RoutingWaypoints WaypointParser::parse( QTextStream &stream ) const
    RoutingWaypoints result;
    QString input = stream.readAll();
    QStringList lines = input.split( m_lineSeparator );
    foreach( const QString &line, lines ) {
        if ( !line.trimmed().isEmpty() &&
             !line.trimmed().startsWith('#') &&
             !line.startsWith( "Content-Type: text/plain") ) {
            QStringList entries = line.split( m_fieldSeparator );
            if ( entries.size() >= 1 + m_fieldIndices[RoadName] ) {
                qreal lon = readField<qreal>( Longitude, entries );
                qreal lat = readField<qreal>( Latitude, entries );
                RoutingPoint point( lon, lat );
                QString junctionTypeRaw = readField<QString>( JunctionType, entries, QString() );
                RoutingWaypoint::JunctionType junctionType = RoutingWaypoint::Other;
                if ( m_junctionTypeMapping.contains( junctionTypeRaw ) ) {
                  junctionType = m_junctionTypeMapping[junctionTypeRaw];
                QString roadType = readField<QString>( RoadType, entries, QString() );
                int secondsRemaining = readField<int>( TotalSecondsRemaining, entries, -1 );
                QString roadName = readField<QString>( RoadName, entries, QString() );

                // Road names may contain the field separator
                for (int i = 2 + m_fieldIndices[RoadName]; i<entries.size(); ++i)
                  roadName += m_fieldSeparator + entries.at(i);

                RoutingWaypoint item( point, junctionType, junctionTypeRaw, roadType, secondsRemaining, roadName );
                result.push_back( item );
            } else {
                qDebug() << "Cannot parse " << line << "(detected " << entries.size() << " fields)";

    return result;
int MonavRunnerPrivate::retrieveRoute( const Marble::RouteRequest* route, QVector< Marble::GeoDataPlacemark* >* instructions, Marble::GeoDataLineString* geometry ) const
    RoutingResult reply;
    if ( retrieveData( route, &reply ) ) {
        /** @todo: make use of reply.seconds, the estimated travel time */
        for ( int i = 0; i < reply.pathNodes.size(); ++i ) {
            qreal lon = reply.pathNodes[i].longitude;
            qreal lat = reply.pathNodes[i].latitude;
            GeoDataCoordinates coordinates( lon, lat, 0, GeoDataCoordinates::Degree );
            geometry->append( coordinates );

        RoutingWaypoints waypoints;
        int k = 0;
        for ( int i = 0; i < reply.pathEdges.size(); ++i ) {
            QString road = reply.nameStrings[reply.pathEdges[i].name];
            QString type = reply.typeStrings[reply.pathEdges[i].type];
            RoutingWaypoint::JunctionType junction = RoutingWaypoint::Other;
            if (type == QLatin1String("roundabout") && reply.pathEdges[i].branchingPossible) {
                junction = RoutingWaypoint::Roundabout;
            for ( unsigned int l = 0; l < reply.pathEdges[i].length; ++k, ++l ) {
                qreal lon = reply.pathNodes[k].longitude;
                qreal lat = reply.pathNodes[k].latitude;
                RoutingPoint point( lon, lat );
                bool const last = l == reply.pathEdges[i].length - 1;
                RoutingWaypoint::JunctionType finalJunction = last ? junction : ( reply.pathEdges[i].branchingPossible ? RoutingWaypoint::Other : RoutingWaypoint::None );
                RoutingWaypoint waypoint( point, finalJunction, "", type, -1, road );
                waypoints.push_back( waypoint );

        RoutingInstructions directions = InstructionTransformation::process( waypoints );
        for ( int i = 0; i < directions.size(); ++i ) {
            GeoDataPlacemark* placemark = new GeoDataPlacemark( directions[i].instructionText() );
            GeoDataExtendedData extendedData;
            GeoDataData turnType;
            turnType.setValue( qVariantFromValue<int>( int( directions[i].turnType() ) ) );
            extendedData.addValue( turnType );
            GeoDataData roadName;
            roadName.setValue( directions[i].roadName() );
            extendedData.addValue( roadName );
            placemark->setExtendedData( extendedData );
            Q_ASSERT( !directions[i].points().isEmpty() );
            GeoDataLineString* geometry = new GeoDataLineString;
            QVector<RoutingWaypoint> items = directions[i].points();
            for ( int j = 0; j < items.size(); ++j ) {
                RoutingPoint point = items[j].point();
                GeoDataCoordinates coordinates( point.lon(), point.lat(), 0.0, GeoDataCoordinates::Degree );
                geometry->append( coordinates );
            placemark->setGeometry( geometry );
            instructions->push_back( placemark );
        int duration = (int) reply.seconds;
        return duration;
    return 0;