int main(int argc, char *argv[]){

	ArgParser parser(argc,argv);
	if(	parser.exists("-h") || parser.exists("-help") ||
		parser.exists("--h") || parser.exists("--help") ||
		!parser.exists("-i") || !parser.exists("-dt") ){
		return EXIT_SUCCESS;

	dir = parser.get<std::string>("-i");
	if( dir.back()!='/' ){ dir += '/'; }
	unsigned int skipframe = 1;
	parser.get<unsigned int>( "-skip", &skipframe );
	double dt = parser.get<double>("-dt");
	if( skipframe > 2 ){ dt += 1.0 / double(skipframe); }
	bool save_frames = false;
	std::string frames_dir = "";
	parser.get<std::string>( "-dump", &frames_dir );
	if( frames_dir.length() > 0 ){ save_frames = true; }

	// Attempt to open conf.json to make sure the diretory is all dandy.
	if( !test_conf(dir) ){ return EXIT_FAILURE; }

	// Create the ABC file
	abc_name = get_name( dir );
	abc_name = abc_name + ".abc";
	parser.get<std::string>("-o", &abc_name);
	exporter = AlembicExporter( int(1.0/dt), abc_name );

	// Get the number of meshes and obs
	int n_meshes = num_meshes( dir );
	if( n_meshes <= 0 ){ return EXIT_FAILURE; }
	int n_obs = num_obs( dir );
	std::cout << "ArcSim export has " << n_meshes << " meshes and " << n_obs << " obstacles." << std::endl;

	// If we're saving the frames out to a file (to make a video), we'll need a render window
	RenderWindow renderWindow;
	if( save_frames ){
		std::shared_ptr<DumpController> c = std::make_shared<DumpController>();
		renderWindow.set_controller( c );
		GLFWwindow* window = renderWindow.init();
		if( !window ){ return EXIT_FAILURE; }

	// Load the obstacle meshes ahead of time. They are only transformed each frame.
	for( int i=0; i<n_obs; ++i ){
		obstacles.emplace_back( TriangleMesh::create() );

		std::string objfile = dir + "obs_" + pad_leading_zeros(2,i) + ".obj";
		if( !meshio::load_obj( obstacles.back().get(), objfile, false, false, false ) ){
			std::cerr << "\n**arcsimeToAlembic Error: Failed to load " << objfile << "\n" << std::endl;
		std::string mesh_name = "obs"+std::to_string(i);

		obs_handles.emplace_back( exporter.add_object(mesh_name) );
		obs_aabb.emplace_back( obstacles.back()->bounds() );
		// Add the mesh to the render window
		if( save_frames ){
//			render_meshes.emplace_back( mcl::RenderMesh::create( obstacles.back() ) );
//			renderWindow.add_mesh( render_meshes.back(), RenderMesh::DYNAMIC );

	// Create the objects so that the alembic exporter knows about them
	for( int i=0; i<n_meshes; ++i ){
		std::string mesh_name = "mesh"+std::to_string(i);
		deform_handles.emplace_back( exporter.add_object(mesh_name) );
		meshes.emplace_back( TriangleMesh::create() );
		std::string meshstr = pad_leading_zeros(2,i);
		std::string objfile = dir + "000000_" + meshstr + ".obj";
		if( !meshio::load_obj( meshes.back().get(), objfile, false, false, false ) ){
			std::cerr << "\n**arcsimeToAlembic Error: Failed to load " << objfile << "\n" << std::endl;
			return EXIT_FAILURE;

		// Add the mesh to the render window
		if( save_frames ){
			render_meshes.emplace_back( mcl::RenderMesh::create( meshes.back(), RenderMesh::DYNAMIC ) );
			renderWindow.add_mesh( render_meshes.back() );

	if( save_frames ){
		// Set the camera to a nice location based
		// on the meshes added to the renderWindow.

		// Game loop
		int frame_num = 0;
		bool stop = false;
		int n_render_meshes = render_meshes.size();
		int frame_output_count = 0;
		while( renderWindow.is_open() && !stop ){

			if( framedump_running ){
				std::cout << '\r';
				std::cout << "frame " << frame_num << std::flush;
				if( !load_frame( frame_num, stop ) ){
					return EXIT_FAILURE;
				// Update rendering
				for( int i=0; i<n_render_meshes; ++i ){

				frame_num += skipframe;


			if( framedump_running ){
				// Save screenshot
				std::string ss_filename = make_screenshot_fn( frames_dir, frame_output_count );
				renderWindow.save_screenshot( ss_filename );


		} // end game loop

	} else {

		// Loop frames of the simulation and add them to the exporter
		std::cout << "Saving ArcSim frames to " << abc_name << std::endl;
		std::cout << "(This will take a while...)" << std::endl;
		bool stop = false;
		for( int frame_num=0; frame_num<999999; frame_num += skipframe ){
			std::cout << '\r';
			std::cout << "frame " << frame_num << std::flush;
			if( !load_frame( frame_num, stop ) ){
				return EXIT_FAILURE;
			if( stop ){ break; } // all done!

	std::cout << "\nAll done!" << std::endl;
