void LIB_EDIT_FRAME::OnAddPartToSchematic( wxCommandEvent& event )
    if( GetCurPart() )
        SCH_EDIT_FRAME* schframe = (SCH_EDIT_FRAME*) Kiway().Player( FRAME_SCH, false );

        if( schframe == NULL )      // happens when the schematic editor is not active (or closed)
            DisplayErrorMessage( this, _( "No schematic currently open." ) );

        SCH_COMPONENT* component = new SCH_COMPONENT( *GetCurPart(), GetCurPart()->GetLibId(),
                                                      g_CurrentSheet, GetUnit(), GetConvert() );

        // Be sure the link to the corresponding LIB_PART is OK:
        component->Resolve( *Prj().SchSymbolLibTable() );

        if( schframe->GetAutoplaceFields() )
            component->AutoplaceFields( /* aScreen */ NULL, /* aManual */ false );

        schframe->GetToolManager()->RunAction( EE_ACTIONS::placeSymbol, true, component );
bool DIALOG_PRINT_USING_PRINTER::TransferDataFromWindow()
    SCH_EDIT_FRAME* parent = GetParent();


    wxPrintDialogData printDialogData( parent->GetPageSetupData().GetPrintData() );
    printDialogData.SetMaxPage( g_RootSheet->CountSheets() );

    if( g_RootSheet->CountSheets() > 1 )
        printDialogData.EnablePageNumbers( true );

    wxPrinter printer( &printDialogData );
    SCH_PRINTOUT printout( parent, _( "Print Schematic" ) );

    // Disable 'Print' button to prevent issuing another print
    // command before the previous one is finished (causes problems on Windows)
    m_sdbSizer1OK->Enable( false );

    if( !printer.Print( this, &printout, true ) )
        if( wxPrinter::GetLastError() == wxPRINTER_ERROR )
            wxMessageBox( _( "An error occurred attempting to print the schematic." ),
                          _( "Printing" ), wxOK );
        parent->GetPageSetupData() = printer.GetPrintDialogData().GetPrintData();

    return true;
    SCH_EDIT_FRAME* parent = GetParent();

    parent->SetPrintMonochrome( m_checkMonochrome->IsChecked() );
    parent->SetPrintSheetReference( m_checkReference->IsChecked() );
 * Function DeleteItemsInList
 * delete schematic items in aItemsList
 * deleted items are put in undo list
void DeleteItemsInList( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* panel, PICKED_ITEMS_LIST& aItemsList )
    SCH_SCREEN*        screen = (SCH_SCREEN*) panel->GetScreen();
    SCH_EDIT_FRAME*    frame  = (SCH_EDIT_FRAME*) panel->GetParent();
    PICKED_ITEMS_LIST  itemsList;

    for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < aItemsList.GetCount(); ii++ )
        SCH_ITEM* item = (SCH_ITEM*) aItemsList.GetPickedItem( ii );
        ITEM_PICKER itemWrapper( item, UR_DELETED );

        if( item->Type() == SCH_SHEET_PIN_T )
            /* this item is depending on a sheet, and is not in global list */
            wxMessageBox( wxT( "DeleteItemsInList() err: unexpected SCH_SHEET_PIN_T" ) );
            screen->Remove( item );

            /* Unlink the structure */
            itemsList.PushItem( itemWrapper );

    frame->SaveCopyInUndoList( itemsList, UR_DELETED );
void HIERARCHY_NAVIG_DLG::onSelectSheetPath( wxTreeEvent& event )
    wxTreeItemId ItemSel = m_Tree->GetSelection();
    m_SchFrameEditor->SetCurrentSheet(( (TreeItemData*) m_Tree->GetItemData( ItemSel ) )->m_SheetPath );
    Close( true );
void DIALOG_PRINT_USING_PRINTER::OnPrintButtonClick( wxCommandEvent& event )
    SCH_EDIT_FRAME* parent = GetParent();


    wxPrintDialogData printDialogData( parent->GetPageSetupData().GetPrintData() );
    printDialogData.SetMaxPage( g_RootSheet->CountSheets() );

    if( g_RootSheet->CountSheets() > 1 )
        printDialogData.EnablePageNumbers( true );

    wxPrinter printer( &printDialogData );
    SCH_PRINTOUT printout( parent, _( "Print Schematic" ) );

    if( !printer.Print( this, &printout, true ) )
        if( wxPrinter::GetLastError() == wxPRINTER_ERROR )
            wxMessageBox( _( "An error occurred attempting to print the schematic." ),
                          _( "Printing" ), wxOK );
        parent->GetPageSetupData() = printer.GetPrintDialogData().GetPrintData();
/* Open a dialog box for printer setup (printer options, page size ...)
void DIALOG_PRINT_USING_PRINTER::OnPageSetup( wxCommandEvent& event )
    SCH_EDIT_FRAME* parent = GetParent();

    wxPageSetupDialog pageSetupDialog( this, &parent->GetPageSetupData() );


    parent->GetPageSetupData() = pageSetupDialog.GetPageSetupDialogData();
void LIB_EDIT_FRAME::Process_Config( wxCommandEvent& event )
    int        id = event.GetId();
    wxFileName fn;

    SCH_EDIT_FRAME* schFrame = (SCH_EDIT_FRAME*) Kiway().Player( FRAME_SCH, false );
    wxASSERT( schFrame );

    switch( id )
    case ID_CONFIG_SAVE:
        schFrame->SaveProjectSettings( true );

    case ID_CONFIG_READ:
            fn = g_RootSheet->GetScreen()->GetFileName();
            fn.SetExt( ProjectFileExtension );

            wxFileDialog dlg( this, _( "Read Project File" ), fn.GetPath(),
                              fn.GetFullName(), ProjectFileWildcard,
                              wxFD_OPEN | wxFD_FILE_MUST_EXIST );

            if( dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_CANCEL )

            schFrame->LoadProjectFile( dlg.GetPath(), true );

    // Hotkey IDs
        InstallHotkeyFrame( this, s_Eeschema_Hokeys_Descr );

        ExportHotkeyConfigToFile( s_Eeschema_Hokeys_Descr );

        ImportHotkeyConfigFromFile( s_Eeschema_Hokeys_Descr );

        // Display current hotkey list for LibEdit.
        DisplayHotkeyList( this, s_Libedit_Hokeys_Descr );

        DisplayError( this, wxT( "LIB_EDIT_FRAME::Process_Config error" ) );
文件: eeschema.cpp 项目: jerkey/kicad
/* MacOSX: Needed for file association
 * http://wiki.wxwidgets.org/WxMac-specific_topics
void EDA_APP::MacOpenFile( const wxString& aFileName )
    wxFileName      filename = aFileName;
    SCH_EDIT_FRAME* frame = ((SCH_EDIT_FRAME*) GetTopWindow());

    if( !frame )

    if( !filename.FileExists() )

    frame->LoadOneEEProject( aFileName, false );
void DIALOG_PRINT_USING_PRINTER::OnCloseWindow( wxCloseEvent& event )
    SCH_EDIT_FRAME* parent = GetParent();

    if( !IsIconized() )
        parent->SetPrintDialogPosition( GetPosition() );
        parent->SetPrintDialogSize( GetSize() );


    EndDialog( wxID_CANCEL );
文件: schedit.cpp 项目: jerkey/kicad
static void abortMoveItem( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* aDC )
    SCH_SCREEN*     screen = (SCH_SCREEN*) aPanel->GetScreen();
    SCH_ITEM*       item = screen->GetCurItem();
    SCH_EDIT_FRAME* parent = ( SCH_EDIT_FRAME* ) aPanel->GetParent();

    parent->SetRepeatItem( NULL );
    screen->SetCurItem( NULL );

    if( item == NULL )  /* no current item */

    if( item->IsNew() )
        delete item;
        item = NULL;
        SCH_ITEM* oldItem = parent->GetUndoItem();

        SCH_ITEM* currentItem;

        // Items that are children of other objects are undone by swapping the contents
        // of the parent items.
        if( (item->Type() == SCH_SHEET_PIN_T) || (item->Type() == SCH_FIELD_T) )
            currentItem = (SCH_ITEM*) item->GetParent();
            currentItem = item;

        wxCHECK_RET( oldItem != NULL && currentItem->Type() == oldItem->Type(),
                     wxT( "Cannot restore undefined or bad last schematic item." ) );

        // Never delete existing item, because it can be referenced by an undo/redo command
        // Just restore its data
        currentItem->SwapData( oldItem );

        // Erase the wire representation before the 'normal' view is drawn.
        if ( item->IsWireImage() )
            item->Draw( aPanel, aDC, wxPoint( 0, 0 ), g_XorMode );


void DIALOG_SYMBOL_REMAP::OnRemapSymbols( wxCommandEvent& aEvent )
    SCH_EDIT_FRAME* parent = dynamic_cast< SCH_EDIT_FRAME* >( GetParent() );

    wxCHECK_RET( parent != nullptr, "Parent window is not type SCH_EDIT_FRAME." );

    wxBusyCursor busy;

    if( !backupProject( m_messagePanel->Reporter() ) )

    // Ignore the never show rescue setting for one last rescue of legacy symbol
    // libraries before remapping to the symbol library table.  This ensures the
    // best remapping results.
    parent->RescueLegacyProject( false );

    // The schematic is fully loaded, any legacy library symbols have been rescued.  Now
    // check to see if the schematic has not been converted to the symbol library table
    // method for looking up symbols.
    wxFileName prjSymLibTableFileName( Prj().GetProjectPath(),
                                       SYMBOL_LIB_TABLE::GetSymbolLibTableFileName() );

    // Delete the existing project symbol library table.
    if( prjSymLibTableFileName.FileExists() )
        wxRemoveFile( prjSymLibTableFileName.GetFullPath() );

    createProjectSymbolLibTable( m_messagePanel->Reporter() );

    remapSymbolsToLibTable( m_messagePanel->Reporter() );

    // Remove all of the libraries from the legacy library list.
    wxString paths;
    wxArrayString libNames;

    PART_LIBS::LibNamesAndPaths( &Prj(), true, &paths, &libNames );

    // Reload the the cache symbol library.

    m_remapped = true;
void DIALOG_LABEL_EDITOR::TextPropertiesAccept( wxCommandEvent& aEvent )
    wxString text;
    int      value;

    /* save old text in undo list if not already in edit */
    /* or the label to be edited is part of a block */
    if( m_CurrentText->GetFlags() == 0 ||
        m_Parent->GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate.GetState() != STATE_NO_BLOCK )
        m_Parent->SaveCopyInUndoList( m_CurrentText, UR_CHANGED );

    m_Parent->GetCanvas()->RefreshDrawingRect( m_CurrentText->GetBoundingBox() );

    text = m_textLabel->GetValue();

    if( !text.IsEmpty() )
        m_CurrentText->m_Text = text;
    else if( !m_CurrentText->IsNew() )
        DisplayError( this, _( "Empty Text!" ) );

    m_CurrentText->SetOrientation( m_TextOrient->GetSelection() );
    text  = m_TextSize->GetValue();
    value = ReturnValueFromString( g_UserUnit, text );
    m_CurrentText->m_Size.x = m_CurrentText->m_Size.y = value;

    if( m_TextShape )
        m_CurrentText->SetShape( m_TextShape->GetSelection() );

    int style = m_TextStyle->GetSelection();

    if( ( style & 1 ) )
        m_CurrentText->m_Italic = 1;
        m_CurrentText->m_Italic = 0;

    if( ( style & 2 ) )
        m_CurrentText->m_Bold  = true;
        m_CurrentText->m_Thickness = GetPenSizeForBold( m_CurrentText->m_Size.x );
        m_CurrentText->m_Bold  = false;
        m_CurrentText->m_Thickness = 0;


    /* Make the text size as new default size if it is a new text */
    if( m_CurrentText->IsNew() )
        m_Parent->SetDefaultLabelSize( m_CurrentText->m_Size.x );

    m_Parent->GetCanvas()->RefreshDrawingRect( m_CurrentText->GetBoundingBox() );
    EndModal( wxID_OK );
/* Open and display a previewer frame for printing
void DIALOG_PRINT_USING_PRINTER::OnPrintPreview( wxCommandEvent& event )
    SCH_EDIT_FRAME* parent = GetParent();


    // Pass two printout objects: for preview, and possible printing.
    wxString        title   = _( "Preview" );
    wxPrintPreview* preview = new wxPrintPreview( new SCH_PRINTOUT( parent, title ),
                                                  new SCH_PRINTOUT( parent, title ),
                                                  &parent->GetPageSetupData().GetPrintData() );

    if( preview == NULL )
        DisplayError( this, _( "Print preview error!" ) );

    preview->SetZoom( 100 );

    SCH_PREVIEW_FRAME* frame = new SCH_PREVIEW_FRAME( preview, this, title );
    frame->SetMinSize( wxSize( 550, 350 ) );

    // on first invocation in this runtime session, set to 2/3 size of my parent,
    // but will be changed in Show() if not first time as will position.
    frame->SetSize( (parent->GetSize() * 2) / 3 );

    // On wxGTK, set the flag wxTOPLEVEL_EX_DIALOG is mandatory, if we want
    // close the frame using the X box in caption, when the preview frame is run
    // from a dialog
    frame->SetExtraStyle( frame->GetExtraStyle() | wxTOPLEVEL_EX_DIALOG );

    // We use here wxPreviewFrame_WindowModal option to make the wxPrintPreview frame
    // modal for its caller only.
    // An other reason is the fact when closing the frame without this option,
    // all top level frames are reenabled.
    // With this option, only the parent is reenabled.
    // Reenabling all top level frames should be made by the parent dialog.
    frame->InitializeWithModality( wxPreviewFrame_WindowModal );

    frame->Raise(); // Needed on Ubuntu/Unity to display the frame
    frame->Show( true );
 * Function RunPlugin
 * run the plugin command line
void DIALOG_BOM::OnRunPlugin( wxCommandEvent& event )
    wxFileName  fn;
    wxString    fileWildcard;
    wxString    title = _( "Save Netlist File" );

    // Calculate the xml netlist filename
    fn = g_RootSheet->GetScreen()->GetFileName();

    if( fn.GetPath().IsEmpty() )
       fn.SetPath( wxPathOnly( Prj().GetProjectFullName() ) );

    wxString fullfilename = fn.GetFullPath();

    m_parent->SetNetListerCommand( m_textCtrlCommand->GetValue() );
    m_parent->CreateNetlist( -1, fullfilename, 0 );
/* Abort function for wire, bus or line creation
static void AbortCreateNewLine( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* aDC )
    SCH_SCREEN* screen = (SCH_SCREEN*) aPanel->GetScreen();

    if( screen->GetCurItem() )
        s_wires.DeleteAll();    // Free the list, for a future usage
        screen->SetCurItem( NULL );
        SCH_EDIT_FRAME* parent = ( SCH_EDIT_FRAME* ) aPanel->GetParent();
        parent->SetRepeatItem( NULL );

    // Clear flags used in edit functions.
void LIB_VIEW_FRAME::DClickOnCmpList( wxCommandEvent& event )
    if( IsModal() )
        ExportToSchematicLibraryPart( event );

        // The schematic editor might not be the parent of the library viewer.
        // It could be a python window.
        SCH_EDIT_FRAME* schframe = dynamic_cast<SCH_EDIT_FRAME*>( GetParent() );

        if( schframe )
            // Prevent the double click from being as a single click in the parent
            // window which would cause the part to be parked rather than staying
            // in drag mode.
void DIALOG_EESCHEMA_CONFIG::OnOkClick( wxCommandEvent& event )
    // Recreate the user lib path
    if( m_LibPathChanged )
        wxString path;

        for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < m_listUserPaths->GetCount(); ii++ )
            if( ii > 0 )
                path << wxT( ";" );

            path << m_listUserPaths->GetString( ii );

        m_Parent->SetUserLibraryPath( path );

    /* Set new active library list if the lib list of if default path list
     * was modified
    if( m_LibListChanged || m_LibPathChanged )
        wxArrayString list;

        for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < m_ListLibr->GetCount(); ii ++ )
            list.Add( m_ListLibr->GetString( ii ) );

        // Recreate lib list
        m_Parent->SetComponentLibraries( list );

        // take new list in account

        // Clear (if needed) the current active library in libedit because it could be
        // removed from memory

    m_Parent->SaveProjectSettings( false );

    EndModal( wxID_OK );
 * Mouse capture callback for drawing line segments.
static void DrawSegment( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aPosition,
                         bool aErase )
    SCH_LINE* segment;

    if( s_wires.GetCount() == 0 )

    segment = (SCH_LINE*) s_wires.begin();
    EDA_COLOR_T color = GetLayerColor( segment->GetLayer() );
    ColorChangeHighlightFlag( &color, !(color & HIGHLIGHT_FLAG) );

    if( aErase )
        while( segment )
            if( !segment->IsNull() )  // Redraw if segment length != 0
                segment->Draw( aPanel, aDC, wxPoint( 0, 0 ), g_XorMode, color );

            segment = segment->Next();

    SCH_EDIT_FRAME* frame = (SCH_EDIT_FRAME*) aPanel->GetParent();

    wxPoint endpos = frame->GetCrossHairPosition();

    if( frame->GetForceHVLines() ) /* Coerce the line to vertical or horizontal one: */
        ComputeBreakPoint( (SCH_LINE*) s_wires.GetLast()->Back(), endpos );
        ( (SCH_LINE*) s_wires.GetLast() )->SetEndPoint( endpos );

    segment = (SCH_LINE*) s_wires.begin();

    while( segment )
        if( !segment->IsNull() )  // Redraw if segment length != 0
            segment->Draw( aPanel, aDC, wxPoint( 0, 0 ), g_XorMode, color );

        segment = segment->Next();
void DIALOG_EDIT_COMPONENT_IN_SCHEMATIC::OnSelectChipName( wxCommandEvent& event )
    wxArrayString dummy;
    int dummyunit = 1;
    wxString chipname = m_parent->SelectComponentFromLibrary( NULL, dummy, dummyunit,
                                                              true, NULL, NULL );
    if( chipname.IsEmpty() )

    chipnameTextCtrl->SetValue( chipname );
//  Complete sheet move.
static void ExitSheet( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* aDC )
    SCH_SCREEN* screen = (SCH_SCREEN*) aPanel->GetScreen();
    SCH_ITEM*   item = screen->GetCurItem();

    SCH_EDIT_FRAME* parent = (SCH_EDIT_FRAME*) aPanel->GetParent();

    if( (item == NULL) || (item->Type() != SCH_SHEET_T) || (parent == NULL) )

    parent->SetRepeatItem( NULL );

    item->Draw( aPanel, aDC, wxPoint( 0, 0 ), g_XorMode );

    if( item->IsNew() )
        delete item;
    else if( item->IsMoving() || item->IsResized() )
        screen->Remove( item );
        delete item;

        item = parent->GetUndoItem();

        wxCHECK_RET( item != NULL, wxT( "Cannot restore undefined last sheet item." ) );

        screen->Append( item );
        // the owner of item is no more parent, this is the draw list of screen:
        parent->SetUndoItem( NULL );

        item->Draw( aPanel, aDC, wxPoint( 0, 0 ), GR_DEFAULT_DRAWMODE );

    screen->SetCurItem( NULL );
void DIALOG_LABEL_EDITOR::TextPropertiesAccept( wxCommandEvent& aEvent )
    wxString text;
    int      value;

    /* save old text in undo list if not already in edit */
    /* or the label to be edited is part of a block */
    if( m_CurrentText->GetFlags() == 0 ||
        m_Parent->GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate.GetState() != STATE_NO_BLOCK )
        m_Parent->SaveCopyInUndoList( m_CurrentText, UR_CHANGED );

    m_Parent->GetCanvas()->RefreshDrawingRect( m_CurrentText->GetBoundingBox() );

    text = m_textLabel->GetValue();

    if( !text.IsEmpty() )
        m_CurrentText->SetText( text );
    else if( !m_CurrentText->IsNew() )
        DisplayError( this, _( "Empty Text!" ) );

    m_CurrentText->SetOrientation( m_TextOrient->GetSelection() );
    text  = m_TextSize->GetValue();
    value = ValueFromString( g_UserUnit, text );
    m_CurrentText->SetSize( wxSize( value, value ) );

    if( m_TextShape )
        /// @todo move cast to widget
        m_CurrentText->SetShape( static_cast<PINSHEETLABEL_SHAPE>( m_TextShape->GetSelection() ) );

    int style = m_TextStyle->GetSelection();

    m_CurrentText->SetItalic( ( style & 1 ) );

    if( ( style & 2 ) )
        m_CurrentText->SetBold( true );
        m_CurrentText->SetThickness( GetPenSizeForBold( m_CurrentText->GetSize().x ) );
        m_CurrentText->SetBold( false );
        m_CurrentText->SetThickness( 0 );


    // Make the text size the new default size ( if it is a new text ):
    if( m_CurrentText->IsNew() )
        SetDefaultTextSize( m_CurrentText->GetSize().x );

    m_Parent->GetCanvas()->RefreshDrawingRect( m_CurrentText->GetBoundingBox() );
    EndModal( wxID_OK );
    wxString msg;


    m_LibListChanged = false;
    m_LibPathChanged = false;
    m_UserLibDirBufferImg = m_Parent->GetUserLibraryPath();

    m_ListLibr->InsertItems( m_Parent->GetComponentLibraries(), 0 );

    // Load user libs paths:
    wxStringTokenizer tokenizer( m_UserLibDirBufferImg, wxT( ";\n\r" ) );

    while( tokenizer.HasMoreTokens() )
        wxString path = tokenizer.GetNextToken();

        if( wxFileName::DirExists( path ) )
            m_listUserPaths->Append( path );

    // Display actual libraries paths:
    SEARCH_STACK& libpaths = Prj().SchSearchS();

    for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < libpaths.GetCount(); ii++ )
        m_DefaultLibraryPathslistBox->Append( libpaths[ii] );

    // select the first path after the current path project
    if ( libpaths.GetCount() > 1 )
        m_DefaultLibraryPathslistBox->Select( 1 );

bool DIALOG_PRINT_USING_PRINTER::TransferDataToWindow()
    SCH_EDIT_FRAME* parent = GetParent();

    // Initialize page specific print setup dialog settings.
    const PAGE_INFO& pageInfo = parent->GetScreen()->GetPageSettings();
    wxPageSetupDialogData& pageSetupDialogData = parent->GetPageSetupData();

    pageSetupDialogData.SetPaperId( pageInfo.GetPaperId() );

    if( pageInfo.IsCustom() )
        if( pageInfo.IsPortrait() )
            pageSetupDialogData.SetPaperSize( wxSize( Mils2mm( pageInfo.GetWidthMils() ),
                                                      Mils2mm( pageInfo.GetHeightMils() ) ) );
            pageSetupDialogData.SetPaperSize( wxSize( Mils2mm( pageInfo.GetHeightMils() ),
                                                      Mils2mm( pageInfo.GetWidthMils() ) ) );

    pageSetupDialogData.GetPrintData().SetOrientation( pageInfo.GetWxOrientation() );

    return true;
void DIALOG_EESCHEMA_CONFIG::OnCancelClick( wxCommandEvent& event )
    SEARCH_STACK&    lib_search = Prj().SchSearchS();

    // Recreate the user lib path
    if( m_LibPathChanged )
        for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < m_listUserPaths->GetCount(); ii++ )
            lib_search.RemovePaths( m_listUserPaths->GetString(ii) );

        lib_search.AddPaths( m_Parent->GetUserLibraryPath(), 1 );

    EndModal( wxID_CANCEL );
    SCH_EDIT_FRAME* parent = GetParent();

    // Initialize page specific print setup dialog settings.
    const PAGE_INFO& pageInfo = parent->GetScreen()->GetPageSettings();
    wxPageSetupDialogData& pageSetupDialogData = parent->GetPageSetupData();

    pageSetupDialogData.SetPaperId( pageInfo.GetPaperId() );

    if( pageInfo.IsCustom() )
        if( pageInfo.IsPortrait() )
            pageSetupDialogData.SetPaperSize( wxSize( Mils2mm( pageInfo.GetWidthMils() ),
                                                      Mils2mm( pageInfo.GetHeightMils() ) ) );
            pageSetupDialogData.SetPaperSize( wxSize( Mils2mm( pageInfo.GetHeightMils() ),
                                                      Mils2mm( pageInfo.GetWidthMils() ) ) );

    pageSetupDialogData.GetPrintData().SetOrientation( pageInfo.GetWxOrientation() );

    if ( GetSizer() )
        GetSizer()->SetSizeHints( this );

    // Rely on the policy in class DIALOG_SHIM, which centers the dialog
    // initially during a runtime session but gives user the ability to move it in
    // that session.
    // This dialog may get moved and resized in Show(), but in case this is
    // the first time, center it for starters.

    m_buttonPrint->SetDefault();    // on linux, this is inadequate to determine
                                    // what ENTER does.  Must also SetFocus().
bool SCH_PRINTOUT::OnBeginDocument( int startPage, int endPage )
    if( !wxPrintout::OnBeginDocument( startPage, endPage ) )
        return false;

#ifdef __WXDEBUG__
    wxLogDebug( wxT( "Printer name: " ) +
                m_parent->GetPageSetupData().GetPrintData().GetPrinterName() );
    wxLogDebug( wxT( "Paper ID: %d" ),
                m_parent->GetPageSetupData().GetPrintData().GetPaperId() );
    wxLogDebug( wxT( "Color: %d" ),
                (int)m_parent->GetPageSetupData().GetPrintData().GetColour() );
    wxLogDebug( wxT( "Monochrome: %d" ), m_parent->GetPrintMonochrome() );
    wxLogDebug( wxT( "Orientation: %d:" ),
                m_parent->GetPageSetupData().GetPrintData().GetOrientation() );
    wxLogDebug( wxT( "Quality: %d"),
                m_parent->GetPageSetupData().GetPrintData().GetQuality() );

    return true;
bool SCH_PRINTOUT::OnPrintPage( int page )
    SCH_SHEET_LIST sheetList( g_RootSheet );

    wxCHECK_MSG( page >= 1 && page <= (int)sheetList.size(), false,
                 wxT( "Cannot print invalid page number." ) );

    wxCHECK_MSG( sheetList[ page - 1].LastScreen() != NULL, false,
                 wxT( "Cannot print page with NULL screen." ) );

    wxString msg;
    msg.Printf( _( "Print page %d" ), page );
    m_parent->AppendMsgPanel( msg, wxEmptyString, CYAN );

    SCH_SCREEN*     screen       = m_parent->GetScreen();
    SCH_SHEET_PATH  oldsheetpath = m_parent->GetCurrentSheet();
    m_parent->SetCurrentSheet( sheetList[ page - 1 ] );
    screen = m_parent->GetCurrentSheet().LastScreen();
    DrawPage( screen );
    m_parent->SetCurrentSheet( oldsheetpath );

    return true;
void DIALOG_LABEL_EDITOR::OnCancelClick( wxCommandEvent& aEvent )
    EndModal( wxID_CANCEL );
 * This is the real print function: print the active screen
void SCH_PRINTOUT::DrawPage( SCH_SCREEN* aScreen )
    int      oldZoom;
    wxPoint  tmp_startvisu;
    wxSize   pageSizeIU;             // Page size in internal units
    wxPoint  old_org;
    EDA_RECT oldClipBox;
    wxRect   fitRect;
    wxDC*    dc = GetDC();
    auto panel = m_parent->GetCanvas();

    wxBusyCursor dummy;

    // Save current scale factor, offsets, and clip box.
    tmp_startvisu = aScreen->m_StartVisu;
    oldZoom = aScreen->GetZoom();
    old_org = aScreen->m_DrawOrg;

    oldClipBox = *panel->GetClipBox();

    // Change clip box to print the whole page.
    #define MAX_VALUE (INT_MAX/2)   // MAX_VALUE is the max we can use in an integer
                                    // and that allows calculations without overflow
    panel->SetClipBox( EDA_RECT( wxPoint( 0, 0 ), wxSize( MAX_VALUE, MAX_VALUE ) ) );

    // Change scale factor and offset to print the whole page.
    bool printReference = m_parent->GetPrintSheetReference();

    pageSizeIU = aScreen->GetPageSettings().GetSizeIU();
    FitThisSizeToPaper( pageSizeIU );
    fitRect = GetLogicalPaperRect();

    wxLogDebug( wxT( "Fit rectangle: x = %d, y = %d, w = %d, h = %d" ),
                fitRect.x, fitRect.y, fitRect.width, fitRect.height );

    // When is the actual paper size does not match the schematic page
    // size, the drawing is not perfectly centered on X or Y axis.
    // Give a draw offset centers the schematic page on the paper draw area
    // Because the sizes are fitted, only an Y or X offset is needed
    // and both are 0 when sizes are identical.
    // Y or Y offset is not null when the X/Y size ratio differs between
    // the actual paper size and the schematic page
    int xoffset = ( fitRect.width - pageSizeIU.x ) / 2;

    // For an obscure reason, OffsetLogicalOrigin creates issues,
    // under some circumstances, when yoffset is not always null
    // and changes from a page to another page
    // This is only a workaround, not a fix
    // see https://bugs.launchpad.net/kicad/+bug/1464773
    // xoffset does not create issues.
#if 0   // FIX ME
    int yoffset = ( fitRect.height - pageSizeIU.y ) / 2;
    // the Y centering will be not perfect, but this is less annoying
    // than a blank page or a buggy centering
    int yoffset = 0;
    OffsetLogicalOrigin( xoffset, yoffset );

    GRResetPenAndBrush( dc );

    if( m_parent->GetPrintMonochrome() )
        GRForceBlackPen( true );

    aScreen->m_IsPrinting = true;

    COLOR4D bgColor = m_parent->GetDrawBgColor();

    aScreen->Draw( panel, dc, (GR_DRAWMODE) 0 );

    if( printReference )
        m_parent->DrawWorkSheet( dc, aScreen, GetDefaultLineThickness(),
                IU_PER_MILS, aScreen->GetFileName() );

    m_parent->SetDrawBgColor( bgColor );
    aScreen->m_IsPrinting = false;
    panel->SetClipBox( oldClipBox );

    GRForceBlackPen( false );

    aScreen->m_StartVisu = tmp_startvisu;
    aScreen->m_DrawOrg   = old_org;
    aScreen->SetZoom( oldZoom );