Room* Room::create(){
	Room* room = new Room();
	room->name = IO::prompt("Name: ");
	room->label = IO::prompt("Label: ");
	room->description = IO::prompt("Description: ");

	while(IO::prompt_yesno("Add connection? ")){
		Room* r = Room::create();
		string text = IO::prompt("Connection text: ");
		room->connect(r, text);
	return room;
inline void modify(){
	if(p.args.size() < 2)
		cout << "Modify what?\n";
	else if(p.args.size() < 3)
		cout << "Modify what element?\n";
	else if(p.args[1] == "room"){
		Room* room = Game::ptr()->get_room(IO::prompt("Name: "));
			cout << "No room by that name.\n";
		if(p.args[2] == "name")
			room->name = IO::prompt("Name: ");
		else if(p.args[2] == "label")
			room->name = IO::prompt("Label: ");
		else if(p.args[2] == "description" || p.args[2] == "desc")
			room->description = IO::prompt("Description: ");
		else if(p.args[2] == "connection" || p.args[2] == "conn"){
			if(IO::prompt_yesno("Add? ")){
				string text = IO::prompt("Connection text: ");
				if(IO::prompt_yesno("Existing? "))
					room->connect(Game::ptr()->get_room(IO::prompt("Name: ")), text);
					room->connect(Room::create(), text);
			} else {
				for(int i = 0; i < room->connections.size(); i++){
					cout << i << ": ";
					cout << room->connections[i].second->name << endl;
				string del_tar = IO::prompt("Delete num: ");
				int n = atoi(del_tar.c_str());
				if(n > 0 && n < room->connections.size())
					room->connections.erase(room->connections.begin() + n);
		cout << room->print() << endl;
	} else if(p.args[1] == "item"){
		Item* item = Game::ptr()->get_item(IO::prompt("Name: "));
		if(p.args[2] == "name")
			item->name = IO::prompt("Name: ");
		else if(p.args[2] == "label")
			item->label = IO::prompt("Label: ");
		else if(p.args[2] == "description")
			item->description = IO::prompt("Description: ");
		else if(p.args[2] == "roomtext")
			item->room_desc = IO::prompt("Room description: ");
		else if(p.args[2] == "pickup")
			item->pickup = IO::prompt_yesno("Carriable? ");
		else if(p.args[2] == "results"){
			if(IO::prompt_yesno("Add? ")){
				Item* key = NULL;
				if(IO::prompt_yesno("Key? ")){
					if(IO::prompt_yesno("Exists? ")){
						key = Game::ptr()->get_item(IO::prompt("Name: "));
					} else {
						key = Item::create();
				Result* res = Result::create();
				item->results.insert(pair<Item*, Result*>(key, res));
			} else {
		cout << item->print() << endl;

//Our generate level function creates an appropriate level string
//with connected rooms and monsters and items sprinkled around at random,
//and then returns the level string
//parameters: 		width of the level to make, height of the level to make,
// 					whether or not this is the first level of the map
//returns: 			a string representing the map we generate
string generateLevel(int mapWidth, int mapHeight, bool start){
	//Initialize our map array
	vector< vector<char*> > levelMap;
	for(int i = 0; i < mapHeight; i++)
		levelMap[i].resize(sizeof(char) * mapWidth);

	for(int i = 0; i < mapHeight; i++)
		for(int j = 0; j < mapWidth; j++){
			levelMap[i][j] = new char;
			*levelMap[i][j] = ' ';

	//initialize our list of rooms that haven't been connected to each other yet
	stack <Room> unconnectedRooms;
	//initialize our list of rooms that have been connected to each other
	vector <Room> connectedRooms;

	int roomsOnLevel = rand()% 6 + 7;
	//for each room that we're going to generate
	for (int i = 0; i < roomsOnLevel; i++){
		//initialize the room
		Room newRoom = Room(mapWidth, mapHeight, levelMap);
		//add it to our list of unconnected rooms

	//select our first room and label it as connected,
	//now we'll have a room to build our dungeon corridors off of
	connectedRooms[connectedRooms.size() - 1].connected = true;

	//while there are rooms that aren't connected to the rest of the dungeon
	while (!unconnectedRooms.empty()){
		//pop a room off of our list of unconnected rooms
		Room room = unconnectedRooms.top();

		//connect our unconnected room to the rest of the dungeon
		if(connectedRooms.size() > 0)
			room.connect(connectedRooms[rand()%connectedRooms.size()], levelMap);
			room.connect(connectedRooms[0], levelMap);
		//push our connected room into our list of connected rooms
	//we now have a basic shell of the dungeon
	//composed of "." spaces and empty spaces
	//we call addWalls() to fill in all of the empty spaces
	//that are adjacent to "." spaces with "//"
	//if this is the first level of the dungeon, we dump the player in the first room
	//we generated (because that's easy)
	if (!start)
		connectedRooms[0].placeInRoom('@', levelMap);
	//put an up staircase on every level
	connectedRooms[rand()% (connectedRooms.size() - 1)].placeInRoom('<', levelMap);
	//put a down staircase on every level
	connectedRooms[rand()% (connectedRooms.size() - 1)].placeInRoom('>', levelMap);
	//for every room
	for (int i = 0; i < connectedRooms.size(); i++){
		//25% chance of the room having a goblin in it
		if (rand()%4 + 1 == 4)
				connectedRooms[i].placeInRoom('g', levelMap);
		//one in seven chance of a potion being put in the room.
		if (rand()%7 + 1 == 7)
			connectedRooms[i].placeInRoom('%', levelMap);

	//return the completed string
	return levelMapToString(levelMap);