bool GeometryAdapter::ConvertFill(MdfModel::Fill* mdffill, RS_FillStyle& rsfill)
    bool const1 = true, const2 = true;

    if (mdffill != NULL)
        const1 = EvalColor(mdffill->GetForegroundColor(), rsfill.color());
        const2 = EvalColor(mdffill->GetBackgroundColor(), rsfill.background());
        rsfill.pattern() = mdffill->GetFillPattern();
        // no fill => set transparent fill color
        rsfill.color() = RS_Color(RS_Color::EMPTY_COLOR_RGBA);
        rsfill.background() = RS_Color(RS_Color::EMPTY_COLOR_RGBA);

    return const1 && const2;
bool GeometryAdapter::ConvertFill(MdfModel::AreaSymbolization2D* fill, RS_FillStyle& rsfill)
    if (fill == NULL)
        return false; // can also return true - this really is an error condition

    MdfModel::Fill* mdffill = fill->GetFill();

    bool const1 = ConvertFill(mdffill, rsfill);
    bool const2 = ConvertStroke(fill->GetEdge(), rsfill.outline());

    return const1 && const2;
void PolygonAdapter::Stylize(Renderer*                   renderer,
                             RS_FeatureReader*           features,
                             bool                        initialPass,
                             SE_Evaluator*               eval,
                             LineBuffer*                 geometry,
                             MdfModel::FeatureTypeStyle* style,
                             const MdfModel::MdfString*  tooltip,
                             const MdfModel::MdfString*  url,
                             RS_ElevationSettings*       elevSettings,
                             CSysTransformer*            /*layer2mapxformer*/)
    m_eval = eval;

    // no need to do anything if the style is not an area style, so quit
    if (FeatureTypeStyleVisitor::DetermineFeatureTypeStyle(style) != FeatureTypeStyleVisitor::ftsArea)

    // determine the rule for the feature

    MdfModel::RuleCollection* arc = style->GetRules();
    MdfModel::AreaRule* rule = NULL;

    for (int i=0; i<arc->GetCount(); ++i)
        rule = static_cast<MdfModel::AreaRule*>(arc->GetAt(i));

        // apply any filter on the rule - if it fails move to the next rule
        if (!ExecFilter(&rule->GetFilter()))
            // don't stylize with failed rule
            rule = NULL;


    if (!rule)

    MdfModel::AreaSymbolization2D* asym = rule->GetSymbolization();
    if (asym == NULL)

    // evaluate the style to use

    // quick check if style is already cached
    RS_FillStyle* fillStyle = m_hAreaSymCache[asym];
    if (!fillStyle)
        // if not, then we need to either cache or evaluate it
        fillStyle = &m_fillStyle;
        ObtainStyle(asym, *fillStyle);

    // compute the clip offset from the styles

    double clipOffsetWU = 0.0;  // in mapping units

    bool bClip      = renderer->RequiresClipping();
    bool bLabelClip = renderer->RequiresLabelClipping();

    if (bClip || bLabelClip)
        double mapScale = renderer->GetMapScale();

        // in meters in device units
        double clipOffsetMeters = GetClipOffset(fillStyle->outline(), mapScale);

        // add one pixel's worth to handle any roundoff
        clipOffsetMeters += METERS_PER_INCH / renderer->GetDpi();

        // limit the offset to something reasonable
        if (clipOffsetMeters > MAX_CLIPOFFSET_IN_METERS)
            clipOffsetMeters = MAX_CLIPOFFSET_IN_METERS;

        // convert to mapping units
        clipOffsetWU = clipOffsetMeters * mapScale / renderer->GetMetersPerUnit();

    // prepare the geometry on which to apply the style

    LineBuffer* lb = geometry;
    std::auto_ptr<LineBuffer> spClipLB;

    if (bClip)
        // the clip region is the map request extents expanded by the offset
        RS_Bounds clip = renderer->GetBounds();
        clip.minx -= clipOffsetWU;
        clip.miny -= clipOffsetWU;
        clip.maxx += clipOffsetWU;
        clip.maxy += clipOffsetWU;

        // clip geometry to given extents
        LineBuffer* lbc = lb->Clip(clip, LineBuffer::ctAGF, m_lbPool);
        if (lbc != lb)
            // if the clipped buffer is NULL (completely clipped) just move on to
            // the next feature
            if (!lbc)

            // otherwise continue processing with the clipped buffer
            lb = lbc;
            if (lb != geometry)

    // do the StartFeature notification

    RS_String tip; //TODO: this should be quick since we are not assigning
    RS_String eurl;
    const RS_String &theme = rule->GetLegendLabel();

    if (tooltip && !tooltip->empty())
        EvalString(*tooltip, tip);
    if (url && !url->empty())
        EvalString(*url, eurl);

    // elevation settings
    RS_ElevationType elevType = RS_ElevationType_RelativeToGround;
    double zOffset = 0.0;
    double zExtrusion = 0.0;
    GetElevationParams(elevSettings, zOffset, zExtrusion, elevType);

    renderer->StartFeature(features, initialPass,
                           tip.empty()? NULL : &tip,
                           eurl.empty()? NULL : &eurl,
                           theme.empty()? NULL : &theme,
                           zOffset, zExtrusion, elevType);

    // apply the style to the geometry using the renderer

    renderer->ProcessPolygon(lb, *fillStyle);

    // do labeling if needed

    MdfModel::Label* label = rule->GetLabel();
    if (label && label->GetSymbol())
        // Make sure the geometry is clipped if label clipping is specified.
        // If bClip is true then the geometry is already clipped.
        if (!bClip && bLabelClip)
            // the clip region is the map request extents expanded by the offset
            RS_Bounds clip = renderer->GetBounds();
            clip.minx -= clipOffsetWU;
            clip.miny -= clipOffsetWU;
            clip.maxx += clipOffsetWU;
            clip.maxy += clipOffsetWU;

            LineBuffer* lbc = lb->Clip(clip, LineBuffer::ctAGF, m_lbPool);
            if (lbc != lb)
                // if the clipped buffer is NULL (completely clipped) just move on to
                // the next feature
                if (!lbc)

                // otherwise continue processing with the clipped buffer
                lb = lbc;
                if (lb != geometry)

        double cx = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
        double cy = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
        double dummy;

        // multi should work for simple polygons too
        lb->Centroid(LineBuffer::ctArea, &cx, &cy, &dummy);

        if (!_isnan(cx) && !_isnan(cy))
            AddLabel(cx, cy, 0.0, false, label, RS_OverpostType_AllFit, true, renderer, lb);

    // free clipped line buffer if the geometry was clipped
    if (spClipLB.get())
        LineBufferPool::FreeLineBuffer(m_lbPool, spClipLB.release());