0, 2*M_PI, false);

      te2 = &a2;

    // line / line:
    if (te1->rtti()==RS2::EntityLine &&

      RS_Line* line1 = (RS_Line*)te1;
      RS_Line* line2 = (RS_Line*)te2;

      ret = getIntersectionLineLine(line1, line2);

    // line / arc:
    else if (te1->rtti()==RS2::EntityLine &&

      RS_Line* line = (RS_Line*)te1;
      RS_Arc* arc = (RS_Arc*)te2;

      ret = getIntersectionLineArc(line, arc);

    // arc / line:
    else if (te1->rtti()==RS2::EntityArc &&

      RS_Arc* arc = (RS_Arc*)te1;
      RS_Line* line = (RS_Line*)te2;

      ret = getIntersectionLineArc(line, arc);

    // arc / arc:
    else if (te1->rtti()==RS2::EntityArc &&

      RS_Arc* arc1 = (RS_Arc*)te1;
      RS_Arc* arc2 = (RS_Arc*)te2;

      ret = getIntersectionArcArc(arc1, arc2);
      RS_DEBUG->print("RS_Information::getIntersection:: Unsupported entity type.");

  // Check all intersection points for being on entities:
  if (onEntities==true)
    if (!e1->isPointOnEntity(ret.get(0), tol) ||
        !e2->isPointOnEntity(ret.get(0), tol))
      ret.set(0, RS_Vector(false));
    if (!e1->isPointOnEntity(ret.get(1), tol) ||
        !e2->isPointOnEntity(ret.get(1), tol))
      ret.set(1, RS_Vector(false));
    if (!e1->isPointOnEntity(ret.get(2), tol) ||
        !e2->isPointOnEntity(ret.get(2), tol))
      ret.set(2, RS_Vector(false));
    if (!e1->isPointOnEntity(ret.get(3), tol) ||
        !e2->isPointOnEntity(ret.get(3), tol))
      ret.set(3, RS_Vector(false));

  int k=0;
  for (int i=0; i<4; ++i)
    if (ret.get(i).valid)
      ret.set(k, ret.get(i));
  for (int i=k; i<4; ++i)
    ret.set(i, RS_Vector(false));

  return ret;