文件: Eagle.cpp 项目: SSabev/SDPCode
bool Eagle::DoesRobotHaveBall(RobotState robotState, Vector2 ballPos) 
	Vector2 robotPos = robotState.Position();

    float angleThresh;
	float distanceThresh;

    if (robotState.HasBall())
        angleThresh = M_PI_2;
        distanceThresh = 70.0f;
        angleThresh = M_PI_4;
        distanceThresh = 45.0f;
	float angleToBall = fmod(robotPos.GetAngleTo(&ballPos), (2*M_PI));
	float robotOrientation = fmod(robotState.Orientation(), (2*M_PI));

	float distanceToBall = robotPos.Distance(&ballPos);
    float orientationDiff = fmod(fabs(robotOrientation - angleToBall), (2*M_PI));
    bool withinOrientationThresh = (orientationDiff < angleThresh) || (2*M_PI - orientationDiff < angleThresh);
    bool withinProximityThresh = distanceToBall < distanceThresh;
	if(withinOrientationThresh && withinProximityThresh)
		return true;
	return false;
文件: Eagle.cpp 项目: SSabev/SDPCode
* Identify the target state that we wish the robot to be in. This will be the target which the A* algorithm plots towards.
RobotState Eagle::IdentifyTarget(RobotState &ourRobotState, RobotState &enemyRobotState, Vector2 ballPos, bool doWeHaveBall, bool &isMovingToBall)
	RobotState targetState;

	Vector2 ourRobotPos = ourRobotState.Position();
	Vector2 enemyRobotPos = enemyRobotState.Position();

    Vector2 ourGoalCentre = GoalCentrePosition(m_pitchSide);
    Vector2 enemyGoalCentre;

    if (m_pitchSide == eLeftSide)
        enemyGoalCentre = GoalCentrePosition(eRightSide);
        enemyGoalCentre = GoalCentrePosition(eLeftSide);
    ballPos.Clamp(Vector2(0,0), Vector2(m_pitchSizeX-1, m_pitchSizeY-1));
	isMovingToBall = false;

	// doWeHaveBall is a value which comes from the robot's rotational sensors.
	ourRobotState.SetHasBall(DoesRobotHaveBall(ourRobotState, ballPos));
    enemyRobotState.SetHasBall(DoesRobotHaveBall(enemyRobotState, ballPos));

    if (m_state == ePenaltyAttack)
		m_isKickingPosSet = false;

         // When taking a penalty, we want to find a free position to kick to.
        // Position should stay the same - we only want to re-orientate.

        // We'll do this by checking for intersections between us and three positions on the goal line.
        Vector2 targetPositions[3];

        targetPositions[0] = enemyGoalCentre;
        targetPositions[1] = enemyGoalCentre - Vector2(0,50);
        targetPositions[2] = enemyGoalCentre + Vector2(0,50);

        int arrayLength = sizeof(targetPositions)/sizeof(Vector2);

        Vector2 optimalShootingTarget;
        float bestDistanceFromEnemy = 0;

        // Iterate through the positions, finding the best one, based on if it's unblocked and how far it is from the enemy robot.
        for (int i=0; i < arrayLength; i++)
            // Check if the target is unblocked.
            bool isBlocked = m_intersection.LineCircleIntersection(ourRobotPos, targetPositions[i], enemyRobotPos, ROBOT_RADIUS);

            if (isBlocked)

            float distanceSqdToEnemy = enemyRobotPos.DistanceSquared(&targetPositions[i]);

            // Check if this beats our previous best distance.
            if (distanceSqdToEnemy > bestDistanceFromEnemy)
                bestDistanceFromEnemy = distanceSqdToEnemy;
                optimalShootingTarget = targetPositions[i];

            // Check that we do actually have a target set.
            if (optimalShootingTarget.IsSet())
                float angleToTarget = ourRobotPos.GetAngleTo(&optimalShootingTarget);


    else if (m_state == ePenaltyDefend)
		m_isKickingPosSet = false;
		// When defending, we're permitted to move up and down the goalline.
		// Orientation should stay the same.

		// X-axis position should be the same, y-axis should be a position extrapolated in the direction of the enemy robot.
		//float extrapolationGradient = tan(enemyRobotState.Orientation());
		// I'm experimenting with extrapolating on a line between the robot and ball instead.
		float extrapolationGradient = enemyRobotPos.Gradient(&ballPos);

		int extrapolatedY = enemyRobotPos.Y() + ((ourRobotPos.X() - enemyRobotPos.X()) * extrapolationGradient); 

		Vector2 proposedPosition(ourRobotPos.X(), extrapolatedY);
		proposedPosition.Clamp(Vector2(0,0), Vector2(m_pitchSizeX-1, m_pitchSizeY-1));

		// If we're here, assume we're in open play.
		if (!ourRobotState.HasBall())
			m_isKickingPosSet = false;

			// Check if the enemy robot has the ball.
			if (enemyRobotState.HasBall())
				if (m_pitchSide == eLeftSide)
                    targetState.SetPosition(ourGoalCentre.X() + 50, ourGoalCentre.Y());
                    targetState.SetPosition(ourGoalCentre.X() - 50, ourGoalCentre.Y());
				// If we don't have the ball, the aim should be to move to the ball.
				isMovingToBall = true;
				if (m_pitchSide == eLeftSide)
			// Check if the previously calculated target pos is appropriate or if we need to recalc.
			if ((m_isKickingPosSet) && ((m_kickingPos.Distance(&ourRobotPos) < 30) || (m_kickingPos.Distance(&enemyRobotPos) < 40)))
				m_isKickingPosSet = false;

			if (!m_isKickingPosSet)
				// If we have the ball, let's move to a more appropriate place.
				// This is done regardless of whether we're shooting or not.
					This should depend on:
					1. The opposite half of the pitch to the enemy robot.
					2. Within the kicking threshold.
					3. Fairly central, but outside of the enemy robot's radius
					4. Orientated towards the goal
				bool isEnemyOnBottomSide;
				// Determine which half of the pitch the enemy robot is on.
				if (enemyRobotState.Position().Y() < m_pitchSizeY/2)
					isEnemyOnBottomSide = true;
					isEnemyOnBottomSide = false;

				// Determine where the kicking threshold is for this side of the pitch.
		                float kickingPositionX;
		                float kickingPositionY;
				if (m_pitchSide == eLeftSide)
                   			 kickingPositionX = m_pitchSizeX - ((KICKING_THRESHOLD/2)*m_pitchSizeX);
                    			kickingPositionX = (KICKING_THRESHOLD/2)*m_pitchSizeX;
		                if (isEnemyOnBottomSide)
		                    kickingPositionY = m_pitchSizeY/2 + 80;
		                    kickingPositionY = m_pitchSizeY/2 - 80;
						// Check if the position is within two robot radii of the enemy.
		                Vector2 proposedPosition = Vector2(kickingPositionX,kickingPositionY);

				// Check if the proposed position is too close to the enemy robot to be used.
				if (proposedPosition.Distance(&enemyRobotPos) < 2*ROBOT_RADIUS)
					float adjustedYPosition;

					if (isEnemyOnBottomSide)
						adjustedYPosition = proposedPosition.Y() + 2*ROBOT_RADIUS;
						adjustedYPosition = proposedPosition.Y() - 2*ROBOT_RADIUS;

					proposedPosition = Vector2( proposedPosition.X(), adjustedYPosition);

				proposedPosition.Clamp(Vector2(0,0), Vector2(m_pitchSizeX-1, m_pitchSizeY-1));
				m_kickingPos = proposedPosition;

				m_isKickingPosSet = true;
			// We'll do this by checking for intersections between us and three positions on the goal line.
			Vector2 targetPositions[3];

			targetPositions[0] = enemyGoalCentre;
			targetPositions[1] = enemyGoalCentre - Vector2(0,50);
			targetPositions[2] = enemyGoalCentre + Vector2(0,50);

			int arrayLength = sizeof(targetPositions)/sizeof(Vector2);

			Vector2 optimalShootingTarget;
			float bestDistanceFromEnemy = 0;

			// Iterate through the positions, finding the best one, based on if it's unblocked and how far it is from the enemy robot.
			for (int i=0; i < arrayLength; i++)
				// Check if the target is unblocked.
				bool isBlocked = m_intersection.LineCircleIntersection(m_kickingPos, targetPositions[i], enemyRobotPos, ROBOT_RADIUS);

				if (isBlocked)

				float distanceSqdToEnemy = enemyRobotPos.DistanceSquared(&targetPositions[i]);

				// Check if this beats our previous best distance.
				if (distanceSqdToEnemy > bestDistanceFromEnemy)
					bestDistanceFromEnemy = distanceSqdToEnemy;
					optimalShootingTarget = targetPositions[i];

				// Check that we do actually have a target set.
				if (optimalShootingTarget.IsSet())
					float angleToTarget = m_kickingPos.GetAngleTo(&optimalShootingTarget);


		targetState.SetPosition((int)targetState.Position().X(), (int)targetState.Position().Y());

	return targetState;