// ****************************************************************************
//  Function Name:	RGroupSelectionAction::Do( )
//  Description:		Does the action
//  Returns:			TRUE if the action was sucessful
//  Exceptions:		None
// ****************************************************************************
BOOLEAN RGroupSelectionAction::Do( )
	// Call the base method to setup the state properly
	RUndoableAction::Do( );

	// Bail if the component was'nt created properly
	if( !m_pGroupDocument )
		return FALSE;																			

	// Get the z position of the top most component to use  as the group components z-position
	RView* pParentView = m_pCurrentSelection->GetView( );
	YSelectionIterator iterator = m_OldSelection.Start( );
	YComponentZPosition groupZPosition = pParentView->GetComponentZPosition( *iterator );

	// Make a component collection
	RComponentCollection componentCollection ( m_OldSelection );

	// Unselect the current selection
	m_pCurrentSelection->UnselectAll( );

	// Add the group component
	m_pParentDocument->AddComponent( m_pGroupDocument );

	// Transfer the components to the group
	m_pGroupDocument->TransferComponents( m_pParentDocument,
													  componentCollection.GetBoundingRect( ),
													  RRealRect( m_GroupBoundingRect.WidthHeight( ) ) );

	// Combine the component attributes of the collection with that of the group
	RComponentAttributes attributes = m_pGroupDocument->GetComponentAttributes( );
	componentCollection.CombineAttributes( attributes );
	m_pGroupDocument->SetComponentAttributes( attributes );

	// Set the z position of the group component
	pParentView->SetComponentZPosition( m_pGroupDocument->GetView( pParentView ), groupZPosition );

	//	Tell the view that its layout has changed
	m_pCurrentSelection->GetView()->XUpdateAllViews( kLayoutChanged, 0 );

	// Select the group component
	m_pCurrentSelection->Select( m_pGroupDocument, TRUE );

	return TRUE;
// ****************************************************************************
//  Function Name:	RBreakGroupAction::Do( )
//  Description:		Does the action
//  Returns:			TRUE if the action was sucessful
//  Exceptions:		None
// ****************************************************************************
BOOLEAN RBreakGroupAction::Do( )
	// Call the base method to setup the state properly
	RUndoableAction::Do( );

	// Get the group components view
	m_pGroupView = *m_pCurrentSelection->Start( );

	// Unselect the group component
	m_pCurrentSelection->UnselectAll( );

	RView* pParentView = m_pCurrentSelection->GetView( );

	// Get the z-position of the group
	YComponentZPosition groupZPosition = pParentView->GetComponentZPosition( m_pGroupView );

	// Remove the components from the group document
	YComponentIterator iterator = m_pGroupDocument->GetComponentCollectionStart( );
	while( iterator != m_pGroupDocument->GetComponentCollectionEnd( ) )
		// Get the view that is in the group
		RComponentView* pView = dynamic_cast<RComponentView*>( (*iterator)->GetView( m_pGroupView ) );
		TpsAssert( pView, "Not a component view." );

		// Make a copy of the iterator, as we are going to delete it next
		YComponentIterator tempIterator = iterator;

		// Get the component document
		RComponentDocument* pComponent = *iterator;

		// Remove the component from the group
		m_pGroupDocument->RemoveComponent( pComponent );

		// NULL out the views parent
		pView->SetParentView( NULL );

		// Now add it to its original parent docuemnt
		m_pParentDocument->AddComponent( pComponent );

		// Set the correct z-position
		pParentView->SetComponentZPosition( pComponent->GetView( pParentView ), groupZPosition );

		// Increment the z-position for the next component

		// Move the view back to the coordinate space of its parent view
		YComponentBoundingRect temp = pView->GetBoundingRect( );
		temp *= m_pGroupView->GetBoundingRect( ).GetTransform( );
		pView->SetBoundingRect( temp );

		// Select the component
		m_pCurrentSelection->Select( pView, TRUE );

		// Reassign the iterator
		iterator = tempIterator;

	// Remove the group component
	m_pParentDocument->RemoveComponent( m_pGroupDocument );

	//	Update the view that its layout has changed
	m_pCurrentSelection->GetView()->XUpdateAllViews( kLayoutChanged, 0 );

	// Copy the selection so that we can undo
	m_OldSelection = *m_pCurrentSelection;
	return TRUE;