static RobotPtr createRobot(WorldPtr world) { RobotPtr robot = boost::make_shared<Robot>(world); robot->setInitPosition(25,25); robot->setInitAngle(0); return robot; }
void RobotNode::updatePose(bool updateChildren) { THROW_VR_EXCEPTION_IF(!initialized, "Not initialized"); updateTransformationMatrices(); // update collision and visualization model and children SceneObject::updatePose(updateChildren); // apply propagated joint values if (propagatedJointValues.size()>0) { RobotPtr r = robot.lock(); std::map< std::string, float>::iterator it = propagatedJointValues.begin(); while (it!=propagatedJointValues.end()) { RobotNodePtr rn = r->getRobotNode(it->first); if (!rn) { VR_WARNING << "Could not propagate joint value from " << name << " to " << it->first << " because dependent joint does not exist..."; } else { rn->setJointValue(jointValue*it->second); } it++; } } }
bool RobotConfig::setJointValues( RobotPtr r ) { if (!r) return false; WriteLockPtr lock = r->getWriteLock(); std::map < std::string, float > jv = getRobotNodeJointValueMap(); std::map< std::string, float >::const_iterator i = jv.begin(); // first check if all nodes are present while (i != jv.end()) { if (!r->hasRobotNode(i->first)) return false; i++; } // apply jv i = jv.begin(); while (i != jv.end()) { RobotNodePtr rn = r->getRobotNode(i->first); if (!rn) return false; rn->setJointValueNoUpdate(i->second); i++; } r->applyJointValues(); return true; }
bool RobotNode::initialize(SceneObjectPtr parent, const std::vector<SceneObjectPtr> &children) { RobotPtr rob = robot.lock(); THROW_VR_EXCEPTION_IF(!rob, "Could not init RobotNode without robot" ); // robot if (!rob->hasRobotNode(static_pointer_cast<RobotNode>(shared_from_this()))) rob->registerRobotNode(static_pointer_cast<RobotNode>(shared_from_this())); // update visualization of coordinate systems if (visualizationModel && visualizationModel->hasAttachedVisualization("CoordinateSystem")) { VisualizationNodePtr v = visualizationModel->getAttachedVisualization("CoordinateSystem"); // not needed any more! // this is a little hack: The globalPose is used to set the "local" position of the attached Visualization: // Since the attached visualizations are already positioned at the global pose of the visualizationModel, // we just need the local postJointTransform //v->setGlobalPose(postJointTransformation); } checkValidRobotNodeType(); for (size_t i=0;i<sensors.size();i++) { sensors[i]->initialize(shared_from_this()); } return SceneObject::initialize(parent,children); }
bool Environment::simulateAction(oomdp_msgs::SimulateAction::Request& req, oomdp_msgs::SimulateAction::Response& res) { // NB: For now, this method does not use the simulator, so it can only naively simulate the robot's movement vector<EntityPtr> entities = Environment::makeEntityList(req.state.object_states); // Find the robot: RobotPtr robot = findRobot(entities); if (robot == NULL) { ROS_ERROR("CANNOT SIMULATE STATE WITH NO ROBOT"); ROS_ERROR_STREAM(req.state); res.new_state = req.state; // The state is unchanged } else { vector<EntityPtr> nonRobots; for (vector<EntityPtr>::iterator ent_it = entities.begin(); ent_it != entities.end(); ++ent_it) { if ((*ent_it)->getClassString() != "Robot") { nonRobots.push_back(*ent_it); } } robot->simulateAction(req.action, nonRobots); } res.new_state = Environment::makeState(entities); return true; }
std::vector<Eigen::Matrix4f > Trajectory::createWorkspaceTrajectory( VirtualRobot::RobotNodePtr r ) { VR_ASSERT(rns); if (!r) r = rns->getTCP(); VR_ASSERT(r); RobotPtr robot = rns->getRobot(); VR_ASSERT(robot); Eigen::VectorXf jv; rns->getJointValues(jv); std::vector<Eigen::Matrix4f > result; for (size_t i = 0; i < path.size(); i++) { // get tcp coords: robot->setJointValues(rns,path[i]); Eigen::Matrix4f m; result.push_back(r->getGlobalPose()); } robot->setJointValues(rns,jv); return result; }
std::string Trajectory::toXML(int tabs) const { std::stringstream ss; std::string tab = ""; for (int i=0;i<tabs;i++) tab += "\t"; RobotPtr robot = rns->getRobot(); THROW_VR_EXCEPTION_IF(( !robot || !rns),"Need a valid robot and rns"); ss << tab << "<Trajectory Robot='" << robot->getType() << "' RobotNodeSet='" << rns->getName() << "' name='" << name << "' dim='" << dimension << "'>\n"; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < path.size(); i++) { ss << tab << "\t<Point id='" << i << "'>\n"; Eigen::VectorXf c = path[i]; for (unsigned int k = 0; k < dimension; k++) { ss << tab << "\t\t<c value='" << c[k] << "'/>\n"; } ss << tab << "\t</Point>\n"; } ss << tab << "</Trajectory>\n"; return ss.str(); }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // Virtual Worldの作成 WorldPtr world = createWorld(); RobotPtr robot = createRobot(world); // Agentの作成 ActionPtr action = createAction(robot); DistSensorPtr sensor = createDistSensor(robot); EnvironmentPtr env = createEnvironment(sensor); ThreadedAgentPtr agent = createAgent(sensor, action); // 初期化 env->init(); agent->init(); robot->init(); QApplication app(argc, argv); MainWindow window; window.setWorldModel(world); window.setRobotModel(robot); window.setEnvironment(env); window.setAgent(agent);; return app.exec(); }
RobotNodeSet::RobotNodeSet(const std::string &name, RobotWeakPtr robot, const std::vector< RobotNodePtr > &robotNodes, const RobotNodePtr kinematicRoot /*= RobotNodePtr()*/, const RobotNodePtr tcp /*= RobotNodePtr()*/) :SceneObjectSet(name,robotNodes.size()>0?robotNodes[0]->getCollisionChecker():CollisionCheckerPtr()) { this->robotNodes = robotNodes; this->kinematicRoot = kinematicRoot; this->tcp = tcp; RobotPtr rob = robot.lock(); if (!kinematicRoot && robotNodes.size()>0) this->kinematicRoot = rob->getRootNode(); if (!tcp && robotNodes.size()>0) this->tcp = robotNodes[robotNodes.size()-1]; this->robot = robot; // now, the objects are stored in the parent's (SceneObjectSet) data structure, so that the methods of SceneObjectSet do work for(size_t i = 0; i < robotNodes.size(); i++) { SceneObjectPtr cm = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<SceneObject>(robotNodes[i]); if (cm) { if (colChecker != cm->getCollisionChecker()) { VR_WARNING << "col model of " << robotNodes[i]->getName() << " belongs to different instance of collision checker, in: " << getName().c_str() << endl; } else { sceneObjects.push_back(cm); } } } }
bool Environment::performAction(oomdp_msgs::PerformAction::Request& req, oomdp_msgs::PerformAction::Response& res) { std_srvs::Empty empty; // TODO: If working, delete this dead code // if (entities_.empty()) // { // updateState(); // } RobotPtr robot = findRobot(getEntityList()); if (robot == NULL) { ROS_ERROR("THERE IS NO ROBOT!"); return false; } if (req.action == "drop") { robot->drop(); } else if (boost::starts_with(req.action, "pick_up")) { std::vector<std::string> strs; boost::split(strs, req.action, boost::is_space()); std::string item_name = strs[1]; robot->pickUp(item_name, entity_list_); } else { ros::service::call("/gazebo/unpause_physics", empty); move_base_client_->waitForServer(); move_base_msgs::MoveBaseGoal goal; goal.target_pose.header.stamp = ros::Time::now(); goal.target_pose.header.frame_id = "/map"; goal.target_pose.pose = robot->computeTargetPose(req.action); move_base_client_->sendGoal(goal); // Remember that the exact true position is at the mercy of the nav system bool finished_before_timeout = move_base_client_->waitForResult(ros::Duration(30.0)); if (finished_before_timeout) { actionlib::SimpleClientGoalState state = move_base_client_->getState(); ROS_INFO("Action finished, client state: %s", state.toString().c_str()); } else { ROS_INFO("Action did not finish before the time out."); } ros::service::call("/gazebo/pause_physics", empty); } res.new_state = updateState(); return true; }
bool CoMIK::computeSteps(float stepSize, float minumChange, int maxNStep) { std::vector<RobotNodePtr> rn = rns->getAllRobotNodes(); RobotPtr robot = rns->getRobot(); std::vector<float> jv(rns->getSize(), 0.0f); int step = 0; checkTolerances(); float lastDist = FLT_MAX; while (step < maxNStep) { Eigen::VectorXf dTheta = this->computeStep(stepSize); // Check for singularities if (!isValid(dTheta)) { VR_INFO << "Singular Jacobian" << endl; return false; } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < rn.size(); i++) { jv[i] = (rn[i]->getJointValue() + dTheta[i]); } //rn[i]->setJointValue(rn[i]->getJointValue() + dTheta[i]); robot->setJointValues(rns, jv); // check tolerances if (checkTolerances()) { VR_INFO << "Tolerances ok, loop:" << step << endl; return true; } float d = dTheta.norm(); if (dTheta.norm() < minumChange) { VR_INFO << "Could not improve result any more (dTheta.norm()=" << d << "), loop:" << step << endl; return false; } if (checkImprovement && d > lastDist) { VR_INFO << "Could not improve result any more (dTheta.norm()=" << d << ", last loop's norm:" << lastDist << "), loop:" << step << endl; return false; } lastDist = d; step++; } #ifndef NO_FAILURE_OUTPUT //VR_INFO << "IK failed, loop:" << step << endl; //VR_INFO << "error:" << (target - rns->getCoM().head(target.rows())).norm() << endl; #endif return false; }
void RobotNode::setJointValue(float q) { RobotPtr r = getRobot(); VR_ASSERT(r); WriteLockPtr lock = r->getWriteLock(); setJointValueNoUpdate(q); updatePose(); }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { boost::shared_ptr<Robot> robot = RobotFactory::createRobot("Robbi"); std::vector< boost::shared_ptr<RobotNode> > robotNodes; VirtualRobot::RobotNodeRevoluteFactory revoluteNodeFactory; DHParameter dhParameter(0, 0, 0, 0, true); boost::shared_ptr<RobotNode> node1 = revoluteNodeFactory.createRobotNodeDH(robot, "RootNode", VisualizationNodePtr(), CollisionModelPtr(), (float) - M_PI, (float)M_PI, 0.0f, dhParameter); robotNodes.push_back(node1); std::map<RobotNodePtr, std::vector<std::string> > childrenMap; bool resInit = RobotFactory::initializeRobot(robot, robotNodes, childrenMap, node1); cout << "resInit:" << resInit << endl; cout << "First robot:" << endl; robot->print(); VirtualRobot::RuntimeEnvironment::considerKey("robot"); VirtualRobot::RuntimeEnvironment::processCommandLine(argc, argv); VirtualRobot::RuntimeEnvironment::print(); std::string filename("robots/examples/loadRobot/RobotExample.xml"); VirtualRobot::RuntimeEnvironment::getDataFileAbsolute(filename); if (VirtualRobot::RuntimeEnvironment::hasValue("robot")) { std::string robFile = VirtualRobot::RuntimeEnvironment::getValue("robot"); if (VirtualRobot::RuntimeEnvironment::getDataFileAbsolute(robFile)) { filename = robFile; } } cout << "Using robot at " << filename << endl; RobotPtr rob; try { rob = RobotIO::loadRobot(filename, RobotIO::eStructure); } catch (VirtualRobotException& e) { cout << "Error: " << e.what() << endl; return -1; } cout << "Second robot (XML):" << endl; if (rob) { rob->print(); } else { cout << " ERROR while creating robot" << endl; } }
RobotNodeSetPtr RobotNodeSet::createRobotNodeSet(RobotPtr robot, const std::string &name, const std::vector< std::string > &robotNodeNames, const std::string &kinematicRootName, const std::string &tcpName, bool registerToRobot) { VR_ASSERT (robot!=NULL); std::vector< RobotNodePtr > robotNodes; if (robotNodeNames.empty()) { VR_WARNING << " No robot nodes in set..." << endl; } else { for (unsigned int i=0;i<robotNodeNames.size();i++) { RobotNodePtr node = robot->getRobotNode(robotNodeNames[i]); THROW_VR_EXCEPTION_IF(!node, "No robot node with name " << robotNodeNames[i] << " found..."); robotNodes.push_back(node); } } RobotNodePtr kinematicRoot; if (!kinematicRootName.empty()) { RobotNodePtr node = robot->getRobotNode(kinematicRootName); THROW_VR_EXCEPTION_IF(!node, "No root node with name " << kinematicRootName << " found..."); kinematicRoot = node; } else { if (!robotNodes.empty()) kinematicRoot = robotNodes[0]; } RobotNodePtr tcp; if (!tcpName.empty()) { RobotNodePtr node = robot->getRobotNode(tcpName); THROW_VR_EXCEPTION_IF(!node, "No tcp node with name " << tcpName << " found..."); tcp = node; } else { if (!robotNodes.empty()) tcp = robotNodes[robotNodes.size()-1]; } RobotNodeSetPtr rns = RobotNodeSet::createRobotNodeSet(robot, name, robotNodes, kinematicRoot, tcp, registerToRobot); return rns; }
RobotNodeSetPtr RobotNodeSet::createRobotNodeSet(RobotPtr robot, const std::string &name, const std::vector< RobotNodePtr > &robotNodes, const RobotNodePtr kinematicRoot, const RobotNodePtr tcp, bool registerToRobot) { VR_ASSERT (robot!=NULL); if (robotNodes.empty() || !robotNodes[0]) { VR_WARNING << " No robot nodes in set..." << endl; } else { CollisionCheckerPtr cc = robotNodes[0]->getCollisionChecker(); for (unsigned int i=1;i<robotNodes.size();i++) { if (robotNodes[0]->getRobot() != robotNodes[i]->getRobot()) { THROW_VR_EXCEPTION("Robot nodes belong to different robots"); } if (cc != robotNodes[i]->getCollisionChecker()) { THROW_VR_EXCEPTION("Robot nodes belong to different collision checkers"); } } } RobotNodePtr kinematicRootNode = kinematicRoot; if (!kinematicRootNode) { kinematicRootNode = robot->getRootNode(); } RobotNodePtr tcpNode = tcp; if (!tcpNode) { THROW_VR_EXCEPTION_IF(robotNodes.empty(), "can not determine the tcp node need for creating a RobotNodeSet"); tcpNode = robotNodes[robotNodes.size()-1]; } RobotNodeSetPtr rns(new RobotNodeSet(name, robot, robotNodes, kinematicRootNode, tcpNode)); if (registerToRobot) { THROW_VR_EXCEPTION_IF(robot->hasRobotNodeSet(rns), "RobotNodeSet with name " << rns->getName() << " already present in the robot"); robot->registerRobotNodeSet(rns); } return rns; }
void RobotNode::updateTransformationMatrices() { if (this->getParent()) updateTransformationMatrices(this->getParent()->getGlobalPose()); else { // check for root RobotPtr r = getRobot(); if (r && r->getRootNode() == shared_from_this()) updateTransformationMatrices(r->getGlobalPose()); else updateTransformationMatrices(Eigen::Matrix4f::Identity()); } }
void RobotNodeSet::setJointValues(const Eigen::VectorXf &jointValues) { THROW_VR_EXCEPTION_IF(jointValues.rows() != robotNodes.size(), "Wrong vector dimension (robotNodes:" << robotNodes.size() << ", jointValues: " << jointValues.size() << ")" << endl); RobotPtr rob = robot.lock(); VR_ASSERT(rob); WriteLockPtr lock = rob->getWriteLock(); for (unsigned int i=0;i<robotNodes.size();i++) { robotNodes[i]->setJointValueNoUpdate(jointValues[i]); } if (kinematicRoot) kinematicRoot->updatePose(); else rob->applyJointValues(); }
bool RobotConfig::setConfig( RobotNodePtr node, float value ) { THROW_VR_EXCEPTION_IF(!node,"Null data"); RobotPtr r = robot.lock(); if (!r) { VR_WARNING << "Robot is already deleted, skipping update..." << endl; return false; } THROW_VR_EXCEPTION_IF(!r->hasRobotNode(node),"RobotNode with name " << r->getName() << " does not belong to robot " << r->getName()); configs[node] = value; return true; }
bool RobotConfig::setJointValues() { RobotPtr r = robot.lock(); if (!r) { VR_WARNING << "Robot is already deleted, skipping update..." << endl; return false; } WriteLockPtr lock = r->getWriteLock(); for (std::map< RobotNodePtr, float >::const_iterator i=configs.begin(); i!=configs.end(); i++ ) { i->first->setJointValueNoUpdate(i->second); } r->applyJointValues(); return true; }
bool RobotConfig::setConfig( const std::string &node, float value ) { RobotPtr r = robot.lock(); if (!r) { VR_WARNING << "Robot is already deleted, skipping update..." << endl; return false; } RobotNodePtr rn = r->getRobotNode(node); if (!rn) { VR_WARNING << "Did not find robot node with name " << node << endl; return false; } configs[rn] = value; return true; }
Eigen::Matrix4f LinkedCoordinate::getCoordinateTransformation(const RobotNodePtr &origin, const RobotNodePtr &destination, const RobotPtr &robot){ if (!destination) THROW_VR_EXCEPTION(format("Destination RobotNodePtr not assigned (LinkedCoordinate::%1%)") % BOOST_CURRENT_FUNCTION); if (!origin) THROW_VR_EXCEPTION(format("Origin RobotNodePtr not assigned (LinkedCoordinate::%1%)") % BOOST_CURRENT_FUNCTION); if (!robot) THROW_VR_EXCEPTION(format("RobotPtr not assigned (LinkedCoordinate::%1%)") % BOOST_CURRENT_FUNCTION); if (!robot->hasRobotNode( origin) ) THROW_VR_EXCEPTION(format("Origin robot node\"%1%\" not a member of robot \"%2%\" (LinkedCoordinate::%3%)") % origin->getName() % robot->getName() % BOOST_CURRENT_FUNCTION); if (!robot->hasRobotNode( destination) ) THROW_VR_EXCEPTION(format("Destination robot node\"%1%\" not a member of robot \"%2%\" (LinkedCoordinate::%3%)") % destination->getName() % robot->getName() % BOOST_CURRENT_FUNCTION); // std::cout << "Destination: " << destination->getName() <<std::endl << "Origin: " << origin->getName() << std::endl; // std::cout << "Destination:\n" << destination->getGlobalPose() <<std::endl << "Origin:\n" << origin->getGlobalPose() << std::endl; return destination->getGlobalPose().inverse() * origin->getGlobalPose(); }
void GenericIKSolver::setJointsRandom() { std::vector<float> jv; float rn = 1.0f / (float)RAND_MAX; for (unsigned int i=0; i<rns->getSize(); i++) { RobotNodePtr ro = rns->getNode(i); float r = (float)rand() * rn; float v = ro->getJointLimitLo() + (ro->getJointLimitHi() - ro->getJointLimitLo()) * r; jv.push_back(v); } RobotPtr rob = rns->getRobot(); rob->setJointValues(rns,jv); if (translationalJoint) { translationalJoint->setJointValue(initialTranslationalJointValue); } }
vector<EntityPtr> Environment::makeEntityList(vector<MDPObjectState> states) { vector<EntityPtr> entities; for (vector<MDPObjectState>::const_iterator obj_it = states.begin(); obj_it != states.end(); ++obj_it) { entities.push_back(wubble_mdp::makeEntity(*obj_it)); } for (vector<EntityPtr>::iterator ent_it = entities.begin(); ent_it != entities.end(); ++ent_it) { if ((*ent_it)->getClassString() == "Robot") { RobotPtr robot = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<Robot>(*ent_it); robot->init(entities); // TODO: Does this need to be somewhere else too? } } return entities; }
void RobotNodeSet::setJointValues( const RobotConfigPtr jointValues ) { VR_ASSERT(jointValues); RobotPtr rob = robot.lock(); VR_ASSERT(rob); WriteLockPtr lock = rob->getWriteLock(); for (unsigned int i=0;i<robotNodes.size();i++) { if (jointValues->hasConfig(robotNodes[i]->getName())) robotNodes[i]->setJointValueNoUpdate(jointValues->getConfig(robotNodes[i]->getName())); } if (kinematicRoot) kinematicRoot->updatePose(); else rob->applyJointValues(); }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { ros::init(argc, argv, "parser_test"); ros::NodeHandle nh; try { std::string name = "red_arm"; RobotPtr robot = std::make_shared<Robot>(name); ParserPtr parser = std::make_shared<Parser>(); std::string path = "/home/daichi/Work/catkin_ws/src/ahl_ros_pkg/ahl_robot/ahl_robot/yaml/red_arm.yaml"; parser->load(path, robot); ros::MultiThreadedSpinner spinner; TfPublisherPtr tf_publisher = std::make_shared<TfPublisher>(); const std::string mnp_name = "mnp"; unsigned long cnt = 0; ros::Rate r(10.0); while(ros::ok()) { Eigen::VectorXd q = Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(robot->getDOF(mnp_name)); ManipulatorPtr mnp = robot->getManipulator(mnp_name); double goal = sin(2.0 * M_PI * 0.2 * cnt * 0.1); ++cnt; for(uint32_t i = 0; i < q.rows(); ++i) { q.coeffRef(6) = M_PI / 4.0 * goal; } std::cout << M_PI / 4.0 * goal << std::endl; //q = Eigen::VectorXd::Constant(q.rows(), 0.0 * M_PI / 4.0); robot->update(q); robot->computeJacobian(mnp_name); robot->computeMassMatrix(mnp_name); M = robot->getMassMatrix(mnp_name); J = robot->getJacobian(mnp_name, "gripper"); calc(); tf_publisher->publish(robot, false); r.sleep(); } } catch(ahl_utils::Exception& e) { ROS_ERROR_STREAM(e.what()); } return 0; }
float RobotConfig::getConfig( const std::string & name ) const { if (!hasConfig(name)) return 0.0f; RobotPtr r = robot.lock(); if (!r) { VR_WARNING << "Robot is already deleted..." << endl; return 0.0f; } RobotNodePtr rn = r->getRobotNode(name); THROW_VR_EXCEPTION_IF(!rn,"Did not find robot node with name " << name); std::map< RobotNodePtr, float >::const_iterator i = configs.find(rn); if (i==configs.end()) { VR_ERROR << "Internal error..." << endl; return 0.0f; } return i->second; }
void RobotNode::updateVisualizationPose( const Eigen::Matrix4f &globalPose, bool updateChildren ) { // check if we are a root node SceneObjectPtr parent = getParent(); RobotPtr rob = getRobot(); if (!parent || parent == rob) { if (rob && rob->getRootNode() == static_pointer_cast<RobotNode>(shared_from_this())) { Eigen::Matrix4f gpPre = getLocalTransformation().inverse() * globalPose; rob->setGlobalPose(gpPre, false); } else VR_WARNING << "INTERNAL ERROR: getParent==robot but getRoot!=this ?! " << endl; } this->globalPose = globalPose; // update collision and visualization model and children SceneObject::updatePose(updateChildren); }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { ros::init(argc, argv, "lwr_server"); ros::NodeHandle nh; ros::Timer timer_update_model = nh.createTimer(ros::Duration(0.01), updateModel); ros::Timer timer_control = nh.createTimer(ros::Duration(0.001), control); robot = RobotPtr(new Robot("lwr")); ParserPtr parser = ParserPtr(new Parser()); std::string path = "/home/daichi/Work/catkin_ws/src/ahl_ros_pkg/ahl_robot/ahl_robot/yaml/lwr.yaml"; parser->load(path, robot); controller = RobotControllerPtr(new RobotController()); controller->init(robot); using namespace ahl_gazebo_if; gazebo_interface = GazeboInterfacePtr(new GazeboInterface()); gazebo_interface->setDuration(0.010); gazebo_interface->addJoint("lwr::joint1"); gazebo_interface->addJoint("lwr::joint2"); gazebo_interface->addJoint("lwr::joint3"); gazebo_interface->addJoint("lwr::joint4"); gazebo_interface->addJoint("lwr::joint5"); gazebo_interface->addJoint("lwr::joint6"); gazebo_interface->addJoint("lwr::joint7"); gazebo_interface->connect(); tf_pub = TfPublisherPtr(new TfPublisher()); ManipulatorPtr mnp = robot->getManipulator("mnp"); gravity_compensation = TaskPtr(new GravityCompensation(robot)); damping = TaskPtr(new Damping(mnp)); joint_control = TaskPtr(new JointControl(mnp)); joint_limit = TaskPtr(new JointLimit(mnp, 0.087)); position_control = TaskPtr(new PositionControl(mnp, "gripper", 0.001)); orientation_control = TaskPtr(new OrientationControl(mnp, "gripper", 0.001)); controller->addTask(gravity_compensation, 0); controller->addTask(damping, 0); controller->addTask(joint_control, 0); controller->addTask(joint_limit, 100); ros::MultiThreadedSpinner spinner; spinner.spin(); return 0; }
void updateModel(const ros::TimerEvent&) { try { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(mutex); if(joint_updated) { robot->computeBasicJacobian("mnp"); robot->computeMassMatrix("mnp"); controller->updateModel(); updated = true; tf_pub->publish(robot); } } catch(ahl_ctrl::Exception& e) { ROS_ERROR_STREAM(e.what()); } catch(ahl_gazebo_if::Exception& e) { ROS_ERROR_STREAM(e.what()); } }
void RobotWorld::deleteRobot( RobotPtr aRobot, bool aNotifyObservers /*= true*/) { auto i = std::find_if( robots.begin(), robots.end(), [aRobot](RobotPtr r) { return aRobot->getName() == r->getName(); }); if (i != robots.end()) { robots.erase( i); if (aNotifyObservers == true) { notifyObservers(); } } }