void StandardHistFactoryPlotsWithCategories(const char* infile = "",
                                            const char* workspaceName = "combined",
                                            const char* modelConfigName = "ModelConfig",
                                            const char* dataName = "obsData"){

   double nSigmaToVary=5.;
   double muVal=0;
   bool doFit=false;

   // -------------------------------------------------------
   // First part is just to access a user-defined file
   // or create the standard example file if it doesn't exist
   const char* filename = "";
   if (!strcmp(infile,"")) {
      filename = "results/example_combined_GaussExample_model.root";
      bool fileExist = !gSystem->AccessPathName(filename); // note opposite return code
                                                           // if file does not exists generate with histfactory
      if (!fileExist) {
#ifdef _WIN32
         cout << "HistFactory file cannot be generated on Windows - exit" << endl;
         // Normally this would be run on the command line
         cout <<"will run standard hist2workspace example"<<endl;
         gROOT->ProcessLine(".! prepareHistFactory .");
         gROOT->ProcessLine(".! hist2workspace config/example.xml");
         cout <<"\n\n---------------------"<<endl;
         cout <<"Done creating example input"<<endl;
         cout <<"---------------------\n\n"<<endl;

      filename = infile;

   // Try to open the file
   TFile *file = TFile::Open(filename);

   // if input file was specified byt not found, quit
   if(!file ){
      cout <<"StandardRooStatsDemoMacro: Input file " << filename << " is not found" << endl;

   // -------------------------------------------------------
   // Tutorial starts here
   // -------------------------------------------------------

   // get the workspace out of the file
   RooWorkspace* w = (RooWorkspace*) file->Get(workspaceName);
      cout <<"workspace not found" << endl;

   // get the modelConfig out of the file
   ModelConfig* mc = (ModelConfig*) w->obj(modelConfigName);

   // get the modelConfig out of the file
   RooAbsData* data = w->data(dataName);

   // make sure ingredients are found
   if(!data || !mc){
      cout << "data or ModelConfig was not found" <<endl;

   // -------------------------------------------------------
   // now use the profile inspector

   RooRealVar* obs = (RooRealVar*)mc->GetObservables()->first();
   TList* list = new TList();

   RooRealVar * firstPOI = dynamic_cast<RooRealVar*>(mc->GetParametersOfInterest()->first());

   //  firstPOI->setConstant();

   // -------------------------------------------------------

   int  nPlotsMax = 1000;
   cout <<" check expectedData by category"<<endl;
   RooDataSet* simData=NULL;
   RooSimultaneous* simPdf = NULL;
      cout <<"Is a simultaneous PDF"<<endl;
      simPdf = (RooSimultaneous *)(mc->GetPdf());
   } else {
      cout <<"Is not a simultaneous PDF"<<endl;

   if(doFit) {
      RooCategory* channelCat = (RooCategory*) (&simPdf->indexCat());
      TIterator* iter = channelCat->typeIterator() ;
      RooCatType* tt = NULL;
      tt=(RooCatType*) iter->Next();
      RooAbsPdf* pdftmp = ((RooSimultaneous*)mc->GetPdf())->getPdf(tt->GetName()) ;
      RooArgSet* obstmp = pdftmp->getObservables(*mc->GetObservables()) ;
      obs = ((RooRealVar*)obstmp->first());
      RooPlot* frame = obs->frame();
      cout <<Form("%s==%s::%s",channelCat->GetName(),channelCat->GetName(),tt->GetName())<<endl;
      cout << tt->GetName() << " " << channelCat->getLabel() <<endl;

      Double_t normCount = data->sumEntries(Form("%s==%s::%s",channelCat->GetName(),channelCat->GetName(),tt->GetName())) ;

      pdftmp->plotOn(frame,LineWidth(2.),Normalization(normCount,RooAbsReal::NumEvent)) ;
      cout <<"expected events = " << mc->GetPdf()->expectedEvents(*data->get()) <<endl;

   int nPlots=0;

      TIterator* it = mc->GetNuisanceParameters()->createIterator();
      RooRealVar* var = NULL;
      while( (var = (RooRealVar*) it->Next()) != NULL){
         RooPlot* frame = obs->frame();

   } else {
      RooCategory* channelCat = (RooCategory*) (&simPdf->indexCat());
      //    TIterator* iter = simPdf->indexCat().typeIterator() ;
      TIterator* iter = channelCat->typeIterator() ;
      RooCatType* tt = NULL;
      while(nPlots<nPlotsMax && (tt=(RooCatType*) iter->Next())) {

         cout << "on type " << tt->GetName() << " " << endl;
         // Get pdf associated with state from simpdf
         RooAbsPdf* pdftmp = simPdf->getPdf(tt->GetName()) ;

         // Generate observables defined by the pdf associated with this state
         RooArgSet* obstmp = pdftmp->getObservables(*mc->GetObservables()) ;
         //      obstmp->Print();

         obs = ((RooRealVar*)obstmp->first());

         TIterator* it = mc->GetNuisanceParameters()->createIterator();
         RooRealVar* var = NULL;
         while(nPlots<nPlotsMax && (var = (RooRealVar*) it->Next())){
            TCanvas* c2 = new TCanvas("c2");
            RooPlot* frame = obs->frame();

            cout <<Form("%s==%s::%s",channelCat->GetName(),channelCat->GetName(),tt->GetName())<<endl;
            cout << tt->GetName() << " " << channelCat->getLabel() <<endl;

            Double_t normCount = data->sumEntries(Form("%s==%s::%s",channelCat->GetName(),channelCat->GetName(),tt->GetName())) ;

               cout <<"working on lumi"<<endl;
            } else{
            // w->allVars().Print("v");
            // mc->GetNuisanceParameters()->Print("v");
            // pdftmp->plotOn(frame,LineWidth(2.));
            // mc->GetPdf()->plotOn(frame,LineWidth(2.),Slice(*channelCat,tt->GetName()),ProjWData(*data));
            normCount = pdftmp->expectedEvents(*obs);
            pdftmp->plotOn(frame,LineWidth(2.),Normalization(normCount,RooAbsReal::NumEvent)) ;

               cout <<"working on lumi"<<endl;
            } else{
            // pdftmp->plotOn(frame,LineColor(kRed),LineStyle(kDashed),LineWidth(2));
            // mc->GetPdf()->plotOn(frame,LineColor(kRed),LineStyle(kDashed),LineWidth(2.),Slice(*channelCat,tt->GetName()),ProjWData(*data));
            normCount = pdftmp->expectedEvents(*obs);
            pdftmp->plotOn(frame,LineWidth(2.),LineColor(kRed),LineStyle(kDashed),Normalization(normCount,RooAbsReal::NumEvent)) ;

               cout <<"working on lumi"<<endl;
            } else{
            // pdftmp->plotOn(frame,LineColor(kGreen),LineStyle(kDashed),LineWidth(2));
            // mc->GetPdf()->plotOn(frame,LineColor(kGreen),LineStyle(kDashed),LineWidth(2),Slice(*channelCat,tt->GetName()),ProjWData(*data));
            normCount = pdftmp->expectedEvents(*obs);
            pdftmp->plotOn(frame,LineWidth(2.),LineColor(kGreen),LineStyle(kDashed),Normalization(normCount,RooAbsReal::NumEvent)) ;

            // set them back to normal
               cout <<"working on lumi"<<endl;
            } else{


            // quit making plots

            delete c2;

   // -------------------------------------------------------

   // now make plots
   TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas("c1","ProfileInspectorDemo",800,200);
      double n = list->GetSize();
      int nx = (int)sqrt(n) ;
      int ny = TMath::CeilNint(n/nx);
      nx = TMath::CeilNint( sqrt(n) );
   } else
   for(int i=0; i<list->GetSize(); ++i){

void significance(RooWorkspace& w ) {

  ModelConfig* mc = (ModelConfig*)w.obj("mc");
  RooDataSet* data = (RooDataSet*)w.data("data");

  // define the S+B snapshot (this is used for computing the expected significance)
  ModelConfig* sbModel = mc->Clone();
  sbModel->SetName("S+B Model");
  RooRealVar* poi = (RooRealVar*) sbModel->GetParametersOfInterest()->first();

  ModelConfig * bModel = (ModelConfig*) sbModel->Clone();
  bModel->SetName("B model");

  vector<double> masses;
  vector<double> p0values;
  vector<double> p0valuesExpected;
  vector<double> sigvalues;

  double massMin = 200;
  double massMax = 2500;
  int nbins = 100;

  // loop on the mass values 
  for ( double mass=massMin; mass<=massMax; mass += (massMax-massMin)/nbins ) {

    w.var("mass")->setVal( mass );

    // create the AsymptoticCalculator from data,alt model, null model
    AsymptoticCalculator * ac = new AsymptoticCalculator(*data, *sbModel, *bModel);
    ac->SetOneSidedDiscovery(true);  // for one-side discovery test                                      

    // run the calculator
    HypoTestResult* asymCalcResult = ac->GetHypoTest();
    double pvalue = asymCalcResult->NullPValue();
    double sigvalue = asymCalcResult->Significance();
    double expectedP0 = AsymptoticCalculator::GetExpectedPValues(asymCalcResult->NullPValue(),asymCalcResult->AlternatePValue(), 0, false);

    std::cout << "** Mass = " << mass << " p0-value = " << expectedP0 << " p-value = " << pvalue << " significance = " << sigvalue << std::endl;


  TGraph* graph1  = new TGraph(masses.size(),&masses[0],&p0values[0]);
  TGraph* graph2  = new TGraph(masses.size(),&masses[0],&p0valuesExpected[0]);
  TGraph* graph3  = new TGraph(masses.size(),&masses[0],&sigvalues[0]);

  TCanvas* c2 = new TCanvas("c2","Significance", 900, 700);
  graph1->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Mass [GeV]");
  graph1->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("p0 value");
  graph1->SetTitle("P-value vs Mass");

  graph3->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Mass [GeV]");
  graph3->SetTitle("Significance vs Mass");

void StandardProfileInspectorDemo(const char* infile = "",
		      const char* workspaceName = "combined",
		      const char* modelConfigName = "ModelConfig",
		      const char* dataName = "obsData"){

  // First part is just to access a user-defined file 
  // or create the standard example file if it doesn't exist
   const char* filename = "";
   if (!strcmp(infile,"")) {
      filename = "results/example_combined_GaussExample_model.root";
      bool fileExist = !gSystem->AccessPathName(filename); // note opposite return code
      // if file does not exists generate with histfactory
      if (!fileExist) {
#ifdef _WIN32
         cout << "HistFactory file cannot be generated on Windows - exit" << endl;
         // Normally this would be run on the command line
         cout <<"will run standard hist2workspace example"<<endl;
         gROOT->ProcessLine(".! prepareHistFactory .");
         gROOT->ProcessLine(".! hist2workspace config/example.xml");
         cout <<"\n\n---------------------"<<endl;
         cout <<"Done creating example input"<<endl;
         cout <<"---------------------\n\n"<<endl;
      filename = infile;
   // Try to open the file
   TFile *file = TFile::Open(filename);
   // if input file was specified byt not found, quit
   if(!file ){
      cout <<"StandardRooStatsDemoMacro: Input file " << filename << " is not found" << endl;

  // Tutorial starts here

  // get the workspace out of the file
  RooWorkspace* w = (RooWorkspace*) file->Get(workspaceName);
    cout <<"workspace not found" << endl;

  // get the modelConfig out of the file
  ModelConfig* mc = (ModelConfig*) w->obj(modelConfigName);

  // get the modelConfig out of the file
  RooAbsData* data = w->data(dataName);

  // make sure ingredients are found
  if(!data || !mc){
    cout << "data or ModelConfig was not found" <<endl;

  // now use the profile inspector
  ProfileInspector p;
  TList* list = p.GetListOfProfilePlots(*data,mc);
  // now make plots
  TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas("c1","ProfileInspectorDemo",800,200);
    double n = list->GetSize();
    int nx = (int)sqrt(n) ;
    int ny = TMath::CeilNint(n/nx);
    nx = TMath::CeilNint( sqrt(n) );
  } else
  for(int i=0; i<list->GetSize(); ++i){
  cout << endl;
   void ws_constrained_profile3D( const char* wsfile = "rootfiles/ws-data-unblind.root",
                                   const char* new_poi_name = "n_M234_H4_3b",
                                   int npoiPoints = 20,
                                   double poiMinVal = 0.,
                                   double poiMaxVal = 20.,
                                   double constraintWidth = 1.5,
                                   double ymax = 10.,
                                   int verbLevel=0 ) {

     gStyle->SetOptStat(0) ;

     //--- make output directory.

     char command[10000] ;
     sprintf( command, "basename %s", wsfile ) ;
     TString wsfilenopath = gSystem->GetFromPipe( command ) ;
     wsfilenopath.ReplaceAll(".root","") ;
     char outputdirstr[1000] ;
     sprintf( outputdirstr, "outputfiles/scans-%s", wsfilenopath.Data() ) ;
     TString outputdir( outputdirstr ) ;

     printf("\n\n Creating output directory: %s\n\n", outputdir.Data() ) ;
     sprintf(command, "mkdir -p %s", outputdir.Data() ) ;
     gSystem->Exec( command ) ;

     //--- Tell RooFit to shut up about anything less important than an ERROR.
      RooMsgService::instance().setGlobalKillBelow(RooFit::ERROR) ;

       if ( verbLevel > 0 ) { printf("\n\n Verbose level : %d\n\n", verbLevel) ; }

       TFile* wstf = new TFile( wsfile ) ;

       RooWorkspace* ws = dynamic_cast<RooWorkspace*>( wstf->Get("ws") );

       if ( verbLevel > 0 ) { ws->Print() ; }

       RooDataSet* rds = (RooDataSet*) ws->obj( "ra2b_observed_rds" ) ;

       if ( verbLevel > 0 ) {
          printf("\n\n\n  ===== RooDataSet ====================\n\n") ;
          rds->Print() ;
          rds->printMultiline(cout, 1, kTRUE, "") ;

       ModelConfig* modelConfig = (ModelConfig*) ws->obj( "SbModel" ) ;
       RooAbsPdf* likelihood = modelConfig->GetPdf() ;

       RooRealVar* rrv_mu_susy_all0lep = ws->var("mu_susy_all0lep") ;
       if ( rrv_mu_susy_all0lep == 0x0 ) {
          printf("\n\n\n *** can't find mu_susy_all0lep in workspace.  Quitting.\n\n\n") ;
          return ;

       //-- do BG only.
       rrv_mu_susy_all0lep->setVal(0.) ;
       rrv_mu_susy_all0lep->setConstant( kTRUE ) ;

       //-- do a prefit.

       printf("\n\n\n ====== Pre fit with unmodified nll var.\n\n") ;

       RooFitResult* dataFitResultSusyFixed = likelihood->fitTo(*rds, Save(true),Hesse(false),Minos(false),Strategy(1),PrintLevel(verbLevel));
       int dataSusyFixedFitCovQual = dataFitResultSusyFixed->covQual() ;
       if ( dataSusyFixedFitCovQual < 2 ) { printf("\n\n\n *** Failed fit!  Cov qual %d.  Quitting.\n\n", dataSusyFixedFitCovQual ) ; return ; }
       double dataFitSusyFixedNll = dataFitResultSusyFixed->minNll() ;

       if ( verbLevel > 0 ) {
          dataFitResultSusyFixed->Print("v") ;

       printf("\n\n Nll value, from fit result : %.3f\n\n", dataFitSusyFixedNll ) ;

       delete dataFitResultSusyFixed ;

       //-- Construct the new POI parameter.
       RooAbsReal* new_poi_rar(0x0) ;

       new_poi_rar = ws->var( new_poi_name ) ;
       if ( new_poi_rar == 0x0 ) {
          printf("\n\n New POI %s is not a variable.  Trying function.\n\n", new_poi_name ) ;
          new_poi_rar = ws->function( new_poi_name ) ;
          if ( new_poi_rar == 0x0 ) {
             printf("\n\n New POI %s is not a function.  I quit.\n\n", new_poi_name ) ;
             return ;
       } else {
          printf("\n\n     New POI %s is a variable with current value %.1f.\n\n", new_poi_name, new_poi_rar->getVal() ) ;

       if ( npoiPoints <=0 ) {
          printf("\n\n Quitting now.\n\n" ) ;
          return ;

       double startPoiVal = new_poi_rar->getVal() ;

      //--- The RooNLLVar is NOT equivalent to what minuit uses.
  //   RooNLLVar* nll = new RooNLLVar("nll","nll", *likelihood, *rds ) ;
  //   printf("\n\n Nll value, from construction : %.3f\n\n", nll->getVal() ) ;

      //--- output of createNLL IS what minuit uses, so use that.
       RooAbsReal* nll = likelihood -> createNLL( *rds, Verbose(true) ) ;

       RooRealVar* rrv_poiValue = new RooRealVar( "poiValue", "poiValue", 0., -10000., 10000. ) ;
   /// rrv_poiValue->setVal( poiMinVal ) ;
   /// rrv_poiValue->setConstant(kTRUE) ;

       RooRealVar* rrv_constraintWidth = new RooRealVar("constraintWidth","constraintWidth", 0.1, 0.1, 1000. ) ;
       rrv_constraintWidth -> setVal( constraintWidth ) ;
       rrv_constraintWidth -> setConstant(kTRUE) ;

       if ( verbLevel > 0 ) {
          printf("\n\n ======= debug likelihood print\n\n") ;
          likelihood->Print("v") ;
          printf("\n\n ======= debug nll print\n\n") ;
          nll->Print("v") ;


       RooMinuit* rminuit( 0x0 ) ;

       RooMinuit* rminuit_uc = new RooMinuit( *nll  ) ;

       rminuit_uc->setPrintLevel(verbLevel-1) ;
       rminuit_uc->setNoWarn() ;

       rminuit_uc->migrad() ;
       rminuit_uc->hesse() ;

       RooFitResult* rfr_uc = rminuit_uc->fit("mr") ;

       double floatParInitVal[10000] ;
       char   floatParName[10000][100] ;
       int nFloatParInitVal(0) ;
       RooArgList ral_floats = rfr_uc->floatParsFinal() ;
       TIterator* floatParIter = ral_floats.createIterator() ;
          RooRealVar* par ;
          while ( (par = (RooRealVar*) floatParIter->Next()) ) {
             sprintf( floatParName[nFloatParInitVal], "%s", par->GetName() ) ;
             floatParInitVal[nFloatParInitVal] = par->getVal() ;
             nFloatParInitVal++ ;


       printf("\n\n Unbiased best value for new POI %s is : %7.1f\n\n", new_poi_rar->GetName(), new_poi_rar->getVal() ) ;
       double best_poi_val = new_poi_rar->getVal() ;

       char minuit_formula[10000] ;
       sprintf( minuit_formula, "%s+%s*(%s-%s)*(%s-%s)",
         new_poi_rar->GetName(), rrv_poiValue->GetName(),
         new_poi_rar->GetName(), rrv_poiValue->GetName()
          ) ;

       printf("\n\n Creating new minuit variable with formula: %s\n\n", minuit_formula ) ;
       RooFormulaVar* new_minuit_var = new RooFormulaVar("new_minuit_var", minuit_formula,
           RooArgList( *nll,
                       *new_poi_rar, *rrv_poiValue,
                       *new_poi_rar, *rrv_poiValue
                       ) ) ;

       printf("\n\n Current value is %.2f\n\n",
            new_minuit_var->getVal() ) ;

       rminuit = new RooMinuit( *new_minuit_var ) ;

       RooAbsReal* plot_var = nll ;

       printf("\n\n Current value is %.2f\n\n",
            plot_var->getVal() ) ;

       rminuit->setPrintLevel(verbLevel-1) ;
       if ( verbLevel <=0 ) { rminuit->setNoWarn() ; }


       //-- If POI range is -1 to -1, automatically determine the range using the set value.

       if ( poiMinVal < 0. && poiMaxVal < 0. ) {

          printf("\n\n Automatic determination of scan range.\n\n") ;

          if ( startPoiVal <= 0. ) {
             printf("\n\n *** POI starting value zero or negative %g.  Quit.\n\n\n", startPoiVal ) ;
             return ;

          poiMinVal = startPoiVal - 3.5 * sqrt(startPoiVal) ;
          poiMaxVal = startPoiVal + 6.0 * sqrt(startPoiVal) ;

          if ( poiMinVal < 0. ) { poiMinVal = 0. ; }

          printf("    Start val = %g.   Scan range:   %g  to  %g\n\n", startPoiVal, poiMinVal, poiMaxVal ) ;



       double poiVals_scanDown[1000] ;
       double nllVals_scanDown[1000] ;

       //-- Do scan down from best value.

       printf("\n\n +++++ Starting scan down from best value.\n\n") ;

       double minNllVal(1.e9) ;

       for ( int poivi=0; poivi < npoiPoints/2 ; poivi++ ) {

          ////double poiValue = poiMinVal + poivi*(poiMaxVal-poiMinVal)/(1.*(npoiPoints-1)) ;
          double poiValue = best_poi_val - poivi*(best_poi_val-poiMinVal)/(1.*(npoiPoints/2-1)) ;

          rrv_poiValue -> setVal( poiValue ) ;
          rrv_poiValue -> setConstant( kTRUE ) ;


          rminuit->migrad() ;
          rminuit->hesse() ;
          RooFitResult* rfr = rminuit->save() ;


          if ( verbLevel > 0 ) { rfr->Print("v") ; }

          float fit_minuit_var_val = rfr->minNll() ;

          printf(" %02d : poi constraint = %.2f : allvars : MinuitVar, createNLL, PV, POI :    %.5f   %.5f   %.5f   %.5f\n",
                poivi, rrv_poiValue->getVal(), fit_minuit_var_val, nll->getVal(), plot_var->getVal(), new_poi_rar->getVal() ) ;
          cout << flush ;

          poiVals_scanDown[poivi] = new_poi_rar->getVal() ;
          nllVals_scanDown[poivi] = plot_var->getVal() ;

          if ( nllVals_scanDown[poivi] < minNllVal ) { minNllVal = nllVals_scanDown[poivi] ; }

          delete rfr ;

       } // poivi

       printf("\n\n +++++ Resetting floats to best fit values.\n\n") ;

       for ( int pi=0; pi<nFloatParInitVal; pi++ ) {
          RooRealVar* par = ws->var( floatParName[pi] ) ;
          par->setVal( floatParInitVal[pi] ) ;
       } // pi.

       printf("\n\n +++++ Starting scan up from best value.\n\n") ;

      //-- Now do scan up.

       double poiVals_scanUp[1000] ;
       double nllVals_scanUp[1000] ;

       for ( int poivi=0; poivi < npoiPoints/2 ; poivi++ ) {

          double poiValue = best_poi_val + poivi*(poiMaxVal-best_poi_val)/(1.*(npoiPoints/2-1)) ;

          rrv_poiValue -> setVal( poiValue ) ;
          rrv_poiValue -> setConstant( kTRUE ) ;


          rminuit->migrad() ;
          rminuit->hesse() ;
          RooFitResult* rfr = rminuit->save() ;


          if ( verbLevel > 0 ) { rfr->Print("v") ; }

          float fit_minuit_var_val = rfr->minNll() ;

          printf(" %02d : poi constraint = %.2f : allvars : MinuitVar, createNLL, PV, POI :    %.5f   %.5f   %.5f   %.5f\n",
                poivi, rrv_poiValue->getVal(), fit_minuit_var_val, nll->getVal(), plot_var->getVal(), new_poi_rar->getVal() ) ;
          cout << flush ;

          poiVals_scanUp[poivi] = new_poi_rar->getVal() ;
          nllVals_scanUp[poivi] = plot_var->getVal() ;

          if ( nllVals_scanUp[poivi] < minNllVal ) { minNllVal = nllVals_scanUp[poivi] ; }

          delete rfr ;

       } // poivi

       double poiVals[1000] ;
       double nllVals[1000] ;

       int pointCount(0) ;
       for ( int pi=0; pi<npoiPoints/2; pi++ ) {
          poiVals[pi] = poiVals_scanDown[(npoiPoints/2-1)-pi] ;
          nllVals[pi] = nllVals_scanDown[(npoiPoints/2-1)-pi] ;
          pointCount++ ;
       for ( int pi=1; pi<npoiPoints/2; pi++ ) {
          poiVals[pointCount] = poiVals_scanUp[pi] ;
          nllVals[pointCount] = nllVals_scanUp[pi] ;
          pointCount++ ;
       npoiPoints = pointCount ;

       printf("\n\n --- TGraph arrays:\n") ;
       for ( int i=0; i<npoiPoints; i++ ) {
          printf("  %2d : poi = %6.1f, nll = %g\n", i, poiVals[i], nllVals[i] ) ;
       printf("\n\n") ;

       double nllDiffVals[1000] ;

       double poiAtMinlnL(-1.) ;
       double poiAtMinusDelta2(-1.) ;
       double poiAtPlusDelta2(-1.) ;
       for ( int poivi=0; poivi < npoiPoints ; poivi++ ) {
          nllDiffVals[poivi] = 2.*(nllVals[poivi] - minNllVal) ;
          double poiValue = poiMinVal + poivi*(poiMaxVal-poiMinVal)/(1.*npoiPoints) ;
          if ( nllDiffVals[poivi] < 0.01 ) { poiAtMinlnL = poiValue ; }
          if ( poiAtMinusDelta2 < 0. && nllDiffVals[poivi] < 2.5 ) { poiAtMinusDelta2 = poiValue ; }
          if ( poiAtMinlnL > 0. && poiAtPlusDelta2 < 0. && nllDiffVals[poivi] > 2.0 ) { poiAtPlusDelta2 = poiValue ; }
       } // poivi

       printf("\n\n Estimates for poi at delta ln L = -2, 0, +2:  %g ,   %g ,   %g\n\n", poiAtMinusDelta2, poiAtMinlnL, poiAtPlusDelta2 ) ;

      //--- Main canvas

       TCanvas* cscan = (TCanvas*) gDirectory->FindObject("cscan") ;
       if ( cscan == 0x0 ) {
          printf("\n Creating canvas.\n\n") ;
          cscan = new TCanvas("cscan","Delta nll") ;

       char gname[1000] ;

       TGraph* graph = new TGraph( npoiPoints, poiVals, nllDiffVals ) ;
       sprintf( gname, "scan_%s", new_poi_name ) ;
       graph->SetName( gname ) ;

       double poiBest(-1.) ;
       double poiMinus1stdv(-1.) ;
       double poiPlus1stdv(-1.) ;
       double poiMinus2stdv(-1.) ;
       double poiPlus2stdv(-1.) ;
       double twoDeltalnLMin(1e9) ;

       int nscan(1000) ;
       for ( int xi=0; xi<nscan; xi++ ) {

          double x = poiVals[0] + xi*(poiVals[npoiPoints-1]-poiVals[0])/(nscan-1) ;

          double twoDeltalnL = graph -> Eval( x, 0, "S" ) ;

          if ( poiMinus1stdv < 0. && twoDeltalnL < 1.0 ) { poiMinus1stdv = x ; printf(" set m1 : %d, x=%g, 2dnll=%g\n", xi, x, twoDeltalnL) ;}
          if ( poiMinus2stdv < 0. && twoDeltalnL < 4.0 ) { poiMinus2stdv = x ; printf(" set m2 : %d, x=%g, 2dnll=%g\n", xi, x, twoDeltalnL) ;}
          if ( twoDeltalnL < twoDeltalnLMin ) { poiBest = x ; twoDeltalnLMin = twoDeltalnL ; }
          if ( twoDeltalnLMin < 0.3 && poiPlus1stdv < 0. && twoDeltalnL > 1.0 ) { poiPlus1stdv = x ; printf(" set p1 : %d, x=%g, 2dnll=%g\n", xi, x, twoDeltalnL) ;}
          if ( twoDeltalnLMin < 0.3 && poiPlus2stdv < 0. && twoDeltalnL > 4.0 ) { poiPlus2stdv = x ; printf(" set p2 : %d, x=%g, 2dnll=%g\n", xi, x, twoDeltalnL) ;}

          if ( xi%100 == 0 ) { printf( " %4d : poi=%6.2f,  2DeltalnL = %6.2f\n", xi, x, twoDeltalnL ) ; }

       printf("\n\n POI estimate :  %g  +%g  -%g    [%g,%g],   two sigma errors: +%g  -%g   [%g,%g]\n\n",
               (poiPlus1stdv-poiBest), (poiBest-poiMinus1stdv), poiMinus1stdv, poiPlus1stdv,
               (poiPlus2stdv-poiBest), (poiBest-poiMinus2stdv), poiMinus2stdv, poiPlus2stdv
               ) ;

       printf(" %s val,pm1sig,pm2sig: %7.2f  %7.2f  %7.2f  %7.2f  %7.2f\n",
          new_poi_name, poiBest, (poiPlus1stdv-poiBest), (poiBest-poiMinus1stdv), (poiPlus2stdv-poiBest), (poiBest-poiMinus2stdv) ) ;

       char htitle[1000] ;
       sprintf(htitle, "%s profile likelihood scan: -2ln(L/Lm)", new_poi_name ) ;
       TH1F* hscan = new TH1F("hscan", htitle, 10, poiMinVal, poiMaxVal ) ;
       hscan->SetMinimum(0.) ;
       hscan->SetMaximum(ymax) ;

       hscan->DrawCopy() ;
       graph->SetLineColor(4) ;
       graph->SetLineWidth(3) ;
       graph->Draw("CP") ;
       gPad->SetGridx(1) ;
       gPad->SetGridy(1) ;
       cscan->Update() ;

       TLine* line = new TLine() ;
       line->SetLineColor(2) ;
       line->DrawLine(poiMinVal, 1., poiPlus1stdv, 1.) ;
       line->DrawLine(poiMinus1stdv,0., poiMinus1stdv, 1.) ;
       line->DrawLine(poiPlus1stdv ,0., poiPlus1stdv , 1.) ;

       TText* text = new TText() ;
       text->SetTextSize(0.04) ;
       char tstring[1000] ;

       sprintf( tstring, "%s = %.1f +%.1f -%.1f", new_poi_name, poiBest, (poiPlus1stdv-poiBest), (poiBest-poiMinus1stdv) ) ;
       text -> DrawTextNDC( 0.15, 0.85, tstring ) ;

       sprintf( tstring, "68%% interval [%.1f,  %.1f]", poiMinus1stdv, poiPlus1stdv ) ;
       text -> DrawTextNDC( 0.15, 0.78, tstring ) ;

       char hname[1000] ;
       sprintf( hname, "hscanout_%s", new_poi_name ) ;
       TH1F* hsout = new TH1F( hname,"scan results",4,0.,4.) ;
       double obsVal(-1.) ;
       hsout->SetBinContent(1, obsVal ) ;
       hsout->SetBinContent(2, poiPlus1stdv ) ;
       hsout->SetBinContent(3, poiBest ) ;
       hsout->SetBinContent(4, poiMinus1stdv ) ;
       TAxis* xaxis = hsout->GetXaxis() ;
       xaxis->SetBinLabel(1,"Observed val.") ;
       xaxis->SetBinLabel(2,"Model+1sd") ;
       xaxis->SetBinLabel(3,"Model") ;
       xaxis->SetBinLabel(4,"Model-1sd") ;

       char outrootfile[10000] ;
       sprintf( outrootfile, "%s/scan-ff-%s.root", outputdir.Data(), new_poi_name ) ;

       char outpdffile[10000] ;
       sprintf( outpdffile, "%s/scan-ff-%s.pdf", outputdir.Data(), new_poi_name ) ;

       cscan->Update() ; cscan->Draw() ;

       printf("\n Saving %s\n", outpdffile ) ;
       cscan->SaveAs( outpdffile ) ;

     //--- save in root file

       printf("\n Saving %s\n", outrootfile ) ;
       TFile fout(outrootfile,"recreate") ;
       graph->Write() ;
       hsout->Write() ;
       fout.Close() ;

       delete ws ;
       wstf->Close() ;

void Plot_BG(TString wsname)
	//get the stuff from the workspace:
	TFile* file=TFile::Open(wsname);
	RooWorkspace* ws = (RooWorkspace*)file->Get("combined");
	mc = (ModelConfig*)ws->obj("ModelConfig");
	data = ws->data("obsData");
	RooSimultaneous* simPdf=(RooSimultaneous*)(mc->GetPdf());
	RooAbsReal* nll=simPdf->createNLL(*data);
	//run on channels
	RooCategory* chanCat = (RooCategory*) (&simPdf->indexCat());
        TIterator* iterat = chanCat->typeIterator() ;
        RooCatType* ttype;
	bool stop = kFALSE;
	while ((ttype = (RooCatType*) iterat->Next())&&!stop)
		// bool toggle to run on one channel or all	
		stop = kTRUE;
		RooAbsPdf  *pdf_state  = simPdf->getPdf(ttype->GetName()) ;
		RooArgSet  *obstmp  = pdf_state->getObservables( *mc->GetObservables() ) ;
        	RooAbsData *datatmp = data->reduce(Form("%s==%s::%s",chanCat->GetName(),chanCat->GetName(),ttype->GetName()));
		RooRealVar *obs     = ((RooRealVar*) obstmp->first());
		TString chanName(ttype->GetName());

		// get data
		TH1* hdata = datatmp->createHistogram("Data "+chanName,*obs);
		// set errors to gaussian
        	for (int ib=0 ; ib<hdata->GetNbinsX()+1 ; ib++) hdata->SetBinError(ib, sqrt(hdata->GetBinContent(ib)));
		// get initial BG
		TH1* h_initial_BG = pdf_state->createHistogram("initial_BG_"+chanName,*obs);
		// get initial gammas
		int nbins = h_initial_BG->GetNbinsX();
        	double InitGamma[nbins];
        	for (int i=0; i<nbins; i++)
                	TString varname = "gamma_B0_0j_l1pt0_bin_"+NumberToString(i);
                	InitGamma[i] = ws->var(varname)->getVal();
                	cout << "initial gamma"+NumberToString(i)+" = " << InitGamma[i] << endl;
        	double InitFpt = ws->var("fl1pt_l1pt0")->getVal();
        	cout << "initial fpt_l1pt0 = " << InitFpt <<  endl;

		TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas("BG and Data "+chanName,"BG and Data "+chanName,600,600);
		//hdata->DrawNormalized("sames E1");

		RooMinimizer minim(*nll);
        	//set some options:
        	minim.setStrategy(3); //0-3 where 0 is the fastest
		// get gammas after fit
		double FinalGamma[nbins];
		TH1* h_initBG_times_gamma = (TH1*)h_initial_BG->Clone("initBG_times_gamma");
		for (int i=0; i<nbins; i++)
                	TString varname = "gamma_B0_0j_l1pt0_bin_"+NumberToString(i);
                	FinalGamma[i] = ws->var(varname)->getVal();
                	cout << "Final gamma in bin "+NumberToString(i)+" = " << FinalGamma[i] << endl;
		double FinalFpt = ws->var("fl1pt_l1pt0")->getVal();
		cout << "initial fpt_l1pt0 = " << InitFpt <<  endl;
		cout << "final fpt_l1pt0 = " << FinalFpt <<  endl;
		TH1* h_final_BG = pdf_state->createHistogram("final_BG_"+chanName,*obs);
        	//TCanvas* cf = new TCanvas("final BG","final BG",600,600);
		TH1* h_ratio = (TH1*)h_initial_BG->Clone("h_ratio");
		cout << "channel name = " << chanName << endl;	
		for ( int j=1; j<=nbins; j++)
			double init = h_initial_BG->GetBinContent(j);
			double fina = h_final_BG->GetBinContent(j);
			double r = (fina)/init;
			cout << "in bin " << j << ", initial B = " << init << ", final B = " << fina << ", ratio = " << r << ", Gamma = " << FinalGamma[j-1] << endl;

文件: runQ.C 项目: lspiller/limitcode
void runQ(const char* inFileName,
	    const char* wsName = "combined",
	    const char* modelConfigName = "ModelConfig",
	    const char* dataName = "obsData",
	    const char* asimov0DataName = "asimovData_0",
	    const char* conditional0Snapshot = "conditionalGlobs_0",
	    const char* asimov1DataName = "asimovData_1",
	    const char* conditional1Snapshot = "conditionalGlobs_1",
	    const char* nominalSnapshot = "nominalGlobs",
	    string smass = "130",
	    string folder = "test")
  double mass;
  stringstream massStr;
  massStr << smass;
  massStr >> mass;

  bool errFast = 0;
  bool goFast = 1;
  bool remakeData = 1;
  bool doRightSided = 1;
  bool doInj = 0;
  bool doObs = 1;
  bool doMedian = 1;

  TStopwatch timer;

  TFile f(inFileName);
  RooWorkspace* ws = (RooWorkspace*)f.Get(wsName);
  if (!ws)
    cout << "ERROR::Workspace: " << wsName << " doesn't exist!" << endl;
  ModelConfig* mc = (ModelConfig*)ws->obj(modelConfigName);
  if (!mc)
    cout << "ERROR::ModelConfig: " << modelConfigName << " doesn't exist!" << endl;
  RooDataSet* data = (RooDataSet*)ws->data(dataName);
  if (!data)
    cout << "ERROR::Dataset: " << dataName << " doesn't exist!" << endl;


  cout << "Setting max function calls" << endl;

  RooArgSet nuis(*mc->GetNuisanceParameters());

  RooRealVar* mu = (RooRealVar*)mc->GetParametersOfInterest()->first();

  if (string(mc->GetPdf()->ClassName()) == "RooSimultaneous" && remakeData)
    RooSimultaneous* simPdf = (RooSimultaneous*)mc->GetPdf();
    double min_mu;
    data = makeData(data, simPdf, mc->GetObservables(), mu, mass, min_mu);

  RooDataSet* asimovData0 = (RooDataSet*)ws->data(asimov0DataName);
  if (!asimovData0)
    cout << "Asimov data doesn't exist! Please, allow me to build one for you..." << endl;
    makeAsimovData(mc, true, ws, mc->GetPdf(), data, 1);
    asimovData0 = (RooDataSet*)ws->data("asimovData_0");

  RooDataSet* asimovData1 = (RooDataSet*)ws->data(asimov1DataName);
  if (!asimovData1)
    cout << "Asimov data doesn't exist! Please, allow me to build one for you..." << endl;
    makeAsimovData(mc, true, ws, mc->GetPdf(), data, 0);
    asimovData1 = (RooDataSet*)ws->data("asimovData_1");
  if (!doRightSided) mu->setRange(0, 40);
  else mu->setRange(-40, 40);

  bool old = false;
  if (old)

    RooArgSet poi(*mu);
    ProfileLikelihoodTestStat_modified asimov_testStat_sig(*mc->GetPdf());
    if (!doInj) asimov_testStat_sig.SetDoAsimov(true, 1);

    ProfileLikelihoodTestStat_modified testStat(*mc->GetPdf());

    double med_sig = 0;
    double med_testStat_val = 0;


    if (asimov1DataName != "" && doMedian)
      if (!doInj) mu->setRange(0, 2);
      if (string(conditional1Snapshot) != "") ws->loadSnapshot(conditional1Snapshot);
      med_testStat_val = 2*asimov_testStat_sig.Evaluate(*asimovData1, poi);
      if (med_testStat_val < 0 && !doInj) 
	med_testStat_val = 2*asimov_testStat_sig.Evaluate(*asimovData1, poi); // just try again
      int sign = med_testStat_val != 0 ? med_testStat_val/fabs(med_testStat_val) : 0;
      med_sig = sign*sqrt(fabs(med_testStat_val));
      if (string(nominalSnapshot) != "") ws->loadSnapshot(nominalSnapshot);

      if (!doRightSided) mu->setRange(0, 40);
      else mu->setRange(-40, 40);



    cout << "med test stat: " << med_testStat_val << endl;


    double obsTestStat_val = doObs ? 2*testStat.Evaluate(*data, poi) : 0;
    cout << "obs test stat: " << obsTestStat_val << endl;
//   obsTestStat_val = 2*testStat.Evaluate(*data, poi);
//   cout << "obs test stat: " << obsTestStat_val << endl;
//   obsTestStat_val = 2*testStat.Evaluate(*data, poi);
//   cout << "obs test stat: " << obsTestStat_val << endl;

    double obs_sig;
    int sign = obsTestStat_val == 0 ? 0 : obsTestStat_val / fabs(obsTestStat_val);
    if (!doRightSided && (obsTestStat_val < 0 && obsTestStat_val > -0.1 || mu->getVal() < 0.001)) obs_sig = 0; 
    else obs_sig = sign*sqrt(fabs(obsTestStat_val));
    if (obs_sig != obs_sig) //nan, do by hand
      cout << "Obs test stat gave nan: try by hand" << endl;

      mc->GetPdf()->fitTo(*data, Hesse(0), Minos(0), PrintLevel(-1), Constrain(*mc->GetNuisanceParameters()));

      double L_0 = mc->GetPdf()->getVal();

      mc->GetPdf()->fitTo(*data, Hesse(0), Minos(0), PrintLevel(-1), Constrain(*mc->GetNuisanceParameters()));
      double L_muhat = mc->GetPdf()->getVal();

      cout << "L_0: " << L_0 << ", L_muhat: " << L_muhat << endl;
      obs_sig = sqrt(-2*TMath::Log(L_0/L_muhat));

//still nan
      if (obs_sig != obs_sig && fabs(L_0 - L_muhat) < 0.000001) obs_sig = 0;
    cout << "obs: " << obs_sig << endl;

    cout << "Observed significance: " << obs_sig << endl;
    if (med_sig)
      cout << "Median test stat val: " << med_testStat_val << endl;
      cout << "Median significance:   " << med_sig << endl;


    stringstream fileName;
    fileName << "root_files/" << folder << "/" << mass << ".root";
    system(("mkdir -vp root_files/" + folder).c_str());
    TFile f2(fileName.str().c_str(),"recreate");

//   stringstream fileName;
//   fileName << "results_sig/" << mass << ".root";
//   system("mkdir results_sig");
//   TFile f(fileName.str().c_str(),"recreate");

    TH1D* h_hypo = new TH1D("hypo","hypo",2,0,2);
    h_hypo->SetBinContent(1, obs_sig);
    h_hypo->SetBinContent(2, med_sig);

    //mc->GetPdf()->fitTo(*data, PrintLevel(0));


    RooAbsPdf* pdf = mc->GetPdf();

    RooArgSet nuis_tmp1 = *mc->GetNuisanceParameters();
    RooNLLVar* asimov_nll0 = (RooNLLVar*)pdf->createNLL(*asimovData0, Constrain(nuis_tmp1));

    RooArgSet nuis_tmp2 = *mc->GetNuisanceParameters();
    RooNLLVar* asimov_nll1 = (RooNLLVar*)pdf->createNLL(*asimovData1, Constrain(nuis_tmp2));

    RooArgSet nuis_tmp3 = *mc->GetNuisanceParameters();
    RooNLLVar* obs_nll = (RooNLLVar*)pdf->createNLL(*data, Constrain(nuis_tmp3));

//do asimov

    int status;

//get sigma_b

    status = ws->loadSnapshot("conditionalNuis_0");
    if (status != 0 && goFast) errFast = 1;

    status = goFast ? 0 : minimize(asimov_nll0, ws);
    if (status < 0) 
      cout << "Retrying" << endl;
      status = minimize(asimov_nll0, ws);
      if (status >= 0) cout << "Success!" << endl;
    double asimov0_nll0 = asimov_nll0->getVal();

    status = minimize(asimov_nll0, ws);
    if (status < 0) 
      cout << "Retrying" << endl;
      status = minimize(asimov_nll0, ws);
      if (status >= 0) cout << "Success!" << endl;

    double asimov0_nll1 = asimov_nll0->getVal();
    double asimov0_q = 2*(asimov0_nll1 - asimov0_nll0);
    double sigma_b = sqrt(1./asimov0_q);


//get sigma_sb


    status = minimize(asimov_nll1, ws);
    if (status < 0) 
      cout << "Retrying" << endl;
      status = minimize(asimov_nll1, ws);
      if (status >= 0) cout << "Success!" << endl;
    double asimov1_nll0 = asimov_nll1->getVal();

    status = ws->loadSnapshot("conditionalNuis_1");
    if (status != 0 && goFast) errFast = 1;
    status = goFast ? 0 : minimize(asimov_nll1, ws);
    if (status < 0) 
      cout << "Retrying" << endl;
      status = minimize(asimov_nll1, ws);
      if (status >= 0) cout << "Success!" << endl;

    double asimov1_nll1 = asimov_nll1->getVal();
    double asimov1_q = 2*(asimov1_nll1 - asimov1_nll0);
    double sigma_sb = sqrt(-1./asimov1_q);


//do obs

    status = ws->loadSnapshot("conditionalNuis_0");
    if (status != 0 && goFast) errFast = 1;
    status = goFast ? 0 : minimize(obs_nll, ws);
    if (status < 0) 
      cout << "Retrying with conditional snapshot at mu=1" << endl;
      status = minimize(obs_nll, ws);
      if (status >= 0) cout << "Success!" << endl;
    double obs_nll0 = obs_nll->getVal();

    status = ws->loadSnapshot("conditionalNuis_1");
    if (status != 0 && goFast) errFast = 1;
    status = goFast ? 0 : minimize(obs_nll, ws);
    if (status < 0) 
      cout << "Retrying with conditional snapshot at mu=1" << endl;
      status = minimize(obs_nll, ws);
      if (status >= 0) cout << "Success!" << endl;

    double obs_nll1 = obs_nll->getVal();
    double obs_q = 2*(obs_nll1 - obs_nll0);

    double Zobs = (1./sigma_b/sigma_b - obs_q) / (2./sigma_b);
    double Zexp = (1./sigma_b/sigma_b - asimov1_q) / (2./sigma_b);

    double pb_obs = 1-ROOT::Math::gaussian_cdf(Zobs);
    double pb_exp = 1-ROOT::Math::gaussian_cdf(Zexp);

    cout << "asimov0_q = " << asimov0_q << endl;
    cout << "asimov1_q = " << asimov1_q << endl;
    cout << "obs_q     = " << obs_q << endl;
    cout << "sigma_b   = " << sigma_b << endl;
    cout << "sigma_sb  = " << sigma_sb << endl;
    cout << "Z obs     = " << Zobs << endl;
    cout << "Z exp     = " << Zexp << endl;


    stringstream fileName;
    fileName << "root_files/" << folder << "/" << mass << ".root";
    system(("mkdir -vp root_files/" + folder).c_str());
    TFile f2(fileName.str().c_str(),"recreate");

    TH1D* h_hypo = new TH1D("hypo_tev","hypo_tev",2,0,2);
    h_hypo->SetBinContent(1, pb_obs);
    h_hypo->SetBinContent(2, pb_exp);


    stringstream fileName3;
    fileName3 << "root_files/" << folder << "_llr/" << mass << ".root";
    system(("mkdir -vp root_files/" + folder + "_llr").c_str());
    TFile f3(fileName3.str().c_str(),"recreate");

    TH1D* h_hypo3 = new TH1D("hypo_llr","hypo_llr",7,0,7);
    h_hypo3->SetBinContent(1, -obs_q);
    h_hypo3->SetBinContent(2, -asimov1_q);
    h_hypo3->SetBinContent(3, -asimov0_q);
    h_hypo3->SetBinContent(4, -asimov0_q-2*2/sigma_b);
    h_hypo3->SetBinContent(5, -asimov0_q-1*2/sigma_b);
    h_hypo3->SetBinContent(6, -asimov0_q+1*2/sigma_b);
    h_hypo3->SetBinContent(7, -asimov0_q+2*2/sigma_b);



void RunToyScan5(TString fileName, double startVal, double stopVal, TString outFile) {

  int nToys = 1000 ;

  gROOT->LoadMacro("RooBetaPdf.cxx+") ;
  gROOT->LoadMacro("RooRatio.cxx+") ;
  gROOT->LoadMacro("RooPosDefCorrGauss.cxx+") ;

  // get relevant objects out of the "ws" file

  TFile *file = TFile::Open(fileName);
    cout <<"file not found" << endl;

  RooWorkspace* w = (RooWorkspace*) file->Get("ws");
    cout <<"workspace not found" << endl;

  ModelConfig* mc = (ModelConfig*) w->obj("SbModel");
  RooAbsData* data = w->data("ra2b_observed_rds");

  if( !data || !mc ){
    cout << "data or ModelConfig was not found" <<endl;

  RooRealVar* myPOI = (RooRealVar*) mc->GetParametersOfInterest()->first();
  myPOI->setRange(0, 1000.);

  ModelConfig* bModel = (ModelConfig*) w->obj("BModel");
  ModelConfig* sbModel = (ModelConfig*) w->obj("SbModel");

  ProfileLikelihoodTestStat profll(*sbModel->GetPdf());
  TestStatistic * testStat = &profll;

  HypoTestCalculatorGeneric *  hc = 0;
  hc = new FrequentistCalculator(*data, *bModel, *sbModel);
  ToyMCSampler *toymcs = (ToyMCSampler*)hc->GetTestStatSampler();
  ((FrequentistCalculator *)hc)->SetToys(nToys,nToys);
  HypoTestInverter calc(*hc);

  HypoTestInverterResult * res_toysCLs_calculator = calc.GetInterval();

  // dump results string to output file
  ofstream outStream ;
  outStream.open(outFile,ios::app) ;
  outStream << "CLs = " << res_toysCLs_calculator->UpperLimit() 
	    << "   CLs_exp = " << res_toysCLs_calculator->GetExpectedUpperLimit(0) 
	    << "   CLs_exp(-1s) = " << res_toysCLs_calculator->GetExpectedUpperLimit(-1) 
	    << "   CLs_exp(+1s) = " << res_toysCLs_calculator->GetExpectedUpperLimit(1) << endl ;
  outStream.close() ;

  return ;

double StandardFrequentistDiscovery(
   const char* infile = "",
   const char* workspaceName = "channel1",
   const char* modelConfigNameSB = "ModelConfig",
   const char* dataName = "obsData",
   int toys = 1000,
   double poiValueForBackground = 0.0,
   double poiValueForSignal = 1.0
) {

   // The workspace contains the model for s+b. The b model is "autogenerated"
   // by copying s+b and setting the one parameter of interest to zero.
   // To keep the script simple, multiple parameters of interest or different
   // functional forms of the b model are not supported.

   // for now, assume there is only one parameter of interest, and these are
   // its values:

   // First part is just to access a user-defined file
   // or create the standard example file if it doesn't exist
   const char* filename = "";
   if (!strcmp(infile,"")) {
      filename = "results/example_channel1_GammaExample_model.root";
      bool fileExist = !gSystem->AccessPathName(filename); // note opposite return code
      // if file does not exists generate with histfactory
      if (!fileExist) {
#ifdef _WIN32
         cout << "HistFactory file cannot be generated on Windows - exit" << endl;
         return -1;
         // Normally this would be run on the command line
         cout <<"will run standard hist2workspace example"<<endl;
         gROOT->ProcessLine(".! prepareHistFactory .");
         gROOT->ProcessLine(".! hist2workspace config/example.xml");
         cout <<"\n\n---------------------"<<endl;
         cout <<"Done creating example input"<<endl;
         cout <<"---------------------\n\n"<<endl;

      filename = infile;

   // Try to open the file
   TFile *file = TFile::Open(filename);

   // if input file was specified byt not found, quit
   if(!file ){
      cout <<"StandardRooStatsDemoMacro: Input file " << filename << " is not found" << endl;
      return -1;

   // Tutorial starts here

   TStopwatch *mn_t = new TStopwatch;

   // get the workspace out of the file
   RooWorkspace* w = (RooWorkspace*) file->Get(workspaceName);
   if (!w) {
      cout << "workspace not found" << endl;
      return -1.0;

   // get the modelConfig out of the file
   ModelConfig* mc = (ModelConfig*) w->obj(modelConfigNameSB);

   // get the data out of the file
   RooAbsData* data = w->data(dataName);

   // make sure ingredients are found
   if (!data || !mc) {
      cout << "data or ModelConfig was not found" << endl;
      return -1.0;

   RooRealVar* firstPOI = (RooRealVar*) mc->GetParametersOfInterest()->first();
   // create null model
   ModelConfig *mcNull = mc->Clone("ModelConfigNull");

   // ----------------------------------------------------
   // Configure a ProfileLikelihoodTestStat and a SimpleLikelihoodRatioTestStat
   // to use simultaneously with ToyMCSampler
   ProfileLikelihoodTestStat* plts =  new ProfileLikelihoodTestStat(*mc->GetPdf());
   plts->SetVarName( "q_{0}/2" );

   // ----------------------------------------------------
   // configure the ToyMCImportanceSampler with two test statistics
   ToyMCSampler toymcs(*plts, 50);

   // Since this tool needs to throw toy MC the PDF needs to be
   // extended or the tool needs to know how many entries in a dataset
   // per pseudo experiment.
   // In the 'number counting form' where the entries in the dataset
   // are counts, and not values of discriminating variables, the
   // datasets typically only have one entry and the PDF is not
   // extended.
   if (!mc->GetPdf()->canBeExtended()) {
      if (data->numEntries() == 1) {
      } else cout << "Not sure what to do about this model" << endl;

   // We can use PROOF to speed things along in parallel
   // ProofConfig pc(*w, 2, "user@yourfavoriteproofcluster", false);
   ProofConfig pc(*w, 2, "", false);
   //toymcs.SetProofConfig(&pc);    // enable proof

   // instantiate the calculator
   FrequentistCalculator freqCalc(*data, *mc, *mcNull, &toymcs);
   freqCalc.SetToys( toys,toys ); // null toys, alt toys

   // Run the calculator and print result
   HypoTestResult* freqCalcResult = freqCalc.GetHypoTest();
   freqCalcResult->GetNullDistribution()->SetTitle( "b only" );
   freqCalcResult->GetAltDistribution()->SetTitle( "s+b" );
   double pvalue = freqCalcResult->NullPValue();

   // stop timing
   cout << "total CPU time: " << mn_t->CpuTime() << endl;
   cout << "total real time: " << mn_t->RealTime() << endl;

   // plot
   TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas();
   HypoTestPlot *plot = new HypoTestPlot(*freqCalcResult, 100, -0.49, 9.51 );

   // add chi2 to plot
   int nPOI = 1;
   TF1* f = new TF1("f", TString::Format("1*ROOT::Math::chisquared_pdf(2*x,%d,0)",nPOI), 0,20);
   f->SetLineColor( kBlack );
   f->SetLineStyle( 7 );
   plot->AddTF1( f, TString::Format("#chi^{2}(2x,%d)",nPOI) );


   return pvalue;
float ComputeTestStat(TString wsfile, double mu_susy_sig_val) {


  TFile* wstf = new TFile( wsfile ) ;

  RooWorkspace* ws = dynamic_cast<RooWorkspace*>( wstf->Get("ws") );
  ws->Print() ;
  ModelConfig* modelConfig = (ModelConfig*) ws->obj( "SbModel" ) ;
  modelConfig->Print() ;

  RooDataSet* rds = (RooDataSet*) ws->obj( "ra2b_observed_rds" ) ;
  rds->Print() ;
  rds->printMultiline(cout, 1, kTRUE, "") ;
  RooAbsPdf* likelihood = modelConfig->GetPdf() ;
  RooRealVar* rrv_mu_susy_sig = ws->var("mu_susy_all0lep") ;
  if ( rrv_mu_susy_sig == 0x0 ) {
    printf("\n\n\n *** can't find mu_susy_all0lep in workspace.  Quitting.\n\n\n") ;
    return ;
  } else {
    printf(" current value is : %8.3f\n", rrv_mu_susy_sig->getVal() ) ; cout << flush ;
    rrv_mu_susy_sig->setConstant(kFALSE) ;

  // check the impact of varying the qcd normalization:

  RooRealVar *rrv_qcd_0lepLDP_ratioH1 = ws->var("qcd_0lepLDP_ratio_H1");
  RooRealVar *rrv_qcd_0lepLDP_ratioH2 = ws->var("qcd_0lepLDP_ratio_H2");
  RooRealVar *rrv_qcd_0lepLDP_ratioH3 = ws->var("qcd_0lepLDP_ratio_H3");
  printf("\n\n\n  ===== Doing a fit with SUSY component floating ====================\n\n") ;

  RooFitResult* fitResult = likelihood->fitTo( *rds, Save(true), PrintLevel(0) ) ;
  double logLikelihoodSusyFloat = fitResult->minNll() ;
  double logLikelihoodSusyFixed(0.) ;
  double testStatVal(-1.) ;
  if ( mu_susy_sig_val >= 0. ) {
    printf("\n\n\n  ===== Doing a fit with SUSY fixed ====================\n\n") ;
    printf(" fixing mu_susy_sig to %8.2f.\n", mu_susy_sig_val ) ;
    rrv_mu_susy_sig->setVal( mu_susy_sig_val ) ;
    rrv_mu_susy_sig->setConstant(kTRUE) ;
    fitResult = likelihood->fitTo( *rds, Save(true), PrintLevel(0) ) ;
    logLikelihoodSusyFixed = fitResult->minNll() ;
    testStatVal = 2.*(logLikelihoodSusyFixed - logLikelihoodSusyFloat) ;
    printf("\n\n\n ======= test statistic : -2 * ln (L_fixed / ln L_max) = %8.3f\n\n\n", testStatVal ) ;

  return testStatVal ;

int main() {
  float min_logL1 = 5986.94;
  float min_logL0 = 5987.16;
  string filepath="FINAL_RESULT_AB.root_RESULT__RESULT";
  filepath="/shome/buchmann/KillerKoala/CBAF/Development/exchange/RooFit__WorkSpace__Exchange_201417_175622__RNSG_46692.4.root__RESULT__RESULT"; // final MCwS 

//  *************************************************************************************

  setessentialcut(PlottingSetup::essential);  // this sets the essential cut; this one is used in the draw command so it is AUTOMATICALLY applied everywhere. IMPORTANT: Do NOT store weights here!
  stringstream resultsummary;

  // write_analysis_type(PlottingSetup::RestrictToMassPeak,PlottingSetup::DoBTag);

  PlottingSetup::directoryname = "pValuePlot";
  bool do_fat_line = false;  // if you want to have HistLineWidth=1 and FuncWidth=1 as it was before instead of 2
  bool showList = true;
  set_directory(PlottingSetup::directoryname);  // Indicate the directory name where you'd like to save the output files in Setup.C
  set_treename("events");        // you can set the treename here to be used; options are "events" (for reco) for "PFevents" (for particle flow)

  TFile *f = new TFile(filepath.c_str());

  if(f->IsZombie()) {
    cout << "Seems to be a zombie. goodbye." << endl;
    return -1;

  RooWorkspace *wa = (RooWorkspace*)f->Get("transferSpace");
  RooPlot *plot = (RooPlot*) wa->obj("frame_mlledge_109fde50");
//  cout << plot << endl;

   TCanvas *can = new TCanvas("can","can");
cout << "Address of plot : " << plot << endl;
//   plot->Draw();
   float pVal_mllmin=35;
   float pVal_mllmax=90;
   int is_data=PlottingSetup::data;
   vector < std::pair < float, float> > loglikelihoods;
   string function="";
   for(int i=0; i< plot->numItems();i++){
     string name = plot->getObject(i)->GetName();
     if (plot->getObject(i)->IsA()->InheritsFrom( "RooCurve" ))function=name;
   RooCurve* curve = (RooCurve*) plot->findObject(function.c_str(),RooCurve::Class()) ;
   if (!curve) { 
     dout << "RooPlot::residHist(" << plot->GetName() << ") cannot find curve" << endl ;
     return 0 ;
   int iMinimum=0;
   float min=1e7;

   for(int i=0;i<curve->GetN();i++) {
     double x,y;
     if(y<min & y>=0) {
   double x,y;
   cout << "Minimum is at " << x << " : " << y << endl;
   //move right starting from the minimum
   for(int i=iMinimum+1;i<curve->GetN();i++) {
     float yold=y;
     //if(abs((y-yold)/yold)>0.5) continue;
   for(int i=0;i<curve->GetN();i++) {
     double x,y;
   cout << "The whole thing contains " << loglikelihoods.size() << " points " << endl;
   ProduceSignificancePlots(min_logL0, loglikelihoods, pVal_mllmin, pVal_mllmax, is_data, "", "");
   delete can;
   delete plot;
   delete wa;
  return 0;
Int_t Tprime::SetParameterPoints( std::string sbModelName,
                                  std::string bModelName ) {
    // Fit the data with S+B model.
    // Make a snapshot of the S+B parameter point.
    // Profile with POI=0.
    // Make a snapshot of the B parameter point
    // (B model is the S+B model with POI=0

    Double_t poi_value_for_b_model = 0.0;

    // get S+B model config from workspace
    RooStats::ModelConfig * pSbModel = (RooStats::ModelConfig *)pWs->obj(sbModelName.c_str());

    // get parameter of interest set
    const RooArgSet * poi = pSbModel->GetParametersOfInterest();

    // get B model config from workspace
    RooStats::ModelConfig * pBModel = (RooStats::ModelConfig *)pWs->obj(bModelName.c_str());

    // make sure that data has been loaded
    if (!data) return -1;

    // find parameter point for global maximum with the S+B model,
    // with conditional MLEs for nuisance parameters
    // and save the parameter point snapshot in the Workspace
    RooAbsReal * nll = pSbModel->GetPdf()->createNLL(*data);
    RooAbsReal * profile = nll->createProfile(RooArgSet());
    profile->getVal(); // this will do fit and set POI and nuisance parameters to fitted values
    RooArgSet * poiAndNuisance = new RooArgSet();
    pWs->defineSet("SPlusBModelParameters", *poiAndNuisance);
    RooArgSet * sbModelFitParams = (RooArgSet *)poiAndNuisance->snapshot();
    cout << "\nWill save these parameter points that correspond to the fit to data" << endl;
    delete profile;
    delete nll;
    delete poiAndNuisance;
    delete sbModelFitParams;


    // Find a parameter point for generating pseudo-data
    // with the background-only data.
    // Save the parameter point snapshot in the Workspace
    nll = pBModel->GetPdf()->createNLL(*data);
    profile = nll->createProfile(*poi);
    ((RooRealVar *)poi->first())->setVal(poi_value_for_b_model);
    profile->getVal(); // this will do fit and set nuisance parameters to profiled values
    poiAndNuisance = new RooArgSet();
    pWs->defineSet("parameterPointToGenerateData", *poiAndNuisance);
    RooArgSet * paramsToGenerateData = (RooArgSet *)poiAndNuisance->snapshot();
    cout << "\nShould use these parameter points to generate pseudo data for bkg only" << endl;
    delete profile;
    delete nll;
    delete poiAndNuisance;
    delete paramsToGenerateData;

    return 0;
void StandardProfileInspectorDemo(const char* infile = "",
		      const char* workspaceName = "combined",
		      const char* modelConfigName = "ModelConfig",
		      const char* dataName = "obsData"){

  // First part is just to access a user-defined file 
  // or create the standard example file if it doesn't exist
  const char* filename = "";
  if (!strcmp(infile,""))
    filename = "results/example_combined_GaussExample_model.root";
    filename = infile;
  // Check if example input file exists
  TFile *file = TFile::Open(filename);

  // if input file was specified byt not found, quit
  if(!file && strcmp(infile,"")){
    cout <<"file not found" << endl;

  // if default file not found, try to create it
  if(!file ){
    // Normally this would be run on the command line
    cout <<"will run standard hist2workspace example"<<endl;
    gROOT->ProcessLine(".! prepareHistFactory .");
    gROOT->ProcessLine(".! hist2workspace config/example.xml");
    cout <<"\n\n---------------------"<<endl;
    cout <<"Done creating example input"<<endl;
    cout <<"---------------------\n\n"<<endl;

  // now try to access the file again
  file = TFile::Open(filename);
    // if it is still not there, then we can't continue
    cout << "Not able to run hist2workspace to create example input" <<endl;

  // Tutorial starts here

  // get the workspace out of the file
  RooWorkspace* w = (RooWorkspace*) file->Get(workspaceName);
    cout <<"workspace not found" << endl;

  // get the modelConfig out of the file
  ModelConfig* mc = (ModelConfig*) w->obj(modelConfigName);

  // get the modelConfig out of the file
  RooAbsData* data = w->data(dataName);

  // make sure ingredients are found
  if(!data || !mc){
    cout << "data or ModelConfig was not found" <<endl;

  // now use the profile inspector
  ProfileInspector p;
  TList* list = p.GetListOfProfilePlots(*data,mc);
  // now make plots
  TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas("c1","ProfileInspectorDemo",800,200);
  for(int i=0; i<list->GetSize(); ++i){

  // now make plots
  TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas("c1","ProfileInspectorDemo",800,200);
    double n = list->GetSize();
    int nx = (int)sqrt(n) ;
    int ny = TMath::CeilNint(n/nx);
    nx = TMath::CeilNint( sqrt(n) );
  } else
  for(int i=0; i<list->GetSize(); ++i){
   void ws_cls_hybrid1_ag( const char* wsfile = "output-files/expected-ws-lm9-2BL.root", bool isBgonlyStudy=false, double poiVal = 150.0, int nToys=100, bool makeTtree=true, int verbLevel=0 ) {

       TTree* toytt(0x0) ;
       TFile* ttfile(0x0) ;

       int    tt_gen_Nsig ;
       int    tt_gen_Nsb ;
       int    tt_gen_Nsig_sl ;
       int    tt_gen_Nsb_sl ;
       int    tt_gen_Nsig_ldp ;
       int    tt_gen_Nsb_ldp ;
       int    tt_gen_Nsig_ee ;
       int    tt_gen_Nsb_ee ;
       int    tt_gen_Nsig_mm ;
       int    tt_gen_Nsb_mm ;

       double tt_testStat ;
       double tt_dataTestStat ;
       double tt_hypo_mu_susy_sig ;
       char ttname[1000] ;
       char tttitle[1000] ;

       if ( makeTtree ) {

          ttfile = gDirectory->GetFile() ;
          if ( ttfile == 0x0 ) { printf("\n\n\n *** asked for a ttree but no open file???\n\n") ; return ; }

          if ( isBgonlyStudy ) {
             sprintf( ttname, "toytt_%.0f_bgo", poiVal ) ;
             sprintf( tttitle, "Toy study for background only, mu_susy_sig = %.0f", poiVal ) ;
          } else {
             sprintf( ttname, "toytt_%.0f_spb", poiVal ) ;
             sprintf( tttitle, "Toy study for signal+background, mu_susy_sig = %.0f", poiVal ) ;

          printf("\n\n Creating TTree : %s : %s\n\n", ttname, tttitle ) ;

          gDirectory->pwd() ;
          gDirectory->ls() ;

          toytt = new TTree( ttname, tttitle ) ;

          gDirectory->ls() ;

          toytt -> Branch(  "gen_Nsig"         ,       &tt_gen_Nsig         ,      "gen_Nsig/I"         ) ;
          toytt -> Branch(  "gen_Nsb"          ,       &tt_gen_Nsb          ,      "gen_Nsb/I"          ) ;
          toytt -> Branch(  "gen_Nsig_sl"      ,       &tt_gen_Nsig_sl      ,      "gen_Nsig_sl/I"      ) ;
          toytt -> Branch(  "gen_Nsb_sl"       ,       &tt_gen_Nsb_sl       ,      "gen_Nsb_sl/I"       ) ;
          toytt -> Branch(  "gen_Nsig_ldp"     ,       &tt_gen_Nsig_ldp     ,      "gen_Nsig_ldp/I"     ) ;
          toytt -> Branch(  "gen_Nsb_ldp"      ,       &tt_gen_Nsb_ldp      ,      "gen_Nsb_ldp/I"      ) ;
          toytt -> Branch(  "gen_Nsig_ee"      ,       &tt_gen_Nsig_ee      ,      "gen_Nsig_ee/I"      ) ;
          toytt -> Branch(  "gen_Nsb_ee"       ,       &tt_gen_Nsb_ee       ,      "gen_Nsb_ee/I"       ) ;
          toytt -> Branch(  "gen_Nsig_mm"      ,       &tt_gen_Nsig_mm      ,      "gen_Nsig_mm/I"      ) ;
          toytt -> Branch(  "gen_Nsb_mm"       ,       &tt_gen_Nsb_mm       ,      "gen_Nsb_mm/I"       ) ;

          toytt -> Branch(  "testStat"         ,       &tt_testStat         ,      "testStat/D"         ) ;
          toytt -> Branch(  "dataTestStat"     ,       &tt_dataTestStat     ,      "dataTestStat/D"     ) ;
          toytt -> Branch(  "hypo_mu_susy_sig" ,       &tt_hypo_mu_susy_sig ,      "hypo_mu_susy_sig/D" ) ;


     //--- Tell RooFit to shut up about anything less important than an ERROR.
      RooMsgService::instance().setGlobalKillBelow(RooFit::ERROR) ;

       random_ng = new TRandom2(12345) ;

   /// char sel[100] ;
   /// if ( strstr( wsfile, "1BL" ) != 0 ) {
   ///    sprintf( sel, "1BL" ) ;
   /// } else if ( strstr( wsfile, "2BL" ) != 0 ) {
   ///    sprintf( sel, "2BL" ) ;
   /// } else if ( strstr( wsfile, "3B" ) != 0 ) {
   ///    sprintf( sel, "3B" ) ;
   /// } else if ( strstr( wsfile, "1BT" ) != 0 ) {
   ///    sprintf( sel, "1BT" ) ;
   /// } else if ( strstr( wsfile, "2BT" ) != 0 ) {
   ///    sprintf( sel, "2BT" ) ;
   /// } else {
   ///    printf("\n\n\n *** can't figure out which selection this is.  I quit.\n\n" ) ;
   ///    return ;
   /// }
   /// printf("\n\n selection is %s\n\n", sel ) ;

       TFile* wstf = new TFile( wsfile ) ;

       RooWorkspace* ws = dynamic_cast<RooWorkspace*>( wstf->Get("ws") );

       ws->Print() ;

       RooDataSet* rds = (RooDataSet*) ws->obj( "ra2b_observed_rds" ) ;
       printf("\n\n\n  ===== RooDataSet ====================\n\n") ;

       rds->Print() ;
       rds->printMultiline(cout, 1, kTRUE, "") ;

       ModelConfig* modelConfig = (ModelConfig*) ws->obj( "SbModel" ) ;
       RooAbsPdf* likelihood = modelConfig->GetPdf() ;

       const RooArgSet* nuisanceParameters = modelConfig->GetNuisanceParameters() ;

       RooRealVar* rrv_mu_susy_sig = ws->var("mu_susy_sig") ;
       if ( rrv_mu_susy_sig == 0x0 ) {
          printf("\n\n\n *** can't find mu_susy_sig in workspace.  Quitting.\n\n\n") ;
          return ;

 ////  printf("\n\n\n  ===== Doing a fit ====================\n\n") ;

 ////  RooFitResult* preFitResult = likelihood->fitTo( *rds, Save(true) ) ;
 ////  const RooArgList preFitFloatVals = preFitResult->floatParsFinal() ;
 ////  {
 ////    TIterator* parIter = preFitFloatVals.createIterator() ;
 ////    while ( RooRealVar* par = (RooRealVar*) parIter->Next() ) {
 ////       printf(" %20s : %8.2f\n", par->GetName(), par->getVal() ) ;
 ////    }
 ////  }

       //--- Get pointers to the model predictions of the observables.

       rfv_n_sig       = ws->function("n_sig") ;
       rfv_n_sb        = ws->function("n_sb") ;
       rfv_n_sig_sl    = ws->function("n_sig_sl") ;
       rfv_n_sb_sl     = ws->function("n_sb_sl") ;
       rfv_n_sig_ldp   = ws->function("n_sig_ldp") ;
       rfv_n_sb_ldp    = ws->function("n_sb_ldp") ;
       rfv_n_sig_ee    = ws->function("n_sig_ee") ;
       rfv_n_sb_ee     = ws->function("n_sb_ee") ;
       rfv_n_sig_mm    = ws->function("n_sig_mm") ;
       rfv_n_sb_mm     = ws->function("n_sb_mm") ;

       if ( rfv_n_sig         == 0x0 ) { printf("\n\n\n *** can't find n_sig       in workspace.  Quitting.\n\n\n") ; return ; }
       if ( rfv_n_sb          == 0x0 ) { printf("\n\n\n *** can't find n_sb        in workspace.  Quitting.\n\n\n") ; return ; }
       if ( rfv_n_sig_sl      == 0x0 ) { printf("\n\n\n *** can't find n_sig_sl    in workspace.  Quitting.\n\n\n") ; return ; }
       if ( rfv_n_sb_sl       == 0x0 ) { printf("\n\n\n *** can't find n_sb_sl     in workspace.  Quitting.\n\n\n") ; return ; }
       if ( rfv_n_sig_ldp     == 0x0 ) { printf("\n\n\n *** can't find n_sig_ldp   in workspace.  Quitting.\n\n\n") ; return ; }
       if ( rfv_n_sb_ldp      == 0x0 ) { printf("\n\n\n *** can't find n_sb_ldp    in workspace.  Quitting.\n\n\n") ; return ; }
       if ( rfv_n_sig_ee      == 0x0 ) { printf("\n\n\n *** can't find n_sig_ee    in workspace.  Quitting.\n\n\n") ; return ; }
       if ( rfv_n_sb_ee       == 0x0 ) { printf("\n\n\n *** can't find n_sb_ee     in workspace.  Quitting.\n\n\n") ; return ; }
       if ( rfv_n_sig_mm      == 0x0 ) { printf("\n\n\n *** can't find n_sig_mm    in workspace.  Quitting.\n\n\n") ; return ; }
       if ( rfv_n_sb_mm       == 0x0 ) { printf("\n\n\n *** can't find n_sb_mm     in workspace.  Quitting.\n\n\n") ; return ; }

       //--- Get pointers to the observables.

       const RooArgSet* dsras = rds->get() ;
       TIterator* obsIter = dsras->createIterator() ;
       while ( RooRealVar* obs = (RooRealVar*) obsIter->Next() ) {
          if ( strcmp( obs->GetName(), "Nsig"     ) == 0 ) { rrv_Nsig      = obs ; }
          if ( strcmp( obs->GetName(), "Nsb"      ) == 0 ) { rrv_Nsb       = obs ; }
          if ( strcmp( obs->GetName(), "Nsig_sl"  ) == 0 ) { rrv_Nsig_sl   = obs ; }
          if ( strcmp( obs->GetName(), "Nsb_sl"   ) == 0 ) { rrv_Nsb_sl    = obs ; }
          if ( strcmp( obs->GetName(), "Nsig_ldp" ) == 0 ) { rrv_Nsig_ldp  = obs ; }
          if ( strcmp( obs->GetName(), "Nsb_ldp"  ) == 0 ) { rrv_Nsb_ldp   = obs ; }
          if ( strcmp( obs->GetName(), "Nsig_ee"  ) == 0 ) { rrv_Nsig_ee   = obs ; }
          if ( strcmp( obs->GetName(), "Nsb_ee"   ) == 0 ) { rrv_Nsb_ee    = obs ; }
          if ( strcmp( obs->GetName(), "Nsig_mm"  ) == 0 ) { rrv_Nsig_mm   = obs ; }
          if ( strcmp( obs->GetName(), "Nsb_mm"   ) == 0 ) { rrv_Nsb_mm    = obs ; }

       if ( rrv_Nsig       == 0x0 ) { printf("\n\n\n *** can't find Nsig       in dataset.  Quitting.\n\n\n") ; return ; }
       if ( rrv_Nsb        == 0x0 ) { printf("\n\n\n *** can't find Nsb        in dataset.  Quitting.\n\n\n") ; return ; }
       if ( rrv_Nsig_sl    == 0x0 ) { printf("\n\n\n *** can't find Nsig_sl    in dataset.  Quitting.\n\n\n") ; return ; }
       if ( rrv_Nsb_sl     == 0x0 ) { printf("\n\n\n *** can't find Nsb_sl     in dataset.  Quitting.\n\n\n") ; return ; }
       if ( rrv_Nsig_ldp   == 0x0 ) { printf("\n\n\n *** can't find Nsig_ldp   in dataset.  Quitting.\n\n\n") ; return ; }
       if ( rrv_Nsb_ldp    == 0x0 ) { printf("\n\n\n *** can't find Nsb_ldp    in dataset.  Quitting.\n\n\n") ; return ; }
       if ( rrv_Nsig_ee    == 0x0 ) { printf("\n\n\n *** can't find Nsig_ee    in dataset.  Quitting.\n\n\n") ; return ; }
       if ( rrv_Nsb_ee     == 0x0 ) { printf("\n\n\n *** can't find Nsb_ee     in dataset.  Quitting.\n\n\n") ; return ; }
       if ( rrv_Nsig_mm    == 0x0 ) { printf("\n\n\n *** can't find Nsig_mm    in dataset.  Quitting.\n\n\n") ; return ; }
       if ( rrv_Nsb_mm     == 0x0 ) { printf("\n\n\n *** can't find Nsb_mm     in dataset.  Quitting.\n\n\n") ; return ; }

       printf("\n\n\n === Model values for observables\n\n") ;

       printObservables() ;

      //--- save the actual values of the observables.

       saveObservables() ;

       //--- evaluate the test stat on the data: fit with susy floating.

       rrv_mu_susy_sig->setVal( poiVal ) ;
       rrv_mu_susy_sig->setConstant( kTRUE ) ;

       printf("\n\n\n ====== Fitting the data with susy fixed.\n\n") ;

       RooFitResult* dataFitResultSusyFixed = likelihood->fitTo(*rds, Save(true));
       int dataSusyFixedFitCovQual = dataFitResultSusyFixed->covQual() ;
       if ( dataSusyFixedFitCovQual != 3 ) { printf("\n\n\n *** Failed fit!  Cov qual %d.  Quitting.\n\n", dataSusyFixedFitCovQual ) ; return ; }
       double dataFitSusyFixedNll = dataFitResultSusyFixed->minNll() ;

       rrv_mu_susy_sig->setVal( 0.0 ) ;
       rrv_mu_susy_sig->setConstant( kFALSE ) ;

       printf("\n\n\n ====== Fitting the data with susy floating.\n\n") ;

       RooFitResult* dataFitResultSusyFloat = likelihood->fitTo(*rds, Save(true));
       int dataSusyFloatFitCovQual = dataFitResultSusyFloat->covQual() ;
       if ( dataSusyFloatFitCovQual != 3 ) { printf("\n\n\n *** Failed fit!  Cov qual %d.  Quitting.\n\n", dataSusyFloatFitCovQual ) ; return ; }
       double dataFitSusyFloatNll = dataFitResultSusyFloat->minNll() ;

       double dataTestStat = 2.*( dataFitSusyFixedNll - dataFitSusyFloatNll) ;

       printf("\n\n\n Data value of test stat : %8.2f\n", dataTestStat ) ;

       printf("\n\n\n === Nuisance parameters\n\n") ;

          int npi(0) ;
          TIterator* npIter = nuisanceParameters->createIterator() ;
          while ( RooRealVar* np_rrv = (RooRealVar*) npIter->Next() ) {

             np_initial_val[npi] = np_rrv->getVal() ; //--- I am assuming that the order of the NPs in the iterator does not change.

             TString npname( np_rrv->GetName() ) ;
             npname.ReplaceAll("_prim","") ;
             RooAbsReal* np_rfv = ws->function( npname ) ;

             TString pdfname( np_rrv->GetName() ) ;
             pdfname.ReplaceAll("_prim","") ;
             pdfname.Prepend("pdf_") ;
             RooAbsPdf* np_pdf = ws->pdf( pdfname ) ;
             if ( np_pdf == 0x0 ) { printf("\n\n *** Can't find nuisance parameter pdf with name %s.\n\n", pdfname.Data() ) ; }

             if ( np_rfv != 0x0 ) {
                printf(" %20s : %8.2f , %20s, %8.2f\n", np_rrv->GetName(), np_rrv->getVal(), np_rfv->GetName(), np_rfv->getVal() ) ;
             } else {
                printf(" %20s : %8.2f\n", np_rrv->GetName(), np_rrv->getVal() ) ;

             npi++ ;
          } // np_rrv iterator.

          np_count = npi ;


       tt_dataTestStat = dataTestStat ;
       tt_hypo_mu_susy_sig = poiVal ;

       printf("\n\n\n === Doing the toys\n\n") ;

       int nToyOK(0) ;
       int nToyWorseThanData(0) ;

       for ( int ti=0; ti<nToys; ti++ ) {

          printf("\n\n\n ======= Toy %4d\n\n\n", ti ) ;

          //--- 1) pick values for the nuisance parameters from the PDFs and fix them.

             TIterator* npIter = nuisanceParameters->createIterator() ;
             while ( RooRealVar* np_rrv = (RooRealVar*) npIter->Next() ) {

                TString pdfname( np_rrv->GetName() ) ;
                pdfname.ReplaceAll("_prim","") ;
                pdfname.Prepend("pdf_") ;
                RooAbsPdf* np_pdf = ws->pdf( pdfname ) ;
                if ( np_pdf == 0x0 ) { printf("\n\n *** Can't find nuisance parameter pdf with name %s.\n\n", pdfname.Data() ) ; return ; }

                RooDataSet* nprds = np_pdf->generate( RooArgSet(*np_rrv) ,1) ;
                const RooArgSet* npdsras = nprds->get() ;
                TIterator* valIter = npdsras->createIterator() ;
                RooRealVar* val = (RooRealVar*) valIter->Next() ;

                //--- reset the value of the nuisance parameter and fix it for the toy model definition fit.
                np_rrv->setVal( val->getVal() ) ;
                np_rrv->setConstant( kTRUE ) ;

                TString npname( np_rrv->GetName() ) ;
                npname.ReplaceAll("_prim","") ;
                RooAbsReal* np_rfv = ws->function( npname ) ;

                if ( verbLevel > 0 ) {
                   if ( np_rfv != 0x0 ) {
                      printf(" %20s : %8.2f , %15s, %8.3f\n", val->GetName(), val->getVal(), np_rfv->GetName(), np_rfv->getVal() ) ;
                   } else if ( strstr( npname.Data(), "eff_sf" ) != 0 ) {
                      np_rfv = ws->function( "eff_sf_sig" ) ;
                      RooAbsReal* np_rfv2 = ws->function( "eff_sf_sb" ) ;
                      printf(" %20s : %8.2f , %15s, %8.3f , %15s, %8.3f\n", val->GetName(), val->getVal(), np_rfv->GetName(), np_rfv->getVal(), np_rfv2->GetName(), np_rfv2->getVal() ) ;
                   } else if ( strstr( npname.Data(), "sf_ll" ) != 0 ) {
                      np_rfv = ws->function( "sf_ee" ) ;
                      RooAbsReal* np_rfv2 = ws->function( "sf_mm" ) ;
                      printf(" %20s : %8.2f , %15s, %8.3f , %15s, %8.3f\n", val->GetName(), val->getVal(), np_rfv->GetName(), np_rfv->getVal(), np_rfv2->GetName(), np_rfv2->getVal() ) ;
                   } else {
                      printf(" %20s : %8.2f\n", val->GetName(), val->getVal() ) ;

                delete nprds ;

             } // np_rrv iterator

          //--- 2) Fit the dataset with these values for the nuisance parameters.

          if ( isBgonlyStudy ) {
            //-- fit with susy yield fixed to zero.
             rrv_mu_susy_sig -> setVal( 0. ) ;
             if ( verbLevel > 0 ) { printf("\n Setting mu_susy_sig to zero.\n\n") ; }
          } else {
            //-- fit with susy yield fixed to predicted value.
             rrv_mu_susy_sig -> setVal( poiVal ) ;
             if ( verbLevel > 0 ) { printf("\n Setting mu_susy_sig to %8.1f.\n\n", poiVal) ; }
          rrv_mu_susy_sig->setConstant( kTRUE ) ;

          if ( verbLevel > 0 ) {
             printf("\n\n") ;
             printf("  Fitting with these values for the observables to define the model for toy generation.\n") ;
             rds->printMultiline(cout, 1, kTRUE, "") ;
             printf("\n\n") ;

          RooFitResult* toyModelDefinitionFitResult(0x0) ;
          if ( verbLevel < 2 ) {
             toyModelDefinitionFitResult = likelihood->fitTo(*rds, Save(true), PrintLevel(-1));
          } else {
             toyModelDefinitionFitResult = likelihood->fitTo(*rds, Save(true));

          int toyModelDefFitCovQual = toyModelDefinitionFitResult->covQual() ;
          if ( verbLevel > 0 ) { printf("\n fit covariance matrix quality: %d\n\n", toyModelDefFitCovQual ) ; }
          if ( toyModelDefFitCovQual != 3 ) {
             printf("\n\n\n *** Bad toy model definition fit.  Cov qual %d.  Aborting this toy.\n\n\n", toyModelDefFitCovQual ) ;
             continue ;

          delete toyModelDefinitionFitResult ;

          if ( verbLevel > 0 ) {
             printf("\n\n\n === Model values for observables.  These will be used to generate the toy dataset.\n\n") ;
             printObservables() ;

          //--- 3) Generate a new set of observables based on this model.

          generateObservables() ;

          printf("\n\n\n   Generated dataset\n") ;
          rds->Print() ;
          rds->printMultiline(cout, 1, kTRUE, "") ;

          //--- Apparently, I need to make a new RooDataSet...  Resetting the
          //    values in the old one doesn't stick.  If you do likelihood->fitTo(*rds), it
          //    uses the original values, not the reset ones, in the fit.

          RooArgSet toyFitobservedParametersList ;
          toyFitobservedParametersList.add( *rrv_Nsig        ) ;
          toyFitobservedParametersList.add( *rrv_Nsb         ) ;
          toyFitobservedParametersList.add( *rrv_Nsig_sl     ) ;
          toyFitobservedParametersList.add( *rrv_Nsb_sl      ) ;
          toyFitobservedParametersList.add( *rrv_Nsig_ldp    ) ;
          toyFitobservedParametersList.add( *rrv_Nsb_ldp     ) ;
          toyFitobservedParametersList.add( *rrv_Nsig_ee     ) ;
          toyFitobservedParametersList.add( *rrv_Nsb_ee      ) ;
          toyFitobservedParametersList.add( *rrv_Nsig_mm     ) ;
          toyFitobservedParametersList.add( *rrv_Nsb_mm      ) ;

          RooDataSet* toyFitdsObserved = new RooDataSet("toyfit_ra2b_observed_rds", "RA2b toy observed data values",
                                         toyFitobservedParametersList ) ;
          toyFitdsObserved->add( toyFitobservedParametersList ) ;

          //--- 4) Reset and free the nuisance parameters.

             if ( verbLevel > 0 ) { printf("\n\n") ; }
             int npi(0) ;
             TIterator* npIter = nuisanceParameters->createIterator() ;
             while ( RooRealVar* np_rrv = (RooRealVar*) npIter->Next() ) {
                np_rrv -> setVal( np_initial_val[npi] ) ; // assuming that the order in the iterator does not change.
                np_rrv -> setConstant( kFALSE ) ;
                npi++ ;
                if ( verbLevel > 0 ) { printf("    reset %20s to %8.2f and freed it.\n", np_rrv->GetName() , np_rrv->getVal() ) ; }
             } // np_rrv iterator.
             if ( verbLevel > 0 ) { printf("\n\n") ; }

          //--- 5a) Evaluate the test statistic: Fit with susy yield floating to get the absolute maximum log likelihood.

          if ( verbLevel > 0 ) { printf("\n\n  Evaluating the test statistic for this toy.  Fitting with susy floating.\n\n") ; }

          rrv_mu_susy_sig->setVal( 0.0 ) ;
          rrv_mu_susy_sig->setConstant( kFALSE ) ;

          if ( verbLevel > 0 ) {
             printf("\n toy dataset\n\n") ;
             toyFitdsObserved->printMultiline(cout, 1, kTRUE, "") ;

     /////---- nfg.  Need to create a new dataset  ----------
     /////RooFitResult* maxLikelihoodFitResult = likelihood->fitTo(*rds, Save(true), PrintLevel(-1));
     /////RooFitResult* maxLikelihoodFitResult = likelihood->fitTo(*rds, Save(true));

          RooFitResult* maxLikelihoodFitResult(0x0) ;
          if ( verbLevel < 2 ) {
             maxLikelihoodFitResult = likelihood->fitTo(*toyFitdsObserved, Save(true), PrintLevel(-1));
          } else {
             maxLikelihoodFitResult = likelihood->fitTo(*toyFitdsObserved, Save(true));

          if ( verbLevel > 0 ) { printObservables() ; }

          int mlFitCovQual = maxLikelihoodFitResult->covQual() ;
          if ( verbLevel > 0 ) { printf("\n fit covariance matrix quality: %d , -log likelihood %f\n\n", mlFitCovQual, maxLikelihoodFitResult->minNll() ) ; }
          if ( mlFitCovQual != 3 ) {
             printf("\n\n\n *** Bad maximum likelihood fit (susy floating).  Cov qual %d.  Aborting this toy.\n\n\n", mlFitCovQual ) ;
             continue ;
          double maxL_susyFloat = maxLikelihoodFitResult->minNll() ;
          double maxL_mu_susy_sig = rrv_mu_susy_sig->getVal() ;

          delete maxLikelihoodFitResult ;

          //--- 5b) Evaluate the test statistic: Fit with susy yield fixed to hypothesis value.
          //        This is only necessary if the maximum likelihood fit value of the susy yield
          //        is less than the hypothesis value (to get a one-sided limit).

          double testStat(0.0) ;
          double maxL_susyFixed(0.0) ;

          if ( maxL_mu_susy_sig < poiVal ) {

             if ( verbLevel > 0 ) { printf("\n\n  Evaluating the test statistic for this toy.  Fitting with susy fixed to %8.2f.\n\n", poiVal ) ; }

             rrv_mu_susy_sig->setVal( poiVal ) ;
             rrv_mu_susy_sig->setConstant( kTRUE ) ;

             if ( verbLevel > 0 ) {
                printf("\n toy dataset\n\n") ;
                rds->printMultiline(cout, 1, kTRUE, "") ;

         ////--------- nfg.  need to make a new dataset  ---------------
         ////RooFitResult* susyFixedFitResult = likelihood->fitTo(*rds, Save(true), PrintLevel(-1));
         ////RooFitResult* susyFixedFitResult = likelihood->fitTo(*rds, Save(true));

             RooFitResult* susyFixedFitResult(0x0) ;
             if ( verbLevel < 2 ) {
                susyFixedFitResult = likelihood->fitTo(*toyFitdsObserved, Save(true), PrintLevel(-1));
             } else {
                susyFixedFitResult = likelihood->fitTo(*toyFitdsObserved, Save(true));

             if ( verbLevel > 0 ) { printObservables() ; }

             int susyFixedFitCovQual = susyFixedFitResult->covQual() ;
             if ( verbLevel > 0 ) { printf("\n fit covariance matrix quality: %d , -log likelihood %f\n\n", susyFixedFitCovQual, susyFixedFitResult->minNll()  ) ; }
             if ( susyFixedFitCovQual != 3 ) {
                printf("\n\n\n *** Bad maximum likelihood fit (susy fixed).  Cov qual %d.  Aborting this toy.\n\n\n", susyFixedFitCovQual ) ;
                continue ;
             maxL_susyFixed = susyFixedFitResult->minNll() ;
             testStat = 2. * (maxL_susyFixed - maxL_susyFloat) ;

             delete susyFixedFitResult ;

          } else {

             if ( verbLevel > 0 ) { printf("\n\n  Floating value of susy yield greater than hypo value (%8.2f > %8.2f).  Setting test stat to zero.\n\n", maxL_mu_susy_sig, poiVal ) ; }

             testStat = 0.0 ;


          printf("   --- test stat for toy %4d : %8.2f\n", ti, testStat ) ;

          nToyOK++ ;

          if ( testStat > dataTestStat ) { nToyWorseThanData++ ; }

          if ( makeTtree ) {

             tt_testStat = testStat ;

             tt_gen_Nsig     = rrv_Nsig->getVal() ;
             tt_gen_Nsb      = rrv_Nsb->getVal() ;
             tt_gen_Nsig_sl  = rrv_Nsig_sl->getVal() ;
             tt_gen_Nsb_sl   = rrv_Nsb_sl->getVal() ;
             tt_gen_Nsig_ldp = rrv_Nsig_ldp->getVal() ;
             tt_gen_Nsb_ldp  = rrv_Nsb_ldp->getVal() ;
             tt_gen_Nsig_ee  = rrv_Nsig_ee->getVal() ;
             tt_gen_Nsb_ee   = rrv_Nsb_ee->getVal() ;
             tt_gen_Nsig_mm  = rrv_Nsig_mm->getVal() ;
             tt_gen_Nsb_mm   = rrv_Nsb_mm->getVal() ;

             toytt->Fill() ;


          //--- *) reset things for the next toy.

          resetObservables() ;

          delete toyFitdsObserved ;

       } // ti.

       wstf->Close() ;

       printf("\n\n\n") ;

       if ( nToyOK == 0 ) { printf("\n\n\n *** All toys bad !?!?!\n\n\n") ; return ; }

       double pValue = (1.0*nToyWorseThanData) / (1.0*nToyOK) ;

       if ( isBgonlyStudy ) {
          printf("\n\n\n p-value result, BG-only , poi=%3.0f : %4d / %4d = %6.3f\n\n\n\n", poiVal, nToyWorseThanData, nToyOK, pValue ) ;
       } else {
          printf("\n\n\n p-value result, S-plus-B, poi=%3.0f : %4d / %4d = %6.3f\n\n\n\n", poiVal, nToyWorseThanData, nToyOK, pValue ) ;

       if ( makeTtree ) {
          printf("\n\n Writing TTree : %s : %s\n\n", ttname, tttitle ) ;
          ttfile->cd() ;
          toytt->Write() ;

   } // ws_cls_hybrid1
   void constrained_scan( const char* wsfile = "outputfiles/ws.root",
                          const char* new_poi_name="mu_bg_4b_msig_met1",
                          double constraintWidth=1.5,
                          int npoiPoints = 20,
                          double poiMinVal = 0.,
                          double poiMaxVal = 10.0,
                          double ymax = 9.,
                          int verbLevel=1  ) {

      TString outputdir("outputfiles") ;

      gStyle->SetOptStat(0) ;

      TFile* wstf = new TFile( wsfile ) ;
      RooWorkspace* ws = dynamic_cast<RooWorkspace*>( wstf->Get("ws") );
      ws->Print() ;

      RooDataSet* rds = (RooDataSet*) ws->obj( "hbb_observed_rds" ) ;
      cout << "\n\n\n  ===== RooDataSet ====================\n\n" << endl ;
      rds->Print() ;
      rds->printMultiline(cout, 1, kTRUE, "") ;

      RooRealVar* rv_sig_strength = ws->var("sig_strength") ;
      if ( rv_sig_strength == 0x0 ) { printf("\n\n *** can't find sig_strength in workspace.\n\n" ) ; return ; }

      RooAbsPdf* likelihood = ws->pdf("likelihood") ;
      if ( likelihood == 0x0 ) { printf("\n\n *** can't find likelihood in workspace.\n\n" ) ; return ; }
      printf("\n\n Likelihood:\n") ;
      likelihood -> Print() ;

      /////rv_sig_strength -> setConstant( kFALSE ) ;
      rv_sig_strength -> setVal(0.) ;
      rv_sig_strength -> setConstant( kTRUE ) ;

      likelihood->fitTo( *rds, Save(false), PrintLevel(0), Hesse(true), Strategy(1) ) ;
      //RooFitResult* fitResult = likelihood->fitTo( *rds, Save(true), PrintLevel(0), Hesse(true), Strategy(1) ) ;
      //double minNllSusyFloat = fitResult->minNll() ;
      //double susy_ss_atMinNll = rv_sig_strength -> getVal() ;

      RooMsgService::instance().getStream(1).removeTopic(Minimization) ;
      RooMsgService::instance().getStream(1).removeTopic(Fitting) ;

     //-- Construct the new POI parameter.
      RooAbsReal* new_poi_rar(0x0) ;

      new_poi_rar = ws->var( new_poi_name ) ;
      if ( new_poi_rar == 0x0 ) {
         printf("\n\n New POI %s is not a variable.  Trying function.\n\n", new_poi_name ) ;
         new_poi_rar = ws->function( new_poi_name ) ;
         if ( new_poi_rar == 0x0 ) {
            printf("\n\n New POI %s is not a function.  I quit.\n\n", new_poi_name ) ;
            return ;
         } else {
            printf("\n Found it.\n\n") ;
      } else {
         printf("\n\n     New POI %s is a variable with current value %.1f.\n\n", new_poi_name, new_poi_rar->getVal() ) ;

       double startPoiVal = new_poi_rar->getVal() ;

       RooAbsReal* nll = likelihood -> createNLL( *rds, Verbose(true) ) ;

       RooRealVar* rrv_poiValue = new RooRealVar( "poiValue", "poiValue", 0., -10000., 10000. ) ;

       RooRealVar* rrv_constraintWidth = new RooRealVar("constraintWidth","constraintWidth", 0.1, 0.1, 1000. ) ;
       rrv_constraintWidth -> setVal( constraintWidth ) ;
       rrv_constraintWidth -> setConstant(kTRUE) ;

       RooMinuit* rminuit( 0x0 ) ;

       RooMinuit* rminuit_uc = new RooMinuit( *nll  ) ;

       rminuit_uc->setPrintLevel(verbLevel-1) ;
       rminuit_uc->setNoWarn() ;

       rminuit_uc->migrad() ;
       rminuit_uc->hesse() ;

       RooFitResult* rfr_uc = rminuit_uc->fit("mr") ;

       double floatParInitVal[10000] ;
       char   floatParName[10000][100] ;
       int nFloatParInitVal(0) ;
       RooArgList ral_floats = rfr_uc->floatParsFinal() ;
       TIterator* floatParIter = ral_floats.createIterator() ;
          RooRealVar* par ;
          while ( (par = (RooRealVar*) floatParIter->Next()) ) {
             sprintf( floatParName[nFloatParInitVal], "%s", par->GetName() ) ;
             floatParInitVal[nFloatParInitVal] = par->getVal() ;
             nFloatParInitVal++ ;

       printf("\n\n Unbiased best value for new POI %s is : %7.1f\n\n", new_poi_rar->GetName(), new_poi_rar->getVal() ) ;
       double best_poi_val = new_poi_rar->getVal() ;

       char minuit_formula[10000] ;
       sprintf( minuit_formula, "%s+%s*(%s-%s)*(%s-%s)",
         new_poi_rar->GetName(), rrv_poiValue->GetName(),
         new_poi_rar->GetName(), rrv_poiValue->GetName()
          ) ;

       printf("\n\n Creating new minuit variable with formula: %s\n\n", minuit_formula ) ;
       RooFormulaVar* new_minuit_var = new RooFormulaVar("new_minuit_var", minuit_formula,
           RooArgList( *nll,
                       *new_poi_rar, *rrv_poiValue,
                       *new_poi_rar, *rrv_poiValue
                       ) ) ;

       printf("\n\n Current value is %.2f\n\n",
            new_minuit_var->getVal() ) ;

       rminuit = new RooMinuit( *new_minuit_var ) ;

       RooAbsReal* plot_var = nll ;

       printf("\n\n Current value is %.2f\n\n",
            plot_var->getVal() ) ;

       rminuit->setPrintLevel(verbLevel-1) ;
       if ( verbLevel <=0 ) { rminuit->setNoWarn() ; }

       if ( poiMinVal < 0. && poiMaxVal < 0. ) {

          printf("\n\n Automatic determination of scan range.\n\n") ;

          if ( startPoiVal <= 0. ) {
             printf("\n\n *** POI starting value zero or negative %g.  Quit.\n\n\n", startPoiVal ) ;
             return ;

          poiMinVal = startPoiVal - 3.5 * sqrt(startPoiVal) ;
          poiMaxVal = startPoiVal + 6.0 * sqrt(startPoiVal) ;

          if ( poiMinVal < 0. ) { poiMinVal = 0. ; }

          printf("    Start val = %g.   Scan range:   %g  to  %g\n\n", startPoiVal, poiMinVal, poiMaxVal ) ;



       double poiVals_scanDown[1000] ;
       double nllVals_scanDown[1000] ;

       //-- Do scan down from best value.

       printf("\n\n +++++ Starting scan down from best value.\n\n") ;

       double minNllVal(1.e9) ;

       for ( int poivi=0; poivi < npoiPoints/2 ; poivi++ ) {

          ////double poiValue = poiMinVal + poivi*(poiMaxVal-poiMinVal)/(1.*(npoiPoints-1)) ;
          double poiValue = best_poi_val - poivi*(best_poi_val-poiMinVal)/(1.*(npoiPoints/2-1)) ;

          rrv_poiValue -> setVal( poiValue ) ;
          rrv_poiValue -> setConstant( kTRUE ) ;


          rminuit->migrad() ;
          rminuit->hesse() ;
          RooFitResult* rfr = rminuit->save() ;


          if ( verbLevel > 0 ) { rfr->Print("v") ; }

          float fit_minuit_var_val = rfr->minNll() ;

          printf(" %02d : poi constraint = %.2f : allvars : MinuitVar, createNLL, PV, POI :    %.5f   %.5f   %.5f   %.5f\n",
                poivi, rrv_poiValue->getVal(), fit_minuit_var_val, nll->getVal(), plot_var->getVal(), new_poi_rar->getVal() ) ;
          cout << flush ;

          poiVals_scanDown[poivi] = new_poi_rar->getVal() ;
          nllVals_scanDown[poivi] = plot_var->getVal() ;

          if ( nllVals_scanDown[poivi] < minNllVal ) { minNllVal = nllVals_scanDown[poivi] ; }

          delete rfr ;

       } // poivi

       printf("\n\n +++++ Resetting floats to best fit values.\n\n") ;

       for ( int pi=0; pi<nFloatParInitVal; pi++ ) {
          RooRealVar* par = ws->var( floatParName[pi] ) ;
          par->setVal( floatParInitVal[pi] ) ;
       } // pi.

       printf("\n\n +++++ Starting scan up from best value.\n\n") ;

      //-- Now do scan up.

       double poiVals_scanUp[1000] ;
       double nllVals_scanUp[1000] ;

       for ( int poivi=0; poivi < npoiPoints/2 ; poivi++ ) {

          double poiValue = best_poi_val + poivi*(poiMaxVal-best_poi_val)/(1.*(npoiPoints/2-1)) ;

          rrv_poiValue -> setVal( poiValue ) ;
          rrv_poiValue -> setConstant( kTRUE ) ;


          rminuit->migrad() ;
          rminuit->hesse() ;
          RooFitResult* rfr = rminuit->save() ;


          if ( verbLevel > 0 ) { rfr->Print("v") ; }

          float fit_minuit_var_val = rfr->minNll() ;

          printf(" %02d : poi constraint = %.2f : allvars : MinuitVar, createNLL, PV, POI :    %.5f   %.5f   %.5f   %.5f\n",
                poivi, rrv_poiValue->getVal(), fit_minuit_var_val, nll->getVal(), plot_var->getVal(), new_poi_rar->getVal() ) ;
          cout << flush ;

          poiVals_scanUp[poivi] = new_poi_rar->getVal() ;
          nllVals_scanUp[poivi] = plot_var->getVal() ;

          if ( nllVals_scanUp[poivi] < minNllVal ) { minNllVal = nllVals_scanUp[poivi] ; }

          delete rfr ;

       } // poivi

       double poiVals[1000] ;
       double nllVals[1000] ;

       int pointCount(0) ;
       for ( int pi=0; pi<npoiPoints/2; pi++ ) {
          poiVals[pi] = poiVals_scanDown[(npoiPoints/2-1)-pi] ;
          nllVals[pi] = nllVals_scanDown[(npoiPoints/2-1)-pi] ;
          pointCount++ ;
       for ( int pi=1; pi<npoiPoints/2; pi++ ) {
          poiVals[pointCount] = poiVals_scanUp[pi] ;
          nllVals[pointCount] = nllVals_scanUp[pi] ;
          pointCount++ ;
       npoiPoints = pointCount ;

       printf("\n\n --- TGraph arrays:\n") ;
       for ( int i=0; i<npoiPoints; i++ ) {
          printf("  %2d : poi = %6.1f, nll = %g\n", i, poiVals[i], nllVals[i] ) ;
       printf("\n\n") ;

       double nllDiffVals[1000] ;

       double poiAtMinlnL(-1.) ;
       double poiAtMinusDelta2(-1.) ;
       double poiAtPlusDelta2(-1.) ;
       for ( int poivi=0; poivi < npoiPoints ; poivi++ ) {
          nllDiffVals[poivi] = 2.*(nllVals[poivi] - minNllVal) ;
          double poiValue = poiMinVal + poivi*(poiMaxVal-poiMinVal)/(1.*npoiPoints) ;
          if ( nllDiffVals[poivi] < 0.01 ) { poiAtMinlnL = poiValue ; }
          if ( poiAtMinusDelta2 < 0. && nllDiffVals[poivi] < 2.5 ) { poiAtMinusDelta2 = poiValue ; }
          if ( poiAtMinlnL > 0. && poiAtPlusDelta2 < 0. && nllDiffVals[poivi] > 2.0 ) { poiAtPlusDelta2 = poiValue ; }
       } // poivi

       printf("\n\n Estimates for poi at delta ln L = -2, 0, +2:  %g ,   %g ,   %g\n\n", poiAtMinusDelta2, poiAtMinlnL, poiAtPlusDelta2 ) ;

      //--- Main canvas

       TCanvas* cscan = (TCanvas*) gDirectory->FindObject("cscan") ;
       if ( cscan == 0x0 ) {
          printf("\n Creating canvas.\n\n") ;
          cscan = new TCanvas("cscan","Delta nll") ;

       char gname[1000] ;

       TGraph* graph = new TGraph( npoiPoints, poiVals, nllDiffVals ) ;
       sprintf( gname, "scan_%s", new_poi_name ) ;
       graph->SetName( gname ) ;

       double poiBest(-1.) ;
       double poiMinus1stdv(-1.) ;
       double poiPlus1stdv(-1.) ;
       double poiMinus2stdv(-1.) ;
       double poiPlus2stdv(-1.) ;
       double twoDeltalnLMin(1e9) ;

       int nscan(1000) ;
       for ( int xi=0; xi<nscan; xi++ ) {

          double x = poiVals[0] + xi*(poiVals[npoiPoints-1]-poiVals[0])/(nscan-1) ;

          double twoDeltalnL = graph -> Eval( x, 0, "S" ) ;

          if ( poiMinus1stdv < 0. && twoDeltalnL < 1.0 ) { poiMinus1stdv = x ; printf(" set m1 : %d, x=%g, 2dnll=%g\n", xi, x, twoDeltalnL) ;}
          if ( poiMinus2stdv < 0. && twoDeltalnL < 4.0 ) { poiMinus2stdv = x ; printf(" set m2 : %d, x=%g, 2dnll=%g\n", xi, x, twoDeltalnL) ;}
          if ( twoDeltalnL < twoDeltalnLMin ) { poiBest = x ; twoDeltalnLMin = twoDeltalnL ; }
          if ( twoDeltalnLMin < 0.3 && poiPlus1stdv < 0. && twoDeltalnL > 1.0 ) { poiPlus1stdv = x ; printf(" set p1 : %d, x=%g, 2dnll=%g\n", xi, x, twoDeltalnL) ;}
          if ( twoDeltalnLMin < 0.3 && poiPlus2stdv < 0. && twoDeltalnL > 4.0 ) { poiPlus2stdv = x ; printf(" set p2 : %d, x=%g, 2dnll=%g\n", xi, x, twoDeltalnL) ;}

          if ( xi%100 == 0 ) { printf( " %4d : poi=%6.2f,  2DeltalnL = %6.2f\n", xi, x, twoDeltalnL ) ; }

       printf("\n\n POI estimate :  %g  +%g  -%g    [%g,%g],   two sigma errors: +%g  -%g   [%g,%g]\n\n",
               (poiPlus1stdv-poiBest), (poiBest-poiMinus1stdv), poiMinus1stdv, poiPlus1stdv,
               (poiPlus2stdv-poiBest), (poiBest-poiMinus2stdv), poiMinus2stdv, poiPlus2stdv
               ) ;

       printf(" %s val,pm1sig,pm2sig: %7.2f  %7.2f  %7.2f  %7.2f  %7.2f\n",
          new_poi_name, poiBest, (poiPlus1stdv-poiBest), (poiBest-poiMinus1stdv), (poiPlus2stdv-poiBest), (poiBest-poiMinus2stdv) ) ;

       char htitle[1000] ;
       sprintf(htitle, "%s profile likelihood scan: -2ln(L/Lm)", new_poi_name ) ;
       TH1F* hscan = new TH1F("hscan", htitle, 10, poiMinVal, poiMaxVal ) ;
       hscan->SetMinimum(0.) ;
       hscan->SetMaximum(ymax) ;

       hscan->DrawCopy() ;
       graph->SetLineColor(4) ;
       graph->SetLineWidth(3) ;
       graph->Draw("CP") ;
       gPad->SetGridx(1) ;
       gPad->SetGridy(1) ;
       cscan->Update() ;

       TLine* line = new TLine() ;
       line->SetLineColor(2) ;
       line->DrawLine(poiMinVal, 1., poiPlus1stdv, 1.) ;
       line->DrawLine(poiMinus1stdv,0., poiMinus1stdv, 1.) ;
       line->DrawLine(poiPlus1stdv ,0., poiPlus1stdv , 1.) ;

       TText* text = new TText() ;
       text->SetTextSize(0.04) ;
       char tstring[1000] ;

       sprintf( tstring, "%s = %.1f +%.1f -%.1f", new_poi_name, poiBest, (poiPlus1stdv-poiBest), (poiBest-poiMinus1stdv) ) ;
       text -> DrawTextNDC( 0.15, 0.85, tstring ) ;

       sprintf( tstring, "68%% interval [%.1f,  %.1f]", poiMinus1stdv, poiPlus1stdv ) ;
       text -> DrawTextNDC( 0.15, 0.78, tstring ) ;

       char hname[1000] ;
       sprintf( hname, "hscanout_%s", new_poi_name ) ;
       TH1F* hsout = new TH1F( hname,"scan results",4,0.,4.) ;
       double obsVal(-1.) ;
       hsout->SetBinContent(1, obsVal ) ;
       hsout->SetBinContent(2, poiPlus1stdv ) ;
       hsout->SetBinContent(3, poiBest ) ;
       hsout->SetBinContent(4, poiMinus1stdv ) ;
       TAxis* xaxis = hsout->GetXaxis() ;
       xaxis->SetBinLabel(1,"Observed val.") ;
       xaxis->SetBinLabel(2,"Model+1sd") ;
       xaxis->SetBinLabel(3,"Model") ;
       xaxis->SetBinLabel(4,"Model-1sd") ;

       char outrootfile[10000] ;
       sprintf( outrootfile, "%s/scan-ff-%s.root", outputdir.Data(), new_poi_name ) ;

       char outpdffile[10000] ;
       sprintf( outpdffile, "%s/scan-ff-%s.pdf", outputdir.Data(), new_poi_name ) ;

       cscan->Update() ; cscan->Draw() ;

       printf("\n Saving %s\n", outpdffile ) ;
       cscan->SaveAs( outpdffile ) ;

     //--- save in root file

       printf("\n Saving %s\n", outrootfile ) ;
       TFile fout(outrootfile,"recreate") ;
       graph->Write() ;
       hsout->Write() ;
       fout.Close() ;

       delete ws ;
       wstf->Close() ;

   } // constrained_scan.
   void fitqual_plots( const char* wsfile = "outputfiles/ws.root", const char* plottitle="" ) {

      TText* tt_title = new TText() ;
      tt_title -> SetTextAlign(33) ;

      gStyle -> SetOptStat(0) ;
      gStyle -> SetLabelSize( 0.06, "y" ) ;
      gStyle -> SetLabelSize( 0.08, "x" ) ;
      gStyle -> SetLabelOffset( 0.010, "y" ) ;
      gStyle -> SetLabelOffset( 0.010, "x" ) ;
      gStyle -> SetTitleSize( 0.07, "y" ) ;
      gStyle -> SetTitleSize( 0.05, "x" ) ;
      gStyle -> SetTitleOffset( 1.50, "x" ) ;
      gStyle -> SetTitleH( 0.07 ) ;
      gStyle -> SetPadLeftMargin( 0.15 ) ;
      gStyle -> SetPadBottomMargin( 0.15 ) ;
      gStyle -> SetTitleX( 0.10 ) ;

      gDirectory->Delete("h*") ;

      TFile* wstf = new TFile( wsfile ) ;

      RooWorkspace* ws = dynamic_cast<RooWorkspace*>( wstf->Get("ws") );
      ws->Print() ;

      int bins_of_met = TMath::Nint( ws->var("bins_of_met")->getVal()  ) ;
      printf("\n\n Bins of MET : %d\n\n", bins_of_met ) ;

      int bins_of_nb = TMath::Nint( ws->var("bins_of_nb")->getVal()  ) ;
      printf("\n\n Bins of nb : %d\n\n", bins_of_nb ) ;

      int nb_lookup[10] ;
      if ( bins_of_nb == 2 ) {
         nb_lookup[0] = 2 ;
         nb_lookup[1] = 4 ;
      } else if ( bins_of_nb == 3 ) {
         nb_lookup[0] = 2 ;
         nb_lookup[1] = 3 ;
         nb_lookup[2] = 4 ;

      TCanvas* cfq1 = (TCanvas*) gDirectory->FindObject("cfq1") ;
      if ( cfq1 == 0x0 ) {
         if ( bins_of_nb == 3 ) {
            cfq1 = new TCanvas("cfq1","hbb fit", 700, 1000 ) ;
         } else if ( bins_of_nb == 2 ) {
            cfq1 = new TCanvas("cfq1","hbb fit", 700, 750 ) ;
         } else {
            return ;

      RooRealVar* rv_sig_strength = ws->var("sig_strength") ;
      if ( rv_sig_strength == 0x0 ) { printf("\n\n *** can't find sig_strength in workspace.\n\n" ) ; return ; }

      ModelConfig* modelConfig = (ModelConfig*) ws->obj( "SbModel" ) ;

      RooDataSet* rds = (RooDataSet*) ws->obj( "hbb_observed_rds" ) ;

      rds->Print() ;
      rds->printMultiline(cout, 1, kTRUE, "") ;

      RooAbsPdf* likelihood = modelConfig->GetPdf() ;

      ///RooFitResult* fitResult = likelihood->fitTo( *rds, Save(true), PrintLevel(0) ) ;
      RooFitResult* fitResult = likelihood->fitTo( *rds, Save(true), PrintLevel(3) ) ;
      fitResult->Print() ;

      char hname[1000] ;
      char htitle[1000] ;
      char pname[1000] ;

     //-- unpack observables.

      int obs_N_msig[10][50] ; // first index is n btags, second is met bin.
      int obs_N_msb[10][50]  ; // first index is n btags, second is met bin.

      const RooArgSet* dsras = rds->get() ;
      TIterator* obsIter = dsras->createIterator() ;
      while ( RooRealVar* obs = (RooRealVar*) obsIter->Next() ) {
         for ( int nbi=0; nbi<bins_of_nb; nbi++ ) {
            for ( int mbi=0; mbi<bins_of_met; mbi++ ) {
               sprintf( pname, "N_%db_msig_met%d", nb_lookup[nbi], mbi+1 ) ;
               if ( strcmp( obs->GetName(), pname ) == 0 ) { obs_N_msig[nbi][mbi] = TMath::Nint( obs -> getVal() ) ; }
               sprintf( pname, "N_%db_msb_met%d", nb_lookup[nbi], mbi+1 ) ;
               if ( strcmp( obs->GetName(), pname ) == 0 ) { obs_N_msb[nbi][mbi] = TMath::Nint( obs -> getVal() ) ; }
            } // mbi.
         } // nbi.
      } // obs iterator.

      printf("\n\n") ;
      for ( int nbi=0; nbi<bins_of_nb; nbi++ ) {
         printf(" nb=%d :  ", nb_lookup[nbi] ) ;
         for ( int mbi=0; mbi<bins_of_met; mbi++ ) {
            printf("  sig=%3d, sb=%3d  |", obs_N_msig[nbi][mbi], obs_N_msb[nbi][mbi] ) ;
         } // mbi.
         printf("\n") ;
      } // nbi.
      printf("\n\n") ;

      int pad(1) ;

      cfq1->Clear() ;
      cfq1->Divide( 2, bins_of_nb+1 ) ;

      for ( int nbi=0; nbi<bins_of_nb; nbi++ ) {

         sprintf( hname, "h_bg_%db_msig_met", nb_lookup[nbi] ) ;
         sprintf( htitle, "mass sig, %db, MET", nb_lookup[nbi] ) ;
         TH1F* hist_bg_msig = new TH1F( hname, htitle, bins_of_met, 0.5, bins_of_met+0.5 ) ;
         hist_bg_msig -> SetFillColor( kBlue-9 ) ;
         labelBins( hist_bg_msig ) ;

         sprintf( hname, "h_bg_%db_msb_met", nb_lookup[nbi] ) ;
         sprintf( htitle, "mass sb, %db, MET", nb_lookup[nbi] ) ;
         TH1F* hist_bg_msb = new TH1F( hname, htitle, bins_of_met, 0.5, bins_of_met+0.5 ) ;
         hist_bg_msb -> SetFillColor( kBlue-9 ) ;
         labelBins( hist_bg_msb ) ;

         sprintf( hname, "h_sig_%db_msig_met", nb_lookup[nbi] ) ;
         sprintf( htitle, "mass sig, %db, MET", nb_lookup[nbi] ) ;
         TH1F* hist_sig_msig = new TH1F( hname, htitle, bins_of_met, 0.5, bins_of_met+0.5 ) ;
         hist_sig_msig -> SetFillColor( kMagenta+2 ) ;
         labelBins( hist_sig_msig ) ;

         sprintf( hname, "h_sig_%db_msb_met", nb_lookup[nbi] ) ;
         sprintf( htitle, "mass sb, %db, MET", nb_lookup[nbi] ) ;
         TH1F* hist_sig_msb = new TH1F( hname, htitle, bins_of_met, 0.5, bins_of_met+0.5 ) ;
         hist_sig_msb -> SetFillColor( kMagenta+2 ) ;
         labelBins( hist_sig_msb ) ;

         sprintf( hname, "h_all_%db_msig_met", nb_lookup[nbi] ) ;
         sprintf( htitle, "mass sig, %db, MET", nb_lookup[nbi] ) ;
         TH1F* hist_all_msig = new TH1F( hname, htitle, bins_of_met, 0.5, bins_of_met+0.5 ) ;

         sprintf( hname, "h_all_%db_msb_met", nb_lookup[nbi] ) ;
         sprintf( htitle, "mass sb, %db, MET", nb_lookup[nbi] ) ;
         TH1F* hist_all_msb = new TH1F( hname, htitle, bins_of_met, 0.5, bins_of_met+0.5 ) ;

         sprintf( hname, "h_data_%db_msig_met", nb_lookup[nbi] ) ;
         sprintf( htitle, "mass sig, %db, MET", nb_lookup[nbi] ) ;
         TH1F* hist_data_msig = new TH1F( hname, htitle, bins_of_met, 0.5, bins_of_met+0.5 ) ;
         hist_data_msig -> SetLineWidth(2) ;
         hist_data_msig -> SetMarkerStyle(20) ;
         labelBins( hist_data_msig ) ;

         sprintf( hname, "h_data_%db_msb_met", nb_lookup[nbi] ) ;
         sprintf( htitle, "mass sb, %db, MET", nb_lookup[nbi] ) ;
         TH1F* hist_data_msb = new TH1F( hname, htitle, bins_of_met, 0.5, bins_of_met+0.5 ) ;
         hist_data_msb -> SetLineWidth(2) ;
         hist_data_msb -> SetMarkerStyle(20) ;
         labelBins( hist_data_msb ) ;

         for ( int mbi=0; mbi<bins_of_met; mbi++ ) {

            sprintf( pname, "mu_bg_%db_msig_met%d", nb_lookup[nbi], mbi+1 ) ;
            RooAbsReal* mu_bg_msig = ws->function( pname ) ;
            if ( mu_bg_msig == 0x0 ) { printf("\n\n *** ws missing %s\n\n", pname ) ; return ; }
            hist_bg_msig -> SetBinContent( mbi+1, mu_bg_msig->getVal() ) ;

            sprintf( pname, "mu_sig_%db_msig_met%d", nb_lookup[nbi], mbi+1 ) ;
            RooAbsReal* mu_sig_msig = ws->function( pname ) ;
            if ( mu_sig_msig == 0x0 ) { printf("\n\n *** ws missing %s\n\n", pname ) ; return ; }
            hist_sig_msig -> SetBinContent( mbi+1, mu_sig_msig->getVal() ) ;

            hist_all_msig -> SetBinContent( mbi+1, mu_bg_msig->getVal() + mu_sig_msig->getVal() ) ;

            hist_data_msig -> SetBinContent( mbi+1, obs_N_msig[nbi][mbi] ) ;

            sprintf( pname, "mu_bg_%db_msb_met%d", nb_lookup[nbi], mbi+1 ) ;
            RooAbsReal* mu_bg_msb = ws->function( pname ) ;
            if ( mu_bg_msb == 0x0 ) { printf("\n\n *** ws missing %s\n\n", pname ) ; return ; }
            hist_bg_msb -> SetBinContent( mbi+1, mu_bg_msb->getVal() ) ;

            sprintf( pname, "mu_sig_%db_msb_met%d", nb_lookup[nbi], mbi+1 ) ;
            RooAbsReal* mu_sig_msb = ws->function( pname ) ;
            if ( mu_sig_msb == 0x0 ) { printf("\n\n *** ws missing %s\n\n", pname ) ; return ; }
            hist_sig_msb -> SetBinContent( mbi+1, mu_sig_msb->getVal() ) ;

            hist_all_msb -> SetBinContent( mbi+1, mu_bg_msb->getVal() + mu_sig_msb->getVal() ) ;

            hist_data_msb -> SetBinContent( mbi+1, obs_N_msb[nbi][mbi] ) ;

         } // mbi.

         cfq1->cd( pad ) ;

         sprintf( hname, "h_stack_%db_msig_met", nb_lookup[nbi] ) ;
         sprintf( htitle, "mass sig, %db, MET", nb_lookup[nbi] ) ;
         THStack* hstack_msig = new THStack( hname, htitle ) ;
         hstack_msig -> Add( hist_bg_msig ) ;
         hstack_msig -> Add( hist_sig_msig ) ;

         hist_data_msig -> Draw("e") ;
         hstack_msig -> Draw("same") ;
         hist_data_msig -> Draw("same e") ;
         hist_data_msig -> Draw("same axis") ;

         tt_title -> DrawTextNDC( 0.85, 0.85, plottitle ) ;

         pad++ ;

         cfq1->cd( pad ) ;

         sprintf( hname, "h_stack_%db_msb_met", nb_lookup[nbi] ) ;
         sprintf( htitle, "mass sig, %db, MET", nb_lookup[nbi] ) ;
         THStack* hstack_msb = new THStack( hname, htitle ) ;
         hstack_msb -> Add( hist_bg_msb ) ;
         hstack_msb -> Add( hist_sig_msb ) ;

         hist_data_msb -> Draw("e") ;
         hstack_msb -> Draw("same") ;
         hist_data_msb -> Draw("same e") ;
         hist_data_msb -> Draw("same axis") ;

         tt_title -> DrawTextNDC( 0.85, 0.85, plottitle ) ;

         pad++ ;

      } // nbi.

      TH1F* hist_R_msigmsb = new TH1F( "h_R_msigmsb", "R msig/msb vs met bin", bins_of_met, 0.5, 0.5+bins_of_met ) ;
      hist_R_msigmsb -> SetLineWidth(2) ;
      hist_R_msigmsb -> SetMarkerStyle(20) ;
      hist_R_msigmsb -> SetYTitle("R msig/msb") ;
      labelBins( hist_R_msigmsb ) ;

      for ( int mbi=0; mbi<bins_of_met; mbi++ ) {
         sprintf( pname, "R_msigmsb_met%d", mbi+1 ) ;
         RooRealVar* rrv_R = ws->var( pname ) ;
         if ( rrv_R == 0x0 ) { printf("\n\n *** Can't find %s in ws.\n\n", pname ) ; return ; }
         hist_R_msigmsb -> SetBinContent( mbi+1, rrv_R -> getVal() ) ;
         hist_R_msigmsb -> SetBinError( mbi+1, rrv_R -> getError() ) ;
      } // mbi.

      cfq1->cd( pad ) ;

      gPad->SetGridy(1) ;

      hist_R_msigmsb -> SetMaximum(0.35) ;
      hist_R_msigmsb -> Draw("e") ;

      tt_title -> DrawTextNDC( 0.85, 0.85, plottitle ) ;

      pad++ ;

      cfq1->cd( pad ) ;

      scan_sigstrength( wsfile ) ;

      tt_title -> DrawTextNDC( 0.85, 0.25, plottitle ) ;

      TString pdffile( wsfile ) ;
      pdffile.ReplaceAll("ws-","fitqual-") ;
      pdffile.ReplaceAll("root","pdf") ;

      cfq1->SaveAs( pdffile ) ;

      TString histfile( wsfile ) ;
      histfile.ReplaceAll("ws-","fitqual-") ;

      saveHist( histfile, "h*" ) ;

   } // fitqual_plots
void StandardBayesianNumericalDemo(const char* infile = "",
                                   const char* workspaceName = "combined",
                                   const char* modelConfigName = "ModelConfig",
                                   const char* dataName = "obsData") {

   // option definitions
   double confLevel = optBayes.confLevel;
   TString integrationType = optBayes.integrationType;
   int nToys = optBayes.nToys;
   bool scanPosterior = optBayes.scanPosterior;
   int nScanPoints = optBayes.nScanPoints;
   int intervalType = optBayes.intervalType;
   int  maxPOI =  optBayes.maxPOI;
   double  nSigmaNuisance = optBayes.nSigmaNuisance;

   // -------------------------------------------------------
   // First part is just to access a user-defined file
   // or create the standard example file if it doesn't exist

   const char* filename = "";
   if (!strcmp(infile,"")) {
      filename = "results/example_combined_GaussExample_model.root";
      bool fileExist = !gSystem->AccessPathName(filename); // note opposite return code
      // if file does not exists generate with histfactory
      if (!fileExist) {
#ifdef _WIN32
         cout << "HistFactory file cannot be generated on Windows - exit" << endl;
         // Normally this would be run on the command line
         cout <<"will run standard hist2workspace example"<<endl;
         gROOT->ProcessLine(".! prepareHistFactory .");
         gROOT->ProcessLine(".! hist2workspace config/example.xml");
         cout <<"\n\n---------------------"<<endl;
         cout <<"Done creating example input"<<endl;
         cout <<"---------------------\n\n"<<endl;

      filename = infile;

   // Try to open the file
   TFile *file = TFile::Open(filename);

   // if input file was specified byt not found, quit
   if(!file ){
      cout <<"StandardRooStatsDemoMacro: Input file " << filename << " is not found" << endl;

   // -------------------------------------------------------
   // Tutorial starts here
   // -------------------------------------------------------

   // get the workspace out of the file
   RooWorkspace* w = (RooWorkspace*) file->Get(workspaceName);
      cout <<"workspace not found" << endl;

   // get the modelConfig out of the file
   ModelConfig* mc = (ModelConfig*) w->obj(modelConfigName);

   // get the modelConfig out of the file
   RooAbsData* data = w->data(dataName);

   // make sure ingredients are found
   if(!data || !mc){
      cout << "data or ModelConfig was not found" <<endl;

   // ------------------------------------------
   // create and use the BayesianCalculator
   // to find and plot the 95% credible interval
   // on the parameter of interest as specified
   // in the model config

   // before we do that, we must specify our prior
   // it belongs in the model config, but it may not have
   // been specified
   RooUniform prior("prior","",*mc->GetParametersOfInterest());

   // do without systematics
   //mc->SetNuisanceParameters(RooArgSet() );
   if (nSigmaNuisance > 0) {
      RooAbsPdf * pdf = mc->GetPdf();
      RooFitResult * res = pdf->fitTo(*data, Save(true), Minimizer(ROOT::Math::MinimizerOptions::DefaultMinimizerType().c_str()), Hesse(true),
                                       PrintLevel(ROOT::Math::MinimizerOptions::DefaultPrintLevel()-1) );

      RooArgList nuisPar(*mc->GetNuisanceParameters());
      for (int i = 0; i < nuisPar.getSize(); ++i) {
         RooRealVar * v = dynamic_cast<RooRealVar*> (&nuisPar[i] );
         assert( v);
         v->setMin( TMath::Max( v->getMin(), v->getVal() - nSigmaNuisance * v->getError() ) );
         v->setMax( TMath::Min( v->getMax(), v->getVal() + nSigmaNuisance * v->getError() ) );
         std::cout << "setting interval for nuisance  " << v->GetName() << " : [ " << v->getMin() << " , " << v->getMax() << " ]" << std::endl;

   BayesianCalculator bayesianCalc(*data,*mc);
   bayesianCalc.SetConfidenceLevel(confLevel); // 95% interval

   // default of the calculator is central interval.  here use shortest , central or upper limit depending on input
   // doing a shortest interval might require a longer time since it requires a scan of the posterior function
   if (intervalType == 0)  bayesianCalc.SetShortestInterval(); // for shortest interval
   if (intervalType == 1)  bayesianCalc.SetLeftSideTailFraction(0.5); // for central interval
   if (intervalType == 2)  bayesianCalc.SetLeftSideTailFraction(0.); // for upper limit

   if (!integrationType.IsNull() ) {
      bayesianCalc.SetIntegrationType(integrationType); // set integrationType
      bayesianCalc.SetNumIters(nToys); // set number of iterations (i.e. number of toys for MC integrations)

   // in case of toyMC make a nuisance pdf
   if (integrationType.Contains("TOYMC") ) {
      RooAbsPdf * nuisPdf = RooStats::MakeNuisancePdf(*mc, "nuisance_pdf");
      cout << "using TOYMC integration: make nuisance pdf from the model " << std::endl;
      scanPosterior = true; // for ToyMC the posterior is scanned anyway so used given points

   // compute interval by scanning the posterior function
   if (scanPosterior)

   RooRealVar* poi = (RooRealVar*) mc->GetParametersOfInterest()->first();
   if (maxPOI != -999 &&  maxPOI > poi->getMin())

   SimpleInterval* interval = bayesianCalc.GetInterval();

   // print out the interval on the first Parameter of Interest
   cout << "\n>>>> RESULT : " << confLevel*100 << "% interval on " << poi->GetName()<<" is : ["<<
      interval->LowerLimit() << ", "<<
      interval->UpperLimit() <<"] "<<endl;

   // make a plot
   // since plotting may take a long time (it requires evaluating
   // the posterior in many points) this command will speed up
   // by reducing the number of points to plot - do 50

   // ignore errors of PDF if is zero
   RooAbsReal::setEvalErrorLoggingMode(RooAbsReal::Ignore) ;

   cout << "\nDrawing plot of posterior function....." << endl;

   // always plot using numer of scan points

   RooPlot * plot = bayesianCalc.GetPosteriorPlot();

void StandardProfileLikelihoodDemo(const char* infile = "",
                                   const char* workspaceName = "combined",
                                   const char* modelConfigName = "ModelConfig",
                                   const char* dataName = "obsData"){

   double confLevel = optPL.confLevel;
   double nScanPoints = optPL.nScanPoints;
   bool plotAsTF1 = optPL.plotAsTF1;
   double poiXMin = optPL.poiMinPlot;
   double poiXMax = optPL.poiMaxPlot;
   bool doHypoTest = optPL.doHypoTest;
   double nullParamValue = optPL.nullValue; 

  // First part is just to access a user-defined file
  // or create the standard example file if it doesn't exist
   const char* filename = "";
   if (!strcmp(infile,"")) {
      filename = "results/example_combined_GaussExample_model.root";
      bool fileExist = !gSystem->AccessPathName(filename); // note opposite return code
      // if file does not exists generate with histfactory
      if (!fileExist) {
#ifdef _WIN32
         cout << "HistFactory file cannot be generated on Windows - exit" << endl;
         // Normally this would be run on the command line
         cout <<"will run standard hist2workspace example"<<endl;
         gROOT->ProcessLine(".! prepareHistFactory .");
         gROOT->ProcessLine(".! hist2workspace config/example.xml");
         cout <<"\n\n---------------------"<<endl;
         cout <<"Done creating example input"<<endl;
         cout <<"---------------------\n\n"<<endl;

      filename = infile;

   // Try to open the file
   TFile *file = TFile::Open(filename);

   // if input file was specified byt not found, quit
   if(!file ){
      cout <<"StandardRooStatsDemoMacro: Input file " << filename << " is not found" << endl;

  // Tutorial starts here

  // get the workspace out of the file
  RooWorkspace* w = (RooWorkspace*) file->Get(workspaceName);
    cout <<"workspace not found" << endl;

  // get the modelConfig out of the file
  ModelConfig* mc = (ModelConfig*) w->obj(modelConfigName);

  // get the modelConfig out of the file
  RooAbsData* data = w->data(dataName);

  // make sure ingredients are found
  if(!data || !mc){
    cout << "data or ModelConfig was not found" <<endl;

  // create and use the ProfileLikelihoodCalculator
  // to find and plot the 95% confidence interval
  // on the parameter of interest as specified
  // in the model config
  ProfileLikelihoodCalculator pl(*data,*mc);
  pl.SetConfidenceLevel(confLevel); // 95% interval
  LikelihoodInterval* interval = pl.GetInterval();

  // print out the iterval on the first Parameter of Interest
  RooRealVar* firstPOI = (RooRealVar*) mc->GetParametersOfInterest()->first();
  cout << "\n>>>> RESULT : " << confLevel*100 << "% interval on " <<firstPOI->GetName()<<" is : ["<<
    interval->LowerLimit(*firstPOI) << ", "<<
    interval->UpperLimit(*firstPOI) <<"]\n "<<endl;

  // make a plot

  cout << "making a plot of the profile likelihood function ....(if it is taking a lot of time use less points or the TF1 drawing option)\n";
  LikelihoodIntervalPlot plot(interval);
  plot.SetNPoints(nScanPoints);  // do not use too many points, it could become very slow for some models
  if (poiXMin < poiXMax) plot.SetRange(poiXMin, poiXMax); 
  TString opt; 
  if (plotAsTF1) opt += TString("tf1");
  plot.Draw(opt);  // use option TF1 if too slow (plot.Draw("tf1")

  // if requested perform also an hypothesis test for the significance
  if (doHypoTest) {
     RooArgSet nullparams("nullparams");
     nullparams.setRealValue(firstPOI->GetName(), nullParamValue);
     std::cout << "Perform Test of Hypothesis : null Hypothesis is " << firstPOI->GetName() << nullParamValue << std::endl;
     auto result = pl.GetHypoTest();
     std::cout << "\n>>>> Hypotheis Test Result \n";

void PlotAll(TString wsname)
	char* binLabels[19] = {"60","70","80","90","100","110","120","130","140","150","160","170","180","190","200","250","300","400","1000"};	

	//get the stuff from the workspace:
	TFile* file=TFile::Open(wsname);
	RooWorkspace* ws = (RooWorkspace*)file->Get("combined");
	ModelConfig  *mc = (ModelConfig*)ws->obj("ModelConfig");
	RooAbsData   *data = ws->data("obsData");
	RooSimultaneous* simPdf=(RooSimultaneous*)(mc->GetPdf());
	RooAbsReal* nll=simPdf->createNLL(*data);

	// FPT 0 **************************************	
	// EM channel
	RooCategory* chanCat = (RooCategory*) (&simPdf->indexCat());
        TIterator* iterat = chanCat->typeIterator() ;
        RooCatType* ttype = (RooCatType*)iterat->Next();

	RooAbsPdf  *pdf_stateEM  = simPdf->getPdf(ttype->GetName()) ;
	RooArgSet  *obstmpEM  = pdf_stateEM->getObservables( *mc->GetObservables() ) ;
	// get EM data
       	RooAbsData *dataEM = data->reduce(Form("%s==%s::%s",chanCat->GetName(),chanCat->GetName(),ttype->GetName()));
	RooRealVar *obsEM     = ((RooRealVar*) obstmpEM->first());
	TString chanName1(ttype->GetName());

	// create data histogram
	TH1* hdataEM = dataEM->createHistogram("Data "+chanName1,*obsEM);
	// set errors to gaussian
        for (int ib=0 ; ib<hdataEM->GetNbinsX()+1 ; ib++) hdataEM->SetBinError(ib, sqrt(hdataEM->GetBinContent(ib)));

	double EMnorm = pdf_stateEM->expectedEvents(*obsEM);
	// ME channel
	ttype = (RooCatType*)iterat->Next();
	RooAbsPdf* pdf_stateME  = simPdf->getPdf(ttype->GetName()) ;
        RooArgSet* obstmpME  = pdf_stateME->getObservables( *mc->GetObservables() ) ;

	// get ME data
	RooAbsData *dataME = data->reduce(Form("%s==%s::%s",chanCat->GetName(),chanCat->GetName(),ttype->GetName()));	
	RooRealVar* obsME = ((RooRealVar*) obstmpME->first());
	TString chanName2(ttype->GetName());

        // create data histogram
        TH1* hdataME = dataME->createHistogram("Data "+chanName2,*obsME);
        // set errors to gaussian
        for (int ib=0 ; ib<hdataME->GetNbinsX()+1 ; ib++) hdataME->SetBinError(ib, sqrt(hdataME->GetBinContent(ib)));
	// get initial BG histogram
	//TH1* h_initial_BG_EM = pdf_stateEM->createHistogram("initial_BG_EM",*obsEM);
	//TH1* h_initial_BG_ME = pdf_stateME->createHistogram("initial_BG_ME",*obsME);
	double MEnorm = pdf_stateME->expectedEvents(*obsME);
	cout << "EM expected events = " << EMnorm << ", ME expected events = " << MEnorm << "." << endl;

	// get initial gammas
	int nbins = hdataEM->GetNbinsX();
        double InitGamma[nbins];
        for (int i=0; i<nbins; i++)
               	TString varname = "gamma_B0_l1pt0_bin_"+NumberToString(i);
               	InitGamma[i] = ws->var(varname)->getVal();
               	cout << "initial gamma"+NumberToString(i)+" = " << InitGamma[i] << endl;
        double InitFpt = ws->var("fl1pt_l1pt0")->getVal();
        cout << "initial fpt_l1pt0 = " << InitFpt <<  endl;

	// get final BG histograms
	TH1* h_final_BG_EM = pdf_stateEM->createHistogram("final_BG_EM",*obsEM);
        TH1* h_final_BG_ME = pdf_stateME->createHistogram("final_BG_ME",*obsME); 
	// uncertainty bands
	TH1D* BuncertaintyEM = new TH1D("BuncertaintyEM","BuncertaintyEM",nbins,0,nbins);
	TH1D* BuncertaintyME = new TH1D("BuncertaintyME","BuncertaintyME",nbins,0,nbins);
	for (int i=1; i<=nbins; i++){
		double sigbEM = h_final_BG_EM->GetBinError(i);
		double bEM = h_final_BG_EM->GetBinContent(i);
		BuncertaintyEM->SetBinError(i,sigbEM); BuncertaintyEM->SetBinContent(i,bEM);
		double sigbME = h_final_BG_ME->GetBinError(i);
                double bME = h_final_BG_ME->GetBinContent(i);
                BuncertaintyME->SetBinError(i,sigbME); BuncertaintyME->SetBinContent(i,bME);
	BuncertaintyEM->SetLineColor(kBlack); BuncertaintyEM->SetLineStyle(2);
        BuncertaintyME->SetLineColor(kBlack); BuncertaintyME->SetLineStyle(2);

	// get gammas after fit
	double FinalGamma[nbins];
	//TH1* h_initBG_times_gamma = (TH1*)h_initial_BG_EM->Clone("initBGEM_times_gamma");
	for (int i=0; i<nbins; i++)
               	TString varname = "gamma_B0_l1pt0_bin_"+NumberToString(i);
               	FinalGamma[i] = ws->var(varname)->getVal();
               	cout << "Final gamma in bin "+NumberToString(i)+" = " << FinalGamma[i] << endl;
       	//	h_initBG_times_gamma->SetBinContent(i+1,h_initial_BG_EM->GetBinContent(i+1)*FinalGamma[i]);
	//double FinalFpt = ws->var("fl1pt_l1pt0")->getVal();
	// get final alpha (pull)
	RooRealVar* alphaVar = ws->var("alpha_l1ptsys_l1pt0");
	double alpha, alphaErr;
	if (alphaVar != NULL) {
		alpha = ws->var("alpha_l1ptsys_l1pt0")->getVal();
		alphaErr = ws->var("alpha_l1ptsys_l1pt0")->getError();

	//FOR UNCONSTRAINED FPT - get final fpts
	double FinalFpt[5];
	double FinalFptErr[5];
	for (int k=0; k<5; k++){
		TString varname = "fl1pt_l1pt"+NumberToString(k);
		FinalFpt[k] = ws->var(varname)->getVal();
		FinalFptErr[k] =  ws->var(varname)->getError();
		cout << varname << " = "  << FinalFpt[k] << " +- " << FinalFptErr[k] << endl;
	// get POI value
	double mu = ws->var("mu_BR_htm")->getVal();
	double muErr = ws->var("mu_BR_htm")->getError();
	// Draw
	TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas("BG and Data "+chanName1+" "+chanName2,"BG and Data "+chanName1+" "+chanName2,600,600);
	BuncertaintyEM->Draw("E3 sames"); BuncertaintyME->Draw("E3 sames");
	//h_initial_BG_EM->SetLineColor(kGreen+2); h_initial_BG_EM->SetLineStyle(2); h_initial_BG_EM->Draw("sames");
	hdataEM->SetLineColor(kGreen+2); hdataEM->SetMarkerStyle(20); hdataEM->SetMarkerColor(kGreen+2);
	hdataEM->Draw("e1 sames");
	//h_initial_BG_ME->SetLineColor(kBlue); h_initial_BG_ME->SetLineStyle(2); h_initial_BG_ME->Draw("sames");
        hdataME->SetLineColor(kBlue); hdataME->SetMarkerStyle(20);  hdataME->SetMarkerColor(kBlue);
	hdataME->Draw("e1 sames");

	h_final_BG_EM->SetLineColor(kGreen+2); h_final_BG_EM->SetLineWidth(2); h_final_BG_EM->Draw("sames");
	h_final_BG_ME->SetLineColor(kBlue); h_final_BG_ME->SetLineWidth(2); h_final_BG_ME->Draw("sames");

	TLegend* leg = new TLegend(0.5,0.45,0.85,0.65);
        leg->SetFillColor(kWhite); leg->SetBorderSize(1); leg->SetLineColor(0); //leg->SetTextFont(14);

	leg->AddEntry(hdataME,"DATA #mue","lep");
	leg->AddEntry(hdataEM,"DATA e#mu","lep");
	//leg->AddEntry(h_initial_BG_ME,"Initial #mue PDF","l");
	//leg->AddEntry(h_initial_BG_EM,"Initial e#mu PDF","l");
	leg->AddEntry(h_final_BG_ME,"#mue PDF = #gamma_{i}B_{i} + #muS_{i}","l");
	leg->AddEntry(h_final_BG_EM,"e#mu PDF = f(1+#alpha#sigma)(#gamma_{i}B_{i}+#muW_{i})","l");

	cout << " ********************* Fit Values **************************** " <<  endl;
	if (alphaVar != NULL){cout << "alpha = " << alpha << " +- " << alphaErr << endl;}
	cout << "mu    = " << mu << " +- " << muErr << endl;

	TString WriteDownAlphaValue;
	TString WriteDownMuValue;
	WriteDownAlphaValue = "Fpt0 = ";
	WriteDownMuValue = "#mu = ";
	WriteDownAlphaValue += Form("%4.4f",FinalFpt[0]);
	WriteDownAlphaValue += "#pm";
	WriteDownAlphaValue += Form("%4.4f",FinalFptErr[0]);
	WriteDownMuValue += Form("%4.4f",mu);
        WriteDownMuValue += "#pm";
        WriteDownMuValue += Form("%4.4f",muErr);

	TLatex *texl = new TLatex(12,25,WriteDownAlphaValue);
   	texl->SetTextAlign(22); texl->SetTextSize(0.03); 
   	TLatex *texl2 = new TLatex(12,23,WriteDownMuValue);
        texl2->SetTextAlign(22); texl2->SetTextSize(0.03);

	//FPT 1 ***********************************
	ttype = (RooCatType*)iterat->Next();

        RooAbsPdf  *pdf_stateEM1  = simPdf->getPdf(ttype->GetName()) ;
        RooArgSet  *obstmpEM1  = pdf_stateEM1->getObservables( *mc->GetObservables() ) ;
	RooAbsData *dataEM1 = data->reduce(Form("%s==%s::%s",chanCat->GetName(),chanCat->GetName(),ttype->GetName()));

        RooRealVar *obsEM1     = ((RooRealVar*) obstmpEM1->first());
        TString chanName11(ttype->GetName());	
	TH1* hdataEM1 = dataEM1->createHistogram("Data "+chanName11,*obsEM1);
	for (int ib=0 ; ib<hdataEM1->GetNbinsX()+1 ; ib++) hdataEM1->SetBinError(ib, sqrt(hdataEM1->GetBinContent(ib)));

        double EMnorm1 = pdf_stateEM1->expectedEvents(*obsEM1);
	ttype = (RooCatType*)iterat->Next();
        RooAbsPdf* pdf_stateME1  = simPdf->getPdf(ttype->GetName()) ;
        RooArgSet* obstmpME1  = pdf_stateME1->getObservables( *mc->GetObservables() ) ;
	RooAbsData *dataME1 = data->reduce(Form("%s==%s::%s",chanCat->GetName(),chanCat->GetName(),ttype->GetName()));
        RooRealVar* obsME1 = ((RooRealVar*) obstmpME1->first());
        TString chanName21(ttype->GetName());
	TH1* hdataME1 = dataME1->createHistogram("Data "+chanName21,*obsME1);

	for (int ib=0 ; ib<hdataME1->GetNbinsX()+1 ; ib++) hdataME1->SetBinError(ib, sqrt(hdataME1->GetBinContent(ib)));
	double MEnorm1 = pdf_stateME1->expectedEvents(*obsME1);
	TH1* h_final_BG_EM1 = pdf_stateEM1->createHistogram("final_BG_EM1",*obsEM1);
        TH1* h_final_BG_ME1 = pdf_stateME1->createHistogram("final_BG_ME1",*obsME1);
	TH1D* BuncertaintyEM1 = new TH1D("BuncertaintyEM1","BuncertaintyEM1",nbins,0,nbins);
        TH1D* BuncertaintyME1 = new TH1D("BuncertaintyME1","BuncertaintyME1",nbins,0,nbins);
        for (int i=1; i<=nbins; i++){
                double sigbEM = h_final_BG_EM1->GetBinError(i);
                double bEM = h_final_BG_EM1->GetBinContent(i);
                BuncertaintyEM1->SetBinError(i,sigbEM); BuncertaintyEM1->SetBinContent(i,bEM);
                double sigbME = h_final_BG_ME1->GetBinError(i);
                double bME = h_final_BG_ME1->GetBinContent(i);
                BuncertaintyME1->SetBinError(i,sigbME); BuncertaintyME1->SetBinContent(i,bME);
        BuncertaintyEM1->SetLineColor(kBlack); BuncertaintyEM1->SetLineStyle(2);
        BuncertaintyME1->SetLineColor(kBlack); BuncertaintyME1->SetLineStyle(2);
	double FinalGamma1[nbins];
        for (int i=0; i<nbins; i++)
                TString varname = "gamma_B0_l1pt1_bin_"+NumberToString(i);
                FinalGamma1[i] = ws->var(varname)->getVal();
                cout << "Final gamma in bin "+NumberToString(i)+" = " << FinalGamma1[i] << endl;
	TCanvas* c2 = new TCanvas("BG and Data "+chanName11+" "+chanName21,"BG and Data "+chanName11+" "+chanName21,600,600);
        BuncertaintyEM1->Draw("E3 sames"); BuncertaintyME1->Draw("E3 sames");
        hdataEM1->SetLineColor(kGreen+2); hdataEM1->SetMarkerStyle(20); hdataEM1->SetMarkerColor(kGreen+2);
        hdataEM1->Draw("e1 sames");
        hdataME1->SetLineColor(kBlue); hdataME1->SetMarkerStyle(20);  hdataME1->SetMarkerColor(kBlue);
        hdataME1->Draw("e1 sames");

        h_final_BG_EM1->SetLineColor(kGreen+2); h_final_BG_EM1->SetLineWidth(2); h_final_BG_EM1->Draw("sames");
        h_final_BG_ME1->SetLineColor(kBlue); h_final_BG_ME1->SetLineWidth(2); h_final_BG_ME1->Draw("sames");


        cout << " ********************* Fit Values **************************** " <<  endl;
        cout << "mu    = " << mu << " +- " << muErr << endl;
	TString WriteDownAlphaValue1;
        WriteDownAlphaValue1 = "Fpt1 = ";
        WriteDownAlphaValue1 += Form("%4.4f",FinalFpt[1]);
        WriteDownAlphaValue1 += "#pm";
        WriteDownAlphaValue1 += Form("%4.4f",FinalFptErr[1]);

        TLatex *texl11 = new TLatex(12,25,WriteDownAlphaValue1);
        texl11->SetTextAlign(22); texl11->SetTextSize(0.03);

void StandardTestStatDistributionDemo(const char* infile = "",
                                      const char* workspaceName = "combined",
                                      const char* modelConfigName = "ModelConfig",
                                      const char* dataName = "obsData"){

  // the number of toy MC used to generate the distribution
  int nToyMC = 1000;
  // The parameter below is needed for asymptotic distribution to be chi-square,
  // but set to false if your model is not numerically stable if mu<0
  bool allowNegativeMu=true;

  // First part is just to access a user-defined file
  // or create the standard example file if it doesn't exist
   const char* filename = "";
   if (!strcmp(infile,"")) {
      filename = "results/example_combined_GaussExample_model.root";
      bool fileExist = !gSystem->AccessPathName(filename); // note opposite return code
      // if file does not exists generate with histfactory
      if (!fileExist) {
#ifdef _WIN32
         cout << "HistFactory file cannot be generated on Windows - exit" << endl;
         // Normally this would be run on the command line
         cout <<"will run standard hist2workspace example"<<endl;
         gROOT->ProcessLine(".! prepareHistFactory .");
         gROOT->ProcessLine(".! hist2workspace config/example.xml");
         cout <<"\n\n---------------------"<<endl;
         cout <<"Done creating example input"<<endl;
         cout <<"---------------------\n\n"<<endl;

      filename = infile;

   // Try to open the file
   TFile *file = TFile::Open(filename);

   // if input file was specified byt not found, quit
   if(!file ){
      cout <<"StandardRooStatsDemoMacro: Input file " << filename << " is not found" << endl;

  // Now get the data and workspace

  // get the workspace out of the file
  RooWorkspace* w = (RooWorkspace*) file->Get(workspaceName);
    cout <<"workspace not found" << endl;

  // get the modelConfig out of the file
  ModelConfig* mc = (ModelConfig*) w->obj(modelConfigName);

  // get the modelConfig out of the file
  RooAbsData* data = w->data(dataName);

  // make sure ingredients are found
  if(!data || !mc){
    cout << "data or ModelConfig was not found" <<endl;

  // Now find the upper limit based on the asymptotic results
  RooRealVar* firstPOI = (RooRealVar*) mc->GetParametersOfInterest()->first();
  ProfileLikelihoodCalculator plc(*data,*mc);
  LikelihoodInterval* interval = plc.GetInterval();
  double plcUpperLimit = interval->UpperLimit(*firstPOI);
  delete interval;
  cout << "\n\n--------------------------------------"<<endl;
  cout <<"Will generate sampling distribution at " << firstPOI->GetName() << " = " << plcUpperLimit <<endl;
  int nPOI = mc->GetParametersOfInterest()->getSize();
    cout <<"not sure what to do with other parameters of interest, but here are their values"<<endl;

  // create thte test stat sampler
  ProfileLikelihoodTestStat ts(*mc->GetPdf());

  // to avoid effects from boundary and simplify asymptotic comparison, set min=-max

  // temporary RooArgSet
  RooArgSet poi;

  // create and configure the ToyMCSampler
  ToyMCSampler sampler(ts,nToyMC);
  if(!mc->GetPdf()->canBeExtended() && (data->numEntries()==1)){
    cout << "tell it to use 1 event"<<endl;
  firstPOI->setVal(plcUpperLimit); // set POI value for generation
  sampler.SetParametersForTestStat(*mc->GetParametersOfInterest()); // set POI value for evaluation

  if (useProof) {
     ProofConfig pc(*w, nworkers, "",false);
     sampler.SetProofConfig(&pc); // enable proof

  RooArgSet allParameters;

  SamplingDistribution* sampDist = sampler.GetSamplingDistribution(allParameters);
  SamplingDistPlot plot;
  plot.GetTH1F(sampDist)->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(Form("f(-log #lambda(#mu=%.2f) | #mu=%.2f)",plcUpperLimit,plcUpperLimit));
  plot.SetAxisTitle(Form("-log #lambda(#mu=%.2f)",plcUpperLimit));

  TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas("c1");
  double min = plot.GetTH1F(sampDist)->GetXaxis()->GetXmin();
  double max = plot.GetTH1F(sampDist)->GetXaxis()->GetXmax();

  TF1* f = new TF1("f",Form("2*ROOT::Math::chisquared_pdf(2*x,%d,0)",nPOI),min,max);

void StandardHypoTestDemo(const char* infile = "",
                          const char* workspaceName = "combined",
                          const char* modelSBName = "ModelConfig",
                          const char* modelBName = "",
                          const char* dataName = "obsData", 
                          int calcType = 0, // 0 freq 1 hybrid, 2 asymptotic
                          int testStatType = 3,   // 0 LEP, 1 TeV, 2 LHC, 3 LHC - one sided
                          int ntoys = 5000, 
                          bool useNC = false, 
                          const char * nuisPriorName = 0)


  Other Parameter to pass in tutorial
  apart from standard for filename, ws, modelconfig and data

  type = 0 Freq calculator 
  type = 1 Hybrid calculator
  type = 2 Asymptotic calculator  

  testStatType = 0 LEP
  = 1 Tevatron 
  = 2 Profile Likelihood
  = 3 Profile Likelihood one sided (i.e. = 0 if mu < mu_hat)

  ntoys:         number of toys to use 

  useNumberCounting:  set to true when using number counting events 

  nuisPriorName:   name of prior for the nnuisance. This is often expressed as constraint term in the global model
  It is needed only when using the HybridCalculator (type=1)
  If not given by default the prior pdf from ModelConfig is used. 

  extra options are available as global paramwters of the macro. They major ones are: 
  generateBinned       generate binned data sets for toys (default is false) - be careful not to activate with 
  a too large (>=3) number of observables 
  nToyRatio            ratio of S+B/B toys (default is 2)

   // disable - can cause some problems



   // to change minimizers 
   // ROOT::Math::MinimizerOptions::SetDefaultStrategy(0);
   // ROOT::Math::MinimizerOptions::SetDefaultMinimizer("Minuit2");
   // ROOT::Math::MinimizerOptions::SetDefaultTolerance(1);

  // First part is just to access a user-defined file 
  // or create the standard example file if it doesn't exist
  const char* filename = "";
  if (!strcmp(infile,""))
    filename = "results/example_combined_GaussExample_model.root";
    filename = infile;
  // Check if example input file exists
  TFile *file = TFile::Open(filename);

  // if input file was specified byt not found, quit
  if(!file && strcmp(infile,"")){
    cout <<"file not found" << endl;

  // if default file not found, try to create it
  if(!file ){
    // Normally this would be run on the command line
    cout <<"will run standard hist2workspace example"<<endl;
    gROOT->ProcessLine(".! prepareHistFactory .");
    gROOT->ProcessLine(".! hist2workspace config/example.xml");
    cout <<"\n\n---------------------"<<endl;
    cout <<"Done creating example input"<<endl;
    cout <<"---------------------\n\n"<<endl;

  // now try to access the file again
  file = TFile::Open(filename);
    // if it is still not there, then we can't continue
    cout << "Not able to run hist2workspace to create example input" <<endl;

  // Tutorial starts here

  // get the workspace out of the file
  RooWorkspace* w = (RooWorkspace*) file->Get(workspaceName);
    cout <<"workspace not found" << endl;

  // get the modelConfig out of the file
  ModelConfig* sbModel = (ModelConfig*) w->obj(modelSBName);

  // get the modelConfig out of the file
  RooAbsData* data = w->data(dataName);

  // make sure ingredients are found
  if(!data || !sbModel){
    cout << "data or ModelConfig was not found" <<endl;
  // make b model
  ModelConfig* bModel = (ModelConfig*) w->obj(modelBName);

   // case of no systematics
   // remove nuisance parameters from model
   if (noSystematics) { 
      const RooArgSet * nuisPar = sbModel->GetNuisanceParameters();
      if (nuisPar && nuisPar->getSize() > 0) { 
         std::cout << "StandardHypoTestInvDemo" << "  -  Switch off all systematics by setting them constant to their initial values" << std::endl;
      if (bModel) { 
         const RooArgSet * bnuisPar = bModel->GetNuisanceParameters();
         if (bnuisPar) 

  if (!bModel ) {
      Info("StandardHypoTestInvDemo","The background model %s does not exist",modelBName);
      Info("StandardHypoTestInvDemo","Copy it from ModelConfig %s and set POI to zero",modelSBName);
      bModel = (ModelConfig*) sbModel->Clone();
      RooRealVar * var = dynamic_cast<RooRealVar*>(bModel->GetParametersOfInterest()->first());
      if (!var) return;
      double oldval = var->getVal();
      //bModel->SetSnapshot( RooArgSet(*var, *w->var("lumi"))  );
      bModel->SetSnapshot( RooArgSet(*var)  );
   if (!sbModel->GetSnapshot() || poiValue > 0) { 
      Info("StandardHypoTestDemo","Model %s has no snapshot  - make one using model poi",modelSBName);
      RooRealVar * var = dynamic_cast<RooRealVar*>(sbModel->GetParametersOfInterest()->first());
      if (!var) return;
      double oldval = var->getVal();
      if (poiValue > 0)  var->setVal(poiValue);
      //sbModel->SetSnapshot( RooArgSet(*var, *w->var("lumi") ) );
      sbModel->SetSnapshot( RooArgSet(*var) );
      if (poiValue > 0) var->setVal(oldval);
      //sbModel->SetSnapshot( *sbModel->GetParametersOfInterest() );


   // part 1, hypothesis testing 
   SimpleLikelihoodRatioTestStat * slrts = new SimpleLikelihoodRatioTestStat(*bModel->GetPdf(), *sbModel->GetPdf());
   // null parameters must includes snapshot of poi plus the nuisance values 
   RooArgSet nullParams(*bModel->GetSnapshot());
   if (bModel->GetNuisanceParameters()) nullParams.add(*bModel->GetNuisanceParameters());
   RooArgSet altParams(*sbModel->GetSnapshot());
   if (sbModel->GetNuisanceParameters()) altParams.add(*sbModel->GetNuisanceParameters());

   ProfileLikelihoodTestStat * profll = new ProfileLikelihoodTestStat(*bModel->GetPdf());

   RatioOfProfiledLikelihoodsTestStat * 
      ropl = new RatioOfProfiledLikelihoodsTestStat(*bModel->GetPdf(), *sbModel->GetPdf(), sbModel->GetSnapshot());

   if (testStatType == 3) profll->SetOneSidedDiscovery(1);

   // profll.SetReuseNLL(mOptimize);
   // slrts.SetReuseNLL(mOptimize);
   // ropl.SetReuseNLL(mOptimize);


   HypoTestCalculatorGeneric *  hypoCalc = 0;
   // note here Null is B and Alt is S+B
   if (calcType == 0) hypoCalc = new  FrequentistCalculator(*data, *sbModel, *bModel);
   else if (calcType == 1) hypoCalc= new  HybridCalculator(*data, *sbModel, *bModel);
   else if (calcType == 2) hypoCalc= new  AsymptoticCalculator(*data, *sbModel, *bModel);

   if (calcType == 0) 
       ((FrequentistCalculator*)hypoCalc)->SetToys(ntoys, ntoys/nToysRatio);
   if (calcType == 1) 
       ((HybridCalculator*)hypoCalc)->SetToys(ntoys, ntoys/nToysRatio);
   if (calcType == 2 ) { 
      if (testStatType == 3) ((AsymptoticCalculator*) hypoCalc)->SetOneSidedDiscovery(true);  
      if (testStatType != 2 && testStatType != 3)  
         Warning("StandardHypoTestDemo","Only the PL test statistic can be used with AsymptoticCalculator - use by default a two-sided PL");


   // check for nuisance prior pdf in case of nuisance parameters 
   if (calcType == 1 && (bModel->GetNuisanceParameters() || sbModel->GetNuisanceParameters() )) {
         RooAbsPdf * nuisPdf = 0; 
         if (nuisPriorName) nuisPdf = w->pdf(nuisPriorName);
         // use prior defined first in bModel (then in SbModel)
         if (!nuisPdf)  { 
            Info("StandardHypoTestDemo","No nuisance pdf given for the HybridCalculator - try to deduce  pdf from the   model");
            if (bModel->GetPdf() && bModel->GetObservables() ) 
               nuisPdf = RooStats::MakeNuisancePdf(*bModel,"nuisancePdf_bmodel");
               nuisPdf = RooStats::MakeNuisancePdf(*sbModel,"nuisancePdf_sbmodel");
         if (!nuisPdf ) {
            if (bModel->GetPriorPdf())  { 
               nuisPdf = bModel->GetPriorPdf();
               Info("StandardHypoTestDemo","No nuisance pdf given - try to use %s that is defined as a prior pdf in the B model",nuisPdf->GetName());            
            else { 
               Error("StandardHypoTestDemo","Cannnot run Hybrid calculator because no prior on the nuisance parameter is specified or can be derived");
         Info("StandardHypoTestDemo","Using as nuisance Pdf ... " );
         const RooArgSet * nuisParams = (bModel->GetNuisanceParameters() ) ? bModel->GetNuisanceParameters() : sbModel->GetNuisanceParameters();
         RooArgSet * np = nuisPdf->getObservables(*nuisParams);
         if (np->getSize() == 0) { 
            Warning("StandardHypoTestDemo","Prior nuisance does not depend on nuisance parameters. They will be smeared in their full range");
         delete np;

   // hypoCalc->ForcePriorNuisanceAlt(*sbModel->GetPriorPdf());
   // hypoCalc->ForcePriorNuisanceNull(*bModel->GetPriorPdf());

   ToyMCSampler * sampler = (ToyMCSampler *)hypoCalc->GetTestStatSampler();

   if (sampler && (calcType == 0 || calcType == 1) ) { 

      // look if pdf is number counting or extended
      if (sbModel->GetPdf()->canBeExtended() ) { 
         if (useNC)   Warning("StandardHypoTestDemo","Pdf is extended: but number counting flag is set: ignore it ");
      else {
         // for not extended pdf
         if (!useNC)  { 
            int nEvents = data->numEntries();
            Info("StandardHypoTestDemo","Pdf is not extended: number of events to generate taken  from observed data set is %d",nEvents);
         else {
            Info("StandardHypoTestDemo","using a number counting pdf");
      if (data->isWeighted() && !generateBinned) { 
         Info("StandardHypoTestDemo","Data set is weighted, nentries = %d and sum of weights = %8.1f but toy generation is unbinned - it would be faster to set generateBinned to true\n",data->numEntries(), data->sumEntries());
      if (generateBinned)  sampler->SetGenerateBinned(generateBinned);

      // set the test statistic
      if (testStatType == 0) sampler->SetTestStatistic(slrts); 
      if (testStatType == 1) sampler->SetTestStatistic(ropl); 
      if (testStatType == 2 || testStatType == 3) sampler->SetTestStatistic(profll); 

   HypoTestResult *  htr = hypoCalc->GetHypoTest();
   htr->Print(); // how to get meaningfull CLs at this point?

   delete sampler;
   delete slrts; 
   delete ropl; 
   delete profll;

   if (calcType != 2) {
      HypoTestPlot * plot = new HypoTestPlot(*htr,100);
   else { 
      std::cout << "Asymptotic results " << std::endl;

   // look at expected significances 
   // found median of S+B distribution
   if (calcType != 2) { 

      SamplingDistribution * altDist = htr->GetAltDistribution();   
      HypoTestResult htExp("Expected Result");
      // find quantiles in alt (S+B) distribution 
      double p[5];
      double q[5];
      for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { 
         double sig = -2  + i;
         p[i] = ROOT::Math::normal_cdf(sig,1);
      std::vector<double> values = altDist->GetSamplingDistribution();
      TMath::Quantiles( values.size(), 5, &values[0], q, p, false);  

      for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { 
         htExp.SetTestStatisticData( q[i] );
         double sig = -2  + i;      
         std::cout << " Expected p -value and significance at " << sig << " sigma = " 
                   << htExp.NullPValue() << " significance " << htExp.Significance() << " sigma " << std::endl; 
   else { 
      // case of asymptotic calculator 
      for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { 
         double sig = -2  + i;      
         // sigma is inverted here 
         double pval = AsymptoticCalculator::GetExpectedPValues( htr->NullPValue(), htr->AlternatePValue(), -sig, false);
         std::cout << " Expected p -value and significance at " << sig << " sigma = " 
                   << pval << " significance " << ROOT::Math::normal_quantile_c(pval,1) << " sigma " << std::endl; 

void HypoTestInvDemo(const char * fileName ="GausModel_b.root",
                     const char * wsName = "w",
                     const char * modelSBName = "model_sb",
                     const char * modelBName = "model_b",
                     const char * dataName = "data_obs",                  
                     int type = 0,  // calculator type 
                     int testStatType = 0, // test stat type
                     int npoints = 10,   
                     int ntoys=1000,
                     bool useCls = true )
    type = 0 Freq calculator 
    type = 1 Hybrid 

    testStatType = 0 LEP
                 = 1 Tevatron 
                 = 2 PL


   if (fileName==0) { 
      std::cout << "give input filename " << std::endl;
   TFile * file = new TFile(fileName); 

   RooWorkspace * w = dynamic_cast<RooWorkspace*>( file->Get(wsName) );
   if (!w) {      

   RooAbsData * data = w->data(dataName); 
   if (!data) { 
      Error("HypoTestDemo","Not existing data %s",dataName);

   // get models from WS
  // get the modelConfig out of the file
  ModelConfig* bModel = (ModelConfig*) w->obj(modelBName);
  ModelConfig* sbModel = (ModelConfig*) w->obj(modelSBName);

   SimpleLikelihoodRatioTestStat slrts(*bModel->GetPdf(),*sbModel->GetPdf());

   ropl(*bModel->GetPdf(), *sbModel->GetPdf(), sbModel->GetSnapshot());
   ProfileLikelihoodTestStat profll(*sbModel->GetPdf());

   TestStatistic * testStat = &slrts;
   if (testStatType == 1) testStat = &ropl;
   if (testStatType == 2) testStat = &profll;
   HypoTestCalculatorGeneric *  hc = 0;
   if (type == 0) hc = new FrequentistCalculator(*data, *sbModel, *bModel);
   else new HybridCalculator(*data, *sbModel, *bModel);

   ToyMCSampler *toymcs = (ToyMCSampler*)hc->GetTestStatSampler();

    if (type == 1) { 
      HybridCalculator *hhc = (HybridCalculator*) hc;
      // hhc->ForcePriorNuisanceAlt(*pdfNuis);
      // hhc->ForcePriorNuisanceNull(*pdfNuis);
      ((FrequentistCalculator*) hc)->SetToys(ntoys,ntoys); 

  // Get the result

   TStopwatch tw; tw.Start(); 
   const RooArgSet * poiSet = sbModel->GetParametersOfInterest();
   RooRealVar *poi = (RooRealVar*)poiSet->first();

   // fit the data first
   double poihat  = poi->getVal();

   HypoTestInverter calc(*hc);
   // GENA: for two-sided interval
   // GENA: for 95% upper limit


   // can spped up using proof
   ProofConfig pc(*w, 2, "workers=2", kFALSE);
   //ProofConfig pc(*w, 30, "localhost", kFALSE);
   //ToyMCSampler * toymcs = dynamic_cast<ToyMCSampler *> (calc.GetHypoTestCalculator()->GetTestStatSampler() );
   // GENA: disable proof for now
   //toymcs->SetProofConfig(&pc);    // enable proof

   if (npoints > 0) {
     // GENA
     double poimin = TMath::Max(poihat -   4 * poi->getError(), 0.0);
     //poimin = poihat;
     double poimax = poihat +  4 * poi->getError();
     poimin = 0; 
     poimax = 20;
     //double poimin = poi->getMin();
     //double poimax = poi->getMax();
     std::cout << "Doing a fixed scan  in interval : " << poimin << " , " << poimax << std::endl;

   HypoTestInverterResult * r = calc.GetInterval();

   // write to a file the results
   TString resultFileName = (useCls) ? "CLs_" : "Cls+b_";
   resultFileName += fileName;

   // GENA
   //TFile * file = new TFile(resultFileName,"RECREATE");
   file = new TFile(resultFileName,"RECREATE");

  double ulError = r->UpperLimitEstimatedError();
  double upperLimit = r->UpperLimit();
  std::cout << "The computed upper limit is: " << upperLimit << std::endl;
  std::cout << "an estimated error on this upper limit is: " << ulError << std::endl;

  // check using interpolation
  // double interpLimit = r->FindInterpolatedLimit(1.-r->ConfidenceLevel() );
  // cout << "The computer interpolated limits is " << interpLimit << endl;

  const int nEntries = r->ArraySize();

  std::vector<Double_t> xArray(nEntries);
  std::vector<Double_t> yArray(nEntries);
  std::vector<Double_t> yErrArray(nEntries);
  for (int i=0; i<nEntries; i++) {
    xArray[i] = r->GetXValue(i);
    yArray[i] = r->GetYValue(i);
    yErrArray[i] = r->GetYError(i);
    std::cout << xArray[i] << " , " << yArray[i] << " err = " << yErrArray[i] << std::endl;

   // see expected result (bands)
   TGraph * g0 = new TGraph(nEntries);
   TGraphAsymmErrors * g1 = new TGraphAsymmErrors(nEntries);
   TGraphAsymmErrors * g2l = new TGraphAsymmErrors(nEntries);
   TGraphAsymmErrors * g2u = new TGraphAsymmErrors(nEntries);
   double p[7]; 
   double q[7];
   p[0] = ROOT::Math::normal_cdf(-2);
   p[1] = ROOT::Math::normal_cdf(-1.5);
   p[2] = ROOT::Math::normal_cdf(-1);
   p[3] = 0.5;
   p[4] = ROOT::Math::normal_cdf(1);
   p[5] = ROOT::Math::normal_cdf(1.5);
   p[6] = ROOT::Math::normal_cdf(2);
   for (int i=0; i<nEntries; i++) {
      SamplingDistribution * s = r->GetExpectedDistribution(i);
      // GENA
      //const std::vector<double> & values = s->GetSamplingDistribution();
      const std::vector<Double_t> & cValues = s->GetSamplingDistribution();
      std::vector<Double_t> values;
      for (std::vector<Double_t>::const_iterator val = cValues.begin();
	   val != cValues.end();
	   ++val) values.push_back(*val);
      TMath::Quantiles(values.size(), 7, &values[0],q,p,false);
      double p0 = q[3];
      double p2l =  q[1];
      double p2u =  q[5];
      g0->SetPoint(i, r->GetXValue(i), p0 ) ;
      g1->SetPoint(i, r->GetXValue(i),  p0);
      g2l->SetPoint(i, r->GetXValue(i), p2l);
      g2u->SetPoint(i, r->GetXValue(i), p2u);
      //g2->SetPoint(i, r->GetXValue(i), s->InverseCDF(0.50));
      g1->SetPointEYlow(i, q[3] - q[2]); // -1 sigma errorr   
      g1->SetPointEYhigh(i, q[4] - q[3]);//+1 sigma error

      g2l->SetPointEYlow(i, q[1]-q[0]);   // -2 -- -1 sigma error
      g2l->SetPointEYhigh(i, q[2]-q[1]);

      g2u->SetPointEYlow(i, q[5]-q[4]);
      g2u->SetPointEYhigh(i, q[6]-q[5]);

      if (plotHypoTestResult) { 
         HypoTestResult * hr = new HypoTestResult();
         hr->SetNullDistribution( r->GetBackgroundDistribution() );
         hr->SetAltDistribution( r->GetSignalAndBackgroundDistribution(i) );
         new TCanvas();
         HypoTestPlot * pl = new HypoTestPlot(*hr);

   HypoTestInverterPlot *plot = new HypoTestInverterPlot("result","",r);
   TGraphErrors * g = plot->MakePlot();



   // GENA: two-sided interval
   //double alpha = 1.-r->ConfidenceLevel();
   // GENA: upper limit
   double alpha = (1.-r->ConfidenceLevel())/2.0;
   double x1 = g->GetXaxis()->GetXmin();
   double x2 = g->GetXaxis()->GetXmax();
   TLine * line = new TLine(x1, alpha, x2,alpha);

   // see the expected limit and -1 +1 sigma bands
   // SamplingDistribution * limits = r->GetUpperLimitDistribution();

   // std::cout << " expected limit (median) " << limits->InverseCDF(0.50) << std::endl;
   // std::cout << " expected limit (-1 sig) " << limits->InverseCDF((ROOT::Math::normal_cdf(-1))) << std::endl;
   // std::cout << " expected limit (+1 sig) " << limits->InverseCDF((ROOT::Math::normal_cdf(+1))) << std::endl;

void OneSidedFrequentistUpperLimitWithBands_intermediate(const char* infile = "",
					    const char* workspaceName = "combined",
					    const char* modelConfigName = "ModelConfig",
					    const char* dataName = "obsData"){

  double confidenceLevel=0.95;
  // degrade/improve number of pseudo-experiments used to define the confidence belt.  
  // value of 1 corresponds to default number of toys in the tail, which is 50/(1-confidenceLevel)
  double additionalToysFac = 1.;  
  int nPointsToScan = 30; // number of steps in the parameter of interest 
  int nToyMC = 100; // number of toys used to define the expected limit and band

  TStopwatch t;
  // First part is just to access a user-defined file 
  // or create the standard example file if it doesn't exist
  const char* filename = "";
  if (!strcmp(infile,""))
    filename = "results/example_combined_GaussExample_model.root";
    filename = infile;
  // Check if example input file exists
  TFile *file = TFile::Open(filename);

  // if input file was specified byt not found, quit
  if(!file && strcmp(infile,"")){
    cout <<"file not found" << endl;

  // if default file not found, try to create it
  if(!file ){
    // Normally this would be run on the command line
    cout <<"will run standard hist2workspace example"<<endl;
    gROOT->ProcessLine(".! prepareHistFactory .");
    gROOT->ProcessLine(".! hist2workspace config/example.xml");
    cout <<"\n\n---------------------"<<endl;
    cout <<"Done creating example input"<<endl;
    cout <<"---------------------\n\n"<<endl;

  // now try to access the file again
  file = TFile::Open(filename);
    // if it is still not there, then we can't continue
    cout << "Not able to run hist2workspace to create example input" <<endl;

  // Now get the data and workspace

  // get the workspace out of the file
  RooWorkspace* w = (RooWorkspace*) file->Get(workspaceName);
    cout <<"workspace not found" << endl;

  // get the modelConfig out of the file
  ModelConfig* mc = (ModelConfig*) w->obj(modelConfigName);

  // get the modelConfig out of the file
  RooAbsData* data = w->data(dataName);

  // make sure ingredients are found
  if(!data || !mc){
    cout << "data or ModelConfig was not found" <<endl;

  cout << "Found data and ModelConfig:" <<endl;

  // Now get the POI for convenience
  // you may want to adjust the range of your POI
  RooRealVar* firstPOI = (RooRealVar*) mc->GetParametersOfInterest()->first();
  //  firstPOI->setMin(0);
  //  firstPOI->setMax(10);

  // create and use the FeldmanCousins tool
  // to find and plot the 95% confidence interval
  // on the parameter of interest as specified
  // in the model config
  // REMEMBER, we will change the test statistic
  // so this is NOT a Feldman-Cousins interval
  FeldmanCousins fc(*data,*mc);
  fc.AdditionalNToysFactor(additionalToysFac); // improve sampling that defines confidence belt
  //  fc.UseAdaptiveSampling(true); // speed it up a bit, but don't use for expectd limits
  fc.SetNBins(nPointsToScan); // set how many points per parameter of interest to scan
  fc.CreateConfBelt(true); // save the information in the belt for plotting

  // Feldman-Cousins is a unified limit by definition
  // but the tool takes care of a few things for us like which values
  // of the nuisance parameters should be used to generate toys.
  // so let's just change the test statistic and realize this is 
  // no longer "Feldman-Cousins" but is a fully frequentist Neyman-Construction.
  //  ProfileLikelihoodTestStatModified onesided(*mc->GetPdf());
  //  fc.GetTestStatSampler()->SetTestStatistic(&onesided);
  // ((ToyMCSampler*) fc.GetTestStatSampler())->SetGenerateBinned(true);
  ToyMCSampler*  toymcsampler = (ToyMCSampler*) fc.GetTestStatSampler(); 
  ProfileLikelihoodTestStat* testStat = dynamic_cast<ProfileLikelihoodTestStat*>(toymcsampler->GetTestStatistic());

  // test speedups:
  //  toymcsampler->setUseMultiGen(true); // not fully validated

  // Since this tool needs to throw toy MC the PDF needs to be
  // extended or the tool needs to know how many entries in a dataset
  // per pseudo experiment.  
  // In the 'number counting form' where the entries in the dataset
  // are counts, and not values of discriminating variables, the
  // datasets typically only have one entry and the PDF is not
  // extended.  
      cout <<"Not sure what to do about this model" <<endl;

  // We can use PROOF to speed things along in parallel
  ProofConfig pc(*w, 4, "",false); 
    cout << "will use global observables for unconditional ensemble"<<endl;
  toymcsampler->SetProofConfig(&pc);	// enable proof

  // Now get the interval
  PointSetInterval* interval = fc.GetInterval();
  ConfidenceBelt* belt = fc.GetConfidenceBelt();
  // print out the iterval on the first Parameter of Interest
  cout << "\n95% interval on " <<firstPOI->GetName()<<" is : ["<<
    interval->LowerLimit(*firstPOI) << ", "<<
    interval->UpperLimit(*firstPOI) <<"] "<<endl;

  // get observed UL and value of test statistic evaluated there
  RooArgSet tmpPOI(*firstPOI);
  double observedUL = interval->UpperLimit(*firstPOI);
  double obsTSatObsUL = fc.GetTestStatSampler()->EvaluateTestStatistic(*data,tmpPOI);

  // Ask the calculator which points were scanned
  RooDataSet* parameterScan = (RooDataSet*) fc.GetPointsToScan();
  RooArgSet* tmpPoint;

  // make a histogram of parameter vs. threshold
  TH1F* histOfThresholds = new TH1F("histOfThresholds","",

  // loop through the points that were tested and ask confidence belt
  // what the upper/lower thresholds were.
  // For FeldmanCousins, the lower cut off is always 0
  for(Int_t i=0; i<parameterScan->numEntries(); ++i){
    tmpPoint = (RooArgSet*) parameterScan->get(i)->clone("temp");
    double arMax = belt->GetAcceptanceRegionMax(*tmpPoint);
    double poiVal = tmpPoint->getRealValue(firstPOI->GetName()) ;
  TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas();

  // Now we generate the expected bands and power-constriant

  // First: find parameter point for mu=0, with conditional MLEs for nuisance parameters
  RooAbsReal* nll = mc->GetPdf()->createNLL(*data);
  RooAbsReal* profile = nll->createProfile(*mc->GetParametersOfInterest());
  profile->getVal(); // this will do fit and set nuisance parameters to profiled values
  RooArgSet* poiAndNuisance = new RooArgSet();
  RooArgSet* paramsToGenerateData = (RooArgSet*) poiAndNuisance->snapshot();
  cout << "\nWill use these parameter points to generate pseudo data for bkg only" << endl;

  double CLb=0;
  double CLbinclusive=0;

  // Now we generate background only and find distribution of upper limits
  TH1F* histOfUL = new TH1F("histOfUL","",100,0,firstPOI->getMax());
  histOfUL->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Upper Limit (background only)");
  for(int imc=0; imc<nToyMC; ++imc){

    // set parameters back to values for generating pseudo data

    // in 5.30 there is a nicer way to generate toy data  & randomize global obs
    RooAbsData* toyData = toymcsampler->GenerateToyData(*paramsToGenerateData);

    // get test stat at observed UL in observed data
    double toyTSatObsUL = fc.GetTestStatSampler()->EvaluateTestStatistic(*toyData,tmpPOI);
    //    toyData->get()->Print("v");
    //    cout <<"obsTSatObsUL " <<obsTSatObsUL << "toyTS " << toyTSatObsUL << endl;
    if(obsTSatObsUL < toyTSatObsUL) // (should be checked)
      CLb+= (1.)/nToyMC;
    if(obsTSatObsUL <= toyTSatObsUL) // (should be checked)
      CLbinclusive+= (1.)/nToyMC;

    // loop over points in belt to find upper limit for this toy data
    double thisUL = 0;
    for(Int_t i=0; i<parameterScan->numEntries(); ++i){
      tmpPoint = (RooArgSet*) parameterScan->get(i)->clone("temp");
      double arMax = belt->GetAcceptanceRegionMax(*tmpPoint);
      firstPOI->setVal( tmpPoint->getRealValue(firstPOI->GetName()) );
      double thisTS = fc.GetTestStatSampler()->EvaluateTestStatistic(*toyData,tmpPOI);

	thisUL = firstPOI->getVal();
      } else{


    delete toyData;

  // if you want to see a plot of the sampling distribution for a particular scan point:

  // Now find bands and power constraint
  Double_t* bins = histOfUL->GetIntegral();
  TH1F* cumulative = (TH1F*) histOfUL->Clone("cumulative");
  double band2sigDown=0, band1sigDown=0, bandMedian=0, band1sigUp=0,band2sigUp=0;
  for(int i=1; i<=cumulative->GetNbinsX(); ++i){


  cout << "-2 sigma  band " << band2sigDown << endl;
  cout << "-1 sigma  band " << band1sigDown  << endl;
  cout << "median of band " << bandMedian << " [Power Constriant)]" << endl;
  cout << "+1 sigma  band " << band1sigUp << endl;
  cout << "+2 sigma  band " << band2sigUp << endl;

  // print out the iterval on the first Parameter of Interest
  cout << "\nobserved 95% upper-limit "<< interval->UpperLimit(*firstPOI) <<endl;
  cout << "CLb strict [P(toy>obs|0)] for observed 95% upper-limit "<< CLb <<endl;
  cout << "CLb inclusive [P(toy>=obs|0)] for observed 95% upper-limit "<< CLbinclusive <<endl;

  delete profile;
  delete nll;

 * Prepares the workspace to be used by the hypothesis test calculator
void workspace_preparer(char *signal_file_name, char *signal_hist_name_in_file, char *background_file_name, char *background_hist_name_in_file, char *data_file_name, char *data_hist_name_in_file, char *config_file, char *workspace_name){

  // Include the config_reader class.
  TString path = gSystem->GetIncludePath();
  path.Append(" -I/home/max/cern/cls/mario");//why does this work?

  // RooWorkspace used to store values.
  RooWorkspace * pWs = new RooWorkspace("ws");

  // Create a config_reader (see source for details) to read the config
  // file.
  config_reader reader(config_file, pWs);

  // Read MR and RR bounds from the config file.
  double MR_lower = reader.find_double("MR_lower");
  double MR_upper = reader.find_double("MR_upper");
  double RR_lower = reader.find_double("RR_lower");
  double RR_upper = reader.find_double("RR_upper");
  double MR_initial = (MR_lower + MR_upper)/2;
  double RR_initial = (RR_lower + RR_upper)/2;

  // Define the Razor Variables 
  RooRealVar MR = RooRealVar("MR", "MR", MR_initial, MR_lower, MR_upper);
  RooRealVar RR = RooRealVar("RSQ", "RSQ", RR_initial, RR_lower, RR_upper);

  // Argument lists 
  RooArgList pdf_arg_list(MR, RR, "input_args_list");
  RooArgSet pdf_arg_set(MR, RR, "input_pdf_args_set");


   * Get the signal's unextended pdf by converting the TH2D in the file
   * into a RooHistPdf
  TFile *signal_file = new TFile(signal_file_name);
  TH2D *signal_hist = (TH2D *)signal_file->Get(signal_hist_name_in_file);
  RooDataHist *signal_RooDataHist = new RooDataHist("signal_roodatahist",

  RooHistPdf *unextended_sig_pdf = new RooHistPdf("unextended_sig_pdf", 

   * Repeat this process for the background.
  TFile *background_file = new TFile(background_file_name);
  TH2D *background_hist = 
    (TH2D *)background_file->Get(background_hist_name_in_file);
  RooDataHist *background_RooDataHist = 
    new RooDataHist("background_roodatahist", "background_roodatahist", 
                    pdf_arg_list, background_hist);
  RooHistPdf *unextended_bkg_pdf = new RooHistPdf("unextended_bkg_pdf", 

   * Now, we want to create the bprime variable, which represents the
   * integral over the background-only sample.  We will perform the
   * integral automatically (that's why this is the only nuisance
   * parameter declared in this file - its value can be determined from
   * the input histograms).
  ostringstream bprime_string;

  double integral = background_hist->Integral();
  double low_tolerance = .8 * integral;//1.3 * integral;
  double high_tolerance = 1.2 * integral;//.7 * integral;

  double nom_val = integral + 1;
  double low_nom = ((low_tolerance / integral) * nom_val);
  double high_nom = ((high_tolerance / integral) * nom_val);

  // Make a poisson in prime_bprime and nom_bprime
  //bprime_string << "Poisson::bprime_pdf(nom_bprime[" <<  integral << "," << (integral - 1) << "," << (integral + 1) << "], prime_bprime[" << integral << "," << (low_tolerance)  << "," << (high_tolerance)  << "])";
  bprime_string << "Gamma::bprime_pdf(prime_bprime[" << integral << "," << low_tolerance << "," << high_tolerance << "], nom_bprime[" << nom_val << "," << low_nom << "," << high_nom << "], 1, 0)";

  cout << endl << endl << endl << endl << bprime_string.str() << endl << endl;


   * This simple command will create all values from the config file
   * with 'make:' at the beginning and a delimiter at the end (see config
   * _reader if you don't know what a delimiter is).  In other
   * words, the luminosity, efficiency, transfer factors, and their pdfs
   * are created from this command.  The declarations are contained in the
   * config file to be changed easily without having to modify this code.

   * Now, we want to create the extended pdfs from the unextended pdfs, as
   * well as from the S and B values we manufactured in the config file.
   * S and B are the values by which the signal and background pdfs,
   * respectively, are extended.  Recall that they were put in the
   * workspace in the reader.facotry_all() command.
  RooAbsReal *S = pWs->function("S");
  RooAbsReal *B = pWs->function("B");
  RooExtendPdf *signalpart = new RooExtendPdf("signalpart", "signalpart",
                                              *unextended_sig_pdf, *S);
  RooExtendPdf *backgroundpart = 
    new RooExtendPdf("backgroundpart", "backgroundpart", 
                     *unextended_bkg_pdf, *B);

  RooArgList *pdf_list = new RooArgList(*signalpart, *backgroundpart, 
  // Add the signal and background pdfs to make a TotalPdf
  RooAddPdf *TotalPdf = new RooAddPdf("TotalPdf", "TotalPdf", *pdf_list);
  RooArgList *pdf_prod_list = new RooArgList(*TotalPdf, 
  // This creates the final model pdf.
  RooProdPdf *model = new RooProdPdf("model", "model", *pdf_prod_list);

   * Up until now, we have been using the workspace pWs to contain all of
   * our values.  Now, all of our values that we require are in use in the
   * RooProdPdf called "model".  So, we need to import "model" into a 
   * RooWorkspace.  To avoid recopying values into the rooworkspace, when
   * the values may already be present (which can cause problems), we will
   * simply create a new RooWorkspace to avoid confusion and problems.  The
   * new RooWorkspace is created here.
  RooWorkspace *newworkspace = new RooWorkspace("newws");

  // Immediately delete pWs, so we don't accidentally use it again.
  delete pWs;

  // Show off the newworkspace

  // observables
  RooArgSet obs(*newworkspace->var("MR"), *newworkspace->var("RSQ"), "obs");

  // global observables
  //RooArgSet globalObs(*newworkspace->var("nom_lumi"), *newworkspace->var("nom_eff"), *newworkspace->var("nom_rho"), *newworkspace->var("nom_bprime"));
  RooArgSet globalObs(*newworkspace->var("nom_lumi"), *newworkspace->var("nom_eff"), *newworkspace->var("nom_rho"), *newworkspace->var("nom_bprime"), "global_obs");

  //fix global observables to their nominal values
  newworkspace->var("nom_bprime")->setConstant();//Do this?  probs fine.

  //Set Parameters of interest
  RooArgSet poi(*newworkspace->var("sigma"), "poi");  

  //Set Nuisances

  RooArgSet nuis(*newworkspace->var("prime_lumi"), *newworkspace->var("prime_eff"), *newworkspace->var("prime_rho"), *newworkspace->var("prime_bprime"));

  // priors (for Bayesian calculation)
  //newworkspace->factory("Uniform::prior_signal(sigma)"); // for parameter of interest
  //newworkspace->factory("Uniform::prior_bg_b(prime_bprime)"); // for data driven nuisance parameter
  //newworkspace->factory("PROD::prior(prior_signal,prior_bg_b)"); // total prior

  //Observed data is pulled from histogram.
  /*TFile *data_file = new TFile(data_file_name);
  TH2D *data_hist = (TH2D *)data_file->Get(data_hist_name_in_file);
  RooDataHist *pData = new RooDataHist("data", "data", obs, data_hist);

  // Now, we will draw our data from a RooDataHist.
  TFile *data_file = new TFile(data_file_name);
  //TTree *data_tree = (TTree *) data_file->Get(data_hist_name_in_file);
  RooDataSet *pData = (RooDataSet *)data_file->Get(data_hist_name_in_file);

  // Craft the signal+background model
  ModelConfig * pSbModel = new ModelConfig("SbModel");

  // set all but obs, poi and nuisance to const
  SetConstants(newworkspace, pSbModel);

  // background-only model
  // use the same PDF as s+b, with sig=0
  // POI value under the background hypothesis
  // (We will set the value to 0 later)

  Double_t poiValueForBModel = 0.0;
  ModelConfig* pBModel = new ModelConfig(*(RooStats::ModelConfig *)newworkspace->obj("SbModel"));

  // find global maximum with the signal+background model
  // with conditional MLEs for nuisance parameters
  // and save the parameter point snapshot in the Workspace
  //  - safer to keep a default name because some RooStats calculators
  //    will anticipate it
  RooAbsReal * pNll = pSbModel->GetPdf()->createNLL(*pData);
  RooAbsReal * pProfile = pNll->createProfile(RooArgSet());
  pProfile->getVal(); // this will do fit and set POI and nuisance parameters to fitted values
  RooArgSet * pPoiAndNuisance = new RooArgSet();
  cout << "\nWill save these parameter points that correspond to the fit to data" << endl;
  delete pProfile;
  delete pNll;
  delete pPoiAndNuisance;

  // Find a parameter point for generating pseudo-data
  // with the background-only data.
  // Save the parameter point snapshot in the Workspace
  pNll = pBModel->GetPdf()->createNLL(*pData);
  pProfile = pNll->createProfile(poi);
  ((RooRealVar *)poi.first())->setVal(poiValueForBModel);
  pProfile->getVal(); // this will do fit and set nuisance parameters to profiled values
  pPoiAndNuisance = new RooArgSet();
  cout << "\nShould use these parameter points to generate pseudo data for bkg only" << endl;
  delete pProfile;
  delete pNll;
  delete pPoiAndNuisance;

  // save workspace to file

  // clean up
  delete newworkspace;
  delete pData;
  delete pSbModel;
  delete pBModel;

} // ----- end of tutorial ----------------------------------------