/** * Selects all entities within the given area. * * @param select True to select, False to deselect the entities. */ void RS_EntityContainer::selectWindow(RS_Vector v1, RS_Vector v2, bool select, bool cross) { bool included; for(auto e: entities){ included = false; if (e->isVisible()) { if (e->isInWindow(v1, v2)) { //e->setSelected(select); included = true; } else if (cross) { RS_EntityContainer l; l.addRectangle(v1, v2); RS_VectorSolutions sol; if (e->isContainer()) { RS_EntityContainer* ec = (RS_EntityContainer*)e; for (RS_Entity* se=ec->firstEntity(RS2::ResolveAll); se && included==false; se=ec->nextEntity(RS2::ResolveAll)) { if (se->rtti() == RS2::EntitySolid){ included = static_cast<RS_Solid*>(se)->isInCrossWindow(v1,v2); } else { for (auto line: l) { sol = RS_Information::getIntersection( se, line, true); if (sol.hasValid()) { included = true; break; } } } } } else if (e->rtti() == RS2::EntitySolid){ included = static_cast<RS_Solid*>(e)->isInCrossWindow(v1,v2); } else { for (auto line: l) { sol = RS_Information::getIntersection(e, line, true); if (sol.hasValid()) { included = true; break; } } } } } if (included) { e->setSelected(select); } } }
/** * Creates a dimensioning line (line with one, two or no arrows and a text). * * @param forceAutoText Automatically reposition the text label. */ void RS_Dimension::updateCreateDimensionLine(const RS_Vector& p1, const RS_Vector& p2, bool arrow1, bool arrow2, bool forceAutoText) { // general scale (DIMSCALE) double dimscale = getGeneralScale(); // text height (DIMTXT) double dimtxt = getTextHeight()*dimscale; // text distance to line (DIMGAP) double dimgap = getDimensionLineGap()*dimscale; // length of dimension line: double distance = p1.distanceTo(p2); // arrow size: double arrowSize = getArrowSize()*dimscale; // do we have to put the arrows outside of the line? bool outsideArrows = (distance<arrowSize*2.5); // arrow angles: double arrowAngle1, arrowAngle2; RS_Pen pen(getDimensionLineColor(), getDimensionLineWidth(), RS2::LineByBlock); // Create dimension line: RS_Line* dimensionLine = new RS_Line{this, p1, p2}; dimensionLine->setPen(pen); // dimensionLine->setPen(RS_Pen(RS2::FlagInvalid)); dimensionLine->setLayer(nullptr); addEntity(dimensionLine); if (outsideArrows==false) { arrowAngle1 = dimensionLine->getAngle2(); arrowAngle2 = dimensionLine->getAngle1(); } else { arrowAngle1 = dimensionLine->getAngle1(); arrowAngle2 = dimensionLine->getAngle2(); // extend dimension line outside arrows RS_Vector dir = RS_Vector::polar(arrowSize*2, arrowAngle2); dimensionLine->setStartpoint(p1 + dir); dimensionLine->setEndpoint(p2 - dir); } double dimtsz=getTickSize()*dimscale; if(dimtsz < 0.01) { //display arrow // Arrows: RS_SolidData sd; RS_Solid* arrow; if (arrow1) { // arrow 1 arrow = new RS_Solid(this, sd); arrow->shapeArrow(p1, arrowAngle1, arrowSize); // arrow->setPen(RS_Pen(RS2::FlagInvalid)); arrow->setPen(pen); arrow->setLayer(nullptr); addEntity(arrow); } if (arrow2) { // arrow 2: arrow = new RS_Solid(this, sd); arrow->shapeArrow(p2, arrowAngle2, arrowSize); // arrow->setPen(RS_Pen(RS2::FlagInvalid)); arrow->setPen(pen); arrow->setLayer(nullptr); addEntity(arrow); } }else{ //display ticks // Arrows: RS_Line* tick; RS_Vector tickVector = RS_Vector::polar(dimtsz,arrowAngle1 + M_PI*0.25); //tick is 45 degree away if (arrow1) { // tick 1 tick = new RS_Line(this, p1-tickVector, p1+tickVector); tick->setPen(pen); // tick->setPen(RS_Pen(RS2::FlagInvalid)); tick->setLayer(nullptr); addEntity(tick); } if (arrow2) { // tick 2: tick = new RS_Line(this, p2-tickVector, p2+tickVector); tick->setPen(pen); // tick->setPen(RS_Pen(RS2::FlagInvalid)); tick->setLayer(nullptr); addEntity(tick); } } // Text label: RS_MTextData textData; RS_Vector textPos; double dimAngle1 = dimensionLine->getAngle1(); double textAngle; bool corrected=false; if (getAlignText()) textAngle =0.0; else textAngle = RS_Math::makeAngleReadable(dimAngle1, true, &corrected); if (data.middleOfText.valid && !forceAutoText) { textPos = data.middleOfText; } else { textPos = dimensionLine->getMiddlePoint(); if (!getAlignText()) { // rotate text so it's readable from the bottom or right (ISO) // quadrant 1 & 4 double const a = corrected?-M_PI_2:M_PI_2; RS_Vector distV = RS_Vector::polar(dimgap + dimtxt/2.0, dimAngle1+a); // move text away from dimension line: textPos+=distV; } //// the next update should still be able to adjust this //// auto text position. leave it invalid data.middleOfText = textPos; } textData = RS_MTextData(textPos, dimtxt, 30.0, RS_MTextData::VAMiddle, RS_MTextData::HACenter, RS_MTextData::LeftToRight, RS_MTextData::Exact, 1.0, getLabel(), getTextStyle(), // "standard", textAngle); RS_MText* text = new RS_MText(this, textData); // move text to the side: RS_Vector distH; if (text->getUsedTextWidth()>distance) { distH.setPolar(text->getUsedTextWidth()/2.0 +distance/2.0+dimgap, textAngle); text->move(distH); } text->setPen(RS_Pen(getTextColor(), RS2::WidthByBlock, RS2::SolidLine)); // text->setPen(RS_Pen(RS2::FlagInvalid)); text->setLayer(nullptr); //horizontal text, split dimensionLine if (getAlignText()) { double w =text->getUsedTextWidth()/2+dimgap; double h = text->getUsedTextHeight()/2+dimgap; RS_Vector v1 = textPos - RS_Vector{w, h}; RS_Vector v2 = textPos + RS_Vector{w, h}; RS_EntityContainer c; c.addRectangle(v1, v2); RS_VectorSolutions sol1; for(RS_Entity* e: c) { sol1.appendTo( RS_Information::getIntersection(dimensionLine, e, true) ); } //are text intersecting dimensionLine? if (sol1.size()>1) { //yes, split dimension line RS_Line* dimensionLine2 = static_cast<RS_Line*>(dimensionLine->clone()); v1 = sol1.get(0); v2 = sol1.get(1); if (p1.distanceTo(v1) < p1.distanceTo(v2)) { dimensionLine->setEndpoint(v1); dimensionLine2->setStartpoint(v2); } else { dimensionLine->setEndpoint(v2); dimensionLine2->setStartpoint(v1); } addEntity(dimensionLine2); } } addEntity(text); }