FilterPictureSink* FilterPictureSink::make(FilterGraph* graph, AVFilterContext* ctx) { Global::init(); RefPointer<FilterPictureSink> r; r.reset(new FilterPictureSink(graph, ctx), true); return r.get(); }
// // Sign a binary that has no notion of architecture. // That currently means anything that isn't Mach-O format. // void SecCodeSigner::Signer::signArchitectureAgnostic(const Requirement::Context &context) { // non-Mach-O executable - single-instance signing RefPointer<DiskRep::Writer> writer = state.mDetached ? (new DetachedBlobWriter(*this)) : rep->writer(); CodeDirectory::Builder builder(state.mDigestAlgorithm); InternalRequirements ireqs; ireqs(state.mRequirements, rep->defaultRequirements(NULL, state), context); populate(*writer); populate(builder, *writer, ireqs, rep->signingBase(), rep->signingLimit()); // add identification blob (made from this architecture) only if we're making a detached signature if (state.mDetached) { CFRef<CFDataRef> identification = rep->identification(); writer->component(cdIdentificationSlot, identification); } CodeDirectory *cd =; CFRef<CFDataRef> signature = signCodeDirectory(cd); if (!state.mDryRun) { writer->codeDirectory(cd); writer->signature(signature); writer->flush(); } ::free(cd); }
Coder* Container::Stream::getCoder() { if (!mCoder) { // we need to know the stream direction... AVFormatContext* ctx = mContainer->getFormatCtx(); AVStream* stream = getCtx(); if (!ctx || !stream) { VS_THROW(HumbleRuntimeError("could not get container context to find coder")); } if (!stream->codec) { VS_THROW(HumbleRuntimeError("No codec set for stream")); } RefPointer<Codec> codec; if (ctx->iformat) { // make a copy of the decoder so we decouple it from the container // completely codec = Codec::findDecodingCodec((Codec::ID)stream->codec->codec_id); if (!codec) { VS_THROW(HumbleRuntimeError("could not find decoding codec")); } mCoder = Decoder::make(codec.value(), stream->codec, true); } else { VS_THROW(HumbleRuntimeError("Got null encoder on MuxerStream which should not be possible")); } } return mCoder.get(); }
bool SignallingInterface::notify(Notification event) { m_recvMutex.lock(); RefPointer<SignallingReceiver> tmp = m_receiver; m_recvMutex.unlock(); return tmp && tmp->notify(event); }
Codec* Codec::guessEncodingCodec(MuxerFormat* pFmt, const char* shortName, const char* url, const char* mimeType, MediaDescriptor::Type type) { Global::init(); Codec* retval = 0; RefPointer<MuxerFormat> fmt = 0; AVOutputFormat * oFmt = 0; // We acquire here because the RefPointer always // releases. fmt.reset(dynamic_cast<MuxerFormat*>(pFmt), true); if (!fmt) { fmt = MuxerFormat::guessFormat(shortName, url, mimeType); } if (fmt) oFmt = fmt->getCtx(); // Make sure at least one in put is specified. // The av_guess_codec function REQUIRES a // non null AVOutputFormat // It also examines url with a strcmp(), so let's // give it a zero-length string. // In reality, it ignores the other params. if (!url) url = ""; if (oFmt) { enum AVCodecID id = av_guess_codec(oFmt, shortName, url, mimeType, (enum AVMediaType) type); retval = Codec::findEncodingCodecByIntID((int) id); } return retval; }
bool SignallingReceiver::control(SignallingInterface::Operation oper, NamedList* params) { m_ifaceMutex.lock(); RefPointer<SignallingInterface> tmp = m_interface; m_ifaceMutex.unlock(); return TelEngine::controlReturn(params,tmp && tmp->control(oper,params)); }
bool SignallingInterface::receivedPacket(const DataBlock& packet) { m_recvMutex.lock(); RefPointer<SignallingReceiver> tmp = m_receiver; m_recvMutex.unlock(); return tmp && tmp->receivedPacket(packet); }
void MetaDataTest :: testStreamSetMetaData() { Helper h; h.setupWriting("testStreamSetMetaData.mp3", 0, "libmp3lame", 0); RefPointer<IStream> stream = h.container->getStream(0); RefPointer<IMetaData> meta = stream->getMetaData(); VS_TUT_ENSURE("got meta data", meta); meta = IMetaData::make(); if (meta) { VS_TUT_ENSURE_EQUALS("", meta->getNumKeys(), 0); meta->setValue("author", "Art Clarke"); stream->setMetaData(meta.value()); } meta = stream->getMetaData(); VS_TUT_ENSURE("got meta data", meta); if (meta) { VS_TUT_ENSURE_EQUALS("", meta->getNumKeys(), 1); const char* value = meta->getValue("author", IMetaData::METADATA_NONE); VS_TUT_ENSURE("", strcmp("Art Clarke",value)==0); } }
BufferImpl* BufferImpl :: make(io::humble::ferry::RefCounted* requestor, int32_t bufferSize) { RefPointer<BufferImpl> retval; if (bufferSize <= 0) VS_THROW(HumbleInvalidArgument("bufferSize must be > 0")); void * allocator = requestor ? requestor->getJavaAllocator() : 0; void *buffer = JNIMemoryManager::malloc(allocator, bufferSize); if (!buffer) { VS_THROW(HumbleBadAlloc()); } try { retval = BufferImpl::make(); retval->mBuffer = buffer; retval->mBufferSize = bufferSize; retval->mInternallyAllocated = true; } catch (std::exception & e) { JNIMemoryManager::free(buffer); throw; } return retval.get(); }
BufferImpl* BufferImpl :: make(io::humble::ferry::RefCounted* /*unused*/, void *bufToWrap, int32_t bufferSize, FreeFunc freeFunc, void *closure) { RefPointer<BufferImpl> retval; if (!bufToWrap) { VS_THROW(HumbleInvalidArgument("bufToWrap must be non null")); } if (bufferSize <= 0) { VS_THROW(HumbleInvalidArgument("bufferSize must be > 0")); } if (bufToWrap && bufferSize>0) { retval = BufferImpl::make(); retval->mFreeFunc = freeFunc; retval->mClosure = closure; retval->mBufferSize = bufferSize; retval->mBuffer = bufToWrap; retval->mInternallyAllocated = false; } return retval.get(); }
// Attach a tone detector on "chan.attach" as consumer or sniffer bool AttachHandler::received(Message& msg) { String cons(msg.getValue("consumer")); if (!cons.startsWith("tone/")) cons.clear(); String snif(msg.getValue("sniffer")); if (!snif.startsWith("tone/")) snif.clear(); if (cons.null() && snif.null()) return false; CallEndpoint* ch = static_cast<CallEndpoint*>(msg.userObject("CallEndpoint")); RefPointer<DataEndpoint> de = static_cast<DataEndpoint*>(msg.userObject("DataEndpoint")); DataSource* ds = static_cast<DataSource*>(msg.userObject("DataSource")); if (ch) { if (cons) { ToneConsumer* c = new ToneConsumer(ch->id(),cons); c->setFaxDivert(msg); ch->setConsumer(c); c->deref(); } if (snif) { de = ch->setEndpoint(); // try to reinit sniffer if one already exists ToneConsumer* c = static_cast<ToneConsumer*>(de->getSniffer(snif)); if (c) { c->init(); c->setFaxDivert(msg); } else { c = new ToneConsumer(ch->id(),snif); c->setFaxDivert(msg); de->addSniffer(c); c->deref(); } } return msg.getBoolValue("single"); } else if (ds && cons) { ToneConsumer* c = new ToneConsumer(msg.getValue("id"),cons); c->setFaxDivert(msg); bool ok = DataTranslator::attachChain(ds,c); if (ok) msg.userData(c); else msg.setParam("reason","attach-failure"); c->deref(); return ok && msg.getBoolValue("single"); } else if (de && cons) { ToneConsumer* c = new ToneConsumer(msg.getValue("id"),cons); c->setFaxDivert(msg); de->setConsumer(c); c->deref(); return msg.getBoolValue("single"); } else Debug(&plugin,DebugWarn,"ToneDetector attach request with no call endpoint!"); return false; }
FilterAudioSource* FilterAudioSource::make(FilterGraph* graph, AVFilterContext* ctx) { Global::init(); RefPointer<FilterAudioSource> r; r.reset(new FilterAudioSource(graph, ctx), true); return r.get(); }
bool SignallingReceiver::transmitPacket(const DataBlock& packet, bool repeat, SignallingInterface::PacketType type) { m_ifaceMutex.lock(); RefPointer<SignallingInterface> tmp = m_interface; m_ifaceMutex.unlock(); return tmp && tmp->transmitPacket(packet,repeat,type); }
void BitStreamFilterTest::testMakeByType () { const char* name = "noise"; RefPointer<BitStreamFilterType> t = BitStreamFilterType::getBitStreamFilterType(name); TS_ASSERT(strcmp(name, t->getName())==0); RefPointer<BitStreamFilter> f = BitStreamFilter::make(t.value()); TS_ASSERT(strcmp(name, f->getName())==0); }
void EncoderTest::testCreation() { Logger::setGlobalIsLogging(Logger::LEVEL_TRACE, false); RefPointer<Codec> codec = Codec::findEncodingCodec(Codec::CODEC_ID_H264); RefPointer<Encoder> encoder = Encoder::make(codec.value()); TS_ASSERT(encoder); }
MediaSubtitleRectangle* MediaSubtitleRectangle::make(AVSubtitleRect* ctx) { if (!ctx) throw HumbleInvalidArgument("no context"); RefPointer<MediaSubtitleRectangle> retval = make(); retval->mCtx = ctx; return retval.get(); }
void VertexArrayBuffer::UploadData(BindingInfo const & bindingInfo, void const * data, uint16_t count) { RefPointer<DataBuffer> buffer; if (!bindingInfo.IsDynamic()) buffer = GetOrCreateStaticBuffer(bindingInfo); else buffer = GetOrCreateDynamicBuffer(bindingInfo); buffer->UploadData(data, count); }
void Reader::insertToken(TokenDaemon *tokend) { RefPointer<Token> token = new Token(); token->insert(*this, tokend); mToken = token; addReference(*token); secdebug("reader", "%p (%s) inserted token %p", this, name().c_str(), mToken); }
void MuxerFormatTest::testInstallation() { int32_t n = MuxerFormat::getNumFormats(); TSM_ASSERT("", n > 0); for(int32_t i = 0; i < n; i++) { RefPointer<MuxerFormat> f = MuxerFormat::getFormat(i); VS_LOG_DEBUG("Name: %s; Description: %s", f->getName(), f->getLongName()); } }
void PropertyTest :: testCreation() { LoggerStack stack; stack.setGlobalLevel(Logger::LEVEL_WARN, false); RefPointer<Configurable> c = Demuxer::make(); RefPointer<Property> property = c->getPropertyMetaData("packetsize"); VS_LOG_DEBUG("Name: %s", property->getName()); VS_LOG_DEBUG("Description: %s", property->getHelp()); TSM_ASSERT("should exist", property); }
void MediaPictureImpl::copy(AVFrame* src, bool complete) { if (!src) VS_THROW(HumbleInvalidArgument("no src")); // release any memory we have av_frame_unref(mFrame); // and copy any data in. av_frame_ref(mFrame, src); RefPointer<Rational> timeBase = getTimeBase(); setTimeBase(timeBase.value()); mComplete=complete; }
Buffer* MediaPictureImpl::getData(int32_t plane) { validatePlane(plane); // we get the buffer for the given plane if it exists, and wrap // it in an Buffer // now we're guaranteed that we should have a plane. RefPointer<Buffer> buffer; if (mFrame->buf[plane]) buffer = AVBufferSupport::wrapAVBuffer(this, mFrame->buf[plane], mFrame->data[plane], mFrame->buf[plane]->size); return buffer.get(); }
RefPointer<Listener::Notification> Listener::JitterBuffer::popNotification() { JBuffer::iterator it = mBuffer.find(mNotifyLast + 1); // have next message? if (it == mBuffer.end()) return NULL; // nothing here else { RefPointer<Notification> result = it->second; // save value mBuffer.erase(it); // remove from buffer secinfo("notify-jit", "%p retrieved from jitter buffer", result.get()); return result; // return it } }
// recode/clone: // // Special-purpose constructor for keychain synchronization. Copies an // existing keychain but uses the operational keys from secretsBlob. The // new KeychainDatabase will silently replace the existing KeychainDatabase // as soon as the client declares that re-encoding of all keychain items is // finished. This is a little perilous since it allows a client to dictate // securityd state, but we try to ensure that only the client that started // the re-encoding can declare it done. // KeychainDatabase::KeychainDatabase(KeychainDatabase &src, Process &proc, DbHandle dbToClone) : LocalDatabase(proc), mValidData(false), mSecret(Allocator::standard(Allocator::sensitive)), mSaveSecret(false), version(0), mBlob(NULL) { mCred = DataWalkers::copy(src.mCred, Allocator::standard()); // Give this KeychainDatabase a temporary name std::string newDbName = std::string("////") + std::string(src.identifier().dbName()); DLDbIdentifier newDLDbIdent(src.identifier().dlDbIdentifier().ssuid(), newDbName.c_str(), src.identifier().dlDbIdentifier().dbLocation()); DbIdentifier ident(newDLDbIdent, src.identifier()); // create common block and initialize RefPointer<KeychainDbCommon> newCommon = new KeychainDbCommon(proc.session(), ident); StLock<Mutex> _(*newCommon); parent(*newCommon); // set initial database parameters from the source keychain common().mParams = src.common().mParams; // establish the source keychain's master secret as ours // @@@ NB: this is a v. 0.1 assumption. We *should* trigger new UI // that offers the user the option of using the existing password // or choosing a new one. That would require a new // SecurityAgentQuery type, new UI, and--possibly--modifications to // ensure that the new password is available here to generate the // new master secret. src.unlockDb(); // precaution for masterKey() common().setup(src.blob(), src.common().masterKey()); // import the operational secrets RefPointer<KeychainDatabase> srcKC = Server::keychain(dbToClone); common().importSecrets(srcKC->common()); // import source keychain's ACL CssmData pubAcl, privAcl; src.acl().exportBlob(pubAcl, privAcl); importBlob(,; src.acl(); src.acl(); // indicate that this keychain should be allowed to do some otherwise // risky things required for copying, like re-encoding keys mRecodingSource = &src; common().setUnlocked(); mValidData = true; encode(); proc.addReference(*this); secdebug("SSdb", "database %s(%p) created as copy, common at %p", common().dbName(), this, &common()); }
void MediaAudioTest::testCreationFromBufferPlanar() { const int32_t numSamples = 155; // I choose an odd number because HV will align up to 32 const int32_t sampleRate = 22050; const int32_t channels = 15; // choose a large # of channels to make sure we expand the Frame const AudioChannel::Layout layout = AudioChannel::CH_LAYOUT_UNKNOWN; const AudioFormat::Type format = AudioFormat::SAMPLE_FMT_DBLP; int32_t bufSize = AudioFormat::getBufferSizeNeeded(numSamples, channels, format); // test that there is rounding up int32_t minSize = AudioFormat::getBytesPerSample(format) * numSamples * channels; TS_ASSERT_LESS_THAN(minSize, bufSize); RefPointer<Buffer> src = Buffer::make(0, bufSize); double* srcData = (double*) src->getBytes(0, bufSize); // now, let's go nuts! for (size_t i = 0; i < bufSize / sizeof(double); i++) { srcData[i] = i; } RefPointer<MediaAudio> audio; { LoggerStack stack; stack.setGlobalLevel(Logger::LEVEL_ERROR, false); TS_ASSERT_THROWS(MediaAudio::make(0, numSamples, sampleRate, channels, layout, format), HumbleInvalidArgument); } audio = MediaAudio::make(src.value(), numSamples, sampleRate, channels, layout, format); TS_ASSERT(audio); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(channels, audio->getNumDataPlanes()); // sigh; time to test each plane. for (int i = 0; i < channels; i++) { RefPointer<Buffer> dst = audio->getData(i); TS_ASSERT(dst); double* dstData = (double*) dst->getBytes(0, dst->getBufferSize()); // the values should be monotonically increasing given how we set them. double last = dstData[0]; for (size_t j = 1; j < dst->getBufferSize() / sizeof(double); j++) { TS_ASSERT_DELTA(last + 1, dstData[j], 0.001); last = dstData[j]; } } }
bool ChanAssistList::received(Message& msg, int id) { String* chanId = msg.getParam("id"); if (!chanId || chanId->null()) return (id < Private) && Module::received(msg,id); Lock mylock(this); RefPointer <ChanAssist> ca = find(*chanId); switch (id) { case Startup: if (ca) { Debug(this,DebugNote,"Channel '%s' already assisted!",chanId->c_str()); mylock.drop(); ca->msgStartup(msg); return false; } ca = create(msg,*chanId); if (ca) { m_calls.append(ca); mylock.drop(); ca->msgStartup(msg); } return false; case Hangup: if (ca) { removeAssist(ca); mylock.drop(); ca->msgHangup(msg); ca->deref(); ca = 0; } return false; case Execute: if (ca) { mylock.drop(); ca->msgExecute(msg); return false; } ca = create(msg,*chanId); if (ca) { m_calls.append(ca); mylock.drop(); ca->msgStartup(msg); ca->msgExecute(msg); } return false; case Disconnected: mylock.drop(); return ca && ca->msgDisconnect(msg,msg.getValue("reason")); default: mylock.drop(); if (ca) return received(msg,id,ca); return (id < Private) && Module::received(msg,id); } }
void PCSCMonitor::loadSoftToken(Bundle *tokendBundle) { try { string bundleName = tokendBundle->identifier(); // prepare a virtual reader, removing any existing one (this would kill a previous tokend) assert(mReaders.find(bundleName) == mReaders.end()); // not already present RefPointer<Reader> reader = new Reader(tokenCache(), bundleName); // now launch the tokend RefPointer<TokenDaemon> tokend = new TokenDaemon(tokendBundle, reader->name(), reader->pcscState(), reader->cache); if (tokend->state() == ServerChild::dead) { // ah well, this one's no good secinfo("pcsc", "softtoken %s tokend launch failed", bundleName.c_str()); Syslog::notice("Software token %s failed to run", tokendBundle->canonicalPath().c_str()); return; } // probe the (single) tokend if (!tokend->probe()) { // non comprende... secinfo("pcsc", "softtoken %s probe failed", bundleName.c_str()); Syslog::notice("Software token %s refused operation", tokendBundle->canonicalPath().c_str()); return; } // okay, this seems to work. Set it up mReaders.insert(make_pair(reader->name(), reader)); reader->insertToken(tokend); Syslog::notice("Software token %s activated", bundleName.c_str()); } catch (...) { secinfo("pcsc", "exception loading softtoken %s - continuing", tokendBundle->identifier().c_str()); } }
Buffer* MediaSubtitleRectangle::getPictureData(int line) { if (line < 0 || line >= 4) throw HumbleInvalidArgument("line must be between 0 and 3"); // add ref ourselves for the Buffer this->acquire(); // create a buffer RefPointer<Buffer> retval = Buffer::make(this, mCtx->[line], mCtx->pict.linesize[line], Buffer::refCountedFreeFunc, this); if (!retval) this->release(); return retval.get(); }
void BitStreamFilterTest::testNoiseFilter() { const char* name = "noise"; RefPointer<BitStreamFilter> f = BitStreamFilter::make(name); // let's generate a buffer to add noise to. const int32_t inSize = 1024; // Annoyingly I have to add FF_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE because the noise // filter incorrectly memcopies an additional 16 bytes, and I want Valgrind to // not worry about that. RefPointer<Buffer> inBuf = Buffer::make(0, inSize+FF_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE); uint8_t* in = static_cast<uint8_t*>(inBuf->getBytes(0, inSize)); int32_t outSize = inSize; RefPointer<Buffer> outBuf = Buffer::make(0, outSize+FF_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE); uint8_t* out = static_cast<uint8_t*>(outBuf->getBytes(0, outSize)); for(int32_t i = 0; i < inSize+FF_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE; i++) { in[i] = static_cast<uint8_t>(i); out[i] = in[i]; } outSize = f->filter(outBuf.value(), 0, inBuf.value(), 0, inSize, 0, 0, false); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(outSize, inSize); int matches = 0; for(int32_t i = 0; i < inSize; i++) { if (in[i] == out[i]) ++ matches; } // noise should make sure that not all elements match. TS_ASSERT(matches < inSize); }
void BitStreamFilterTest::testChompFilter() { const char* name = "chomp"; RefPointer<BitStreamFilter> f = BitStreamFilter::make(name); // let's generate a buffer to chomp nulls off the end of. const int32_t inSize = 1024; RefPointer<Buffer> inBuf = Buffer::make(0, inSize); uint8_t* in = static_cast<uint8_t*>(inBuf->getBytes(0, inSize)); int32_t outSize = inSize; RefPointer<Buffer> outBuf = Buffer::make(0, outSize); uint8_t* out = static_cast<uint8_t*>(outBuf->getBytes(0, outSize)); // set the entire input buffer to null for now. memset(in, 0, inSize); // then set the first half of the buffer to be non-null. for(int32_t i = 0; i < inSize/2; i++) { in[i] = 0x01; out[i] = in[i]; } // should filter out all the null bytes at the end. outSize = f->filter(outBuf.value(), 0, inBuf.value(), 0, inSize, 0, 0, false); TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(outSize, inSize/2); for(int32_t i = 0; i < inSize/2; i++) { TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(in[i], out[i]); } }