void SNLLBase::
copy_con_grad(const RealMatrix& local_fn_grads, RealMatrix& grad_g,
              const size_t& offset)
  // Unlike DAKOTA, OPT++ expects nonlinear equations followed by nonlinear
  // inequalities.  Therefore, we have to reorder the constraint gradients.

  // Assign the gradients of the nonlinear constraints.  Let g: R^n -> R^m.
  // The gradient of g, grad_g, is the n x m matrix whose ith column is the
  // gradient of g_i.  The transpose of grad_g is called the Jacobian of g.
  // WJB: candidate for more efficient rewrite?? (both are ColumnMajor grads!)
  size_t i, j, n = local_fn_grads.numRows(),
    num_nln_eq_con   = optLSqInstance->numNonlinearEqConstraints,
    num_nln_ineq_con = optLSqInstance->numNonlinearIneqConstraints;
  for (i=0; i<n; i++)
    for (j=0; j<num_nln_eq_con; j++)
      grad_g(i, j) = local_fn_grads(i,offset+num_nln_ineq_con+j);
  for (i=0; i<n; i++)
    for (j=0; j<num_nln_ineq_con; j++)
      grad_g(i, j+num_nln_eq_con) = local_fn_grads(i,offset+j);