// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CWmDrmDlaDefaultHttpManager::GetCredentialsL
// This function is NOT currently used as authentication is not current used in
// this project at the current time
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CWmDrmDlaDefaultHttpManager::GetCredentialsL(
    const TUriC8& /*aURI*/,
    RString aRealm,
    RStringF aAuthenticationType,
    RString& aUsername,
    RString& aPassword )
    LOGFN( "CWmDrmDlaDefaultHttpManager::GetCredentialsL" );
    iCredentialsOk = EFalse;
    RStringPool pool = aRealm.Pool();
    if ( aAuthenticationType == HTTP_STRING( HTTP::EBasic ) )

        // Get the username/password
        iInCallback = ETrue;
        iCredentialsOk =
            iObserver.OnGetUsernamePasswordL( iUsername, iPassword );
        iInCallback = EFalse;

        // authentication = iCredentialsOk && iUsername && iPassword
        // no authentication = !iCredentialsOk && !iUsername && !iPassword
        ASSERT( (iCredentialsOk && iUsername && iPassword) ||
            (!iCredentialsOk && !iUsername && !iPassword ) );

        if (iCredentialsOk)
            aUsername = pool.OpenStringL( *iUsername );
            aPassword = pool.OpenStringL( *iPassword );

    // If the authentication type is not Basic, we simply return EFalse.
    return iCredentialsOk;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CClientEngine::GetCredentialsL()
// Inherited from MHTTPAuthenticationCallback
// Called by framework when we requested authenticated page and framework
// needs to know username and password.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CClientEngine::GetCredentialsL(const TUriC8& aURI,
								   RString aRealm,
								   RStringF aAuthenticationType,
								   RString& aUsername,
								   RString& aPassword)
	// aURI, aReal and aAuthenticationType are informational only. We only need
	// to set aUsername and aPassword and return ETrue, if aUsername and
	// aPassword are provided by user.

	// Informational only
	TBuf<KURIBufferSize> authType;
	TBuf<KURIBufferSize> uri;
	TBuf<KDefaultBufferSize> authText;
	_LIT(KAuthRequired, "%S requires %S authentication.");
	authText.Format(KAuthRequired, &uri, &authType);
	_LIT(KAuthNote, "Authentication required.");
	CEikonEnv::Static()->InfoWinL(KAuthNote, authText);

	// Query user name and password
	TBuf<KDefaultBufferSize> userName;
	TBuf<KDefaultBufferSize> password;
	//CAknMultiLineDataQueryDialog* dlg =
	//	CAknMultiLineDataQueryDialog::NewL(userName, password);

	//	return EFalse; // No credentials given; must return EFalse

	// Set aUsername and aPassword
	TBuf8<KDefaultBufferSize> temp;
	TRAPD(err, aUsername = aRealm.Pool().OpenStringL(temp));
	if (!err)
		TRAP(err, aPassword = aRealm.Pool().OpenStringL(temp));
		if (!err) return ETrue;

	// Return ETrue if user has given credentials (username and password),
	// otherwise EFlase
	return EFalse;
	Get the credentials from the user.
	@param aURI [in] The URI being requested
	@param aRealm [out] The realm being requested
	@param aAuthenticationType [out] The type of authentication.
	@param aUsername [out] User name
	@param aPassword [out] Pass word
	@return TBool ETrue if credentials being returned else EFalse
TBool CTestWebBrowser::GetCredentialsL( const TUriC8& aURI, 
										RString aRealm, 
									   	RStringF aAuthenticationType,
									   	RString& aUsername, 
									   	RString& aPassword )
	// Convert to 16 bit to display
	HBufC* uriDesBuf = HBufC::NewLC( aURI.UriDes().Length() );
	TPtr uriDesPtr( uriDesBuf->Des() );
	uriDesPtr.Copy( aURI.UriDes() );

	HBufC* uriRealmBuf = HBufC::NewLC( aRealm.DesC().Length() );
	TPtr uriRealmPtr( uriRealmBuf->Des() );
	uriRealmPtr.Copy( aRealm.DesC() );
	HBufC* uriAuthenticationType = HBufC::NewLC ( aAuthenticationType.DesC().Length() );
	TPtr uriAuthenticationPtr( uriAuthenticationType->Des() );
	uriAuthenticationPtr.Copy ( aAuthenticationType.DesC() );
	// Prompt user for input
	iTestUtils.Test().Printf ( _L( "Enter credentials for URL %S, realm %S\n"), &uriDesPtr, &uriRealmPtr );
	iTestUtils.Test().Printf ( _L("Using %S authentication\n"), &uriAuthenticationPtr );
	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy ( 3 ); // Pop and destroy uriDesBuf, uriRealmBuf and uriAuthenticationType
	HBufC* userDetails16 = HBufC::NewLC ( KMaxUserEntrySize );
	HBufC8* userDetails8 = HBufC8::NewLC ( KMaxUserEntrySize );
	TPtr userDetailsPtr16( userDetails16->Des() );
	TPtr8 userDetailsPtr8( userDetails8->Des() );
	iTestUtils.GetAnEntry ( _L( "Username (or QUIT to give up): " ), userDetailsPtr16 );
	TBool set = EFalse;
	if ( userDetailsPtr16.CompareF ( KQuit ) )
		userDetailsPtr8.Copy ( userDetailsPtr16 );
		aUsername = aRealm.Pool().OpenStringL ( userDetailsPtr8 );
		iTestUtils.GetAnEntry( _L( "Password: " ), userDetailsPtr16 );
		userDetailsPtr8.Copy ( userDetailsPtr16 );
		aPassword = aRealm.Pool().OpenStringL ( userDetailsPtr8 );
		set = ETrue;		
	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy ( 2 ); // Pop and destroy userDetails16 & userDetails8
	return set;	
TBool CHttpTestCaseGet12::GetCredentialsL(const TUriC8& aURI, RString aRealm, RStringF aAuthenticationType, RString& aUsername, RString& aPassword)
	iEngine->Utils().LogIt(_L("Supplying credentials"));
	_LIT8(KScooby, "scooby");
	_LIT8(KDoo, "doo");
	RStringPool p = aRealm.Pool();
	aUsername = p.OpenStringL(KScooby);
	aPassword = p.OpenStringL(KDoo);
	return ETrue;
TBool CHttpTestCaseGet14::GetCredentialsL(const TUriC8& aURI, RString aRealm, RStringF aAuthenticationType, RString& aUsername, RString& aPassword)
		 iEngine->Utils().LogIt(_L("The test will fail: the credential haven't been kept(the GetCredential function has been called again)"));
		 return EFalse;
	iEngine->Utils().LogIt(_L("Supplying credentials"));
	_LIT8(KScooby, "scooby");
	_LIT8(KDoo, "doo");
	RStringPool p = aRealm.Pool();
	aUsername = p.OpenStringL(KScooby);
	aPassword = p.OpenStringL(KDoo);
	return ETrue;