int main() { //LinkedList <Player*> chain; RedRover x; //RedRover y; //cout << x.getRoster() << x.getTeamB() << x.getTeamA(); //x.addToRoster(""); x.addToRoster("Juice\n20\n15\nKaylee\n25\n12\nMatt\n15\n20\nAustin\n1\n20\nAdam\n22\n18\nJeff\n15\n12\nSue\n30\n30\nRoy\n100\n100"); //x.createTeams(); x.sendSomeoneOver(x.teamAAt(0), x.teamBAt(0)); // x.addToRoster("Juice\n10\n15\nKate\n5\n5\nRoy\n20\n20"); // x.rosterReset(); //cout << x.getRoster(); //x.addToRoster("Juice\n3\n4"); bool testing = true; int input = 0; while(testing) { menu(); cin >> input; //input = 11; switch (input) { case 0: { cin.ignore(); string name, str, spd, add; cout << "ENTER A NAME: "; getline(cin, name); cout << "\nENTER STRENGTH: "; getline(cin,str); cout << "\nENTER SPEED: "; getline(cin,spd); add = name + "\n" + str + "\n" + spd; cout << add; x.addToRoster(add); break; } case 1: { cout << "Roster Size: " << x.getRosterSize() << endl; cout << "Team A Size: " << x.getTeamASize() << endl; cout << "Team B Size: " << x.getTeamBSize() << endl << endl; break; } case 2: { cout << "Roster: " << x.getRoster() << endl; cout << "Team A: " << x.getTeamA() << endl; cout << "Team B: " << x.getTeamB() << endl << endl; break; } case 3: { int index=0; cout << "ENTER INDEX FOR PLAYER ON ROSTER: "; cin >> index; PlayerInterface* p1 = x.rosterAt(index); cout << "\n At index: " << index << " - " << p1->getName() << " Str: " << p1->getStrength() << " Spd: " << p1->getSpeed() << endl << endl; break; } case 4: { int index=0; cout << "ENTER INDEX FOR PLAYER ON Team A: "; cin >> index; PlayerInterface* p1 = x.teamAAt(index); cout << "\n At index: " << index << " - " << p1->getName() << " Str: " << p1->getStrength() << " Spd: " << p1->getSpeed() << endl << endl; break; } case 5: { int index=0; cout << "ENTER INDEX FOR PLAYER ON Team B: "; cin >> index; PlayerInterface* p1 = x.teamBAt(index); cout << "\n At index: " << index << " - " << p1->getName() << " Str: " << p1->getStrength() << " Spd: " << p1->getSpeed() << endl << endl; break; } case 6: { cout << "SHUFFLING ROSTER***\n"; x.shuffleRoster(); cout << "Roster: " << x.getRoster() << endl << endl; break; } case 7: { cout << "CREATING TEAMS***\n"; x.createTeams(); cout << "TEAM A: " << x.getTeamA() << endl; cout << "TEAM B: " << x.getTeamB() << endl << endl; break; } case 8: { int run_index, def_index; char run_team, def_team; PlayerInterface* runner; PlayerInterface* defender; cout << "SEND SOMEONE OVER***\n"; cout << "TEAM A: " << x.getTeamA() << endl; cout << "TEAM B: " << x.getTeamB() << endl << endl; cout << "ENTER INDEX FOR RUNNER: "; cin >> run_index; cout << " TEAM A OR B: "; cin >> run_team; cout << "\nENTER INDEX FOR DEFENDER: "; cin >> def_index; cout << " TEAM A OR B: "; cin >> def_team; if (run_team == 'a') { runner = x.teamAAt(run_index); } else { runner = x.teamBAt(run_index); } if (def_team == 'a') { defender = x.teamAAt(def_index); } else { defender = x.teamBAt(def_index); } x.sendSomeoneOver(runner, defender); cout << endl << "TEAM A: " << x.getTeamA() << endl; cout << "TEAM B: " << x.getTeamB() << endl << endl; break; } case 9: { x.teamReset(); cout << "TEAM A: " << x.getTeamA() << endl; cout << "TEAM B: " << x.getTeamB() << endl << endl; break; } case 10: { x.rosterReset(); cout << "ROSTER: " << x.getRoster() << endl << endl; break; } case 11: { cout << "auto play\n\n"; x.autoPlay(); break; } case 12: { x.print(); break; } case 13: { x.printFromTail(); break; } case 14: { testing = false; break; } case 15: { x.addToRoster("Juice\n20\n15\nKaylee\n25\n12\nMatt\n15\n20\nAustin\n1\n20\nAdam\n22\n18\nJeff\n15\n12\nSue\n30\n30\nRoy\n100\n100"); break; } } } return 0; }
int main() { srand(time(0)); bool flag = true; RedRover Red; while (flag) { cout << "\n\n-----------------------------------------\n"; cout << "WELCOME TO JAKE'S AMAZING RED ROVER GAME!!!\n"; cout << "-----------------------------------------"; cout << "\n\n Do you want to: \n"; cout << "1 - Add list of players to Roster\n"; cout << "2 - Display all Players in Roster\n"; cout << "3 - Roster Size\n"; cout << "4 - Roster At\n"; cout << "5 - Shuffle Roster\n"; cout << "6 - Create Teams\n"; cout << "7 - Show all teams and roster\n"; cout << "8 - Team Reset\n"; cout << "9 - Quit\n"; cout << "10 - Play RedRover\n"; cout << "\nPick and option: "; int option_selection; cin >> option_selection; string Team1 = "A"; string Team2 = "B"; if (! { if (option_selection == 1)/////Add to Roster { bool added = Red.addToRoster("Bam 11 5 George 3 14 Jake 44 b3 Bob 5 3 Sam 11 3 Tom 1a 44 Han 1 5 Luke 3 7 R2D2 8 3 C3P0 5 9 Chewbaca 9 6 Leia 10 2 Rand 1 10 Mat 3 9 Perrin 44 b3 Min 5 7 Lews 4 4 Faile 15 44"); } if (option_selection == 2)////Show Roster { string readout = Red.getRoster(); cout << readout << endl; } if (option_selection == 3)////Get Roster Size { int RostSize = Red.getRosterSize(); cout << RostSize << endl; } if (option_selection == 4)////show roster at { cout << Red.rosterAt(2); } if (option_selection == 5)////Shuffle { Red.shuffleRoster(); } if (option_selection == 6)////create teams { Red.createTeams(); } if (option_selection == 7)////show teams and roster { string teamAlist = Red.getTeamA(); string teamBlist = Red.getTeamB(); string rosterList = Red.getRoster(); cout << "\nTeam A: " << teamAlist << endl; cout << "Team B: " << teamBlist << endl; cout << "Roster: " << rosterList << endl; } if (option_selection == 8)////reset teams { Red.teamReset(); } if (option_selection == 9)////Quit { flag = false; } if (option_selection == 10)////Send Someone Over { /* int randomSelect = rand() % 2; if (randomSelect == 0) { string chosenRunner = Red.choosePlayer(2, "A"); //// 2 means auto pick, 1 means manual pick. string chosenDefender = Red.choosePlayer(2, "B"); cout << chosenRunner << endl; cout << chosenDefender << endl; int index1 = Red.TAL.findIndex(chosenRunner); int index2 = Red.TBL.findIndex(chosenDefender); Red.sendSomeoneOver(Red.teamAAt(index1), Red.teamBAt(index2)); } else if (randomSelect == 1) { string chosenRunner = Red.choosePlayer(2, "B"); string chosenDefender = Red.choosePlayer(2, "A"); cout << chosenRunner << endl; cout << chosenDefender << endl; int index1 = Red.TBL.findIndex(chosenRunner); int index2 = Red.TAL.findIndex(chosenDefender); Red.sendSomeoneOver(Red.teamBAt(index1), Red.teamAAt(index2)); } */ Red.autoPlay(); } else { } } else { cout << "\nThat is not a valid option. Please pick a valid option.\n"; cin.clear(); cin.ignore(); } } //system("pause"); return 0; }